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Giardia muris: scanning electron microscopy of in vitro excystation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A recently developed in vitro excystation procedure results in almost total excystation of Giardia muris, an intestinal parasite of mice. The present experiment examines the G. muris cyst morphology by scanning electron microscopy and the efficacy of the excystation procedure. Untreated cysts of G. muris were elliptical and displayed a distinctive surface structure. Excystation began almost immediately after incubation had begun and most trophozoites emerged within 30 min. Excystation appears to involve flagellar action of the encysted trophozoite. A tear of the wall occurred at one pole. This opening was subsequently enlarged, presumably by flagellar action. Trophozoites emerged, posterior end first, and an associated mucoid-like material was extruded. Newly emerged trophozoites were nearly oval in shape. Trophozoites quickly became flattened, elongate, and underwent cytokinesis resulting in two daughter trophozoites. Few organisms not excysted were seen after 30 min incubation.  相似文献   

The protozoan parasites Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium parvum are common causes of diarrhoea, worldwide. Effective drug treatment is available for G. duodenalis, but with anecdotal evidence of resistance or reduced compliance. There is no effective specific chemotherapeutic intervention for Cryptosporidium. Recently, there has been renewed interest in the antimicrobial properties of berries and their phenolic compounds but little work has been done on their antiparasitic actions. The effect of various preparations of blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) extract on G. duodenalis trophozoites and C. parvum oocysts were investigated. Pressed blueberry extract, a polyphenolic-rich blueberry extract, and a commercially produced blueberry drink (Bouvrage) all demonstrated antigiardial activity. The polyphenol-rich blueberry extract reduced trophozoite viability in a dose dependent manner. At 167 microgml(-1), this extract performed as well as all dilutions of pressed blueberry extract and the Bouvrage beverage (9.6+/-2.8% live trophozoites remaining after 24h incubation). The lowest dilution of blueberry extract tested (12.5% v/v) contained >167 microgml(-1) of polyphenolic compounds suggesting that polyphenols are responsible for the reduced survival of G. duodenalis trophozoites. The pressed blueberry extract, Bouvrage beverage and the polyphenolic-rich blueberry extract increased the spontaneous excystation of C. parvum oocysts at 37 degrees C, compared to controls, but only at a dilution of 50% Bouvrage beverage, equivalent to 213 microgml(-1) gallic acid equivalents in the polyphenolic-rich blueberry extract. Above this level, spontaneous excystation is decreased. We conclude that water soluble extracts of blueberries can kill G. duodenalis trophozoites and modify the morphology of G. duodenalis and C. parvum.  相似文献   

The differentiation processes of excystation and encystation of Entamoeba are essential for infection and completion of their life-cycle, and the processes need cell motility and its control by actin cytoskeletal reorganization. This study investigated actin depolymerizing factor (ADF)/cofilin (Cfl) family proteins, which are important molecules in actin cytoskeletal reorganization, in Entamoeba invadens in relation to the encystation and excystation. Axenic culture systems were used to induce encystation and excystation. A homology search of the E. invadens genome database and molecular cloning identified three ADF/Cfl family proteins of the parasite (named for short as EiCfl-1, EiCfl-2, and EiCfl-3). This is different from other Entamoeba species, i.e. Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar, each of which has only one ADF/Cfl family protein. These ADF/Cfl of E. invadens do not have Ser3 (serine locates third from first methionine), similar to E. histolytica, E. dispar, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, although the activity of ADF/Cfl is negatively regulated by phosphorylation of the Ser3 in metazoans. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Entamoeba Cfl formed a distinctive clade that is separate from other organisms, and the branches of the tree were separated in two consistent with the presence and absence of Ser3. Rabbit anti-EiCfl-2 serum reacted with all recombinant EiCfls and EiCfl in lysates of cysts, trophozoites and metacystic amoebae. Immunofluorescence staining with this antiserum showed co-localization of EiCfl with actin beneath the cell membrane through the life stages. Both proteins proved to be rich in pseudopodia of trophozoites and metacystic amoebae. Real-time RT-PCR showed that mRNAs of EiCfl-2 and actins were highly expressed, but there were few mRNA of EiCfl-1 and EiCfl-3. Remarkably decreased mRNA levels were observed in EiCfl-2 and actins during encystation. All three EiCfls and actins became transcribed after the induction of excystation. The mRNAs of only EiCfl-1 and EiCfl-3 increased remarkably when the excystation was induced in the presence of cytochalasin D. These findings demonstrate that EiCfl-2 and actins co-localize beneath the cell membrane in trophozoites and cysts as well as metacystic amoebae being rich in pseudopodia, that EiCfl-1 and EiCfl-3 are expressed only after the induction of excystation, and that enhanced excystation by cytochalasin D is associated with high expression of EiCfl-1 and EiCfl-3.  相似文献   

