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汉坦病毒(Hantavirus,HV)是肾综合症出血热(Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome,HFRS)的主要病原体之一,HV的主要宿主动物为黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius).针对西安市HFRS的持续高发病率,2010年7月-9月对西安市HFRS 疫区捕获的110只黑线姬鼠(阳性62只)进行年龄、性别鉴定.通过病毒RNA提取分析,发现黑线姬鼠雌雄个体携带病毒无显著差异,但是不同年龄段黑线姬鼠携带汉坦病毒却具有显著差异,年龄结构与病毒携带具有极显著的相关性.  相似文献   

为了揭示顺义农田黑线姬鼠和大仓鼠两大害鼠种群繁殖力存在的差异及其对种群数量变化的影响,从而为制定科学灭鼠策略提供依据,1994-2014年,采用夹线法于每年3~11月(或1~12月)进行调查,每月上旬在5个监测点农田布放鼠夹500夹夜。捕获的样本测量体重、体长、尾长、耳高、后足长,解剖观察繁殖情况。以种群繁殖力为指标,分析黑线姬鼠与大仓鼠在繁殖力方面的差异,由此揭示出黑线姬鼠具有更强的竞争优势。黑线姬鼠和大仓鼠每年都有2个繁殖高峰期,并以成年以上个体为繁殖主体,分别占总胎仔数的94.5%和95.6%。黑线姬鼠的繁殖期和主要繁殖期均比大仓鼠延长1个月,且主要繁殖期的雌、雄繁殖鼠占比均高于大仓鼠,胎次数是大仓鼠的1.7倍,仅平均胎仔数低于大仓鼠,由此说明黑线姬鼠种群的繁殖力比大仓鼠更强,具有更大的竞争优势。  相似文献   

辽宁清原黑线姬鼠种群年龄研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1977年,我们对辽宁东部地区清原县农田黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius Pallas)的种群年龄进行了初步研究。Adamczewska·Andrzejewska(1973)提出以水晶体重量划分黑线姬鼠的年龄。Martinet(1966),Meuuier and Solari(1972),Spitz(1974),冈本(1976,1980),Yabe(1979)等人先后对普通田鼠(Microtus arvalis)、褐家鼠(Rattus norvegicus)进行了研究,认为以水晶体重量划分年龄“精确度大”,国内尚未见报导。  相似文献   

黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)是贵州地区分布广泛的主要农田害鼠之一,掌握其种群繁殖特征可为种群动态的预测预报提供基础资料。1984~2014年间,采用夹夜法逐月调查了贵州省余庆县8个县(市)监测点黑线姬鼠种群动态数据,分析了其种群性比、雌鼠怀孕率和平均胎仔数、雄鼠睾丸下降率等主要繁殖生物学指标及其地理差异和季节性变动规律,明确了贵州地区黑线姬鼠种群的繁殖特征。共捕获黑线姬鼠20 113只,不同地区种群间,除平均胎仔数有显著差异外(χ~2=36.503,df=7,P0.01),其他繁殖特征值均没有差异。从时间序列看,种群中雌鼠怀孕率和雄鼠睾丸下降率的季节性变化均表现为春季(4~5月)及夏末秋初(8~9月)达到高峰的双峰型。雌鼠产仔数一般2~10只,4~7只最为常见(占93.87%)。不同季节平均胎仔数差异不大。贵州地区黑线姬鼠繁殖的总体特点为全年繁殖,春秋两季为繁殖的高峰期,冬季(12月份和翌年1、2月份)繁殖强度明显低于其他季节(F_(11,84)=61.92,P0.01),但种群密度表现为6月达到最高点的单峰型特点。  相似文献   

黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)在安徽广泛分布,是农田优势种,以淮河及长江两岸的冲积平原,特别是围垦的江滩湖地的数量最多。本文从围垦湖地对鼠类区系演替所产生的影响,来探讨黑线姬鼠种群数量的变化。 由表1看出,在沿淮及沿江湖地,黑线姬鼠为优势  相似文献   

