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ABSTRACT. A new heterotrophic flagellate has been discovered from sites in Maryland, Michigan and Wyoming. The flagellate resides within a lorica constructed of a meshwork of intertwined fibrils with the outer surface invested with nail-shaped spines. The organism "reclines" within the lorica with its ventral aspect directed upward, and has two heterodynamic flagella, neither of which bears mastigonemes. One flagellum is directed upward and the other is arched over the ventral aspect of the body. Ingestion of bacteria takes place at the left posterior half of the cell. The organism is anchored to the lorica on the right posterior side by a series of regularly spaced cytoplasmic bridges and at the left anterior of the cell by a cytoplasmic appendage similar to the "languette cytoplasmique" found in some bicosoecids. The right side of the cell is raised into a flattened lip with the outer margin reinforced by a ribbon of microtubules. The new flagellate has mitochondria with tubular cristae and lacks a Golgi. A new genus is created to accommodate both the new flagellate described herein and Histiona campanula Penard. A new family is proposed to include the new genus and Histiona.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Examination of mucus discharged from the blowholes of live odonticete Cetacea and material collected from nasal orifices of dead hosts routinely revealed infestations of a large spindle-shaped ciliate. Kyaroikeus cetarius n. g., n. sp. These ciliates had a prominent posterior podite and were holotrichously ciliated except for a conspicuous bipolar stripe extending along the left margin of the cell. Most specimens were free-swimming and moved slowly through freshly collected mucus, but some individuals were attached to host cells or cellular debris by a transparent thread secreted from the podite. The oral architecture of protargol-impregnated K. cetarius consisted of one preoral and two circumoral kinetics set within a deep oral cavity continuous with an extensive, posteriorly directed cytopharynx. Somatic kineties were composed entirely of monokinetids and formed an expansive right ciliary field covering most of the cell surface, a reduced left ciliary field adjacent to the oral cavity, and a group of four kinetal fragments located mid-ventrally within a shallow pocket. Subkinetal microtubules were associated with the kineties of the right and left fields, and the non-ciliated stripe was underlain by a series of longitudinal fibers. The ciliate's large, heteromeric macronucleus was centrally positioned and clearly evident in living or stained specimens, while the ellipsoid micronucleus was located adjacent to the cytopharynx and often inconspicuous. K. cetarius has several morphological attributes typical of phyllopharyngian ciliates (e.g., adhesive organelle, heteromeric macronucleus, somatic kineties of monokinetids, subkinetal microtubules), and, except for its nearly holotrichous ciliation, most closely resembles dysteriine ciliates.  相似文献   

Corticocolpoda kaneshiroae n. g., n. sp. was discovered in the bark of Ohia trees (Metrosideros polymorpha) from the Hawaiian Archipelago. Its morphology and infraciliature were studied in live cells, with the scanning electron microscope, as well as in specimens impregnated with protargol, silver nitrate, and silver carbonate. The new genus, Corticocolpoda, belongs to the family Colpodidae and is unique in having a left oral ciliary field (polykinetid) composed of 13–20 equidistantly spaced, paired rows of monokinetids. The new species, C. kaneshiroae, measures 100–300 × 60–250 μm and has a huge vestibulum used to capture large food items, mainly other ciliates. The oral ciliary fields are within the vestibulum and of equal length; the right field is a paroral membrane composed of a single row of dikinetids. Several micronuclei are attached to the ellipsoid macronucleus. The mucocysts are inconspicuous and arranged around the somatic dikinetids. The resting cyst is globular and has a 1–2 μm thin, firm, yellowish inner wall and a 20-μm-thick, fragile, hyaline outer wall. Convergent evolutionary paths and a possible polyphyly of the Colpodidae are discussed. An improved key to the genera of the family Colpodidae is provided. Twenty-three species of ciliates and one flagel***iate (Hemimastix amphikineta), which occurred together with C. kaneshiroae, are new for the fauna of Hawaii and listed in the ecology section.