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The specific communities of spiders and carabid beetles of island salt marsh habitats of the East Frisian Island chain at the German North Sea coast were investigated. During the vegetation periods of 1997 and 1998 three pitfall trapping transects were installed on the islands of Borkum and Wangerooge. Within the salt marshes, transects extended from 0 m to 175 m. Elevation gradients varied between 10 cm and 232 cm above MHT (mean high tide). On Borkum, 35 traps were exposed in two transects, on Wangerooge 25 traps were placed in one transect. Three to five elevations above MHT were investigated per transect, each one with five traps. Highest species numbers were recorded in the higher elevated salt marshes. In contrast, highest activity values were noticed in the medium elevated salt marshes. Within both groups, spiders and carabids, four communities were distinguished by indirect gradient analysis. Indicator species were assigned to the different communities that were mainly assorted to different elevations of the salt marshes. Thus, the communities of both taxa corresponded well to the vegetational formations. The importance of sea level rise for structuring the communities of salt marsh arthropods is discussed. Overall, still great uncertainties exist on how arthropod communities and salt marshes themselves will develop.  相似文献   

Campylopus introflexus is an invasive moss in Europe and North America that is adapted to acidic and nutrient-poor sandy soils with sparse vegetation. In habitats like acidic coastal dunes (grey dunes) it can reach high densities, build dense carpets and modify habitat conditions. While the impact of the moss invasion on the vegetation is well analyzed, there is a lack of knowledge regarding possible effects on arthropods. In the present study we analyzed the impact of Campylopus introflexus on the ground-dwelling arthropods carabid beetles and spiders, as both taxa are known to be useful indicator taxa even on a small-scale level. In 2009 we compared species composition in a) invaded, moss-rich (C. introflexus) and b) native, lichen-rich (Cladonia spp.) acidic coastal dunes by using pitfall traps. A total of 1,846 carabid beetles (39 species) and 2,682 spiders (66 species) were caught. Species richness of both taxa and activity densities of spiders were lower in invaded sites. Species assemblages of carabids and spiders differed clearly between the two habitat types and single species were displaced by the moss encroachment. Phytophagous carabid beetles, web-building spiders and wolf spiders were more abundant in native, lichen-rich sites. Shifts in species composition can be explained by differences in the vegetation structure, microclimate conditions and most likely a reduced food supply in invaded sites. By forming dense carpets and covering large areas, the moss invasion strongly alters typical arthropod assemblages of endangered and protected (EU-directive) acidic coastal dunes.  相似文献   

Schwerk A  Szyszko J 《ZooKeys》2011,(100):319-332
Degraded areas constitute challenging tasks with respect to sustainable management of natural resources. Maintaining or even establishing certain successional stages seems to be particularly important. This paper presents a model of the succession in five different types of degraded areas in Poland based on changes in the carabid fauna. Mean Individual Biomass of Carabidae (MIB) was used as a numerical measure for the stage of succession. The run of succession differed clearly among the different types of degraded areas. Initial conditions (origin of soil and origin of vegetation) and landscape related aspects seem to be important with respect to these differences. As characteristic phases, a 'delay phase', an 'increase phase' and a 'stagnation phase' were identified. In general, the runs of succession could be described by four different parameters: (1) 'Initial degradation level', (2) 'delay', (3) 'increase rate' and (4) 'recovery level'. Applying the analytic solution of the logistic equation, characteristic values for the parameters were identified for each of the five area types. The model is of practical use, because it provides a possibility to compare the values of the parameters elaborated in different areas, to give hints for intervention and to provide prognoses about future succession in the areas. Furthermore, it is possible to transfer the model to other indicators of succession.  相似文献   

Adult carabids that ingest particles of food have a muscular proventriculus lined internally with an intima that bears sclerotized projections. In experiments where six species of carabid were allowed to feed upon Drosophila, the average size of cuticular remains found in post-proventricular regions of the gut was generally significantly smaller than those in the crop. This reduction in size of cuticular particles is likely to be due to proventricular trituration rather than prolonged exposure to digestive secretions. There is no evidence that material is triturated by the proventriculus and returned to the crop, the main seat of digestion in carabids, so proventricular trituration is unlikely to enhance digestion. By crushing large, potentially abrasive, cuticular particles, the proventriculus may serve to protect midgut epithelial tissue.  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2010,52(3):444-449
Cultivation of herbicide-tolerant strain of GM corn involves applications of a non-selective herbicide. Mortality of arthropod natural enemies resulting from the application of herbicides is negligible. But nothing is known how herbicides affect the behaviour of natural enemies and thus alter their pest control efficacy. Aim of the study was to assess the effect of the Roundup residues on the predatory, defensive, locomotory and reproductive behaviour of epigeic spiders and carabid beetles. Specimens of Pardosa agricola (Araneae: Lycosidae) and Poecilus cupreus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) were exposed for 2 h to the fresh and 1-day old residues of Roundup Biaktiv (Monsanto, IPA 480 g/l). Predation rate was similar for all treatments in both spiders and beetles. Spiders did not avoid surface treated with herbicide residues more than the control surface, but beetles slightly avoided surface with fresh residues. The speed of locomotion of spiders was not altered by herbicide residues, but beetles exposed to residues crawled at significantly lower speed than the control group. Herbicide residues did not affect the escape efficacy of spiders from a predator. Residues had no detrimental effect on the courtship, mating frequency and duration in spiders. Roundup Bioaktiv thus appears to be harmless to lycosid spiders and only slightly harmful to carabid beetles. The biological control potential of both predators should not be reduced by the application of Roundup Bioaktiv.  相似文献   

