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We surveyed the functional gene composition and diversity of microbial biofilm communities in 18 New Zealand streams affected by different types of catchment land use, using a comprehensive functional gene array, GeoChip 3.0. A total of 5,371 nutrient cycling and energy metabolism genes within 65 gene families were detected among all samples (342 to 2,666 genes per stream). Carbon cycling genes were most common, followed by nitrogen cycling genes, with smaller proportions of sulphur, phosphorus cycling and energy metabolism genes. Samples from urban and native forest streams had the most similar functional gene composition, while samples from exotic forest and rural streams exhibited the most variation. There were significant differences between nitrogen and sulphur cycling genes detected in native forest and urban samples compared to exotic forest and rural samples, attributed to contrasting proportions of nitrogen fixation, denitrification, and sulphur reduction genes. Most genes were detected only in one or a few samples, with only a small minority occurring in all samples. Nonetheless, 42 of 65 gene families occurred in every sample and overall proportions of gene families were similar among samples from contrasting streams. This suggests the existence of functional gene redundancy among different stream biofilm communities despite contrasting taxonomic composition.  相似文献   

Understanding the chronological changes in soil microbial and biochemical properties of tea orchard ecosystems after wasteland has been reclaimed is important from ecological, environmental, and management perspectives. In this study, we determined microbial biomass, net N mineralization, and nitrification, enzyme (invertase, urease, proteinase, and acid phosphatase) activities, microbial community diversity assessed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rDNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products, and related ecological factors in three tea orchard systems (8-, 50-, and 90-year-old tea orchards), adjacent wasteland and 90-year-old forest. Soil microbial biomass C (Cmic) and activity, i.e., soil basal respiration (Rmic), microbial biomass C as a percent of soil organic C (Cmic/Corg), N mineralization, invertase, urease, proteinase, and acid phosphatase, significantly increased after wasteland was reclaimed; however, with the succeeding development of tea orchard ecosystems, a decreasing trend from the 50- to 90-year-old tea orchard became apparent. Soil net nitrification showed an increasing trend from the 8- to 50-year-old tea orchard and then a decreasing trend from the 50- to 90-year-old tea orchard, and was significantly higher in the tea orchards compared to the wasteland and forest. Urea application significantly stimulated soil net nitrification, indicating nitrogen fertilizer application may be an important factor leading to high-nitrification rates in tea orchard soils. The Shannon’s diversity index (H) and richness (S) based on DGGE profiles of 16S rRNA genes were obviously lower in all three tea orchards than those in the wasteland; nevertheless, they were significantly higher in all three tea orchards than those in the forest. As for the three tea orchard soils, comparatively higher community diversity was found in the 50-year-old tea orchard.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation (nitrogenase activity, NA) of a microbial mat and a living stromatolite from Cuatro Cienegas, Mexico, was examined over spring, summer, and winter of 2004. The goal of the study was to characterize the diazotrophic community through molecular analysis of the nifH gene and using inhibitors of sulfate reduction and oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthesis. We also evaluated the role of ultraviolet radiation on the diazotrophic activity of the microbial communities. Both microbial communities showed patterns of NA with maximum rates during the day that decreased significantly with 3-3,4-dichlorophenyl-1′,1′-dimethylurea, suggesting the potential importance of heterocystous cyanobacteria. There is also evidence of NA by sulfur-reducing bacteria in both microbial communities suggested by the negative effect exerted by the addition of sodium molybdate. Elimination of infrared and ultraviolet radiation had no effect on NA. Both microbial communities had nifH sequences that related to group I, including cyanobacteria and purple sulfur and nonsulfur bacteria, as well as group II nitrogenases, including sulfur reducing and green sulfur bacteria.  相似文献   