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The microsporidium Nadelspora canceri n. g., n. sp., is described from the striated musculature of the Dungeness crab ( Cancer magister ) in Oregon, USA. The needle-shaped spores were rounded anteriorly, tapered to a posterior point and measured 7.1–11.8 × 0.2–0.3 μm in fixed preparations. The extremely narrow spore diameter prevented observation of morphological details at the light microscopic level and ultrastructural details of mature spores were difficult to resolve. Meronts were not observed and the monokaryotic merozoites and sporonts were not contained within either parasitophorous or sporophorous vesicles. Sporonts were disporoblastic and gave rise to monokaryotic sporoblasts that became narrow and elongate as they developed into immature spores with a developing polar filament. The nucleus was not clearly resolved in mature spores and may have been surrounded by the lamellar polaroplast. The polar filament was of nearly uniform diameter throughout most of its length and ended abruptly about three-fourths of the distance from the anterior end of the spore. Unusual spherical non-membrane bound granules surrounded the polar filament in a spiral arrangement. The new microsporidium resembles members of the family Mrazekiidiae, but differs in lacking a diplokaryon at any stage. It is probably most closely related to Baculea daphniae from which it differs primarily by spore shape and size. The familial relationships of the genus Baculea have not been determined and it is proposed to include it with Nadelspora in the new family Nadelsporidae.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Three new limax amoebae, isolated from marine, surface sediment samples are described using light microscopic and fine structural features. One species, characterized by eruptive locomotion typical of the family Vahlkampfiidae, is assigned the name Vahlkampfia caledonica (47.4 ± 16.0 μm × 12.1 ± 3.2 μm). The other two monopodial species move with steady locomotion characteristic of the family Hartmannellidae. One is a Saccamoeba with a distinct posterior bulbous uriod, vaculoes containing prominent crystals, glycocalyx with cup-like components, and spherical nucleus with central nucleolus. It is assigned the name Saccamoeba marina (72.5 ± 14.9 ±μm × 20. 7 ± 4. 5 μM). The other hartmannellid limax amoeba moves by steady locomotion and has a rather constant monopodial from, lacks a uroid, but has occasional trailing masses of cytoplasm, contains cup-like structures in the glycocalyx, and is characterized μm). Few limax amoebae have been described from marine environment and these data provide additional evidence that limax amoebae may be more abundant in marine sediments that realized previously.  相似文献   

The microsporidium Nudispora biformis n. g., n. sp., a parasite of a larva of the damsel fly Coenagrion hastulatum in Sweden, is described based on light microscopic and ultrastructural characteristics. Merogonial stages and sporonts are diplokaryotic. Sporogony comprises meiotic and mitotic divisions, and finally eight monokaryotic sporoblasts are released from a lobed plasmodium. Sporophorous vesicles are not formed. The monokaryotic spores are oval, measuring 1.4–1.8 × 2.8–3.4 μm in living condition. The thick spore wall has a layered exospore, with a median double-layer. The polaroplast has two lamellar parts, with the closest packed lamellae anteriorly. The isofilar polar filament is arranged in 6 (to 7) coils in the posterior half of the spore. Laminar and tubular extracellular material of exospore construction is present in the proximity of sporogonial stages. In addition to normal spores teratological spores are produced. The microsporidium is compared to the microsporidia of the Odonata; its possible relations to the genus Pseudothelohania and to the Thelohania-like microsporidia are discussed. The new genus is provisionally included in the family Thelohaniidae.  相似文献   

Brachiola vesicularum, n. g., n. sp., is a new microsporidium associated with AIDS and myositis. Biopsied muscle tissue, examined by light and electron microscopy, revealed the presence of organisms developing in direct contact with muscle cell cytoplasm and fibers. No other tissue types were infected. All parasite stages contain diplokaryotic nuclei and all cell division is by binary fission. Sporogony is disporoblastic, producing 2.9 times 2 μm diplokaryotic spores containing 8-10 coils of the polar filament arranged in one to three rows, usually two. Additionally, this microsporidium produces electron-dense extracellular secretions and vesiculotubular appendages similar to Nosema algerae. However, the production of protoplasmic extensions which may branch and terminate in extensive vesiculotubular structures is unique to this parasite. Additionally, unlike Nosema algerae , its development occurred at warm blooded host temperature (37-38° C) and unlike Nosema connori , which disseminates to all tissue types, B. vesicularum infected only muscle cells. Thus, a new genus and species is proposed. Because of the similarities with the genus Nosema , this new genus is placed in the family Nosematidae. Successful clearing of this infection (both clinically and histologically) resulted from treatment with albendazole and itraconozole.