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The sea lamprey has been used as a model for the study of axonal regeneration after spinal cord injury. Previous studies have suggested that, unlike developing axons in mammal, the tips of regenerating axons in lamprey spinal cord are simple in shape, packed with neurofilaments (NFs), and contain very little F-actin. Thus it has been proposed that regeneration of axons in the central nervous system of mature vertebrates is not based on the canonical actin-dependent pulling mechanism of growth cones, but involves an internal protrusive force, perhaps generated by the transport or assembly of NFs in the distal axon. In order to assess this hypothesis, expression of NFs was manipulated by antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (MO). A standard, company-supplied MO was used as control. Axon retraction and regeneration were assessed at 2, 4 and 9 weeks after MOs were applied to a spinal cord transection (TX) site. Antisense MO inhibited NF180 expression compared to control MO. The effect of inhibiting NF expression on axon retraction and regeneration was studied by measuring the distance of axon tips from the TX site at 2 and 4 weeks post-TX, and counting the number of reticulospinal neurons (RNs) retrogradely labeled by fluorescently-tagged dextran injected caudal to the injury at 9 weeks post-TX. There was no statistically significant effect of MO on axon retraction at 2 weeks post-TX. However, at both 4 and 9 weeks post-TX, inhibition of NF expression inhibited axon regeneration.  相似文献   

We examined the respective roles of dynein and kinesin in axonal transport of neurofilaments (NFs). Differentiated NB2a/d1 cells were transfected with green fluorescent protein-NF-M (GFP-M) and dynein function was inhibited by co-transfection with a construct expressing myc-tagged dynamitin, or by intracellular delivery of purified dynamitin and two antibodies against dynein's cargo domain. Monitoring of the bulk distribution of GFP signal within axonal neurites, recovery of GFP signal within photobleached regions, and real-time monitoring of individual NFs/punctate structures each revealed that pertubation of dynein function inhibited retrograde transport and accelerated anterograde, confirming that dynein mediated retrograde axonal transport, while intracellular delivery of two anti-kinesin antibodies selectively inhibited NF anterograde transport. In addition, dynamitin overexpression inhibited the initial translocation of newly-expressed NFs out of perikarya and into neurites, indicating that dynein participated in the initial anterograde delivery of NFs into neurites. Delivery of NFs to the axon hillock inner plasma membrane surface, and their subsequent translocation into neurites, was also prevented by vinblastine-mediated inhibition of microtubule assembly. These data collectively suggest that some NFs enter axons as cargo of microtubues that are themselves undergoing transport into axons via dynein-mediated interactions with the actin cortex and/or larger microtubules. C-terminal NF phosphorylation regulates motor association, since anti-dynein selectively coprecipitated extensively phosphorylated NFs, while anti-kinesin selectively coprecipitated less phosphorylated NFs. In addition, however, the MAP kinase inhibitor PD98059 also inhibited transport of a constitutively-phosphorylated NF construct, indicating that one or more additional, non-NF phosphorylation events also regulated NF association with dynein or kinesin.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton controls the architecture and survival of central nervous system (CNS) neurons by maintaining the stability of axons and dendrites. Although neurofilaments (NFs) constitute the main cytoskeletal network in these structures, the mechanism that underlies subunit incorporation into filaments remains a mystery. Here we report that NUDEL, a mammalian homologue of the Aspergillus nidulans nuclear distribution molecule NudE, is important for NF assembly, transport and neuronal integrity. NUDEL facilitates the polymerization of NFs through a direct interaction with the NF light subunit (NF-L). Knockdown of NUDEL by RNA interference (RNAi) in a neuroblastoma cell line, primary cortical neurons or post-natal mouse brain destabilizes NF-L and alters the homeostasis of NFs. This results in NF abnormalities and morphological changes reminiscent of neurodegeneration. Furthermore, variations in levels of NUDEL correlate with disease progression and NF defects in a mouse model of neurodegeneration. Thus, NUDEL contributes to the integrity of CNS neurons by regulating NF assembly.  相似文献   

