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Four species belonging to the Lecanora subfusca group (Lecanoraceae, lichenized Ascomycotina) and containing the 2,5,7-trichloro-3-O-methylnorlichexanthone chemosyndrome are described: L. elixii Lumbsch, L. epibryon Ach., L. mayrhoferi Lumbsch spec. nov. and L. parmelinoides Lumbsch spec. nov. The species, which are interpreted as being closely related, can be distinguished by a combination of subtle morphological and anatomical characters.  相似文献   

Stephanthus antarcticus gen. nov. et sp. nov. is described and illustrated from six specimens collected in the Antarctic Peninsula on the Polarstern cruises ANT XV/3 and ANT XIX/3. The new genus is characterised by the absence of sphincter and basilar musculature, the presence of a single strong siphonoglyph with a basal enlargement, distinct parietobasilar musculature, tentacles without acrospheres, two cycles of six pairs of mesenteries (only one of them perfect), and a deep fosse with parapet; another remarkable feature is the absence of microbasic p-mastigophores. The new genus shows characteristics of three families of soft-bottom-dwelling sea anemones, namely Haloclavidae Verrill, 1899, Halcampoididae Appellöf, 1896, and Andresiidae Stephenson, 1922. The generic characters of Stephanthus gen. nov. are discussed and it is tentatively placed in the family Haloclavidae.  相似文献   


The oligochaete family Lumbriculidae is well represented in the Northern Hemisphere, but for the Southern Hemisphere only Lumbriculus variegatus (Müller) is recorded, from Africa, Australia, and New Zealand; no species are known from South America (Brinkhurst & Jamieson 1971). According to Brinkhurst (1971), L. variegatus may be a recent introduction to New Zealand, where it is now widely distributed in a range of inland waters.  相似文献   

In this study isopod species of the Ross Sea were investigated. Literature until May 2008 was checked to provide an overview of all known and described species in the Ross Sea. This species checklist was then enlarged through material of the 19th Italica expedition in 2004. During this expedition for the first time a small mesh net (500 μm) was used. Nine thousand four hundred and eighty one isopod specimens were collected during this expedition. Through this material the number of isopod species in the Ross Sea increased from 42 to 117 species, which belong to 20 families and 49 genera. Fifty-six percentage of the isopods species collected during the Italica expedition are new to science. The zoogeography of the 117 species was investigated. A non-transformed binary presence-absence data matrix was constructed using the Bray–Curtis coefficient. The results were displayed in a cluster analysis and by nonmetric multidimensional scaling (MDS). This paper gives a first insight into the occurrence and distribution of the isopod species of the Ross Sea.  相似文献   

Aim The endoparasites of Sebastes capensis Gmelin are examined over most of its geographical range (coasts of Peru, Chile, Argentina and South Africa) to determine: (1) whether the endoparasite communities of this fish show zoogeographical patterns; and (2) if so, whether there are any relationships between spatial variations in the endoparasite fauna and known zoogeographical patterns for marine free‐living organisms (e.g. prey that are included in the life cycles of endoparasites). Location Fish were captured at nine localities along the Pacific coast of South America, from 11° S in the centre of the Peruvian coast, to 52° S in southern Chile, and also at two localities in the Atlantic Ocean, at 43° S in Argentina, and 34° S in South Africa. Methods From April to September 2003 and April to August 2004, 626 fish were captured. Endoparasites and diet were examined following traditional methods. Cluster analyses were used to evaluate the distribution patterns of the endoparasite communities, and to evaluate similarities in the prey composition per locality. Results The endoparasite fauna of S. capensis consisted of four species widely distributed along the Pacific coast: Ascarophis cf. sebastodis, Anisakis sp., Corynosoma australe, and Pseudopecoelus sp. Other parasites were distributed only in some geographical areas. The species richness of the parasite communities increased with latitude along the Pacific coast, while parasite communities from Argentina and South Africa showed low species richness. Cluster analyses based on endoparasite composition and on prey composition grouped localities in a way consistent with known biogeographical areas for marine free‐living organisms. Main conclusions The endoparasites of S. capensis exhibit a pattern associated with known biogeographical areas for free‐living organisms. The latitudinal increase in endoparasite community richness is associated with changes in prey composition (intermediate hosts) and also possibly with the presence of definitive hosts. Therefore, the biogeographical patterns of prey are considered key determinants of the endoparasite community structure of the host.  相似文献   

