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It has been controversial how extensively ants contribute to pollination, and we evaluated the contribution of the Japanese carpenter ant, Camponotus japonicus, to the pollination of an orchid, Epipactis thunbergii. Two-year field studies revealed that (1) the ant workers foraged even in cool/cloudy conditions and accordingly visited orchid flowers more frequently (about 40% of all the visitors) than hover flies, the principle pollinators (10–20%), and that (2) the flower-visiting ants occasionally removed pollinia from the anther and then delivered pollen onto the stigmatic surface of other flowers, although self-pollination might frequently occur in the consecutive visits of flowers within an inflorescence. An artificial pollination experiment with pollinia which had been transferred to the ant integument showed that (3) the treated flowers produced as many fruits and seeds as control flowers. We concluded that C. japonicus workers could actually pollinate E. thunbergii flowers and their relative importance as pollinators appeared to be largely dependent on the abundance of flower-visiting workers or weather conditions during the flowering period, which mainly determined the availability of hover flies.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology and pollination mechanisms of Govenia utriculata (Sw.) Lindl. were studied in a mesophytic semideciduous forest at Serra do Japi, south-eastern Brazil. The floral visitors and pollination mechanisms were recorded, and experimental pollinations were carried out to determine the breeding system of this species. Populations of G. utriculata growing at Serra do Japi are exclusively visited and pollinated by two species of hoverflies in the genus Salpingogaster (Diptera: Syrphidae) that are attracted by deceit to the flowers of this orchid species. The lip apex and the column base present small brownish and yellow to orange spots that mimic pollen clusters. Govenia utriculata is self-compatible, but pollinator dependent. Natural fruit set was low (10%), but similar to that of other non-obligatorily autogamous sympatric orchid species that occur at Serra do Japi and of other fly-pollinated orchid species pollinated through deceptive mechanisms.  相似文献   

Immature stages, viz. egg, larva and puparium, of six species of the economically most important syrphid flies, Scaeva latimaculata (Brunetti), Ischiodon scutellaris (Fabricius), Episyrphus altemans (Macquart), Sphaerophoria Indiana Bigot, Metasyrphus confrater (Wiedemann), and M. latilunulatus (Collin), have been studied. These species are voracious feeders on three aphid species, Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach), Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Brevicoryne brassicae (L.), which are serious pests of mustard, Brassica campestris L.  相似文献   

Three species of crane flies-Dactylolabis montana, Limonia simulans,and Antocha saxicola-gather near streams to mate and oviposit. All species are polygamous and sex ratios at these sites are male-biased. After a short mating bout, males guard females by standing over them during oviposition. Sperm competition appears to be intense and to follow last-male advantage, based on the packing of sperm within the two elongate spermathecae. Males of A. saxicolasuccessfully defend against rivals over 85% of the time. In contrast, defending males of D. montanaand L. simulanslose the female over 65% of the time during interactions with rivals. Despite the high frequency of loss, defending males gain additional oviposition time by engaging rivals in combat while the female continues to oviposit. Thus, a guarding male does not have to retain the female for guarding to be adaptive. Legs and claws of all species are sexually dimorphic and play an important role in guarding and defending.  相似文献   

Markus Eymann 《Hydrobiologia》1991,215(3):223-229
Flow patterns around structurally different cocoons and pupae of five species ofSimulium Latreille are described. Three features of the flow pattern common to all cocoons are; 1) a solenoidal vortex around the cocoon, 2) upward flow anterior (downstream) to the cocoon, and 3) one or two pairs of spiral-shaped vortices, which either touch or envelop the fill filaments of the pupa. The solenoidal vortex and the upward-spiralling, downstream vortices are common features of flow patterns around most bluff bodies submerged in a boundary layer. The proximity of the vortices to the fill filaments of all pupae suggests that these vortices are associated with gaseous exchange at the gill filaments.  相似文献   

Flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) are one of the most species-rich dipteran families and provide important ecosystem services such as pollination, biological control of pests, recycling of organic matter and redistributions of essential nutrients. Flower fly adults generally feed on pollen and nectar, but their larval feeding habits are strikingly diverse. In the present study, high-throughput sequencing was used to capture and enrich phylogenetically and evolutionary informative exonic regions. With the help of the baitfisher software, we developed a new bait kit (SYRPHIDAE1.0) to target 1945 CDS regions belonging to 1312 orthologous genes. This new bait kit was successfully used to exon capture the targeted loci in 121 flower fly species across the different subfamilies of Syrphidae. We analysed different amino acid and nucleotide data sets (1302 loci and 154 loci) with maximum likelihood and multispecies coalescent models. Our analyses yielded highly supported similar topologies, although the degree of the SRH (global stationarity, reversibility and homogeneity) conditions varied greatly between amino acid and nucleotide data sets. The sisterhood of subfamilies Pipizinae and Syrphinae is supported in all our analyses, confirming a common origin of taxa feeding on soft-bodied arthropods. Based on our results, we define Syrphini stat.rev. to include the genera Toxomerus and Paragus. Our divergence estimate analyses with beast inferred the origin of the Syrphidae in the Lower Cretaceous (125.5–98.5 Ma) and the diversification of predatory flower flies around the K–Pg boundary (70.61–54.4 Ma), coinciding with the rise and diversification of their prey.  相似文献   

Thanwisai A  Kuvangkadilok C  Baimai V 《Genetica》2006,128(1-3):177-204
The sequences of the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) were determined for 40 black fly species from Thailand, belonging to 4 subgenera of the genus Simulium, namely Gomphostilbia (12 species), Nevermannia (5 species), Montisimulium (1 species), Simulium sensu stricto (21 species), and an unknown subgenus with one species (Simulium baimaii). The length of the ITS2 ranged from 247 to 308 bp. All black fly species had high AT content, ranging from 71 to 83.8%. Intraindividual variation (clonal variation) occurred in 13 species, ranging from 0.3 to 1.1%. Large intrapopulation and interpopulation heterogeneities exist in S. feuerboni from the same and different locations in Doi Inthanon National Park, northern Thailand. Phylogenetic relationships among 40 black fly species were examined using PAUP (version 4.0b10) and MrBAYS (version 3.0B4). The topology of the trees revealed two major monophyletic clades. The subgenus Simulium and Simulium baimaii were placed in the first monophyletic clade, whereas the subgenera Nevermannia + Montisimulium were placed as the sister group to the subgenus Gomphostilbia in the second monophyletic clade. Our results suggest that S. baimaii belongs to the malyschevi-group or variegatum-group in the subgenus Simulium. The molecular phylogeny generally agrees with existing morphology-based phylogenies.  相似文献   

Mengual X 《ZooKeys》2011,(140):1-26
Toxomerus hauseri Mengual sp. n. and Toxomerus picudus Mengual sp. n. are described from Peru and Ecuador respectively. Toxomerus circumcintus (Enderlein, 1938) is treated as a valid species and not considered synonym of Toxomerus marginatus, and Toxomerus ovatus (Hull, 1942) is considered junior synonym of Toxomerus nitidus (Schiner, 1868). An identification key for the Toxomerus species with dark abdomens is given along with diagnoses for each studied species.  相似文献   

Coleeae (Bignoniaceae) are a tribe almost entirely restricted to Madagascar. Coleeae have previously been placed in neotropical Crescentieae due to species with indehiscent fruits, a character otherwise unusual in Bignoniaceae. A phylogeny based on three chloroplast regions (ndhF, trnT-L spacer, trnL-F spacer) identifies a monophyletic Coleeae that is endemic to Madagascar and surrounding islands of the Indian Ocean (Seychelles, Comores and Mascarenes). African Kigelia is not a member of Coleeae, rather it is more closely related to a subset of African and Southeast Asian species of Tecomeae. The molecular phylogeny indicates that indehiscent fruit have arisen repeatedly in Bignoniaceae: in Coleeae, Kigelia and Crescentieae. The characteristic fleshy fruits of species of Coleeae likely arose autochthonously in Madagascar. Within Coleeae Colea and Ophiocolea are sisters, Phyllarthron is sister to Colea + Ophiocolea, and Rhodocolea is sister to the rest of the tribe.  相似文献   