Lowland rice fields of West Africa (Ivory Coast) and South Asia (Thailand) are affected by ferrous toxicity or salinity, respectively, and their soil waters contain large amounts of ferrous iron, depending on reducing irrigation condition and suggesting occurrence of bacterial reducing processes. To determine the involvement, dynamic and activities of bacterial communities in Fe(III) reduction and mobilization during anaerobic degradation and mineralization of soil organic matter (SOM), different experiments and analyses have been performed. Results demonstrated that the utilization of SOM as sole carbon, nutrient and energy sources favored the presence of large bacterial communities: facultative anaerobic and anaerobic bacteria, Fe(III)-reducing bacteria (FeRB) (fermentative and Fe respiring), sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) which are involved in carbon, nitrogen, iron and sulfur cycling. The larger functional diversity is observed in the Ivory Coast paddy soils containing larger amounts of organic matter and sulfur compounds. These communities contained complementary populations (chemoorganotrophic, chemolitotrophic, aerobic, facultative anaerobic and anaerobic) that can be active at different steps of iron solubilization with simultaneous organic matter mineralization. Our results indicate that the pH controlled by bacterial activity, the nature much more than the content of organic matter, and consequently the structure and activity of bacterial communities influence significantly the availability and dynamic of iron in paddy fields which affect the soil quality.  相似文献   

Various types of cyanobacterial mats were predominant in a wetland, constructed for the remediation of oil-polluted residual waters from an oil field in the desert of the south-eastern Arabian Peninsula, although such mats were rarely found in other wetland systems. There is scarce information on the bacterial diversity, spatial distribution and oil-biodegradation capabilities of freshwater wetland oil-polluted mats. Microbial community analysis by Automated Ribosomal Spacer Analysis (ARISA) showed that the different mats hosted distinct microbial communities. Average numbers of operational taxonomic units (OTUsARISA) were relatively lower in the mats with higher oil levels and the number of shared OTUsARISA between the mats was <60% in most cases. Multivariate analyses of fingerprinting profiles indicated that the bacterial communities in the wetland mats were influenced by oil and ammonia levels, but to a lesser extent by plant density. In addition to oil and ammonia, redundancy analysis (RDA) showed also a significant contribution of temperature, dissolved oxygen and sulfate concentration to the variations of the mats’ microbial communities. Pyrosequencing yielded 282,706 reads with >90% of the sequences affiliated to Proteobacteria (41% of total sequences), Cyanobacteria (31%), Bacteriodetes (11.5%), Planctomycetes (7%) and Chloroflexi (3%). Known autotrophic (e.g. Rivularia) and heterotrophic (e.g. Azospira) nitrogen-fixing bacteria as well as purple sulfur and non-sulfur bacteria were frequently encountered in all mats. On the other hand, sequences of known sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRBs) were rarely found, indicating that SRBs in the wetland mats probably belong to yet-undescribed novel species. The wetland mats were able to degrade 53–100% of C12–C30 alkanes after 6 weeks of incubation under aerobic conditions. We conclude that oil and ammonia concentrations are the major key players in determining the spatial distribution of the wetland mats’ microbial communities and that these mats contribute directly to the removal of hydrocarbons from oil field wastewaters.  相似文献   

Various agriculture management practices may have distinct influences on soil microbial communities and their ecological functions. In this study, we utilized GeoChip, a high-throughput microarray-based technique containing approximately 28,000 probes for genes involved in nitrogen (N)/carbon (C)/sulfur (S)/phosphorus (P) cycles and other processes, to evaluate the potential functions of soil microbial communities under conventional (CT), low-input (LI), and organic (ORG) management systems at an agricultural research site in Michigan. Compared to CT, a high diversity of functional genes was observed in LI. The functional gene diversity in ORG did not differ significantly from that of either CT or LI. Abundances of genes encoding enzymes involved in C/N/P/S cycles were generally lower in CT than in LI or ORG, with the exceptions of genes in pathways for lignin degradation, methane generation/oxidation, and assimilatory N reduction, which all remained unchanged. Canonical correlation analysis showed that selected soil (bulk density, pH, cation exchange capacity, total C, C/N ratio, NO3, NH4+, available phosphorus content, and available potassium content) and crop (seed and whole biomass) variables could explain 69.5% of the variation of soil microbial community composition. Also, significant correlations were observed between NO3 concentration and denitrification genes, NH4+ concentration and ammonification genes, and N2O flux and denitrification genes, indicating a close linkage between soil N availability or process and associated functional genes.  相似文献   

