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Light transiently depolarizes the membrane of growing leaf cells. The ionic basis for changes in cell membrane electrical potentials in response to light has been determined separately for growing epidermal and mesophyll cells of the argenteum mutant of pea (Pisum sativum L.). In mesophyll cells light induces a large, transient depolarization that depends on the external Cl concentration, is unaffected by changes in the external Ca2+ or K+ concentration, is stimulated by K+-channel blockers tetraethylammonium (TEA+) and Ba2+, and is inhibited by 3-(3-4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU). In isolated epidermal tissue, light induces a small, transient depolarization followed by a hyperpolarization of the membrane potential. The depolarization is enhanced by increasing the external Ca2+ concentration and by addition of Ba2+, and is not sensitive to DCMU. Epidermal cells in contact with mesophyll display a depolarization resembling the response of the underlying mesophyll cells. The light-induced depolarization in mesophyll cells seems to be mediated by an increased efflux of Cl while the membrane-potential changes in epidermal strips reflect changes in the fluxes of Ca2+ and in the activity of the proton-pumping ATPase.Abbreviations BAPTA 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - CCCP carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DCMU 3-(3-4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - LID e light-induced depolarization in epidermal cells - LID m light-induced depolarization in mesophyll cells - LIH light-induced hyperpolarization - TEA+ tetraethylammonium Ecotrans paper #43. This research was supported by National Science Foundation grants DCB-8903744 and MCB-9220110 to E.V.  相似文献   

Mesophyll cells and bundle sheath strands were isolated from Cyperus rotundus L. leaf sections infiltrated with a mixture of cellulase and pectinase followed by a gentle mortar and pestle grind. The leaf suspension was filtered through a filter assembly and mesophyll cells and bundle sheath strands were collected on 20-μm and 80-μm nylon nets, respectively. For the isolation of leaf epidermal strips longer leaf cross sections were incubated with the enzymes and gently ground as above. Loosely attached epidermal strips were peeled off with forceps. The upper epidermis, which lacks stomata, could be clearly distinguished from the lower epidermis which contains stomata. Microscopic evidence for identification and assessment of purity is provided for each isolated tissue.Enzymes related to the C4-dicarboxylic acid cycle such as phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, malate dehydrogenase (NADP+), pyruvate, Pi dikinase were found to be localized, ≥98%, in mesophyll cells. Enzymes related to operating the reductive pentose phosphate cycle such as RuDP carboxylase, phosphoribulose kinase, and malic enzyme are distributed, ≥99%, in bundle sheath strands. Other photosynthetic enzymes such as aspartate aminotransferase, pyrophosphatase, adenylate kinase, and glyceraldehyde 3-P dehydrogenase (NADP+) are quite active in both mesophyll and bundle sheath tissues.Enzymes involved in photorespiration such as RuDP oxygenase, catalase, glycolate oxidase, hydroxypyruvate reductase (NAD+), and phosphoglycolate phosphatase are preferentially localized, ≥84%, in bundle sheath strands.Nitrate and nitrite reductase can be found only in mesophyll cells, while glutamate dehydrogenase is present, ≥96%, in bundle sheath strands.Starch- and sucrose-synthesizing enzymes are about equally distributed between the mesophyll and bundle sheath tissues, except that the less active phosphorylase was found mainly in bundle sheath strands. Fructose-1,6-diP aldolase, which is a key enzyme in photosynthesis and glycolysis leading to sucrose and starch synthesis, is localized, ≥90%, in bundle sheath strands. The glycolytic enzymes, phosphoglyceromutase and enolase, have the highest activity in mesophyll cells, while the mitochondrial enzyme, cytochrome c oxidase, is more active in bundle sheath strands.The distribution of total nutsedge leaf chlorophyll, protein, and PEP carboxylase activity, using the resolved leaf components, is presented. 14CO2 Fixation experiments with the intact nutsedge leaves and isolated mesophyll and bundle sheath tissues show that complete C4 photosynthesis is compartmentalized into mesophyll CO2 fixation via PEP carboxylase and bundle sheath CO2 fixation via RuDP carboxylase. These results were used to support the proposed pathway of carbon assimilation in C4-dicarboxylic acid photosynthesis and to discuss the individual metabolic characteristics of intact mesophyll cells, bundle sheath cells, and epidermal tissues.  相似文献   

