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Peptide-containing innervation of the human intestinal mucosa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The three-dimensional distribution of the peptide-containing invervation in the human intestinal mucosa was studied by fluorescence immunohistochemistry on whole-mount mucosal preparations. An extensive VIP-immunoreactive nerve supply was demonstrated at all levels, but was markedly increased in density in the distal intestine, where it formed a particularly rich network in close contact with the luminal epithelium. In contrast, substance P-containing nerve fibres formed a looser and evenly distributed innervation at all levels. The muscularis mucosae was richly supplied by VIP-and substance P-containing fibres. Met-enkephalin immunoreactivity was confined to a few scattered nerve bundles running in the muscularis mucosae and around the bottom of epithelial crypts.G.-L.F. is a Research Fellow from the Department of Medicine 1, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, supported by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (European Science Exchange Programme with the Royal Society)  相似文献   

In order to reveal the absorption process of elastase from the intestine, hog pancreatic elastase was injected into the ligated jejunum lumen of the rat, and the tissues were cytochemically observed at various times after injection. The peroxidase anti-peroxidase (PAP) method using anti-hog-elastase rabbit antibody was used for light microscopy, and the anti-elastase Fab'-peroxidase conjugate was used for electron microscopy. The tissues stained by the PAP method exhibited a dense deposition of reaction products on the luminal surface of epithelial cells and a moderate deposition in the blood and lymph capillaries of the intestinal villi. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that the reaction product was deposited on the surface of the microvilli and in their pocketing; some was found in the pinocytotic vesicles in the terminal-web area and on the inner surface of the enlarged smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Round droplets which gave a positive reaction were found in the widened intercellular cleft and the thick basement membrane lining the blood capillaries and lymphatics. The jejunum retained its normal ultrastructure. The results indicate that the elastase molecules, which were introduced into the rat jejunum lumen, were absorbed without being decomposed through healthy intestinal epithelial cells by pinocytosis and translocated into blood and lymph capillaries.  相似文献   

The pattern of the digestive vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-ergic innervation is described immunohistochemically in the hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus. This animal is a small-sized, wild, nocturnal, lower eutherian mammal whose gastrointestinal tract shows some similarities with the avian gut. The myenteric plexus of the stomach, the mucosa of the small intestine and the circular muscle layer of the large intestine are the best VIP-innervated structures. The pattern of the positive innervation is similar to that described in other mammals and in some bird species. The widespread diffusion of the neuropeptide in the gut is probably due to the importance of its functions in the digestive physiology.  相似文献   

Bowes human melanoma cell line was investigated immunocytochemically to localize S-100 protein, HMB-45 and intermediate filament proteins. The majority of the cells showed strong positive staining with antibodies directed against S-100 protein, HMB-45 and vimentin filaments. Antibodies directed against the other cytoskeletal proteins failed to show any reactivity. These findings suggest that this transformed cell line does not dedifferentiate in culture and continues to express the specific antigens of human melanoma cells. Thus, Bowes cell line provides a useful model for studying the cellular biology and pathology of malignant melanoma.  相似文献   

This study investigated the immunocytochemical characteristics of normal myoepithelial cells (MECs) of human major and minor salivary glands using the LSAB method. Other human exocrine glands were used as controls. Immunoreactivity of MECs was observed exclusively with fully differentiated smooth muscle antibodies (a-SMA; SMMS-1; CALP; hCD) and with epithelial markers (cytokeratins) Ck14 and Ck17. This epithelial-muscular immunophenotype was similarly expressed in the MECs of other human exocrine glands used as control. In the salivary MECs, we did not observe evidence for neuroectodermic phenotype (S-100 protein, GFAP, NSE). On the contrary, positivity was observed for S-100 protein in Mecs of control glands (mammary, bronchial and sweat glands). Immunoreaction for extracellular matrix markers (fibronectin, laminin and collagen IV) and vimentin always were negative. Our data show that in normal "non transformed" MECs of the salivary glands the smooth muscle phenotype is in a state of complete differentiation, while the epithelial phenotype expresses only Ck14 and Ck17. This double and simultaneous immunoreactivity represents a differential marker of MECs from the epithelial basal cell (EBCs).  相似文献   

