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发酵性丝孢酵母HWZ004利用水稻秸秆水解液发酵产油脂   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为高效利用水稻秸秆中的纤维素和半纤维素产油脂,采用稀酸预处理和酶水解两步法对水稻秸秆进行水解,然后以水解液为碳源,培养发酵性丝孢酵母Trichosporon fermentans HWZ004产微生物油脂。结果表明,经简单overliming法脱毒后水稻秸秆水解液中乙酸、糠醛和5-羟甲基糠醛的浓度分别为0.4 g/L、0.1 g/L和0.05 g/L。只需添加少量氮源和微量CuSO4?5H2O,该水解液即可满足T. fermentans HWZ004发酵产油脂的要求。发酵最适接种量、初始pH和温度分别是5.0%、7.0和25 ℃。T. fermentans HWZ004在优化条件下培养7 d的生物量、油脂含量和油脂产量分别是26.4 g/L,52.2%和13.8 g/L;油脂得率系数为17.0,大大高于驯化前菌株T. fermentans CICC 1368在脱毒水稻秸秆半纤维素水解液中的对应值 (11.9)。所产油脂的脂肪酸组成与植物油相似,不饱和脂肪酸含量达70%以上,宜作为生物柴油的生产原料。  相似文献   

斯达氏油脂酵母利用混合糖发酵产油脂   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
研究了斯达氏油脂酵母Lipomyces starkeyi2#利用葡萄糖-木糖混合糖为碳源生长和油脂积累特性。L.star-keyi2#利用70 g/L葡萄糖和70 g/L木糖作为碳源在30℃下摇瓶发酵96 h,糖利用率均达90%以上,菌体生物量分别为14.1 g/L和13.1 g/L,油脂质量分数分别为55.7%和52.6%。相同条件下该菌株利用混合糖(葡萄糖46 g/L,木糖24 g/L)为碳源时总糖利用率、生物量和油脂质量分数分别为75.1%,15.0 g/L和40.0%。借助于P lackett-Burm an设计法和单因子实验法对培养条件进行了优化,结果表明发酵96 h混合糖利用率可达到97.3%,发酵120 h后混合糖利用率、生物量和菌体油脂质量分数分别达99.5%、19.0 g/L和52.6%。生物量得率和油脂得率分别达到27%和14%。  相似文献   

粘红酵母在味精废水中发酵生产油脂   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对粘红酵母菌株进行驯化得到一株优良菌株Rh8,利用其在味精废水中发酵以去除废水中的化学需氧量(COD)并生产油脂;考察废水pH以及添加葡萄糖母液、营养因子等对菌株Rh8在味精废水中生长、产油和COD去除效果的影响,发现将废水稀释4倍、调节pH至5.5时,菌株可以较好地生长;而添加废葡萄糖母液、酵母粉、KH2PO4、MgSO4、MnSO4均能够促进菌体的生长、产油和废水中的COD去除,在250 mL摇瓶中,生物量最高可达15.6 g/L,干菌体中油脂质量分数达到29.61%,COD去除率达到45.1%。  相似文献   

圆红冬孢酵母两阶段培养法生产微生物油脂   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
为缩短发酵时间,减少原料消耗,采用细胞增殖和油脂积累分离的两阶段模式,培养圆红冬孢酵母Rhodosporidium toruloides AS 2.1389生产微生物油脂。结果表明,细胞增殖阶段获得的R.toruloides AS 2.1389细胞,重悬接种在葡萄糖溶液中,可快速积累油脂,菌体油脂含量超过自身干重的55%。增殖阶段细胞的菌龄越高,产油能力越强。油脂积累阶段使用高浓度葡萄糖溶液或未灭菌的葡萄糖溶液,油脂合成可以有效进行。油脂中脂肪酸成分以含16和18个碳原子的长链脂肪酸为主,可作为制备生物柴油的新型原料。  相似文献   

