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Cool-white fluorescent light induces crosslinks in DNA when proliferating cells are exposed at 37 degrees C for 20 h to 4.6 J/m2/s in culture medium supplemented with fetal bovine serum. Using the Kohn alkaline elution technique, we now find that: 1. Increased light intensity increases DNA crosslinks. 2. The crosslinking is medium-mediated. 3. Oxygen enhances the crosslinking. 4. The extent of crosslinking is decreased at high cell density. 5. The crosslinks can be removed by digestion with proteinase K (0.02 to 0.50 mg/ml). 6. Human cell lines including those derived from adult prostate, fetal lung (IMR-90) and mixed fetal tissues are susceptible to light-induced crosslinks. 7. Crosslinkage is not decreased by addition of catalase to the medium and the effective wavelength is probably between 450 nm and 490 nm. From these results we conclude that the mechanism of light-induced crosslinks differs from that of light-induced chromatid breaks and that the major lesion observed is protein-DNA cross-linkage rather than DNA strand breaks.  相似文献   

The production and removal of gamma-radiation-induced DNA-protein crosslinks (DPC) in nuclear matrix-associated newly replicated DNA were examined, as well as the relationship of DPC to DNA replication. In unirradiated, exponentially growing Chinese hamster V79 cells, DNA pulse labeled with [3H]thymidine was observed to be bound preferentially to protein. The pulse-labeled DNA subsequently became dissociated from protein. After a 30- to 60-min chase period, the level of labeled DNA in DPC was reduced to the same level as for bulk DNA. The radiation dose response for the formation of DPC was similar in newly replicated DNA that had been chased for various times and in mature chromatin DNA. Labeled DNA, in the DPC formed after 60 Gy, was rapidly removed from protein during the postirradiation incubation period. However, no recovery of DNA synthesis was observed, even after the majority of DPC were released. Thus either DPC are not the sole cause of the inhibition of DNA synthesis or their removal is not sufficient for DNA synthesis to resume.  相似文献   

DNA repair synthesis and cytotoxicity were evaluated in early passage mouse embryo fibroblasts from five inbred strains (B10, CBA, C3H/A, DBA/2, BALB/c) and in BALB/3T3 IL-2 cells after the cultures had been treated for 3 h with methyl methanesulphonate (MMS) or N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). In the presence of hydroxyurea, the incorporation of tritiated thymidine into the MMS- or MNNG-treated cells derived from B10, CBA, C3H/A or DBA/2 mice, was, at the concentrations used, significantly higher than into controls untreated with the mutagens. Under analogous experimental conditions there was no detectable DNA repair synthesis in two kinds of cells derived from BALB/c mice. MNNG was more cytotoxic to the cells derived from BALB/c mice than to those of the four remaining strains. The sensitivity of all kinds of early passage mouse fibroblasts to MMS was similar at each MMS concentration tested. Cloning efficiency of BALB/3T3 IL-2 cells exposed to MMS at the concentration of 10(-3) or 10(-4) M did not differ from that of untreated controls. The latter cells treated with MNNG at the concentration of 10(-4) or 2 X 10(-4) M did not develop colonies.  相似文献   

The role of the pyrimidine dimer in cell killing, DNA synthesis and repair has been studied by utilizing the light-requiring DNA-repair mechanism of photo- reactivation in UV-irradiated chicken-embryo fibroblasts. Survival, as measured by colony-forming ability at 41°C, is increased in cells left in the light. The initial inhibition of DNA synthesis by UV is much less in light-treated cells, and levels reach that of unirradiated controls much faster than when the cells are left in the dark. The number of endonuclease-sensitive sites (dimers)_measured by an assay with a crude extract from M. luteus, rapidly decreases as the cells are allowed to photoreactive. However, in the dark, significant amounts of repair also occur, but at a much lower rate and with a lag phase of several hours. Unscheduled DNA synthesis occurs to a similarly low extent in both dark- and light-treated cells, confirming the finding that some amount of excision repair occurs that is light-independent. When survival is examined as a function of the number of dimers present, the dimers, not the non-dimer products, appear to be responsible for cell killing. In this study, the removal of dimers in vivo by photoreactivation has made it possible to demonstrate directly that dimers are primarily responsible for the deleterious effects of UV on DNA synthesis and survival.  相似文献   

With the aid of autoradiography, the effect of insulin on entering S- from G1-period of the mitotic cycle and on the rate of DNA synthesis of the mouse fibroblasts (L), was studied,--in the cells incubated for 24 hr in serum-free medium. In these conditions the cells were temporarily blocked in G1-period. Insulin (100 mcU/ml) increased by 1.5-fold the amount of cells in S-period as well as caused a marked stimulation of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

