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2014年6—7月,对处于断奶前甘肃鼢鼠幼仔的活动节律进行了研究。结果表明,甘肃鼢鼠幼仔的发育行为种类具有明显的阶段性,且逐阶段增多。第一阶段主要以觅乳、睡觉和嗅闻为主;第二阶段增加爬行;第三阶段增加挖掘;第四阶段增加嬉戏和行走等;第五阶段增加贮食、食草、探视、修饰等。每阶段行为具有不同的昼夜节律。其中各个阶段24 h内,睡觉和进食(包括觅乳和食草)时间在该阶段所占的比例均较大,依次为96.12%、82.41%、73.35%、66.24%、47.57%。第五阶段的行为种类与成年鼢鼠接近,该阶段具有1个活动高峰期和2个次高峰期,依次为07∶00、12∶30、19∶00,高峰期的主要行为有挖掘、行走、进食、贮食、嬉戏等。  相似文献   

白首乌叶片光合日变化曲线呈明显双峰型,峰值分别出现在上午9:00~10:00时和下午3:00时左右。在高光强下中午有明显“午休”现象。叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm和φPSⅡ在晴天中午明显降低,说明田问白首乌叶片在晴天中午经常发生光抑制,高光强和高温是发生光抑制的主要原因。  相似文献   

A circadian rhythm of O2 evolution has been found in Euglena gracilis, Klebs strain Z. The rhythm persists for at least 5 days in constant dim light and temperature, but damps out in constant bright light. The phase of this rhythm can be shifted by a pulse of bright light and the period length is not changed over a 10 C span of growth temperature.

The O2 evolution rhythm is found in both logarithmic and stationary phase cultures, but CO2 uptake is clearly rhythmic only in stationary phase cultures.

The activity of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was not rhythmic as previously reported (Walther and Edmunds [1973] Plant Physiol. 51: 250-258). Carbonic anhydrase activity was rhythmic when the cultures were maintained under a light-dark cycle with the highest enzyme activity coinciding with the fastest rate of O2 evolution. However, the rhythm in carbonic anhydrase activity disappeared under constant conditions. Changes in the activities of these two enzymes are therefore not responsible for the rhythmic changes in photosynthetic capacity.


A circadian rhythm in photosynthesis occurs in Phaseolus vulgaris after transfer from a natural or artificial light:dark cycle to constant light. The rhythm in photosynthesis persists even when intercellular CO2 partial pressure is held constant, demonstrating that the rhythm in photosynthesis is not entirely due to stomatal control over the diffusion of CO2. Experiments were conducted to attempt to elucidate biochemical correlates with the circadian rhythm in photosynthesis. Plants were entrained to a 12-hour-day:12-hour-night light regimen and then monitored or sampled during a subsequent period of constant light. We observed circadian oscillations in ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) levels, and to a lesser extent in phosphoglyceric acid (PGA) levels, that closely paralleled oscillations in photosynthesis. However, the enzyme activity and activation state of the enzyme responsible for the conversion of RuBP to PGA, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, showed no discernible circadian oscillation. Hence, we examined the possibility of circadian effects on RuBP regeneration. Neither ribulose-5-phosphate kinase activity nor the level of ATP fluctuated in constant light. Oscillations in triose-phosphate levels were out of phase with those observed for RuBP and PGA.  相似文献   

THERE is a daily rhythm in the activity of tyrosine transaminase in rat liver1 which is characterized by a three-fold rise in enzyme activity from low daytime values to a peak several hours after dark. The oscillation persists in the absence of the pituitary or adrenal glands2–4 and during fasting5,6. Noradrenaline seems to play a role in the regulation of the enzyme and thereby contributes to the generation of the daily rhythm of activity7, but elevation of tissue noradrenaline in vivo suppresses the circadian enzyme rhythm at basal levels8. Noradrenaline inhibits tyrosine transaminase activity in vitro by competing with enzyme for binding with the pyridoxal-5′-phosphate co-factor7 and recent observations suggest that noradrenaline regulates tyrosine transaminase turnover in vivo by the same mechanism.  相似文献   