Tropical peat swamp forests are important and endangered ecosystems, although little is known of their microbial diversity and ecology. We used molecular and enzymatic techniques to examine patterns in prokaryotic community structure and overall microbial activity at 0-, 10-, 20-, and 50-cm depths in sediments in a peat swamp forest in Malaysia. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiles of amplified 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) gene fragments showed that different depths harbored different bacterial assemblages and that Archaea appeared to be limited to the deeper samples. Cloning and sequencing of longer 16S rRNA gene fragments suggested reduced microbial diversity in the deeper samples compared to the surface. Bacterial clone libraries were largely dominated by ribotypes affiliated with the Acidobacteria, which accounted for at least 27–54% of the sequences obtained. All of the sequenced representatives from the archaeal clone libraries were Crenarchaeota. Activities of microbial extracellular enzymes involved in carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycling declined appreciably with depth, the only exception being peroxidase. These results show that tropical peat swamp forests are unusual systems with microbial assemblages dominated by members of the Acidobacteria and Crenarchaeota. Microbial communities show clear changes with depth, and most microbial activity is likely confined to populations in the upper few centimeters, the site of new leaf litter fall, rather than the deeper, older, peat layers.  相似文献   

平陆运河是西部陆海新通道的一项重要工程,茅尾海是平陆运河的重要支撑节点。本次调查潮间带大型底栖动物群落,在评估茅尾海生态环境质量的同时,又积累本海域大型底栖动物基线数据,为平陆运河建设期、运营期的科学管理提供科学数据支撑。于2020年10月和2021年1月、4月、7月,在钦州茅尾海东部岸线设置4个采样断面,分别是仙岛公园、沙环村、滨海公园和康王庙村,按照《海洋调查规范》(GB 12763.6-2007)的要求对潮间带大型底栖动物进行采样调查和物种分类鉴定;分析大型底栖动物群落组成、优势种组成及生物多样性指数。调查研究结果表明,茅尾海潮间带大型底栖动物以节肢动物为主,物种占比超过41%,个体数占比超过87%,优势种(IRI > 1 000)有麦克碟尾虫(Discapseudes mackiei)、台湾泥蟹(Ilyoplax formosensis)、隆背大眼蟹(Macrophthalmus convexus)和四齿大额蟹(Metopograpsus quadridentatus),但优势种在4个断面分布不均,仅麦克碟尾虫出现在各断面;主要种(100 ≤ IRI < 1 000)有27种,其中仅扁平拟闭口蟹(Paracleistostoma depressum)、背毛小头虫(Notodasus sp.)出现在各断面;常见种(10 ≤ IRI < 100)有19种,稀有种(IRI < 10)有8种,它们均分布不均;辛普森多样性指数(D)和香农多样性指数(H?)分别为0.435(0.183 ~ 0.704)和1.506(0.747 ~ 2.256),显著低于2009年相应指标,P值分别为0.004和0.048;Pielou均匀度指数(J)均值为0.475(0.223 ~ 0.696),与2009年的Pielou均匀度指数(J)没有显著差异(P = 0.109)。综合丰度-生物量曲线(ABC曲线)、香农多样性指数(H?)、大型底栖动物污染指数(IMP)推断茅尾海目前整体海域生态环境处于中等污染水平。综合上述指标,认为目前茅尾海海域整体生态环境已属于中等程度污染。本次调查建立的茅尾海潮间带大型底栖动物数据库,将为未来平陆运河的生态建设和科学运营提供支撑。  相似文献   