The new amylolytic oleaginous red yeast, Sporidiobolus pararoseus KX709872, produced both α-amylase (540?±?0.09?mU/mL) and amyloglucosidase (23?±?0.00?mU/mL) and showed good ability to directly convert rice residue from canteen waste to biomass and lipids. Effects of medium composition and cultivation conditions on growth and lipid accumulation for strain KX709872 were investigated under shaking flask and upscaling levels. At C?:?N ratio of 25?:?1, pH 5.45, 22.36°C, and 199.40?rpm for 7 days, volumetric production of biomass and lipids, lipid content, and lipid productivity reached 17.69?±?0.44, 8.35?±?0.19?g/L, 49.48?±?0.41% (w/w), and 1.67?±?0.11?g/L/day, respectively. Production of lipids was also implemented in 5.0-L stirred tank bioreactor with 2.5?L of optimized medium at 300?rpm and 3.0 vvm for 5 days. Volumetric production of biomass and lipids, lipid content, and lipid productivity were 16.33?±?0.49, 8.75?±?0.13?g/L, 56.61?±?0.04% (w/w), and 2.19?±?0.03?g/L/day, respectively. Meanwhile, the fatty acids of lipids from strain KX709872 had high oleic acid content (60?62%) which was similar to those of vegetable oils, indicating that these lipids are promising as an alternative biodiesel feedstock. Moreover, the biodiesel derived from lipids of strain KX709872 had properties satisfying the criteria of ASTM D6751 and EN 14214 standards.  相似文献   

Starch syrup for ethanol fermentation is conventionally produced by acid or enzymatic hydrolysis. Recently, however, promising results have been obtained using HTST-extrusion cooking in starch liquefaction. The starchy material was pregelatinized and preliquefied in a Creusot-Loire BC45 twin-screw HTST-extrusion cooker before simultaneous saccharification by amyloglucosidase and fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Zymomonas mobilis. With pretreatment of milled whole grain or starch by HTST-extrusion cooking a significantly shorter fermentation time could be achieved. Maximum ethanol yield was obtained in 45 h using conventional yeast and amyloglucosidase (1,4-α-d-glucan glucohydrolase, EC dosage, even without addition of Termamyl α-amylase (1,4-α-d-glucan glucanohydrolase, EC during thermomechanical liquefaction. Immobilized yeast could also be used to produce ethanol both by a batch or continuous process. In this case, for a continuous process the DE-value of the syrup should be sufficiently high. A model for ethanol production as a function of dry matter, fermentation time, and yeast and Termamyl quantities has been developed.  相似文献   

剩余污泥热碱解及其用于微生物油脂生产的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了将剩余污泥中的蛋白质成分进行资源化利用,采用热碱解法进行处理,并尝试将处理后得到的上清液作为氮源培养圆红冬孢酵母用于微生物油脂的合成。结果表明,pH 13下处理5 h的条件对于污泥减量以及含氮物质析出最为有效,而污泥在pH 10处理5 h时得到的上清液则相对更适于酵母培养。在剩余污泥中添加NaOH调节初始pH为10,在60 ℃下处理5 h后中和体系pH值至7,得到的上清液经微孔膜过滤后用于配制限氮培养基可以使菌体生长良好,并且细胞内油脂含量达35%。  相似文献   

清洁可再生能源生物柴油的开发利用是对当今能源短缺环境下化石燃料替代物的有益探索.微生物油脂作为一种可能实现生物柴油廉价、高效生产的原料引起了广泛的关注,但由于封闭式培养模式操作复杂、成本高制约了其大规模应用.美极梅奇酵母Metschnikowia pulcherrmia是一种新型产油酵母,具有适应性强、底物利用范围广、...  相似文献   