Established cultures of human skin-muscle cells were used for determining the parasite—host cell relationship of Trypanosoma cruzi amastigotes (12–16 passages) cultured in a cell-free medium (F-69) at 37 C. The medium used for this experiment was tissue culture fluid M-199 enriched with 10% fetal bovine serum and relatively high concentrations of ATP, ADP and AMP. Amastigotes entered skin-muscle cells incubated at 32 or 35 C, multiplied and completed their intracellular life cycle in about 7 days. At 35 C, 23.6% of cells became infected in 7 days and at 32 C, 43.6% were infected in 5 days. The higher infection rate of cultured cells at 32 C was probably due to more frequent and prolonged cell-parasite contact, as amastigotes multiplied in the tissue culture medium and remained viable for a longer period at the lower temperature. As a control, epimastigotes were used to infect skinmuscle cells. Epimastigotes transformed into metacyclic trypomastigotes before entering host cells, multiplied, and completed the intracellular life cycle. We conclude that the amastigotes cultured in F-69 at 37 C are biologically similar to intracellular amastigotes from the vertebrate host, in that both can multiply and complete the life cycle intracellulary.  相似文献   

A comparison of metabolically labeled proteins from continuous in vitro and in vivo derived Plasmodium falciparum revealed both similarities and differences. Metabolic labeling of synchronized cultures showed that the uptake of label increased as the parasites matured from the ring to the schizont stage in both cultures. Also, in both continuous in vitro and in vivo derived cultures, prominent high-molecular-weight proteins were synthesized during the late developmental stages. However, the continuous in vitro cultured parasites incorporated twice as much of the label at each stage as did the in vivo derived parasites. Immunoprecipitation with serum samples from vaccinated Aotus trivirgatus griseimembra monkeys revealed major differences involving protein antigens that migrated in the molecular weight regions of b (Mr = 152,000), c (Mr = 143,000), j (Mr = 82,700), and n (Mr = 57,400). These antigens were more readily detected in the continuous in vitro cultured schizonts than in the in vivo derived schizonts.  相似文献   

Endogenous and 2-propanol-supported respiration of intact trophozoites of of Entamoeba histolytica (stain HM-1:IMSS) were inhibited by bithionol, an effective chemotherapeutic agent for some trematode and cestode infections in humans. Dichlorophene and hexachlorophene also inhibited 2-propanol-supported respiration of the parasite. In contrast, ethanol formation by E. histolytica extract in the presence of N2 was scarcely inhibited by bithionol. The compound also inhibited in vitro growth of axenic (HM-1 strain) and polyxenic (strain HJ-1:KEIO) amoebae in culture. It took less than 24 hr to kill and disrupt virtually all amoebae of either strain with 0.28 mM bithionol. Omission of bovine serum from BI-S-33 medium resulted in considerably less disruption of HM-1 strain amoebae by the compound. However, organisms that looked undisrupted were strained with trypan blue. Moreover, the number of amoebae incubated for 10 min in the serum-free BI-S-33 medium containing 0.14 mM bithionol did not increase, even after incubation for 24 hr following replacement of the experimental culture fluid with fresh complete BI-S-33 medium free of the compound. These findings suggest that, although serum appears to diminish the antiamoebic action, some halogenated bisphenols (in particular bithionol) may be useful for treatment of amoebiasis.  相似文献   

