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A monoclonal antibody (2C12) that recognizes a Pb(II)-cyclohexyldiethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid complex was produced by the injection of BALB/c mice with a Pb(II)-chelate complex covalently coupled to a carrier protein. The ability of purified antibody to interact with a variety of metal-free chelators and metal-chelate complexes was assessed by measuring equilibrium dissociation constants. The antibody bound to metal-free trans-cyclohexyldiethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (CHXDTPA) with an equilibrium dissociation constant of 2.3 x 10(-)(7) M. Addition of Pb(II) increased the affinity of the antibody for the complex by 25-fold; Pb(II) was the only metal cation (of 15 different di-, tri-, and hexavalent metals tested) that increased the affinity of the antibody for CHXDTPA. The increased affinity was due primarily to an increase in the association rate constant. The antibody also had the ability to interact with ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA), and structurally related derivatives, but with affinities from 50- to 10000-fold less than that determined for CHXDTPA. Addition of metals to EDTA-based chelators reduced the affinity of the antibody for these ligands. However, when DTPA was used as the chelator, addition of Pb(II) increased the affinity of the antibody for the complex by 200-fold. The sensitivity of prototype immunoassays for Pb(II) could be modulated by changing the structure of the immobilized metal-chelate complex and/or the soluble chelator used to complex Pb(II) in the test solution.  相似文献   

Recombinant fragments of the variable region of antibodies are useful in many experimental and clinical applications. However, it can be difficult to obtain these materials in soluble form after their expression in bacteria. Here, we report an efficient procedure for preparing several variable-domain fragments (Fv), single-chain Fv (scFv), and a diabody (the smallest functional bispecific antibody) of anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) antibody by overexpression in Escherichia coli in inclusion bodies, using a refolding system to obtain renatured proteins. Two types of refolded Fv were prepared: (i) Heavy and light chains of the immunoglobulin variable regions (VH and VL, respectively) were coexpressed with a dicistronic expression vector (designated Fv(co)); (ii) VH and VL were expressed separately, mixed stoichiometrically, and refolded (designated Fv(mix)). All samples refolded with high efficiency; Fv(co), Fv(mix), scFv, and the bispecific diabody bound to several CEA-positive cell lines, exactly as did soluble Fv fragments secreted by E. coli (Fv(sol)) and the parent IgG. The refolded fragments inhibited binding of the parent IgG to CEA-positive cell lines, indicating that their epitope is identical to that of IgG. The bispecific diabody, which combined variable-region fragments of anti-CEA antibody with variable-region fragments of anti-CD3 antibody, was also prepared using the refolding system. This refolded diabody could bind to lymphokine-activated killer cells. In addition, its cytotoxicity toward human bile duct carcinoma TFK-1 and other several other CEA-positive cell lines was concentration-dependent. Taken together, our results suggest that a refolding procedure can be used to prepare various functional antibody fragments (Fv, scFv, and diabody).  相似文献   

A great need exists for prediction of antibody response for the generation of antibodies toward protein targets. Earlier studies have suggested that prediction methods based on hydrophilicity propensity scale, in which the degree of exposure of the amino acid in an aqueous solvent is calculated, has limited value. Here, we show a comparative analysis based on 12,634 affinity‐purified antibodies generated in a standardized manner against human recombinant protein fragments. The antibody response (yield) was measured and compared to theoretical predictions based on a large number (544) of published propensity scales. The results show that some of the scales have predictive power, although the overall Pearson correlation coefficient is relatively low (0.2) even for the best performing amino acid indices. Based on the current data set, a new propensity scale was calculated with a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.25. The values correlated in some extent to earlier scales, including large penalty for hydrophobic and cysteine residues and high positive contribution from acidic residues, but with relatively low positive contribution from basic residues. The fraction of immunogens generating low antibody responses was reduced from 30% to around 10% if immunogens with a high propensity score (>0.48) were selected as compared to immunogens with lower scores (<0.29). The study demonstrates that a propensity scale might be useful for prediction of antibody response generated by immunization of recombinant protein fragments. The data set presented here can be used for further studies to design new prediction tools for the generation of antibodies to specific protein targets.  相似文献   