呼和浩特地区黑线仓鼠种群动态研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
1984—1989年,每年3—11月中旬在呼和浩特郊区定点调查,共捕获黑线仓鼠2920只,本文分析了该鼠每年的种群数量变动和年龄结构,用臼齿咀嚼面磨损程度划分年龄组,研究种群年龄结构。种群数量年际变化较大,季节变化也较明显,一般年有两个繁殖高峰和数量高峰(后峰8—10月,前峰5—6月)。每年3—10月为繁殖期,平均每胎产仔6.2±0.1只,各年间繁殖有一定差异。  相似文献   

侯祥  韩宁  封托  张博  陈晓宁  王京  常罡 《生态学报》2020,40(14):4836-4841
受全球气候变化的影响,气候因素与害鼠种群变化之间的关系成为害鼠防治研究中的热点问题。以西安市长安区周边分布的黑线姬鼠为研究对象,通过标志重捕法进行种群动态监测,掌握其种群数量的动态变化规律,并结合非线性的统计方法广义可加模型,对该地区2015—2018年黑线姬鼠种群密度和气候因素数据进行分析,探讨该鼠种群变化与气候因素之间的关系。结果表明,该地区黑线姬鼠种群数量总体显现为下降趋势。黑线姬鼠种群密度存在显著的正向自我调节效应(F_(1.00, 5.77)=27.062,P0.01),且与上一月种群密度存在线性的正相关。当月平均温度与该鼠种群密度之间存在显著的非线性效应(F_(1.90, 5.77 )=4.696,P0.05),两者之间显现为钟型关系,当温度21℃时,两者之间显现为正相关,黑线姬鼠种群密度随温度的升高而升高,反之显现为负相关。当月累计降雨量与其种群密度之间也存在显著的非线性效应(F_(1.87, 5.77)=3.879,P0.05),同样,两者之间也显现为钟型关系,当降雨量90 mm时,两者之间显现为负相关,种群密度随降雨量的增加而降低,反之显现为正相关。因此,温度和降雨对黑线姬鼠种群变化具有调节作用,低温干旱和高温多雨均不适合该鼠的繁殖与生长。  相似文献   

高山姬鼠种群数量动态及预测预报模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨再学  金星  郭永旺  龙贵兴  刘晋 《生态学报》2010,30(13):3545-3552
为了摸清高山姬鼠种群数量变节变动规律,探讨其种群数量预测方法,采用夹夜法调查逐月捕获率,用捕获率为预测指标,建立种群数量预测预报模型。对1996-2008年贵州省大方县高山姬鼠种群数量动态及种群数量进行分析预测,结果表明:高山姬鼠主要分布于稻田、旱地耕作区,是大方县农田害鼠优势种,占总鼠数的62.32%。10a平均捕获率为(2.58±1.27)%,全年种群数量变动曲线呈单峰型,各年度种群数量的变化曲线基本相似,一年内种群数量在6月份出现1个数量高峰,平均捕获率达(4.63±3.03)%。不同年度、不同月份、不同季节之间种群数量存在显著差异。根据历年高山姬鼠种群数量变动幅度及发生危害情况,结合当地鼠害防治指标,制定了高山姬鼠种群数量分级标准。分析1996-2008年高山姬鼠数量高峰期前各月捕获率、种群繁殖参数(性比、怀孕率、胎仔数、睾丸下降率、繁殖指数)与数量高峰期6月种群密度的关系后发现,4月份种群数量基数与6月份种群密度之间相关极显著,运用回归分析方法,建立了应用4月份种群数量基数(X)预测数量高峰期6月份种群密度(Y)的短期预测预报模型:Y=1.7558X+0.1442,可提前2个月预测当年数量峰种群密度和发生程度,经回测验证,数值和数量级预测值与实测值基本相符,数值预测和数量级预测平均吻合率为92.84%、100.00%,结果比较准确,故该预测预报模型具有一定的实用性和可行性。  相似文献   

萧山围垦农区小型兽类种群动态的研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
丁平  鲍毅新 《兽类学报》1994,14(1):35-42
1985年4月1992年12月,作者采用夹夜法对萧山围垦农区小型兽类的种群动态进行了连续逐月定点定时的研究。种群的季节消长规律呈前峰型曲线的种群有黑线姬鼠、小家鼠和褐家鼠(室内),呈后峰型曲线的种群有臭Qu和褐家鼠(室外)。黑线姬鼠季节消长规律与农区作物类型、小兽群落组成、冬季死亡率和怀孕率等因素有关,并受环境因子的影响。  相似文献   