In human duodenal mucosa Paneth cells originate away from the base of crypts and migrate towards the base during maturation. The earliest cells in the Paneth cell lineage could be identified by labelling of lysozyme in the Golgi apparatus. Specific labelling for lysozyme was present in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, condensing vacuoles, granules and many lysosomes of mature Paneth cells. The maturation of the Paneth cell is accompanied by an increase in the content of lysozyme in the secretory granules and with senescence lysozyme diffuses into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Peptidergic nerves in human dental pulp. An immunocytochemical study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The peptidergic innervation of human dental pulp was studied with indirect immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase techniques. Pulpal nerve fibres displaying immunoreactivity for cholecystokinin, calcitonin gene-related peptide, C-terminal flanking peptide of neuropeptide tyrosine, leucine-enkephalin, methionine-enkephalin, neuropeptide K, neuropeptide tyrosine, peptide with N-terminal histidine and C-terminal isoleucine, somatostatin-28, substance P and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide were observed. Immunoreactive axon varicosities were detectable within radicular and coronal nerve trunks and within the nerve plexus of Raschkow in the para-odontoblastic region. Many peptidergic nerve fibres were observed in association with blood vessels of various sizes. Substance P- and calcitonin-gene-related peptide-immunoreactive axons were visible in the odontoblastic layer. The occurrence of VIP- and PHI-immunoreactive fibres lends support to the hypothesis that human tooth may be supplied by parasympathetic nerves. The immunocytochemical results here shown provide a morphological basis to previous experimental studies concerning the possible roles of neuropeptides in nociception mechanisms, control of the blood flow and modulation of the inflammatory response in dental tissues.  相似文献   

Digestive enzymes from human intestinal mucosa were solubilized by Triton X-100 and papain and covalently bound to eyanogen bromide-activated Sepharose 4-B gel. Triton X-100 solubilized most of the activities, and 39.1 to 63.5% were immobilized on the carrier. The other enzymes, still bound on the microvilli, were subsequently solubilized by papain but then the yield of immobilization reached only 11.0 to 17.6%. The enzyme-Sepharose gel was freeze-dried with a filler and stored without loss of activity. The rate of hydrolysis of di- and trisaccharides, dipeptides, and p-nitrophenylphosphate was measured by incubation on a small column containing less than 0.03 U of immobilized activities. The enzymatic multiplicity and catalytic properties of the intestinal mucosa enzymes were fully recovered on the carrier. This method is proposed for routine evaluation of the digestibility of dipeptides and synthetic disaccharides.  相似文献   

Intraepithelial cells in the human intestinal mucosa   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The human gastrointestinal tract microbiota, despite its key roles in health and disease, remains a diverse, variable and poorly understood entity. Current surveys reveal a multitude of undefined bacterial taxa and a low diversity of methanogenic archaea. In an analysis of the microbiota in colonic mucosal biopsies from patients with inflammatory bowel disease we found 16S rDNA sequences representing a phylogenetically rich diversity of halophilic archaea from the Halobacteriaceae (haloarchaea), including novel phylotypes. As the human colon is not considered a salty environment and haloarchaea are described as extreme halophiles, we evaluated and further discarded the possibility that these sequences originated from pre‐colonoscopy saline lavage solutions. Furthermore, aerobic enrichment cultures prepared from a patient biopsy at low salinity (2.5% NaCl) yielded haloarchaeal sequence types. Microscopic observation after fluorescence in situ hybridization provided evidence of the presence of viable archaeal cells in these cultures. These results prove the survival of haloarchaea in the digestive system and suggest that they may be members of the mucosal microbiota, even if present in low numbers in comparison with methanogenic archaea. Investigation of a potential physiological basis of this association may lead to new insights into gastrointestinal health and disease.  相似文献   

