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Cathemeral animals distribute their activity more or less uniformly between the dark and light phases of the 24-hour day. This activity pattern is quite widely observed among major mammal taxa, although the number of species involved is relatively low. Among primates, cathemerality is seen principally, though not uniquely, in the strepsirhine (“lower primate”) family Lemuridae; it is ubiquitous in the genus Eulemur, among species of which it seems to be a stable activity pattern with a history going back at least 8 - 12 million years. Nocturnal primates have visual systems that accentuate sensitivity to light over visual acuity, showing large cornea size, high rod:cone ratios and large numbers of photoreceptors relative to ganglion cells. Diurnal forms do the reverse, while Eulemur species are intermediate in these respects, suggesting substantial accommodation of the visual system to the cathemeral lifestyle. Studies of one Eulemur species have revealed that its cathemerality is underpinned by a robust endogenous circadian timing mechanism with a free-running periodicity of over 25 hours. The lemurs appear to be entrained to the 24-hour day by the light/dark cycle, plausibly with dusk as the primary zeitgeber. The causes of cathemerality have been sought in such environmental influences as predator avoidance, energy conservation, dietary quality, and interspecies feeding competition. All of these factors seem to be relevant to the cathemeral lifestyle, but none appears to be a crucial determinant. Nothing is known of the underlying neural mechanisms that facilitate the lemurs' accommodation to the extremes to which 24-hour activity exposes them.  相似文献   

This paper describes and then analyzes the decision-making arrangements that prevail among the Raikas—nomadic shepherds from Western India. The paper suggests, using a simple analytical framework, that the existing distribution of decision-making during migration helps the Raikasto utilize available economies of scale, represent the different interest groups in their collectives, and control their decision-makers. At the same time, the ordinary shepherds in the camp are able to extract a comfortable subsistence from a complex and harsh environment by delegating much of their decision-making responsibilities to the leaders in the camp. To the extent shepherds in other parts of the world migrate over long distances and must confront similar issues of delegation of responsibilities and control over decision-makers, the analysis holds general relevance.  相似文献   

We analyze historical accounts of Viking populations in Scotland and Iceland to show that considerations of kinship play a role in individuals' decisions on whether to engage in and revenge murder, as well as in the formation of alliances. However, willingness to murder a relative or to demand vengeance for the murder of another individual depends on the costs and benefits that accrue from the action, as well as the degree of relatedness. When the potential gains from murder are high, individuals are more willing to murder relatives; when the costs of exacting vengeance for a murder are high, individuals are more likely to settle for blood-money compensation for the murder of a family member. Alliances are more likely to be formed with relatives than between unrelated families; moreover, alliances with related individuals are less likely to involve preconditions and are more likely to be stable in the long term.  相似文献   

We study the problem of the emergence of cooperation in the spatial Prisoner's Dilemma. The pioneering work by Nowak and May [1992. Evolutionary games and spatial chaos. Nature 415, 424-426] showed that large initial populations of cooperators can survive and sustain cooperation in a square lattice with imitate-the-best evolutionary dynamics. We revisit this problem in a cost-benefit formulation suitable for a number of biological applications. We show that if a fixed-amount reward is established for cooperators to share, a single cooperator can invade a population of defectors and form structures that are resilient to re-invasion even if the reward mechanism is turned off. We discuss analytically the case of the invasion by a single cooperator and present agent-based simulations for small initial fractions of cooperators. Large cooperation levels, in the sustainability range, are found. In the conclusions we discuss possible applications of this model as well as its connections with other mechanisms proposed to promote the emergence of cooperation.  相似文献   

As genetic material DNA is wonderful, but as a macromolecule it is unruly, voluminous and fragile. Without the action of DNA replicases, topoisomerases, helicases, translocases and recombinases, the genome would collapse into a topologically entangled random coil that would be useless to the cell. We discuss the organization, movement and energetics of these proteins that are crucial to the preservation of a molecule that has such beautiful biological but challenging physical properties.  相似文献   

