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Snail genes have been found to play a role in mesoderm formation in two of the three clades of bilaterians, deuterostomes (comprising the chordates) and ecdysozoans (comprising the arthropods). No clear data are available on the role these genes play in development of the mesoderm in the third clade, that of lophotrochozoans (comprising annelids and molluscs). We identified two new members of the snail gene family in the gastropod mollusc Patella vulgata. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the two genes clearly belong to the snail sub-family. Their expression patterns do not indicate a role during early mesoderm formation. In fact, contrary to expectations, the snail genes of Patella were mostly expressed in the ectoderm. In view of the location of their expression sites, we suggest that these genes could be involved in regulating epithelial-mesenchymal transitions (EMT) and cell motility, as has recently been demonstrated for snail genes in vertebrates. This may well correspond to the ancestral function of these genes. The results are discussed in the light of the evolutionary origin of the mesoderm. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00427-002-0228-1.  相似文献   

We cloned and analyzed the expression of a caudal homologue (PvuCdx) during the early development of the marine gastropod, Patella vulgata. PvuCdx is expressed at the onset of gastrulation in the ectodermal cells that constitute the posterior edge of the blastopore, as well as in the paired mesentoblasts, the stem cells that generate the posterior mesoderm of the trochophore larva. During larval stages, PvuCdx is expressed in the posterior neurectoderm of the larva, as well as in part of the mesoderm. This is the first report of the expression of a caudal gene in a lophotrochozoan species. The striking similarities with the expression of caudal in other organisms, such as chordates, suggest that a posterior expression of caudal is ancestral to Bilateria.  相似文献   

We report the characterisation of a Brachyury ortholog (PvuBra) in the marine gastropod Patella vulgata. In this mollusc, the embryo displays an equal cleavage pattern until the 32-cell stage. There, an inductive event takes place that sets up the bilateral symmetry, by specifying one of the four initially equipotent vegetal macromeres as the posterior pole of all subsequent morphogenesis. This macromere, usually designated as 3D, will subsequently act as an organiser. We show that 3D expresses PvuBra as soon as its fate is determined. As reported for another mollusc (J. D. Lambert and L. M. Nagy (2001) Development 128, 45-56), we found that 3D determination and activity also involve the activation of the MAP kinase ERK, and we further show that PvuBra expression in 3D requires ERK activity. PvuBra expression then rapidly spreads to neighbouring cells that cleave in a bilateral fashion and whose progeny will constitute the posterior edge of the blastopore during gastrulation, suggesting a role for PvuBra in regulating cell movements and cleavage morphology in Patella. Until the completion of gastrulation, PvuBra expression is maintained at the posterior pole, and along the developing anterior-posterior axis. Comparing this expression pattern with what is known in other Bilateria, we advocate that Brachyury might have a conserved role in the regulation of anterior-posterior patterning among Bilateria, through the maintenance of a posterior growth zone, suggesting that a teloblastic mode of axis formation might be ancestral to the Bilateria.  相似文献   

The engrailed gene is well known from its role in segmentation and central nervous system development in a variety of species. In molluscs, however, engrailed is involved in shell formation. So far, it seemed that engrailed had been co-opted uniquely for this particular process in molluscs. Here, we show that, in the gastropod mollusc Patella vulgata, an engrailed ortholog is expressed in the edge of the embryonic shell and in the anlage of the apical sensory organ. Surprisingly, a dpp-BMP2/4 ortholog is expressed in cells of the ectoderm surrounding, but not overlapping, the engrailed-expressing shell-forming cells. It is also expressed in the anlage of the eyes. Earlier it was shown that a compartment boundary exists between the cells of the embryonic shell and the adjacent ectoderm. We conclude that engrailed and dpp are most likely involved in setting up a compartment boundary between these cells, very similar to the situation in, for example, the developing wing imaginal disc in Drosophila. We suggest that engrailed became involved in shell formation because of its ancestral role, which is to set up compartment boundaries between embryonic domains.  相似文献   

The twist gene is known to be involved in mesoderm formation in two of the three clades of bilaterally symmetrical animals: viz. deuterostomes (such as vertebrates) and ecdysozoans (such as arthropods and nematodes). There are currently no data on the spatiotemporal expression of this gene in the third clade, the lophotrochozoans (such as mollusks and annelids). To approach the question of mesoderm homology across bilaterians, we decided to analyze orthologs of this gene in the gastropod mollusk Patella vulgata that belongs to the lophotrochozoans. We present here the cloning, characterization, and phylogenetic analysis of a Patella twist ortholog, Pv-twi, and determine the early spatiotemporal expression pattern of this gene. Pv-twi expression was found in the trochophore larva in a subset of the ectomesoderm, one of the two sources of mesoderm in Patella. These data support the idea that twist genes were ancestrally involved in mesoderm differentiation. The absence of Pv-twi in the second mesodermal source, the endomesoderm, suggests that also other genes must be involved in lophotrochozoan mesoderm differentiation. It therefore remains a question if the mesoderm of all bilaterians is homologous.  相似文献   