The last years there has been a significant rise in the number of publications in the international literature that deal with the production of lipids by microbial sources (the ‘single cell oils; SCOs’ that are produced by the so‐called ‘oleaginous’ micro‐organisms). In the first part of the present review article, a general overview of the oleaginous micro‐organisms (mostly yeasts, algae and fungi) and their potential upon the production of SCOs is presented. Thereafter, physiological and kinetic events related with the production of, mostly, yeast and fungal lipids when sugars and related substrates like polysaccharides, glycerol, etc. (the de novo lipid accumulation process) or hydrophobic substrates like oils and fats (the ex novo lipid accumulation process) were employed as microbial carbon sources, are presented and critically discussed. Considerations related with the degradation of storage lipid that had been previously accumulated inside the cells, are also presented. The interplay of the synthesis of yeast and fungal lipids with other intracellular (i.e. endopolysaccharides) or extracellular (i.e. citric acid) secondary metabolites synthesized is also presented. Finally, aspects related with the lipid extraction and lipidome analysis of the oleaginous micro‐organisms are presented and critically discussed.  相似文献   

Biomass acid hydrolysate of oleaginous yeast Trichosporon cutaneum after microbial oil extraction was applied as substrate for bacterial cellulose (BC) production by Komagataeibacter xylinus (also named as Gluconacetobacter xylinus previously) for the first time. BC was synthesized in static culture for 10 days, and the maximum BC yield (2.9?g/L) was got at the 4th day of fermentation. Most carbon sources in the substrate (glucose, mannose, formic acid, acetic acid) can be utilized by K. xylinus. The highest chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal (40.7?±?3.0%) was obtained at the 6th day of fermentation, and then the COD increased possibly due to the degradation of BC. The highest BC yield on COD consumption was 38.7?±?4.0% (w/w), suggesting that this is one efficient bioconversion for BC production. The BC structure was affected little by the substrate by comparison with that generated in classical HS medium using field-emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), Fourier transform infrared, and X-ray diffraction. Overall, this technology can both solve the issue of waste oleaginous yeast biomass and produce valuable biopolymer (BC).  相似文献   

The production of biofuel using thermostable bacterial lipase from hot spring bacteria out of low-cost agricultural residue olive oil cake is reported in the present paper. Using a lipase enzyme from Bacillus licheniformis, a 66.5% yield of methyl esters was obtained. Optimum parameters were determined, with maximum production of lipase at a pH of 8.2, temperature 50.8°C, moisture content of 55.7%, and biosurfactant content of 1.693?mg. The contour plots and 3D surface responses depict the significant interaction of pH and moisture content with biosurfactant during lipase production. Chromatographic analysis of the lipase transesterification product was methyl esters, from kitchen waste oil under optimized conditions, generated methyl palmitate, methyl stearate, methyl oleate, and methyl linoleate.  相似文献   

The main carbon source used for growth by four yeast strains (Yarrowia lipolytica CCMA 0357, Y. lipolytica CCMA 0242, Wickerhamomyces anomalus CCMA 0358, and Cryptococcus humicola CCMA 0346) and their lipid production were evaluated, using different concentrations of crude and pure glycerol and glucose. Whereas crude glycerol (100?g/L) was the main carbon source used by Y. lipolytica CCMA 0357 (nearly 15?g/L consumed at 120?hr) and W. anomalus CCMA 0358 (nearly 45.10?g/L consumed at 48?hr), pure glycerol (150?g/L) was the main one used by C. humicola CCMA 0346 (nearly 130?g/L consumed). On the other hand, Y. lipolytica CCMA 0242 used glucose (100?g/L) as its main source of carbon (nearly 96.48?g/L consumed). Y. lipolytica CCMA 0357 demonstrated the highest lipid production [about 70% (wt/wt)], forming palmitic (45.73% of fatty acid composition), stearic (16.43%), palmitoleic (13.29%), linolenic (10.77%), heptadecanoic (4.07%), and linoleic (14.14%) acids. Linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid, was produced by all four yeast strains but in varying degrees, representing 70.42% of the fatty acid profile of lipids produced by C. humicola CCMA 0346.  相似文献   