Ionic mechanisms of salt stress perception were investigated by non‐invasive measurements of net H+, K+, Ca2+, Na+, and Cl? fluxes from leaf mesophyll of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) plants using vibrating ion‐selective microelectrodes (the MIFE technique). Treatment with 90 m M NaCl led to a significant increase in the net K+ efflux and enhanced activity of the plasma membrane H+‐pump. Both these events were effectively prevented by high (10 m M ) Ca2+ concentrations in the bath. At the same time, no significant difference in the net Na+ flux has been found between low‐ and high‐calcium treatments. It is likely that plasma membrane K+ and H+ transporters, but not the VIC channels, play the key role in the amelioration of negative salt effects by Ca2+ in the bean mesophyll. Experiments with isotonic mannitol application showed that cell ionic responses to hyperosmotic treatment are highly stress‐specific. The most striking difference in response was shown by K+ fluxes, which varied from an increased net K+ efflux (NaCl treatment) to a net K+ influx (mannitol treatment). It is concluded that different ionic mechanisms are involved in the perception of the ‘ionic’ and ‘osmotic’ components of salt stress.  相似文献   

Shabala S  Hariadi Y 《Planta》2005,221(1):56-65
Considering the physiological significance of Mg homeostasis in plants, surprisingly little is known about the molecular and ionic mechanisms mediating Mg transport across the plasma membrane and the impact of Mg availability on transport processes at the plasmalemma. In this study, a non-invasive ion-selective microelectrode technique (MIFE) was used to characterize the effects of Mg availability on the activity of plasma membrane H+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ transporters in the mesophyll cells of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) plants. Based on the stoichiometry of ion-flux changes and results of pharmacological experiments, we suggest that at least two mechanisms are involved in Mg2+ uptake across the plasma membrane of bean mesophyll cells. One of them is a non-selective cation channel, also permeable to K+ and Ca2+. The other mechanism, operating at concentrations below 30 M, was speculated to be an H+/Mg+ exchanger. Experiments performed on leaves grown at different levels of Mg availability (from deficient to excessive) showed that Mg availability has a significant impact on the activity of plasma-membrane transporters for Ca2+, K+, and H+. We discuss the physiological significance of Mg-induced changes in leaf electrophysiological responses to light and the ionic mechanisms underlying this process.  相似文献   

The in vitro assembly of rabbit skeletal myosin was studied by flow birefringence. Filaments were obtained from a solution of myosin in 0.5 M KCl by rapid dilution to lower ionic strength. In most cases, the filament length as determined from extinction angle measurements increased or decreased gradually for about 1 h after dilution, depending on pH, KCl concentration and the previous history. The filament length (l) immediately after dilution also showed a marked dependence on pH, KCl concentration and protein concentration (c) at the moment of assembly. The general characteristics obtained from our limited study (0.04-6.0 mg/ml) show three distinctive modes of effect of the protein concentration on the filament length: d logl/d log c is positive (0.1-1) at small c, negative (from -1 to -0.2) at intermediate c, and zero or slightly positive (0.0-0.3) at large c. Lowering of the KCl concentration (75-250 mM) as well as increase of the hydrogen ion concentration (pH 6-8) influenced the filament length in qualitatively the same manner as increase of the protein concentration. A model of the assembly reaction of myosin in which the polarity of filaments is crucial was constructed and shown to give qualitatively the experimental dependence of the filament length on the protein concentration.  相似文献   

With near normal monovalent ionic concentrations, the rate of increase of the potassium conductance after a depolarizing voltage-clamp step is slowed when the external calcium concentration is increased. This trend in the rise-time with changes in calcium is reversed when the axointernal potassium concentration is reduced (150 mM) and the periaxonal concentration is increased (50 mM); that is, the rise-time decrease with increasing calcium concentration. Furthermore, the degree of sigmoidality of the K-conductance time-course always increase when the rise-times increase for a given test potential. In the case of calcium surface-charge screening, these effects may be caused by a shifted distribution of K-ions within the channels following the altered ion gradient, and by a consequent shift in the reciprocal electrostatic interactions between the ionic charges and channel-gate charges.  相似文献   