We have characterised orthologues of the genes fork head and goosecoid in the gastropod Patella vulgata. In this species, the anterior-posterior (AP) axis is determined just before gastrulation, and leads to the specification of two mesodermal components on each side of the presumptive endoderm, one anterior (ectomesoderm), and one posterior (endomesoderm). Both fork head and goosecoid are expressed from the time the AP axis is specified, up to the end of gastrulation. fork head mRNA is detected in the whole endoderm, as well as in the anterior mesoderm, whereas goosecoid is only expressed anteriorly, in the three germ layers. The two genes are thus coexpressed in the anterior mesoderm, suggesting the latter's homology with vertebrate prechordal mesoderm. In addition, since prechordal plate is known to belong to an anterior, so called "head organiser", and since its inductive role is dependent on the function of the vertebrate fork head and goosecoid orthologues, we further suggest that the anterior mesoderm may also have a role in anterior inductive patterning in Spiralia. Finally, we propose that a mode of axial development involving two organisers, one anterior and one posterior, is ancestral to the Bilateria, and that both organisers evolved from the single head organiser of a putative hydra-like ancestor.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure and function of the intestine of Patella vulgata   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Maxwell S.  Bush 《Journal of Zoology》1988,215(4):685-702

The origin of cerebral structures is a major issue in both developmental and evolutionary biology. Among Lophotrochozoans, cephalopods present both a derived nervous system and an original body plan, therefore they constitute a key model to study the evolution of nervous system and molecular processes that control the neural organization. We characterized a partial sequence of an ortholog of otx2 in Sepia officinalis embryos, a gene specific to the anterior nervous system and eye development. By in situ hybridization, we assessed the expression pattern of otx2 during S. officinalis organogenesis and we showed that otx is expressed (1) in the eyes, from early to late developmental stages as observed in other species (2) in the nervous system during late developmental stages. The otx ortholog does not appear to be required for the precocious emergence of the nervous ganglia in cephalopods and is later expressed only in the most anterior ganglia of the future brain. Finally, otx expression becomes restricted to localized part of the brain, where it could be involved in the functional specification of the central nervous system of S. officinalis. These results suggest a conserved involvement of otx in eye maturation and development of the anterior neural structures in S. officinalis.  相似文献   

In Patella vulgata the 32-cell stage represents a pause in the mitotic activity prior to the differentiation of the mesentoblast mother cell 3D. At the onset of this stage, the embryo is radially symmetrical. Nevertheless, the plane of bilateral symmetry is indicated as it passes through the macromeres forming the vegetal cross-furrow. From the early beginning of the 32-cell stage, all four macromeres intrude far into the interior and touch the centrally radiating cells of the first quartet of micromeres. The two cross-furrow forming macromeres (3B and 3D) intrude the farthest and come into contact with the greatest number of micromeres. Finally, the contacts are extended significantly and maintained with only one of these macromeres. From that moment, this cell can be called the macromere 3D and the dorsoventral axis is determined. The evolution of the internal cell contacts between the micromeres of the first quartet and the macromeres indicates an essential role of the former in the determination of one of the latter as the mesentoblast mother cell, and thus in the determination of dorsoventral polarity.  相似文献   

To obtain insights into the mechanisms of gastrulation and neural tube formation, we studied the function and regulation of expression of Hroth, the ascidian homologue of orthodenticle/otx, during embryogenesis. Microinjection of synthetic Hroth mRNA into fertilized eggs led to embryos with an expanded trunk and a reduced tail. In these embryos, development of notochord and muscle was effected. Also, Hroth overexpression caused ectopic formation of anterior neuroectoderm, along with suppression of epidermis development, even in the absence of cell-cell interaction. Furthermore, we demonstrated that ectodermal expression of Hroth requires an inductive influence from the vegetal hemisphere cells. These data suggest roles of Hroth in both specification of mesoendodermal cells and anterior neuroectoderm formation.  相似文献   