Vimentin (Vm) is initially expressed by nearly all neuronal precursors in vivo, and is replaced by neurofilaments (NFs) shortly after the immature neurons become post-mitotic. Both Vm and NFs can be transiently detected within the same neurite, and Vm is essential for neuritogenesis at least in culture. How neurons effect the orderly transition from expression of Vm as their predominant intermediate filament to NFs remains unclear. We examined this phenomenon within growing axonal neurites of NB2a/d1 cells. Transfection of cells with a construct expressing Vm conjugated to green fluorescent protein confirmed that axonal transport machinery for Vm persisted following the developmental decrease in Vm, but that the amount undergoing transport decreased in parallel to the observed developmental increase in NF transport. Immunoprecipitation from pulse-chase radiolabeled cells demonstrated transient co-precipitation of newly synthesized NF-H with Vm, followed by increasing co-precipitation with NF-L. Immunofluorescent and immuno-electron microscopic analyses demonstrated that some NF and Vm subunits were incorporated into the same filamentous profiles, but that Vm was excluded from the longitudinally-oriented "bundle" of closely-apposed NFs that accumulates within developing axons and is known to undergo slower turnover than individual NFs. These data collectively suggest that developing neurons are able to replace their Vm-rich cytoskeleton with one rich in NFs simply by down-regulation of Vm expression and upregulation of NFs, coupled with turnover of existing Vm filaments and Vm-NF heteropolymers.  相似文献   

Overexpression of tau compromises axonal transport and induces retraction of growing neurites. We tested the hypothesis that increased stability provided by neurofilaments (NFs) may prevent axonal retraction. NB2a/d1 cells were differentiated for 3 days, at which time phosphorylated NFs appear and for 14 days, which induces continued neurite elongation and further phospho-NF accumulation. Cultures were transfected with a construct that expresses full-length, 4-repeat tau. Consistent with prior studies, overexpression of tau induced retraction of day three axonal neurites even following treatment with the microtubule-stabilizing drug taxol. Axonal neurites of day 14 cells were more resistant to tau-mediated retraction. To test whether or not this resistance was derived from their additional NF content, day 3 cultures were co-transfected with constructs expressing tau and NF-M (which increases overall axonal NFs). Overexpression of NF-M attenuated tau-mediated retraction of day 3 axonal neurites. By contrast, co-transfection with constructs expressing tau and vimentin (which increases axonal neurites length) did not attenuate tau-mediated neurite retraction. Co-precipitation experiments indicate that tau is a cargo of kinesin, and that tau overexpression may displace other kinesin-based cargo, including both critical cytoskeletal proteins and organelles. However, cultures simultaneously transfected with constructs expressing NF-M and tau, the level of examined vesicles was maintained. These collectively indicate that NFs stabilize developing axonal neurites and can counteract the destabilizing force resulting from overexpression of tau, and underscore that the development and stabilization of axonal neurites is dependent upon a balance of cytoskeletal elements.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that fast anterograde molecular motor proteins power the slow axonal transport of neurofilaments (NFs), we used homologous recombination to generate mice lacking the neuronal-specific conventional kinesin heavy chain, KIF5A. Because null KIF5A mutants die immediately after birth, a synapsin-promoted Cre-recombinase transgene was used to direct inactivation of KIF5A in neurons postnatally. Three fourths of such mutant mice exhibited seizures and death at around 3 wk of age; the remaining animals survived to 3 mo or longer. In young mutant animals, fast axonal transport appeared to be intact, but NF-H, as well as NF-M and NF-L, accumulated in the cell bodies of peripheral sensory neurons accompanied by a reduction in sensory axon caliber. Older animals also developed age-dependent sensory neuron degeneration, an accumulation of NF subunits in cell bodies and a reduction in axons, loss of large caliber axons, and hind limb paralysis. These data support the hypothesis that a conventional kinesin plays a role in the microtubule-dependent slow axonal transport of at least one cargo, the NF proteins.  相似文献   

