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The non-protein sulfhydryl (NPSH) content of cells moving into S from G1, plateau phase G1, and G0 was measured. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells accumulated in G1 by growth into plateau phase contain only one-fourth the NPSH concentration of cycling C1 cells or G1 cells accumulated by brief growth in isoleucine-deficient medium. Upon dilution of plateau cultures with fresh medium, cellular NPSH content increases rapidly, reaching the same level as that in cycling cells within four hours. This increase is prevented by cycloheximide but not by actinomycin D or hydroxyurea. Neither CHO cells cycling in vitro nor salivary gland G0 cells stimulated with isoproterenol in vivo show significant changes in intracellular NPSH concentrations during S phase. This suggests that the concentration of intracellular NPSH (glutathione) remains constant during the cell cycle except when cells are grown to plateau phase in exhausted or deficient medium, in which case normal degradation exceeds synthesis and the gross level falls until fresh medium is provided and synthesis, apparently on preexisting RNA templates, accelerates.  相似文献   

It has been known for several years that DNA replication and histone synthesis occur concomitantly in cultured mammalian cells. Normally all five classes of histones are synthesized coordinately. However, mouse myeloma cells, synchronized by starvation for isoleucine, synthesize increased amounts of histone H1 relative to the four nucleosomal core histones. This unscheduled synthesis of histone H1 is reduced within 1 h after refeeding isoleucine, and is not a normal component of G1. The synthesis of H1 increases coordinately again with other histones during the S phase. The DNA synthesis inhibitors, cytosine arabinoside and hydroxyurea, block all histone synthesis in S-phase cells. The levels of histone H1 mRNA, relative to the other histone mRNAs, is increased in isoeleucine-starved cells and decreases rapidly after refeeding isoleucine. The increased incorporation of histone H1 is at least partially due to the low isoleucine content of histone H1. Starvation of cells for lysine resulted in a decrease in H1 synthesis relative to core histones. Again the ratio was altered on refeeding the amino acid. 3T3 cells starved for serum also incorporated only H1 histones into chromatin. The ratio of different H1 proteins also changed. The synthesis of the H10 protein was predominant in G0 cells, and reduced in S-phase cells. These data indicate the metabolism of H1 is independent of the other histones when cell growth is arrested.  相似文献   

Mouse lymphoma L1210 cells (NCI line) that have low ability to take up cystine became deficient in cellular cysteine and glutathione in normal culture media. The cells entered the resting state during culture when they were seeded at high cell densities. They remained viable and were mostly present in the G1 or G0 phase. In the growth-arrested state, the cellular glutathione content was one order of magnitude lower than in the exponentially growing phase in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol. In the arrested state, DNA synthesis was almost inhibited, and RNA and protein synthesis decreased markedly. Transfer of the cells to medium containing 2-mercaptoethanol, which improves the utilization of cystine by these cells, produced the rapid recovery of RNA and protein synthesis. DNA synthesis slowly increased, reaching a maximum after a lag period.  相似文献   

Previous examination of dividing cells in the isthmus of the mouse pyloric antrum by using semithin (0.5-micron-thick) Epon sections revealed that the prophasic condensation of chromosomes began early in the DNA-synthesizing (S) stage. In order to examine whether the same observation could be made in other proliferating cell types, the crypt base columnar cells in mouse duodenum and the hepatocytes of the rat 48 hr after partial hepatectomy were investigated by morphologic and radioautographic techniques. When crypt base columnar cells were studied in semithin Epon sections, the four phases of mitosis showed the characteristic features described by classical cytologists. Moreover, the proportion of cells in prophase and telophase was high. To relate the mitotic phases to the stages of the cell cycle, the "frequency of labeled mitoses method" provided the duration of the cell cycle, 12.3 hr, and of the S stage, 7.3 hr. From the frequency of the occurrence of mitotic phases, it was estimated that metaphase lasted 0.3 hr and anaphase 0.11 hr, in line with previous estimates. However, the durations of prophase and telophase were long, 5.9 and 1.9 hr, respectively. The whole mitotic process took over 8 hr. From the duration of prophase and cycle stages, it was calculated that 67% of the S stage was occupied by prophasic cells. In fair agreement with this estimate, 68% of the labeled cells 10 min after a 3H-thymidine injection were found to be in prophase. In regenerating hepatocytes, the morphological features and frequency of prophase and telophase cells were similar to those observed in duodenal crypt cells. While the cycle time was not measured and, therefore, the duration of cycle stages and mitotic phases could not be estimated, it is likely that their duration would be of the same order of magnitude. In conclusion, the mitotic process in duodenal crypt cells takes over 8 hr. Moreover, the crypt cells, like antral isthmal cells, show features of early prophase soon after they enter the S stage of the cycle.  相似文献   

