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S S Kroll 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》1991,88(4):620-5; discussion 626-7
A method for the reconstruction of total or nearly total defects of the lower lip is described that utilizes a staged sequence of flaps that are familiar to most plastic surgeons. The recommended sequence is an extended Karapandzic flap to reestablish the oral sphincter, then two sequential Abbé flaps from the upper lip to restore balance and augment the central lower lip, and finally a commissureplasty using a sliding myomucosal flap in conjunction with final revision of the scars. Intervals of 3 weeks separate the surgical procedures. Using this strategy, essentially normal lip function and a relatively normal appearance have been obtained in four patients with large lip defects.  相似文献   

A unilateral gate-flap technique consisting of a nasolabial island flap is presented for the reconstruction of defects in the lower lip after excision of large, laterally located epidermoid tumors. The amount of healthy tissue resected is optimal. The reconstructed lower lip retains sensation and muscle function and is continent with a satisfying appearance. Temporary flap edema and a vermilion notch at the apex of the flap are both avoidable problems. This method may be used in selected patients with large advanced epidermoid cancers of the lower lip.  相似文献   

Described here is a new technique to reconstruct large lower lip defects using one or two musculocutaneous island flaps, which includes an innervated depressor anguli oris muscle and has a facial artery in its pedicle. Vermilion is simultaneously reconstructed using a mucosal transposition flap. Three patients who had a total lower lip defect and five patients who had a defect larger than one-half of the lower lip were treated by our procedure. All the flaps survived completely without any signs of vascular stasis. In six patients, sphincter function and sensation appeared within 3 months after surgery. In one patient who needed a total lower lip reconstruction, the depressor anguli oris muscle was atrophic and the motor nerve could not be found. This patient could not regain motion. One other patient complained of a sialorrhea accompanied by sensory loss; however, his sensation improved within 6 months after surgery. All of the reconstructed lower lips were large enough to enable the patient to wear dentures and were of a cosmetically acceptable appearance 1 year after surgery.  相似文献   

A case of functional support for distant flap reconstruction of the entire lower lip and mandibular symphysis following resection of an aggressive recurrent basal cell carcinoma of the lip is presented. Resection of the entire lower lip and mandibular symphysis includes loss of the orbicularis oris and attached muscles of the modiolus as well as the buccinator and masseter muscles. Without the support of these muscles, control of saliva as well as solid and liquid food is lost and articulation is hampered. In this case, fasciae latae strips attached to distally transected temporalis muscle tendons were tunneled bilaterally into the lower lip and chin area, which had been previously reconstructed with deltopectoral and pectoralis major musculocutaneous flaps.  相似文献   

Large, complex bony defects can be a vexing problem for the reconstructive surgeon, especially when standard donor sites are not available or do not provide sufficient tissue. Using the concept of flap prefabrication, we demonstrated in a single patient that (1) iliac crest bone chips and bone morphogenic protein in an alloplastic mandibular tray can ossify in a heterotopic location and (2) neovascularization sufficient to support a large, custom-designed bone graft occurs within a convenient "carrier" flap. Ultimately, the fields of angiogenesis and osteogenesis research could significantly contribute to the ability of the plastic surgeon to construct the "ideal" composite prefabricated flap for complicated reconstruction.  相似文献   

Both cadavers and living patients were studied regarding a method to resolve large skin defects with bone exposure in the leg, with long-distance thrombosis of the anterior tibial vessels or posterior tibial vessels resulting from traumatic lesions. Forty-six casting mold specimens of cadaveric legs were investigated. There were rich communication branches among the anterior tibial artery, posterior tibial artery, and fibular artery in the foot and ankle, which complemented each other well. Twenty-six patients with large skin defects with bone exposure in the proximal or middle segment of the leg were admitted to the authors' hospital. Among those patients, 19 demonstrated long-distance thrombosis of the anterior tibial vessels or posterior tibial vessels resulting from traumatic lesions. During treatment, a thoracoumbilical flap based on the inferior epigastric vessels was anastomosed to the distal stump of the anterior tibial vessels or the posterior tibial vessels, with reversed flow. All defects were successfully repaired, with good color and texture matches of the flaps. This method can be used for patients with normal anterior tibial vessels or posterior tibial vessels, normal distal stumps of the injured blood vessels, and good reversed flow. The method has the advantages of dissecting blood vessels in the recipient area during the débridement, not affecting the blood circulation of the injured leg, not sacrificing blood vessels of the opposite leg, and not fixing the patient in a forced posture. The muscles are less bulky in the distal one-third of the leg, and the blood vessels are shallow and can be dissected and anastomosed easily. When the flap is used for reconstruction in the proximal two-thirds of the leg, the blood vessel pedicle of the free flap is at a straight angle, without kinking.  相似文献   

AIM: Introduction of a safe and reliable method for reconstruction of soft tissue defects after excision of T1-T2 and borderline carcinomas of the posterior part of the oral cavity and mesopharynx. METHOD: Operation of two male patients suffering from tonsillolingual carcinoma, one with recurrent tumour after irradiation, the other with untreated primary and neck metastasis. After excision of the tumour with mandibular splitting method only a random buccal transposition flap was applied for reconstruction. The flap was adapted anatomically into the defect. It is a modification of previously described methods. RESULTS: Both patients healed primarily with undisturbed blood circulation of the flap. The functional rehabilitation period was short, the flap tolerated the postoperative irradiation, a moderate trismus remained after completion of the treatment, but it was not attributable to the flap. CONCLUSION: The use of the single buccal transposition flap for reconstruction of smaller defects of the posterior part of the oral cavity seems to be a simple, reliable and safe method even after irradiation. The key of the acceptable functional results is the correct adaptation of the flap  相似文献   

A new extended external oblique musculocutaneous flap utilized in the reconstruction of chest-wall defects is described. The flap is drawn as a V-Y rotation flap on the ipsilateral abdominal wall. It is laterally based, and its pedicle coincides with the five lowest costal insertions of the external oblique. The flap extends above the transiliac line, from the posterior axillary line to the linea alba, and includes the dynamic territory of the external oblique muscle. Vascular supply is provided by the musculocutaneous perforating arteries of the intercostal vessels and their subcutaneous branches. The flap is raised medially and includes the anterior sheath of the rectus. Undermining continues between the external and the internal oblique muscles as far as the posterior axillary line. The donor site on the abdominal wall is reinforced by the plication of the internal oblique sheath. This flap was used in 13 patients with major anterior chest-wall excisional defects. The mean chest-wall defect was about 390 cm2. Marginal necrosis with distal skin loss was observed in one patient. All other flaps healed without complications. The extended external oblique musculocutaneous flap differs from other external oblique flaps already described in several aspects that allow it to obtain better functional and aesthetic results.  相似文献   

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