We studied the formation of double strand breaks (DSBs) as intermediates in the repair of DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs) by homologous recombination (HR). The plasmid EGFP-N1 was crosslinked with trioxsalen to give one ICL per plasmid on average. HeLa cells were transfected with the crosslinked plasmids and the ICL repair was monitored by following the restoration of the GFP expression. It was accompanied by gamma-H2AX foci formation suggesting that DSBs were formed during the process. However, the same amount of gamma-H2AX foci was observed when cells were transfected with native plasmid, which indicated that gamma-H2AX foci appearance could not be used to determine the amount of DSBs connected with the ICL repair in this system. For this reason we further monitored the DSB formation by determining the amount of linearized plasmids, since having one crosslink per plasmid on average, any ICL-driven DSB formation would lead to plasmid linearization. Native and crosslinked plasmids were incubated in repair-competent cell-free extracts from G1 and S phase HeLa cells. Although a considerable part of the ICLs was repaired, no linearization of the plasmids was observed in the extracts, which was interpreted that DSBs were not formed as intermediates in the process of ICL repair. In another set of experiments HR-proficient HeLa and HR-deficient irs3 cells were transfected with native and crosslinked plasmids, and 6 h and 12 h later the plasmid DNA was isolated and analyzed by electrophoresis. The same amount of linear plasmid molecules was observed in both cell lines, regardless of whether they were transfected with native or crosslinked pEGFP-N1, which further confirmed that DSB formation was not an obligatory step in the process of ICL repair by HR.  相似文献   

Chick embryo fibroblasts were treated with the monofunctional alkylating agent methylmethane sulfonate at various concentrations for 1 h at 42°C, rinsed and then incubated post-treatment at various temperatures at which the kinetics of alkali-labile bond disappearance was followed. Growth experiments showed that these cells grew similarly at temperatures of either 37°C or 42°C. Repair as assessed by removal of alkali-labile bond was also similar for postincubation in the temperature range 37–42°C for damage due to methylmethane sulfonate treatment at concentrations less than 1.5 mM. When the postincubation temperature was raised higher than 42.5–43°C, this type of repair was stopped. The normal internal body temperature of adult chickens is about 41.6°C. Hence the present finding indicates that chick cells are much more severely restricted in DNA repair at temperatures above normal than are mammalian cells, which can function in this respect for several deg. C above 37°C.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet light-induced excision repair, as measured by single-strand DNA-break accumulation in the presence of hydroxyurea and 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine, undergoes an apparent decline concomitant with spontaneous transformation of mouse cells in vitro. This decline is seen in preneoplastic transformed cells as well as tumorigenic cells, suggesting that it is an early event in transformation. The difference between nontransformed and transformed mouse cells in apparent incision rates is greatest at short times after irradiation when nontransformed cells show a transient phase of rapid incision. No gross differences in the effects of UV on replicative DNA synthesis, bulk RNA synthesis, cell proliferation or clonal survival in nontransformed and transformed cells were seen, in spite of the reduced incision capacity of the latter. Taken together the results suggest that transformed cells are capable of growth in the presence of significantly increased amounts of DNA damage. A decreased ability of nontumorigenic cells to remove DNA lesions, coupled with unrestricted growth, may be responsible for genetic alterations which increase the probability of a cell becoming tumorigenic.  相似文献   

Cytosol and extruded DNA complexes from cultured chick embryo fibroblast cells have been separated by agarose gel chromatography at intervals after pulse labelling with [3H]thymidine. The proportion of the various cytosol components changed markedly with time: there was a lag period of 3 hr before the major labelled (5 X 10(5) dalton) DNA complex appeared in the cytosol, and a further lag period of 5 hr before it was extruded from the cell. Cultured chick embryo fibroblast, and rat spleen, cells rapidly and very efficiently import their own or each others cytosolic DNA complexes into their respective cytosol fractions: the material recovered from the cytosol of recipient cells is characteristic of the presented material. Homologous cytosolic DNA complex presented to chick embryo fibroblast cells also becomes associated with the nucleus. The rat at which this occurs is comparable with the rate of incorporation of [3H]thymidine into nuclear DNA.  相似文献   

Lipoteichoic acid (LTA) isolated from Staphylococcus aureus was found to exert a synergistic effect with calf serum to enhance DNA synthesis and growth of mouse embryo fibroblasts. LTA alone had no effect on DNA synthesis or cell multiplication. Mild base hydrolysis of LTA, which separates the molecule into its hydrophilic and hydrophobic moieties, completely destroyed its biological activity in this regard. Results are presented which suggest that LTA may enhance serum-induced DNA synthesis through interaction with cell surface components. The data indicate that LTA may prove to be a useful tool with which to probe cell membrane parameters involved in the regulation of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Mladenova V  Russev G 《FEBS letters》2006,580(6):1631-1634
Hela cells synchronized in G1 and S phases of the cell cycle were transfected with pEGFP crosslinked with trioxsalen. Twelve hours later the number of fluorescent cells was determined by fluorescent microscopy. Cells in S phase have repaired 0.2-0.3 ICL/kb over the 12h period, while cells in G1 phase repaired interstrand crosslinks much more poorly. The crosslinked plasmids were efficiently recruited to the nuclear matrix both in G1 phase and S-phase, which showed that the poor repair of G1 cells was a result of a lack of DNA replication rather than of a lack of matrix attachment.  相似文献   

