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Although the synthesis of cell wall polysaccharides is a critical process during plant cell growth and differentiation, many of the wall biosynthetic genes have not yet been identified. This review focuses on the synthesis of non-cellulosic matrix polysaccharides formed in the Golgi apparatus. Our consideration is limited to two types of plant cell wall biosynthetic enzymes: glycan synthases and glycosyltransferases. Classical means of identifying these enzymes and the genes that encode them rely on biochemical purification of enzyme activity to obtain amino acid sequence data that is then used to identify the corresponding gene. This type of approach is difficult, especially when acceptor substrates for activity assays are unavailable, as is the case for many enzymes. However, bioinformatics and functional genomics provide powerful alternative means of identifying and evaluating candidate genes. Database searches using various strategies and expression profiling can identify candidate genes. The involvement of these genes in wall biosynthesis can be evaluated using genetic, reverse genetic, biochemical, and heterologous expression methods. Recent advances using these methods are considered in this review.  相似文献   

NMR structure determination of large membrane proteins is hampered by broad spectral lines, overlap, and ambiguity of signal assignment. Chemical shift and NOE assignment can be facilitated by amino acid selective isotope labeling in cell-free protein synthesis system. However, many biological detergents are incompatible with the cell-free synthesis, and membrane proteins often have to be synthesized in an insoluble form. We report cell-free synthesis of subunits a and c of the proton channel of Escherichia coli ATP synthase in a soluble form in a mixture of phosphatidylcholine derivatives. In comparison, subunit a was purified from the cell-free system and from the bacterial cell membranes. NMR spectra of both preparations were similar, indicating that our procedure for cell-free synthesis produces protein structurally similar to that prepared from the cell membranes.  相似文献   

Sphingomyelin synthase-related protein (SMSr) synthesizes the sphingomyelin analog ceramide phosphoethanolamine (CPE) in cells. Previous cell studies indicated that SMSr is involved in ceramide homeostasis and is crucial for cell function. To further examine SMSr function in vivo, we generated Smsr KO mice that were fertile and had no obvious phenotypic alterations. Quantitative MS analyses of plasma, liver, and macrophages from the KO mice revealed only marginal changes in CPE and ceramide as well as other sphingolipid levels. Because SMS2 also has CPE synthase activity, we prepared Smsr/Sms2 double KO mice. We found that CPE levels were not significantly changed in macrophages, suggesting that CPE levels are not exclusively dependent on SMSr and SMS2 activities. We then measured CPE levels in Sms1 KO mice and found that Sms1 deficiency also reduced plasma CPE levels. Importantly, we found that expression of Sms1 or Sms2 in SF9 insect cells significantly increased not only SM but also CPE formation, indicating that SMS1 also has CPE synthase activity. Moreover, we measured CPE synthase Km and Vmax for SMS1, SMS2, and SMSr using different NBD ceramides. Our study reveals that all mouse SMS family members (SMSr, SMS1, and SMS2) have CPE synthase activity. However, neither CPE nor SMSr appears to be a critical regulator of ceramide levels in vivo.  相似文献   

Ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) is the generic name of a class of lipid-soluble electron carriers formed of a redox active benzoquinone ring attached to a prenyl side chain. The length of the latter varies among species, and depends upon the product specificity of a trans-long-chain prenyl diphosphate synthase that elongates an allylic diphosphate precursor. In Arabidopsis, this enzyme is assumed to correspond to an endoplasmic reticulum-located solanesyl diphosphate synthase, although direct genetic evidence was lacking. In this study, the reconstruction of the functional network of Arabidopsis genes linked to ubiquinone biosynthesis singled out an unsuspected solanesyl diphosphate synthase candidate--product of gene At2g34630--that, extraordinarily, had been shown previously to be targeted to plastids and to contribute to the biosynthesis of gibberellins. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion experiments in tobacco and Arabidopsis, and complementation of a yeast coq1 knockout lacking mitochondrial hexaprenyl diphosphate synthase demonstrated that At2g34630 is also targeted to mitochondria. At2g34630 is the main--if not sole--contributor to solanesyl diphosphate synthase activity required for the biosynthesis of ubiquinone, as demonstrated by the dramatic (75-80%) reduction of the ubiquinone pool size in corresponding RNAi lines. Overexpression of At2g34630 gave up to a 40% increase in ubiquinone content compared to wild-type plants. None of the silenced or overexpressing lines, in contrast, displayed altered levels of plastoquinone. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that At2g34630 is the only Arabidopsis trans-long-chain prenyl diphosphate synthase that clusters with the Coq1 orthologs involved in the biosynthesis of ubiquinone in other eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The folding through the thylakoid membrane of the D-1 herbicide binding polypeptide and of the homologous D-2 subunit of photosystem II is predicted from comparison of amino acid sequences and hydropathy index plots with the folding of the subunits L and M of a bacterial photosystem. As the functional amino acids involved in Q and Fe binding in the bacterial photosystem of R. viridis, as indicated by the X-ray structure, are conserved in the homologous D-1 and D-2 subunits of photosystem II, a detailed topology of the binding niche of QB and of herbicides on photosystem II is proposed. The model is supported by the observed amino acid changes in herbicide tolerant plants and algae. These changes are all in the binding domain on the matrix side of the D-1 polypeptide, and turn out to be of functional significance in the QB binding.New inhibitors of QB function are described. Their chemical structure, i.e. pyridones, quinolones, chromones and benzodiones, contains the features of the phenolic type herbicides. Their essential elements, -charges at particular atoms, QSAR and steric requirements for optimal inhibitory potency are discussed and compared with the classical herbicides of the urea/triazine type.  相似文献   

We have developed a periplasmic fluorescent reporter protein suitable for high-throughput membrane protein topology analysis in Escherichia coli. The reporter protein consists of a single chain (scFv) antibody fragment that binds to a fluorescent hapten conjugate with high affinity. Fusion of the scFv to membrane protein sites that are normally exposed in the periplasmic space tethers the scFv onto the inner membrane. Following permealization of the outer membrane to allow diffusion of the fluorescent hapten into the periplasm, binding to the anchored scFv renders the cells fluorescent. We show that cell fluorescence is an accurate and sensitive reporter of the location of residues within periplasmic loops. For topological analysis, a set of nested deletions in the membrane protein gene is employed to construct two libraries of gene fusions, one to the scFvand one to the cytoplasmic reporter green fluorescent protein (GFP). Fluorescent clones are isolated by flow cytometry and the sequence of the fusion junctions is determined to identify amino acid residues within periplasmic and cytoplasmic loops, respectively. We applied this methodology to the topology analysis of E. coli TatC protein for which previous studies had led to conflicting results. The ease of screening libraries of fusions by flow cytometry enabled the rapid identification of almost 90 highly fluorescent scFv and GFP fusions, which, in turn, allowed the fine mapping of TatC membrane topology.  相似文献   

All members of the YidC/Oxal/Alb3 protein family are evolutionarily conserved and appear to function in membrane protein integration and protein complex stabilization. Here, we report on a second thylakoidal isoform of Alb3, named Alb4. Analysis of Arabidopsis knockout mutant lines shows that AIb4 is required in assembly and/or stability of the CF1CF0-ATP synthase (ATPase). alb4 mutant lines not only have reduced steady-state levels of ATPase subunits, but also their assembly into high-molecular-mass complexes is altered, leading to a reduction of ATP synthesis in the mutants. Moreover, we show that Alb4 but not AIb3 physically interacts with the subunits CF1β and CF0ll. Summarizing, the data indicate that AIb4 functions to stabilize or promote assembly of CF1 during its attachment to the membrane-embedded CF0 part.  相似文献   

We present a novel method to experimentally visualize in vivo the topology of transmembrane proteins residing in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane or passing through the secretory pathway on their way to their final destination. This approach, so-called redox-based topology analysis (ReTA), is based on fusion of transmembrane proteins with redox-sensitive GFP (roGFP) and ratiometric imaging. The ratio images provide direct information on the orientation of roGFP relative to the membrane as the roGFP fluorescence alters with changes in the glutathione redox potential across the ER membrane. As proof of concept, we produced binary read-outs using oxidized roGFP inside the ER lumen and reduced roGFP on the cytosolic side of the membrane for both N- and C-terminal fusions of single and multi-spanning membrane proteins. Further, successive deletion of hydrophobic domains from the C-terminus of the K/HDEL receptor ERD2 resulted in alternating localization of roGFP and a topology model for At ERD2 with six transmembrane domains.  相似文献   

