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L-Gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase (GLO), an enzyme that is missing in scurvy-prone animals, was produced in COS-1 cells by transfection with a minigene constructed from pSVL vector and rat GLO cDNA. A functional GLO protein was expressed, which was indistinguishable from rat GLO in molecular size. The microsomes obtained from the transfected COS-1 cells showed GLO activity comparable to that in rat liver microsomes.  相似文献   

Guinea pigs cannot synthesize L-ascorbic acid because of their deficiency in L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase, a key enzyme for the biosynthesis of this vitamin in higher animals. In this study we isolated the L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase gene of the rat and the homologue of this gene of the guinea pig by screening rat and guinea pig genomic DNA libraries in lambda phage vectors, respectively, using a rat L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase cDNA as a probe. Sequencing analysis showed that the amino acid sequence of the rat enzyme is encoded by 12 exons and that all the intron/exon boundaries follow the GT/AG rule. On the other hand, regions corresponding to exons I and V were not identified in the guinea pig L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase gene homologue. Other defects found in this gene homologue are a deletion of the nucleotide sequence corresponding to a 3' 84-base pair part of rat exon VI, a 2-base pair deletion in the remaining exon VI-related region, and nonconformance to the GT/AG rule at one of the putative intron/exon boundaries. Furthermore, a large number of mutations were found in the amino acid-coding regions of the guinea pig sequence; more than half of them lead to nonconservative amino acid changes, and there are three stop codons as well. Thus it is clear that the guinea pig homologue of the L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase gene exists as a pseudogene that randomly accumulated a large number of mutations without functional constraint since the gene ceased to be active during evolution. On the basis of the neutral theory of evolution, the date of the loss of L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase in the ancestors of the guinea pig was roughly calculated to be less than 20 million years ago.  相似文献   

L-Gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase, one of the microsomal flavin enzymes, catalyzes the last step of L-ascorbic acid biosynthesis in many animals; however, it is missing in scurvy-prone animals such as humans, primates, and guinea pigs. A cDNA clone for this enzyme was isolated by screening a rat liver cDNA expression library in lambda gt11 using antibody directed against the enzyme. The cDNA clone contained 2120 nucleotides and an open reading frame of 1320 nucleotides encoding 440 amino acids of the protein with a molecular weight of 50,605. The amino-terminal sequence (residues 1-33) of the enzyme isolated from rat liver completely coincided with the corresponding part of the deduced amino acid sequence. The identity of the cDNA clone was further confirmed by the agreement of the composition of the deduced amino acids with that determined by amino acid analysis of the enzyme. Hydropathy analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence revealed several hydrophobic regions, suggesting that they anchor the protein into the microsomal membrane. The deduced amino acid sequence showed no obvious homology with the flavin-binding regions of other eight flavoenzymes.  相似文献   

Humans, other primates, and guinea pigs are missing an enzyme L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase which catalyzes the last step of L-ascorbic acid biosynthesis. We have recently isolated a cDNA encoding this enzyme of the rat (T. Koshizaka, M. Nishikimi, T. Ozawa, and K. Yagi (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 1619-1621). Northern blot hybridization using this cDNA as a probe demonstrated that guinea pigs lack mRNA for L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase. Nevertheless, existence of a DNA sequence related to this enzyme in the genome of this animal was shown by Southern blot hybridization. The human genome was also found to contain a sequence that is hybridizable with the cDNA probe; however, the degree of hybridization was less than those of hybridization with the L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase genes of animals possessing the enzyme, suggesting that the human L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase gene has diverged more rapidly than the genes of L-ascorbic acid-synthesizing species. This hypothesis was confirmed by comparison of a partial nucleotide sequence of the human gene with that of the rat one. The L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase-related sequences in the guinea pig and human genomes may represent the remnants of the gene of the enzyme that were once active but became nonfunctional during the course of evolution.  相似文献   

The osteogenic disorder Shionogi (ODS) rat is a mutant Wistar rat that is subject to scurvy, because it lacks L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase, a key enzyme in L-ascorbic acid biosynthesis. Sequencing of polymerase chain reaction-amplified cDNAs for mutant and normal rat L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidases demonstrated that the mutant cDNA has a single base mutation from G to A at nucleotide 182, which mutation alters the 61st amino acid residue from Cys to Tyr. To test the effect of this mutation on the expression of L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase, we inserted a region of the cDNAs coding for normal and mutant L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidases into an expression vector, pSVL, and transfected COS-1 cells with such vectors. The result indicated that the defined amino acid substitution does decrease both the amount of immunologically detectable protein and the level of enzyme activity to about one-tenth of their normal values, while it does not affect the amount of the mRNA produced in the transfected cells. This situation is similar to our previous observation that L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase is expressed in the liver of the ODS rat at a very low level irrespective of the presence of a normal amount of L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase-specific mRNA of a normal size (Nishikimi, M., Koshizaka, T., Kondo, K., and Yagi, K. (1989) Experientia (Basel) 45, 126-129). Thus it became clear that the Cys-->Tyr substitution is responsible for the L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase deficiency in the ODS rat.  相似文献   