Disruption of circadian regulation was recently shown to cause diabetes and metabolic disease. We have previously demonstrated that retinal lipid metabolism contributed to the development of diabetic retinopathy. The goal of this study was to determine the effect of diabetes on circadian regulation of clock genes and lipid metabolism genes in the retina and retinal endothelial cells (REC). Diabetes had a pronounced inhibitory effect on the negative clock arm with lower amplitude of the period (per) 1 in the retina; lower amplitude and a phase shift of per2 in the liver; and a loss of cryptochrome (cry) 2 rhythmic pattern in suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The positive clock arm was increased by diabetes with higher amplitude of circadian locomotor output cycles kaput (CLOCK) and brain and muscle aryl-hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like 1 (bmal1) and phase shift in bmal1 rhythmic oscillations in the retina; and higher bmal1 amplitude in the SCN. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) α exhibited rhythmic oscillation in retina and liver; PPARγ had lower amplitude in diabetic liver; sterol regulatory element-binding protein (srebp) 1c had higher amplitude in the retina but lower in the liver in STZ- induced diabetic animals. Both of Elongase (Elovl) 2 and Elovl4 had a rhythmic oscillation pattern in the control retina. Diabetic retinas lost Elovl4 rhythmic oscillation and had lower amplitude of Elovl2 oscillations. In line with the in vivo data, circadian expression levels of CLOCK, bmal1 and srebp1c had higher amplitude in rat REC (rREC) isolated from diabetic rats compared with control rats, while PPARγ and Elovl2 had lower amplitude in diabetic rREC. In conclusion, diabetes causes dysregulation of circadian expression of clock genes and the genes controlling lipid metabolism in the retina with potential implications for the development of diabetic retinopathy.  相似文献   

目的:研究生理节律和日常活动分别对人体疲劳程度的影响大小。方法:选取某校7名大学生志愿者,在军训期间对每日军训科目严格限制条件下进行该实验,以闪光临界融合频率、心率变异性、反应时、静态姿势图TLX-NASA量表评分作为指标,对每天分别在训练前和训练后疲劳程度的大小进行测量,以这些指标描述训练前后的疲劳程度。结果:反应时降低(0.60±0.09)、反应正确率提高(0.97±0.03);闪光临界光融合频率升高(40.84±2.14);心率变异性TP(3076.60±382.08)降低、心率变异性SDNN(55.28±16.85)降低;静态姿势图晃动减少,中低频率段(0.15±0.01)、前后方向重心变位(7.92±0.63),TLX-NASA量表评分降低(30.47±10.23)。以上差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:生理节律相对于日常活动对机体的疲劳状态有更大的影响。  相似文献   

四川梅花鹿的昼夜活动节律与时间分配   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
郭延蜀 《兽类学报》2003,23(2):104-108
1987 年2 月至2000 年9 月, 用直接观察法在四川省铁布自然保护区中先后对287 只四川梅花鹿的昼夜活动节律和时间分配进行了2 934 h 的观察。四川梅花鹿的昼夜活动具有明显的活动与休息相间出现的节律, 晨昏和午夜是其活动的高峰期, 白昼活动强度较低以休息反刍为主。不同季节其昼夜活动节律有较大的变化。春、夏、秋、冬4 季每天单位时间的平均活动频率分别为: 55.29 ±32.97 %、46.42 ±37.24 %、48.21 ±35.80 %、47.75±32.21 % , 季节差异不明显( F = 0.32 < Fo.o1 ) 。昼夜年平均每天约有52.07 %的时间在活动, 其中白昼活动仅占5.28 % , 而晨昏和夜晚的活动占46.79 %。影响时间分配比例的因素为: 鹿的年龄、性别、繁殖状态、食物资源、天气状况、人为干扰等。  相似文献   

