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Gene flow based on the spatial distribution of rare alleles at 25 gene loci was estimated in 15 populations of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) from different parts of the world. Estimates of Nm, the number of migrants exchanged per generation among populations in different regions of the world, appeared to be quite similar, ranging from 3.36 in tropical Africa to 2.94 in the New World and 2.72 in Mediterranean basin populations. This suggests that gene flow among neighbouring populations of medfly is quite extensive. The genetic differentiation in American, Mediterranean and African populations was related to major climatic differences between North and South. These differences arise mainly from five loci that showed gene frequency patterns suggestive of latitudinal clines in allele frequencies. The clinal variation was such that tropical-subtropical populations were more heterozygous than temperate populations. It was concluded that gene flow, counteracting the forces of natural selection and genetic drift, determines the extent to which geographical populations of C. capitata are differentiated.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is considered one of the most economically damaging pests of citrus orchards in Spain. Insecticide treatments for the control of this pest are mainly based on aerial and ground treatments with malathion bait sprays. However, the frequency of insecticide treatments has been increased in some areas of the Comunidad Valenciana in the last years, because of problems with the control of C. capitata. We have found that field populations from citrus and other fruit crops from different geographical areas in Spain showed lower susceptibility to malathion (6- to 201-fold) compared with laboratory populations. More importantly, differences in susceptibility could be related to the frequency of the field treatments. A resistant strain (W), derived from a field population, and a susceptible laboratory strain (C) were maintained in the laboratory. The W strain showed cross-resistance to the organophosphate fenthion (10-fold) but not to spinosad. Enzymatic assays showed that acethylcholinesterase activity was less inhibited in vivo by malathion and in vitro by malaoxon (active form of malathion) in adult flies from the W-resistant strain. Experiments to evaluate the effects of synergists revealed that the esterase inhibitor S,S,S-tributyl phosphorotrithioate (DEF) partially suppressed malathion resistance. Thus, target site insensitivity and metabolic resistance mediated by esterases might be involved in the loss of susceptibility to malathion in C. capitata. Nonetheless, additional biochemical and molecular studies will be required to confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Pane A  De Simone A  Saccone G  Polito C 《Genetics》2005,171(2):615-624
Transformer functions as a binary switch gene in the sex determination and sexual differentiation of Drosophila melanogaster and Ceratitis capitata, two insect species that separated nearly 100 million years ago. The TRA protein is required for female differentiation of XX individuals, while XY individuals express smaller, presumably nonfunctional TRA peptides and consequently develop into adult males. In both species, tra confers female sexual identity through a well-conserved double-sex gene. However, unlike Drosophila tra, which is regulated by the upstream Sex-lethal gene, Ceratitis tra itself is likely to control a feedback loop that ensures the maintenance of the female sexual state. The putative CcTRA protein shares a very low degree of sequence identity with the TRA proteins from Drosophila species. However, in this study we show that a female-specific Ceratitis Cctra cDNA encoding the putative full-length CcTRA protein is able to support the female somatic and germline sexual differentiation of D. melanogaster XX; tra mutant adults. Although highly divergent, CcTRA can functionally substitute for DmTRA and induce the female-specific expression of both Dmdsx and Dmfru genes. These data demonstrate the unusual plasticity of the TRA protein that retains a conserved function despite the high evolutionary rate. We suggest that transformer plays an important role in providing a molecular basis for the variety of sex-determining systems seen among insects.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of natural populations of the economically important dipteran species Ceratitis capitatawas analysed using both biochemical and molecular markers. This revealed considerable genetic variation in populations from different geographic regions. The nature of this variation suggests that the evolutionary history of the species involved the spread of individuals from the ancestral African populations through Europe and, more recently, to Latin America, Hawaii and Australia. The observed variation can be explained by various evolutionary forces acting differentially in the different geographic areas, including genetic drift, bottleneck effects, selection and gene flow. The analysis of the intrinsic variability of the medfly's genome and the genetic relationships among populations of this pest is a prerequisite for any control programme.  相似文献   

Abstract: Mitochondrial DNA variation in the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, Diptera: Tephritidae) was studied in three natural populations from southern, central and eastern Spain by means of restriction fragment length polymorphisms using 22 restriction endonucleases. Nine different haplotypes were found based upon the restriction patterns of the seven polymorphic endonucleases, providing a measure of discrimination between populations (NST = 0.2462, FST = 0.154). The observed distribution of haplotypes, corroborated by a parsimonious unrooted tree, suggests an ancient origin for haplotype VII, and a first step in the colonization of the Iberian Peninsula and subsequently the northern and eastern Mediterranean basin, through the Straits of Gibraltar. No relationship can be established between the colonization process for Europe and America.  相似文献   

