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Here we used a multigene sequencing approach for the identification and molecular typing of environmental mycobacteria of the fast-growing subgroup. Strains were isolated from hemodialysis water and clinical samples. Eleven type strains of related species of the genus were also included in this study. To gain further insight into the diversity of the environmental mycobacteria, we analyzed several housekeeping genes (16S rRNA, ITS1, gyrB, hsp65, recA, rpoB, and sodA). No individual phylogenetic tree allowed good discrimination of all of the species studied. However, a concatenated and a consensus analysis, combining the genes, allowed better discrimination of each strain to the species level, and the increase in sequence size also led to greater tree robustness. This approach is useful not only for the discrimination and identification of environmental mycobacteria but also for their molecular typing and studies of population genetics. Our results demonstrate high genetic diversity among the isolates obtained, which are probably new species of the genus.  相似文献   

BackgroundAlthough Southeast Asia is one of the most leptospirosis afflicted regions, little is known about the diversity and molecular epidemiology of the causative agents of this widespread and emerging zoonotic disease.Methodology/Principal findingsWe used whole genome sequencing to examine genetic variation in 75 Leptospira strains isolated from patients in the Lao PDR (Laos) between 2006 and 2017.Eleven serogroups from 4 Leptospira species and 43 cgMLST-defined clonal groups (CGs) were identified. The most prevalent CG was CG272 (n = 18, 26.8%), composed of L. interrogans serogroup Autumnalis isolates. This genotype was recovered throughout the 12-year period and was associated with deaths, and with a large outbreak in neighbouring Thailand. Genome analysis reveals that the CG272 strains form a highly clonal group of strains that have, for yet unknown reasons, recently spread in Laos and Thailand. Additionally, accessory genes clearly discriminate CG272 strains from the other Leptospira strains.Conclusions/SignificanceThe present study reveals a high diversity of Leptospira genotypes in Laos, thus extending our current knowledge of the pan- and core-genomes of these life-threatening pathogens. Our results demonstrate that the CG272 strains belong to a unique clonal group, which probably evolved through clonal expansion following niche adaptation. Additional epidemiological studies are required to better evaluate the spread of this genotype in Southeast Asia. To further investigate the key factors driving the virulence and spread of these pathogens, more intense genomic surveillance is needed, combining detailed clinical and epidemiological data.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the epidemiological relationships of clinical and environmental isolates of the Cryptococcus neoformans species complex in Colombia. The current study reflects data from 1987 to 2004. In Colombia serotypes A and B are most frequently recovered from patients and the environment. Of the 178 clinical isolates studied, 91.1% were of serotype A, 8.4% serotype B and 0.5% serotype C. Of the 247 environmental isolates, 44.2% were of serotype A, 42.6% serotype B and 13.2% serotype C. No serotype D isolates were isolated. Serotype AD has not been recovered in Colombia. PCR fingerprinting with the primers M13, (GACA)4 and (GTG)5 and URA5 gene restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis grouped the majority of clinical serotype A and environmental serotype B isolates into the molecular types VNI (98.1%) and VGII (100%), respectively. Mating type alpha was determined in 99.3% of serotype A isolates, but 96.6% of serotype B isolates were of mating type a. Similar profiles between clinical and environmental isolates suggest that the patients may have acquired the infection from the environment. The data presented form part of the Colombian contribution to the ongoing global survey of the C. neoformans species complex.  相似文献   