The centrosome usually replicates in a semiconservative fashion, i.e., new centrioles form in association with preexisting "maternal" centrioles. De novo formation of centrioles has been reported for a few highly specialized cell types but it has not been seen in vertebrate somatic cells. We find that when centrosomes are completely destroyed by laser microsurgery in CHO cells arrested in S phase by hydroxyurea, new centrosomes form by de novo assembly. Formation of new centrosomes occurs in two steps: approximately 5-8 h after ablation, clouds of pericentriolar material (PCM) containing gamma-tubulin and pericentrin appear in the cell. By 24 h, centrioles have formed inside of already well-developed PCM clouds. This de novo pathway leads to the formation of a random number of centrioles (2-14 per cell). Although clouds of PCM consistently form even when microtubules are completely disassembled by nocodazole, the centrioles are not assembled under these conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of restrictive temperature on ubiquitin conjugation activity has been studied in cells of ts20, a temperature-sensitive cell cycle mutant of the Chinese hamster cell line E36. Ts20 is arrested in early G2 phase at nonpermissive temperature. Immunoblotting with antibodies to ubiquitin conjugates shows that conjugates disappear rapidly at restrictive temperatures in ts20 mutant but not in wild type E36 cells. The incorporation of 125I-ubiquitin into permeabilized ts20 cells is temperature-sensitive. Addition of extracts of another G2 phase mutant, FM3A ts85, with a temperature-sensitive ubiquitin activation enzyme (E1), to permeabilized ts20 cells at restrictive temperatures fails to complement their ubiquitin ligation activity. This indicates that the lesions in the two mutants are similar. Purified E1 from reticulocytes restores the conjugation activity of heat-inactivated permeabilized ts20 cells. Ubiquitin conjugation activity of cell-free extracts of ts20 cells was temperature-sensitive and could be restored by adding purified reticulocyte E1. Purified reticulocyte E2 or E3, on the other hand, did not restore the ubiquitin conjugation activity of heat-treated ts20 extracts. These results are consistent with the conclusion that ts20 has temperature-sensitive ubiquitin-activating enzyme (E1). The fact that two E1 mutants (ts20 and ts85) derived from different cell lines are arrested at the S/G2 boundary at restrictive temperatures strongly indicates that ubiquitin ligation is necessary for passage through this part of the cell cycle. The temperature thresholds of heat shock protein synthesis of ts20 and wild type E36 cells were identical. The implications of these findings with respect to a suggested role of ubiquitin in coupling between protein denaturation and the heat shock response are discussed.  相似文献   

In medium supplemented with defibrinogenated, platelet-poor human plasma and a low molecular weight growth factor derived from human platelets (PDGF), Swiss 3T3 cells proliferate exponentially with the same cell cycle kinetics as cells cultured in medium supplemented with commercial calf serum. Removal of PDGF from the culture medium arrests proliferating cells in a stable, reversible G0/G1 quiescent state. This arrested state is similar to the known quiescent state induced by deprivation of calf serum in cell exit kinetics and cytoplasmic proteins synthesized. Cells are sensitive to PDGF deprivation only at the beginning of G1. Reduction of the plasma concentration in the culture medium also arrests cells in G1. The resulting arrested population is unstable and exhibits progressive cell death. Reduced levels of plasma block cellular transit through the cell cycle at a median time of approx. 2.1 h following mitosis, approx. 3.3 h prior to S phase initiation. In addition to being required by cycling cells, plasma associated factors are required to maintain G1 cells blocked by PDGF deprivation in a stable quiescent state. Establishment of a stable, viable G0/G1 growth-arrested state, therefore, apparently involves two distinct processes: arrest of cellular proliferation in G1 and stabilization of the arrested cells in a viable quiescent state. Together with previously reported findings on serum and isoleucine starvation, these results provide a temporal map of growth control points in the G1 phase.  相似文献   

