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Tiutiaev PIu 《Tsitologiia》2008,50(4):347-351
The analysis of plasmodium and spore nuclei, f-actin, tialpha- and gamma-tubulin of three Mixosporidia species--Zschokkela nova (Klokacewa, 1914), Myxidium gasterostei (Noble, 1943) and Myxobolus pseudodispar (Gorbunova, 1936)--was performed using confocal microscopy. We have found out the features of nucleus structure and its changes during division and formation of myxospores.  相似文献   

Bacterial community composition was assessed during riverine biofilm development by the Catalyzed Reporter Deposition Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (CARD-FISH) in combination with Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy. Using artificial substrates, it was possible to follow the dynamics of specific bacterial clusters, while maintaining the unaltered structure and architecture of the biofilm.  相似文献   

原子力显微镜(AFM)作为一项重要的表面可视化技术,以其独特的优势(纳米级的空间分辨率、皮牛级力灵敏度、免标记、可在溶液环境下工作)被广泛应用于生物被膜的研究。AFM不仅可以在近生理环境下对生物被膜表面超微形貌进行可视化表征,同时还可以通过纳米压痕对生物被膜的机械特性(弹性和粘性)进行定量测量,利用AFM单细胞和单分子力谱技术可以获得生物被膜形成过程中细胞-基底以及细胞-细胞之间的相互作用力,为生物被膜的实时原位系统研究提供了可行性。本文简述了AFM的基本操作原理,综述了近年来AFM用于生物被膜表面超微结构成像、机械特性测量以及相互作用力研究方面的进展,并对AFM在生物被膜研究中面临的问题和未来的发展方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Microbial exopolymer may hinder the diffusion of nutrients, antibiotics, and other materials to the cell surface. Studies of diffusion in biofilms have been limited to indirect measurements. This study demonstrated the use of fluorescein and size-fractionated fluor-conjugated dextrans in conjunction with scanning confocal laser microscopy to directly monitor and determine diffusion coefficients within biofilms. The monitoring approaches were simple and, when combined with computerized image collection, allowed assembly of a data set suitable for calculation of one-dimensional diffusion coefficients for biofilm regions. With these techniques, it was shown that regional variability in the mobility of the dextrans occurred within mixed-species biofilms. Some regions exhibited rapid diffusion of all test molecules, while adjacent regions were only penetrated by the lower-molecular-weight compounds. The effective diffusion coefficients (D(e)) determined in a mixed-species biofilm were a function of the molecular radius of the probe (i.e., fluorescein, D(e) = 7.7 x 10 cm s; 4,000 molecular weight, D(e) = 3.1 x 10 cm s; and 2,000,000 molecular weight, D(e) = 0.7 x 10 cm s). These results demonstrated that diffusion in the biofilm was hindered relative to diffusion in the bulk solution. The study indicated that in situ monitoring by scanning laser microscopy is a useful approach for determining the mobility of fluorescently labeled molecules in biofilms, allowing image acquisition, appropriate scales of study, both xy and xz monitoring, and calculation of D(e) values.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to demonstrate the presence of yeast and bacterial biofilms on the surface of tracheoesophageal voice prostheses (TVPs) by a double-staining technique with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Biofilms of 12 removed TVPs were visualized by scanning electron microscopy, then stained with ConA-FITC and propidium iodide for CLSM. Microbial identification was by partial 16S rRNA gene analysis and ITS-2 sequence analysis. Microbial biofilms on the TVPs consisted of bacteria and filamentous cells. Bacterial cells were attached to the filamentous and unicellular yeast cells, thus forming a network. Sequence analyses of six voice prostheses identified the presence of a variety of bacterial and yeast species. In vivo studies showed that Klebsiella oxytoca and Micrococcus luteus efficiently attached to Candida albicans. CLSM with double fluorescence staining can be used to demonstrate biofilm formations composed of a mixture of yeast and bacterial cells on the surface of TVPs.  相似文献   

Summary Scanning confocal microscopy has been used in conjunction with immunofluorescent localization to address two areas of debate in cartilage research. With the enhanced resolution and optical sectioning capability of this new technique, we have demonstrated that type IX collagen is preferentially located in an area around the chondrocyte, even in young cartilage. We have also shown that cathepsin B production is not confined to de-differentiated chondrocytes. The advantages and versatility of scanning confocal microscopy have thus clearly been demonstrated.  相似文献   