2005年调查若尔盖湿地的高原林蛙(Rana kukunoris)和岷山蟾蜍(Bufo minshanicus)的日活动节律,发现阳光充足时两栖类的活动性明显高于多云天气;高原林蛙成体、亚成体、岷山蟾蜍亚成体活动的最低气温为0℃、2℃、8℃;高原林蛙亚成体日活动高峰为中午12:30左右,岷山蟾蜍亚成体日活动高峰为下午15:30左右;高原林蛙亚成体在草地、林地、河边均有一定数量个体活动,岷山蟾蜍亚成体主要集中在河边活动。在若尔盖地区,两栖类可能主要是采用晒太阳(basking)的行为来适应高海拔环境;高原林蛙成体对温度的耐受性比亚成体高,亚成体比岷山蟾蜍亚成体高;高原林蛙与岷山蟾蜍的亚成体在活动时间与活动生境上存在差异,可能是减少种间竞争的途径之一。  相似文献   

Cell-free extracts that show activity in photosynthetic electron flow have been prepared from the unicellular dinoflagellate, Gonyaulax polyedra. Electron flow, as O2 uptake, was measured through both photo-system I and II from water to methyl viologen, through photosystem I alone from reduced 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol to methyl viologen which does not include the plastoquinone pool or from duroquinol to methyl viologen which includes the plastoquinone pool. Electron flow principally through photosystem II was measured from water to diaminodurene and ferricyanide, as O2 evolution. Cultures of Gonyaulax were grown on a 12-hour light:12 hour dark cycle to late log phase, then transferred to constant light at the beginning of a light period. After 3 days, measurements of electron flow were made at the maximum and minimum of the photosynthetic rhythm, as determined from measurements of the rhythm of bioluminescence. Photosynthesis was also measured in whole cells, either as 14C fixation or O2 evolution. Electron flow through both photosystems and through photosystem II alone were clearly rhythmic, while electron flow through photosystem I, including or excluding the plastoquinone pool, was constant with time in the circadian cycle. Thus, only changes in photosystem II account for the photosynthesis rhythm in Gonyaulax.  相似文献   

圈养小熊猫的昼夜活动节律   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Daily activity rhytlms of three radio-collared captive red pandas were monitored individually at 15 minute intervals for 3 euntinuous days each month at Yele Nature Reserve, Xiangling Mountains, June- October 1995. Our data indicated that mean rate of activity [0.51 ) of captive red pandas was lower than that of wild red pandas. Three captive red pandas showed similar daily activity patterns, being least active during night and more active during daytime. Mean rate of activity during daylight (0.58)was higher than during nighttime (0.41). Daily mean durations of activity and rest were 12.21 hours and 11.79 hours, respectively. Active times of captive red pandas accounted for 50.6% of each 24 hours, of which 66.5% were recorded during daylight and 33.5% during night. Two active peaks appeared at07: 30-09: 15 and 17: 30- 19: 00. We recorded a mean of 2.17, 2.13 and 0.88 long, mid-length, and short resting bouts daily, which had mean durations of 3.47, 1.65 and 0.87 hour, respectively.Among these long rests, 46.1% occurred during daytime and 53.8% during nighttime.  相似文献   

The agglutinative mating reaction of Euplotes crassus occurred without lag if complementary mating types were brought together under appropriate conditions. Only a small fraction of the cell population reacted at the beginning but the number of reacting cells steadily increased until firmly united pairs were formed after ~30 min. The intensity of the initial mating reaction changed rhythmically; the rhythm appeared circadian. Mating-type-specific soluble factors did not appear to participate in this reaction. The results strongly support the positive-feedback hypothesis of the mating reaction presented by Heckmann & Siegel in 1964. Patterns of preconjugant cell interactions of different ciliates are discussed.  相似文献   

