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Inter-residue interactions in protein folding and stability   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
During the process of protein folding, the amino acid residues along the polypeptide chain interact with each other in a cooperative manner to form the stable native structure. The knowledge about inter-residue interactions in protein structures is very helpful to understand the mechanism of protein folding and stability. In this review, we introduce the classification of inter-residue interactions into short, medium and long range based on a simple geometric approach. The features of these interactions in different structural classes of globular and membrane proteins, and in various folds have been delineated. The development of contact potentials and the application of inter-residue contacts for predicting the structural class and secondary structures of globular proteins, solvent accessibility, fold recognition and ab initio tertiary structure prediction have been evaluated. Further, the relationship between inter-residue contacts and protein-folding rates has been highlighted. Moreover, the importance of inter-residue interactions in protein-folding kinetics and for understanding the stability of proteins has been discussed. In essence, the information gained from the studies on inter-residue interactions provides valuable insights for understanding protein folding and de novo protein design.  相似文献   

Importance of long-range interactions in protein folding   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Long-range interactions play an active role in the stability of protein molecules. In this work, we have analyzed the importance of long-range interactions in different structural classes of globular proteins in terms of residue distances. We found that 85% of residues are involved in long-range contacts. The residues occurring in the range of 4-10 residues apart contribute more towards long-range contacts in all-alpha proteins while the range is 11-20 in all-beta proteins. The hydrophobic residues Cys, Ile and Val prefer the 11-20 range and all other residues prefer the 4-10 range. The residues in all-beta proteins have an average of 3-8 long-range contacts whereas the residues in other classes have 1-4 long-range contracts. Furthermore, the preference of residue pairs to the folding and stability will be discussed.  相似文献   

Bastolla U  Porto M  Ortíz AR 《Proteins》2008,71(1):278-299
We adopt a model of inverse folding in which folding stability results from the combination of the hydrophobic effect with local interactions responsible for secondary structure preferences. Site-specific amino acid distributions can be calculated analytically for this model. We determine optimal parameters for the local interactions by fitting the complete inverse folding model to the site-specific amino acid distributions found in the Protein Data Bank. This procedure reduces drastically the influence on the derived parameters of the preference of different secondary structures for buriedness, which affects local interaction parameters determined through the standard approach based on amino acid propensities. The quality of the fit is evaluated through the likelihood of the observed amino acid distributions given the model and the Bayesian Information Criterion, which indicate that the model with optimal local interaction parameters is strongly preferable to the model where local interaction parameters are determined through propensities. The optimal model yields a mean correlation coefficient r = 0.96 between observed and predicted amino acid distributions. The local interaction parameters are then tested in threading experiments, in combination with contact interactions, for their capacity to recognize the native structure and structures similar to the native against unrelated ones. In a challenging test, proteins structurally aligned with the Mammoth algorithm are scored with the effective free energy function. The native structure gets the highest stability score in 100% of the cases, a high recognition rate comparable to that achieved against easier decoys generated by gapless threading. We then examine proteins for which at least one highly similar template exists. In 61% of the cases, the structure with the highest stability score excluding the native belongs to the native fold, compared to 60% if we use local interaction parameters derived from the usual amino acid propensities and 52% if we use only contact interactions. A highly similar structure is present within the five best stability scores in 82%, 81%, and 76% of the cases, for local interactions determined through inverse folding, through propensity, and set to zero, respectively. These results indicate that local interactions improve substantially the performances of contact free energy functions in fold recognition, and that similar structures tend to get high stability scores, although they are often not high enough to discriminate them from unrelated structures. This work highlights the importance to apply more challenging tests, as the recognition of homologous structures, for testing stability scores for protein folding.  相似文献   