Abstract Starvation for different individual nutrients revealed various morphotypes of Vibrio sp. strain S14. Carbon or multiple-nutrient starved cells formed ultramicrocells with low respiratory activity and high culturability. In contrast, cells starved for nitrogen or phosphorus formed filaments or swollen rods with large inclusion bodies of PHB. These cells exhibited a 3–4 log decrease in culturability, nevertheless many were actively respiring and direct viable counts equalled at least 80% of the original number of cells. After 2–3 days of prolonged incubation, microcolonies appeared at approximately the same number of cells as at the onset of starvation. A nutrient-induced increase in respiratory activity, after 120 h of starvation, was instantaneous for cells starved for carbon or multiple-nutrients, but cells depleted of nitrogen or phosphorus exhibited a lag period of at least 3 h.  相似文献   

Glucose and methionine were malabsorbed in some intestinal regions of turkeys infected with Eimeria meleagrimitis, E. adenoeides, or E. dispersa. The decrease in absorption was not always related to the numbers of parasites in the cells or the extent of damage to the mucosa. With E. adenoeides, malabsorption was found in the jejunum even though parasites were not present. Conversely, with E. dispersa, no malabsorption was observed in the duodenum even though light microscopy showed numerous parasites. In many intestinal regions, damage to the mucosal surface visible with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was slight or absent, although malabsorption was marked. No changes were noted with SEM in the structure and orientation of the brush border in these regions. Villar height was significantly reduced in the regions of heaviest infection when intestinal damage was visible. Conversely, the crypts of Lieberkühn were often two or three times as deep in infected poults as in uninfected poults. In general, no differences were found in the thickness of the circular and longitudinal muscle layers between the infected and uninfected poults. The dry weight of the intestinal tissue was less from infected poults than from uninoculated controls and was related to both region of the intestine and severity of the infection.  相似文献   

Aiming to obtain rapid fermentations with high ethanol yields and a retention of high final viabilities (responses), a 23 full-factorial central composite design combined with response surface methodology was employed using inoculum size, sucrose concentration, and temperature as independent variables. From this statistical treatment, two well-fitted regression equations having coefficients significant at the 5% level were obtained to predict the viability and ethanol production responses. Three-dimensional response surfaces showed that increasing temperatures had greater negative effects on viability than on ethanol production. Increasing sucrose concentrations improved both ethanol production and viability. The interactions between the inoculum size and the sucrose concentrations had no significant effect on viability. Thus, the lowering of the process temperature is recommended in order to minimize cell mortality and maintain high levels of ethanol production when the temperature is on the increase in the industrial reactor. Optimized conditions (200 g/l initial sucrose, 40 g/l of dry cell mass, 30 °C) were experimentally confirmed and the optimal responses are 80.8 ± 2.0 g/l of maximal ethanol plus a viability retention of 99.0 ± 3.0% for a 4-h fermentation period. During consecutive fermentations with cell reuse, the yeast cell viability has to be kept at a high level in order to prevent the collapse of the process.  相似文献   

Bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma brucei that were infective for mammals, when grown in vitro at 37 C for 29 days or 25 months had amounts of variant surface glycoprotein similar to the amounts from bloodstream forms isolated from infected rat blood. The amounts were measured by competition radioimmunoassays for both unique and cross-reacting determinants and the results were the same, providing evidence that a single type of variant surface glycoprotein was measured. Neither radioimmunoassay detected determinants of variant surface glycoproteins in trypanosomes transformed by culturing at 27 C to insect forms not infective for mammals.  相似文献   

Plasmodium lophurae hemozoin (malarial pigment) is composed of proteinaceous macromolecules bonded to iron III protoporphyrin IX by coordination bonding, van der Waals forces, and hydrophobic interactions but not by covalent bonding. Hemozoin is not composed of partially degraded globin peptides coordinated to heme, since fragments of molecular size less than that of globin monomers were not observed by SDS-PAGE. Two major polypeptides constituted the macromolecular portion of hemozoin; these had molecular weights of 21,000 and 15,000. The 21,000-molecular-weight protein is probably of parasite origin. The 15,000-molecular-weight polypeptide is believed to consist of globin monomers, and indicates the presence of irreversibly denatured hemoglobin (hemiglobin), as a constituent of hemozoin. The formation of hemozoin is hypothesized to play the following roles: protection of the parasite against molecular oxygen and compartmentation of the iron porphyrin which is a product of hemoglobin digestion by the plasmodium.  相似文献   

