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Clone B is a cytotoxic T cell clone induced by immunization with Plasmodium yoelii sporozoites which recognizes an epitope on both the P. yoelii and Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite proteins. It is CD8, uses the V beta 8.1 TCR, and is Kd restricted. When adoptively transferred, it protects mice against infection by both species of malaria sporozoites, and this protection is dependent on IFN-gamma. Clone B cells are more broadly reactive and protective than previously described murine T cell clones against malaria. Clone B may be an important model for immune protection against the spectrum of variant parasites in nature.  相似文献   

Plasmodium berghei: cloning of the circumsporozoite protein gene   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A DNA fragment encoding the carboxy terminal 80% of the Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite protein was selected from a genomic DNA expression library. Sequencing revealed that the P. berghei circumsporozoite protein was similar in overall structure to circumsporozoite proteins from other malaria species, although the central repeat region was unique in comprising two different blocks of tandem peptide repeats: 11 eight amino acid repeats with predominant sequence DPAPPNAN were followed by 16 two amino repeats, predominantly PQ. The P. berghei circumsporozoite protein exhibited limited, but about equal amino acid homology to circumsporozoite proteins from P. knowlesi, P. vivax, and P. falciparum, indicating that P. berghei is not closely related to any of these other malaria species. Cloning of the P. berghei circumsporozoite protein gene will allow direct testing of sporozoite vaccines in mice.  相似文献   

In order to identify T cell epitopes recognized by human in the Plasmodium vivax circumsporozoite protein, 28 overlapping synthetic peptides spanning the entire circumsporozoite protein were tested for their ability to stimulate proliferation of PBMC from 22 adults living in a malaria-endemic area of the Colombian Pacific Coast and from four individuals who never had a history of malaria infection. In addition, BALB/c mice were immunized with pools of peptides, and their lymph node cells were stimulated in vitro with individual peptides. Four epitopes were recognized by human lymphocytes but not all of them by mice. One of the epitopes was located inside the central repetitive B cell immunodominant domain. Several of the variants of the repeats were recognized by about one-third of the studied individuals. Another T cell epitope was located in the amino terminus and the other two in the carboxyl region. Peptides were recognized by both immune and nonimmune donors. Some of them were frequently recognized suggesting a lack of genetic restriction, whereas some others were recognized by only a few individuals but induced strong proliferation. These epitopes may be of potential value for a malaria subunit vaccine.  相似文献   

Avian and rodent malaria sporozoites selectively invade different vertebrate cell types, namely macrophages and hepatocytes, and develop in distantly related vector species. To investigate the role of the circumsporozoite (CS) protein in determining parasite survival in different vector species and vertebrate host cell types, we replaced the endogenous CS protein gene of the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei with that of the avian parasite P. gallinaceum and control rodent parasite P. yoelii. In anopheline mosquitoes, P. berghei parasites carrying P. gallinaceum and rodent parasite P. yoelii CS protein gene developed into oocysts and sporozoites. Plasmodium gallinaceum CS expressing transgenic sporozoites, although motile, failed to invade mosquito salivary glands and to infect mice, which suggests that motility alone is not sufficient for invasion. Notably, a percentage of infected Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes showed melanotic encapsulation of late stage oocysts. This was not observed in control infections or in A. gambiae infections. These findings shed new light on the role of the CS protein in the interaction of the parasite with both the mosquito vector and the rodent host.  相似文献   

We examined the extent of variation of the 3' region of the circumsporozoite gene among Plasmodium falciparum isolates through amplification of a selected DNA fragment followed by DNA sequencing. A total of 32 isolates were analyzed, of which 24 were from Amazon endemic areas in Brazil and 8 from widely separated geographical regions in the world. Among Brazilian isolates only 2 variants were detected: 19 displayed the same sequence of strain 7G8 whereas the 4 remaining isolates differed from the 7G8 strain at five nucleotide positions which also led to amino acid changes. Variation was restricted to one of the T-helper epitopes while the sequence identified as a cytotoxic T cell epitope was conserved in all Brazilian isolates. P. falciparum samples from other geographical regions in the world showed sequences distinct from those of Brazilian isolates. However, some constancy could be observed within that variation. For instance, the most frequent nucleotide substitutions, from A and C at nucleotide positions 1015 and 1024, were the same in all isolates.  相似文献   