A cDNA expression library of Clonorchis sinensis adult worm was constructed, and screened out immunologically. One clone, pBCs31, was selected in view of its predominant reactivity with an experimentally infected rabbit serum. Recombinant C. sinensis antigen with 28 kDa as a β-galactosidase fusion protein produced in Escherichia coli was identified by immunoblot analysis. The cloned gene was composed of 16 copies of a 30 base pair repeat and an additional 320 bases. The deduced amino acid sequence of the tandem repeat was AQPPKSGDGG. On RNA slot blot analysis. C. sinensis adult worm RNA showed a positive reaction with the cloned gene. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using a purified recombinant antigen of pBCs31 showed high specificity for diagnosis of clonorchiasis.  相似文献   

A mouse/human chimeric antibody has been constructed by using variable light and variable heavy regions from a murine hybridoma specific for human carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) (CEM231.6.7). These V regions were combined with kappa and gamma-1 constant region genes cloned from human lymphocytes. The chimeric constructs were sequentially electroporated into murine non-Ig-producing myeloma (P3.653) and hybridoma (SP2/0) cell. Significant differences were seen in expression levels between the two cell types. High levels of expression (24 to 32 micrograms/ml/10(6) cells) were seen with several of the anti-CEA SP2/0 transfectomas but not with the P3.653 cells. The SP2/0 transfectoma lines were adapted to serum-free, chemically defined media and grown in large scale fermentation cultures where they continued to secrete high levels of antibody. The chimeric antibodies remain reactive against human CEA with affinity constants comparable to that of the parental hybridoma antibody. High level expression will make practical the production of chimeric antibodies for in vivo therapeutic and diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   

SEL1L, highly similar to the C elegans sel-1 gene, is a recently cloned human gene whose function is under investigation. SEL1L is differentially expressed in tumors and normal tissues and seems to play a role in tumor growth and aggressiveness. We used the recombinant N-terminus of the SEL1L protein to immunize a Balb/c mouse and produce a monoclonal antibody. A hybridoma secreting an antibody specifically reacting on the SEL1L recombinant fragment was selected. This monoclonal antibody, named MSel1, recognizes the SEL1L protein by Western blotting, immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry on normal and tumor cells. MSel1 is able to recognize SEL1L even on archival tumor specimens and is therefore particularly appropriate to study SEL1L involvement in tumor progression.  相似文献   

cDNA libraries in lambda phage were generated from the murine hybridoma secreting mAb-15C5, a monoclonal antibody directed against fragment-D dimer of crosslinked human fibrin [Holvoet et al. (1989) Thromb. Haemostasis 61, 307-313], and clones encoding fragments of the heavy (gamma 1) and the light (kappa) chain were isolated. The kappa-chain cDNA was reconstructed from two overlapping clones encoding 20 amino acids of signal sequence and the 214 amino acids of the mature protein chain. The gamma 1-chain cDNA was reconstructed from the mAb-15C5 kappa-chain signal sequence, the mAb-15C5 gamma 1 variable-domain coding sequence and murine gamma 1-gene and gamma 1-chain cDNA fragments encoding the constant domains. These cDNAs were expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, selected cell lines were scaled up in roller bottle culture, and recombinant mAb-15C5 was purified from the conditioned medium by chromatography on Zn-chelate - Sepharose, protein-A - Sepharose and insolubilized fragment-D dimer, with a yield of 50 micrograms/l and a recovery of 20%. SDS-gel electrophoresis without reduction revealed a homogeneous band, and after reduction a light-chain band with identical and a heavy-chained band with a somewhat slower mobility than that of the natural mAb-15C5. Competitive binding revealed a comparable affinity of natural and recombinant mAb-15C5 for fibrin fragment-D dimer. Thus recombinant mAb-15C5, obtained by co-expression of the reconstructed cDNAs of the kappa and gamma 1 chain in Chinese hamster ovary cells, has very similar properties to natural mAb-15C5. These recombinant mAb-15C5 cDNAs may be useful for the construction of a humanized monoclonal antibody for thrombus imaging, and for targeting of thrombolytic agents to fibrin.  相似文献   