Cultivation of herbicide-tolerant strain of GM corn involves applications of a non-selective herbicide. Mortality of arthropod natural enemies resulting from the application of herbicides is negligible. But nothing is known how herbicides affect the behaviour of natural enemies and thus alter their pest control efficacy. Aim of the study was to assess the effect of the Roundup residues on the predatory, defensive, locomotory and reproductive behaviour of epigeic spiders and carabid beetles. Specimens of Pardosa agricola (Araneae: Lycosidae) and Poecilus cupreus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) were exposed for 2 h to the fresh and 1-day old residues of Roundup Biaktiv (Monsanto, IPA 480 g/l). Predation rate was similar for all treatments in both spiders and beetles. Spiders did not avoid surface treated with herbicide residues more than the control surface, but beetles slightly avoided surface with fresh residues. The speed of locomotion of spiders was not altered by herbicide residues, but beetles exposed to residues crawled at significantly lower speed than the control group. Herbicide residues did not affect the escape efficacy of spiders from a predator. Residues had no detrimental effect on the courtship, mating frequency and duration in spiders. Roundup Bioaktiv thus appears to be harmless to lycosid spiders and only slightly harmful to carabid beetles. The biological control potential of both predators should not be reduced by the application of Roundup Bioaktiv.  相似文献   

Accelerated by global warming, retreating glaciers leave behind spatially ordered moraines with underlying primary succession and disturbance. Current knowledge of primary succession comes mainly from studies of vegetation dynamics. Information about above-ground macroinvertebrates is still scarce. We used carabid beetles (Coleoptera; Carabidae) as indicator taxon to assess the effects of (1) terrain age (species turnover along the proglacial chronosequence) and (2) small-scale habitat architecture (vegetation cover, surface texture) on the carabid assembly. For this purpose, 33 sampling sites with pitfall traps were installed throughout the glacier foreland Morteratsch (Engadine, Switzerland), adjacent sparse forests serving as reference sites. With a total of 33 carabid species on the foreland and another 2 on the reference sites, the study area yielded a very high carabid species diversity compared to other glacier forelands. In general, the age of deglaciation proved to be a highly significant predictor for the carabid distribution, especially for particularly discriminant species. Observed species richness and activity densities showed bimodal patterns with a steep increase within the first ca. 40?years, a decline between around 40–90?years, and a further increase towards the terminal moraine. There was no evidence of dispersal-stochasticity: distinct clusters of sites with similar species composition were found. Microhabitat suitability proved to be a secondary effect, embedded in a temporal framework of primary succession. Surface cover with litter, herbs and dwarf-shrubs turned out to be the crucial habitat factors. Habitat loss as a result of climate warming will primarily affect cold-stenotopic carabids, but may potentially be absorbed by active selection for cooler microhabitats.  相似文献   

A review of data on the background of wing dimorphism in carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and especially of the closely relatedCalathus cinctus andC. melanocephalus is given. In bothCalathus species wing dimorphism is inherited in a simple Mendelian fashion with the brachypterous condition dominant, but inC. melanocephalus the expression of the long winged genotype is under environmental control as well. The development of long winged phenotypes in the latter species is favoured by relatively favourable environmental conditions, such as high temperatures and a high food-supply. The higher fecundity of the larger and heavier long winged females of both species may compensate for losses of long winged phenotypes by flight activities. The evolutionary significance of both types of inheritance is discussed in relation to dispersal. The ‘fixed type’ as found inC. cinctus is considered an opportunistic short term ‘between sites strategy’, whereas the ‘dynamic type’ ofC. melanocephalus represents a flexible long term ‘within sites strategy’.  相似文献   