Recent studies have advanced the notion that the axonal organization of neurofilaments (NFs) is based on mutual steric repulsion between the unstructured "sidearm" domains of adjacent NFs. Here, we present experimental evidence that these repulsive forces are modulated by the degree of sidearm phosphorylation. When NFs are sedimented into a gelatinous pellet, pellet volume falls with increasing ionic strength and enzymatic dephosphorylation; sedimentation of phosphorylated NFs in the presence of divalent cations also dramatically reduces pellet volume. Further, atomic force microscopy imaging of isolated mammalian NFs reveals robust exclusion of colloidal particles from the NF backbone that is reduced at high ionic strength and attenuated when the filaments are enzymatically dephosphorylated. Phosphate-phosphate repulsion on the NF sidearm appears to modulate NF excluded volume in a graded fashion, thereby controlling axonal NF organization through interfilament forces.  相似文献   

The forms in which neurofilament (NF) subunits undergo axonal transport is controversial. Recent studies from have provided real-time visualization of the slow axonal transport of NF subunits by transfecting neuronal cultures with constructs encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP)-conjugated NF-M subunits. In our studies in differentiated NB2a/d1 cells, the majority NF subunits underwent transport in the form of punctate NF precursors, while studies in cultured neurons have demonstrated transport of NF subunits in predominantly filamentous form. Although different constructs were used in these studies, transfection of the same cultured neurons with our construct yielded the filamentous pattern observed by others, while transfection of our cultures with their construct generated punctate structures, confirming that the observed differences did not reflect variances in assembly-competence among the constructs. Manipulation of intracellular kinase, phosphatase, and protease activities shifted the predominant form of GFP-conjugated subunits between punctate and filamentous, confirming, as shown previously for vimentin, that punctate structures represent precursors for intermediate filament formation. Since these prior studies were conducted at markedly differing neuronal differentiation states, we tested the alternate hypothesis that these differing results reflected developmental alterations in NF dynamics that accompany various stages of neuritogenesis. We conducted time-course analyses of transfected NB2a/d1 cells, including monitoring of transfected cells over several days, as well as transfecting cells at varying intervals prior to and following induction of differentiation and axonal neurite outgrowth. GFP-conjugated subunits were predominantly filamentous during the period of most robust axonal outgrowth and NF accumulation, and presented a mixed profile of punctate and filamentous forms prior to neuritogenesis and following the developmental slowing of neurite outgrowth. These analyses demonstrate that NF subunits are capable of undergoing axonal transport in multiple forms, and that the predominant form in which NF subunits undergo axonal transport varies in accord with the rate of axonal elongation and accumulation of NFs within developing axons.  相似文献   

