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Platelets play essential roles in hemostasis and thrombosis by aggregating with each other. However, the molecular mechanism governing platelet aggregation is not yet fully understood. Here, we established an assay system using platelets permeabilized with streptolysin-O to analyze mechanism of the thrombin-induced aggregation, focusing upon a controversial issue in the field whether small GTPase Rho regulates the aggregation. Incubation of the permeabilized platelets with Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor, an inhibitory regulator for Rho family GTPases, extracted Rho family proteins extensively from the plasma and intracellular membranes, and inhibited the thrombin-induced aggregation. Incubation of the permeabilized platelets with botulinum exoenzyme C3, which specifically inhibits Rho function by ADP-ribosylating it, abolished the thrombin-induced aggregation. Thus, Rho is involved in thrombin-induced aggregation of platelets.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases are well known to regulate actin dynamics. They activate two types of actin nucleators, WASP/WAVE proteins and Diaphanous-related formins (DRFs), which induce different types of actin organization. Their ability to interact with membranes allows them to target actin polymerization to discrete sites on the plasma membrane and to intracellular membrane compartments and thereby induce membrane protrusions or regulate vesicle movement. Most studies have concentrated on just three of the 22 mammalian Rho proteins, RhoA, Rac1 and Cdc42. However, recent research indicates that several other members of the Rho family, including Rif, RhoD, TC10 and Wrch1, and also related Rho-of-plants proteins (ROPs) in plants, stimulate actin polymerization and affect plasma membrane protrusion and/or vesicular traffic.  相似文献   

GDIs: central regulatory molecules in Rho GTPase activation   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
The GDP dissociation inhibitors (GDIs) are pivotal regulators of Rho GTPase function. GDIs control the access of Rho GTPases to regulatory guanine nucleotide exchange factors and GTPase-activating proteins, to effector targets and to membranes where such effectors reside. We discuss here our current understanding of how Rho GTPase-GDI complexes are regulated by various proteins, lipids and enzymes that exert GDI displacement activity. We propose that phosphorylation mediated by diverse kinases might provide a means of controlling and coordinating Rho GTPase activation.  相似文献   

An excess of osteoclastic bone resorption relative to osteoblastic bone formation results in progressive bone loss, characteristic of osteoporosis. Understanding the mechanisms of osteoclast differentiation is essential to develop novel therapeutic approaches to prevent and treat osteoporosis. We showed previously that Wrch1/RhoU is the only RhoGTPase whose expression is induced by RANKL during osteoclastogenesis. It associates with podosomes and the suppression of Wrch1 in osteoclast precursors leads to defective multinucleated cell formation. Here we further explore the functions of this RhoGTPase in osteoclasts, using RAW264.7 cells and bone marrow macrophages as osteoclast precursors. Suppression of Wrch1 did not prevent induction of classical osteoclastic markers such as NFATc1, Src, TRAP (Tartrate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase) or cathepsin K. ATP6v0d2 and DC-STAMP, which are essential for fusion, were also expressed normally. Similar to the effect of RANKL, we observed that Wrch1 expression increased osteoclast precursor aggregation and reduced their adhesion onto vitronectin but not onto fibronectin. We further found that Wrch1 could bind integrin ß3 cytoplasmic domain and interfered with adhesion-induced Pyk2 and paxillin phosphorylation. Wrch1 also acted as an inhibitor of M-CSF-induced prefusion osteoclast migration. In mature osteoclasts, high Wrch1 activity inhibited podosome belt formation. Nevertheless, it had no effect on mineralized matrix resorption. Our observations suggest that during osteoclastogenesis, Wrch1 potentially acts through the modulation of αvß3 signaling to regulate osteoclast precursor adhesion and migration and allow fusion. As an essential actor of osteoclast differentiation, the atypical RhoGTPase Wrch1/RhoU could be an interesting target for the development of novel antiresorptive drugs.  相似文献   