The Brazilian Savanna, also known as “Cerrado”, is the richest and most diverse savanna in the world and has been ranked as one of the main hotspots of biodiversity. The Cerrado is a representative biome in Central Brazil and the second largest biome in species diversity of South America. Nevertheless, large areas of native vegetation have been converted to agricultural land including grain production, livestock, and forestry. In this view, understanding how land use affects microbial communities is fundamental for the sustainable management of agricultural ecosystems. The aim of this work was to analyze and compare the soil bacterial communities from the Brazilian Cerrado associated with different land use systems using high throughput pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA genes. Relevant differences were observed in the abundance and structure of bacterial communities in soils under different land use systems. On the other hand, the diversity of bacterial communities was not relevantly changed among the sites studied. Land use systems had also an important impact on specific bacterial groups in soil, which might change the soil function and the ecological processes. Acidobacteria, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria were the most abundant groups in the Brazilian Cerrado. These findings suggest that more important than analyzing the general diversity is to analyze the composition of the communities. Since soil type was the same among the sites, we might assume that land use was the main factor defining the abundance and structure of bacterial communities.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the bacterial communities associated with natural hydrocarbon seeps in nonthermal soils at Rainbow Springs, Yellowstone National Park. Soil chemical analysis revealed high sulfate concentrations and low pH values (pH 2.8 to 3.8), which are characteristic of acid-sulfate geothermal activity. The hydrocarbon composition of the seep soils consisted almost entirely of saturated, acyclic alkanes (e.g., n-alkanes with chain lengths of C15 to C30, as well as branched alkanes, predominately pristane and phytane). Bacterial populations present in the seep soils were phylogenetically characterized by 16S rRNA gene clone library analysis. The majority of the sequences recovered (>75%) were related to sequences of heterotrophic acidophilic bacteria, including Acidisphaera spp. and Acidiphilium spp. of the α-Proteobacteria. Clones related to the iron- and sulfur-oxidizing chemolithotroph Acidithiobacillus spp. were also recovered from one of the seep soils. Hydrocarbon-amended soil-sand mixtures were established to examine [14C]hexadecane mineralization and corresponding changes in the bacterial populations using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rRNA gene fragments. Approximately 50% of the [14C]hexadecane added was recovered as 14CO2 during an 80-day incubation, and this was accompanied by detection of heterotrophic acidophile-related sequences as dominant DGGE bands. An alkane-degrading isolate was cultivated, whose 16S rRNA gene sequence was identical to the sequence of a dominant DGGE band in the soil-sand mixture, as well as the clone sequence recovered most frequently from the original soil. This and the presence of an alkB gene homolog in this isolate confirmed the alkane degradation capability of one population indigenous to acidic hydrocarbon seep soils.  相似文献   

Plants have mutualistic symbiotic relationships with rhizobia and fungi by the common symbiosis pathway, of which Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (encoded by CCaMK) is a central component. Although Oryza sativa CCaMK (OsCCaMK) is required for fungal accommodation in rice roots, little is known about the role of OsCCaMK in rice symbiosis with bacteria. Here, we report the effect of a Tos17-induced OsCCaMK mutant (NE1115) on CH4 flux in low-nitrogen (LN) and standard-nitrogen (SN) paddy fields compared with wild-type (WT) Nipponbare. The growth of NE1115 was significantly decreased compared with that of the WT, especially in the LN field. The CH4 flux of NE1115 in the LN field was significantly greater (156 to 407% in 2011 and 170 to 816% in 2012) than that of the WT, although no difference was observed in the SN field. The copy number of pmoA (encodes methane monooxygenase in methanotrophs) was significantly higher in the roots and rhizosphere soil of the WT than in those of NE1115. However, the mcrA (encodes methyl coenzyme M reductase in methanogens) copy number did not differ between the WT and NE1115. These results were supported by a 13C-labeled CH4-feeding experiment. In addition, the natural abundance of 15N in WT shoots (3.05‰) was significantly lower than in NE1115 shoots (3.45‰), suggesting greater N2 fixation in the WT because of dilution with atmospheric N2 (0.00‰). Thus, CH4 oxidation and N2 fixation were simultaneously activated in the root zone of WT rice in the LN field and both processes are likely controlled by OsCCaMK.  相似文献   

Saltwater incursion carries high concentrations of sea salts, including sulfate, which can alter anaerobic microbial processes and plant community composition of coastal freshwater marshes. We studied these phenomena in a recently restored wetland on the coastal plain of North Carolina. We measured water inundation patterns, porewater chemistry, microbial process rates, plant tissue chemistry and iron plaque on plant roots, and quantified plant community composition across a hydrologic and salinity gradient to understand the potential interactions between saltwater incursion and changes in microbial processes and plant communities. Plant communities showed no obvious response to incursion, but were structured by inundation patterns and plant growth form (for example, graminoid versus forb). Saltwater incursion increased chloride and sulfate concentrations in surface and porewater, and drove resulting spatial patterns in anaerobic microbial metabolism rates. Plots experiencing saltwater incursion had higher sulfate reduction rates and were dominated by graminoid plant species (for example, sedges, rushes, and grasses). Graminoid plant species’ roots had greater iron plaque formation than forb and submerged species, indicative that graminoid plant species are supplying more oxygen to the rhizosphere, potentially influencing microbial metabolism. Future studies should focus on how plant and microbial communities may respond to saltwater incursion at different time scales, and on parsing out the influence that plants and microbes have on each other as freshwater wetlands experience sea level rise.  相似文献   

