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Abstract— Diverse morphological evidence from both living and fossil taxa suggests several higher-level groupings of the Recent orders of eutherian mammals. The strongest hypotheses closely relate rodents and lagomorphs within Glires, proboscideans and sirenians within Tethytheria, hyracoids and tethytheres within Paenungulata, chiropterans and dermopterans, and pholidotans and edentates. Somewhat weaker evidence supports groupings of Glires with macroscelideans, primates and tree-shrews with bats and flying lemurs (Archonta), and all Eutheria excluding pangolins and edentates (Epitheria). There is some tenuous evidence for the monophyly of all modern ungulate orders (including cetaceans), and for the division between artiodactyls and other ungulates. Rather than providing only a confusing and unresolved picture of higher eutherian relationships, comparative morphology and paleontology offer some compelling hypotheses that comprise a framework for studies of macromolecular traits.  相似文献   

Domesticated birds exhibit a greater diversity in the morphology of their integument and its appendages than their wild ancestors. Many of these variations affect the appearance of a bird significantly and have been bred selectively by poultry and pigeon fanciers and aviculturists for the sake of visual appeal. Variations in feather distribution (e.g., feathering of legs and feet, featherless areas in normally feather-bearing skin) are widespread in chickens and pigeons. Variations in the number of feathers (e.g., increased number of tail feathers, lack of tail feathers) occur in certain pigeon and poultry breeds. Variations in feather length can affect certain body regions or the entire plumage. Variations in feather structure (e.g., silkiness, frilled feathering) can be found in exhibition poultry as well as in pet birds. Variations in feather arrangement (e.g., feather crests and vortices) occur in many domesticated bird species as a results of mutation and intense selective breeding. The causes of variations in the structure, distribution, length and arrangement of feathers is often unknown and opens a wide field for scientific research under various points of view (e.g., morphogenesis, pathogenesis, ethology, etc.). To that extent, variations in the morphology, distribution and arrangement of feathers in domesticated birds require also a concern for animal welfare because certain alleles responsible for integumentary variations in domesticated birds have pleiotropic effects, which often affect normal behaviour and viability.  相似文献   

Effective monitoring programs are required to understand and mitigate biodiversity declines, particularly in tropical ecosystems where conservation conflicts are severe yet ecological data are scarce. “Locally-based” monitoring has been advanced as an approach to improve biodiversity monitoring in developing countries, but the accuracy of data from many such programs has not been adequately assessed. I evaluated a long-term, patrol-based wildlife monitoring system in Mole National Park, Ghana, through comparison with camera trapping and an assessment of sampling error. I found that patrol observations underrepresented the park’s mammal community, recording only two-thirds as many species as camera traps over a common sampling period (2006–2008). Agreement between methods was reasonable for larger, diurnal and social species (e.g., larger ungulates and primates), but camera traps were more effective at detecting smaller, solitary and nocturnal species (particularly carnivores). Data from patrols and cameras corresponded for some spatial patterns of management interest (e.g., community turnover, edge effect on abundance) but differed for others (e.g., richness, edge effect on diversity). Long-term patrol observations were influenced by uneven sampling effort and considerable variation in replicate counts. Despite potential benefits of locally-based monitoring, these results suggest that data from this and similar programs may be subject to biases that complicate interpretation of wildlife population and community dynamics. Careful attention to monitoring objectives, methodological design and robust analysis is required if locally-based approaches are to satisfy an aim of reliable biodiversity monitoring, and there is a need for greater international support in the creation and maintenance of local monitoring capacity.  相似文献   

An efficient method for estimating bryophyte diversity in forest stands must consider more than just the dominant forest mesohabitat. We compared two methodologies commonly used for estimating diversity in forest ecosystems. Floristic habitat sampling (FHS) utilizes stratification of all forest mesohabitats, which includes the natural diversity of microhabitats found within and stratifies a mosaic of mesohabitats (e.g. forest, streams, seeps, and cliffs) and microhabitats (e.g. rocks logs, etc.) that are often not considered in forest research projects that use plot sampling to estimate species diversity. In Canadian cedar hemlock forest, FHS methodology recorded more than twice as many bryophyte species as plot sampling (PS). A comparison of the dominant forest mesohabitat concluded that plot sampling was not as efficient as FHS in estimating bryophyte diversity and that plot sampling can result in different interpretations of species diversity. Rare species ordination of stands sampled using FHS showed strong clustering of sites with respect to biogeoclimatic zones and age since the last major disturbance (fire or logging) as compared with rare species ordinations from PS data, which showed no delineation of stands along temporal gradients. Plot sampling has many useful applications in ecology, but floristic habitat sampling is more efficient for quantifying overall bryophyte diversity. FHS provides an excellent way to record a comprehensive list of species.  相似文献   