Ion-selective double-barreled microelectrodes inserted into a planarian ocellus were used to monitor the ocellus potential and the changes in extracellular concentrations of Ca2+ (Ca(o)) and Na+ (Na(o)) caused by a 0.5-sec light flash or sustained (120s) illumination. Ca(o) and Na(o) were slightly decreased following a flash. Sustained illumination caused a biphasic change in Ca(o) (a rapid decrease followed by a slow increase) and a tonic decrease in Na(o). When Na+ in the planarian saline was replaced by Li+ or choline+, the increase in Ca(o) was prevented: sustained illumination induced only a decrease in Ca(o). These results suggest that illumination induces influxes of both Ca+ and Na+ into planarian photoreceptors, and that the Ca2+ influx is rapidly followed by a Na-dependent Ca2+ efflux due to Na-Ca exchange.  相似文献   

In barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves, differential ion accumulation commonly results in inorganic phosphate (Pi) being confined to the mesophyll and Ca(2+) to the epidermis, with preferential epidermal accumulation of Cl(-), Na(+), and some other ions. The pattern was confirmed in this study for major inorganic anions and cations by analysis of barley leaf protoplasts. The work focused on the extent to which differences in plasma membrane ion transport processes underlie these observations. Ion transport across the plasma membrane of barley epidermal and mesophyll protoplasts was investigated electrophysiologically (by microelectrode impalement and patch clamping) and radiometrically. Data from both approaches suggested that similar types of ion-selective channels and membrane transporters, which catalyze the transport of Ca(2+), K(+), Na(+), and Pi, exist in the plasma membrane of the two cell types. In general, the simple presence or absence of ion transporters could not explain cell-type-specific differences in ion accumulation. However, patch-clamp data suggested that differential regulation of instantaneously activating ion channels in the plasma membrane could explain the preferential accumulation of Na(+) in the epidermis.  相似文献   

1. Salts of l-glutamate added to cerebral tissues maintained in glucose-saline-bicarbonate solutions cause the Na(+) content of the tissues to increase rapidly and K(+) to be lost. Entry of (22)Na(+) also is accelerated by l-glutamate and this acceleration is inhibited by low concentrations of tetrodotoxin. 2. Tissue Na(+) content and its rate of increase after the addition of l-glutamate are affected by the Ca(2+) of incubation media. 3. Very rapid and extensive entry of Na(+) to the tissue is caused by EDTA, and a moderate entry by citrate and ATP. Calculations of the concentration of free Ca(2+) in media after these additions indicate that Na(+) entry is sometimes associated with low Ca(2+) concentration, but that other substances, especially l-glutamate, act without greatly diminishing Ca(2+) concentration. 4. Experiments with 2,4-dinitrophenol and valinomycin are also reported and aspects of the Na(+) entry formulated and discussed.  相似文献   

Rapid, transient changes of the membrane potential upon lighttransitions are generally observed in microelectrode studies.In a patch-clamp study similar responses to light transitionswere found in current clamp. Corresponding with the changesof membrane potential, light-induced current changes in voltageclamp were observed. This paper evaluates the involvement ofoutward rectifying conductances and plasma membrane bound H+-ATpases(proton pump) to these light responses in mesophyll protoplastsof Nicotiana tabacum L. The contribution of K+-channels to theseresponses, could be minimized by variation of the holding potentialor addition of the K+-channel blocker verapamil. It was concludedthat light transitions modulate both proton pump and K+-channelactivity. Effects of light on membrane current were not observedin root cells and chlorophyll-deficient cells, suggesting thatthe response requires photosynthetic activity. However, blockersof photosystems I and II did not affect current changes. Key words: Light, patch-clamp, plasma membrane, tobacco, whole cell  相似文献   

