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Choice of a biological indicator depends upon selecting a strain with the optimum balance of desirable properties. Screening 20 strains of Bacillus spp. for sporulation on three defined media has shown the wide variation that occurs in requirements for sporulation and properties of the resultant spores. Comparison of germination index and moist heat resistance of resultant spores suggest that a combination of high germination index, high heat resistance and linear inactivation may not be possible.  相似文献   

Preliminary screening was carried out on spores of 29 strains of Bacillus stearothermophilus to determine their potential as biological indicator organisms for low temperature steam and formaldehyde sterilization. Each strain was sporulated on four chemically defined media. Fourteen strains produced satisfactory sporulation on one or more of the media but there was considerable variation in the extent of sporulation. The growth index of the spores, which was dependent on both the strain of organism and the sporulation medium, ranged from 1% to 90%. The spores were appraised on the basis of their resistance to inactivation by 0.5% w/v formaldehyde in aqueous solution at 70°C. The survivor curves obtained could be characterized into five types on the basis of the shape of the curve. Only five strains of Bacillus stearothermophilus produced spores with the characteristics of high resistance, linear semi-logarithmic survivor curve and high growth index that would be required of a potential biological indicator organism.  相似文献   

Spores of a Bacillus stearothermophilus strain thought to be a good biological monitor for low temperature steam and formaldehyde (LTSF) sterilization have been subjected to different recovery environments following exposure to relevant LTSF treatments and prior to enumerating the numbers of surviving spores. The recovery treatments essentially consisted of holding samples at a temperature of 90°C for different time periods prior to plating out following exposure to 12 μg ml-1 formaldehyde at temperatures between 63° and 83°C The data indicate that LTSF-exposed spores show a marked recovery when kept at 90°C prior to plating out; the extent of the recovery increases with increasing inactivation temperature between 73° and 83°C. The data bring into question the sporicidal activity of LTSF.  相似文献   

A.M. WRIGHT, E.V. HOXEY, C.J. SOPER AND D.J.G. DAVIES. 1996. Five strains of Bacillus stearothermophilus have been studied to identify a spore strain to be used as a biological indicator organism for low temperature steam and formaldehyde sterilization. Three strains gave poor reproducibility of batch size and growth index and were discarded. The other two strains gave good reproducibility with a high growth index and gave rise to linear survivor curves when exposed to 5% aqueous formaldehyde. However, only NCIMB 8224 sporulates on a simpler medium and as it was the most resistant to formaldehyde, it was further studied. Tests were carried out in a modified miniclave and factors studied included temperature of the steam and formaldehyde concentration. All studies confirmed the suitability of this strain as a biological indicator organism.  相似文献   

Biological indicators are important tools in infection control via sterilization process monitoring. The use of a standardized spore crop with a well-defined heat resistance will guarantee the quality of a biological indicator. Ambient factors during sporulation can affect spore characteristics and properties, including heat resistance. The aim of this study is to evaluate the main sporulation factors responsible for heat resistance in Geobacillus stearothermophilus, a useful biological indicator for steam sterilization. A sequence of a three-step optimization of variables (initial pH, nutrient concentration, tryptone, peptone, beef extract, yeast extract, manganese sulfate, magnesium sulfate, calcium chloride and potassium phosphate) was carried out to screen those that have a significant influence on heat resistance of produced spores. The variable exerting greatest influence on G. stearothermophilus heat resistance during sporulation was found to be the initial pH. Lower nutrient concentration and alkaline pH around 8.5 tended to enhance decimal reduction time at 121?°C (D121°C). A central composite design enabled a fourfold enhancement in heat resistance, and the model obtained accurately describes positive pH and negative manganese sulfate concentration influence on spore heat resistance.  相似文献   

Spores of Bacillus subtilis SA22 harvested after 22 d incubation on nutrient agar at 30°C were more resistant to 0–04% peracetic acid at 20°C than spores harvested following 2 d incubation. Similarly, spores of B. subtilis globigii B17, harvested after 7 d incubation on a sporulation agar were up to 10 times less resistant to 0.04% peracetic acid at 20°C than spores harvested after 35 d incubation. An increase in resistance to heating at 100°C and to exposure to 17.7% hydrogen peroxide at 20°C occurred as the age of B. subtilis SA22 spores prior to harvesting increased, whereas differences in resistance were not observed with spores of B. subtilis globigii B17.  相似文献   

Summary In a search for an experimental procedure to synchronize meiosis in fruit bodies of Schizophyllum commune, the effect of hydroxyurea on sporulation was tested. Results indicate that hydroxyurea has an immediate and reversible effect on basidiospore sporulation, germination, and nuclear number. A tentative time schedule for meiosis is presented.  相似文献   