A new technique for the determination of local diffusion coefficients in biofilms is described. It is based on the microinjection of fluorescent dyes and quantitative analysis of the subsequent plume formation using confocal laser microscopy. The diffusion coefficients of fluorescein (MW 332), TRITC-IgG (MW 150000) and phycoerythrin (MW 240000) were measured in the cell clusters and interstitial voids of a heterogeneous biofilm. The diffusivities measured in the voids were close to the theoretical values in water. Fluorescein had the same diffusivity in cell clusters, voids, and sterile medium. TRITC-IgG did not diffuse in cell clusters, presumably due to binding to the cell cluster matrix. After treatment of the biofilm with bovine serum albumin, binding capacity decreased and the diffusion coefficient could be measured. The diffusivity of phycoerythrin in cell clusters was impeded by 41%, compared to interstitial voids. From the diffusion data of phycoerythrin it was further calculated that the cell cluster matrix had the characteristics of a gel with 0.6 nm thick fibers and pore diameters of 80 nm. (c) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in a biofilm were quantified by measuring the total cell volume from a 3-D image of the biofilm using confocal laser scanning microscope after staining cells with a fluorescent dye specific for nucleic acids. The EPS content was the difference between the volatile solids in the biofilm and the total cell mass, which could be quantified from the measured cell volume.  相似文献   

The impact of metabolic state on Cd adsorption onto bacterial cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines the effect of bacterial metabolism on the adsorption of Cd onto Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial cells. Metabolically active Gram-positive cells adsorbed significantly less Cd than non-metabolizing cells. Gram-negative cells, however, showed no systematic difference in Cd adsorption between metabolizing and non-metabolizing cells. The effect of metabolism on Cd adsorption to Gram-positive cells was likely due to an influx of protons in and around the cell wall from the metabolic proton motive force, promoting competition between Cd and protons for adsorption sites on the cell wall. The relative lack of a metabolic effect on Cd adsorption onto Gram-negative compared to Gram-positive cells suggests that Cd binding in Gram-negative cells is focused in a region of the cell wall that is not reached, or is unaffected by this proton flux. Thermodynamic modeling was used to estimate that proton pumping causes the pH in the cell wall of metabolizing Gram-positive bacteria to decrease from the bulk solution value of 7.0 to approximately 5.7.  相似文献   

The presence of bacterial biofilms is detrimental in a wide range of healthcare situations especially wound healing. Physical debridement of biofilms is a method widely used to remove them. This study evaluates the use of microfluidic jet impingement to debride biofilms. In this case, a biofilm is treated as a saturated porous medium also having linear elastic properties. A numerical modeling approach is used to calculate the von Mises stress distribution within a porous medium under fluid-structure interaction (FSI) loading to determine the initial rupture of the biofilm structure. The segregated model first simulates the flow field to obtain the FSI interface loading along the fluid-solid interface and body force loading within the porous medium. A stress-strain model is consequently used to calculate the von Mises stress distribution to obtain the biofilm deformation. Under a vertical jet, 60% of the deformation of the porous medium can be accounted for by treating the medium as if it was an impermeable solid. However, the maximum deformation in the porous medium corresponds to the point of maximum shear stress which is a different position in the porous medium than that of the maximum normal stress in an impermeable solid. The study shows that a jet nozzle of 500 μm internal diameter (ID) with flow of Reynolds number (Re) of 200 can remove the majority of biofilm species.  相似文献   

Imaging of biofilms on opaque surfaces is a challenge presented to researchers especially considering pathogenic bacteria, as those typically grow on living tissue, such as mucosa and bone. However, they can also grow on surfaces used in industrial applications such as food production, acting as a hindrance to the process. Thus, it is important to understand bacteria better in the environment they actually have relevance in. Stainless steel and titanium substrata were line structured and dotted surface topographies for titanium substrata were prepared to analyze their effects on biofilm formation of a constitutively green fluorescent protein (GFP)‐expressing Escherichia coli strain. The strain was batch cultivated in a custom built flow cell initially for 18 h, followed by continuous cultivation for 6 h. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) was used to determine the biofilm topography. Biofilm growth of E. coli GFPmut2 was not affected by the type of metal substrate used; rather, attachment and growth were influenced by variable shapes of the microstructured titanium surfaces. In this work, biofilm cultivation in flow cells was coupled with the most widely used biofilm analytical technique (CLSM) to study the time course of growth of a GFP‐expressing biofilm on metallic surfaces without intermittent sampling or disturbing the natural development of the biofilm.  相似文献   