Aims: To evaluate the antimicrobial susceptibility and genetic relatedness of 11 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isolates from an outbreak of bovine clinical mastitis in one herd and two isolates from two separate mastitis cases in two other herds. Methods and Results: Thirteen S. maltophilia isolates were obtained from milk samples from 11 cows from three dairy herds in Japan during 2008. We tested their susceptibility to 14 antimicrobials by broth microdilution and identified their genotypes by enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus 2 (ERIC2)‐PCR. Every cow had acute mild mastitis (slightly watery foremilk with flakes) without systemic symptoms and all resolved within 3–5 weeks of diagnosis. Eleven of the 13 isolates derived from nine cows in one herd over a 7‐month period exhibited a closely related ERIC2 type (A). The remaining two isolates derived from two cows from two other herds exhibited two distinct ERIC2 types (B and C). Most of the 13 isolates exhibited susceptibility to trimethoprim‐sulfamethoxazole, chloramphenicol, minocycline and levofloxacin; however, they were resistant to four β‐lactams, kanamycin, gentamicin and oxytetracycline. They were intermediate to enrofloxacin. Conclusions: Eleven closely related S. maltophilia isolates were involved in a herd outbreak of mastitis to some extent. Bovine S. maltophilia isolates exhibited resistance to many classes of antimicrobials. Significance and impact of study: This is a rare report of a herd outbreak of bovine mastitis involving closely related S. maltophilia isolates.  相似文献   

Antibiotic sensitivity of 38 strains of enteric bacteria, such as Serratia marcescens Klebsiella pneumoniae and others and Ps. aeruginosa isolated during an outbreak of meningitis in a premature infant resuscitation department was studied. It was shown that all the isolates were multiple resistant, most frequently to 7 antibiotics. All the resistance markers were transferred on conjugation, segregation of some markers being observed. Investigation of the plasmid composition of the clinical strains and transconjugants of E. coli revaled the presence of 2 plasmids with the molecular weights of 40 and 60 Md or one of them. The restriction analysis demonstrated that the plasmids with the same molecular weights isolated from different strains were identical. It was suggested that such plasmids originated from the same source and were distributed by conjugation. The possible part of R plasmids in epidemiological analysis of hospital infections is discussed: the possible part as an additional marker in determination of the infection source and the possible part through its ability to change the host cell phenotype, including the phage and bacteriocin types.  相似文献   

Nucleotide changes in catalase peroxidase (Kat G) gene and gene encoding the beta subunit of RNA polymerase (rpo B), responsible for isoniazid and rifampicin drug resistance were determined in the clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by PCR-RFLP, Line probe assay and DNA sequencing. PCR-RFLP test was performed by HapII cleavage of an amplified fragment of Kat G gene to detect the transversion 315AGC-->ACC(Ser-->Thr) which is associated with INH drug resistance. The Line probe assay kit was evaluated to detect the mutation in 81bp RMP resistance determining region of rpo B gene associated with RMP drug resistance. These results were validated by DNA sequencing and drug susceptibility test. Kat G S 315 T mutation was found in 74.19% strains of M. tuberculosis from Delhi. This mutation was not found in any of the susceptible strains tested. The line probe assay kit and DNA sequencing identified 18 isolates as RMP resistant with specific mutation, while one of the RMP resistant strain was identified as RMP susceptible, with a concordance of 94.73% with the phenotypic drug susceptibility result. Majority (8 of 19, 42.1%) of resistant isolates involved base changes at codon 531 of rpo B gene. Both PCR-RFLP and Line probe assay test can be used in many of the clinical microbiology laboratories for early detection of isoniazid and rifampicin drug resistance in clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Many of the Haemonchus contortus isolates currently used for experimental work were originally derived from different regions of the world and are commonly exchanged between laboratories. In most cases, these are largely genetically uncharacterised other than the analyses conducted on specific genes of interest. We have used a panel of eight microsatellite markers to genetically characterise five different commonly used H. contortus isolates including MHco3 (ISE), the isolate chosen for full genome sequencing as part of the H. contortus genome project. There is an extremely high level of genetic differentiation between each of the isolates except the two which have a common origin, MHco1 (MOSI) and MHco3 (ISE). We have investigated the amplification of microsatellite markers from pooled DNA as a potential method for fingerprinting different isolates. Good estimates of the true allele frequencies can be made by amplification from either pooled adult DNA or bulk L3 DNA for seven out of the eight markers tested. Both single worm genotyping and bulk DNA fingerprinting revealed no genetic differentiation between adult worms in the host and larvae derived from faecal culture. Furthermore, none of the eight markers showed genetic changes when isolates were passaged through different individual hosts. Hence the microsatellite genotyping of bulk larval DNA samples provides a simple and rapid method to genetically define and monitor laboratory isolates, and to determine their relationship with particular field populations.  相似文献   