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Thirty four taxa of heterotrophic protists (amoebae, flagellates and heliozoa) were encountered in cultures established from marine samples from Belize (Central America) and Tenerife (Canary Islands). Most species are flagellates drawn from the choanoflagellates, the cryptophyceans, the euglenids, the kinetoplastids, the bicosoecids, the chromulinids, the pedinellids and a variety of laxa of uncertain affinities (Protista incertae sedis). the identity of the thecate choanoflagellates Salpingoeca ringens Kent, 1880, and S. tuba Kent, 1880, is discussed, and four new species of heterotrophic protists are described: one new species of the amoeba genus Paulinella (Paulinella intermedia n. sp.) and three new species of the incertae sedis genus Luffisphaera Belcher & Swale, 1975 ( Luffisphaera bulbochaete n. sp.; L. longihastis n. sp.; L. turriformis n. sp.).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Intestinal microsporidiosis in patients diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and having chronic diarrhea was first reported in 1985 and the associated microsporidian was named Enterocytozoon bieneusi. the intracellular developmental cycle of E. bieneusi in enterocytes has been demonstrated and many cases have been reported worldwide. This report presents the life cycle of a second intestinal microsporidian, associated with the same symptoms, in five AIDS patients. This new microsporidian also infects enterocytes but its pathology and morphology differ from that of E. bieneusi. It involves lamina propria macrophages, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells and can disseminate to infect other parts of the body, e.g. the kidney and gall bladder. the parasite cycle includes development of rounded uninucleate and elongated bi- or tetranucleate cells without the formation of plasmodial stages. Sporogony is similar to the more typical development of microsporidia with sporoblast morphogenesis occurring after the last cell division. the development of cells within chambers of a septate, honeycomb-like, parasite-secreted fibrillar network and surrounded by a parasitophorous vacuole, however, is unique to this microsporidian, justifying the establishment of a new genus and species, Septata intestinalis n. g., n. sp.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A new species of kinetophragminophoran ciliate, collected from dried vegetation and capable of forming an aerial sorocarp, is described and named Sorogena stoianovitchae gen. n., sp. n. This ciliate is a voracious predator that feeds on species of Colpoda , and, when the latter is depleted in numbers, aggregates to forms sorogens. Each sorogen rises into the air from the surface of the water, forming a secreted stalk with a sorus of cysts at its apex. the feeding stage of the ciliate resembles an Enchelys in that it has an apical, slit-like mouth surrounded by a lip, a somewhat dorso-ventrally flattened body, and meridional kineties. Its length ranges from 40–75 μm and width from 23–55 μm. It has a typical rhabdos type of cytopharynx, but no specialized oral ciliature. the somatic kineties are formed of rows of paired kinetosomes with associated microfibrils, the arrangement of which differs a little from that of other ciliates of this subclass. Sorogena has tentatively been placed in the order Haptorida although it lacks toxicysts, recognizable mucocysts, and clavate cilia. Its unique life cycle and some of the details of its fine structure indicate differences between Sorogena and other haptorids so profound that a new family, SOROGENIDAE, is created for it. the type species (PNG76-73) was collected on dry figs at the Wau Ecology Institute, Papua New Guinea.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A new microsporidian parasite of the Artemia intestinal epithelium has been studied. The microsporidium developed within a membranous parasitophorous vesicle from the host rough endoplasmic reticulum consisting of two membranes, with the proximal one usually lacking ribosomes.