Cultures of Gonyaulax polyedra Stein maintained in the laboratory for 15 to 20 years, including an axenic strain isolated in 1960, have gradually lost the ability to survive in darkness. G. polyedra (70A), isolated in 1970 and maintained in a 12:12 light:dark cycle, now tolerates continuous darkness for a much shorter time than a strain isolated in 1981. I have compared the properties of strain 70A with those of this newer strain (81N), to investigate changes in Gonyaulax with length of time in culture, which may account for poor survival in darkness. When grown in continuous light (13, 12, or 4.5 watts per square meter), strains 70A and 81N have similar growth rates, yields, cell diameters, protein contents, C/N ratios, respiration rates, pigment complements, and photosynthetic rates. When entrained by a light:dark cycle (12L:12D), 70A showed no photosynthesis rhythm, although such a rhythm was formerly present. However, the circadian rhythms in bioluminescence and cell division were normal in both strains. Thus, the circadian clock is apparently still intact in 70A as in 81N. The rate of photosynthesis in strain 70A was constant at a low level, the consequent smaller accumulation of photosynthetic products probably accounting for the limited survival in darkness. The defect in strain 70A may be the loss of a component either directly affecting Pmax or necessary for transduction from the circadian clock to photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Melatonin is rhythmically secreted by both the pineal gland and retina in a circadian fashion, with its peak synthesis occurring during the night. Once synthesized, melatonin exerts its effects by binding to two specific G-protein coupled receptors–melatonin receptor type 1(MT1) and melatonin receptor type 2(MT2). Recent studies suggest the involvement of MT1 and MT2 in the regulation of glucose homeostasis; however the ability of melatonin signaling to impart timing cues on glucose metabolism remains poorly understood. Here we report that the removal of MT1 or MT2 in mice abolishes the daily rhythm in blood glucose levels. Interestingly, removal of melatonin receptors produced small effects on the rhythmic expression patterns of clock genes within skeletal muscle, liver, and adipose tissue. Taken together, our data suggest that the loss of the daily rhythm in blood glucose observed in MT1-/- and MT2-/- mice does not occur as a consequence of ‘disrupted’ clocks within insulin sensitive tissues. Finally our results highlight a diurnal contribution of melatonin receptor signaling in the daily regulation of blood glucose levels.  相似文献   

小熊猫夏秋季的昼夜活动节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年5~11月,在邛崃山系宝兴蜂桶寨自然保护区采用无线电遥测技术对6只野生小熊猫的昼夜活动节律进行了研究。结果表明,小熊猫具有晨昏活动的习性,5~11月的平均活动率为0.5286。小熊猫以白昼活动为主,兼夜间活动,白昼的活动率(0.5903±0.0538)高于夜晚活动率(0.4468±0.0413)。每昼夜有(52.86±9.8)%的时间处于活动状态,其中64.53%的活动时间在白昼,35.47%的活动时间在夜晚。每昼夜有两个活动高峰,分别出现在08∶00~10∶00和17∶30~18∶30。在休息时间的分配上,小熊猫每昼夜长休息平均2.07次,持续时间平均3.75小时;中等长度休息1.56次,持续1.59小时;短休息1.21次,持续0.84小时;长休息有44.06%在白昼,55.94%在夜晚。  相似文献   

血雉Ithaginis cruentus是分布在青藏高原东部至喜马拉雅山脉的珍稀濒危雉类物种。本研究使用红外相机调查技术,于2014—2018年在四川王朗国家级自然保护区168个标准公里网格内布设调查位点283个,其中249个有效位点上总有效工作量为26 123相机日,共拍摄到血雉照片与视频合计8 907份(占鸡形目Galliformes总数的71.46%),独立探测922次(占鸡形目总数的70.11%),相对多度指数35.29。基于核密度函数绘制了血雉的日活动节律曲线,结果显示,血雉为严格的日行型动物,所有记录均发生在05∶50—19∶50;日活动曲线整体呈现单峰模式:活动强度在日出后快速增加,在09∶00—11∶00达到最高,之后强度逐渐降低,在18∶00后快速下降。在不同季节,血雉的日活动节律模式存在差异,繁殖期与非繁殖期的日活动节律模式差别较为明显。本研究基于可靠的调查手段和充足的数据量,分析了血雉的日活动模式,表明红外相机技术是动物行为研究的有效工具,为血雉及其他森林雉类行为生态的深入研究提供了基础资料与信息。  相似文献   