Temperate species belonging to the Drosophila auraria species complex, D. auraria Peng, D. biauraria Bock & Wheeler, D. triauraria Bock & Wheeler and D. subauraria Kimura, enter reproductive diapause to pass the winter in response to short daylengths. These species from Japan showed latitudinal clines in critical daylength which is longer in populations from higher latitudes. The slopes of these clines coincided well with that of the cline which is approximately predicted from climatic data, suggesting that these clines result from adaptation of the species to the latitudinal gradient of climatic conditions. Between the mainlands and the surrounding islands of Japan, the slopes of clines did not differ significantly, but the deviation from the regression line was usually smaller in mainland populations. It is assumed that gene flow reduces the genetic variation among mainland populations and results in the development of smooth clines. In the plain of east China, D. triauraria did not show clinal variation in critical daylength, although the development of the cline is expected from climatic data. Extensive gene flow among Chinese populations is considered to prevent the development of a cline.  相似文献   

Nitrogen, although abundant in the atmosphere, is paradoxically a limited resource for multicellular organisms. In the Animalia, biological nitrogen fixation has solely been demonstrated in termites. We found that all individuals of field-collected Mediterranean fruit flies (Ceratitis capitata) harbour large diazotrophic enterobacterial populations that express dinitrogen reductase in the gut. Moreover, nitrogen fixation was demonstrated in isolated guts and in live flies and may significantly contribute to the fly's nitrogen intake. The presence of similar bacterial consortia in additional insect orders suggests that nitrogen fixation occurs in vast pools of terrestrial insects. On such a large scale, this phenomenon may have a considerable impact on the nitrogen cycle.  相似文献   

Laboratory-reared and wild-collected adult female Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, were exposed to two host fruit species, sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L.) and mock orange (Murraya paniculata Jack: Rutaceae). The effect of experience with a fruit species on acceptance of these fruit species (i.e., learning) differed between lab and wild females, but only for flies that were exposed to mock orange. Similar differences in fruit acceptance between lab and wild females were observed when individuals experienced with one fruit species were exposed to the other fruit species (i.e., switching). Finally, when each group was exposed to sweet orange, wild flies subsequently deprived of host fruit retained the effect of exposure on acceptance of mock orange 1 day longer than did lab flies subsequently deprived of host fruit. An hypothesis is presented by which selection under artificial culture gave rise to these differences.
Résumé Des Ceratitis capitata femelles, élevées au laboratoire ou obtenues dans la nature à partir d'Eriobotrya japonica, ont été mises en présence de Citrus sinensis et de Murraya paniculata. L'effet de l'accoutumance à une espèce de fruit sur l'acceptation ultérieure des fruits d'une espèce déterminée (c'est-à-dire l'apprentissage) n'était pas le même pour les mouches sauvages et pour les mouches de laboratoire accoutumées à M. paniculata. Les mouches sauvages accoutumées à M. paniculata tentent de pondre dans C. sinensis beaucoup moins fréquemment que dans M. paniculata. Par contre, les mouches de laboratoire accoutumées à M. paniculata tentent de pondre dans M. paniculata aussi souvent que dans C. sinensis. Des différences du même type entre mouches sauvages et mouches du laboratoire ont été observées quand les individus mis en expérience avec une espèce de fruit ont été ensuite exposés à l'autre espèce, c'est-à-dire lors de réapprentissage. L'acceptation finale par les mouches de laboratoire dépend un peu plus de l'exposition à C. sinensis et un peu moins à celle de M. paniculata que lors de l'acceptation finale par des mouches sauvages. Enfin, des mouches sauvages accoutumées à C. sinensis et privées de leurs fruits, conservent un jour de plus l'effet de l'accoutumance, lors de l'acceptation de M. paniculata, que les mouches de laboratoire placées dans les mêmes conditions.Nous émettons l'hypothèse qu'une sélection due aux conditions d'élevage est à l'origine de ces différences. L'élevage dans de grandes bouteilles de polyéthylène peut sélectionner des mouches qui apprennent plus difficilement en présence de petits fruits comme M. paniculata et qui conservent l'influence de l'expérience pendant un temps plus bref.