Summary The mouse IgG2a monoclonal antibody (MoAb) 345.134S, secreted by a hybridoma derived from a mouse immunized with cultured human melanoma cells, reacts with an 85,000-dalton glycopolypeptide which is disulfide-bridged to a 30,000-dalton polypeptide having little if any covalently attached carbohydrate. The 115,000-dalton complex is peripheral rather than integral in its association with the plasma cell membrane. Indirect immunofluorescence of cryostat thin sections of human tissues with the MoAb 345.134S showed (1) strong staining of the sebaceous glands and basal layer of normal hyperpigmented skin; (2) weak staining of the basal layer of normal pigmented skin and epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract, parotid, renal proximal tubules, thyroid, and urinary bladder; and (3) no staining of melanocytes, mammary gland, lung, brain cortex, or liver. The staining pattern of tissues from a 20-week-old fetus is similar to that of tissues from adults. The MoAb 345.134S stained some cases of virtually all tumors tested, including some derived from normal tissues non-reactive with the antibody; intensity of staining of tumors was in general much greater than in normal tissues. The expression of the antigen detected by MoAb 345.134S in a panel of cultured human tumor cells did not correlate with the expression of other tumor-associated antigens or with HLA-A,B or Ia-like antigens. The MoAb 345.134S can mediate complement- and cell-dependent lysis of cultured human tumor cells. The lack of correlation between the extent of immune lysis and the expression of the antigen detected by MoAb 345.134S as well as the effect of puromycin on antibody-mediated cell-dependent lysis indicated that factors other than antigen density play a significant role in the outcome of immune lytic reactions mediated by this monoclonal antibody. Abbreviations used: MAA, melanoma-associated antigens; MoAb, Monoclonal antibody; 2-, 2-microglobulin; PBL, peripheral blood lymphocytes; IIF, indirect immunofluoresence; SDS-PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; NP40, nonidet P40; ADCC, antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity  相似文献   

An antibody against probenecid was obtained in rabbits immunized with probenecid conjugated to bovine serum albumin. The antibody exhibited a high degree of specificity (competitive assay) as shown by studies with 25 analogs which included isomers, homologs and metabolites. Interestingly, three analogs (2′-hydroxy, glycine and methyl ester) had a higher affinity than probenecid. The side-chain metabolites all had much lower affinity than the parent drug. Radioimmunoassay was carried out with dextran-coated charcoal and was sensitive to about 1 nanogram. This raises the possibility of radioimmunoassay of probenecid in plasma and tissue.  相似文献   

It has previously been reported that a mouse (C57BL/6) monoclonal antibody, M2590, was established against syngeneic melanoma B16 cells, which was shown to react only with melanoma cells from various species but not with other tumor cells or normal tissues (Taniguchi, M., and Wakabayashi, S. (1984) Gann 75, 418-426). In the present study, the specificity of M2590 antibody was shown to be directed to a saccharide arrangement (NeuAc alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-4Glc (or -GlcNAc)) of gangliosides by three different assay systems including enzyme immunostaining on thin layer plates, sandwich radioimmunoassay, and enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assays using a variety of glycolipids with known structures. Neither gangliosides having NeuGc terminus, including NeuGc alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-4Glc-ceramide and NeuGc alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Glc-ceramide, nor ganglio series gangliosides carrying NeuAc reacted with the antibody. An M2590 antibody-reactive antigen was isolated from B16 melanoma cells, and its structure was determined to be NeuAc alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-4Glc-ceramide by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry, methylation analysis, and exoglycosidase treatment. The ceramide was composed of d18:1 as its long-chain base and C16:0, C24:1, and C24:0 as major fatty acids. The same ganglioside was also detected in the culture supernatant of the melanoma cells as shedding antigen.  相似文献   