Neurofilaments (NFs) are prominent components of large myelinated axons and probably the most abundant of neuronal intermediate filament proteins. Here we show that mice with a null mutation in the mid-sized NF (NF-M) subunit have dramatically decreased levels of light NF (NF-L) and increased levels of heavy NF (NF-H). The calibers of both large and small diameter axons in the central and peripheral nervous systems are diminished. Axons of mutant animals contain fewer neurofilaments and increased numbers of microtubules. Yet the mice lack any overt behavioral phenotype or gross structural defects in the nervous system. These studies suggest that the NF-M subunit is a major regulator of the level of NF-L and that its presence is required to achieve maximal axonal diameter in all size classes of myelinated axons.Neurofilaments (NFs)1 are the most prominent cytoskeletal components in large myelinated axons and probably the most abundant and widely expressed of neuronal intermediate filament (IF) proteins. In mammals, NFs are composed of three proteins termed light (NF-L), mid-sized (NF-M), and heavy (NF-H) NFs. These proteins are encoded by separate genes (17, 21, 27) and have apparent molecular weights of ∼68,000, 150,000, and 200,000, respectively, when separated on SDS-PAGE gels.Like all IFs, NF proteins contain a relatively well-conserved α helical rod domain of ∼310 amino acids with variable NH2-terminal and COOH-terminal regions (33). In NFs, the COOH-terminal domains are greatly extended relative to other IFs and contain a glutamic acid–rich region of unknown significance and in NF-M and NF-H a series of lysine-serine-proline-valine (KSPV) repeats (21, 27) which are major sites of phosphorylation in both proteins. In axons, NFs form bundles of 10-nm diameter “core filaments” with sidearms consisting of phosphorylated COOH-terminal tail sequences of NF-M and NF-H (12, 13, 26, 29) that have been thought to extend and maintain the spacing between filaments (4). Similar sidearm extensions are not found in IFs composed of other IF proteins such as desmin, glial fibrillary acidic protein, or vimentin. In NFs assembled in vitro, all three subunits appear to be incorporated into core filaments (12, 26). Thus, current models of NF assembly suggest that NF-M and NF-H are the major components of sidearm extensions and are anchored to a core of NF-L via their central rod domains.Although much is known about NF structure and assembly, questions remain concerning NF function. A primarily structural role for NFs is suggested by their prominence in large axons (41). Small unmyelinated axons contain few NFs (9) and some small neurons lack morphologically identifiable NFs (3, 32, 38). Most dendrites contain few NFs and only in dendrites of large neurons such as motor neurons are NFs numerous (41).A role for NFs as a major determinant of axonal diameter has long been suspected from the correlation between NF content in axonal cross sections and axonal caliber (16). This correlation persists during axonal degeneration and regeneration (14) and changes in NF transport correlate temporally with alterations in the caliber of axons in regenerating nerves (15). Additionally, fewer NFs occur at nodes of Ranvier where axonal diameter is reduced (1), and certain NF epitopes are found only in regions where maximal axonal caliber has developed (6).Several animal models have supported a role for NFs in establishing axonal diameter. One is a Japanese quail (Quiverer) with a spontaneous mutation in NF-L that generates a truncated protein incapable of forming NFs (31). Homozygous mutants contain no axonal NFs and exhibit a mild generalized quivering. In these animals, radial growth of myelinated axons is severely attenuated (44) with a consequent reduction in axonal conduction velocity (37). In transgenic mice, Eyer and Petersen (8) expressed an NF-H/β-galactosidase fusion protein in which the COOH terminus of NF-H was replaced by β-galactosidase. NF inclusions were found in the perikarya of neurons and the resulting NF aggregates blocked all NF transport into axons resulting in axons with reduced calibers. More recently, Zhu et al. (45) have shown that mice lacking NFs due to a targeted disruption of the NF-L gene have diminished axonal calibers and delayed maturation of regenerating myelinated axons.Although these models clearly suggest a role for NFs in establishing axonal diameter, they contribute only limited information concerning the roles of the individual NF subunits. During development, NF-L and NF-M are coexpressed initially whereas NF-H appears later (4). Studies in transgenic mice have found that overexpressing mouse NF-L leads to an increased density of NFs, but no increase in axonal caliber (25). More recently, Xu et al. (43) overexpressed each of the mouse NF subunits either individually or in various combinations. They found that only when NF-L was overexpressed in combination with either NF-M or NF-H was axonal growth significantly increased. Interestingly, when NF-M and NF-H were overexpressed alone or in combination with one another, radial axonal growth was inhibited.It also remains incompletely understood how NF stoichiometries are regulated and the degree to which any one NF subunit is dominant in this regulation. Recently, conflicting data has appeared concerning the role of NF-M in regulating NF stoichiometries. We found that overexpression of human NF-M in transgenic mice increases the levels of endogenous mouse NF-L protein and decreases the extent of phosphorylation of NF-H (39). These results imply that NF-M may play a dominant role in regulating the levels of NF-L protein, the relative stoichiometry of NF subunits, and the phosphorylation status of NF-H. However different results were obtained by Wong et al. (40) who found that overexpression of mouse NF-M in transgenic mice did not effect the levels of axonal NF-L, and although it reduced NF-H, it did not effect its phosphorylation status.To further address these issues we generated mice bearing a null mutation in the mouse NF-M gene. Here we describe the effects of this mutation on nervous system development with particular reference to the role of the NF-M subunit in specifying axonal diameter and its effect on levels of the remaining NF subunits.  相似文献   