All developmental stages had isolated nuclei. Unikaryotic meronts developed into merogonial plasmodia. Merogonial division occurred by binary fission and rosette-shaped fragmentation. In young sporonts, an electron-lucent space, corresponding to the developing endospore, was immediately observed between both the plasmalemma and the exospore primordium. Sporogonial division occurred also by rosette-shaped fragmentation, resulting in at least eight sporoblasts that developed directly into spores. Fresh spores were 1.7 × 0.9 μm in size and oval-shaped. The 8–11 coil isofilar polar filament was arranged in two rows. The polaroplast was bipartite. The nature of the parasitophorous envelope, host-parasite interaction, developmental cycle and taxonomy are discussed.  相似文献   

Soil from a roadside ditch at Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina, was tested for cyst-forming free-living amoebae, and water from the same ditch was tested for fecal coliform bacteria. Soil samples incubated at room temperature (21-23° C) yielded Acanthamoeba polyphaga, Amoeba sp., Hyperamaeba sp., Mayorella penardi. Naegleria gruberi, Naegleria minor , and unidentified ciliates, testaceans and slime molds. Incubation at 37-39° C yielded Acanthamoeba jacobsi, Platyamoeba schaefferi , and a new amoeba to be described herein. Fecal contamination of the ditch was confirmed by a direct membrane filtration technique that yielded a mean of 1,410 + 134 bacteria/ ml. The new amoeba is assigned to the class Heterolobosea Page & Blanton, 1985 on the basis of promitotic nuclear division, and a flagellated stage with a cytostome as seen in the genus Tetramitus. Amoebae studied in hanging drop preparations were flattened and irregular as described for the genus Stachyamoeba in the family Gruberellidae but changed to a lobose cylindrical form as described for species of Vahlkampfia in the family Vahlkampfiidae. A new genus and species, Learamoeba waccamawensis , is proposed for the amoeba described herein.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Collections of the dicyemid mesozoan Kantharella antarctica were made in the Weddell Sea during the Antarctic Expedition of the research vessel RV Polarstern in 1990 and 1991. A diplokaryotic microsporidian was found infecting all nematogens from all the samples taken in both years. The infected cells contained all developmental stages. Merogony initially was monokaryotic and spoorogony of diplokaryotic sporonts was by multiple fission. The stained ovoidal spores measured between 4.3-6 μm X 1.7-2.3 μm. The ultrastructural findings come from 11 specimens of Kantharella antarctica that were cut in serial sections. All developmental stages were noteworthy because of the myelinosomes situated adjacent to each diplokaryon. Similarly conspicuous were some organelles in the spore: a prominent, extraordinarily electron dense anterior portion of the polaroplast and the posterior vacuole. The isofilar polar filament with a diameter of about 115 nm showed 9-11 coils. The great number of empty spore cases together with an extruded polar filament are indicative of an autoinfection. Though these characteristics resemble in part those of the genus Nosema from the family Nosematidae, the species in Kantharella antarctica differs from the former by its unusual development, life cycle and unusual host. Thus, this new species has been placed in a new genus and the name Wittmannia antarctica proposed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Sphaerospora ovophila n. sp. and Myxobolus algonquinensis n. sp., found in the ovary of the pumpkinseed ( Lepomis gibbosus ) and the golden shiner ( Noremigonus crysoleucas ) respectively from Algonquin Park, Ontario, are described using light and electron microscopy. Ovoid cysts of S. ovophila measured up to 500 pm in length. Monosporic pseudoplasmodia were ovoid or ellipsoid in shape and measured up to 12.5 pm in length. Spores were 7.2–8.4 pm long × 6.0–7.0 pm wide (in sutural plane) × 7.4–8.2 pm thick (perpendicular to sutural plane), with two subspherical polar capsules of equal size measuring 2.7–3.2 × 2.6–3.1 pm and each of which contained a polar filament with 6–7 coils. The spore had a straight sutural ridge which protruded slightly at the anterior end and contained two uninucleate sporoplasms. The spore valve had ornate folds on the posterior end. Cysts of M. algonquinensis ranged from ovoid to elongated ellipsoid in shape and measured up to 800 pm in length. Mature spores measured 13.G15.7 pm long × 10.1–12.1 pm wide × 5.0–6.9 pm thick. with two pyriform polar capsules of equal size measuring 5.1–5.5 pm × 2.5–2.9 pm, each of which contained a polar filament with 4–6 coils. The spores of M. algonquinensis had smooth valves, a straight sutural ridge and a distinct small intercapsular appendix.