To identify and characterize the subcellular topography of glycine-extended pro-gastrin-processing intermediates (G-Gly) in human antral mucosa, we performed an electron microscopic immunocytochemical study using region-specific antisera generated against the synthetic peptide, Tyr-Gly-Trp-Met-Asp-Phe-Gly (GL7), and C-terminal-specific anti-gastrin antisera. As has been previously reported, G-cells contained both electron-dense and electron-lucent granules, with a range of intermediate forms. Gastrin immunoreactivity was demonstrated in almost all granules of each type, whereas anti-GL7 antisera immunostained chiefly electron-dense granules. The relative ratio of GL7/gastrin granules varied among different cells but was approximately 1:10 on average. Other cytoplasmic organelles were devoid of specific labeling for GL7 or gastrin. As we have assumed that G-Gly serves as the immediate precursor for each molecular form of gastrin, electron-dense granules with high labeling for GL7 are regarded as the principal site for conversion of G-Gly to gastrin. This speculation supports many previous reports that electron-dense granules are immature and that the granules become less electron-dense with maturation.  相似文献   

The objectives were to (a) describe the cytology and distribution of mammotropes in the human pituitary gland, (b) determine whether the mammotrope is a distinctive secretory cell type and (c) ascertain when it first appears in the fetal hypophysis. Identification of mammotropes was based primarily on the Sternberger peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical method used with an antiserum to human prolactin. Hypophyses from 25 male and 6 female adults, and 21 fetuses ranging in gestational age from 6 to 23 weeks were studied. In the adult two morphological forms of mammotropes were observed. Mammotrope I possessed a small perikaryon that commonly was located centrally in parenchymal cell cords. From the perikaryon long cytoplasmic processes extended toward neighboring capillaries. Mammotrope I reached its highest incidence in the posterolateral zones of the pars distalis. Mammotrope II possessed a larger perikaryon with short processes; cells of this form were fewer and occurred chiefly in the anteromedian zone. Mammotropes with intermediate morphological features that prevented classification into categories I or II were common in some hypophyses. Both forms of mammotropes were present prepuberally (one 6-week and one 9-year-old male) and in adult males and females. Mammotropes were only slightly more prominent in females than males. Regression of mammotropes was evident in old age. Mammotropes were distinctly different from somatotropes, corticotropes, gonadotropes and thyrotropes. In the fetal hypophysis mammotropes appeared first at 14 weeks of gestational age and remaind few through 16.5 weeks. Their number increased greatly at 23 weeks.  相似文献   

Light- and electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry were used to study the healing colonic mucosa of rabbits after experimental excision. Between 3 and 5 days, abundant young fibroblasts which retained many features of mesenchymal cells invaded the growing capillaries into the loose connective tissue of the healing colonic mucosa. Our electron microscopy revealed the transformation of these young fibroblasts into smooth muscle cells, into histiocyte-like cells involved in phagocytotic activity, and into vasoformative cells incorporated into the growing capillaries. The mitotic proliferation of pre-existing smooth muscle cells at the ulcer margin did not seem to be the major reason for re-establishment of the muscular tissue. The present immunocytochemistry revealed an active production of fibronectin in rough endoplasmic reticulum in the young fibroblasts. This may mean that this glycoprotein is involved in the re-establishment of both connective and muscular tissues by enhancement of adhesion and chemoattractant activities of such cells. In addition, the immunoreaction of endothelial cells of the growing capillaries suggests a role of this glycoprotein in the acceleration of the neocapillarization.  相似文献   

Triphosphoinositide (TPI) has been demonstrated to be a receptor for aminoglycosides in the cochlea and may regulate ionic permeability by its binding with Ca++. This phospholipid was localized by a protein A-gold technique in the cochlea at the electronmicroscopic level. TPI was prepared by a neomycin column and antibodies to it were raised in rabbits. The antibody used in this study reacted virtually only to TPI among the tested lipids. TPI was localized mainly at stereocilia, cuticular plates, head plates of Deiters' cells, plasma membrane, and mitochondria of various cells in the organ of Corti. In the vascular stria, TPI was found mainly at the plasma membrane of basal infoldings of the marginal cells. Possible physiological and pathophysiological roles of TPI in the cochlea are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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