社鼠的年龄鉴定与种群年龄组成   总被引:28,自引:9,他引:19  
年龄组成是种群的重要特征之一。分析年龄组成中不同时期各年龄组数量的比例,有助于了解种群数量变动的规律。寿振黄等(1959)以臼齿齿根的分岐与否和前后根的长度作为红背(鼠平)的年龄标准。罗泽珣(1963)和诸葛阳等(1959、1978)分别用臼齿磨损程度和体重来划分黑线姬鼠的年龄。国外有以晶体干重为依据分析年龄组成,如Lord(1959),Adamczewska-Andrzejewska(1972),Geurley(1975),Yabe(1979)等分别对白尾兔(Cottontail rabbit)、黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)2种田鼠(Microtus pinetorumMicrotus montanus)、和褐家鼠(Rattus norvegicus)进行了不少工作。  相似文献   

金华北山啮齿类的生态研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
本文论述了金华北山啮齿类的区系组成、数量季节消长和垂直分布。依据不同生境中鼠种和数量的组成,划分了7个鼠类群落。进而对比和分析了各鼠类群落的组成和空间配置、多样性及生物量的分配。通过以人工针叶林为主的北山与具良好次生林植被的天目山自然保护区之间的比较,表明鼠类组成方面有着明显的差异,并探讨了造成这种差异的部分原因。  相似文献   

北京地区鼠类群落结构的研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
张洁 《兽类学报》1984,4(4):265
在生态系统中,啮齿动物为食物链的主要环节之一,研究鼠类群落结构及作用是评价北京地区环境生态的重要内容。有关鼠类群落的研究,国外已有较多报道(Hafner,1977;Grant和Birney,1979),近年来也引起我国动物生态学工作者的注意(刘季科,1979;钟文勤,1981;周庆强,1982)。而北京地区尚无这方面的报道。 根据我们1982年8月到1983年底在北京地区的调查,兽类区系中啮齿类约占34%,其中约一半种类为不同环境中的主要种类,现将鼠类群落结构的研究报道如下。  相似文献   

Partial migration is a pervasive albeit poorly studied phenomenon by which some individuals of a population migrate while others are residents. It has tremendous consequences on seasonal variations of population size/structure and therefore management. Using a multi-event capture-mark-recapture/recovery (CMR) approach, we assessed seasonal site occupancy, survival and site fidelity of a partially migratory diving duck, the Common pochard (Aythya ferina), in an area potentially including both local breeders and winter visitors. The modelling exercise indeed discriminated two different categories of individuals. First, locally breeding females which had a probability of being present in our study area during winter of 0.41. Females of this category were found to be more faithful to their breeding site than males (breeding site fidelity probabilities of 1 and 0.11, respectively). The second category of birds were winter visitors, which included adults of both sexes, whose probability of being present in the study area during the breeding season was nil, and young of both sexes with a 0.11 probability of being present in the area during the breeding season. All wintering individuals, among which there was virtually no locally breeding male, displayed a high fidelity to our study area from one winter to the next (0.41–0.43). Estimated annual survival rates differed according to age (adults 0.69, young 0.56). For both age classes mortality was higher during late winter/early spring than during summer/early winter. Our study is among the first to show how and under which conditions the multi-event approach can be employed for investigating complex movement patterns encountered in partial migrants, providing a convenient tool for overcoming state uncertainty. It also shows why studying patterns of probability of individual presence/movements in partial migrants is a key towards understanding seasonal variations in numbers.  相似文献   

In some tropical birds, breeding seasonality is weak at the population level, even where there are predictable seasonal peaks in environmental conditions. It therefore remains unclear whether individuals are adapted to breeding at specific times of the year or flexible to variable environmental conditions. We tested whether the relative year‐round breeding activity of the Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus arises due to within‐individual variability in breeding dates. We collected data from 827 birds via mist‐netting over 2 years with corresponding local weather data. We used a combination of climate envelope and generalized linear mixed models to explore how the timing of breeding is influenced by time of year, individual variation, rainfall and temperature in a West African savannah where seasonal precipitation determines annual variation in environmental conditions. We also pooled 65 breeding records from 19 individuals recorded between 2006 and 2017 based on brood patch occurrence and behavioural observation to compare within‐individual and population variability in breeding dates. We show that the breeding dates of individuals may be as variable as for the population as a whole. However, we observed a seasonal peak in juvenile occurrence that varies significantly between years. Models suggest no relationship between nesting and moult, and within‐year variation in rainfall and temperature, and birds were unlikely to breed during moult but may do so afterwards. Moult was very seasonal, correlating strongly with day length. We suggest that because environmental conditions permit year‐round breeding, and because reproductive output is subject to high predation risk, there is probably a weak selection for individuals to match breeding with variable peak conditions in the environment. Instead, moult, which always occurs annually and successfully, is probably under strong selection to match variable peak conditions in the environment so that long‐term survival ensures future reproduction.  相似文献   