Yip1p/Yif1p family proteins are five-span transmembrane proteins localized in the Golgi apparatus and the ER. There are nine family members in humans, and YIPF5 and YIF1A are the human orthologs of budding yeast Yip1p and Yif1p, respectively. We raised antisera against YIPF5 and YIF1A and examined the localization of endogenous proteins in HeLa cells. Immunofluorescence, immunoelectron microscopy and subcellular fractionation analysis suggested that YIPF5 and YIF1A are not restricted to ER exit sites but also localized in the ER-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) and some in the cis-Golgi at steady state. Along with ERGIC53, YIPF5 and YIF1A remained in the cytoplasmic punctate structures after brefeldin A treatment, accumulated in the ERGIC and the cis-Golgi after treatment with AlF4- and accumulated in the ER when ER to Golgi transport was inhibited by Sar1(H79G). These results supported the localization of YIPF5 and YIF1A in the ERGIC and the cis-Golgi, and strongly suggested that they are recycling between the ER and the Golgi apparatus. Analysis by blue native PAGE and co-immunoprecipitation showed that YIPF5 and YIF1A form stable complexes of three different sizes. Interestingly, the knockdown of YIPF5 or YIF1A caused partial disassembly of the Golgi apparatus suggesting that YIPF5 and YIF1A are involved in the maintenance of the Golgi structure.  相似文献   

Summary To study structure-function relationships in the outer membrane pore proteins OmpC and PhoE of Escherichia coli K12, we have constructed a series of phoE-ompC hybrid genes in which DNA encoding part of one protein is replaced by the homologous part of the other gene. The hybrid gene products were incorporated normally into the outer membrane, allowing their functional characterization. Combined with previous studies, the present results permit the identification of regions involved in determining functions and properties in which the native PhoE and OmpC proteins differ, such as pore characteristics, receptor activity for phages and binding of monoclonal antibodies. Most of these properties were found to be determined by multiple regions clearly separated in the primary structure. The combined phage and antibody binding data have demonstrated that at least five distinct regions in PhoE and OmpC are exposed at the cell surface. The locations of these regions are in agreement with a previously proposed model for porin topology.  相似文献   

H+-ATP synthase is the dominant ATP production site in mitochondria and chloroplasts. So far, dimerization of ATP synthase has been observed only in mitochondria by biochemical and electron microscopic investigations. Although the physiological relevance remains still enigmatic, dimerization was proposed to be a unique feature of the mitochondrion [Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1555 (2002) 154]. It is hard to imagine, however, that closely related protein complexes of mitochondria and chloroplast should show such severe differences in structural organization. We present the first evidences for dimerization of chloroplast ATP synthases within the thylakoid membrane.By investigation of the thylakoid membrane of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, dimerization of the chloroplast ATP synthase was detected. Chloroplast ATP synthase dimer dissociates into monomers upon incubation with vanadate or phosphate but not by incubation with molybdate, while the mitochondrial dimer is not affected by the incubation. This suggests a distinct dimerization mechanism for mitochondrial and chloroplast ATP synthase. Since vanadate and phosphate bind to the active sites, contact sites located on the hydrophilic CF1 part are suggested for the chloroplast ATP synthase dimer. As the degree of dimerization varies with phosphate concentration, dimerization might be a response to low phosphate concentrations.  相似文献   

