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The rate of asexual fragmentation in the spionid polychaete Pygospio elegans is shown to increase in the presence of augmented food levels and is a density-dependent response. Asexual reproduction does not occur when the animals are reproducing sexually.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the regeneration capacity of the spionid polychaete Marenzelleria viridis from Long Island, New York. In the field, ~7% of the worms exhibited regeneration of the anterior end. In the laboratory, worms were ablated at the 10th–50th chaetiger and their regeneration documented. Anterior morphogenesis was similar to that previously reported for spionids, with wound healing, blastema formation, differentiation of segments, and formation of feeding and sensory structures (mouth, palps, nuchal organs) occurring within 14 d. Unlike in some spionids, the segments do not appear to all form simultaneously from the blastema; rather, external differentiation of segments was observed from posterior to anterior on the regenerate. The number of segments replaced was equal to the number ablated for up to 10 segments. A maximum of 17 segments were replaced when 20–30 chaetigers were ablated, and the number replaced decreased to 14 when 40–50 chaetigers were ablated. Survival and normal growth of the worms decreased with more chaetigers ablated; a significantly higher number of worms died or grew abnormally with ≥30 chaetigers ablated, compared to worms with ≤20 chaetigers ablated. Members of M. viridis could be valuable model organisms in the study of the cellular mechanisms involved in regeneration, and further research on regeneration in the field should be completed.  相似文献   

The presence of environmental contaminants may alter predator-prey interactions among aquatic species by altering activity levels of predators or prey, or by altering predator avoidance behavior. The outcome of a predatory encounter may be dependent upon whether both species are exposed to a contaminant simultaneously, or whether exposure occurs only in one of the species. In a laboratory experiment, I used the insecticide carbaryl to examine predation of southern leopard frog tadpoles (Rana sphenocephala) by adult red-spotted newts (Notophthalmus viridescens) under four conditions: both tadpoles and newts exposed, neither tadpoles nor newts exposed, and either newts or tadpoles only exposed. After one hour, exposed newts consumed half as many tadpoles as non-exposed newts. Carbaryl potentially affected newt activity enough to reduce time spent searching for prey, or may have altered the speed and coordination necessary to capture tadpoles. After six hours, non-exposed and exposed newts consumed similar numbers of tadpoles, most likely indicating recovery from exposure. After 24 h, predation rates were lowest when both newts and tadpoles were simultaneously either exposed or not exposed, and were greatest when newts and tadpoles were not exposed simultaneously. This study suggests that when tadpoles and newts are exposed to a sublethal level of a contaminant simultaneously, that predation rates do not differ from those observed under natural conditions, but exposure of either predator or prey at different times can disrupt predator-prey dynamics. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Almost all dry Afromontane forests of Northern Ethiopia have been converted to agricultural, grazing or scrub lands except for small fragments left around churches (‘Church forests’). Species regeneration in these forests is limited. We investigated (i) how intense postdispersal seed predation was in church forest, and if this seed predation varied with species and/or habitat, and (ii) for how long tree seeds maintained their viability while buried in forest soil. In the seed predation experiment, we monitored seeds of six tree species in four habitats for a period of 14 weeks (the peak seeding season). In the seed viability experiment, we assessed seed viability of five species in four habitats after being buried 6, 12, or 18 months. Ninety‐two percent of the tree seeds were predated within 3.5 months. Predation was mainly dependent on species whereas habitat had a weaker effect. Seed viability decreased sharply with burial time in soil for all species except for Juniperus. To minimize seed availability limitation for regeneration of such species in the forest, the standing vegetation needs to be persistently managed and conserved for a continuous seed rain supply. Additional seed sowing, and seed and seedling protection (by e.g. animal exclosures) may increase successful regeneration of important species in these forests.  相似文献   