The distribution of solutes between epidermal, mesophyll and bundle-sheath cells in barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Klaxon) leaves was studied by analysing extracts obtained from single cells with a modified pressure probe. Activity of the cytoplasmic marker enzyme, malate dehydrogenase, revealed that epidermal cell extracts were completely vacuolar in origin, but extracts from mesophyll cells also contained cytoplasmic constituents. The extracts were analysed for osmolality and the concentrations of K, Na, Ca, Cl, P, S, NO 3 , sugars and total amino acids. Epidermal and mesophyll cell extracts had similar osmolalities but these varied between 420 and 565 mosmol, kg 1 depending on the leaf developmental stage; the osmolality of bundle-sheath extracts was approximately 100 mosmol, kg–1 lower. Under the growth conditions used, K and NO 3 were found in all three cell types and their concentrations generally ranged between 180 and 230 mM. In contrast, Ca was almost restricted to epidermal cells, where it increased to 70 mM during leaf ageing. Phosphorus was only detectable ( 5 mM) in extracts from mesophyll and bundle-sheath cells, while Cl concentrations were highest in epidermal and lowest in mesophyll cell extracts. The concentrations of sugars and amino acids were close to the detection limit (approx. 2 mM) in epidermal cells but mesophyll cells contained total sugar (glucose, fructose and sucrose) of up to 78 mM and total amino-acid concentrations of up to 13.5 mM. Concentrations in bundle-sheath cells were intermediate between those in the epidermis and mesophyll.Abbreviations EDX analysis energy dispersive X-ray analysis - MDH malate dehydrogenase We wish to thank Paul Richardson, Jeremy Pritchard, Peter Hinde and Andrew Davies (Banger) for their helpfull discussion and technical advice. This work was financed by a grant (LR5/521) from the Agricultural and Food Research Council.  相似文献   

Abstract Cytoplasmic concentrations, fluxes of K+, Na+ and Cl and microsomal membrane lipids were investigated in a salt-sensitive and salt-resistant variety of Zea mays. The salt resistance of Protador relative to LGH (salt-sensitive) appears to be related to higher K+ fluxes and cytoplasmic concentrations, and lower Na+ and Cl fluxes and cytoplasmic concentrations, when grown in NaCl. There were no apparent differences in the simple chemical composition of root microsomal membrane lipids between the two varicties, neither were these affected by salt.  相似文献   

Summary Leaf material from the halophyteSuaeda maritima L. Dum. grown under both saline and non-saline conditions was fractionated under non-aqueous conditions in order to determine the ion content of various subcellular compartments. Fractions containing cell walls, nuclei and chloroplasts were successfully prepared and contents of DNA, chlorophyll, protein and Na+, K+, and Cl determined. The cell wall fraction was not apparently heavily contaminated by the other fractions and had a low ion content although the nuclear fraction was contaminated by other organelles. The ion contents of chloroplasts were determined and the results discussed in relation to earlier microscopical data.  相似文献   

We have measured the contents of Na+ and K+ in isolated chromaffin granules. Total contents varied between 227 and 283 nmol/mg of protein, equivalent to matrix concentrations of 53-66 mM. The value found depended on the isolation buffer used, and the ratio of the two ions reflected the composition of the buffer. We then measured the free concentration of each of these ions, and of Ca2+, in the matrix, by using a null-point method with acridine-fluorescence quenching. This monitored H+ fluxes induced by an ionophore in the presence of known concentrations of the ion in the supporting medium. In contrast with organic constituents of the matrix, which have low activity coefficients, Na+ and K+ were found to have activity coefficients around 0.8 Ca2+, however, was strongly bound: its free concentration was only 0.03% of the total.  相似文献   

Antigen stimulated release of histamine from sensitized guineapig lung was inhibited by the exclusion of calcium ions from the incubation fluid. Subsequent addition of calcium ions induced release, but the magnitude of this release decreased with time. When the releasing potential had declined to zero, addition of an alternative antigen together with calcium ions induced further release. If the primary challenge was inhibited by the presence of an antiallergic agent, challenge by a second antigen was similarly inhibited, in contrast to the effect when there was no primary antigen challenge. Antigen challenge induced a flux of 45Ca into cells, these fluxes were inhibited by compounds which inhibited histamine release. Inhibition of release did not correlate with inhibition of calcium flux with some agents, suggesting that the measured flux is the sum of at least two fluxes, one secondary to release. These results are explained in a scheme for antigen-induced histamine release.  相似文献   