Climate scientists have concluded that stratospheric ozone depletion has been a major driver of Southern Hemisphere climate processes since about 1980. The implications of these observed and modelled changes in climate are likely to be far more pervasive for both terrestrial and marine ecosystems than the increase in ultraviolet‐B radiation due to ozone depletion; however, they have been largely overlooked in the biological literature. Here, we synthesize the current understanding of how ozone depletion has impacted Southern Hemisphere climate and highlight the relatively few documented impacts on terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Reviewing the climate literature, we present examples of how ozone depletion changes atmospheric and oceanic circulation, with an emphasis on how these alterations in the physical climate system affect Southern Hemisphere weather, especially over the summer season (December–February). These potentially include increased incidence of extreme events, resulting in costly floods, drought, wildfires and serious environmental damage. The ecosystem impacts documented so far include changes to growth rates of South American and New Zealand trees, decreased growth of Antarctic mosses and changing biodiversity in Antarctic lakes. The objective of this synthesis was to stimulate the ecological community to look beyond ultraviolet‐B radiation when considering the impacts of ozone depletion. Such widespread changes in Southern Hemisphere climate are likely to have had as much or more impact on natural ecosystems and food production over the past few decades, than the increased ultraviolet radiation due to ozone depletion.  相似文献   

The distribution, total length ( L T) frequency and diet of Patagonotothen guntheri are described from 14 bottom trawl surveys conducted on the Shag Rocks and South Georgia shelves in the austral summers from 1986 to 2006. Patagonotothen guntheri (80–265 mm L T) were caught on the Shag Rocks shelf from depths of 111 to 470 m, but no specimens were caught on the South Georgia shelf. Multiple cohorts were present during each survey and L T-frequency analysis of these cohorts suggests that growth was slow (von Bertalanffy K = 0·133). Evidence from stomach contents and acoustic data (2005 and 2006) showed that P. guntheri is primarily a pelagic feeder, migrating from the sea floor towards the surface to feed during daylight. The diet of smaller fish (<140 mm) was dominated by copepods, predominantly Rhincalanus gigas , whilst larger fish principally consumed the pelagic hyperiid amphipod, Themisto gaudichaudii and Antarctic krill Euphausia superba . Some larger fish also took benthic prey.  相似文献   

Aim Recent studies suggest that if constrained by prevailing wind or ocean currents dispersal may produce predictable, repeated distribution patterns. Dispersal mediated by the West Wind Drift (WWD) and Antarctic Circumpolar Current (AAC) has often been invoked to explain the floristic similarities of Australia, South America and New Zealand. If these systems have been important dispersal vectors then eastward dispersal – from Australia to New Zealand and the western Pacific to South America – is expected to predominate. We investigate whether phylogenies for Southern Hemisphere plant groups provide evidence of historical dispersal asymmetry and more specifically whether inferred asymmetries are consistent with the direction of the WWD/AAC. Location Southern Hemisphere. Methods We assembled a data set of 23 published phylogenies for plant groups that occur in New Zealand, Australia and/or South America. We used parsimony‐based tree fitting to infer the number and direction of dispersals within each group. Observed dispersal asymmetries were tested for significance against a distribution of expected values. Results Our analyses suggest that dispersal has played a major role in establishing present distributions and that there are significant patterns of asymmetry in Southern Hemisphere dispersal. Consistent with the eastward direction of the WWD/ACC, dispersal from Australia to New Zealand was inferred significantly more often than in the reverse direction. No significant patterns of dispersal asymmetry were found between the western Pacific landmasses and South America. However, eastward dispersal was more frequently inferred between Australia and South America, while for New Zealand–South American events westward dispersal was more common. Main conclusions Our results suggest that eastward circumpolar currents have constrained the dispersal of plants between Australia and New Zealand. However, the WWD/ACC appear to have had less of an influence on dispersal between the western Pacific landmasses and South America. This observation may suggest that differences in dispersal mechanism are important – direct wind or water dispersal vs. stepping‐stone dispersal along the Antarctic coast. While our analyses provide useful preliminary insights into dispersal asymmetry in the Southern Hemisphere we will need larger data sets and additional methodological advances in order to test fully these dispersal patterns and infer processes from phylogenetic data.  相似文献   