Mourelatou M  Doonan JH  McCann MC 《Planta》2004,220(1):172-176
We have used the Zinnia elegans mesophyll cell system, in which single isolated leaf mesophyll cells can be induced to trans-differentiate into tracheary elements in vitro, to study the relationship between the cell division cycle and cell differentiation. Almost all cells go through several rounds of division before characteristic features of tracheary element formation are observed. The addition of aphidicolin, a DNA synthesis inhibitor, blocks cell division but not cell differentiation in the zinnia system. Low concentrations of aphidicolin, which possibly delay cells in the early S phase, can significantly enhance levels of tracheary element formation. In contrast, roscovitine, an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase activity, decelerates the cell division cycle and inhibits tracheary element formation with similar dose responses. Cells blocked in S phase and then transferred to roscovitine-containing medium can divide once, indicating that roscovitine may target the G1/S transition, but do not differentiate. Cells inhibited in G1/S in roscovitine-containing medium that are subsequently blocked in S phase by transfer to aphidicolin-containing medium, do not divide but do differentiate. Taken together, our results indicate that cells may be required to transit the G1/S checkpoint and enter early S phase to acquire competence to trans-differentiate to tracheary elements.  相似文献   

Resting cells and the G1 phase of the cell cycle   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Intracellular free calcium ([Ca2+]i) has been proposed to play an important part in the regulation of the cell cycle. Although a number of studies have shown that stimulation of quiescent cells with growth factors causes an immediate rise in [Ca2+]i (Rabinovitch et al., 1986; Vincentini and Villereal, 1986; Hesketh et al., 1988; Tucker et al., 1989, Wahl et al., 1990), a causal relationship between the [Ca2+]i transient and the ability of the cells to reenter the cell cycle has not been firmly established. We have found that blocking the mitogen-induced elevation of [Ca2+]i with the cytoplasmic [Ca2+]i buffer dimethyl BAPTA (dmBAPTA) also blocks subsequent entry of cells into S phase. The dose response curves for inhibition of serum stimulation of [Ca2+]i and DNA synthesis by dmBAPTA are virtually identical including an anomalous stimulation observed at low levels of dmBAPTA. Reversal of the [Ca2+]i buffering effect of dmBAPTA by transient exposure of the cells to the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin also reverses the inhibition of DNA synthesis 20-24 h later. Ionomycin by itself does not stimulate DNA synthesis. These data are consistent with the conclusion that a transient increase in [Ca2+]i occurring shortly after serum stimulation of quiescent fibroblasts is necessary but not sufficient for subsequent entry of the cells into S phase. This study is the first to show a direct relationship between early serum stimulated Cai2+ increase and subsequent DNA synthesis in human cells. It also goes beyond recent studies on BALB/3T3 cells by providing dose response data and demonstrating reversibility, which are strong indications of a cause and effect relationship.  相似文献   