l-Galactonolactone oxidase is believed to catalyze the last step of l-ascorbic acid biosynthesis in yeast. A highly purified preparation of this enzyme from baker's yeast was obtained by a seven-step procedure. The molecular weight of the purified enzyme was estimated to be 290,000 by gel filtration, while the dissociated enzyme possessed a molecular weight of 56,000, based on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme catalyzes the reaction, l-galactono-γ-lactone + O2 → l-ascorbic acid + H2O2. l-Gulono- and d-altrono-γ-lactone also serve as substrates. The enzyme was found to contain a flavin which is covalently bound to the enzyme protein. By comparing the properties of this enzyme with those of isofunctional enzymes of higher plants and animals, it became evident that the yeast enzyme is more like the l-gulonolactone oxidase (EC of animals than the l-galactonolactone dehydrogenase (EC of higher plants. Since phylogenetically lower animals are reported to lack l-gulonolactone oxidase, the finding of a similar enzyme in yeast is of great interest.  相似文献   

When mutant strain UV77-247 of Prototheca moriformis Kruger was fed d-[1-13C]Glc, it synthesized l-ascorbic acid (AA) with approximately three-quarters of the label at the C-1 position and the remaining label at the C-6 position, showing that AA is made by a non-inversion (retention) pathway, i.e. C-1 of Glc becomes C-1 of AA. The label present at C-6 is consistent with the glycolytic conversion of Glc to 3-carbon intermediates and subsequent gluconeogenesis. Compounds suggested as intermediates in inversion-type pathways were not converted to AA. Most strains converted Man to AA at a rate greater than they did Glc. Enzyme activities leading from Fru-6-P to the formation of GDP-Man were identified in all strains, but none of these activities correlated with the mutants' abilities to accumulate AA. However, there was a strong correlation between GDP-Man-3,5-epimerase activity and AA accumulation. Wild-type P. moriformis ATCC 75669 and mutant strains of varying AA-synthesizing abilities rapidly converted l-Gal or l-galactono-1,4-lactone to AA. Based on this data, a biosynthetic pathway from Glc to AA is proposed in which the epimerase is the rate-limiting activity in AA synthesis.  相似文献   

The fungal parasite Rhizoctonia leguminicola produces two indolizidine alkaloids, slaframine and swainsonine, of physiological interest. These alkaloids are biosynthesized from pipecolic acid which in turn is derived from L-lysine in this fungus as shown in the accompanying paper (Wickwire, B.M., Harris, C.M., Harris, T.M., and Broquist, H.P. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 14742-14747): L-lysine----saccharopine----delta 1----piperideine-6- carboxylate----pipecolate. This paper concerns the discovery, purification, and properties of a flavoenzyme, termed saccharopine oxidase, which carries out the oxidative cleavage of saccharopine as follows: Saccharopine + O2----delta 1-piperidine-6-carboxylate + glutamate + H2O2 The enzyme was purified 2,000-fold to homogeneity (polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) in 14% yield from R. leguminicola mycelia, and had a native molecular mass of about 45,000 daltons by gel filtration (fast protein liquid chromatography Superose). Evidence for the presence of a flavin in the enzyme was drawn from these considerations: (a) the enzyme, while oxidatively cleaving saccharopine, concomitantly reduces 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol; (b) the purified enzyme has a fluorescence spectrum typical of flavins; and (c) the enzyme requires oxygen and produces hydrogen peroxide. Good correlation was shown with purified saccharopine oxidase between disappearance of saccharopine with the concomitant appearance of delta 1-piperideine-6-carboxylate plus glutamate. The enzyme has a pH optimum about 6 and a Km for saccharopine of 0.128 mM. The enzyme apparently exists in R. leguminicola to shunt saccharopine, a major lysine metabolite, into a secondary pathway of lysine metabolism leading to pipecolate and subsequently to slaframine and swainsonine.  相似文献   