We report a comprehensive analysis of the numbers, lengths and amino acid compositions of transmembrane helices in 235 high-resolution structures of integral membrane proteins. The properties of 1551 transmembrane helices in the structures were compared with those obtained by analysis of the same amino acid sequences using topology prediction tools. Explanations for the 81 (5.2%) missing or additional transmembrane helices in the prediction results were identified. Main reasons for missing transmembrane helices were mis-identification of N-terminal signal peptides, breaks in α-helix conformation or charged residues in the middle of transmembrane helices and transmembrane helices with unusual amino acid composition. The main reason for additional transmembrane helices was mis-identification of amphipathic helices, extramembrane helices or hairpin re-entrant loops. Transmembrane helix length had an overall median of 24 residues and an average of 24.9 ± 7.0 residues and the most common length was 23 residues. The overall content of residues in transmembrane helices as a percentage of the full proteins had a median of 56.8% and an average of 55.7 ± 16.0%. Amino acid composition was analysed for the full proteins, transmembrane helices and extramembrane regions. Individual proteins or types of proteins with transmembrane helices containing extremes in contents of individual amino acids or combinations of amino acids with similar physicochemical properties were identified and linked to structure and/or function. In addition to overall median and average values, all results were analysed for proteins originating from different types of organism (prokaryotic, eukaryotic, viral) and for subgroups of receptors, channels, transporters and others.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, acyl-CoA-binding proteins (ACBPs) are encoded by six genes, and they display varying affinities for acyl-CoA esters. Recombinant ACBP4 and ACBP5 have been shown to bind oleoyl-CoA esters in vitro. In this study, the subcellular localizations of ACBP4 and ACBP5 were determined by biochemical fractionation followed by western blot analyses using anti-ACBP4 and anti-ACBP5 antibodies and immuno-electron microscopy. Confocal microscopy of autofluorescence-tagged ACBP4 and ACBP5, expressed transiently in onion epidermal cells and in transgenic Arabidopsis, confirmed their expression in the cytosol. Taken together, ACBP4 and ACBP5 are available in the cytosol to bind and transfer cytosolic oleoyl-CoA esters. Lipid profile analysis further revealed that an acbp4 knockout mutant showed decreases in membrane lipids (digalactosyldiacylglycerol, monogalactosyldiacylglycerol, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylinositol) while acbp4-complemented lines attained levels similar to wild type, suggesting that ACBP4 plays a role in the biosynthesis of membrane lipids including galactolipids and phospholipids.  相似文献   

All the major membrane proteins of isolated chromatophore vesicles are eventually degraded upon incubation with the unspecific proteinase K. These proteins must therefore be exposed at least partially or temporarily on the cytosolic surface of the membrane which is exclusively accessible to the proteinase in intact chromatophore vesicles. That the vesicles are intact during the incubation with proteinase is demonstrated by the finding that cytochrome c2, which is located in the interior of the vesicles, is protected from proteolytic attack. The degree of degradation of the various chromatophore proteins and the time taken for degradation differ characteristically. From the changes in intensity of the gel bands during the course of digestion it appears that reaction center subunit H is digested first, much faster than are subunits M and L. The near-infrared absorption spectrum of the chromatophores changes only after proteolytic degradation of these two pigment-carrying subunits. Fading of the band of the light-harvesting polypeptide is evident only after prolonged incubation. It seems that this is the most stable component of the chromatophore membrane. The light-harvesting polypeptide appears to be somewhat shortened eventually, leaving the protein conformation necessary for holding the pigments unchanged, as shown by the absorption spectrum. The possible topology of these major membrane components is discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

The plant vacuole is a multifunctional organelle which is essential for growth and development. To visualize the dynamics of plant vacuolar membranes, gamma-TIP (tonoplast intrinsic protein) was fused to GFP and expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana. The marker molecule was targeted to the vacuolar membranes in most tissues, as expected. In rapidly expanding cells, some additional spherical structures were often observed within the lumen of vacuoles, which emitted strong fluorescence. To confirm their normal presence, we examined wild-type Arabidopsis cotyledons by transmission electron microscopy. The metal-contact rapid-freezing method revealed that the vacuolar lumen of epidermal cells contained many cytoplasmic projections, which often formed spherical structures (1-3 microm diameter) consisting of double membranes. Thus we concluded that these structures are authentic and named them 'bulbs'. Three-dimensional reconstruction from serial electron microscopic images demonstrates that bulbs are very intricately folded, but are continuous with the limiting vacuolar membrane. The fluorescence intensity of bulbs is about threefold higher than that of vacuolar membrane. GFP-AtRab75c, another marker of the vacuole, did not give fluorescent signals of bulbs in transgenic plants, but the existence of bulbs was still confirmed by electron microscopy. These results suggest that bulbs define a subregion in the continuous vacuolar membrane, where some proteins are concentrated and others segregated.  相似文献   