The effect of average pore size of nano-pore silica particles on protein adsorption characteristics was determined experimentally by the dissociation constant and the adsorption capacity determined from the Langmuir equation. As the average pore size was increased from 2.2 to 45 nm, the BSA adsorption capacity increased from 16.8 to 84.3 mg/g-silica so as the equilibrium constant (from 2.6 to 9.4 mg/ml). Using confocal microscopy with fluorescence labeling, we could visualize the protein adsorption in situ and determine the minimum pore size required for efficient intraparticle adsorption. The confocal microscopy analysis revealed that BSA was adsorbed mainly on the surface of the particles with a smaller pore size, but diffused further into the interstitial surface when it was sufficiently large. It was concluded that for BSA whose Stoke's diameter is ca. 3.55 nm the minimum pore size of about 45 nm or larger was required for a sufficient adsorption capacity.  相似文献   

共聚焦显微技术简介   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
尚忠林 《生物学通报》2001,36(12):33-35
共聚焦显微镜在生物学研究中得到广泛应用,共聚焦显微技术按照显微镜构造原理的不同分成激光扫描共聚焦和数字共聚焦显微技术两种,共聚焦技术具有成像清晰,获得三维图像,进行多标记观察,活细胞内动态生理反应的实时观察记录,定性定量分析等优势,与共聚焦显微技术相关的技术有荧光染料的选择,荧光指示剂装载以及图像数据处理等。  相似文献   

Confocal laser scanning microscopy has been previously applied to the study of protein uptake in porous chromatography resins. This method requires labeling the protein with a fluorescent probe. The labeled protein is then diluted with a large quantity of native protein so that the fluorescence intensity is a linear function of the labeled protein concentration. Ideally, the attachment of a fluorescent probe should not affect the affinity of the protein for the stationary phase; however, recent experimental work has shown that this assumption is difficult to satisfy. In the present study, we present a mathematical model of protein diffusion and adsorption in a single adsorbent particle. The differences in adsorption behavior of labeled and native protein are accounted for by treating the system as a two-component system (labeled and native protein) described by the steric mass action isotherm (SMA). SMA parameters are regressed from experimental linear gradient elution data for lysozyme and lysozyme-dye conjugates (for the fluorescent dyes Cy3, Cy5, Bodipy FL, and Atto635). When the regressed parameters are employed in the model, an overshoot in the labeled lysozyme concentration is predicted for Cy5- and Bodipy-labeled lysozyme, but not for Atto635-labeled lysozyme. The model predictions agree qualitatively well with recent work showing the dependence of the concentration overshoot on the identity of the attached dye and provide further evidence that the overshoot is likely caused by the change of binding characteristics due to the fluorescent label.  相似文献   

李江辉  陈齐裕  陈茜  王亚红  杜永均 《昆虫学报》2010,53(12):1419-1423
【目的】本研究探讨用激光共聚焦扫描显微镜对昆虫触角叶内结构的扫描技术。【方法】选取鳞翅目斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura, 蜚蠊目美洲大蠊Periplaneta americana和鞘翅目松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus, 仔细解剖得到昆虫完整脑组织, 经过Lucifer yellow染色、戊二醛固定、梯度酒精脱水和透明等一系列处理后, 用激光共聚焦扫描显微镜对昆虫触角叶结构进行分层扫描。【结果】结果显示: 经该方法处理后在激发光488 nm下能清晰扫描出昆虫触角内典型结构神经纤维球, 并且可清晰看到这3种昆虫雄性触角叶结构内的扩大型神经纤维球复合体(macroglomerular complex, MGC), 而在相应雌性昆虫体内都没有此复合体。另外通过5 μm分层扫描得到斜纹夜蛾、美洲大蠊和松墨天牛的触角叶平均厚度分别为130, 235和115 μm, 神经纤维球数量分别为35, 59和39个。【结论】激光共聚焦扫描技术是获得昆虫触角叶内部结构的一个可行方法。  相似文献   