Lavoie J  Drouin R 《Chromosoma》2001,110(7):501-510
Early and late S-phase of the cell cycle are separated by the R-band/G-band (R/G) transition. This corresponds to the time at which R-band synthesis has been completed while G-band synthesis has yet to begin. The aim of this work was to study cell cycle kinetics during S-phase using different blocking agents: mimosine, methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil, 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine and an excess of thymidine. The stage at which these blocking agents arrest the cell cycle and their efficiency at blocking Epstein-Barr virus transformed lymphoblasts at the R/G transition were evaluated using flow cytometric techniques. Mimosine blocked 90% of the cells near the G1/S-phase boundary. Methotrexate, 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine and 5-fluorouracil, and particularly thymidine, let a significant proportion of cells enter S-phase. The cells were released from the arrest state and their progression through early S-phase was monitored by flow cytometry. Before the cells reached the R/G transition, a second agent was added to inhibit cell cycle progression. For example, the use of mimosine followed by thymidine allowed up to 60% of the cells to be blocked at the R/G transition. The arrest of DNA replication at the R/G transition was confirmed by a marked decrease of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdUrd) incorporation, revealed by using bivariate flow cytometric analysis. The blocking agent was then removed and the cell cohort was released in the presence of BrdUrd so that replication banding analysis could be performed on the harvested mitotic cells. This yielded a mitotic index of approximately 10% and chromosomes showing replication bands. Flow cytometric analysis combined with cytogenetic banding analysis suggested that the R/G transition is an arrest point within the S-phase of the cell cycle and allowed us to conclude that only cells that have already initiated S-phase are blocked at this point. It corresponds to a susceptible site where S-phase can be arrested easily. The R/G transition could also be a regulatory checkpoint within S-phase, a checkpoint that could respond to imbalance in deoxyribonucleotide pools.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1 (IL-1) inhibits the growth of A375S2 human melanoma cells by arresting them at G(1) and G(2) phases of the cell cycle. The arrests are preceded by a rapid decrease in kinase activities of cyclin E-Cdk2 and cyclin B1-Cdc2, which are critical for G(1)-S and G(2)-M progression, respectively. IL-1 quickly enhances the protein expression of the CDK inhibitor p21(cip1). The induced p21 binds preferentially to cyclin E-Cdk2, and the increase in p21 binding parallels the decrease in cyclin E-Cdk2 activity. Thus, p21 is likely to be responsible for the inhibition of cyclin E-Cdk2 activity and G(1) arrest. Coinciding with the decrease in cyclin B1-Cdc2 activity, there is an increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of Cdc2, suggesting that an increase in the inactive Tyr-15-phosphorylated form of Cdc2 is involved in the decrease in cyclin B1-Cdc2 activity and G(2) arrest. Furthermore, we found that IL-1 causes rapid dephosphorylation of p107, but not of pRb or p130, while the total protein levels of p130 are increased. Thus, IL-1 may exert its growth-arresting effects via p107 and p130 pathways rather than through pRb.  相似文献   

p45SKP2 promotes p27Kip1 degradation and induces S phase in quiescent cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The F-box protein p45SKP2 is the substrate-targeting subunit of the ubiquitin-protein ligase SCFSKP2 and is frequently overexpressed in transformed cells. Here we report that expression of p45SKP2 in untransformed fibroblasts activates DNA synthesis in cells that would otherwise growth-arrest. Expression of p45SKP2 in quiescent fibroblasts promotes p27Kip1 degradation, allows the generation of cyclin-A-dependent kinase activity and induces S phase. Coexpression of a degradation-resistant p27Kip1 mutant suppresses p45SKP2-induced cyclin-A-kinase activation and S-phase entry. We propose that p45SKP2 is important in the progression from quiescence to S phase and that the ability of p45SKP2 to promote p27Kip1 degradation is a key aspect of its S-phase-inducing function. In transformed cells, p45SKP2 may contribute to deregulated initiation of DNA replication by interfering with p27Kip1 function.  相似文献   

Programmed capillary regression occurs during normal development of the eye and serves as a useful model for assessing the forces that drive vascular involution. Using a combination of S-phase labeling and liposome-mediated macrophage elimination, we show that during regression, macrophages induce apoptosis of both pericytes and endothelial cells in a cell cycle stage-dependent manner. Target cells are signaled to die by macrophages approximately 15 hours after S-phase labeling and this corresponds to a point in mid-G1 phase of the cell cycle. The tight correlation between the restriction point of the cell cycle and the point where the macrophage death signal is received suggests that the mitogen, matrix and cytoskeletal signals essential for cell-cycle progression may be inhibited by macrophages as a means of inducing cell death. Furthermore, these experiments show that cells from two distinct lineages are induced to die as a consequence of macrophage action, and this provides evidence that macrophage-induced cell death may be a general phenomenon during development and homeostasis.  相似文献   

In animal systems, indomethacin inhibits cAMP production via a prostaglandin-adenylyl cyclase pathway. To examine the possibility that a similar mechanism occurs in plants, the effect of indomethacin on the cell cycle of a tobacco bright yellow 2 (TBY-2) cell suspension was studied. Application of indomethacin during mitosis did not interfere with the M/G1 progression in synchronized BY-2 cells but it inhibited cAMP production at the beginning of the G1 phase and arrested the cell cycle progression at G1/S. These observations are discussed in relation to the putative involvement of cAMP biosynthesis in the cell cycle progression in TBY-2 cells.  相似文献   

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