2014年7—8月,在浙江省富阳市獐养殖场采用瞬时扫描取样法对圈养条件下哺乳期雌獐昼夜行为时间分配及活动节律进行了调查研究。结果表明:1雌獐的日活动行为时间分配依次为卧息(59.01±2.93)%、走动(13.91±2.39)%、采食(10.60±0.74)%、梳理(7.76±1.10)%、反刍(2.84±0.66)%、站立(2.72±1.01)%、警戒(1.53±0.59)%、社会行为(1.26±0.54)%、排遗(0.36±0.22)%。2雌獐的昼间卧息时间极显著低于夜间(P<0.01),梳理时间显著低于夜间(P<0.05),而走动、采食、反刍、警戒和社会行为的时间极显著高于夜间(P<0.01),站立行为差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。3一天中,雌獐的采食行为和反刍行为呈现双峰型的节律特征,走动、站立和梳理行为出现了3个高峰期,卧息和社会行为则呈多峰型,其中取食高峰后延迟1~2 h为反刍高峰。4卧息行为分别与采食行为和走动行为呈极显著的负相关关系,而采食行为与走动行为之间呈显著的正相关关系。总之,哺乳期圈养雌獐的日活动行为体现出明显的节律性,且大多数行为时间具有明显的昼夜差异。  相似文献   

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), and sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plants were subjected daily over 13 days to short-term (2 h) temperature drops to 12, 8, 4, and 1°C (DROP treatments) at the end of night periods, and effects of these chilling treatments on the ratio of dark respiration in leaves (Rd) to gross photosynthesis (Ag) were examined. The results showed that DROP treatments affected the Rd/Ag ratio in leaves: this ratio increased significantly in cucumber and tomato plants and was slightly affected in pepper plants. When the temperature drops to 12°C were applied, the increase in Rd/Ag ratio in cucumber and tomato plants was entirely due to the rise in Rd. In the case of temperature drops to 8°C and below, the increase in Rd/Ag was determined by both elevation of Rd and the concurrent decrease in Ag. In cucumber plants, the extent of Ag and Rd changes increased with the DROP severity, i.e., with lowering the temperature of DROP treatment. The inhibition of photosynthesis by DROP treatment in cucumber plants was accompanied by the diminished efficiency of light energy use for photosynthesis and by the increase in the light compensation point. The elevation in Rd/Ag ratio in cucumber plants was accompanied by the decline in growth characteristics, such as accumulation of aboveground biomass, plant height, and leaf area. It was concluded that the R/A ratio is an important indicator characterizing the adaptive potential of chilling-sensitive plant species and their response to daily short-term temperature drops.  相似文献   

为探究内蒙古赛罕乌拉国家级自然保护区中有蹄类动物日活动节律与行为的季节变化对生存环境和捕食者的适应,2013年3—12月,在保护区采用红外相机技术对狍Capreolus pygargus进行了行为特征监测研究。共得到3 439份野生动物有效影视数据,鉴别出狍个体共693只次。数据显示:(1)狍具有明显的晨昏活动习性,每日相对活动强度的2个高峰期分别为04∶00—06∶00和17∶00—19∶00;与其他季节相比,夏季相对活动强度高峰均推迟,主要受夏季高温以及捕食者的胁迫因素影响。(2)狍的日活动强度不存在季节差异,但春季的相对活动强度(49.64%)最大,其次为冬季(27.99%),夏季(10.68%)与秋季(11.69%)接近,温度、捕食风险、发情期和食物需求等可能是造成这一现象的主要原因。(3)狍的行为以取食、舔食营养盐和警戒为主,行为比例在不同季节的差异无统计学意义。本研究结果有助于了解野生狍的生活习性,为保护区有蹄类动物的有效管理提供数据支持。  相似文献   

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