Understanding how specific environmental factors shape gene flow while disentangling their importance relative to the effects of geographical isolation is a major question in evolutionary biology and a specific goal of landscape genetics. Here, we combine information from nuclear microsatellite markers and ecological niche modelling to study the association between climate and spatial genetic structure and variability in Engelmann oak (Quercus engelmannii), a wind-pollinated species with high potential for gene flow. We first test whether genetic diversity is associated with climatic niche suitability and stability since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Second, we use causal modelling to analyse the potential influence of climatic factors (current and LGM niche suitability) and altitude in the observed patterns of genetic structure. We found that genetic diversity is negatively associated with local climatic stability since the LGM, which may be due to higher immigration rates in unstable patches during favourable climatic periods and/or temporally varying selection. Analyses of spatial genetic structure revealed the presence of three main genetic clusters, a pattern that is mainly driven by two highly differentiated populations located in the northern edge of the species distribution range. After controlling for geographic distance, causal modelling analyses showed that genetic relatedness decreases with the environmental divergence among sampling sites estimated as altitude and current and LGM niche suitability. Natural selection against nonlocal genotypes and/or asynchrony in reproductive phenology may explain this pattern. Overall, this study suggests that local environmental conditions can shape patterns of genetic structure and variability even in species with high potential for gene flow and relatively small distribution ranges.  相似文献   

AIMS: To monitor the decay of E. coli O157 in soil (loamy sand) on a scout campsite following an outbreak in humans. METHODS AND RESULTS: Samples of soil and sheep faeces were collected from the campsite and tested for the presence of E. coli O157 by immunomagnetic separation (IMS) after enrichment in buffered peptone water + vancomycin at 42 degrees C for 6 h. Enumeration of target was carried out by direct plating onto sorbitol MacConkey agar plates supplemented with cefixime and tellurite (CTSMAC) incubated at 37 degrees C for 24 h. Low numbers (< 100 g(-1)) were estimated by the most probable number (3-tube MPN) technique. CONCLUSIONS: Survival was observed for 15 weeks. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A number of laboratory studies have followed the decay of E. coli O157 in soil, animal faeces and water. This study follows (for the first time) the decay of the organism in soil after an outbreak associated with sheep. It demonstrates the long-term persistence of the organism in the environment and the results will be potentially important in performing risk assessments for both human and animal infection.  相似文献   

Although previous studies, mostly based on microscopy analyses of a few groups of protists, have suggested that protists are abundant and diverse in litter and moss habitats, the overall diversity of moss and litter associated protists remains elusive. Here, high‐throughput environmental sequencing was used to characterize the diversity and community structure of litter‐ and moss‐associated protists along a gradient of soil drainage and forest primary productivity in a temperate rainforest in British Columbia. We identified 3262 distinct protist OTUs from 36 sites. Protists were strongly structured along the landscape gradient, with a significant increase in alpha diversity from the blanket bog ecosystem to the zonal forest ecosystem. Among all investigated environmental variables, calcium content was the most strongly associated with the community composition of protists, but substrate composition, plant cover and other edaphic factors were also significantly correlated with these communities. Furthermore, a detailed phylogenetic analysis of unicellular opisthokonts identified OTUs covering most lineages, including novel OTUs branching with Discicristoidea, the sister group of Fungi, and with Filasterea, one of the closest unicellular relatives to animals. Altogether, this study provides unprecedented insight into the community composition of moss‐ and litter‐associated protists.  相似文献   

The microbial community and its diversity in production water from a high-temperature, water-flooded petroleum reservoir of an offshore oilfield in China were characterized by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. The bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA gene clone libraries were constructed from the community DNA and, using sequence analysis, 388 bacterial and 220 archaeal randomly selected clones were clustered with 60 and 28 phylotypes, respectively. The results showed that the 16S rRNA genes of bacterial clones belonged to the divisions Firmicutes, Thermotogae, Nitrospirae and Proteobacteria, whereas the archaeal library was dominated by methanogen-like rRNA genes (Methanothermobacter, Methanobacter, Methanobrevibacter and Methanococcus), with a lower percentage of clones belonging to Thermoprotei. Thermophilic microorganisms were found in the production water, as well as mesophilic microorganisms such as Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter-like clones. The thermophilic microorganisms may be common inhabitants of geothermally heated specialized subsurface environments, which have been isolated previously from a number of high-temperature petroleum reservoirs worldwide. The mesophilic microorganisms were probably introduced into the reservoir as it was being exploited. The results of this work provide further insight into the composition of microbial communities of high-temperature petroleum reservoirs at offshore oilfields.  相似文献   