黑腹绒鼠生态学的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
黑腹绒鼠(Eothenomys melanogaster)是我国南方较常见的鼠种之一,多栖居在海拔较高的山地,且数量较少。我们于1981年1月至1982年1月、1984年7月和11月在浙江西天目山以及1984年3月至12月在金华的北山对黑腹绒鼠作了生态学的调查,现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

Calomys venustus showed a cyclic seasonal pattern of reproductive activity characterized by a period of repose and a variable length of the period of sexual activity between August—September to May—June. The study was done from 1983 to 1999. During this time the population density increased from October—November to the end of autumn and sharply decreased in winter. Three peaks in rate of pregnancy were recognized in the breeding period: spring, summer and late summer. The average litter size was different among the three peaks in rate of pregnancy. The reproductive pattern had a peak at the beginning of the spring produced by overwintering animals, and another peak in summer-autumn caused by the reproductive activity of young born in the same period in which they breed. The spring cohort exhibited the greatest breeding contribution suggesting that this cohort is principally responsible for the yearly peak in abundance.  相似文献   

A patient diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) carried out prospective ratings of depression weekly for nearly a decade. A winter peak of depression and benzodiazepine intake was documented. However, over the years, the depressive episodes shifted toward spring in an apparent free-running circannual rhythm (periodogram peaks at 53 and 55 weeks). This patient may have an underlying seasonal propensity to depression no longer precisely entrained to environmental cues. (Chronobiology International, 18(2), 309-313, 2001)  相似文献   

In order to assess the response of epigeic earthworms to seasonal changes we monitored the population dynamics of Eisenia fetida (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) in a manure heap in the field during a year. Earthworms were hand-sorted from five 0.25 x 0.25 x 0.20 m blocks around the heap in November (autumn) 1999 and in January (winter), April (spring) and August (summer) 2000 to determine earthworm population dynamics. Earthworms of each block were classified into different age classes: mature, preclitellate, juvenile, hatchling and cocoon, and afterwards counted and weighed. Seasonality had a strong effect on the density, biomass and reproductive activity of the population. The population of E. fetida was characterized by a high density of individuals and the predominance of mature individuals throughout the year. Maximum density, mating activity and size of cocoons were achieved in spring, but there were not changes in the number of cocoons per mature earthworm throughout the year. Unexpectedly, the smallest cocoons were produced in winter by the largest individuals. These results suggest that E. fetida is able to allocate resources to growth and/or reproduction in response to environmental fluctuations.  相似文献   

黄毛鼠种群数量季节变动及其影响因素的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
黄毛鼠是农业、卫生保健事业的主要害鼠之一,其种群数量的季节变动明显地表现为初春的数量上升,夏秋季低数量和冬季持续高数量3个阶段。数量消长曲线呈马鞍形。 菜地是黄毛鼠良好的栖息地,鼠密度终年多保持在较高的水平;旱地的鼠密度稍高;水田的鼠密度较低。 黄毛鼠种群数量的季节变动主要是种群的繁殖力和年龄组成变化的反映,同时又受到气候条件和农业生产活动的制约。  相似文献   

褪黑素通过调控下丘脑-垂体-性腺内分泌轴使季节性繁殖动物在适宜的季节进行繁殖活动.大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)在春季集中繁殖.为探究雄性大熊猫褪黑素和睾酮的季节性变化规律,本研究选取成都大熊猫繁育研究基地3只成年雄性大熊猫作为实验对象,在自然光照下对这3只大熊猫进行每周1次为期1年(2018年...  相似文献   

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