Loss of the tumour-suppressor gene TSC1 is responsible for hamartoma development in tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), which renders several organs susceptible to benign tumours. Hamartin, the protein encoded by TSC1, contains a coiled-coil domain and is expressed in most adult tissues, although its function is unknown. Here we show that hamartin interacts with the ezrin-radixin-moesin (ERM) family of actin-binding proteins. Inhibition of hamartin function in cells containing focal adhesions results in loss of adhesion to the cell substrate, whereas overexpression of hamartin in cells lacking focal adhesions results in activation of the small GTP-binding protein Rho, assembly of actin stress fibres and formation of focal adhesions. Interaction of endogenous hamartin with ERM-family proteins is required for activation of Rho by serum or by lysophosphatidic acid (LPA). Our data indicate that disruption of adhesion to the cell matrix through loss of hamartin may initiate the development of TSC hamartomas and that a Rho-mediated signalling pathway regulating cell adhesion may constitute a rate-limiting step in tumour formation.  相似文献   

Sinha S  Yang W 《Cellular signalling》2008,20(11):1927-1934
The Rho family GTPase Cdc42 regulates cytoskeletal organization and membrane trafficking in physiological processes such as cell proliferation, motility and polarity. Aberrant activation of Cdc42 results in pathogenesis, such as tumorigenesis and tumor progression, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and neuronal degenerative diseases. The activation of Cdc42 in response to upstream signals is mediated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), which converse GDP-bound inactive form to the GTP-bound active form of Cdc42. The activated Cdc42 transduces signals to downstream effectors and generates cellular effects. This review will discuss the molecular mechanism of activation of Cdc42 and postulate that signaling specificity of Cdc42 is conferred by the GEF/GTPase/Effector (GGE) complexes in response to external stimuli.  相似文献   

Sprouty (SPRY) protein negatively modulates fibroblast growth factor and epidermal growth factor actions. We showed that human SPRY2 inhibits cell growth and migration in response to serum and several growth factors. Using rat intestinal epithelial (IEC-6) cells, we investigated the involvement of the Rho family of GTPases, RhoA, Rac1, and cdc42 in SPRY2-mediated inhibition of cell migration and proliferation. The ability of TAT-tagged SPRY2 to inhibit proliferation and migration of IEC-6 cells transfected with constitutively active mutants of RhoA(G14V), Rac1(G12V), and cdc42 (F28L) was determined. Constitutively active RhoA(G14V), Rac1(G12V), or cdc42(F28L) did not protect cells from the anti-proliferative actions of TAT-SPRY2. The ability of TAT-hSPRY2 to inhibit migration was not altered by of RhoA(G14V) and cdc42(F28L). However, Rac1(G12V) obliterated the ability of SPRY2 to inhibit cell autonomous or serum-induced migration. Also, the activation of endogenous Rac1 was attenuated by TAT-SPRY2. Thus, SPRY2 mediates its anti-migratory actions by inhibiting Rac1 activation.  相似文献   

R-cadherin is a member of the classical cadherins. Though much is known about E-cadherin in adherens junction formation in epithelial cells, the role of R-cadherin in epithelial cells remains elusive. This study examines regulation of R-cadherin adherens junctions by the small GTPase Rho and its downstream effectors in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells, MDA-MB-231 cells stably expressing the N-terminus of c-Cbl, and MCF10A normal breast epithelial cells. We find that the small GTPase Rho regulates R-cadherin adherens junction formation via Dia1 (also known as p140mDia) and profilin-1-mediated signaling pathway. The role played by Rho in regulating R-cadherin is underscored by the fact that constitutively active RhoA(Q63L) induces R-cadherin junction formation in MDA-MB-231 cells. Importantly, R-cadherin adherens junction formation facilitates a mesenchymal to epithelial-like transition in MDA-MB-231 cells. Additionally, our data suggest an inverse relationship between EGFR signaling and R-cadherin adherens junction formation. Taken together, results from this study indicate that R-cadherin is a critical regulator of epithelial phenotype.  相似文献   