Recently, as genome-scale data have become available for more organisms, the development of phylogenetic markers from nuclear protein-coding loci (NPCL) has become more tractable. However, new methods are needed to efficiently sort the large number of genes from genomic databases into more limited sets appropriate for particular phylogenetic questions, while avoiding introns and paralogs. Here we describe a general methodology for identifying candidate single-copy NPCL from genomic databases. Our method uses information from reference genomes to identify genes with relatively large continuous protein-coding regions (i.e., 700bp). BLAST comparisons are used to help avoid genes with paralogous copies or close relatives (i.e., gene families) that might confound phylogenetic analyses. Exon boundary information is used to identify appropriately spaced potential priming sites. Using this method, we have developed over 25 novel NPCL, which span a variety of desirable evolutionary rates for phylogenetic analyses. Although targeted for higher-level phylogenetics of squamate reptiles, many of these loci appear to be useful across and within other vertebrate clades (e.g., amphibians), and some are relatively rapidly evolving and may be useful for closely-related species (e.g., within genera). This general method can be used whenever large-scale genomic data are available for an appropriate reference species (not necessarily within the focal clade). The method is also well suited for the development of intron regions for lower-level phylogenetic and phylogeographic studies. We provide an online database of alignments and suggested primers for approximately 85 NPCL that should be useful across vertebrates.  相似文献   

The order Primates is composed of many closely related lineages, each having a relatively well established phylogeny supported by both the fossil record and molecular data. 1 Primate evolution is characterized by a series of adaptive radiations beginning early in the Cenozoic era. Studies of these radiations have uncovered two major trends. One is that substantial amounts of morphological diversity have been produced over short periods of evolutionary time. 2 The other is that consistent and repeated patterns (variational tendencies 3 ) are detected. Taxa within clades, such as the strepsirrhines of Madagascar and the platyrrhines of the Neotropics, have diversified in body size, substrate preference, and diet. 2 , 4 - 6 The diversification of adaptive strategies within such clades is accompanied by repeated patterns of change in cheiridial proportions 7 , 8 (Fig. 1) and tooth‐cusp morphology. 9 There are obvious adaptive, natural‐selection based explanations for these patterns. The hands and feet are in direct contact with a substrate, so their form would be expected to reflect substrate preference, whereas tooth shape is related directly to the functional demands of masticating foods having different mechanical properties. What remains unclear, however, is the role of developmental and genetic processes that underlie the evolutionary diversity of the primate body plan. Are variational tendencies a signature of constraints in developmental pathways? What is the genetic basis for similar morphological transformations among closely related species? These are a sampling of the types of questions we believe can be addressed by future research integrating evidence from paleontology, comparative morphology, and developmental genetics.  相似文献   

Why has it been so difficult to integrate paleontology and “mainstream” evolutionary biology? Two common answers are: (1) the two fields have fundamentally different aims, and (2) the tensions arise out of disciplinary squabbles for funding and prestige. This paper examines the role of fossil data in phylogeny reconstruction in order to assess these two explanations. I argue that while cladistics has provided a framework within which to integrate fossil character data, the stratigraphic (temporal) component of fossil data has been harder to integrate. A close examination of how fossil data have been used in phylogeny reconstruction suggests that neither explanation is adequate. While some of the tensions between the fields may be intellectual “turf wars,” the second explanation downplays the genuine difficulty of combining the distinctive data of the two fields. Furthermore, it is simply not the case that the two fields pursue completely distinct aims. Systematists do disagree about precisely how to represent phylogeny (e.g., minimalist cladograms or trees with varying levels of detail) but given that every tree presupposes a pattern of branching (a cladogram), these aims are not completely distinct. The central problem has been developing methods that allow scientists to incorporate the distinctive bodies of data generated by these two fields. Further case studies will be required to determine if this explanation holds for other areas of interaction between paleontology and neontology.  相似文献   