Buffers of different pH and ionic strength were employed as coating buffers for antigen adsorption to microtitre plates. Their efficiency for coating plates with rinderpest virus (RPV) and foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) antigens was studied by ELISA with polyclonal and monoclonal antibody preparations. While the adsorption and detection of RPV antigen with polyclonal antiserum was highly dependent on the ionic strength and pH of coating buffer, adsorption of antigenically active FMDV antigen was relatively unaffected by the buffering conditions. Both antigens were adsorbed optimally in 0.01 M phosphate buffer, pH 8.0. When monoclonal antibodies were used to detect antigen, there was a greater degree of dependence on the coating buffer than that found with polyclonal antisera. Moreover, when they were used to detect antigen adsorbed under several buffering conditions, monoclonal antibodies showed a variety of preferred buffers. The usefulness of this differential reactivity in distinguishing epitope specificity is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Ab specificity is determined by V region sequence. The murine Mab 18B7 (IgG1) binds to the Cryptococcus neoformans capsular polysaccharide glucuronoxylomannan and produces annular immunofluorescence (IF) on yeast cells. The heavy and light V regions of 18B7 were expressed with the human C regions micro, gamma 1, gamma 2, gamma 3, gamma 4, and alpha1, and the specificity and binding properties of these mouse-human chimeric (ch) Abs was determined. The chIgG1, chIgG2, chIgG4, and the chIgA produced annular IF, whereas the IgM and IgG3 produced punctate IF, despite identical V region sequences. Competition experiments with murine Abs that competed with mAb 18B7 and binding assays to peptide mimetics of glucuronoxylomannan provided additional evidence for altered specificity in some of the ch Abs. Expression of 18B7 heavy V region with murine micro C region produced IgM with a punctate IF, indicating that a change in fine specificity also accompanied the change from murine IgG1 to IgM. Our results show that Ab fine specificity can be a function of isotype. This phenomenon may be most apparent for Abs that bind to Ag with repeating epitopes, such as polysaccharides, where the quarternary structure of the Ag-Ab complex may be influenced by such constraints as Fab-Fab angles, Fc-Fc interactions, Ab size, and solvent accessibility to exposed surfaces. Alterations in Ab fine specificity following isotype change could have important implications for current concepts on the generation of secondary Ab responses to certain Ags and for the isotype preference observed in Abs to polysaccharides.  相似文献   

Summary B78H1 is a mouse melanoma cell line that is weakly antigenic in syngeneic mice. In an attempt to augment their immunogenicity, B78H1 cells were transfected with genomic DNA from a line of human melanoma cells expressing a 96-kDa melanoma-associated antigen (ICAM-1). A selective co-amplification procedure was employed that generated a population of transfected cells (Ui11) that expressed fivefold higher quantities of the melanoma-associated antigen than the cells from which the DNA was obtained. To test the transfected cells' relative capacity to generate a cellular immune response against B78H1 cells, Ui11 cells and B78H1 cells were administered (in parallel) to syngeneic C57BL/6 mice, susceptible to the growth of the melanoma. Each cell line (lethally iradiated beforehand) was injected intraperitoneally at weekly intervals into the mice. After two or three injections, a standard chromium-release assay was employed to detect the presence of cellular immunity toward B78H1 cells. The population of spleen cells from mice immunized with the transfected melanoma cells exhibited higher levels of cytotoxicity toward B78H1 cells than spleen cells from mice immunized with equivalent numbers of nontransfected cells. This observation is consistent with the notion that the transfected human melanoma-associated antigen acted as a second antigen capable of potentiating cellular immune responses against the weakly immunogenic determinants of the mouse melanoma cells. The introduction of genes for foreign antigens into weakly antigenic tumor cells may generate immunogens that can lead to augmented anti-tumor cellular immune responses.  相似文献   

Molecules that selectively target and occlude new blood vessels would be useful for diagnosis and treatment of pathologies associated with angiogenesis. We show that a phage-derived human antibody fragment (L19) with high affinity for the ED-B domain of fibronectin, a marker of angiogenesis, selectively localizes to newly formed blood vessels in a rabbit model of ocular angiogenesis. The L19 antibody, chemically coupled to a photosensitizer and irradiated with red light, mediates complete and selective occlusion of ocular neovasculature and promotes apoptosis of the corresponding endothelial cells. These results demonstrate that new ocular blood vessels can be distinguished immunochemically from preexisting ones and suggest that the targeted delivery of photosensitizers may be effective in treating angiogenesis-related pathologies.  相似文献   