This study evaluated predation with Bdellovibrio bacteriovorous and CO2 aerosol spraying to remove fluorescent Escherichia coli biofilms from silicon chips. Initial tests found that 7.5×105 viable E. coli cells were dispersed into the surrounding environment during aerosol treatment. The total number dispersed per test decreased to only 16 for predated biofilms. This is nearly 50,000-fold lower compared to untreated chips and 1000-fold lower compared to chips soaked in HEPES buffer only. Both scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and fluorescent microscopy analyses confirmed that predation alone did not completely eradicate the biofilm population. When used in conjunction with CO2 aerosols, however, no fluorescent signals remained and the SEM pictures showed a pristine surface devoid of bacteria. Consequently, this study demonstrates these two methods can be used with each other to significantly remove biofilms from surfaces while also significantly reducing the likelihood of human exposure to potential pathogens during their removal.  相似文献   

M Dwidar  S Hong  M Cha  J Jang  RJ Mitchell 《Biofouling》2012,28(7):671-680
This study evaluated predation with Bdellovibrio bacteriovorous and CO(2) aerosol spraying to remove fluorescent Escherichia coli biofilms from silicon chips. Initial tests found that 7.5×10(5) viable E. coli cells were dispersed into the surrounding environment during aerosol treatment. The total number dispersed per test decreased to only 16 for predated biofilms. This is nearly 50,000-fold lower compared to untreated chips and 1000-fold lower compared to chips soaked in HEPES buffer only. Both scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and fluorescent microscopy analyses confirmed that predation alone did not completely eradicate the biofilm population. When used in conjunction with CO(2) aerosols, however, no fluorescent signals remained and the SEM pictures showed a pristine surface devoid of bacteria. Consequently, this study demonstrates these two methods can be used with each other to significantly remove biofilms from surfaces while also significantly reducing the likelihood of human exposure to potential pathogens during their removal.  相似文献   

Large-pore materials or supports resembling polymer conduits are used as packing material in chromatographic operations. Our ongoing research has shown that, when modified with peptides or ligands, chitosan beads that are 800 microm in diameter and have 3.5% solids can be used as matrices in bioseparations. The goal of the present study is to evaluate the transport properties of biomolecules in the modified chitosan beaded matrices. Batch uptake experiments with fluorescently tagged pure human IgG, human IgA and human IgM were conducted to visualize the distribution of binding sites throughout the bead as well as to evaluate restrictions to diffusion, if any, within the support. The chromatographic performance of the macrobeads was first assessed by the classical height equivalent of a theoretical plate HETP analysis. The independence of HETP on linear flow rates studied suggests that a likely mode of solute transport within the macrobeads may be a combination of convection and diffusion-convective components. By using fluorescent-tagged immunoglobulins, the penetration of the adsorbent particle at different times and different levels of saturation was visually observed. The profiles obtained from dynamic experiments were compared to the profiles obtained from finite bath experiments. With an increase in the incubation time, the degree of penetration increased and the bead interior was saturated with FITC immunoglobulins at the end point of the finite bath experiment. In the dynamic uptake experiment, the degree of penetration was found to be a function of the linear velocity and level of breakthrough. The penetration of the bead radius, at times lower than the predicted diffusion time, suggests that the mode of transport in the chitosan beads is governed by a combination of convective and diffusive forces.  相似文献   

Kreth J  Hagerman E  Tam K  Merritt J  Wong DT  Wu BM  Myung NV  Shi W  Qi F 《Biofilms》2004,1(4):277-284
Microbial biofilm formation can be influenced by many physiological and genetic factors. The conventional microtiter plate assay provides useful but limited information about biofilm formation. With the fast expansion of the biofilm research field, there are urgent needs for more informative techniques to quantify the major parameters of a biofilm, such as adhesive strength and total biomass. It would be even more ideal if these measurements could be conducted in a real-time, non-invasive manner. In this study, we used quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) and microjet impingement (MJI) to measure total biomass and adhesive strength, respectively, of S. mutans biofilms formed under different sucrose concentrations. In conjunction with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and the COMSTAT software, we show that sucrose concentration affects the biofilm strength, total biomass, and architecture in both qualitative and quantitative manners. Our data correlate well with previous observations about the effect of sucrose on the adherence of S. mutans to the tooth surface, and demonstrate that QCM is a useful tool for studying the kinetics of biofilm formation in real time and that MJI is a sensitive, easy-to-use device to measure the adhesive strength of a biofilm.  相似文献   

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