In the past few decades, in the marine realm in particular, the use of molecular tools has led to the discovery of hidden taxonomic diversity, revealing complexes of sister species. A good example is the red algal genus Asparagopsis. The two species (A. armata and A. taxiformis) recognized in this genus have been introduced in many places around the world. Within the nominal species A. taxiformis, previous molecular analyses have uncovered several lineages, suggesting the existence of sister species or subspecies. Although the genus has been well studied in some regions (e.g., the Mediterranean Sea and Hawaii), it remains poorly investigated in others (e.g., South Pacific). Our study mainly focused on these latter areas to clarify lineages and better determine lineage status (i.e., native vs. introduced). A total of 188 specimens were collected from 61 sites, 58 of which had never been sampled before. We sequenced the DNA from samples for three markers and obtained 112 sequences for the chloroplastic RuBisCo spacer, 118 sequences for the nuclear LSU rRNA gene, and 174 for the mitochondrial spacer cox2-3. Phylogenetic analyses using all three markers suggested the existence of two cryptic sister species with the discovery of a new clade within A. armata. This clade was found only in Western Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand, and is thus restricted to a subregional biogeographic unit. We also discovered a new, fifth lineage for A. taxiformis restricted to the South Pacific and Western Australia. Except for this newly described lineage, all other lineages showed a global distribution influenced by introduction events. These results illustrate the difficulty in accurately defining cosmopolitan species. Our findings also highlight the need for targeted (i.e., in poorly studied areas) and geographically extensive sampling efforts when studying taxa that have been introduced globally and that are likely to hide species complexes.  相似文献   

Quantifying species-richness patterns along geographical gradients (typically latitude and elevation) has a long history in ecology and can be based on more-or-less complete censuses from a specified area (plot sampling), selective collection within a specified area (e.g. museum collections), or general information about species distributions (e.g. observations of extremes along the gradient, distribution maps). All these approaches require complete sampling to give the true richness in an area, but the richness pattern (i.e., the relative changes in richness along the gradient) may be estimated without complete sampling, although equal sampling between areas is necessary. This is relatively easy to do for fine-scale plot sampling, but rarely easy for other types of data. For data extracted from museum collections, a correct perception of the species richness pattern therefore depends on post-sampling treatment of data. Two commonly applied techniques for quantifying species richness patterns with these types of data are discussed, namely interpolation of species ranges and rarefaction. Such treatment may correct for unequal sampling in some instances, but may in other cases introduce artificial patterns. With incomplete sampling interpolation introduces an artificial humped pattern and rarefaction requires similar species abundance distributions to make unbiased comparisons among samples. One must therefore be cautious when applying these methods for estimating species richness patterns along geographical gradients.  相似文献   

1. Studies on biodiversity and ecosystem function require considering metrics for accurately describing the functional diversity of communities. The number of taxa (richness) is commonly used to characterise biological diversity. The disadvantage of richness as a measure of biological diversity is that all taxa are taken into account on an equal basis regardless of their abundance, their biological characteristics or their function in the ecosystem. 2. To circumvent this problem, we applied a recently described measure of biological diversity that incorporates dissimilarities among taxa. Dissimilarities were defined from biological traits (e.g. life history, morphology, physiology and behaviour) of stream invertebrate taxa and the resulting biological diversity index was considered as a surrogate for functional diversity. 3. As sampling effort is known to affect the number of taxa collected within a reach, we investigated how change in functional diversity is affected by sampling effort. We used stream invertebrate community data from three large European rivers to model accumulation curves and to assess the number of samples required to estimate (i.e. closeness to the maximal value) functional diversity and genera richness. We further evaluated the precision of estimates (i.e. similarity of temporal or spatial replicates) of the total functional diversity. 4. As expected, richness estimates were strongly dependent on sampling effort, and 10 replicate samples were found to underestimate actual richness. Moreover, richness estimates showed much variation with season and location. In contrast, functional diversity had greater accuracy with less sampling effort and the precision of the estimates was higher than richness both across sampling occasions and sampling reaches. These results are further arguments towards conducting research on the design of a biomonitoring tool based on biological traits.  相似文献   

With the aim of protecting Mexican diversity, one current governmental task is to complete national biological inventories. In the case of odonate insects, several researchers have hypothesized that species richness is complete (205 dragonflies and 151 damselflies), but there has not been any formal exercise to test this. Thus, we have investigated whether odonate species richness (for Mexican endemics, dragonflies (suborder Anisoptera), damselflies (suborder Zygoptera) and total species) is complete using sample-based and coverage-based rarefaction curves. Along with this, we also showed how good distribution data are in the country. The rarefaction curves have indicated 100% completeness for all groups suggesting that the inventory is complete. However, species' distribution data is highly patchy regarding areas either well (e.g. central Mexico) or badly (e.g. coast of Guerrero and Oaxaca) collected. We encourage researchers to continue odonate sampling in order to support at least three conservation actions: (i) conservation assessment of endangered species; (ii) knowledge of range shifts given rising global temperatures; and (iii) increase public interest and awareness in protected, touristic areas.  相似文献   