Neurofilaments (NFs) are essential cytoskeletal filaments that impart mechanical integrity to nerve cells. They are assembled from three distinct molecular mass proteins that bind to each other to form a 10-nm-diameter filamentous rod with sidearm extensions. The sidearms are considered to play a critical role in modulating interfilament spacing and axonal caliber. However, the precise mechanism by which NF protrusions regulate axonal diameter remains to be well understood. In particular, the role played by individual NF protrusions in specifying interfilament distances is yet to be established. To gain insight into the role of individual proteins, we investigated the structural organization of NF architecture under different phosphorylation conditions. To this end, a physically motivated sequence-based coarse-grain model of NF brush has been developed based on the three-dimensional architecture of NFs. The model incorporates the charge distribution of sidearms, including charges from the phosphorylation sites corresponding to Lys-Ser-Pro repeat motifs. The model also incorporates the proper grafting of the real NF sidearms based on the stoichiometry of the three subunits. The equilibrium structure of the NF brush is then investigated under different phosphorylation conditions. The phosphorylation of NF modifies the structural organization of sidearms. Upon phosphorylation, a dramatic change involving a transformation from a compact conformation to an extended conformation is found in the heavy NF (NF-H) protein. However, in spite of extensive phosphorylation sites present in the NF-H subunit, the tails of the medium NF subunit are found to be more extended than the NF-H sidearms. This supports the notion that medium NF protrusions are critical in regulating NF spacings and, hence, axonal caliber.  相似文献   

Axonal maturation in situ is accompanied by the transition of neurofilaments (NFs) comprised of only NF-M and NF-L to those also containing NF-H. Since NF-H participates in interactions of NFs with each other and with other cytoskeletal constituents, its appearance represents a critical event in the stabilization of axons that accompanies their maturation. Whether this transition is effected by replacement of "doublet" NFs with "triplet" NFs, or by incorporation of NF-H into existing doublet NFs is unclear. To address this issue, we examined the distribution of NF subunit immunoreactivity within axonal cytoskeletons of differentiated NB2a/d1 cell and DRG neurons between days 3-7 of outgrowth. Endogenous immunoreactivity either declined in a proximal-distal gradient or was relatively uniform along axons. This distribution was paralleled by microinjected biotinylated NF-L. By contrast, biotinylated NF-H displayed a bipolar distribution, with immunoreactivity concentrated within the proximal- and distal-most axonal regions. Proximal biotinylated NF-H accumulation paralleled that of endogenous NF immunoreactivity; however, distal-most biotinylated NF-H accumulation dramatically exceeded that of endogenous NFs and microinjected NF-L. This phenomenon was not due to co-polymerization of biotin-H with vimentin or alpha-internexin. This phenomenon declined with continued time in culture. These data suggest that NF-H can incorporate into existing cytoskeletal structures, and therefore suggest that this mechanism accounts for at least a portion of the accumulation of triplet NFs during axonal maturation. Selective NF-H accumulation into existing cytoskeletal structures within the distal-most region may provide de novo cytoskeletal stability for continued axon extension and/or stabilization.  相似文献   

Hall  G. F  Yao  J  Selzer  M. E  Kosik  K. S 《Brain Cell Biology》1997,26(11):733-753
Axotomy within 500 μm of the soma (close axotomy) causes identified neurons (anterior bulbar cells or ABCs) in the lamprey hindbrain to lose their normal polarity and regenerate axons ectopically from dendritic tips, while axotomy at more distal sites (distant axotomy) results in orthotopic axonal regeneration from the axon stump. We performed immunocytochemical, electron microscopic and in situ hybridization analyses comparing ABCs subjected to close and distant axotomy to elucidate the mechanism by which neuronal polarity is lost. We show that polarity loss in ABCs is selectively and invariably preceded and accompained by the following cellular changes: (1) a loss of many dendritic microtubules and their replacement with neurofilaments, (2) a loss of immunostaining for acetylated tubulin in the soma and proximal dendrites, and (3) an increase of immunostaining for phosphorylated neurofilaments in the distal dendrites. We also show that these changes do not depend on either the upregulation or spatial redistribution of neurofilament message, and thus must involve changes in the routing of neurofilament protein within axotomized ABCs. We conclude that close axotomy causes dendrites to undergo axonlike changes in the mechanisms that govern the somatofugal transport of neurofilament protein, and suggest that these changes require the reorganization of dendritic microtubules. We also suggest that the bulbous morphology and lack of f-actin in the tips of all regenerating sprouts supports the possibility that axonal regeneration in the lamprey CNS does not involve actin-mediated "pulling" of growth cones, but depends instead on the generation of internal extrusive forces.  相似文献   