Cenozoic palaeoceanography of the SE Atlantic and Southern Oceans has been investigated using Late Eocene/Early Oligocene to Quaternary ostracod assemblages from 49 samples of ODP Sites 1087 and 1088. Although the overall abundance of ostracods is relatively low (means of 17 and 49 specimens per sample at Sites 1087 and 1088, respectively) and there is an apparently high level of endemism (ranging from 50% to 80% at Sites 1087 and 1088), three major changes in the faunal assemblages are identified at Site 1087 (denoted A, B and C) and two at Site 1088 (denoted B' and C'). The assemblage boundaries, detected on the basis of stepwise changes in the abundance, diversity, dominance, endemism, faunal turnover and relative abundance of common taxa, coincide broadly with previously identified, ostracod-based palaeoceanographical 'events' discussed by Benson and co-workers over the last two decades. The data do not extend sufficiently far back to record the initiation of Assemblage A, but the faunal change between Assemblages A and B, marked by a decline in abundance, species diversity and faunal turnover, occurs within the Middle Miocene (NN5-6). It coincides with a previously documented palaeoceanographical 'event' at 16-14 Ma which, we suggest, may be related to the initiation of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) production and/or an expansion of the East Antarctic ice sheet. Assemblage B' is subdivided into the two Sub-assemblages B'1 and B'2 mainly on the basis of an increase in diversity, a peak in faunal turnover and a drop in the relative abundance of the genus Krithe in early Late Miocene time (NN9, c. 10.5 Ma). The B'1/B'2 Sub-assemblage boundary cannot be related to any previously documented faunal change in deep-sea ostracods. Changes associated with the boundaries between Assemblages B and C, and B' and C', which we believe to be synchronous, both include a decrease in diversity and abundance. In addition, two strong turnover peaks occur near the B'/C' boundary at Site 1088. The B/C and B'/C' boundaries coincide with a previously documented midPliocene 'event' (3.5 Ma) (NN15-16) which may be linked to putative closure of the Straits of Panama and increased production of NADW, the latter in turn leading to increased production of Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) and Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). Alternatively, fiuctuations in size of the Antarctic ice sheet during possible Pliocene warm periods could indirectly be responsible for the observed midPliocene faunal changes.  相似文献   

Age and growth of ocellated icefish, Chionodraco rastrospinosus, were investigated using counts of annual growth increments from sagittal otoliths. Samples were collected during research surveys by benthic trawl carried out around Elephant and South Shetland Islands in January–February 2002 and December 2006–January 2007. A total of 290 specimens were selected for the study, consisting of 120 females and 170 males. The age of fish was estimated by counting annuli on transverse sections obtained by grinding and polishing whole otoliths embedded in epoxy resin. The precision-of-age estimates within and between readers were tested applying both the average percent error (APE) and the coefficient of variation (CV). The estimated age-range was 1–12 for both sexes of C. rastrospinosus. Applying the von Bertalanffy growth function to the age–length data, a growth curve was obtained for each sex. The estimated values of VB growth parameters L and k were, respectively, 47.9 cm and 0.28 for females and 42.9 cm and 0.36 for males. Compared to other congeneric species, the growth performance of C. rastrospinosus was relatively high, being 2.82 and 2.81 in males and females, respectively. Age at sexual maturity was estimated to be about 4 years in both sexes. C. rastrospinosus captured in the studied area consisted mainly of adult specimens between 3 and 8 years, with few older fish.  相似文献   