Optimization of enzyme production from Aspergillus niger ATCC 6275 under both submerged and solid-substrate cultivation was investigated. Results from submerged cultivation using palm oil mill effluent revealed that pretreatment of ground palm cake did not improve enzyme production. Addition of 0.60g NH4NO3/l generated maximum activity of xylanase and cellulase (CMCase). The optimum aeration rate was 1.2 v/v min. Under solid-substrate cultivation, the results indicated that heating and alkali treatment of the ground palm cake gave no further improvement in enzyme production. The optimal N-source was 2% urea. Optimal initial moisture contents for xylanase and CMCase activities were 60% and 50% respectively, with temperature optima of 30°C and 35°C, respectively. The optimal inoculum size was 1× 108 spores/g palm cake with an initial pH of 4.5–5.0. The maximum activities of xylanase (282.9U/g) and CMCase (23.8U/g) were obtained under the optimum conditions. Solid-substrate cultivation was a better method for the production of enzyme, particularly xylanase, from A. niger ATCC 6275. The application of these enzymes to decanter effluent showed the separation of oil and grease and suspended solids from the effluent. This is comparable to the result achieved from using the commercial xylase preparation Meicelase and superior to the effect of Sumyzyme.  相似文献   

Acidified glycerol pretreatment is very effective to deconstruct lignocellulosics for producing glucose. Co‐utilization of pretreated biomass and residual glycerol to bioproducts could reduce the costs associated with biomass wash and solvent recovery. In this study, a novel strain Rhodosporidium toruloides RP 15, isolated from sugarcane bagasse, was selected and tested for coconversion of pretreated biomass and residual glycerol to microbial oils. In the screening trails, Rh. toruloides RP 15 demonstrated the highest oil production capacity on glucose, xylose, and glycerol among the 10 strains. At the optimal C:N molar ratio of 140:1, this strain accumulated 56.7, 38.3, and 54.7% microbial oils based on dry cell biomass with 30 g/L glucose, xylose, and glycerol, respectively. Furthermore, sugarcane bagasse medium containing 32.6 g/L glucose from glycerol‐pretreated bagasse and 23.4 g/L glycerol from pretreatment hydrolysate were used to produce microbial oils by Rh. toruloides RP 15. Under the preliminary conditions without pH control, this strain produced 7.7 g/L oil with an oil content of 59.8%, which was comparable or better than those achieved with a synthetic medium. In addition, this strain also produced 3.5 mg/L carotenoid as a by‐product. It is expected that microbial oil production can be significantly improved through process optimization.  相似文献   

Current study was focused on the development of a non-fastidious lactic acid producing strain having better growth rate, low pH tolerance and good productivity by genome shuffling of a mutant strain of Lactobacillus delbrueckii NCIM 2025 and an amylase producing non-fastidious Bacillus amyloliquefaciens ATCC 23842. After the third cycle of the protoplast fusion, lactic acid production by few fusants was monitored and the best fusant was selected for further studies. Optimization of the important process parameters for lactic acid production was conducted using Plackett-Burman design and response surface methodology. Selected fusant could utilize the liquefied cassava bagasse starch directly with minimum nutrient supplementation for lactic acid production. During validation, 40g/L of lactic acid was obtained ( approximately 96% conversion of starch to lactic acid) by using fusant inoculum (3%, v/v) from 83g/L cassava bagasse (starch content 50% w/w) supplemented with yeast extract and peptone (0.2% each, w/v) and the buffering agent (2% CaCO(3), w/v).  相似文献   

Microalgae have the ability to grow rapidly, synthesize and accumulate large amounts (approximately 20-50% of dry weight) of lipids. A successful and economically viable algae based oil industry depends on the selection of appropriate algal strains. In this study ten species of microalgae were prospected to determine their suitability for oil production: Chaetoceros gracilis, Chaetoceros mulleri, Chlorella vulgaris, Dunaliella sp., Isochrysis sp., Nannochloropsis oculata, Tetraselmis sp., Tetraselmis chui, Tetraselmis tetrathele and Thalassiosira weissflogii. The study was carried out in 3 L glass flasks subjected to constant aeration and controlled artificial illumination and temperature at two different salinities. After harvesting, the extraction of oil was carried out using the Bligh and Dyer method assisted by ultrasound. Results showed that C. gracilis presented the highest oil content and that C. vulgaris presented the highest oil production.  相似文献   