A mouse IgG mAb termed P1C3 was raised against A23187-treated human peripheral blood neutrophils and has been shown to recognize an Ag with an apparent molecular mass of 19 kDa, herein named p19. This p19 Ag was weakly expressed at the cell surface of resting human peripheral blood neutrophils and monocytes, but its cell surface expression was dramatically increased upon activation of these cell types with different secretagogues, including FMLP, PMA, and the calcium ionophores A23187 and ionomycin. A large latent pool of p19 molecules became accessible by immunofluorescence flow cytometry after cell permeabilization of resting neutrophils. A practically total translocation of the intracellular pool of this p19 molecule to the plasma membrane was achieved under appropriate cell stimulation, which induced an almost total degranulation of neutrophil secretory granules. The p19 Ag was absent from platelets, PBL, as well as from the human promyelocytic cell line HL-60, the human promonocytic cell line U937, and the human lymphoid cell lines Daudi and Jurkat. The p19 Ag was also expressed by circulating and/or interstitial neutrophils and monocytes in distinct tissues examined. The mAb P1C3 was found to enhance several neutrophil responses, such as chemotaxis, cell adhesion, phagocytosis, and respiratory burst. These data indicate that the mAb P1C3 recognizes an intracellular Ag in human resting mature neutrophils and monocytes, which upon cell activation is translocated to the cell surface and is able to affect cell functionality.  相似文献   

Hsc66 and Hsc20 comprise a specialized chaperone system important for the assembly of iron-sulfur clusters in Escherchia coli. Only a single substrate, the Fe/S template protein IscU, has been identified for the Hsc66/Hsc20 system, but the mechanism by which Hsc66 selectively binds IscU is unknown. We have investigated Hsc66 substrate specificity using phage display and a peptide array of IscU. Screening of a heptameric peptide phage display library revealed that Hsc66 prefers peptides with a centrally located Pro-Pro motif. Using a cellulose-bound peptide array of IscU we determined that Hsc66 interacts specifically with a region (residues 99-103, LPPVK) that is invariant among all IscU family members. A synthetic peptide (ELPPVKIHC) corresponding to IscU residues 98-106 behaves in a similar manner to native IscU, stimulating the ATPase activity of Hsc66 with similar affinity as IscU, preventing Hsc66 suppression of bovine rhodanese aggregation, and interacting with the peptide-binding domain of Hsc66. Unlike native IscU, however, the synthetic peptide is not bound by Hsc20 and does not synergistically stimulate Hsc66 ATPase activity with Hsc20. Our results indicate that Hsc66 and Hsc20 recognize distinct regions of IscU and further suggest that Hsc66 will not bind LPPVK motifs with high affinity in vivo unless they are in the context of native IscU and can be directed to Hsc66 by Hsc20.  相似文献   

It is known that high-molecular-weight (HMW) membrane proteins mediate interactions with constituents of the extracellular matrix and/or with cytoskeletal elements. To study participation of HMW membrane proteins in odontoblast or ameloblast differentiation, an immunological approach has been adopted. Antibodies directed against membrane proteins (Mr, 110-190) from mouse embryos have been produced by the hybridoma technique. Supernatants of hybridoma cultures were screened for their ability to stain dental tissues and also tested for their biological activities on dental cells in primary culture or on developing tooth germs in organ culture. An IgM monoclonal antibody, MC16A16, directed against a 165-kDa antigen present in plasma membrane preparations, reacted strongly with the dental epithelium and weakly with the mesenchyme. MC16A16 also reacted with the cell surface of nonpermeabilized cultured dental cells and could detach epithelial cells cultured on glass, but not mesenchymal cells which maintained vinculin-containing focal contacts. This antibody, which affected the organization of dental-cell microfilaments in primary culture, also inhibited the polarization of odontoblasts, but not that of ameloblasts.  相似文献   

The immunoaffinity chromatography of total membrane proteins from Escherichia coli helped determine the specificity of the monoclonal antibody 3A6 that was obtained upon immunization of mice with nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase preparations and reacted with an unknown E. coli antigen. Proteins with apparent molecular masses of 150, 45, and 20 kDa were isolated and identified by N-terminal sequencing as the subunits of nitrate reductase. This conclusion was confirmed by immunoblotting with the 3A6 antibody of the proteins from the E. coli cells grown upon induction of nitrate reductase. It was shown that the 3A6 antibody specifically recognizes the alpha subunit of nitrate reductase, and the formation of the enzyme-antibody complex does not result in a loss of the enzyme catalytic activity.  相似文献   

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