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Human cytosolic leucyl-tRNA synthetase is one component of a macromolecular aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase complex. This is unlike prokaryotic and lower eukaryotic LeuRSs that exist as free soluble enzymes. There is little known about it, since the purified enzyme has been unavailable. Herein, human cytosolic leucyl-tRNA synthetase was heterologously expressed in a baculovirus system and purified to homogeneity. The molecular mass (135 kDa) of the enzyme is close to the theoretical value derived from its cDNA. The kinetic constants of the enzyme for ATP, leucine, and tRNA(Leu) in the ATP-PP(i) exchange and tRNA leucylation reactions were determined, and the results showed that it is quite active as a free enzyme. Human cytosolic leucyl-tRNA synthetase expressed in human 293 T cells localizes predominantly to the cytosol. Additionally, it is found to have a long C-terminal extension that is absent from bacterial and yeast LeuRSs. A C-terminal 89-amino acid truncated human cytosolic leucyl-tRNA synthetase was constructed and purified, and the catalytic activities, thermal stability, and subcellular location were found to be almost identical to native enzyme. In vivo and in vitro experiments, however, show that the C-terminal extension of human cytosolic leucyl-tRNA synthetase is indispensable for its interaction with the N-terminal of human cytosolic arginyl-tRNA synthetase in the macromolecular complex. Our results also indicate that the two molecules interact with each other only through their appended domains.  相似文献   

Leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LeuRS) performs dual essential roles in group I intron RNA splicing as well as protein synthesis within the yeast mitochondria. Deletions of the C terminus differentially impact the two functions of the enzyme in splicing and aminoacylation in vivo. Herein, we determined that a fiveamino acid C-terminal deletion of LeuRS, which does not complement a null strain, can form a ternary complex with the bI4 intron and its maturase splicing partner. However, the complex fails to stimulate splicing activity. The x-ray co-crystal structure of LeuRS showed that a C-terminal extension of about 60 amino acids forms a discrete domain, which is unique among the LeuRSs and interacts with the corner of the L-shaped tRNALeu. Interestingly, deletion of the entire yeast mitochondrial LeuRS C-terminal domain enhanced its aminoacylation and amino acid editing activities. In striking contrast, deletion of the corresponding C-terminal domain of Escherichia coli LeuRS abolished aminoacylation of tRNALeu and also amino acid editing of mischarged tRNA molecules. These results suggest that the role of the leucine-specific C-terminal domain in tRNA recognition for aminoacylation and amino acid editing has adapted differentially and with surprisingly opposite effects. We propose that the secondary role of yeast mitochondrial LeuRS in RNA splicing has impacted the functional evolution of this critical C-terminal domain.  相似文献   

In isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS), the "editing" domain contributes to accurate aminoacylation by hydrolyzing the mis-synthesized intermediate, valyl-adenylate, in the "pre-transfer" editing mode and the incorrect final product, valyl-tRNA(Ile), in the "post-transfer" editing mode. In the present study, we determined the crystal structures of the Thermus thermophilus IleRS editing domain complexed with the substrate analogues in the pre and post-transfer modes, both at 1.7 A resolution. The active site accommodates the two analogues differently, with the valine side-chain rotated by about 120 degrees and the adenosine moiety oriented upside down. The substrate-binding pocket adjusts to the adenosine-monophosphate and adenosine moieties in the pre and post-transfer modes, respectively, by flipping the Trp227 side-chain by about 180 degrees . The substrate recognition mechanisms of IleRS are characterized by the active-site rearrangement between the two editing modes, and therefore differ from those of the homologous valyl and leucyl-tRNA synthetases from T.thermophilus, in which the post-transfer mode is predominant. Both modes of editing activities were reduced by replacements of Trp227 with Ala, Val, Leu, and His, but not by those with Phe and Tyr, indicating that the aromatic ring of Trp227 is important for the substrate recognition. In both editing modes, Thr233 and His319 recognize the substrate valine side-chain, regardless of the valine side-chain rotation, and reject the isoleucine side-chain. The T233A and H319A mutants have detectable editing activities against the cognate isoleucine.  相似文献   