Remains of jawed polychaetes were recovered from stomach contents of queen triggerfish ( Balistes vetula L.) collected by spearing from Came Bow Cay, Belize, Central America. Jaws in the nereidids, glycerids, and arabellids recovered are perfectly preserved, and might be passed by the fish without noticeable alteration. Jaws in the onuphids are fully articulated, but the outer wall-layer has been digested away, leaving only the inner aragonitic layer intact. A low fossilization potential for onuphid jaws is indicated, consistent with laboratory studies of jaw composition. Based on literature accounts, fish predation may have a considerable influence on polychaete jaw (scolecodont) assemblages in sediment.  相似文献   

Annelids provide suitable models for studying regeneration. By now, comprehensive information is restricted to only a few taxa. For many other annelids, comparative data are scarce or even missing. Here, we describe the regeneration of a member of the Cirratulus cirratus species complex. Using phalloidin‐labeling and antibody‐stainings combined with subsequent confocal laser scanning microscopy, we provide data about the organization of body wall musculature and nervous system of intact specimens, as well as about anteriorly regenerating specimens. Our analyses show that C. cf. cirratus exhibits a prominent longitudinal muscle layer forming a dorsal muscle plate, two ventral muscle strands and a ventral‐median muscle fiber. The circular musculature forms closed rings which are interrupted in the area of parapodia. The nervous system of C. cf. cirratus shows a typical rope‐ladder like arrangement and the circumesophageal connectives exhibit two separate roots leading to the brain. During regeneration, the nervous system redevelops remarkably earlier than the musculature, first constituting a tripartite loop‐like structure which later become the circumesophageal connectives. Regeneration of longitudinal musculature starts with diffuse ingrowth and subsequent structuring into the blastema. In contrast, circular musculature develops independently inside the blastema. Our findings constitute the first analysis of regeneration for a member of the Cirratuliformia on a structural level. Summarizing the regeneration process in C. cf. cirratus, five main phases can be subdivided: 1) wound closure, 2) blastema formation, 3) blastema differentiation, 4) resegmentation, and 5) growth, respectively elongation. Additionally, the described tripartite loop‐like structure of the regenerating nervous system has not been reported for any other annelid taxon. In contrast, the regeneration of circular and longitudinal musculature originating from different groups of cells seems to be a general pattern in annelid regeneration. J. Morphol. 275:1418–1430, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that ciliated sensory structures on the feeding palps of spionid polychaetes may function as chemoreceptors to modulate deposit-feeding activity. To investigate the probable sensory nature of these ciliated cells, we used immunohistochemistry, epi-fluorescence, and confocal laser scanning microscopy to label and image sensory cells, nerves, and their organization relative to the anterior central nervous system in several spionid polychaete species. Antibodies directed against acetylated alphatubulin were used to label the nervous system and detail the innervation of palp sensory cells in all species. In addition, the distribution of serotonin (5-HT) and FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity was compared in the spionid polychaetes Dipolydora quadrilobata and Pygospio elegans. The distribution of serotonin immunoreactivity was also examined in the palps of Polydora cornuta and Streblospio benedicti. Serotonin immunoreactivity was concentrated in cells underlying the food groove of the palps, in the palp nerves, and in the cerebral ganglion. FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity was associated with the cerebral ganglia, nuchal organs and palp nerves, and also with the perikarya of ciliated sensory cells on the palps.  相似文献   