Empirical relationships among resilience indicators on Micronesian reefs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A process-orientated understanding of ecosystems usually starts with an exploratory analysis of empirical relationships among potential drivers and state variables. While relationships among herbivory, algal cover, and coral recruitment, have been explored in the Caribbean, the nature of such relationships in the Pacific appears to be variable or unclear. Here, we examine potential drivers structuring the benthos and herbivorous fish assemblages of outer-shelf reefs in Micronesia (Palau, Guam and Pohnpei). Surveys were stratified by wave exposure and protection from fishing. High biomass of most herbivores was favoured by high wave exposure. High abundance of large-bodied scarids was associated with low turf abundance, high coral cover, and marine reserves. The remaining herbivores were more abundant in reefs with low coral cover, possibly because space and hence food limitation occur in high-coral-cover reefs. Rugosity had no detectable effect on herbivorous fish abundance once differences in exposure and coral cover were accounted for. At identical depths, high wave exposure was associated with greater volumes (cover × canopy height) of macroalgae and algal turfs, which most likely resulted from high primary productivity driven by flow. In exposed areas, macroalgal cover declined as the acanthurid biomass increased. The volume of algal turfs was negatively associated with coral cover and herbivore biomass. In turn, high coral cover and herbivore biomass are likely to intensify grazing. The density of juvenile corals was variable where macroalgal cover was low but was confined to lower densities where macroalgal cover was high. High coral cover and density of juvenile corals were favoured in sheltered habitats. While a weak positive relationship was found between scarid biomass and juvenile coral density, we hypothesise that high scarid densities may hinder juvenile density through increased corallivory. New hypotheses emerged that will help clarify the role of acanthurids, wave exposure, and corallivory in driving the recovery of Pacific coral communities.  相似文献   

DNA fragmentation produced by apoptotic DNases (endonucleases) leads to irreversible cell death. Although apoptotic DNases are simultaneously induced following toxic/oxidative cell injury and/or failed DNA repair, the study of DNases in apoptosis has generally been reductionist in approach, focusing on individual DNases rather than their possible cooperativity. Coordinated induction of DNases would require a mechanism of communication; however, mutual DNase induction or activation of DNases by enzymatic or non-enzymatic mechanisms is not currently recognized. The evidence presented in this review suggests apoptotic DNases operate in a network in which members induce each other through the DNA breaks they produce. With DNA breaks being a common communicator among DNases, it would be logical to propose that DNA breaks from other sources such as oxidative DNA damage or actions of DNA repair endonucleases and DNA topoisomerases may also serve as triggers for a cooperative DNase feedback loop leading to elevated DNA fragmentation and subsequent cell death. Therefore, mutual induction of apoptotic DNases has serious implications for studies focused on activation or inhibition of specific DNases as a strategy for therapeutic intervention aimed at modulation of cell death.  相似文献   

Cooperation is a classic solution to hostile environments that limit individual survival. In extreme cases this may lead to the evolution of new types of biological individuals (e.g., eusocial super‐organisms). We examined the potential for interindividual cooperation to evolve via experimental evolution, challenging nascent multicellular “snowflake yeast” with an environment in which solitary multicellular clusters experienced low survival. In response, snowflake yeast evolved to form cooperative groups composed of thousands of multicellular clusters that typically survive selection. Group formation occurred through the creation of protein aggregates, only arising in strains with high (>2%) rates of cell death. Nonetheless, it was adaptive and repeatable, although ultimately evolutionarily unstable. Extracellular protein aggregates act as a common good, as they can be exploited by cheats that do not contribute to aggregate production. These results highlight the importance of group formation as a mechanism for surviving environmental stress, and underscore the remarkable ease with which even simple multicellular entities may evolve—and lose—novel social traits.  相似文献   

The year 2020 brought the onslaught of a global crisis in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic. While nearly every facet of everyday life and work was impacted by the pandemic, the biopharmaceutical industry found silver linings in innovation, partnership, and resiliency, all of which contributed to unprecedented speed in developing and delivering vaccines and therapies. The 7th International Conference on Accelerating Biopharmaceutical Development (AccBio 2021) brought together industry leaders to share experiences from the past year and discuss how lessons learned from the pandemic can be carried forward into the future of biopharmaceutical development. Presenters highlighted examples such as introducing biotherapeutics derived from non-clonal cell pools into the clinic, developing modular or platform technologies, and taking novel risks, among others. These strategies for enabling speed to clinic and launch, as well as for sustaining a robust supply chain, are likely to be integrated into future programs to ensure biomanufacturing resiliency and get medicines to patients faster than pre-pandemic times.  相似文献   

The iterated prisoner's dilemma game, or IPD, has now established itself as the orthodox paradigm for theoretical investigations of the evolution of cooperation; but its scope is restricted to reciprocity, which is only one of three categories of cooperation among unrelated individuals. Even within that category, a cooperative encounter has in general three phases, and the IPD has nothing to say about two of them. To distinguish among mechanisms of cooperation in nature, future theoretical work on the evolution of cooperation must distance itself from economics and develop games as a refinement of ethology's comparative approach.  相似文献   

Evolutionary Ecology - Mating with the wrong species is surprisingly common in nature. Interspecific mating can lead to reproductive interference, where wasted time, energy, nutrients, or gametes...  相似文献   