Guanylate and adenylate cyclase activities were estimated in homogenates of the insect Ceratitis capitata at various stages of development. Guanylate cyclase activity was notably higher than adenylate cyclase activity in agreement with both cyclic nucleotide ratio and cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase ratio reported in arthropod tissues. Variations in both enzyme activities during development were coincident in the adult development, while in other biological stages, as the larval development and puparium formation, the most significant changes affected to the activity of guanylate cyclase.  相似文献   

In an earlier study (Rhombergh et al., Can. J. Genet. Cytol. 27: 224-232, 1985) of natural populations of the cyclic parthenogenetic Rose aphids, Macrosiphum rosae, 6 out of 31 loci were found to be polymorphic and one locus (Esterase-4) showed cyclic seasonal changes in gene and genotypic frequencies. Assuming that the Est-4 polymorphism was balanced and due to some climatic factor that varies seasonally, and realizing that most environmental factors that vary seasonally also vary latitudinally, we predicted existence of a latitudinal gene cline at this locus. In the present study we surveyed four polymorphic loci (chosen to be used as markers) in six geographic populations spanning over 1200 km between the United States and Canada and found all four loci to have latitudinal clines. We think that the gene clines are due to a latitudinal cline in the degree of advancement of local populations through the seasonal cycle, and have called such a pattern a 'seasonal phase cline'. The results are discussed in relation to the temporal instability of local patterns and persistence of genetic variability on the large scale in aphids. It is argued that population structure of aphids makes retention of selectively neutral or weakly selected polymorphisms difficult.  相似文献   



The Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis Capitata (DIPTERA: Tephritidae) is a major agricultural pest in Argentina. One main cause for the success of non-contaminant control programs based on genetic strategies is compatibility between natural and laboratory germplasms.A comprehensive characterization of the fruit fly based on genetic studies and compatibility analysis was undertaken on two founder populations from the provinces of Buenos Aires and Mendoza, used in pioneering sterile male technique control programmes in our country. The locations are 1,000 km apart from each other.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We compared the genetic composition of both populations based on cytological, physiological and morphological characterization. Compatibility studies were performed in order to determine the presence of isolation barriers. Results indicate that the Buenos Aires germplasm described previously is partially different from that of the Mendoza population. Both laboratory colonies are a reservoir of mutational and cytological polymorphisms. Some sexual chromosome variants such as the XL and the YL resulting from attachment of a B-chromosome to the X-chromosome or Y-chromosome behave as a lethal sex-linked factor. Our results also show incompatibility between both germplasms and pre-zygotic isolation barriers between them. Our evidence is consistent with the fact that polymorphisms are responsible for the lack of compatibility.


The genetic control mechanism should be directly produced in the germplasm of the target population in order to favour mating conditions. This is an additional requirement for the biological as well as economic success of control programs based on genetic strategies such as the sterile insect technique. The analysis of representative samples also revealed natural auto-control mechanisms which could be used in modifying pest population dynamics.  相似文献   

Rhomberg  L. R.  Singh  R. S. 《Genetica》1986,78(1):73-79
In an earlier study (Rhombergh et al., Can. J. Genet. Cytol. 27: 224–232, 1985) of natural populations of the cyclic parthenogenetic Rose aphids, Macrosiphum rosae, 6 out of 31 loci were found to be polymorphic and one locus (Esterase-4) showed cyclic seasonal changes in gene and genotypic frequencies. Assuming that the Est-4 polymorphism was balanced and due to some climatic factor that varies seasonally, and realizing that most environmental factors that vary seasonally also vary latitudinally, we predicted existence of a latitudinal gene cline at this locus. In the present study we surveyed four polymorphic loci (chosen to be used as markers) in six geographic populations spanning over 1200 km between the United States and Canada and found all four loci to have latitudinal clines. We think that the gene clines are due to a latitudinal cline in the degree of advancement of local populations through the seasonal cycle, and have called such a pattern a seasonal phase cline. The results are discussed in relation to the temporal instability of local patterns and persistence of genetic variability on the large scale in aphids. It is argued that population structure of aphids makes retention of selectively neutral or weakly selected polymorphisms difficult.  相似文献   

Gibbons are small, arboreal, highly endangered apes that are understudied compared with other hominoids. At present, there are four recognized genera and approximately 17 species, all likely to have diverged from each other within the last 5-6 My. Although the gibbon phylogeny has been investigated using various approaches (i.e., vocalization, morphology, mitochondrial DNA, karyotype, etc.), the precise taxonomic relationships are still highly debated. Here, we present the first survey of nuclear sequence variation within and between gibbon species with the goal of estimating basic population genetic parameters. We gathered ~60 kb of sequence data from a panel of 19 gibbons representing nine species and all four genera. We observe high levels of nucleotide diversity within species, indicative of large historical population sizes. In addition, we find low levels of genetic differentiation between species within a genus comparable to what has been estimated for human populations. This is likely due to ongoing or episodic gene flow between species, and we estimate a migration rate between Nomascus leucogenys and N. gabriellae of roughly one migrant every two generations. Together, our findings suggest that gibbons have had a complex demographic history involving hybridization or mixing between diverged populations.  相似文献   