An IgM monoclonal antibody (Mab 36) which reacts with the circumsporozoite (CS) proteins of both P. falciparum and P. berghei was isolated from Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite-immunized mice. In assays of biological activity, Mab 36 induces the CS precipitation reaction with live sporozoites and blocks the invasion of hepatoma cells by sporozoites in vitro at concentrations much lower than those observed for previously reported CS protein-specific monoclonal antibodies. Mab 36 also provided complete protection against P. berghei sporozoite challenge in mice at low doses. Linear epitope mapping revealed that the epitope specificities recognized by Mab 36 are completely encompassed by other monoclonals previously shown to be associated in vivo with protection against P. falciparum or P. berghei sporozoite infection. These results suggest that the ability to make high-affinity IgM antibody to specific CS protein repeat epitopes may be important for eliciting protection against malarial infection.  相似文献   

A 20-residue sequence from the C-terminal region of the circumsporozoite protein of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is considered a universal helper T cell epitope because it is immunogenic in individuals of many major histocompatibility complex (MHC) haplotypes. Subunit vaccines containing T* and the major B cell epitope of the circumsporozoite protein induce high antibody titers to the malaria parasite and significant T cell responses in humans. In this study we have evaluated the specificity of the T* sequence with regard to its binding to the human class II MHC protein DR4 (HLA-DRB1*0401), its interactions with antigen receptors on T cells, and the effect of natural variants of this sequence on its immunogenicity. Computational approaches identified multiple potential DR4-binding epitopes within T*, and experimental binding studies confirmed the following two tight binding epitopes: one located toward the N terminus (the T*-1 epitope) and one at the C terminus (the T*-5 epitope). Immunization of a human DR4 volunteer with a peptide-based vaccine containing the T* sequence elicited CD4+ T cells that recognize each of these epitopes. Here we present an analysis of the immunodominant N-terminal epitope T*-1. T*-1 residues important for interaction with DR4 and with antigen receptors on T*-specific T cells were mapped. MHC tetramers carrying DR4/T*-1 MHC-peptide complexes stained and efficiently stimulated these cells in vitro. T*-1 overlaps a region of the protein that has been described as highly polymorphic; however, the particular T*-1 residues required for anchoring to DR4 were highly conserved in Plasmodium sequences described to date.  相似文献   

The humoral and cellular antisporozoite immune responses of a laboratory-born chimpanzee were measured following multiple exposures to the bites of Plasmodium vivax-infected mosquitoes. T cell lines and clones derived from the chimpanzee's PBL were used to identify T cell epitopes of the P. vivax circumsporozoite (CS) protein. Two independently obtained cell lines, established by culturing the PBL with either a recombinant P. vivax circumsporozoite (rPvCS) protein or a pool of synthetic peptides spanning the rPvCS sequence, recognized a 20-mer peptide from a nonpolymorphic region of the carboxyl terminus of the CS protein. This peptide overlaps a sequence homologous to region II of the Plasmodium falciparum CS protein. A third T cell line recognized an epitope within the central repeat domain, which has recently been found to be a polymorphic region of the P. vivax CS protein. The CD4+ clones derived from this third T cell line secreted IFN-gamma and IL-2 when stimulated with either the P. vivax repeat peptide (DRAAGQPAG)2 or the rPvCS protein.  相似文献   

The Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite (PfCS) protein (aa 19–405) has been cloned and expressed in E. coli. The protein was purified in a two-step process that was rapid and reproducible. E. coli cells were grown to a high density before induction for 1 h. Cells were disrupted by high pressure microfluidization and the total bacterial protein solubilized in 6 M Gu-HCl. The protein was refolded while bound to Ni–NTA agarose by exchange of 6 M Gu-HCl for 8 M urea and then slow removal of the urea. The eluted protein was further purified on Q Sepharose Fast Flow using conditions developed to remove E. coli proteins and reduce endotoxin (to 10 EU/50 μg). Yield was 20 mg of PfCS protein from 10 g of wet cell paste. The final protein product bound to HepG2 liver cells in culture and inhibited the invasion of those cells by sporozoites in an ISI assay greater than 80% over control cultures when used at 10 μg/ml.  相似文献   