Ma JJ  Zhao MW  Wang ED 《Biochemistry》2006,45(49):14809-14816
Leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LeuRS) from Aquifex aeolicus is the only known heterodimer synthetase. It is named LeuRS alphabeta;, and its alpha and beta subunits contain 634 and 289 residues, respectively. Like Thermus thermophilus LeuRS, LeuRS alphabeta has a large extra domain, the leucine-specific domain, inserted into the catalytic domain. The subunit split site is exactly in the middle of the leucine-specific domain and may have a unique function. Here, a series of mutants of LeuRS alphabeta consisting of either mutated alpha subunits and wild-type beta subunits or wild-type alpha subunits and mutated beta subunits were constructed and purified. ATP-PPi exchange and aminoacylation activities and the ability of the mutants to charge minihelix(Leu) were assayed. Interaction of the mutants with the tRNA was assessed by gel shift. Two peptides of eight and nine amino acid residues in the domain located in the alpha subunit were found to be essential for the enzyme's activity. We also showed that the domain in LeuRS alphabeta plays an important role in minihelix(Leu) recognition. Additionally, the domain was found to have little impact on the assembly of the heterodimer, to play a role in the thermal stability of the whole enzyme, and to interact with the cognate tRNA in the predicted manner.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases ensure the fidelity of protein synthesis by accurately selecting and activating cognate amino acids for aminoacylation of the correct tRNA. Some tRNA synthetases have evolved an editing active site that is separate from the amino acid activation site providing two steps or "sieves" for amino acid selection. These two sieves rely on different strategies for amino acid recognition to significantly enhance the accuracy of aminoacylation. We have performed alanine scanning mutagenesis in a conserved threonine-rich region of the Escherichia coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase's CP1 domain that is hypothesized to contain a putative editing active site. Characterization of purified mutant proteins led to the identification of a single conserved threonine that prevents the cognate leucine amino acid from being hydrolyzed after aminoacylation of the tRNA. Mutation of this threonine to an alanine eliminates discrimination of the cognate amino acid in the editing active site. This provides a molecular example of an amino acid discrimination mechanism in the tRNA synthetase's editing active site.  相似文献   

The effect of polyamines on rat-liver isoelucyl-tRNA formation was studied using isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase purified by column chromatography successively on Sephadex G-200, DEAE-Sephadex A-25, and tRNA-Sepharose 4B. In the presence of 50 mMK+, isoleucyl-tRNA formation was inhibited markedly by 1.5 mM or higher concentrations of Mg2+. However, the addition of spermine to the reaction mixture prevented the inhibitory effect of Mg2+. In the presence of 200 mMK+, the addition of spermine to the reaction mixture stimulated isoleucyl-tRNA formation in the presence of Mg2+ concentrations from 0 to 5 mM. Although the effective concentration was different, spermidine exhibited a similar stimulative effect. The effective concentration of spermine required for stimulation was higher when larger amounts of tRNA were used. The stimulatory effect of isoleucyl-tRNA formation by polyamines was shown to reflect on polypeptide synthesis. When formaldehyde-treated poly(A,U) was used as messenger RNA, polypeptide synthesis from amino acids was stimulated by polyamines, but that from aminoacyl-tRNAs was not stimulated by polyamines.  相似文献   

Crepin T  Schmitt E  Blanquet S  Mechulam Y 《Biochemistry》2002,41(43):13003-13011
The minimal polypeptide supporting full methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MetRS) activity is composed of four domains: a catalytic Rossmann fold, a connective peptide, a KMSKS domain, and a C-terminal alpha helix bundle domain. The minimal MetRS behaves as a monomer. In several species, MetRS is a homodimer because of a C-terminal domain appended to the core polypeptide. Upon truncation of this C-terminal domain, subunits dissociate irreversibly. Here, the C-terminal domain of dimeric MetRS from Pyrococcus abyssi was isolated and studied. It displays nonspecific tRNA-binding properties and has a crystalline structure closely resembling that of Trbp111, a dimeric tRNA-binding protein found in many bacteria and archaea. The obtained 3D model was used to direct mutations against dimerization of Escherichia coli MetRS. Comparison of the resulting mutants to native and C-truncated MetRS shows that the presence of the appended C-domain improves tRNA(Met) binding affinity. However, dimer formation is required to evidence the gain in affinity.  相似文献   