In this paper the systematic position and age of several Pleistocene cat remains found in southern South American are studied, in an attempt to more fully document the scarce record of the group and clear up their obscure Quaternary history. The fossils are compared with a large sample of recent specimens by means of qualitative and quantitative characters, as well as multivariate methods (discriminant analysis). The age of previous records is restricted using recent chronostratigraphic and biostratigraphic studies. Ly. colocolo is recorded in the late Ensenadan (0.78-0.5 Ma BP) and Bonaerian/Lujanian (0.5 Ma-8.5 Ka BP) ages of the Pampean Region (Argentina) and in the late Pleistocene or Holocene of Tierra del Fuego (Chile). An incomplete hemimandible found in the Bonaerian of the Pampean Region is referred to cf. Herpailurus and could be the earliest record of this lineage. Two other remains could belong to On. geoffroyi, but their incompleteness and some differences prevent their assignation to this recent species. The age of “Felisvorohuensis is restricted to the late Ensenadan. The fossil record of the Ocelot Lineage is very fragmentary, but it is at least as old as late Ensenadan. Taphonomic biases are responsible for this poor fossil record and this fact could partially explain the hiatus with respect to the timing estimated by molecular divergence. The combination of data suggests that Ly. colocolo, On. guigna, On. geoffroyi and Oreailurus jacobita speciated in South America, supporting previous opinions. If the molecular divergence dates are right the recent diversity of this group could be explained by a minimum of five to six immigrations.  相似文献   

Recently obtained material of Callionymus from the Pacific Ocean includes: Callionymus marquesensis sp. n. (Marquesas Islands), characterized within the C. variegatus-group of the subgenus Calliurichthys by its preopercular spine formula of with an upcurved main tip and a bony keel between the points on the dorsal margin, and a spotted dorsal fin without filaments which is higher than the 1st D2 ray in both sexes; C. pleurostictus Fricke, 1982, record from New Britain and Solomon Islands, with a discussion of competition with C. delicatulus; C.simplicicornis Valenciennes, 1837, record from Society Islands and Marquesas Islands, with a discussion of competition with C. marquesensis; C. obscurus sp. n. (Ambon, Indonesia) which is characterized within the subgenus Spini-capitichthys by its preopercular spine formula with an upcurved main tip and very small ventral serrae, its weakly armed head, and its 7 anal fin rays.  相似文献   

Four ODP sites located between 64°S and 41°S in the eastern Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean were investigated to refine the Miocene diatom biostratigraphic zonation tied to the geomagnetic chronology. The Miocene diatom stratigraphy from two sites located on Maud Rise (ODP Leg 113) is revised considering the progress in diatom biostratigraphic research, diatom taxonomy and magnetostratigraphic age assignment during the past 10 years. A new diatom zonation was erected for Site 1092 (ODP Leg 177) located on Meteor Rise integrating a magnetostratigraphic interpretation of the shipboard data. This zonation was also applied to Site 1088 (ODP Leg 177) located on Astrid Ridge. The study is focused to Middle and Upper Miocene sequences. It reveals latitudinal differentiations in stratigraphic species ranges and species occurrence pattern that are related to latitudinal differences in surface water masses reflecting the climatic development of the Antarctic cryosphere. Considering the latitudinal differences two stratigraphic zonations are proposed that are applicable to the northern and southern zone of the Southern Ocean, respectively. The southern Southern Ocean Miocene diatom biostratigraphic zonation consists of 16 zones in which 11 represent new or modified zones. The northern biostratigraphic zonation contains 10 diatom zones allowing a stratigraphic resolution in the range of 0.2–2 Myr. This paper also includes the taxonomic transfer of seven Miocene diatom taxa from genus Nitzschia Hassal to Fragilariopsis Hustedt.  相似文献   