Variants of different Class I alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) genes have been shown to be associated with an effect that is protective against alcoholism. Previous work from our laboratory has shown that the two sites showing the association are in linkage disequilibrium and has identified the ADH1B Arg47His site as causative, with the ADH1C Ile349Val site showing association only because of the disequilibrium. Here, we describe an initial study of the nature of linkage disequilibrium and genetic variation, in population samples from different regions of the world, in a larger segment of the ADH cluster (including the three Class I ADH genes and ADH7). Linkage disequilibrium across approximately 40 kb of the Class I ADH cluster is moderate to strong in all population samples that we studied. We observed nominally significant pairwise linkage disequilibrium, in some populations, between the ADH7 site and some Class I ADH sites, at moderate values and at a molecular distance as great as 100 kb. Our data indicate (1) that most ADH-alcoholism association studies have failed to consider many sites in the ADH cluster that may harbor etiologically significant alleles and (2) that the relevance of the various ADH sites will be population dependent. Some individual sites in the Class I ADH cluster show Fst values that are among the highest seen among several dozen unlinked sites that were studied in the same subset of populations. The high Fst values can be attributed to the discrepant frequencies of specific alleles in eastern Asia relative to those in other regions of the world. These alleles are part of a single haplotype that exists at high (>65%) frequency only in the eastern-Asian samples. It seems unlikely that this haplotype, which is rare or unobserved in other populations, reached such high frequency because of random genetic drift alone.  相似文献   

Fusarium isolates from specific diseased sorghum plants and rain-soaked wheat and wheat flour associated with human mycotoxicosis in India have been screened for their toxigenic potential. Of the 322 isolates screened, 11 isolates were found to produce deoxynivalenol in concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 186 micrograms g-1. The occurrence of deoxynivalenol-producing fusaria in a nontemperate region and deoxynivalenol production in low concentrations by Fusarium moniliforme are reported for the first time.  相似文献   

利用 RAPD技术分析了分布于浙江省天台山 3个不同海拔高度的天然大血藤群体的遗传多样性、遗传分化以及与环境因子的相关性。 13种随机引物在 3 6株个体中共检测到 88个可重复的位点 ,其中多态位点 74个 ,总多态位点百分率为84.0 9% ,大血藤具有丰富的遗传多样性。 Shannon信息指数显示的遗传多样性以海拔 950 m的群体为最高 ,其次是海拔 73 0 m的群体 ,最低的是海拔 52 0 m的群体 ;群体内的遗传多样性占总遗传多样性的 43 .68% ,群体间的遗传多样性占 56.3 2 %。 Nei指数估计大血藤群体间的遗传分化系数为 0 .540 6,大血藤群体间的基因流很低。大血藤海拔 73 0 m群体与海拔 52 0 m群体的遗传相似度较高 ,海拔 950 m群体与其它两群体的遗传相似度较低。大血藤群体内的遗传多样性与土壤总氮呈极显著的正相关。  相似文献   

The genotype of single-nucleotide polymorphism type 3, CTC, at positions 14676, 164275, and 2935685, along with four copies of 6 bp repeats in the rpoT gene, was predominant for isolates originating in the Japanese mainland. Type 1, CGA, type 2, CTA, and type 3 were detected from Korea, Indonesia, and Myanmar. No isolates with four copies of 6 bp were detected from Myanmar, Okinawa, and Japanese Brazilian patients. Type 4, TTC, with three copies of 6 bp, was detected only from Japanese Brazilians. The results indicate that infection occurred in Brazil and the disease developed later in Japan.  相似文献   

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