A large insertion domain called CP1 (connective peptide 1) present in class Ia aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases is responsible for post-transfer editing. LeuRS (leucyl-tRNA synthetase) from Aquifex aeolicus and Giardia lamblia possess unique 20 and 59 amino acid insertions respectively within the CP1 that are crucial for editing activity. Crystal structures of AaLeuRS-CP1 [2.4 ? (1 ?=0.1 nm)], GlLeuRS-CP1 (2.6 ?) and the insertion deletion mutant AaLeuRS-CP1Δ20 (2.5 ?) were solved to understand the role of these insertions in editing. Both insertions are folded as peripheral motifs located on the opposite side of the proteins from the active-site entrance in the CP1 domain. Docking modelling and site-directed mutagenesis showed that the insertions do not interact with the substrates. Results of molecular dynamics simulations show that the intact CP1 is more dynamic than its mutant devoid of the insertion motif. Taken together, the data show that a peripheral insertion without a substrate-binding site or major structural role in the active site may modulate catalytic function of a protein, probably from protein dynamics regulation in two respective LeuRS CP1s. Further results from proline and glycine mutational analyses intended to reduce or increase protein flexibility are consistent with this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Anderson JC  Schultz PG 《Biochemistry》2003,42(32):9598-9608
Recently, it has been shown that an amber suppressor tRNA/aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase pair derived from the tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase of Methanococcus jannaschii can be used to genetically encode unnatural amino acids in response to the amber nonsense codon, TAG. However, we have been unable to modify this pair to decode either the opal nonsense codon, TGA, or the four-base codon, AGGA, limiting us to a 21 amino acid code. To overcome this limitation, we have adapted a leucyl-tRNA synthetase from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum and leucyl tRNA derived from Halobacterium sp. NRC-1 as an orthogonal tRNA-synthetase pair in Escherichia coli to decode amber (TAG), opal (TGA), and four-base (AGGA) codons. To improve the efficiency and selectivity of the suppressor tRNA, extensive mutagenesis was performed on the anticodon loop and acceptor stem. The two most significant criteria required for an efficient amber orthogonal suppressor tRNA are a CU(X)XXXAA anticodon loop and the lack of noncanonical or mismatched base pairs in the stem regions. These changes afford only weak suppression of TGA and AGGA. However, this information together with an analysis of sequence similarity of multiple native archaeal tRNA sequences led to efficient, orthogonal suppressors of opal codons and the four-base codon, AGGA. Ultimately, it should be possible to use these additional orthogonal pairs to genetically incorporate multiple unnatural amino acids into proteins.  相似文献   

O-Phosphoseryl-tRNA kinase (PSTK) is the key enzyme in recruiting selenocysteine (Sec) to the genetic code of archaea and eukaryotes. The enzyme phosphorylates Ser-tRNASec to produce O-phosphoseryl-tRNASec (Sep-tRNASec) that is then converted to Sec-tRNASec by Sep-tRNA:Sec-tRNA synthase. Earlier we reported the structure of the Methanocaldococcus jannaschii PSTK (MjPSTK) complexed with AMPPNP. This study presents the crystal structure (at 2.4-Å resolution) of MjPSTK complexed with an anticodon-stem/loop truncated tRNASec (Mj*tRNASec), a good enzyme substrate. Mj*tRNASec is bound between the enzyme’s C-terminal domain (CTD) and N-terminal kinase domain (NTD) that are connected by a flexible 11 amino acid linker. Upon Mj*tRNASec recognition the CTD undergoes a 62-Å movement to allow proper binding of the 7-bp D-stem. This large reorganization of the PSTK quaternary structure likely provides a means by which the unique tRNASec species can be accurately recognized with high affinity by the translation machinery. However, while the NTD recognizes the tRNA acceptor helix, shortened versions of MjPSTK (representing only 60% of the original size, in which the entire CTD, linker loop and an adjacent NTD helix are missing) are still active in vivo and in vitro, albeit with reduced activity compared to the full-length enzyme.  相似文献   

Leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LeuRS) has an insertion domain, called connective peptide 2 (CP2), either directly preceding or following the editing domain (CP1 domain), depending on the species. The global structures of the CP2 domains from all LeuRSs are similar. Although the CP1 domain has been extensively explored to be responsible for hydrolysis of mischarged tRNALeu, the role of the CP2 domain remains undefined. In the present work, deletion of the CP2 domain of Giardia lamblia LeuRS (GlLeuRS) showed that the CP2 domain is indispensable for amino acid activation and post-transfer editing and that it contributes to LeuRS-tRNALeu binding affinity. In addition, its functions are conserved in both eukaryotic/archaeal and prokaryotic LeuRSs from G. lamblia, Pyrococcus horikoshii (PhLeuRS), and Escherichia coli (EcLeuRS). Alanine scanning and site-directed mutagenesis assays of the CP2 domain identified several residues that are crucial for its various functions. Data from the chimeric mutants, which replaced the CP2 domain of GlLeuRS with either PhLeuRS or EcLeuRS, showed that the CP2 domain of PhLeuRS but not that of EcLeuRS can partially restore amino acid activation and post-transfer editing functions, suggesting that the functions of the CP2 domain are dependent on its location in the primary sequence of LeuRS.  相似文献   

An isoleucine auxotroph of Salmonella typhimurium was derived from a merodiploid strain (containing the F-14 episome from Escherichia coli) that contained two copies of the structural genes concerned with isoleucine and valine biosynthesis. A haploid derivative, strain TU6001, having the same growth properties as the original merodiploid mutant was found to have normal biosynthetic enzymes and an altered isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase. The K m for isoleucine was increased by about 200-fold over that for the wild-type enzyme. All five enzymes in the isoleucine and valine biosynthetic pathway were derepressed relative to wild-type enzyme levels. A partial revertant of strain TU6001 was isolated which had properties that were intermediate between those of the mutant and the wild type (i.e., intermediate growth dependence on exogenous isoleucine, intermediate activity of isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase, and intermediate derepression of biosynthetic enzymes). The properties of strain TU6001 were demonstrated to be simultaneously transferable by transduction (using PLT22 H4 bacteriophage) of a single genetic locus, linked to pyr A, which has been designated ilv S. It is concluded that some function of the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase is important in repression of the isoleucine and valine biosynthetic enzymes.Supported by grant GM 12522 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, U.S. Public Health Service. J. M. B. received a U.S. Public Health Service Postdoctoral Fellowship 1-F02-GM-30, 650-02.  相似文献   