The fine structure of invasion of human erythrocytes by merozoites of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum was observed in vitro. The invasion process is similar to that described for P. knowlesi. Merozoites enter apical end first by invagination of the erythrocyte membrane. At the rim of the invagination, where merozoite and erythrocyte are in closest contact, the erythrocyte membrane is thickened. The brushy cell coat of the P. falciparum merozoite appears to be lost at this attachment zone. The part of the merozoite within the erythrocyte invagination has no visible coat. The coat on the portion outside is unaltered. Merozoites can successfully invade erythrocytes after 3 hr in the presence of a concentration of chloroquine harmful to feeding stages.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the viability (rates of re-expanding and hatching in vitro), of in vitro derived ovine blastocysts using vitrification and warming/rehydration media containing fetal calf serum (20% FCS) or polyvinyl alcohol (0.1% PVA), and the incorporation of labelled methionine in protein synthesised during the first 4h after cryopreservation. In experiment 1, after 60 h culture in TCM-199 supplemented with 10% FCS, the hatching rates of blastocysts that had been vitrified, warmed, and rehydrated in media containing only PVA (p/p) were significantly (P<0.05) lower than those vitrified in medium containing PVA with warming and rehydration in medium containing FCS (p/s). Blastocysts that were vitrified in medium containing FCS and warmed and rehydrated in medium with PVA (s/p) had hatching rates that were significantly lower (P<0.01) than those vitrified, warmed, and rehydrated in media with only FCS (s/s). After warming, the number of dead cells in the p/p group was significantly (P<0.05) lower than in all other groups. In experiment 2, the [35S]methionine uptake by embryonic cells of the s/p group was significantly (P<0.01) higher than in other groups. The incorporation of labelled methionine into newly synthesised proteins was significantly lower in the p/p group (P<0.01) than in all other groups. No differences in the newly synthesised proteins were observed between groups. In conclusion, these results suggest that it is possible to replace serum with defined macromolecules in vitrification and warming/rehydration media for in vitro derived ovine blastocysts but this leads to a decrease in viability and a reduction in protein synthesis after warming.  相似文献   

Attachment of Entamoeba histolytica and of Giardia lamblia trophozoites to glass was monitored during the culture cycle. Attachment of each parasite was greatest during the exponential phase of axenic growth. The effects of l-cysteine upon the kinetics of attachment of trophozoites to glass were determined quantitatively. Attachment in complex growth media required cysteine, even under N2, atmosphere. With cysteine, the rates of attachment were greatest for the first 2 hr, then continued more slowly. The numbers of attached trophozoites decreased immediately upon exposure to medium without cysteine. The role of cysteine in protecting trophozoites of both species from the lethal effects of oxygen was assessed using clonal growth in agar or agarose medium to determine viability following exposure to varying oxygen tensions in liquid medium. Cysteine was required for viability of trophozoites. Without cysteine, decreasing the oxygen tension prolonged survival. Under increased oxygen tension, cysteine delayed the onset of exponential killing. Although it has no thiol reducing group, l-cystine similarly protected E. histolytica.  相似文献   

The loss of variable antigen from Trypansoma brucei during transformation from the bloodstream to the procyclic form in vitro has been monitored by agglutination and immunofluorescence reactions using antisera against both forms. Maximum agglutination of transforming trypanosomes with anti-culture form sera was obtained in 36–48 hr coinciding with loss of the surface coat as seen by electron microscopy. Agglutination with antisera against homologous bloodstream forms, however, reached a constant minimum but still positive level after 7–9 days: absorption of such antisera with culture or heterologous bloodstream forms reduced this period of persistent agglutinability to 72–84 hr, suggesting that the sera contained antibodies to “common” (surface membrane) antigens which became exposed when the surface coat was lost during transformation. The indirect immunofluorescence reaction provided a direct correlation of loss of antigen with loss of coat. The majority of trypanosomes lost detectable variable antigen by 36–48 hr, but a few flagellates, morphologically resembling bloodstream forms, retained the coat and capacity for labeling up to 84 hr; the numbers of such persistent bloodstream forms were shown to be sufficient to give a positive agglutination reaction for the population as a whole up to this time. Variable antigen appeared to be lost by dilution over the entire trypanosome surface rather than in patches or caps and the relevance of this observation to the process of antigenic variation is discussed.  相似文献   