Choudhury M  Doti BL  Brandt A 《ZooKeys》2011,(82):45-57
A new species of Coulmannia, Coulmannia rossensis, is described from the Ross Sea, Antarctica. It is most similar to Coulmannia ramosae Castelló, 2004, but can easily be distinguished from this species bythe males yielding a pair of granulate humps on the dorsum of the pereonites 1-6 and a single granulate hump on the pereonite 7 and the free pleonite. Coulmannia rossensissp. n. is sexually dimorphic. The dorsal sculpture of the female bodies yield a single granulate hump on all the pereonites and free pleonite. The species of the genus Coulmannia are restricted to the Southern Ocean, and Coulmannia rossensissp. n. is the fourth species included in it.  相似文献   

Until recently, all papillated specimens of Pareledone were ascribed to the species Pareledone charcoti (Joubin, 1905), of which P. aurorae (Berry, 1917) was considered a junior synonym. Re-examination of the papillated type material of Pareledone, coupled with extensive fishing over several years off the Antarctic Peninsula, has led to a revision of this position. Seven new species of papillated Pareledone are identified from the Antarctic Peninsula region. They are identified by subtle taxonomic characters, such as the morphology and placement of their papillae, although traditional indices often fail to separate the species. Whilst apparently sympatric, there is some evidence of niche separation of these species with respect to depth. A key is provided for their identification.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 143 , 75−108.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensively sampled three‐gene phylogeny of the monophyletic Forcipulatacea, one of three major lineages within the crown‐group Asteroidea. We present substantially more Southern Hemisphere and deep‐sea taxa than were sampled in previous molecular studies of this group. Morphologically distinct groups, such as the Brisingida and the Zoroasteridae, are upheld as monophyletic. Brisingida is supported as the derived sister group to the Asteriidae (restricted), rather than as a basal taxon. The Asteriidae is paraphyletic, and is broken up into the Stichasteridae and four primary asteriid clades: (1) a highly diverse boreal clade, containing members from the Arctic and sub‐Arctic in the Northern Hemisphere; (2) the genus Sclerasterias; (3) and (4) two sister clades that contain asteriids from the Antarctic and pantropical regions. The Stichasteridae, which was regarded as a synonym of the Asteriidae, is resurrected by our results, and represents the most diverse Southern Hemisphere forcipulatacean clade (although two deep‐sea stichasterid genera occur in the Northern Hemisphere). The Labidiasteridae is artificial, and should be synonymized into the Heliasteridae. The Pedicellasteridae is paraphyletic, with three separate clades containing pedicellasterid taxa emerging among the basal Forcipulatacea. Fossils and timing estimates from species‐level phylogeographic studies are consistent with prior phylogenetic hypotheses for the Forcipulatacea, suggesting diversification of basal taxa in the early Mesozoic, with some evidence for more widely distributed ranges from Cretacous taxa. Our analysis suggests a hypothesis of an older fauna present in the Antarctic during the Eocene, which was succeeded by a modern Antarctic fauna that is represented by the recently derived Antarctic Asteriidae and other forcipulatacean lineages. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 162 , 646–660.  相似文献   

The faunas living in the vast deep sea regions around the Antarctic are very poorly known. This is especially true for the biodiversity of polychaetes inhabiting these remote areas. Therefore, we report new morphological data of Glyceriformia from the ANDEEP cruises to the South Atlantic Ocean and the Southern Ocean. Based on benthos samples from three expeditions aboard R/V POLARSTERN, two species of Glyceridae (Glycera capitata, G. diva) and four species of Goniadidae (Bathyglycinde sibogana, B. stepaniantsae, Goniada maculata, Progoniada regularis) were studied. Furthermore, new morphological details (especially for the previously unknown tail) for the rarely found taxon B. stepaniantsae are given. The distribution patterns of the different taxa demonstrated that some species have a high dispersal capability and show an extended level of eurybathy, whereas other species are restricted to the deep sea.  相似文献   

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