Abstract. We examined the cnidomes (total complement of nematocysts) of medusae of the zooxanthellate and azooxanthellate jellyfishes Phyllorhiza punctata and Catostylus mosaicus (Rhizostomeae, Scyphozoa), and compared the assemblage of zooplankton captured on the oral arms of each species to determine whether differences in the types or amount of zooplankton captured were consistent with possible differences in the cnidomes. Cnidomes were described using light and scanning electron microscopy. Each species had a distinct cnidome and, in general, specimens of P. punctata appeared to have far fewer nematocysts than those of C. mosaicus. Four types of nematocysts were identified in medusae of C. mosaicus; 2 types of holotrichous isorhizae, rhopaloids, and birhopaloids. In C. mosaicus, the oral arms and bell margins possessed all of these types, but the cnidomes of the 2 regions differed in relative abundances and sizes of isorhizae and rhopaloids. Five types of nematocysts were identified in medusae of P. punctata, although not all types were found in all specimens. Round holotrichous isorhizae were found only in the bell, while oval holotrichous isorhizae, rhopaloids of 2 distinct size ranges, and birhopaloids were found in the bell and oral arms. Cnidomes of the bell and oral arms in specimens of P. punctata also differed in the relative abundance and sizes of oval isorhizae and rhopaloids. Although there were clear differences in the overall cnidomes and absolute abundances of nematocysts in each species, the oral arms (feeding appendages) of specimens of both C. mosaicus and P. punctata had similar types and relative abundances of nematocysts. Zooplankton sampled from the oral arms of each species showed that both species preyed predominantly on copepod nauplii and larvae of gastropods and bivalves. Medusae of C. mosaicus captured ~10 × more gastropod larvae and 5 × more bivalve larvae than those of P. punctata. Specimens of P. punctata captured approximately twice as many copepod nauplii as those of C. mosaicus. Differences in the relative abundance of types of zooplankton captured by each species could not be adequately explained by differences in the cnidomes of the oral arms.  相似文献   

The slow‐growth‐high‐mortality hypothesis proposes that increased development time in arthropods feeding on suboptimal food may result in an increased vulnerability to natural enemies. We measured the development time of the forest caterpillar Orgyia leucostigma J.E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae: Orgyiini) on two of its host plants and used a 7‐year database on parasitism of this species to test the slow‐growth‐high‐mortality hypothesis. We found that female O. leucostigma developed faster when fed on willow (Salix nigra Marsh) than when fed on box elder (Acer negundo L.). However, only one of the parasitoids of the parasitoid community that attack these larvae followed the prediction of the slow‐growth‐high‐mortality hypothesis. Overall parasitism of O. leucostigma on willow was greater than in box elder, contradicting the slow‐growth‐high‐mortality hypothesis prediction. This is the first test of the hypothesis to consider parasitism by several species in the parasitoid community attacking a free‐feeding herbivore on two distantly related plant species.  相似文献   

1. Previous studies have suggested that the occurrence of larval Chaoborus in lakes may be affected by fish predation, pH, elevation, temperature, nutrient level, water transparency and interspecific competition, but so far, a detailed statistical evaluation of these findings has not been performed. 2. The aim of this study was to apply regression and ordination techniques to a large data set of 56 lakes in order to test which variables related to lake morphology, water chemistry, and fish predation determine (1) the abundance of individual Chaoborus species and (2) their species composition. 3. Individual Chaoborus species were influenced by very different sets of environmental factors. Nutrient levels positively affected the largest species, Chaoborus americanus, which was restricted to fishless lakes. Abundance of the smallest and most transparent species, C. punctipennis, seemed to be controlled more by the larger Chaoborus species than by fish. Larger chaoborids required low water clarity in order to co‐exist with fish, probably to increase refuge availability. Generally, small lakes (for C. flavicans/C. trivittatus) and shallow lakes (for C. punctipennis) supported higher abundances of Chaoborus.  相似文献   