Pozol is an acid beverage obtained from the natural fermentation of nixtamal (heat- and alkali-treated maize) dough. The concentration of mono- and disaccharides from maize is reduced during nixtamalization, so that starch is the main carbohydrate available for lactic acid fermentation. In order to provide some basis to understand the role of amylolytic lactic acid bacteria (ALAB) in this fermented food, their diversity and physiological characteristics were determined. Forty amylolytic strains were characterized by phenotypic and molecular taxonomic methods. Four different biotypes were distinguished via ribotyping; Streptococcus bovis strains were found to be predominant. Streptococcus macedonicus, Lactococcus lactis, and Enterococcus sulfureus strains were also identified. S. bovis strain 25124 showed extremely low amylase yield relative to biomass (139 U g [cell dry weight]−1) and specific rate of amylase production (130.7 U g [cell dry weight]−1 h−1). In contrast, it showed a high specific growth rate (0.94 h−1) and an efficient energy conversion yield to bacterial cell biomass (0.31 g of biomass g of substrate−1). These would confer on the strain a competitive advantage and are the possible reasons for its dominance. Transient accumulation of maltooligosaccharides during fermentation could presumably serve as energy sources for nonamylolytic species in pozol fermentation. This would explain the observed diversity and the dominance of nonamylolytic lactic acid bacteria at the end of fermentation. These results are the first step to understanding the importance of ALAB during pozol fermentation.  相似文献   

We assessed changes in the microbial communities in ballast water during a trans-Pacific voyage from Japan to Australia that included a mid-ocean ballast-water exchange. Uncultured (i.e., total) and culturable bacteria were counted and were characterized by using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). There was a clear decrease over time in numbers of uncultured microorganisms, except for heterotrophic nanoflagellates, whereas the abundance of culturable bacteria initially decreased after the ballast-water exchange but then increased. The increase, however, was only up to 5.34% of the total number of uncultured bacteria. Cluster analysis showed that the DGGE profiles of uncultured bacteria clearly changed after the exchange. In contrast, there was no clear change in the DGGE profiles of culturable bacteria after the exchange. Multidimensional scaling analysis showed changes in microbial communities over the course of the voyage. Although indicator microbes as defined by the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships'' Ballast Water and Sediments were occasionally detected, no coliform bacteria were detected after the exchange.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequencing of the region upstream of two ferredoxingenes, fdxC and fdxN, of Rhodobacter capsulatus revealed theexistence of one open reading frame (ORF), ORFU1,in the sameorientation as these genes and two other ORFs, ORFU2 and ORFU3,in the opposite orientation. Two potential –24/–12promoters were found in front of ORFU1 and ORFU2, respectively,and there was a putative upstream activator sequence (UAS) orNifA-binding site between them. The ORFs corresponded to noknown nif genes. However, analysis of their putative productsshowed that the product of ORFU1 (Mr 47,912) and that of ORFU3(Mr 19,090) flavodoxin-like domain and a 2[4Fe-4S] ferredoxin-likedomain, respectively, and that the product of ORFU2 (Mr 20,424)was a hydrophobic protein with six potential membrane-spanningportions. Results of interposon mutagenesis and complementationexperiments indicated ORFU2 but not ORFU1 is essential for nitrogenfixation and that additional gene(s) essential nitrogen fixationmust be present in the unsequenced region adjacent to ORFU3.Translational fusion analysis involving lacZYA and fdxN or ORFU3provided evidence that the putative UAS responsible for regulationof both ORFUl-fdxC-fdxNand ORFU2-ORFU3 operons in opposite orientations,and that the control of the latter is stricter than that ofthe former. (Received August 19, 1992; Accepted November 16, 1992)  相似文献   

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