The pollination system of Holcoglossum rupestre was studied in northwestern Yunnan. The species is self-compatible but pollinator-dependent and offers nectar as a reward to visitors. A species of beetle, Hybovalgus bioculatus Kolbe, is identified as the pollinator among all visitors observed. The beetles carried the pollinia in two different positions, i.e. on the buttock and the foreleg, and pollinated the flowers by two different mechanisms. The analysis suggests that Holcoglossum rupestre and its pollinator may be in an unstable pollination relationship. The natural fruit set is low, which is attributed to the low visiting frequency of pollinator and the effective mechanism to prevent self-pollination.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of pollination systems inOpuntia sens. lat. in the southwestern United States. The floral syndrome of large, colorful, bowl-shaped, diurnal flowers is present in all of the prickly-pear species and most of the cholla (Cylindropuntia) species in this area. Pollination by medium-sized and large bees is established for some of the species with this floral syndrome and is predicted for the others. The same floral syndrome is widespread inOpuntia in other geographical areas.—Deviations from this floral syndrome occur in certain species of southwestern chollas, one of which has nocturnal disc-shaped flowers, and in several tropical American species groups or segregate genera with red hummingbird flowers. But such cases are relatively infrequent. Divergence between species with respect to floral syndrome and pollination system is not a common feature in the evolutionary pattern ofOpuntia. Pollination of North American Cacti, IV.—Previons parts of this series:Grant & Grant 1979a,Grant & al. 1979,Grant & Grant 1979b.  相似文献   

Leporella fimbriata is a self compatible orchid of southern Australia. It is dependant across its range on unique pollination by sexually attracted male winged antsMyrmecia urens, which pseudocopulate with the flower. Typical pollination sequences began with an initial circling then zig-zag flight to the flower. Vectors usually alighted on the inflorescence stem and quickly crawled to the flower where they adopted a copulatory position sideways along the wide labellum, pseudocopulatory probing immediately followed. In this position pollen carried on the thorax was deposited on the stigma. Departure from the labellum usually resulted in pollinium removal. Pollinator movements were restricted and the distribution leptokurtic with a mean of 3.141 ± 4.59 m. Pollination was widespread but variable from site to site and season to season with a maximum of 70% of all flowers being pollinated. Pollinator limitation is indicated. Traits essential for this pollination interaction include the coincidence of orchid and ant geographic distributions and the coincidence of flowering with the flight period of the ant. The production of pheromonelike substances and the distinctive floral morphology are also essential for attraction and manipulation of male ants. The ant mating system which the orchid can exploit is also important.  相似文献   

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to resolve allozymes in the cosmopolitan blood-feeding stable fly,Stomoxys calcitrans (L.). Nineteen of 38 loci were polymorphic (53%). Mean heterozygosities among all loci and among only polymorphic loci were 0.096 and 0.182, respectively. These gene diversity measures are about half those among other muscid Diptera. Variation in gene frequencies was examined in 10 natural stable fly populations from Iowa and Minnesota. Gene frequencies were homogeneous at five of eight loci among six populations in 1990 and eight of eight loci among four populations in 1992. Wright'sF statistics showed no significant departure from random mating among stable flies. It was concluded that gene flow compensates for any local differentiation in stable fly populations.  相似文献   

Phenology, inflorescence behavior, and pollination of 10 sympatric taxa ofBactris were studied in a lowland Amazon forest. Taxa flowered over an eight month period during the rainy season and early dry season, but individual taxa flowered for one to a few months. Related taxa had mostly non-overlapping flowering periods. Inflorescence behavior was similar for all taxa, with nocturnal pistillate anthesis and temperature elevation, followed 24 hours later by rapid, nocturnal staminate anthesis. Pollinators of all taxa were small weevilsPhyllotrox (Curculionidae) and nitidulidsColopterus (Nitidulidae), although various other insect visitors were recorded. Large numbers ofPhyllotrox were recorded on inflorescences, but weevil sex ratios were highly skewed.  相似文献   

A checklist of the Syrphidae (Diptera) recorded from Finland. Three species of Syrphidae, Platycheirus modestus Ide, 1926, Cheilosia barovskii (Stackelberg, 1930) and Mallota tricolor Loew, 1871, are published as new to the Finnish fauna. Platycheirus modestus is also new to the Palaearctic.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns of black fly emergence at three sites over a 7-year to 11-year period are presented. This study is the longest, continuous collection of emerging black flies ever undertaken. Because ovipositing females were able to enter emergence traps, analysis of emergence patterns for the Simulium vittatum Zetterstedt and S. tuberosum Lundström complexes, was restricted to males. Year, season and stream temperature had significant effects on mean emergence for these complexes. Sampling stations on the same system and within close proximity exhibited synchronous emergence patterns, whereas streams in close proximity but in separate basins showed asynchronous patterns. Dissimilarities might reflect divergent temperature regimes. We suggest that emergence-trap data might provide a less variable picture of community structure than larval data.  相似文献   

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