Evaluating and understanding biodiversity in marine ecosystems are both necessary and challenging for conservation. This paper compiles and summarizes current knowledge of the diversity of marine taxa in Canada''s three oceans while recognizing that this compilation is incomplete and will change in the future. That Canada has the longest coastline in the world and incorporates distinctly different biogeographic provinces and ecoregions (e.g., temperate through ice-covered areas) constrains this analysis. The taxonomic groups presented here include microbes, phytoplankton, macroalgae, zooplankton, benthic infauna, fishes, and marine mammals. The minimum number of species or taxa compiled here is 15,988 for the three Canadian oceans. However, this number clearly underestimates in several ways the total number of taxa present. First, there are significant gaps in the published literature. Second, the diversity of many habitats has not been compiled for all taxonomic groups (e.g., intertidal rocky shores, deep sea), and data compilations are based on short-term, directed research programs or longer-term monitoring activities with limited spatial resolution. Third, the biodiversity of large organisms is well known, but this is not true of smaller organisms. Finally, the greatest constraint on this summary is the willingness and capacity of those who collected the data to make it available to those interested in biodiversity meta-analyses. Confirmation of identities and intercomparison of studies are also constrained by the disturbing rate of decline in the number of taxonomists and systematists specializing on marine taxa in Canada. This decline is mostly the result of retirements of current specialists and to a lack of training and employment opportunities for new ones. Considering the difficulties encountered in compiling an overview of biogeographic data and the diversity of species or taxa in Canada''s three oceans, this synthesis is intended to serve as a biodiversity baseline for a new program on marine biodiversity, the Canadian Healthy Ocean Network. A major effort needs to be undertaken to establish a complete baseline of Canadian marine biodiversity of all taxonomic groups, especially if we are to understand and conserve this part of Canada''s natural heritage.  相似文献   

The factors responsible for maintaining diverse groundcover plant communities of high conservation value in frequently burned wet pine savannas are poorly understood. While most management involves manipulating extrinsic factors important in maintaining species diversity (e.g., fire regimes), most ecological theory (e.g., niche theory and neutral theory) examines how traits exhibited by the species promote species coexistence. Furthermore, although many ecologists focus on processes that maintain local species diversity, conservation biologists have argued that other indices (e.g., phylogenetic diversity) are better for evaluating assemblages in terms of their conservation value. I used a null model that employed beta‐diversity calculations based on Raup–Crick distances to test for deterministic herbaceous species losses associated with a 65‐year chronosequence of woody species encroachment within each of three localities. I quantified conservation value of assemblages by measuring taxonomic distinctness, endemism, and floristic quality of plots with and without woody encroachment. Reductions in herb species richness per plot attributable to woody encroachment were largely stochastic, as indicated by a lack of change in the mean or variance in beta‐diversity caused by woody encroachment in the savannas studied here. Taxonomic distinctness, endemism, and floristic quality (when summed across all species) were all greater in areas that had not experienced woody encroachment. However, when corrected for local species richness, only average endemism and floristic quality of assemblages inclusive of herbs and woody plants were greater in areas that had not experienced woody encroachment, due to the more restricted ranges and habitat requirements of herbs. Results suggest that frequent fires maintain diverse assemblages of fire‐dependent herb species endemic to the region. The stochastic loss of plant species, irrespective of their taxonomic distinctness, to woody encroachment suggests that the relevance of niche partitioning or phylogenetic diversity to the management of biodiversity in wet pine savannas is minimal.  相似文献   

Introduced species are interesting systems for the study of contemporary evolution in new environments because of their spatial and temporal scales. For this study we had three aims: (i) to determine how genetic diversity and genetic differentiation of introduced populations of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) in Brazil varies with range expansion, (ii) to determine how genetic diversity and differentiation in Brazil compares to ancestral European populations; and (iii) to determine whether selection or genetic drift has been more influential on phenotypic divergence. We used six microsatellite markers to genotype six populations from Brazil and four populations from Europe. We found slightly reduced levels of genetic diversity in Brazilian compared to native European populations. However, among introduced populations of Brazil, we found no association between genetic diversity and time since introduction. Moreover, overall genetic differentiation among introduced populations was low indicating that the expansion took place from large populations in which genetic drift effects would likely have been weak. We found significant phenotypic divergence among sites in Brazil. Given the absence of a spatial genetic pattern, divergent selection and not genetic drift seems to be the main force behind most of the phenotypic divergence encountered. Unravelling whether microevolution (e.g., allele frequency change), phenotypic plasticity, or both mediated phenotypic divergence is challenging and will require experimental work (e.g., common garden experiments or breeding programs).  相似文献   