In rodent malaria model systems, protective immunity induced by immunization with irradiated sporozoites is eliminated by in vivo depletion of CD8+ T cells, and adoptive transfer of CTL clones against the circumsporozoite protein protects against malaria. We recently demonstrated that volunteers immunized with irradiated Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites produce CTL against peptide 368-390 of the P. falciparum circumsporozoite protein. To determine whether natural exposure to malaria induced similar CTL, we studied 11 adult, male, life-long residents of a highly malarious area of Kenya, who were selected because their lymphocytes had been shown to proliferate after stimulation with peptides 361-380, 371-390, or 368-390 and because nine had been resistant to malaria in previous studies. In four of the 11 individuals there was peptide-specific, genetically restricted, CTL activity. In all four individuals, this activity was unaffected by depletion of CD4+ T cells. In three volunteers the activity was eliminated or reduced by depletion of CD8+ T cells; in the fourth volunteer the CD8+ T cell depletion was uninterpretable. This first demonstration of CD8+ T cell, genetically restricted, Ag-specific CTL against a malaria protein among individuals exposed to endemic malaria provides a foundation for studying the relationship between circulating CTL and resistance to malaria infection.  相似文献   

In order to characterize T cell epitopes in the Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite (CS) protein sequence, we isolated T cell clones, from non-immune donors, which reacted with synthetic peptides corresponding to two predicted CS protein T cell epitopes. Peptide CS.T3 (corresponding to a non-polymorphic region of the CS protein, residues 378-398) was recognized in association with either DR2 or DRw9 restriction elements. T cell clones recognizing CS.T3 also reacted with the sporozoite-derived CS protein. Peptide CS.T2 corresponds to a polymorphic region (residues 325-341) of the CS protein. Unlike the CS.T3-specific clones, the CS.T2-specific clones did not recognize the CS protein. Since the CS.T2 peptide includes residues which are polymorphic in different P. falciparum isolates, we investigated whether these residues were critical for recognition of the peptide. We show here that a single amino acid substitution at a position of the CS protein which shows genetic polymorphism affects recognition of the sequence by human T cells. The implications of these data for malaria vaccine development are discussed.  相似文献   

The circumsporozoite protein (CSP) plays a key role in malaria sporozoite infection of both mosquito salivary glands and the vertebrate host. The conserved Regions I and II have been well studied but little is known about the immunogenic central repeat region and the N-terminal region of the protein. Rodent malaria Plasmodium berghei parasites, in which the endogenous CS gene has been replaced with the avian Plasmodium gallinaceum CS (PgCS) sequence, develop normally in the A. stephensi mosquito midgut but the sporozoites are not infectious. We therefore generated P. berghei transgenic parasites carrying the PgCS gene, in which the repeat region was replaced with the homologous region of P. berghei CS (PbCS). A further line, in which both the N-terminal region and repeat region were replaced with the homologous regions of PbCS, was also generated. Introduction of the PbCS repeat region alone, into the PgCS gene, did not rescue sporozoite species-specific infectivity. However, the introduction of both the PbCS repeat region and the N-terminal region into the PgCS gene completely rescued infectivity, in both the mosquito vector and the mammalian host. Immunofluorescence experiments and western blot analysis revealed correct localization and proteolytic processing of CSP in the chimeric parasites. The results demonstrate, in vivo, that the repeat region of P. berghei CSP, alone, is unable to mediate sporozoite infectivity in either the mosquito or the mammalian host, but suggest an important role for the N-terminal region in sporozoite host cell invasion.  相似文献   