Summary Patterns of gap junctional communication in the ectoderm of embryos of Patella vulgata have been studied by intracellular injection of the fluorescent dye Lucifer Yellow, and by analysis of its subsequent spread to adjacent cells (dye-coupling). We found that dye-coupling became progressively restricted to different domains of the ectoderm, forming communication compartments. These communication compartments are characterized by their high coupling abilities within the compartment, and reduction of coupling across their boundaries. During development, the pretrochal (anterior) ectoderm becomes subdivided into two communication compartments, the apical organ and the anlage of the head ectoderm. The posttrochal (posterior) ectoderm becomes subdivided into different communication compartments in two successive phases. Firstly, in the 15-h embryo the dorsal and ventral domains of the ectoderm form separate communication compartments. A dorso-ventral communication boundary restricts the passage of dye between the two domains. Secondly, in the 24-h embryo dye-coupling becomes further compartmentalized in both the dorsal and ventral domains. These compartments correspond to the anlagen of different ectodermal structures. In order to study whether any level of coupling persists between the ectodermal compartments we injected currents through a microelectrode inserted into one cell of one compartment and monitored its spread by means of a second microelectrode inserted into one cell of another compartment (electrical coupling). Despite the absence of dye-coupling, electrical coupling between the ectodermal dye-coupling compartments was detected, which suggests that some level of communication is maintained between compartments. Our results demonstrate that within the ectoderm layer of Patella vulgata the transfer of dyes becomes progressively restricted to communication compartments and, concomitantly with the specification of the different ectodermal anlagen, these compartments become subdivided into smaller communication compartments.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced the cDNAs encoding Patella vulgata cyclins A and B. The cDNA clones contain an open reading frame of 426 and 408 amino acids respectively, which present similarity with cyclins from other species. Cyclin A and B RNAs are present as polyadenylated and non-polyadenylated RNA in prophase oocytes and are completely polyadenylated in metaphase I. During the first cleavages after fertilization the level of cyclin A and B mRNAs is high and drops when the free swimming stage is reached. Using p13suc1-Sepharose bead precipitation we demonstrate that cyclin synthesis is triggered during maturation and that inhibition of protein synthesis makes the cyclins disappear rapidly from the metaphase I oocytes, which shift to interphase condition. By microinjecting antisense oligonucleotides into metaphase I oocytes, we demonstrate that in vivo ablation of cyclin A and B messengers together gives the same result, whereas microinjection of only one oligonucleotide does not show any effect.  相似文献   

A carboxypeptidase A-like enzyme has been purified to apparent homogeneity from commercially available acetone powder from the visceral hump of the limpet, Patella vulgata. A two-step procedure involving affinity chromatography on ?-amino-N-caproyl-d-phenylalanine-Sepharose and gel filtration resulted in a 3000-fold purification with an 80% yield. The enzyme is a single polypeptide chain of Mr = 40,000 and exhibits both peptidase and esterase activities, which are characterized by dramatic excess substrate inhibition. Inhibition studies suggest that a metal ion is required for activity and demonstrate that the affinity label, N-bromoacetyl-N-methyl-l-phenylalanine, and a polypeptide carboxypeptidase inhibitor from potatoes (apparent Ki approx. 2 nm) are effective against the limpet enzyme.  相似文献   

《Developmental biology》1986,116(1):92-99
The respective roles of germinal vesicle (GV) nucleoplasm dispersion and intracellular alkalinization in the acquisition of cytoplasmic maturity by oocytes of the prosobranch mollusk Patella vulgata have been investigated in experiments involving premature fertilization of prophase-blocked oocytes. These were then either enucleated and treated with 10 mM NH4Cl, pH 8.5, or induced to break their germinal vesicle in the absence of any evoked intracellular pH change. Results indicate that male pronuclear decondensation, sperm aster differentiation and cleavage require both GV nucleoplasm dispersion and intracellular pH alkalinization. These data are discussed in relation to the respective roles of calcium, pH, and nucleoplasm during maturation and activation of invertebrate and vertebrate oocytes.  相似文献   

Summary A study of the Patella vulgata radula has been made using: the scanning electron microscope in its normal and compositional contrast modes of operation, the electron microprobe analyser, ion etching with argon ions and microhardness testing.Only iron, silicon and small amounts of sulphur were detected in the radula. The teeth can be subdivided into a cusp, a junctional area where the cusp is joined to the base, and the base which is embedded in the radular membrane. From a study of longitudinal vertical and transverse sections of the mature teeth it was found that the cusp could be subdivided into a posterior iron-rich area (44–51% Fe, 1–6% Si) and an anterior silicon-rich area (22–30% Fe, 27–32% Si). The junctional zone consisted of a poorly mineralised layer at its border with the cusp and an iron-rich layer where it joined the base. The upper part of the base (5% Fe, 16% Si) could be clearly differentiated from the silicon-rich anterior and lower parts of the base (3–4% Fe, 28–35% Si). No minerals were detected in the membrane. The changes in the mineral content of the teeth cusps along the length of the radula were studied. Iron appeared in the cusps at the 25th row and the concentration increased to 28% at the 50th row. The iron was here evenly distributed throughout the cusp. Silicon appeared in the anterior part of the cusp at the 50th row and as it increased in concentration so the iron was displaced, and at the same time the concentration of iron increased in the posterior part of the cusp. Mineralization appeared to be complete by the 150th row.The teeth cusps appear to consist of 800 Å fibres grouped into 1 thick bundles and the tooth appears to be covered by a thin enamel-like layer. It is suggested that the fibres contain the silicon-rich phase and the matrix the iron-rich phase.The significance of the arrangement of the fibres and the distribution of the minerals are discussed with relation to the function of the teeth.We wish to thank Mr. A. Rees and Mr. A. Davies for their technical assistance; Prof. Lewis and Dr. James for the use of the Electron Microprobe; and the S.R.C. for their financial support.  相似文献   

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