跨太平洋生物入侵研究展望   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
跨太平洋生物入侵是当代最受关注、最具影响的生物学现象之一 ,这一过程导致并促进了新东亚 -北美间断分布格局 (与许多众所周知的古间断分布相对应 )的形成。为了更好地了解这一现象以及相关的生物类群 ,我们探讨了以下几个问题 :1)哪些类型的物种参与或可能会参与跨太平洋生物入侵 ,2 )这些入侵种在入侵之后会发生什么变化以及会导致什么样的后果 ,3)为了有效地监控生物入侵 ,我们应该从哪些方面着手研究入侵种及其原生和非原生生境。为了解决这些问题 ,我们应该对原产地和入侵地的这些物种进行比较研究 ,这些研究包括 :1)遗传学 ,2 )生活史 /形态学 (如 :个体大小、种子大小等 ) ,3)生态学 (如 :生活型 /生长型、传粉媒介和竞争对手等 ) ,4 )在原产地和入侵地的地理分布 (如 :分布区的大小、形状以及纬度等 ) ,5 )物理影响因子 (如土壤、水分和气候等 )。这些研究的目的在于 :1)确定外来种在其原生生境中影响其分布的限制因子 ,2 )了解入侵种能够在入侵地成功的原因 ,3)预测可能进一步发生的生物入侵 ,4 )为有效地监控和管理生物入侵提供资料。  相似文献   

Human head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) are subdivided into 3 deeply divergent mitochondrial clades (Clades A, B, and C), each having unique geographical distributions. Determining the evolutionary history and geographic distribution of these mitochondrial clades can elucidate the evolutionary history of the lice as well as their human hosts. Previous data suggest that lice belonging to mitochondrial Clade B may have originated in North America or Asia; however, geographic sampling and sample sizes have been limited. With newly collected lice, we calculate the relative frequency, geographic distribution, and genetic diversity of louse mitochondrial clades to determine the geographic origin of lice belonging to Clade B. In agreement with previous studies, genetic diversity data support a North American origin of Clade B lice. It is likely that lice belonging to this mitochondrial clade recently migrated to other geographic localities, e.g., Europe and Australia, and, if not already present, may disperse further to occupy all geographic regions.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic framework is developed for the clubmoss family Selaginellaceae based on maximum parsimony analyses of molecular data. The chloroplast gene rbcL was sequenced for 62 species, which represent nearly 10% of living species diversity in the family. Taxa were chosen to reflect morphological, geographical, and ecological diversity. The analyses provide support for monophyly of subgenera Selaginella and Tetragonostachys. Stachygynandrum and Heterostachys are polyphyletic. Monophyly of Ericetorum is uncertain. Results also indicate a large number of new groupings not previously recognized on morphological grounds. Some of these new groups seem to have corresponding morphological synapomorphies, such as the presence of rhizophores (distinctive root-like structures), aspects of rhizophore development, and leaf and stem morphology. Others share distinctive ecological traits (e.g., xerophytism). For many groups, however, no morphological, ecological, or physiological markers are known. This could reflect patchy sampling and a lack of detailed knowledge about many species. Despite a lengthy fossil record dating from the Carboniferous Period, cladogram topology indicates that most of the living tropical species are probably the products of more recent diversifications. Resurrection plants, extreme xerophytes characterized by aridity-driven inrolling of branches and rapid revival on rehydration, have evolved at least three times in quite different clades.  相似文献   

1. The Biobío River basin of south‐central Chile exhibits the greatest species richness of all rivers in Chile, where it is one of the most important rivers for human use. Use for provision of drinking water, irrigation, sewage effluents, hydropower generation and industry has increased dramatically during the last decade. To help understand the effects of human activities on the Biobío River, we document recent changes in the fish community. 2. In this study, current patterns of distribution and abundance of fishes were compared with the expected longitudinal pattern, and to historical data from studies conducted before the rapid development of the last decade. Fish distribution, biomass, abundance and diversity were studied at eight sampling stations in the middle and lower zones of the river in both high and low flow seasons. 3. Contrary to the pattern observed in less impacted river systems, species richness (S), diversity (H′) and abundance [calculated catch per unit effort (CPUE)] all tended to decrease downstream from the uppermost sampling locations. Mean S decreased from 7.9 to 5.4, mean H′ decreased from 0.7 to 0.4, and mean CPUE decreased from 111 to 43 from hyporithral to potamal locations. 4. Comparison with previous records indicates loss or reduction in distribution of native species, and a concurrent expansion in distribution and abundance of tolerant introduced species (e.g. Gambusia holbrooki, and Cyprinus carpio) over the last 10–15 years. These comparisons suggest a large‐scale and long‐term effect of recent human impacts on the river.  相似文献   

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