International and Canadian national and provincial level policy have proposed the use of criteria and indicators to examine the sustainability of renewable resource management. Species suitable as ecological indicators are those whose biology are sensitive to disturbance and therefore demonstrate a negative effect of management on the processes or functioning of the ecosystem. Ground dwelling invertebrates such as carabid beetles and spiders have strong potential as ecological indicators as they are readily surveyed in sufficient numbers for meaningful conclusions to be drawn, have a stable taxonomy and, at least in the case of ground beetles, are readily identified. They are good local scale indicators of ecosystem disturbance in forested landscapes at both the short and long time scales, responding to both clearcut logging and fire differently. Ground beetles and spiders in boreal Canada may not be good indicators of disturbance at landscape scales, as little response to the creation of forest edges and habitat fragmentation has so far been observed. We propose that these bioindicators be used as part of local-level validation monitoring to test hypotheses about disturbance impacts. In this way, bioindicators are used in a research setting to evaluate silvicultural practices, providing a rating of their sustainability for a given broad forest type grouping.  相似文献   

大步甲主要分布于北半球,全世界大约有1000余种。因大步甲后翅退化,不能飞行,其移动能力和扩散范围都受到很大程度的限制,因此,容易产生地理隔离和遗传分化,从而成为研究物种分化和生物多样化的好材料。近年来,通过对大步甲分子系统的详细研究,不仅很大程度上解明了大步甲各分类群间的系统发育关系,而且对大步甲的系统演化过程和形态进化模式也有了较深的理解,获得了很多重要的见解。在此做一个简单的综述。  相似文献   

Four of the eight hypotheses proposed in the literature for explaining the relationship between abundance and range size (the sampling artifact, phylogenetic non-independence, range position and resource breadth hypotheses) were tested by using atlas data for carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands. A positive relationship between abundance and partial range size was found in all three countries, and the variation in abundance was lower for widespread species. Analysis of the data did not support three of the proposed hypotheses, but did support the resource breadth hypothesis (species having broader environmental tolerances and being able to use a wider range or resources will have higher local densities and be more widely distributed than more specialised species). Examination of species' characteristics revealed that widespread species are generally large bodied, generalists (species with wide niche breadths occurring in a variety of habitat types) and are little influenced by human-altered landscapes, while species with restricted distributions are smaller bodied, specialists (species with small niche breadths occurring in only one or two habitat types), and favour natural habitat. Landscape alteration may be an important factor influencing carabid abundance and range size in these three countries with a long history of human-induced environmental changes.  相似文献   

A 2-yr field study evaluated the effects of selected insecticides on Bembidion obscurellum Motschulsky and Bembidion quadrimaculatum L., carabid predators of the wheat midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana (Géhin). A bioassay method using caged beetles indicated that insecticides differed significantly in their contact and residual toxicities when applied at maximum recommended field rates. Deltamethrin, the least toxic insecticide, caused approximately 30% mortality in both beetle species, but its residual toxicity on the soil remained constant for 1 wk. Dimethoate was initially more toxic (73% mortality) than deltamethrin but less toxic after 1 wk (12% mortality). Carbofuran and chlorpyrifos, the most toxic contact sprays, caused 83 to 100% mortality. After 1 wk, the residual toxicity of carbofuran had declined markedly (5% mortality) whereas the toxicity of chlorpyrifos remained high (82% mortality). Pitfall trapping was an inconclusive method of evaluating the toxicity of insecticidal sprays to carabid adults. In plots treated with carbofuran, pitfall catches of Bembidion species were not significantly different from those in control plots during a 6-wk period after spraying. In plots treated with chlorpyrifos, catches of Bembidion species were significantly lower than those in control plots 3-16 d after spraying, but not thereafter. Results suggested that adult immigration and residual toxicity influence pitfall catches and recovery of carabid populations after spraying.  相似文献   