A significant (P < 0.001) synergistic interaction between sulfaquinoxaline and t-butylaminoethanol was demonstrated against a sulfaquinoxaline-resistant strain of Eimeria tenella in chickens. The t-butylaminoethanol is a dimethylaminoethanol- and choline-reversible anticoccidial whereas sulfaquinoxaline is a classic PABA-reversible anticoccidial.  相似文献   

Loss of immunity to Plasmodium berghei in mice was found to be correlated with the gradual clearance of parasites from circulating blood and from tissues; complete clearance apparently is followed by a period of residual sterile immunity. Starting with the day of challenge, the pattern of the time-dependent loss of immunity was the same in young adult and old mice, and was not influenced by previous challenges. Since the clearance of parasites from the peripheral blood occurred much faster in old mice, and in view of the observed similarity of clearance rates in different tissues, the period of residual sterile immunity in old mice is different from that in young adults.  相似文献   

Of seven strains of inbred mice and one hybrid that were infected intracutaneously with 5, 10, or 20 × 106 active promastigotes of Leishmania tropica major, two strains (CBA/Ca and C3H/He) recovered from the infection and their lesions healed within 3 to 5 months. The other strains, with the possible exception of C57B1/6 animals, remained infected, carrying large cutaneous ulcers throughout their lives. These included DBA/2, A/Jax, Balb/c, athymic nude mice of Balb/c origin (nu/nu) and the heterozygote Balb/c (nu+). The responses of C57B1/6 animals were of intermediate type with a tendency toward nonhealing at higher doses of the parasite. The cutaneous infection of athymic nude mice invariably gave rise to fulminating visceral infections and death. This condition was never observed in the other strains tested. Concanavalin A (Con A)-stimulated syngeneic or allogeneic lymphocytes of intact mice activated peritoneal macrophages of both healer and nonhealer mice, resulting in complete destruction of phagocytosed L. enriettii within 24 to 48 hr. The destruction of ingested L. tropica was confined to macrophages of healer mice and required 72 to 96 hr to reach completion. However, removal of Con A-stimulated lymphocytes from macrophage cultures and regular pulsing of the cells with a lymphokine-rich supernatant produced a state of sustained activation, resulting in destruction of L. tropica inside macrophages of both healer and nonhealer mice. The ability of Con A-stimulated lymphocytes of nonhealer animals to induce effective levels of activation in healer macrophages on one hand, and eventual destruction of L. tropica in macrophages of nonhealer mice under condition of sustained activation on the other, had indicated that so far as the in vitro situation is concerned, there is no inherent defect in lymphocytes or macrophages of nonhealer animals, although the threshold of activation necessary for killing of the parasite seems to be higher for cells of nonhealer origin.  相似文献   

During conditions of energy and carbon excess Cellulomonas sp. accumulates intracellularly two different carbohydrate storage products in different relative concentrations: trehalose and glycogen. During carbon starvation these compounds are degraded at different rates and are therefore characterized metabolically by different half-life periods (glycogen 1.6 h, trehalose 34 h). Other parameters which bear some relation to viability during conditions of stress are compared with these half-life periods. The half-life period of the adenylate energy charge ECA (52 h) is similar to the trehalose half-life period, and it is concluded that it is trehalose which is essential for long-term survival while glycogen is used in the very early stages of carbon starvation to produce energy for metabolism under these conditions. Evidence is presented that two mechanisms are active for the stabilization of the intracellular adenylate energy charge: specific excretion and adenylate degradation.  相似文献   

The transformation of Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms to procyclic culture forms in the semidefined medium SDM-77 has been studied by light microscopy and quantitative electron microscopy. Stumpy and intermediate forms are able to transform to culture forms whereas slender forms die after approximately 24 hr. The surface coat and infectivity for the mammalian host are lost after 72 hr. Morphometrical analysis of the cells during transformation process revealed: (1) The cytoplasm and the cell surface increased significantly; (2) the volume density of the mitochondrion increased twofold and the surface density of the inner mitochondrial membrane increased threefold; (3) the volume density of the glycosomes remained about constant; (4) the volume density of the lipid inclusions increased up to 72 hr, probably as a result of the complete oxidation of glucose. Transformation as observed by light microscopy was completed in 72 hr. However, quantitative electron microscopy revealed that establishment of the culture form was incomplete even after 11 days.  相似文献   

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