Analysis of water-soluble derivatives of the Enterococcus hirae 75-kDa membrane-bound penicillin-binding protein 4 (PBP4) has yielded the amino acid sequence of a 32-amino acid polypeptide stretch. This peptide is similar to peptide segments known to occur in the N-terminal domain of high-Mr PBPs of class B. The E. hirae PBP4 probably belongs to the same class. It is anchored in the membrane at the N-terminus of the polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

It is believed that phosphatidylinositol (PI) metabolism plays a central role in signalling pathways in both animals and higher plants. PI is synthesized from CDP-diacylglycerol (CDP-DG) and myo-inositol by phosphatidylinositol synthase (PI synthase, EC Here we report the identification of a plant cDNA (AtPIS1) encoding a 26 kDa PI synthase from Arabidopsis thaliana. The plant enzyme as deduced from its cDNA sequence shares 35–41% identical amino acids with PI synthases from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and mammals. AtPIS1 functionally complements a mutant of S. cerevisiae with a lesion in PI synthase, and recombinant AtPIS1 protein present in yeast membranes strongly depends on the two principal substrates, myo-inositol and CDP-DG, and requires Mg2+ ions for full activity.  相似文献   

The major class of glucosinolates in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. are biosynthesized from methionine involving a three-step chain-elongation cycle. Each passage through the cycle results in the net addition of a single methylene group, with up to six cycles of elongation occurring in A. thaliana. The first reaction of the cycle is catalyzed by a methylthioalkylmalate synthase (MAMS), which condenses a -methylthio-2-oxoalkanoic acid with acetyl-CoA. Here we have demonstrated that MAM1, one of two similar genes in the A. thaliana ecotype Columbia, encodes a MAMS catalyzing the condensing reactions of the first two elongation cycles but not those of further cycles. The Columbia ecotype is dominated by compounds that have undergone only two elongation cycles. The A. thaliana MAM1 protein exhibits basic sequence similarity to other previously described enzymes catalyzing the condensation of 2-oxo acids and acetyl-CoA, such as isopropylmalate synthase (EC, an enzyme of leucine biosynthesis, and homocitrate synthase (EC It also shares similar properties with them, including the catalytic requirements for a divalent metal ion and an adenine nucleotide. However, the MAM1 protein does not show activity with the substrates of any of these other enzymes, and was chromatographically separable from isopropylmalate synthase in extracts of A. thaliana. Thus, MAM1 is exclusively an enzyme of secondary metabolism, distinct from primary metabolic enzymes catalyzing similar reactions.Abbreviations IPMS Isopropylmalate synthase - MAM Methylthioalkylmalate - MAMS Methylthioalkylmalate synthase  相似文献   

[目的]基因克隆及原核表达纯化后比较拟南芥的2个肌醇半乳糖苷合成酶及2个棉子糖合成酶的体外催化活性,为微生物法或酶法合成棉子糖尊定基础。[方法]RT-PCR克隆拟南芥的肌醇半乳糖苷合成酶(GolS1及GolS3)与棉子糖合成酶(RafS1及RafS5)的基因,分别构建原核表达菌株,诱导表达纯化获得酶,电泳检测及蛋白定量后进行体外酶催化反应,HPLC分析产物。[结果]克隆到GolS1与GolS3及RafS1与RafS5的基因,原核表纯化获得纯酶,以反应体系中目标产物生成速率衡量,GolS1与GolS3催化速率分别为0.51和0.28mmol/(mg·min),RafS1与RafS5的催化速率分别为0.45和0.21mmol/(mg·min)。[结论]拟南芥的肌醇半乳糖苷合成酶(GolS1及GolS3)与棉子糖合成酶(RafS1及RafS5)基因经异源表达后具有良好酶活,其中GolS1酶活是GolS3的1.82倍,RafS1酶活是RafS5的2.14倍。  相似文献   

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