Co-operative interactions during protein folding.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The theory for measuring co-operativity between interactions in proteins by protein engineering experiments is developed by introducing a procedure for analysing increasing orders of synergy in a protein with increasing numbers of residues. The (pairwise) interaction energy (delta 2Gint) between two side-chains may be measured experimentally by a double-mutant cycle consisting of the wild-type protein, the two single mutants and the double mutant. This procedure may be extended to three residues to give a value for delta 3Gint for a triple-mutant cube, and to higher orders using multi-dimensional mutant space. We now show that delta 3Gint is the excess energy of adding all three chains compared with the sum of all the pairwise values of delta 2Gint for each of the constituent double-mutant cycles and the sum of all the single addition energies. This physical interpretation extends to higher orders of mutation. delta nGint (i.e. the interaction energy for n residues), thus, reveals the layers of synergy in interactions as a protein is built up. This procedure is applied to measuring changes in synergy during the refolding of barnase for the triad of salt-linked residues Asp8, Asp12 and Arg110, which are mutated to alanine residues. The value of delta 3Gint in the folded structure is 0.77(+/- 0.06) kcal mol-1 (i.e. the triad is 0.77 kcal mol-1 more stable than expected from the sum of the individual pairwise interactions and single contributions). The value of delta 3Gint is still significant in the transition state for unfolding (0.60(+/- 0.07) kcal mol-1) and in the folding intermediate (0.60(+/- 0.13 kcal mol-1)). These results show that synergistic interactions exist in barnase, in its transition state for unfolding and in a refolding intermediate. A direct measurement of the change of co-operativity between the folded state and the transition state for unfolding shows a decrease of 0.17(+/- 0.04) kcal mol-1, suggesting that the initial stages of protein unfolding may be accompanied by some loosening of structure in parts that still interact. The similar extent of co-operativity in the transition state for unfolding and the intermediate in refolding suggests that the intermediate is homogeneous, at least in the region of the salt-linked triad, as heterogeneity would lower the co-operativity.  相似文献   

Conformational-energy calculations have been carried out in order to determine favorable packing arrangements within a group of α-helices. The influence of side chains and of the number of interacting α-helices on the mode of packing was analyzed. In this work, our earlier methods for computing the packing energy of a pair of α-helices [Chou, K.-C., Némethy, G. & Scheraga, H. A. (1984) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 106 , 3161–3170] have been extended to treat the interactions among several helices. Also, new algorithms allow the matching of standard peptide geometry to x-ray coordinates of helical complexes and the analysis of interrelations between several helices. As a specific test case, the packing of three neighboring α-helices, viz., the A, G, and H helices of sperm whale myoglobin, was considered. Minimum-energy arrangements were computed for the separate A-H and the G-H α-helix pairs as well as for the A-G-H three-helix complex. For the packing of the nearly antiparallel G and H α-helices, the same optimal structure was obtained in two- and three-helix complexes, indicating that a single packing arrangement is specifically favored by interhelix interactions. For the pair of nearly perpendicular A and H α-helices, interactions are less specific, so that there is no unique optimal structure in the two-helix complex; in the three-helix complex, however, a specific mode of packing is favored even for the A-H pair. This result indicates that the presence of other nearby α-helices can influence the packing of a given α-helix pair. The computed arrangement of the A-G-H complex is very close to that of the crystallographically determined structure. These results can be used to make deductions about the likely sequence of events in protein folding, where, in this particular case, it appears that the G-H helix pair may form first and then induce proper orientation of the A helix.  相似文献   

The role of local interactions in protein folding has recently been the subject of some controversy. Here we investigate an extension of Zwanzig's simple and general model of folding in which local and nonlocal interactions are represented by functions of single and multiple conformational degrees of freedom, respectively. The kinetics and thermodynamics of folding are studied for a series of energy functions in which the energy of the native structure is fixed, but the relative contributions of local and nonlocal interactions to this energy are varied over a broad range. For funnel shaped energy landscapes, we find that 1) the rate of folding increases, but the stability of the folded state decreases, as the contribution of local interactions to the energy of the native structure increases, and 2) the amount of native structure in the unfolded state and the transition state vary considerably with the local interaction strength. Simple exponential kinetics and a well-defined free energy barrier separating folded and unfolded states are observed when nonlocal interactions make an appreciable contribution to the energy of the native structure; in such cases a transition state theory type approximation yields reasonably accurate estimates of the folding rate. Bumps in the folding funnel near the native state, which could result from desolvation effects, side chain freezing, or the breaking of nonnative contacts, significantly alter the dependence of the folding rate on the local interaction strength: the rate of folding decreases when the local interaction strength is increased beyond a certain point. A survey of the distribution of strong contacts in the protein structure database suggests that evolutionary optimization has involved both kinetics and thermodynamics: strong contacts are enriched at both very short and very long sequence separations. Proteins 29:282–291, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