Subunit composition of neurofilaments specifies axonal diameter   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1996,133(5):1061-1069
Neurofilaments (NFs), which are composed of NF-L, NF-M, and NF-H, are required for the development of normal axonal caliber, a property that in turn is a critical determinant of axonal conduction velocity. To investigate how each subunit contributes to the radial growth of axons, we used transgenic mice to alter the subunit composition of NFs. Increasing each NF subunit individually inhibits radial axonal growth, while increasing both NF-M and NF-H reduces growth even more severely. An increase in NF-L results in an increased filament number but reduced interfilament distance. Conversely, increasing NF-M, NF-H, or both reduces filament number, but does not alter nearest neighbor interfilament distance. Only a combined increase of NF-L with either NF- M or NF-H promotes radial axonal growth. These results demonstrate that both NF-M and NF-H play complementary roles with NF-L in determining normal axonal calibers.  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrate co-localization of kinesin with neurofilament (NF) subunits in culture and suggest that kinesin participates in NF subunit distribution. We sought to determine whether kinesin was also associated with NF subunits in situ. Axonal transport of NF subunits in mouse optic nerve was perturbed by the microtubule (MT)-depolymerizing drug vinblastine, indicating that NF transport was dependent upon MT dynamics. Kinesin co-precipitated during immunoprecipitation of NF subunits from optic nerve. The association of NFs and kinesin was regulated by NF phosphorylation, since (1) NF subunits bearing developmentally delayed phospho-epitopes did not co-purify in a microtubule motor preparation from CNS while less phosphorylated forms did; (2) subunits bearing these phospho-epitopes were selectively not co-precipitated with kinesin; and (3) phosphorylation under cell-free conditions diminished the association of NF subunits with kinesin. The nature and extent of this association was further examined by intravitreal injection of (35)S-methionine and monitoring NF subunit transport along optic axons. As previously described by several laboratories, the wave of NF subunits underwent a progressive broadening during continued transport. The front, but not the trail, of this broadening wave of NF subunits was co-precipitated with kinesin, indicating that (1) the fastest-moving NFs were associated with kinesin, and (2) that dissociation from kinesin may foster trailing of NF subunits during continued transport. These data suggest that kinesin participates in NF axonal transport either by directly translocating NFs and/or by linking NFs to transporting MTs. Both Triton-soluble as well as cytoskeleton-associated NF subunits were co-precipitated with kinesin; these data are considered in terms of the form(s) in which NF subunits undergo axonal transport.  相似文献   

Neurofilaments (NFs) are classically considered to transport in a primarily anterograde direction along axons, and to undergo bulk degradation within the synapse or growth cone (GC). We compared overall NF protein distribution with that of newly expressed NF subunits within NB2a/d1 cells by transfection with a construct encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP) conjugated NF-M subunits. GCs lacked phosphorylated NF epitopes, and steady-state levels of non-phosphosphorylated NF subunits within GC were markedly reduced compared to those of neurite shaft as indicated by conventional immunofluorescence. However, GCs contained significant levels of GFP-tagged subunits in the form of punctate or short filamentous structures that in some cases exceeded that visualized along the shaft itself, suggesting that GCs contained a relatively higher concentration of newly synthesized subunits. GFP-tagged NF subunits within GCs co-localized with non-phosphorylated NF immunoreactivity. GFP-tagged subunits were observed within GC filopodia in which steady-state levels of NF subunits were too low to be detected by conventional immunofluorescence. Selective localization of fluorescein versus rhodamine fluorescene was observed within GCs following expression of NF-M conjugated to DsRed1-E5, which shifts from fluorescein to rhodamine fluorescence within hours after expression; axonal shafts contained a more even distribution of fluorescein and rhodamine fluorescence, further indicating that GCs contained relatively higher levels of the most-recently expressed subunits. GFP-tagged structures were rapidly extracted from GCs under conditions that preserved axonal structures. These short filamentous and punctate structures underwent rapid bi-directional movement within GCs. Movement of GFP-tagged structures within GCs ceased following application of nocodazole, cytochalasin B, and the kinase inhibitor olomoucine, indicating that their motility was dependent upon microtubules and actin and, moreover, was due to active transport rather than simple diffusion. Treatment with the protease inhibitor calpeptin increased overall NF subunits, but increased those within the GC to a greater extent than those along the shaft, indicating that subunits in the GC undergo more rapid turnover than do those within the shaft. Some GCs contained coiled aggregates of GFP-tagged NFs that appeared to be contiguous with axonal NFs. NFs extended from these aggregates into the advancing GC as axonal neurites elongated. These data are consistent with the presence of a population of dynamic NF subunits within GCs that is apparently capable of participating in regional filament formation during axonal elongation, and support the notion that NF polymerization and transport need not necessarily occur in a uniform proximal-distal manner.  相似文献   