This work offers an optimized method in the transesterification of pristine (soybean) oil and cooked oil to bio-diesel, based on microwave dielectric irradiation as a driving force for the transesterification reaction and SrO as a catalyst. This combination has demonstrated excellent catalytic activity and stability. The transesterification was carried out with and without stirring. According to 1H NMR spectroscopy and TLC results, this combination accelerates the reaction (to less than 60 s), maintaining a very high conversion (99%) and high efficiency. The catalytic activity of SrO under atmospheric pressure in the presence of air and under the argon atmosphere is demonstrated. The optimum conversion of cooked oil (99.8%) is achieved under MW irradiation of 1100 W output with magnetic stirring after only 10 s. The optimum method decreases the cost of bio-diesel production and has the potential for industrial application in the transesterification of cooked oil to bio-diesel.  相似文献   

皮状丝孢酵母B3利用木薯淀粉发酵生产微生物油脂   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对皮状丝孢酵母B3以木薯淀粉水解液为碳源发酵生产微生物油脂培养条件进行了优化,并在2 L发酵罐中对菌体生长和油脂积累进行了考察。摇瓶实验表明,木薯淀粉水解液的浓度高于90 g/L时不利于菌体的生长和油脂积累,皮状丝孢酵母B3发酵生产微生物油脂的最适氮源及其浓度、最适C/N比和pH分别为酵母提取物3.0 g/L、116、6.0,在此条件下培养144 h菌体生物量、油脂产量和油脂含量分别达到15.2 g/L、6.22 g/L和40.9%;在2 L发酵罐中分批发酵44 h后菌体生物量、油脂产量和油脂含量分别达28.7 g/L、12.27 g/L和42.8%。以皮状丝孢酵母B3所产油脂制备生物柴油,其主要组成包括棕榈酸甲酯、硬脂酸甲酯、油酸甲酯、亚油酸甲酯等,且理化特性符合相关国家标准,可作为一种有潜力的化石燃料替代品。  相似文献   

Biosurfactant production from synthetic medium and industrial waste, viz. distillery and whey wastes was investigated by using an oily sludge isolate Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain BS2. In synthetic medium separately supplemented with glucose and hexadecane as water-soluble and -insoluble carbon sources, respectively, strain BS2 reduced the surface tension of the fermentation broth from 57 to 27 mN/m. The culture produced biosurfactant during the stationary growth phase and its yield was 0.97 g/l. The culture utilized distillery and whey wastes for its growth, as maximum cell counts reached to 54 × 108 and 64 × 109 c.f.u./ml from an initial inoculum size of 1 × 05 c.f.u./ml, respectively, within 48 h of incubation and in these wastes the yields of biosurfactant obtained were 0.91 and 0.92 g/l, respectively. In synthetic medium, distillery and whey wastes, strain BS2 produced a crystalline biosurfactant which belonged to the category of secondary metabolites and its maximum production occurred after the onset of nitrogen-limiting conditions. After recovering biosurfactant from the fermented waste, the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of distillery and whey wastes was significantly reduced by 81 and 87%, respectively. Total acids, nitrogen and phosphate levels in distillery waste were reduced by 90, 92 and 92%, respectively, while in case of whey waste the concentration of these nutrients was reduced by 88, 95 and 93%, respectively. The isolated biosurfactant possessed potent surface active properties, as it effectively reduced the surface tension of water from 72 to 27 mN/m and formed 100% stable emulsions of a variety of water-insoluble compounds such as hydrocarbons, viz. hexadecane, crude oil, kerosene and oily sludge and pesticides, viz. dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and benzene hexachloride (BHC). The effectiveness of biosurfactant was also evident from its low critical micellar concentration (CMC) which was 0.028 mg/ml.  相似文献   

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