About 200 mRNA sequences of Escherichia coli and human with matching protein secondary structure data were studied. The mRNA folding for each native sequence and for corresponding randomized sequences was calculated through free energy minimization. We have found that the folding energy of mRNA segments in different protein secondary structures is significantly different. The average Z score is more negative for regular secondary structure (alpha-helix and beta-strand) than that for coil. This suggests that the codon choice in native mRNA sequence coding for protein regular structure contributes more to the mRNA folding stability.  相似文献   

Feng H  Takei J  Lipsitz R  Tjandra N  Bai Y 《Biochemistry》2003,42(43):12461-12465
Structures of intermediates and transition states in protein folding are usually characterized by amide hydrogen exchange and protein engineering methods and interpreted on the basis of the assumption that they have native-like conformations. We were able to stabilize and determine the high-resolution structure of a partially unfolded intermediate that exists after the rate-limiting step of a four-helix bundle protein, Rd-apocyt b(562), by multidimensional NMR methods. The intermediate has partial native-like secondary structure and backbone topology, consistent with our earlier native state hydrogen exchange results. However, non-native hydrophobic interactions exist throughout the structure. These and other results in the literature suggest that non-native hydrophobic interactions may occur generally in partially folded states. This can alter the interpretation of mutational protein engineering results in terms of native-like side chain interactions. In addition, since the intermediate exists after the rate-limiting step and Rd-apocyt b(562) folds very rapidly (k(f) approximately 10(4) s(-1)), these results suggest that non-native hydrophobic interactions, in the absence of topological misfolding, are repaired too rapidly to slow folding and cause the accumulation of folding intermediates. More generally, these results illustrate an approach for determining the high-resolution structure of folding intermediates.  相似文献   

It is believed that pausing during mRNA translation plays some role in ensuring proper folding of newly synthesized sections of a protein chain. Such pausing occurs when rare triplets are encountered in the mRNA, as it takes additional time for the corresponding rare species of tRNA to be delivered. To determine whether pause sites are non-randomly distributed along prokaryotic mRNA (cDNA), we have located clusters of rare triplets in cDNA sequences from 21 different bacteria. From the individual profiles of local codon frequencies calculated with various windows, the positions of the clusters of the rarest codons were taken for generation of the combined histograms of positional preferences of the pause sites. The histograms show that in the prokaryotic sequences, the pause sites are located preferentially at the start positions and at about 155 triplets from the starts. To verify the generality of these observations, the data are grouped in six independent sets about 500 sequences each, all revealing the same features. A less prominent maximum is also seen at the triplet position 75. Judging by the amplitude of the peak at 155 triplets, an optimal cluster size is estimated to equal 18 triplets. The distance 155 closely corresponds to the sizes of typical protein folds and to earlier estimated prokaryotic protein sequence segments. This supports the suggestion of a role for translation pausing in the cotranslational folding of protein domains. The profiles of rare codons in mRNA can serve in the detection or prediction of boundaries between protein domains.  相似文献   

Systematic Monte Carlo simulations of simple lattice models show that the final stage of protein folding is an ordered process where native contacts get locked (i.e., the residues come into contact and remain in contact for the duration of the folding process) in a well‐defined order. The detailed study of the folding dynamics of protein‐like sequences designed as to exhibit different contact energy distributions, as well as different degrees of sequence optimization (i.e., participation of non‐native interactions in the folding process), reveals significant differences in the corresponding locking scenarios—the collection of native contacts and their average locking times, which are largely ascribable to the dynamics of non‐native contacts. Furthermore, strong evidence for a positive role played by non‐native contacts at an early folding stage was also found. Interestingly, for topologically simple target structures, a positive interplay between native and non‐native contacts is observed also toward the end of the folding process, suggesting that non‐native contacts may indeed affect the overall folding process. For target models exhibiting clear two‐state kinetics, the relation between the nucleation mechanism of folding and the locking scenario is investigated. Our results suggest that the stabilization of the folding transition state can be achieved through the establishment of a very small network of native contacts that are the first to lock during the folding process.  相似文献   