B. Demmig  K. Winter 《Planta》1986,168(3):421-426
Concentrations of four major solutes (Na+, K+, Cl-, proline) were determined in isolated, intact chloroplasts from the halophyte Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. following long-term exposure of plants to three levels of NaCl salinity in the rooting medium. Chloroplasts were obtained by gentle rupture of leaf protoplasts. There was either no or only small leakage of inorganic ions from the chloroplasts to the medium during three rapidly performed washing steps involving precipitation and re-suspension of chloroplast pellets. Increasing NaCl salinity of the rooting medium resulted in a rise of Na+ und Cl- in the total leaf sap, up to approximately 500 and 400 mM, respectively, for plants grown at 400 mM NaCl. However, chloroplast levels of Na+ und Cl- did not exceed 160–230 and 40–60 mM, respectively, based upon a chloroplast osmotic volume of 20–30 l per mg chlorophyll. At 20 mM NaCl in the rooting medium, the Na+/K+ ratio of the chloroplasts was about 1; at 400 mM NaCl the ratio was about 5. Growth at 400 mM NaCl led to markedly increased concentrations of proline in the leaf sap (8 mM) compared with the leaf sap of plants grown in culture solution without added NaCl (proline 0.25 mM). Although proline was fivefold more concentrated in the chloroplasts than in the total leaf sap of plants treated with 400 mM NaCl, the overall contribution of proline to the osmotic adjustment of chloroplasts was small. The capacity to limit chloroplast Cl- concentrations under conditions of high external salinity was in contrast to an apparent affinity of chloroplasts for Cl- under conditions of low Cl- availability.Abbreviation Chl chlorophyll  相似文献   

The synergistic stimulation of ethylene production by kinetin and Ca2+ in hypocotyl segments of mung bean (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.) seedling was further studied. The requirement for Ca2+ in this system was specific. Except for Sr2+, which mimicked the effect of Ca2+, none of the following divalent cations, including Ba2+, Mg6+, Cu2+, Hg2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Sn2+, and Zn2+, showed synergism with kinetin on ethylene production. Fe2+, however, showed a slight synergism with kinetin. Some of them (Hg2+, Co2+, and Ni2+) had a strong inhibitory effect, while others (Zn2+, Mg2+, Sn2+, and Ba2+) had a slight or no inhibitory effect on ethylene production in the absence or presence of kinetin.  相似文献   

K+ [86Rb+] uptake by Phaseolus aureus Roxb. hypocotyl segments cut immediately below the hook is inhibited by the active form of phytochrome (Pfr). Short load-short wash experiments indicate that the inhibition of uptake occurs across the plasmalemma. A maximal inhibition of short term uptake occurs in 10 to 50 millimolar KCI. Low temperature had only a small effect on influx and the inhibition of influx from 50 millimolar KCI. A consideration of the electrochemical gradient for K+ suggests that passive K+ fluxes may predominate under these conditions. Red light induces small depolarizations of membrane potential in subhook cells. Far red light antagonizes this effect. Pfr inhibits efflux of K+[86Rb+] from subhook segments. This effect is also relatively insensitive to low temperature. This inhibition of efflux may reflect inhibition of a K+ -K+ exchange process, or reduced passive permeability of the plasmalemma to K+. In contrast, Pfr enhances short term uptake of K+[86Rb+] in apical hypocotyl hook segments of Phaseolus aureus Roxb. Short load-short wash experiments indicate that fluxes across the plasmalemma are modified by Pfr. A maximal enhancement of short term influx occurs in 50 millimolar KCI. Influx and the red light enhancement of influx from 50 millimolar KCI are relatively insensitive to low temperature. Pfr also enhances efflux of K+[86Rb+] from preloaded apical hook segments. This increased influx may reflect enhancement of a K+ -K+ exchange process or increased passive permeability of the plasmalemma to K+.  相似文献   

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