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The new microsporidium, Napamichum cellatum, a parasite of the adipose tissue of midge larva of the genus Endochironomus in Sweden, is described based on light microscopic and ultrastructural characteristics. Plurinucleate Plasmodia with nuclei arranged as diplokarya divide, probably by plasmotomy, producing a small number of diplokaryotic merozoites. The number of merogonial cycles is unknown. Each diplokaryotic sporont yields eight monokaryotic sporoblasts in a thin-walled, more or less fusiform sporophorous vesicle. A small number of multisporoblastic sporophorous vesicles were observed, in which a part of the sporoblasts were anomalous. The sporogony probably begins with a meiotic division. The mature spores are slightly pyriform. Fixed and stained spores measure 2.1-2.4 × 3.7-4.5 μm. The five-layered spore wall is of the Napamichum type. The polar filament is anisofilar with seven to eight coils (142-156 and 120 nm wide). The angle of tilt is 55-65°. The polaroplast has an anterior lamellar and a posterior tubular part. The granular, tubular and crystal-like inclusions of the episporontal space disappear more or less completely when the spores mature. The crystal-like inclusions are prominent in haematoxylin staining, but not visible with the Giemsa technique. The microsporidium is compared to other octosporoblastic microsporidia of midge larva and to the species of the genera Chapmanium and Napamichum.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Two new hemimastigophoran flagellates are described using light and electron microscopy, and the family Spironemidae is revised. Spironema terricola n. sp. occurs in soil from the Grand Canyon (southwest USA). It moves in a conspicuously euglenoid manner and differs from S. multiciliatum Klebs by its vermiform shape and shorter kinetics. Spironema terricola is similar to Goodey's Spironema multiciliatum from soil in England. However, Goodey's vermiform species has a very elongate nucleus and is thus neither identical with S. terricola , which has a roundish nucleus, nor with Klebs' lanceolate S. multiciliatum ; we consider it a new species, Spironema goodeyi n. sp, Stereonema geiseri n. g., n. sp. was discovered in the Aufwuchs (periphyton) of a river in Bavaria, Germany. the new genus differs from Spironema by its a contractility, and from Hemimastix by its shorter kinetics and less plicate cortex. the fine structure of Spironema and Stereonema is very similar to that of Hemimastix Foissner et al., viz., the cortex is composed of two plates having diagonal symmetry and the flagellated basal bodies have associated a short and a long microtubular ribbon. All species have unique extrusomes of the same type. the main differences between the three genera and five species recognized are contractility, length of kinetics, body size, shape of cell and nucleus, and particulars of the cortex and extrusomes. the phylogenetic relationships of the Hemimastigophora are still uncertain. However, the diagonal symmetry of the cortical plates and the pronounced euglenoid movement of Spironema spp. suggest a common ancestor with euglenids.  相似文献   

Epulopiscium fishelsoni n. g., n. sp., is described from the gut of Acanthurus nigrofuscus, an herbivorous surgeonfish (Acanthuridae: Teleostei) from the Red Sea, Israel. The symbiont is placed in the kingdom Protoctista (or Protista) but more specific taxonomic assignment is impossible at this time. The organism is of an elongate oval shape, round in cross-section, and highly mobile, with the ability to reverse direction rapidly. It lacks a mouth or other external structures, with the exception of fine surface filaments of an undetermined nature. Internally, there is a complex of folded membranes or tubules and a nucleus. No other organelles are evident. Reproduction is characterized by doubling of nuclei within the parental cell and emergence of daughter cells from a perforation in the parental cortex. Symbionts appear to exhibit circadian cycles of growth, reproductive activity, and movement within the gut. Although the organism greatly reduces local gut pH when present in large numbers, we know nothing of interactions between host and symbiont.