Seed morphology of 15 taxa of Linaria from eastern Spain has been studied using stereoscopic and scanning electron microscopy. Four different morphological types are described according to features of the seed-coat surface. The type that includes winged seeded taxa is divided into three subtypes. Seed morphology of each type and subtype is described, compared, illustrated and discussed according to its taxonomic and biological implications. A key to identify the different species or groups of species is also supplied. 2001 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Myrmecochory commonly complements the advantages of ballistic dispersal in diplochorous species. We studied the role of the elaiosome in two populations of the two diplochorous Mediterranean spurges Euphorbia boetica and E. nicaeensis, which share an efficient ballistic dispersal mechanism followed by secondary removal by ants. They differ in elaiosome persistence, as most E. boetica seeds lose the elaiosome during explosive dispersal. Self-assessed dietary preferences with seeds with and without elaiosomes of each species showed differences in behaviour among and within ant species. In general, the absence of elaiosome entailed a decrease in the number of disperser ant species interacting with the seeds, whereas the number of predatory ants remains invariable. However, in one population of E. nicaeensis, experimental elimination of the elaiosome did not affect seed removal by mutualistic ants. On the other hand, analysis of refuse piles of the granivorous Messor marocanus and M. bouvieri suggests that they act as seed predators in E. boetica, whereas unintentional dispersal can be important in E. nicaeensis. We suggest, therefore, that the presence of the elaiosome in the seeds of the studied spurges increases the interaction with disperser ant species, but the possible dispersal advantage is not apparent and is spatially variable.  相似文献   

The structure of spermatozoa is described for two species of polynoid polychaete,Harmothoe imbricata andHarmothoe impar, from material fixed and examined by both scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The two species undergo spermiogenesis within discrete testes. The testis ofH. imbricata is shown to have a layer of epithelial cells which possess an outer cuticular layer and a microvillous inner surface. Spermatocytes of both species are spherical but there are marked differences in the shape and size of the spermatozoa of the two species.H. impar has a classical primitive spermatozoon with a rounded head (2 μm long) and a button-shaped acrosome. Fully differentiated spermatozoa ofH. imbricata are modified from the primitive form by having a long head (10 μm length) with a pointed acrosome about 6 μm in length. Spermatozoa ofH. imbricata have a ring of up to fourteen mitochondria around a centrally inserted flagellum at the posterior whereasH. impar has a ring of four or five spherical mitochondria. Spermiogenesis is well synchronised inH. imbricata but all developmental stages can be found simultaneously in the testis ofH. impar. The differences in sperm structure of the two species may be related to differences in breeding biology which are hitherto unknown.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical stainings have become standard tools to describe the nervous system, but usually only singular or few markers are used and consequently show only subsets of neurons within the nervous system. We investigated two species of Dactylopodola (Gastrotricha, Macrodasyida) with a broad set and combination of markers, to represent the nervous system in a more holistic approach. We suggest that markers for both neurotubuli (tubulin) and neurotransmitters (e.g. serotonin, FMRF-amides, histamine) should be used. Combinations with markers for the musculature (phalloidin) and nuclei (propidiumiodide or other markers) help to reveal spatial patterns and when used with TEM can provide a more precise picture of the spatial relationships of particular nerves. Species of Dactylopodola have a brain consisting of a solid dorsal commissure and a fine ventral commissure. Cell somata of brain cells are arranged lateral to the dorsal commissure and form a dumbbell-like brain. Additionally, projections into the head region, head sensory organs, one pair of lateroventral nerve cords with three commissures and stomatogastric nerves are described. Obviously, some longitudinal transmitter-specific fibres run in parallel to the main longitudinal nerve and represent additional longitudinal fibres. In comparison with the nervous system architecture of other gastrotrich species and that of different bilaterian animals it is speculated that the gastrotrich nervous system retains several ancestral features, such as being commissural and not a compact brain.  相似文献   

Soil-borne pathogens are a key component of the belowground community because of the significance of their ecological and socio-economic impacts. However, very little is known about the complexity of their distribution patterns in natural systems. Here, we explored the patterns, causes and ecological consequences of spatial variability in pathogen abundance in Mediterranean forests affected by oak decline. We used spatially explicit neighborhood models to predict the abundance of soil-borne pathogen species (Phytophthora cinnamomi, Pythium spiculum and Pythium spp.) as a function of local abiotic conditions (soil texture) and the characteristics of the tree and shrub neighborhoods (species composition, size and health status). The implications of pathogen abundance for tree seedling performance were explored by conducting a sowing experiment in the same locations in which pathogen abundance was quantified. Pathogen abundance in the forest soil was not randomly distributed, but exhibited spatially predictable patterns influenced by both abiotic and, particularly, biotic factors (tree and shrub species). Pathogen abundance reduced seedling emergence and survival, but not in all sites or tree species. Our findings suggest that heterogeneous spatial patterns of pathogen abundance at fine spatial scale can be important for the dynamics and restoration of declining Mediterranean forests.  相似文献   