Sordella R  Jiang W  Chen GC  Curto M  Settleman J 《Cell》2003,113(2):147-158
Mature adipocytes and myocytes are derived from a common mesenchymal precursor. While IGF-1 promotes the differentiation of both cell types, the signaling pathways that specify the distinct cell fates are largely unknown. Here, we show that the Rho GTPase and its regulator, p190-B RhoGAP, are components of a critical switch in the adipogenesis-myogenesis "decision." Cells derived from embryos lacking p190-B RhoGAP exhibit excessive Rho activity, are defective for adipogenesis, but undergo myogenesis in response to IGF-1 exposure. In vitro, activation of Rho-kinase by Rho inhibits adipogenesis and is required for myogenesis. The activation state of Rho following IGF-1 signaling is determined by the tyrosine-phosphorylation status of p190-B RhoGAP and its resulting subcellular relocalization. Moreover, adjusting Rho activity is sufficient to alter the differentiation program of adipocyte and myocyte precursors. Together, these results identify the Rho GTPase as an essential modulator of IGF-1 signals that direct the adipogenesis-myogenesis cell fate decision.  相似文献   

ATM activation following DNA damage is a critical event which is required for efficient DNA repair and cell survival, yet signaling mechanisms controlling its activation are incompletely understood. The RhoGEF Net1 has previously been reported to control Rho GTPase activation and downstream cell survival outcomes following double strand DNA damage. However the role of Net1 isoforms in controlling ATM-dependent cell signaling has not been assessed. In the present work we show that expression of the Net1A isoform is specifically required for efficient activation of ATM but not the related kinase DNA-PK after ionizing radiation. Surprisingly Net1A overexpression also potently suppresses ATM activation and phosphorylation of its substrate H2AX. This effect does not require catalytic activity towards RhoA or RhoB, and neither Rho GTPase affects ATM activation, on its own. Consistent with a role in controlling ATM activation, Net1A knockdown also impairs DNA repair and cell survival. Taken together these data indicate that Net1A plays a plays a previously unrecognized, Rho GTPase-independent role in controlling ATM activity and downstream signaling after DNA damage to impact cell survival.  相似文献   

Malignant tumor cells display uncontrolled proliferation, loss of epithelial cell polarity, altered interactions with neighboring cells and the surrounding extracellular matrix, and enhanced migratory properties. Proteins of the Rho GTPase family regulate all these processes in cell culture and, for that reason, Rho GTPases, their regulators, and their effectors have been suggested to control tumor formation and progression in humans. However, while the tumor-relevant functions of Rho GTPases are very well documented in vitro, we are only now beginning to assess their contribution to cancer in human patients and in animal models. This review will give a very brief overview of Rho GTPase function in general and then focus on in vivo evidence for a role of Rho GTPases in malignant tumors, both in human patients and in genetically modified mice.  相似文献   

The Ras guanine-nucleotide exchange factor Ras-GRF/Cdc25(Mn) harbors a complex array of structural motifs that include a Dbl-homology (DH) domain, usually found in proteins that interact functionally with the Rho family GTPases, and the role of which is not yet fully understood. Here, we present evidence that Ras-GRF requires its DH domain to translocate to the membrane, to stimulate exchange on Ras, and to activate mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). In an unprecedented fashion, we have found that these processes are regulated by the Rho family GTPase Cdc42. We show that GDP- but not GTP-bound Cdc42 prevents Ras-GRF recruitment to the membrane and activation of Ras/MAPK, although no direct association of Ras-GRF with Cdc42 was detected. We also demonstrate that catalyzing GDP/GTP exchange on Cdc42 facilitates Ras-GRF-induced MAPK activation. Moreover, we show that the potentiating effect of ionomycin on Ras-GRF-mediated MAPK stimulation is also regulated by Cdc42. These results provide the first evidence for the involvement of a Rho family G protein in the control of the activity of a Ras exchange factor.  相似文献   

CNF1 toxin is a virulence factor produced by uropathogenic Escherichia coli. Upon cell binding and introduction into the cytosol, CNF1 deamidates glutamine 63 of RhoA (or 61 of Rac and Cdc42), rendering constitutively active these GTPases. Unexpectedly, we measured in bladder cells a transient CNF1-induced activation of Rho GTPases, maximal for Rac. Deactivation of Rac correlated with the increased susceptibility of its deamidated form to ubiquitin/proteasome-mediated degradation. Sensitivity to ubiquitylation could be generalized to other permanent-activated forms of Rac and to its sustained activation by Dbl. Degradation of the toxin-activated Rac allowed both host cell motility and efficient cell invasion by uropathogenic bacteria. CNF1 toxicity thus results from a restricted activation of Rho GTPases through hijacking the host cell proteasomal machinery.  相似文献   

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