Human fibroblasts from young (3 days to 3 years) and old (84–94 years) donors were tested for their ability to repair DNA damage by measuring survival of colony formation following irradiation with ultraviolet (UV) light. Repair was also measured by the ability to reactivate herpes simplex virus following treatment of the virus with UV light, methyl methane sulfonate or 4,5′,8-trimethylpsoralen plus light. This virus was used as a probe of cellular repair capacity because survival of damaged virus is lower in repair-deficient cell lines [1]. Cell lines from both age groups exhibited comparable survivals following UV irradiation and failed to show increased sensitivity to irradiation in the presence of caffeine. Cells from both groups repaired damaged virus to equal extents. Proficient viral repair was observed under conditions in which cells were infected by either single or multiple viral genomes. These results suggest that DNA repair mechanisms which act on a variety of lesions (e.g. pyrimidine dimers, apurinic sites, alkylated bases, cross-links, etc.) do not decline with age. A model for biological aging resulting from the accumulation with age of unrepaired DNA damage is discussed.  相似文献   

A combination of enzymatic digestion and electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) was used to characterise bifunctional adducts in which cisplatin is bound to GA base sequences in 8mer and 16mer oligonucleotides that do not contain other, higher affinity binding sites. The extent of formation of bifunctional adducts with GA base sequences was significant, but less than that seen with similar oligonucleotides containing either AG or GG sequences.  相似文献   

DNA repair in cultured mouse cells of increasing population doubling level   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M La Belle  S Linn 《Mutation research》1984,132(1-2):51-61
Cultures of mouse cells of various population doubling levels (PDL) were examined for DNA-repair capabilities as estimated by (i) the excision of pyrimidine dimers; (ii) unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) in response to UV-irradiation or N-methyl-N'-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) treatment; (iii) the levels of two DNA-repair enzyme activities, uracil DNA glycosylase and AP endonuclease. The responses to ultraviolet light and MNNG decreased rapidly within the first two PDL and more slowly thereafter until essentially no repair was detected by PDL 12. A continuous cell line which emerged from the cultured cells after a crises period had some restoration of repair capability. The amount of uracil DNA glycosylase activity decreased by approximately 40% before the crises period then decreased by 90% in the continuous cell line. In contrast, the amount of AP endonuclease activity present in the precrises cells showed no significant change until PDL 12, then increased 6-7-fold in the continuous cell line.  相似文献   

Using electron microscopy, a closed circular form of DNA (4.3 mum in contour length) was detected in the nucleus of mouse embryo fibroblasts 2.5 h after infection by Rauscher murine leukemia virus. These circles were distinguishable from mitochondrial DNA by various criteria, including size, absence of secondary features, and resistance to EcoRI endonuclease.  相似文献   

Summary Assessment of DNA repair in cultured human fibroblasts by autoradiography may be facilitated by using semiautomated grain counting instruments. The instrument-determined number of autoradiographic grains per nucleus in cultured human skin fibroblasts was found to be linear in comparison to visual counts up to only 30 grains per nucleus. However, with two different instruments a greater range of linearity (to 100 to 120 grains per nucleus) was attained by measuring the grain surface area per nucleus. Semiautomated analysis of the grain surface area per nucleus yielded measurements of relative rates of unscheduled DNA synthesis after ultraviolet irradiation in xeroderma pigmentosum and normal human fibroblasts, which were reproducible and rapid.  相似文献   

A DNA synthesis inhibitor protein was purified from the conditioned medium of cycloheximide treated mouse embryo fibroblasts. This protein has a molecular weight of 45,000 as determined by gel filtration and Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The levels of the [35S] methionine la belled 45 kDa protein in the medium and matrix were monitored across two cell cycles in synchronized cultures. The 45 kDa protein was present in higher levels in the medium of non-S-phase cells depicting a peak between the two S-phases. The DNA synthesis inhibitor protein was immunologically related to a chicken DNA-binding protein which showed similar cell cycle specific variations at the intracellular level. The purified 45 kDa protein inhibited DNA synthesis in murine and human cells. In mouse embryo fibroblasts, the DNA synthesis was inhibited to an extent of 86% by 0.25 μg/ml of the inhibitor, while higher amounts of the inhibitor were required to arrest DNA synthesis in human skin fibroblasts: in these cells, 4 μg/ml of the inhibitor inhibited DNA synthesis to an extent of 50%. The high levels of the 45 kDa protein in the medium of non-S phase cells and its DNA synthesis inhibitory potential suggest that this protein may be involved in the regulation of DNA synthesis during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

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