Brede EG  Beebee TJ 《Heredity》2004,92(2):110-117
A general prediction of the neutral theory of evolution is that genetic diversity should correlate positively with effective population size. We show here that diversity across eight microsatellite loci was consistently and substantially lower in one common amphibian (Bufo bufo) than in another with similar life history traits (Rana temporaria) despite B. bufo having the larger breeding assemblage sizes. However, B. bufo breeding assemblages were much more highly differentiated than those of R. temporaria according to both Fst and Rst estimators. These differences occurred in shared habitats across identical geographical distances. The patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation detected in these two species were probably a consequence of high gene flow in R. temporaria but much lower gene flow among the larger but more dispersed B. bufo assemblages. These observations highlight the difficulty of defining the boundaries of wild populations, and show how two broadly similar species can exhibit very different population dynamics.  相似文献   

Daoud  Y. T. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,88(1-2):158-158
The study comprised a comparison of the ecology of two species of Asellus (A. aquaticus and A. meridianus), and had two main aims. First the energy budget of the population of A. aquaticus, which is one of the most abundant species in the reservoir was assessed. Secondly, the two species appear to be ecologically very similar and it has been assumed by many workers that they are in competition. The study aimed to investigate how these two species might be able to coexist.The population dynamics of both species and the interaction between them is under study, as are their relations with the other benthic animals recorded in the reservoir (see Bullock et al. 1982). The sampling programme to cover variations in depth and substratum is also described by Bullock et al. 1982. A. aquaticus occurs in both arms while A. meridianus exists only in the south arm. A preliminary examination of the available data reveals that the density of A. aquaticus has increased in the south arm while the density of A. meridianus decreased drastically in February 1980. Since then low numbers of A. meridianus have been recorded every month even in the summer (breeding) season. It is noteworthy that simultaneously the number of predators, particularly Helobdella stagnalis, increased in comparison with previous years.It was therefore decided to study the predation on Asellus in the laboratory as well as in the field by using a serological technique. Antisera were produced against each species of Asellus by injections into rabbits of precipitated proteins (antigens). Thus a positive reaction obtained from a homogenised predator when tested with the specific antiserum indicates which species of Asellus had been consumed and the percentage of predators which had fed on Asellus in every sample could be calculated. The results obtained to date reveal that considerable numbers of Asellus spp. are removed from the environment by the predators (Helobdella stagnalis, Erpobdella octoculata, Polycelis tenuis. Dendrocoelum lacteum and Dugesia lugubris).Size class structures of the population of both species were constructed to study their life cycles and to estimate the population production. Comparitive respirometry of the two species was carried out at 4 °C, 10 °C and 16 °C, using a Gilson differential respirometer. This study aimed firstly to assess one of the essential parameters in the energy budget study of A. aquaticus and secondly, since A. aquaticus appears to be more active than A. meridianus, it would be expected that a comparison of their metabolic rate at different temperature would reveal marked differences between two species. It was found that there was no significant difference between the two species at 4 °C and 10 °C, but A. aquaticus had a significantly higher metabolic rate than A. meridianus at 16 °C.Consumption and assimilation of decaying oak leaves and of Cladophora glomerata (both of which are available in the environment) by two species of Asellus are being measured at present in the laboratory at three different temperatures (4 °C, 10 °C and 16 °C), and will contribute to the estimation of energy budgets.  相似文献   

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