Two algal cultures, TvB and SH, were isolated from extreme habitats along the Syrian-African rift Valley (Israel). These cultures were initially identified as Chlorella spp. according to their morphology and lack of bristles, but following molecular phylogenetic analyses, re-identified as Micractinium spp. closely related to Chlorella. The strains were subjected to a bi-factorial study in the search for algae that grow well at elevated temperatures and salinities for future biotechnological uses. Cell density (CD) and optical density (OD) were measured for each strain at three temperatures: 35, 40 and 45ºC, and five salinities of seawater (SW): 34.8 ppt (100% SW), 26.5 ppt (75% SW), 18.3 ppt (50% SW) 10 ppt (25% SW) and 1.8 ppt (0% SW). Both strains grew best at 35–40ºC and at 0–50% SW. Increased salinity enhanced temperature tolerance to 45ºC, particularly for strain TvB. At 45ºC, following a short initial growth spurt, cultures underwent a lag period of c. 7 days, followed by a significant growth phase. During the lag period, algae underwent a substantial increase in average cell diameter (ACD). These enlarged or gigantic cells with diameters of up to ~20 μm, produced and eventually released multiple autospores. By day 13, original size distribution was almost restored. The observed morphological alterations appear to enable these strains to survive and grow autotrophically at supra-optimal temperatures (SOT). These natural adjustments may be exploited for reducing costs associated with both cooling and desalination in future cultivation.  相似文献   

Effects of two growth media, age of cells and phase of sporulation on heat resistance of Hansenula anomala were determined. Cells were grown on two solid media, McClary's acetate and V8 juice agars, at 21 ° C for 16 days. Heat resistance of cells was determined in 0.06 M potassium phosphate buffer at 48 ° C. Heat-stressed cells were plated on four recovery media: yeast extract-malt extract-peptone-glucose (YMPG), pH 7.0; YMPG, pH 3.5; YMPG containing 6% NaCl, pH 7.0; and YMPG containing 20% sucrose, pH 7.0. The composition of sporulation medium influenced the extent of sporulation and the relative heat resistance of sporulating cells. One-day-old cells were the most sensitive to heat. The heat resistance of cells was generally increased as the incubation time was extended to 16 days. Heat treatment caused a greater increase in sensitivity to NaCl than to sucrose or acid pH in recovery media. Young cells were more sensitive to NaCl than were older cells.  相似文献   

Nutrient conditions which trigger sporulation also activate expression of the Bacillus licheniformis alpha-amylase gene, amyL. Glucose represses both spore formation and expression of amyL. A fusion was constructed between the B. licheniformis alpha-amylase regulatory and 5' upstream sequences (amyRi) and the Escherichia coli lacZ structural gene to identify sequences involved in mediating temporal activation and catabolite repression of the amyL gene in Bacillus subtilis. amyRi-directed expression in a variety of genetic backgrounds and under different growth conditions was investigated. A 108-base-pair sequence containing an inverted repeat sequence, ribosome-binding site, and 26 codons of the structural gene was sufficient to mediate catabolite repression of amyL. spo0 mutations (spo0A, spo0B, spo0E, and spo0H) had no significant effect on temporal activation of the gene fusion when the recipient strains were grown in nonrepressing medium. However, in glucose-grown cultures the presence of a spo0A mutation resulted in more severe repression of amyRi-lacZ. In contrast, a spo0H mutation reduced the repressive effect of glucose on amyRi-lacZ expression. The spo0A effect was relieved by an abrB mutation. Initiation of sporulation is not a prerequisite for either temporal activation or derepression of alpha-amylase synthesis. Mutations causing resistance to catabolite repression in B. subtilis GLU-47, SF33, WLN30, and WLN104 also relieved catabolite repression of amyRi-lacZ.  相似文献   

Aims: To determine the effects of cysteine, cystine, proline and thioproline as sporulation medium supplements on Bacillus subtilis spore resistance to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), wet heat, and germicidal 254 nm and simulated environmental UV radiation. Methods and Results: Bacillus subtilis spores were prepared in a chemically defined liquid medium, with and without supplementation of cysteine, cystine, proline or thioproline. Spores produced with thioproline, cysteine or cystine were more resistant to environmentally relevant UV radiation at 280–400 and 320–400 nm, while proline supplementation had no effect. Spores prepared with cysteine, cystine or thioproline were also more resistant to H2O2 but not to wet heat or 254‐nm UV radiation. The increases in spore resistance attributed to the sporulation supplements were eliminated if spores were chemically decoated. Conclusions: Supplementation of sporulation medium with cysteine, cystine or thioproline increases spore resistance to solar UV radiation reaching the Earth’s surface and to H2O2. These effects were eliminated if the spores were decoated, indicating that alterations in coat proteins by different sporulation conditions can affect spore resistance to some agents. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study provides further evidence that the composition of the sporulation medium can have significant effects on B. subtilis spore resistance to UV radiation and H2O2. This knowledge provides further insight into factors influencing spore resistance and inactivation.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the potential use of Phoma exigua isolate PFC 2705 (PFC2705) as a biological control agent for salal (Gaultheria shallon), effect of cultural and environmental parameters on growth, conidia production, and pathogenicity of P. exigua were characterized in studies conducted under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Within a range of 5-30°C, the optimum growth and germination temperature range was 20-25°C. The effect of pH on mycelial growth and conidial germination was not significant from pH 5 to 10. Fluorescent light significantly enhanced sporulation of the fungus on most agar media tested, yet was not necessary for growth. The type of culture media significantly affected mycelium growth, sporulation, and conidia germination. Age of mycelia used as inoculum affected the disease severity on salal. PFC2705 suppressed the growth of mature salal plant by inciting lesions on leaves, branch tips, and axillary buds and caused 56% death of the total biomass above ground. Characteristics such as easy inoculum production, wide range of growth environments, and high infectivity on salal increased the potential of P. exigua as a biocontrol agent for management of salal.  相似文献   

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