"Cooperation" defines any behavior that enhances the fitness of a group (e.g. a community or species), but which, by its nature, can be exploited by selfish individuals, meaning, firstly, that selfish individuals derive an advantage from exploitation which is greater than the average advantage that accrues to unselfish individuals. Secondly, exploitation has no intrinsic fitness value except in the presence of the "cooperative behavior". The mathematics is described by the simple Prisoner's Dilemma Game (PDG). It has previously been shown that koinophilia (the avoidance of sexual mates displaying unusual or atypical phenotypic features, such as mutations) stabilizes any inherited strategy in the simple or iterated PDG, meaning that it cannot be displaced by rare forms of alternative behavior which arise through mutation or occasional migration. In the present model equal numbers of cooperators and defectors (in the simple PDG) were randomly spread in a two-dimensional "cornfield" with uniformly distributed resources. Every individual was koinophilic, and interacted (sexually and in the PDG tournaments) only with individuals from within its immediate neighborhood. This model therefore tested whether cooperation can outcompete defection or selfishness in a straight, initially equally matched, evolutionary battle. The results show that in the absence of koinophilia cooperation was rapidly driven to extinction. With koinophilia there was a very rapid loss of cooperators in the first few generations, but thereafter cooperation slowly spread, ultimately eliminating defection completely. This result was critically dependent on sampling effects of neighborhoods. Small samples (resulting from low population densities or small neighborhood sizes) increase the probability that a chance neighborhood comes to consist predominantly of cooperators. A sexual preference for the most common phenotype in the neighborhood then makes that phenotype more common still. Once this occurs cooperation's spread becomes almost inevitable.  相似文献   

Understanding how cooperation evolves is central to explaining some core features of our biological world. Many important evolutionary events, such as the arrival of multicellularity or the origins of eusociality, are cooperative ventures between formerly solitary individuals. Explanations of the evolution of cooperation have primarily involved showing how cooperation can be maintained in the face of free-riding individuals whose success gradually undermines cooperation. In this paper I argue that there is a second, distinct, and less well explored, problem of cooperation that I call the generation of benefit. Focusing on how benefit is generated within a group poses a different problem: how is it that individuals in a group can (at least in principle) do better than those who remain solitary? I present several different ways that benefit may be generated, each with different implications for how cooperation might be initiated, how it might further evolve, and how it might interact with different ways of maintaining cooperation. I argue that in some cases of cooperation, the most important underlying “problem” of cooperation may be how to generate benefit, rather than how to reduce conflict or prevent free-riding.  相似文献   

Can people rationally advance their own material interests by cooperating in one-shot prisoner's dilemmas, even when there is no possibility of being punished for defection? We outline a model that describes how such cooperation could evolve if the presence of a cooperative disposition can be discerned by others. We test the model's key assumption with an experiment in which we find that subjects who interacted for thirty minutes before playing one-shot prisoner's dilemmas with two others were substantially more accurate than chance in predicting their partner's decisions.  相似文献   

Darwin recognized that natural selection could not favor a trait in one species solely for the benefit of another species. The modern, selfish-gene view of the world suggests that cooperation between individuals, whether of the same species or different species, should be especially vulnerable to the evolution of noncooperators. Yet, cooperation is prevalent in nature both within and between species. What special circumstances or mechanisms thus favor cooperation? Currently, evolutionary biology offers a set of disparate explanations, and a general framework for this breadth of models has not emerged. Here, we offer a tripartite structure that links previously disconnected views of cooperation. We distinguish three general models by which cooperation can evolve and be maintained: (i) directed reciprocation--cooperation with individuals who give in return; (ii) shared genes--cooperation with relatives (e.g., kin selection); and (iii) byproduct benefits--cooperation as an incidental consequence of selfish action. Each general model is further subdivided. Several renowned examples of cooperation that have lacked explanation until recently--plant-rhizobium symbioses and bacteria-squid light organs--fit squarely within this framework. Natural systems of cooperation often involve more than one model, and a fruitful direction for future research is to understand how these models interact to maintain cooperation in the long term.  相似文献   

AimsThe loss of species that engage in close ecological interactions, such as pollination, has been shown to lead to secondary extinctions, ultimately threatening the overall ecosystem stability and functioning. Pollination studies are currently flourishing at all possible levels of interaction organization (i.e., species, guild, group and network), and different methodological protocols aimed to define the resilience of pollination interactions have been proposed. However, the temporal dimension of the resilience of pollination interactions has been often overlooked. In the light of these considerations, we addressed the following questions: does a temporal approach help to reveal critical moments during the flowering season, when pollination interactions are less resilient to perturbations? Do pollination interactions evaluated at species, guild, group and network level show different patterns when assessed through time?  相似文献   

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