There has been considerable interest in the circumsporozoite proteins due to their potential use in anti-malarial vaccines. Previous authors have shown that these proteins persist from the invading sporozoite throughout the growing exoerythrocytic or liver stage. We show that the different distributions of these proteins seen during the development of the exoerythrocytic parasite of Plasmodium berghei closely follow morphological changes, which can be recognized under the light microscope. At the end of the exoerythrocytic cycle, the majority of the remaining circumsporozoite proteins were associated with the spongy stroma in which the emerging exoerythrocytic merozoites lay. Cell-mediated immunity originally directed against sporozoites might recognize the stroma as a second target resulting in the indirect destruction of the exoerythrocytic merozoites.  相似文献   

The murine cellular immune response to the circumsporozoite (CS) protein of Plasmodium vivax was characterized using five synthetic peptides, some of which we identified as corresponding to T cell epitopes. The peptides P308-320, P344-355 and P353-364 were immunogenic, inducing a genetically restricted proliferative response, due to the activation of CD4+ T cells. The peptide P308-320 was recognized only by the lymphocytes of B10 (H-2b) mice. The other two peptides were recognized by primed lymphocytes of H-2a and H-2k mice. Of interest was the finding that one of these peptides, P353-364, induced a proliferative response of a large percentage of immune outbred Swiss mice. Our data provide evidence that, at least in mice, there is recognition of multiple T cell epitopes within the major surface antigen of P. vivax sporozoites.  相似文献   

The distribution of the circumsporozoite (CS) antigens in the 24 hour exoerythrocytic trophozoite of P. berghei was studied using Lowicryl immunogold electron microscopy. These antigens were present on the plasmalemma of the parasite, in disrupted areas of the host cell cytoplasm adjacent to the trophozoite and around inclusions of the host cell cytoplasm. There was evidence of a redistribution of the CS antigens away from the pellicular region of the sporozoite.  相似文献   

The DNA coding for the circumsporozoite protein (CPS) of Plasmodium falciparum has been cloned into the baculovirus expression vector pAcYM1 and expressed in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) insect cells. Three DNA constructs have been made: the first one directs the synthesis of the complete CSP (aa 1–412), the second leads to the production of a species devoid of the anchor domain (aa 1–391) and the third one to a molecule lacking both signal and membrane anchor sequences (aa 18–391). All three recombinant CPS were produced at about 3 g per 106 infected cells and were characterized in terms of immunoreactivity and apparent molecular weight. Analytical purification of the recombinant proteins was achieved by a combination of heat treatment, acidification, isoelectric focusing and ion exchange chromatography. The purified material, when injected into mice, generated only modest antibody responses, although antisera from immunized mice reacted with control CSP antigens carrying or not the major immunodominant repeat region.Abbreviations AcNPV Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus - CSP circumsporozoite protein  相似文献   

We conducted a series of experiments to define Ir gene regulation of the immune response to Plasmodium berghei sporozoites and circumsporozoite (CS) protein-derived subunit vaccines. The studies demonstrated that there is no apparent genetic restriction of the capacity to develop protective immunity against a large sporozoite challenge after immunization with irradiation-attenuated P. berghei sporozoites; that the Th response to (Asp-Pro-Ala-Pro-Pro-Asn-Ala-Asn)n, the predominant protective B epitope on the P. berghei CS protein, is genetically restricted and regulated by Class II genes (I-Ab) and by genes in the Class I region (H-2Dk) or telomeric to this region; and that this restriction can be overcome by immunization with a r protein including the entire P. berghei CS protein. The results support the development of full length human CS protein vaccines to take advantage of all potential T epitopes on this protein.  相似文献   

The cellular immune response to the circumsporozoite (CS) protein of Plasmodium vivax of individuals from malaria-endemic areas of Brazil was studied. We examined the in vitro proliferative response of the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of 22 individuals when stimulated with a CS recombinant protein (rPvCS-2) and two other synthetic peptides based on the sequence of the P. vivax CS protein. Seven of the individuals from malaria-endemic area displayed an antigen-specific in vitro proliferative response to the recombinant protein PvCS-2 and one out of 6, proliferative response to the peptide 308-320. In contrast, none of the individuals displayed a proliferative response when stimulated with the D/A peptide which represent some of the repeated units present in this CS protein. Our study, therefore, provides evidence for the presence, within the major surface antigen of P. vivax sporozoites, of epitopes capable to induce proliferation of human PBMC.  相似文献   

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