The relative importance of short- and long-range interactions is examined using a Monte Carlo simulation of protein folding on bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. The model of the protein and the interaction energies were parametrized using X-ray structures of 30 native proteins. A nearest neighbor Ising model is used to determine the conformational state at each stage of the Monte Carlo procedure. Long-range interactions are simulated by contact free energies which become effective as two residues, separated by four or more residues along the chain, approach each other, and by disulfide-bond energies. Short-range interactions for residues separated by one, two, or three residues along the chain are also modeled by contact free energies and by -helical hydrogen bonds. A hard-sphere model is used to represent repulsive interactions. The ratios of short- to long-range interactions studied are 1:1, 2:1, 1:2, 0:1, and 1:0; e.g., for the 2:1 ratio, short-range interactions are weighted twice as much as long-range interactions, and for the 1:0 ratio, long-range interactions are omitted. For each ratio of short- to long-range interactions, a native conformation is found by a Monte Carlo procedure, a segment of 11 residues (residue numbers 1–11) is then rotated away from the rest of the molecule [breaking the 5–55 native disulfide bond, and moving this segment so that the distance between the sulfur atoms of the 5 and 55 cystine side chains (averaged for all native conformations) increases from 3.9 to 7.3 Å], and the Monte Carlo simulation is carried out (allowing the conformation of the whole molecule to change) until equilibrium is attained. For each ratio, the refolded conformation is compared to the native one using triangular distance maps and differential geometry distance criteria. With ratios of short- to long-range interaction energies of 1:1 and 0:1, the native disulfide bond could be re-formed; with ratios of 2:1 and 1:2 it did not; and with the 1:0 ratio, even a stable native conformation was not achieved. Therefore, long-range interactions (in addition to short-range ones) are required to bring remote parts of the protein together and to stabilize its native conformation.NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, 1977–1978.  相似文献   

Protein structures are stabilized by both local and long range interactions. In this work, we analyze the residue-residue contacts and the role of medium- and long-range interactions in globular proteins belonging to different structural classes. The results show that while medium range interactions predominate in all-alpha class proteins, long-range interactions predominate in all-beta class. Based on this, we analyze the performance of several structure prediction methods in different structural classes of globular proteins and found that all the methods predict the secondary structures of all-alpha proteins more accurately than other classes. Also, we observed that the residues occurring in the range of 21-30 residues apart contributes more towards long-range contacts and about 85% of residues are involved in long-range contacts. Further, the preference of residue pairs to the folding and stability of globular proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

Zhou HX 《Biochemistry》2004,43(8):2141-2154
The unfolded state and flexible linkers in the folded structure play essential roles in protein stability and folding and protein-protein interactions. Intrinsic to these roles is the fact that unfolded proteins and flexible linkers sample many different conformations. Polymer models may capture this and complement experiments in elucidating the contributions of the unfolded state and flexible linkers. Here I review what can be predicted from these models and how well these predictions match experiments. For example, Gaussian chain models give quantitatively reasonable predictions of the effects of residual charge-charge interactions in the unfolded state and qualitatively reasonable results for the effects of spatial confinement and macromolecular crowding on protein stability. A wormlike chain model has met with success in quantifying the effects of flexible linkers in binding affinity enhancement and in regulatory switches. In future developments, more realistic models may emerge from molecular dynamics simulations, and these models will guide experiments to advance our understanding of the unfolded state and flexible linkers.  相似文献   

5-Hydroxytyptophan is a fluorescent tryptophan analog that can be incorporated into recombinant proteins expressed in E. coli and is particularly useful in studies of biological systems that involve supermolecular aggregates of more than one protein. Here we review the varied applications of 5-hydroxytryptophan to study structure, interactions, conformational change and dynamics in complex protein systems.  相似文献   

Molecular chaperones are known to be involved in many cellular functions, however, a detailed and comprehensive overview of the interactions between chaperones and their cofactors and substrates is still absent. Systematic analysis of physical TAP‐tag based protein–protein interactions of all known 63 chaperones in Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been carried out. These chaperones include seven small heat‐shock proteins, three members of the AAA+ family, eight members of the CCT/TRiC complex, six members of the prefoldin/GimC complex, 22 Hsp40s, 1 Hsp60, 14 Hsp70s, and 2 Hsp90s. Our analysis provides a clear distinction between chaperones that are functionally promiscuous and chaperones that are functionally specific. We found that a given protein can interact with up to 25 different chaperones during its lifetime in the cell. The number of interacting chaperones was found to increase with the average number of hydrophobic stretches of length between one and five in a given protein. Importantly, cellular hot spots of chaperone interactions are elucidated. Our data suggest the presence of endogenous multicomponent chaperone modules in the cell.  相似文献   

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