As compared to natural forests, managed boreal forests are younger, more homogeneous in terms of tree age and species composition, and consist of smaller fragments. Here we examine the effects of such characteristics caused by forestry on carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in the boreal region. The main results are the following. (1) Fragmentation of forests and the size of a fragment appear not to be crucial for the survival of the majority of forest carabids, as they tend to be distributed over various successional stages, but species requiring old-growth habitats suffer. (2) For carabids there appear to be no or very few edge specialist species, and forest-open land edges appear to be effective barriers for species associated with forest or open habitat. However, generalist species easily cross the edge, and edges of forest fragments may be invaded by species from the surrounding open habitat. (3) Habitat change following clear-cutting dramatically changes the composition of carabid assemblages: species restricted to mature forests disappear and open-habitat species invade, while habitat generalists survive at least in the short term. Carabid diversity can probably best be maintained if forest management mimics natural processes, maintains natural structures and includes the natural composition of vegetation and other structural elements (such as dead wood) within the stands, provided that these forest features can be maintained and recreated through forest management practices. At a larger scale, the whole spectrum of forest types and ages (especially old-growth forests), and different successional processes (especially fire) should be maintained. These require the development and use of innovative logging methods, and the planning, implementation, and assessment of landscape-scale ecological management strategies.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of carabid tribes is examined with sequences of 18S ribosomal DNA from eighty-four carabids representing forty-seven tribes, and fifteen outgroup taxa. Parsimony, distance and maximum likelihood methods are used to infer the phylogeny. Although many clades established with morphological evidence are present in all analyses, many of the basal relationships in carabids vary from analysis to analysis. These deeper relationships are also sensitive to variation in the sequence alignment under different alignment conditions. There is moderate evidence against the monophyly of Migadopini + Amarotypini, Scaritini + Clivinini, Bembidiini and Brachinini. Psydrini are not monophyletic, and consist of three distinct lineages (Psydrus, Laccocenus and a group of austral psydrines, from the Southern Hemisphere consisting of all the subtribes excluding Psydrina). The austral psydrines are related to Harpalinae plus Brachinini. The placements of many lineages, including Gehringia, Apotomus, Omophron, Psydrus and Cymbionotum, are unclear from these data. One unexpected placement, suggested with moderate support, is Loricera as the sister group to Amarotypus. Trechitae plus Patrobini form a monophyletic group. Brachinini probably form the sister group to Harpalinae, with the latter containing Pseudomorpha, Morion and Cnemalobus. The most surprising, well supported result is the placement of four lineages (Cicindelinae, Rhysodinae, Paussinae and Scaritini) as near relatives of Harpalinae + Brachinini. Because these four lineages all have divergent 18S rDNA, and thus have long basal branches, parametric bootstrapping was conducted to determine if their association and placement could be the result of long branch attraction. Simulations on model trees indicate that, although their observed association might be due to long branch attraction, there was no evidence that their placement near Harpalinae could be so explained. These simulations also suggest that 18S rDNA might not be sufficient to infer basal carabid relationships.  相似文献   

This paper studied the occurrence of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in the forest edge, the adjacent forest interior, and the surrounding grassland in southwestern China. Beetles were collected with pitfall traps along five replicated transects. Forest species rarely penetrated into the grassland from the forest interior, and the grassland specialists were not found in the forest interior. The forest edge hosted additional species from the adjacent grassland that increased its overall species richness. Nearly all forest species (23 of 24 species) and grassland species (13 of 15 species) can be found in the forest edge. Carabids of the forest edge were more similar to those of the forest interior than to those of the grassland by ordination and cluster analysis. Based on the specificity and fidelity, carabids can be distinguished into five species groups: habitat generalists, grassland-associated species, forest generalists, forest specialists, and edge-associated species. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that canopy cover and/or shrub cover were the most important factors in determining the richness, abundance, and diversity of carabids. The forest edge may serve as a transition zone for dispersal and re-colonization of carabid beetles from adjacent habitats and therefore is important for natural conservation.  相似文献   

Summary The individual movements of four carabid species were investigated by tracing beetles in the field using a portable radar system (harmonic radar). The field-inhabiting a Pterostichus melanarius Illiger, P. niger Schaller and Harpalus rufipes De Geer were traced in cereal fields. The movements of P. melanarius Mnd P. niger were also tracked in a wood and then compared with the movements of the forest-species Carabus nemoralis Müller. P. melanarius and P. niger displayed directed movements in cereal fields, although P. niger moved faster than P. melanarius. The movement pattern of H. rufipes in the field, and C. nemoralis and P. malanarius in the wood can be described as a c correlated random walk. In cereal fields, P. melanarius burrowed actively into the soil, and P. niger searched out crevices. In contrast, none of these two carabids burrowed in the forest soil, whereas C. nemoralis did. No statistically significant difference was observed between the movements of hungry and satiated beetles, although starved beetles tended to disperse shorter distances per move and turned back more often (especially P. niger). The significance of the various movement patterns exhibited by the species studied for their reproduction and survival on arable land is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract  Based on an examination of the type specimens of all the known species of the genus Pamborus Latrielle (Coleoptera, Carabidae) four new Australian species are recognised and are described as: P. euopacus sp. n., P. moorei sp. n., P. monteithi sp. n and P. cooloolensis sp. n. In addition, Pamborus viridis Gory, P. opacus Géhin and P. subtropicus Darlington are also redescribed based on the type material and lectotypes are designated for the first two species.  相似文献   

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