Evidence of adaptation in Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae) phenotypic traits has rarely been shown. We demonstrate latitudinal clines in two A. thaliana traits: hypocotyl responses to red and far-red light. Natural populations of A. thaliana were sampled along a latitudinal gradient from southern to northern Norway. Seeds from maternal families within each population were subjected to 1 wk of constant red, far-red, blue, white, and dark treatments. Hypocotyl lengths were measured for each maternal family within each population. Significant variability within and among populations in hypocotyl responses for the various treatments was found. There was a significant latitudinal cline in hypocotyl responses for red and far-red treatments, with northern populations being more de-etiolated than southern populations. These results suggest that northern populations are more responsive to red and far-red light than southern populations. Thus, differentiation of seedling traits in natural populations of A. thaliana seems in part to be mediated by the phytochrome pathway. There was no correlation between hypocotyl responses and flowering time for any treatment. This suggests that flowering time variability and variability in hypocotyl responses may not be governed by genes shared between the pathways, such as those involved in photoreception or the circadian clock.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprinting has been used to detect genetic variation in the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata. Three different probes have been identified that can be used to detect DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms between strains of this species. The strains used in this study differ only in terms of their geographic origin or genetic background. One of the probes used is the bacteriophage vector M13, and the other two are repetitive sequences derived from the medfly genome based on a weak homology to M13. Within a strain, each probe produces a consistent restriction fragment profile that is not affected by the method or timing of DNA extraction. Between strains, when M13 is used as a probe, an average of 10% of the observable bands are polymorphic. Use of the medfly genomic sequences as a probe increases the proportion of polymorphic bands between strains up to 30%. The fact that genetic differences between even such closely related strains can be reliably detected by this method holds great promise for studies of insect pests including the ability to monitor the movements of pest species, determining the extent of genetic variation in pest populations, and in making identifications from otherwise unidentifiable material.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Desiccation tolerance and starvation resistance demonstrated significant differentiation among seven Indian geographical populations of Drosophila kikkawai, collected along a latitudinal range of 12.6–32.7 °N. Lack of significant differences in two successive generations suggested that these physiological traits were genetically controlled. 2. North Indian populations of D. kikkawai displayed significantly higher desiccation tolerance than southern populations, whereas there was a reverse trend for starvation tolerance (r > 0.90). Regression slope values indicated an increase of 0.61 h for desiccation and a decrease of 1.71 h per degree latitude for starvation tolerance at 17 °C. The traits evidenced opposite latitudinal clines, and such data also matched thermal climatic conditions on the Indian subcontinent. The survival duration for such traits was significantly higher at 17 than at 25 °C. 3. Significantly higher starvation tolerance in south Indian populations might be due to large population size, species interactions, and higher metabolic rates in the humid tropical environments. In contrast, prolonged unfavourable colder climatic conditions are known to favour starvation tolerance in temperate regions. Thus, the causes of desiccation and starvation tolerance seem quite different under tropical and temperate conditions. 4. Starvation tolerance was correlated negatively with body weight and ovariole number, which might be due to a trade-off in favour of greater allocation to non-lipidic reserves for sustaining starvation tolerance in the tropics. Reduction in metabolic rate may not be applicable for observed higher starvation tolerance in the tropical populations. 5. Multiple regression analysis demonstrated a major effect of coefficient of variation of mean monthly temperature for both the traits of ecological significance. Thus, Indian geographical populations of D. kikkawai provided evidence of independent genetic divergence for starvation and desiccation tolerance under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Chromosomal analysis of eight Indian natural populations (six from north India and two from south India) of Drosophila melanogaster revealed the presence of 13 paracentric inversions, including one in the X chromosome. All four types of inversions--common cosmopolitan (4), rare cosmopolitan (3), recurrent endemic (2), and unique endemic (4)--were detected. The frequency of commonly occurring inversions and the level of inversion heterozygosity were found to be higher in the two southern populations. The south Indian populations are genetically more differentiated than those from the north. Also, latitudinal clines in the frequencies of the four common cosmopolitan inversions were detected. These results provide further evidence for the existence of inversion clines in Indian populations of D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

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