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. We recently reported the isolation of a leptomyxid ameba from the brain of a mandrill baboon that died of meningo-encephalitis. Based on light and electron microscopic studies, animal pathogenicity tests, and immunofluorescence patterns, we conclude that our isolate differs fundamentally from the other two amebas ( Leptomyxa and Gephyramoeba ) included in the Order Leptomyxida. We therefore created a new genus, Balamuthia , to accommodate our isolate and described it as Balamuthia mandrillaris to reflect the origin of the type species. Briefly, B. mandrillaris is a pathogenic ameba that causes amebic encephalitis in humans and animals. It has trophic and cyst stages in its life cycle, and is uninucleate with a large vesicular nucleus and a central nucleolus. Mature cysts have a tripartite wall consisting of an outer loose ectocyst, an inner endocyst and a middle mesocyst. Unlike Acanthamoeba and Naegleria , the other two amebas that cause amebic encephalitis in humans, Balamuthia will not grow on agar plates seeded with enteric bacteria. However, Balamuthia grows on a variety of mammalian cell cultures and kills mice following intranasal or intraperitoneal inoculation. Based on immunofluorescence testing, 35 cases of amebic encephalitis in humans and three in other animals have been identified worldwide as being caused by Balamuthia .  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Trachelolophos gigas n. g., n. sp. and T. filum (Dragesco & Dragesco-Kernéis, 1986) n. comb. (basionym: Tracheloraphis filum) were discovered in the mesopsammon of the French Atlantic coast at Roscoff. Their morphology and infraciliature were studied in live and protargol impregnated specimens. The new genus, Trachelolophos, belongs to the family Trachelocercidae and is unique in having a conspicuous ciliary tuft, which is very likely a highly modified brosse, in the oral cavity. The two species investigated have a very similar infraciliature, differing only in morphometric characteristics and in the nuclear configuration. The entire somatic and oral infraciliature consists of dikinetids which have both basal bodies ciliated or only the anterior or posterior ones, depending on the region of the cell. The right side is densely and uniformly ciliated. Its kineties extend onto the left side to the glabrous stripe, where an anterior and posterior secant system are formed, reducing the number of kineties in the narrowed neck and tail region. The left side bears a narrow glabrous stripe bordered by slightly irregularly arranged dikinetids having rather stiff cilia (bristles), possibly forming an uninterrupted, prolate ellipsoidal (bristle) kinety as indicated by their ciliation. The bristle kinety commences subapically at the right margin of the glabrous stripe, extends posteriorly, then anteriorly at the left, to end up at the right margin again. The dikinetids of the right posterior portion of the bristle kinety have the posterior basal bodies ciliated, whereas the anterior basal bodies are ciliated in its left and right anterior portion. The ends of the bristle kinety meet distinctly subapically at the right margin of the glabrous stripe, as indicated by the diametrically opposed ciliation of the dikinetids. The anterior region (head) of the cell bears a distinct circumoral kinety composed of very regularly arranged dikinetids, associated with nematodesmata forming an oral basket together with the nematodesmal bundles originating from the oralized somatic dikinetids at the anterior end of the somatic kineties. The systematics of trachelocercid ciliates are briefly reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The ciliate Vestibulongum corlissi n. g., n. sp. was collected from the intestines of surgeonfish, Acanthurus xanthopterus, in the summer of 1986. In has been examined in the light microscope after protargol staining and by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Its form is distinct from that of other pycnotrichid ciliates at the generic level. Somatic kinetids were examined; these demonstrate that its cytostome is posterior and that the kinetid structures and the presence of a second transverse microtubular ribbon confirm its placement in the class Litostomatea.  相似文献   

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