Limit dextrinase (LD) is a key enzyme in determining the malting quality. A survey of 60 barley varieties showed a wide range of variation for the enzyme activity and thermostability. Galleon showed low enzyme activity and high thermostability while Maud showed high activity and low thermostability. Alignment of the LD amino acid sequences of Galleon and Maud identified seven amino acid substitutions Lys/Arg-102, Thr/Ala-233, Ser/Gly-235, Gly/Ala-298, Cys/Arg-415, Ala/Ser-885 and Gly/Cys-888. Genetic diversity of LD was investigated using single strand conformation polymorphism based on the amino acid substitutions. Only limited genetic variation was detected in the current malting barley varieties, although wide variation was observed in the wider barley germplasm. The Thr/Ala-233 and Ala/Ser-885 substitutions were associated with enzyme thermostability (P < 0.0001), but no polymorphism was associated with the enzyme activity. This result was confirmed from further sequence analysis. The results will provide a tool for understanding and selection of high LD thermostability.  相似文献   

To clarify the role of L-ascorbic acid (AsA) in the formation of pyridinoline, we examined the effects of AsA in vitro using soluble collagen and partially purified lysyl oxidase from bovine aorta. The concentration of dehydrodihydroxylysinonorleucine decreased when AsA was added in the early stage of pyridinoline formation. However, when AsA was added in a later stage of pyridinoline formation, the concentration of pyridinoline was not affected. These findings indicated that AsA was involved in the initial enzymatic reaction in pyridinoline synthesis. We purified lysyl oxidase to confirm its association of AsA. AsA inhibited the enzyme activity. Erythorbic acid and 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate suppressed the enzyme activity as well as AsA did. The inhibition by AsA of the lysyl oxidase activity arose from characteristics of AsA structure. AsA might be important in the regulation of the oxidative reaction of lysine.  相似文献   

The D-alanine-activating enzyme (Dae; EC encoded by the dae gene from Lactobacillus casei ATCC 7469 is a cytosolic protein essential for the formation of the D-alanyl esters of membrane-bound lipoteichoic acid. The gene has been cloned, sequenced, and expressed in Escherichia coli, an organism which does not possess Dae activity. The open reading frame is 1,518 nucleotides and codes for a protein of 55.867 kDa, a value in agreement with the 56 kDa obtained by electrophoresis. A putative promoter and ribosome-binding site immediately precede the dae gene. A second open reading frame contiguous with the dae gene has also been partially sequenced. The organization of these genetic elements suggests that more than one enzyme necessary for the biosynthesis of D-alanyl-lipoteichoic acid may be present in this operon. Analysis of the amino acid sequence deduced from the dae gene identified three regions with significant homology to proteins in the following groups of ATP-utilizing enzymes: (i) the acid-thiol ligases, (ii) the activating enzymes for the biosynthesis of enterobactin, and (iii) the synthetases for tyrocidine, gramicidin S, and penicillin. From these comparisons, a common motif (GXXGXPK) has been identified that is conserved in the 19 protein domains analyzed. This motif may represent the phosphate-binding loop of an ATP-binding site for this class of enzymes. A DNA fragment (1,568 nucleotides) containing the dae gene and its putative ribosome-binding site has been subcloned and expressed in E. coli. Approximately 0.5% of the total cell protein is active Dae, whereas 21% is in the form of inclusion bodies. The isolation of this minimal fragment without a native promoter sequence provides the basis for designing a genetic system for modulating the D-alanine ester content of lipoteichoic acid.  相似文献   

Majewski J  Ott J 《Gene》2003,305(2):167-173
Functional differences between amino acids have long been of interest in understanding protein evolution. Several indices exist for comparing residues on the basis of their physicochemical properties and frequencies of occurrence in conserved protein alignments. Here we present a residue dissimilarity index based on coding single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the human genome. The index represents an average, organism-wide set of differences between residues and provides important insight into evolutionary restraints on residue substitutions in the human genome. Unlike previous models, it is not restricted to highly conserved protein structures, nor confounded by evolutionary differences between species. Our results confirm earlier observations regarding residue mutabilities but also suggest that in addition to the established key properties, such as size and polarity, charge conservation may be an important and currently underestimated factor in protein evolution. We also estimate that less than 51% of amino acid substitutions occurring in the human genome are evolutionarily neutral.  相似文献   

Summary A method of estimating the number of nucleotide substitutions from amino acid sequence data is developed by using Dayhoff's mutation probability matrix. This method takes into account the effect of nonrandom amino acid substitutions and gives an estimate which is similar to the value obtained by Fitch's counting method, but larger than the estimate obtained under the assumption of random substitutions (Jukes and Cantor's formula). Computer simulations based on Dayhoff's mutation probability matrix have suggested that Jukes and Holmquist's method of estimating the number of nucleotide substitutions gives an overestimate when amino acid substitution is not random and the variance of the estimate is generally very large. It is also shown that when the number of nucleotide substitutions is small, this method tends to give an overestimate even when amino acid substitution is purely at random.  相似文献   

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