A highly conserved threonine residue marks the amino acid binding pocket within the editing active site of leucyl-tRNA synthetases (LeuRSs). It is essential to substrate specificity for the Escherichia coli enzyme in that it blocks the cognate leucine amino acid from binding in the hydrolytic editing active site. We combined mutagenesis and computational approaches to elucidate the molecular role of the critical side chain of this threonine residue. Removal of the terminal methyl group of the threonine side chain by replacement with serine yielded a mutant LeuRS that hydrolyzes Leu-tRNA(Leu). Substitution of valine for the conserved threonine conferred similar activities to the wild-type enzyme. However, an additional substitution within the editing active site suggested synergistic interactions with the conserved threonine site that significantly affected amino acid editing. On the basis of our combined biochemical and computational data, we propose that the threonine 252 side chain not only sterically hinders the cognate charged leucine from binding for hydrolysis but also plays a critical role in maintaining an active site geometry that is required for the fidelity of LeuRS.  相似文献   

A unique C-terminal domain extension is required by most leucyl-tRNA synthetases (LeuRS) for aminoacylation. In one exception, the enzymatic activity of yeast mitochondrial LeuRS is actually impeded by its own C-terminal domain. It was proposed that the yeast mitochondrial LeuRS has compromised its aminoacylation activity to some extent and adapted its C terminus for a second role in RNA splicing, which is also essential. X-ray crystal structures of the LeuRS-tRNA complex show that the 60 residue C-terminal domain is tethered to the main body of the enzyme via a flexible peptide linker and allows interactions with the tRNALeu elbow. We hypothesized that this short peptide linker would facilitate rigid body movement of the C-terminal domain as LeuRS transitions between an aminoacylation and editing complex or, in the case of yeast mitochondrial LeuRS, an RNA splicing complex. The roles of the C-terminal linker peptide for Escherichia coli and yeast mitochondrial LeuRS were investigated via deletion mutagenesis as well as by introducing chimeric swaps. Deletions within the C-terminal linker of E. coli LeuRS determined that its length, rather than its sequence, was critical to aminoacylation and editing activities. Although deletions in the yeast mitochondrial LeuRS peptide linker destabilized the protein in general, more stable chimeric enzymes that contained an E. coli LeuRS C-terminal domain showed that shortening its tether stimulated aminoacylation activity. This suggested that limiting C-terminal domain accessibility to tRNALeu facilitates its role in protein synthesis and may be a unique adaptation of yeast mitochondrial LeuRS that accommodates its second function in RNA splicing.  相似文献   

On the role of isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase in multivalent repression   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

The editing domains of the closely homologous leucyl, isoleucyl, and valyl-tRNA synthetases (LeuRS, IleRS, and ValRS, respectively) contribute to accurate aminoacylation, by hydrolyzing misformed non-cognate aminoacyl-tRNAs. The editing domain is inserted at the same point of the sequence in IleRS, ValRS, and the archaeal/eukaryal LeuRS, but at a distinct point in the bacterial LeuRS. Here, we showed that LeuRS from the archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii has editing activity against the nearly cognate isoleucine. The conserved Asp332 in the editing domain is crucial for this activity. A deletion mutant lacking the C-terminal region has only negligible aminoacylation activity, but retains the full activity of adenylate synthesis and editing. We determined the crystal structure of this editing-active, truncated form of P.horikoshii LeuRS at 2.1 A resolution. The structure revealed that it has a novel editing domain orientation. The editing domain of P.horikoshii LeuRS is rotated by approximately 180 degrees (rotational state II), with the two-beta-stranded linker untwisted by a half-turn, as compared to those in IleRS and ValRS (rotational state I). This editing domain rotational state in the archaeal LeuRS is similar to that in the bacterial LeuRS. However, because of the insertion point difference, the orientation of the editing domain relative to the enzyme core in the archaeal LeuRS differs completely from that in the bacterial LeuRS. An insertion region specific to the archaeal/eukaryal LeuRS editing domains interacts with the enzyme core and stabilizes the unique orientation. Thus, we established that there are three types of editing domain orientations relative to the enzyme core, depending on the combination of the editing domain insertion point (i or ii) and the rotational state (I or II): [i, I] for IleRS and ValRS, [ii, II] for the bacterial LeuRS, and now [i, II] for the archaeal/eukaryal LeuRS.  相似文献   

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