Shea  Thomas B. 《Brain Cell Biology》2000,29(11-12):873-887
The recent demonstration that the axonal transport motors kinesin and dynein participate in axonal transport of neurofilaments (NFs), and that the association of NFs with these motors is regulated by phosphorylation provides new insight into several aspects of axonal transport and NF biology. This review juxtaposes older and more recent findings on NF dynamics, and speculates on the organization of axonal NFs as suggested by real-time analyses of NF transport.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1995,129(6):1629-1640
Neurofilaments (NFs), the major intermediate filaments of central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) neurons, are heteropolymers formed from the high (NFH), middle (NFM), and low (NFL) molecular weight NF subunits. To gain insights into how the expression of NF subunit proteins is regulated in vivo, two transgenes harboring coding sequences for human NFM (hNFM) with or without the hNFM multiphosphorylation repeat domain were introduced into mice. Expression of both hNFM constructs was driven by the hNFM promoter and resulted in increased levels of hNFM subunits concomitant with an elevation in the levels of mouse NFL (mNFL) proteins in the CNS of both lines of transgenic mice. The increased levels of mNFL appear specific to NFM because previous studies of transgenic mice overexpressing either NFL or NFH did not result in increased expression of either of the other two NF subunits. Further, levels of the most heavily phosphorylated isoforms of mouse NFH (mNFH) were reduced in the brains of these transgenic mice, and electron microscopic studies showed a higher packing density of NFs in large-diameter CNS axons of transgenic versus wild-type mice. Thus, reduced phosphorylation of the mNFH carboxy terminal domain may be a compensatory response of CNS neurons to the increase in NFs, and reduced negative charges on mNFH sidearms may allow axons to accommodate more NFs by increasing their packing density. Taken together, these studies imply that NFM may play a dominant role in the in vivo regulation of the levels of NFL protein, the stoichiometry of NF subunits, and the phosphorylation state of NFH. NFM and NFH proteins may assume similar functions in regulation of NF packing density in vivo.  相似文献   

Triton X-100 insoluble neurofilament (NF) fractions were obtained from two parts of the stellate ganglion and the main giant axon. These were analyzed by one- and two-dimensional gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, cyclic assembly and disassembly, and electron microscopy. The NF fractions from the ganglion cell bodies (GCB) and from the part of the ganglion mainly consisting of axon initial segments (GIS) were of similar composition; neither contained detectable amounts of the 220 kda and high molecular weight (greater than 400 kda) NF subunits that were prominent in the axonal NF fraction. However, the GCB and GIS did contain large quantities of a set of 65 kda polypeptides that were minor constituents of the axonal NF fraction. The 65 kda-containing NF fraction from the ganglion could be cyclically disassembled and reassembled, but only under low salt conditions, in contrast to the high salt conditions used to cycle axonal NFs. A comparison of the peptide map of the 65 kda polypeptides with that of the 60 kda axonal NF subunit showed them to be different. These biochemical differences between the ganglionic and axonal NF fractions correlated with morphologic distinctions: ganglionic NFs were relatively smooth surfaced, whereas axonal NFs had long sidearms. Such observations support the hypothesis that the NF cytoskeleton of the neuron soma is different from that of the axon. Furthermore, the change from the somal form to the axonal form of NFs appears to occur in the region where the axon initial segment increases in diameter to become the axon proper.  相似文献   

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