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Argonaute (Ago) proteins are conserved nucleic acid-guided proteins present in all domains of life. Eukaryotic Argonaute proteins (eAgos) are key players in RNA interference pathways and function as RNA-guided RNA endonucleases at physiological temperatures. Although eAgos are considered to evolve from prokaryotic Argonaute proteins (pAgos), previously studied pAgos were unable to catalyze RNA-guided RNA cleavage at physiological temperatures. Here, we describe a distinctive pAgo from mesophilic bacteria Kurthia massiliensis (KmAgo). KmAgo utilizes DNA guides to cleave single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and RNA targets with high activity. KmAgo also utilizes RNA guides to cleave ssDNA and RNA targets at moderate temperatures. We show that KmAgo can use 5′ phosphorylated DNA guides as small as 9-mers to cut ssDNA and RNA, like Clostridium butyricum Ago. Small DNA binding confers remarkable thermostability on KmAgo, and we can suppress the guide-independent plasmid processing activity of empty KmAgo by elevating the DNA guide loaded temperature. Moreover, KmAgo performs programmable cleavage of double-stranded DNA and highly structured RNA at 37°C. Therefore, KmAgo can be regarded as a DNA-guided programmable omnipotent nuclease for cleaving most types of nucleic acids efficiently. This study broadens our understanding of Ago proteins and could expand the pAgo-based DNA and RNA manipulation toolbox.  相似文献   

A recombinant thermophilic Thermus caldophilus GK24 hexokinase, one of the ROK-type (repressor protein, open reading frames, and sugar kinase) proteins, exists uniquely as a 120 kDa molecule with four subunits (31 kDa), in contrast to eukaryotic and bacterial sugar kinases which are monomers or dimers. The optimal temperature and pH for the enzyme reaction are 70-80 degrees C and 7.5, respectively. This enzyme shows broad specificity toward glucose, mannose, glucosamine, allose, 2-deoxyglucose, and fructose. To understand the sugar specificity at a structural level, the enzyme-ATP/Mg2+-sugar binding complex models have been constructed. It has been shown that the sugar specificity is probably dependent on the interaction energy occurred by the positional proximity of sugars bound in the active site of the enzyme, which exhibits a tolerance to modification at C2 or C3 of glucose.  相似文献   

Mannosylglycerate (MG) is a common compatible solute found in thermophilic and hyperthermophilic prokaryotes. In this study we characterized a mesophilic and bifunctional mannosylglycerate synthase (MGSD) encoded in the genome of the bacterium Dehalococcoides ethenogenes. mgsD encodes two domains with extensive homology to mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase (MPGS, EC and to mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate phosphatase (MPGP, EC, which catalyze the consecutive synthesis and dephosphorylation of mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate to yield MG in Pyrococcus horikoshii, Thermus thermophilus, and Rhodothermus marinus. The bifunctional MGSD was overproduced in Escherichia coli, and we confirmed the combined MPGS and MPGP activities of the recombinant enzyme. The optimum activity of the enzyme was at 50 degrees C. To examine the properties of each catalytic domain of MGSD, we expressed them separately in E. coli. The monofunctional MPGS was unstable, while the MPGP was stable and was characterized. Dehalococcoides ethenogenes cannot be grown sufficiently to identify intracellular compatible solutes, and E. coli harboring MGSD did not accumulate MG. However, Saccharomyces cerevisiae expressing mgsD accumulated MG, confirming that this gene product can synthesize this compatible solute and arguing for a role in osmotic adjustment in the natural host. We did not detect MGSD activity in cell extracts of S. cerevisiae. Here we describe the first gene and enzyme for the synthesis of MG from a mesophilic microorganism and discuss the possible evolution of this bifunctional MGSD by lateral gene transfer from thermophilic and hyperthermophilic organisms.  相似文献   

Mode of action and base specificity of a nuclease from the silkworm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The alkaline zinc-metallo nuclease of Physarum polycephalum is an endonuclease with a high specificity for single-stranded nucleic acids. Single-stranded DNA was cleaved at least 6,000 times faster than double-stranded DNA under identical conditions. In the supercoil-induced single-stranded region of Form I PM2 DNA only a single nick was made. The nuclease showed nucleotide specificity. Poly(A), poly(I), and poly(dT) were preferentially hydrolyzed. Product analysis showed that it acted by an endonucleolytic mechanism: long polynucleotides were fragmented via intermediate length products to oligo- and mono-nucleotides with the phosphate group at the 5'-terminal position. Extensive similarities exist with the single-strand-specific nuclease S1 from Aspergillus. The zinc-metallo endonuclease from Physarum could be used as a similar probe for single-stranded nucleic acids at neutral or alkaline pH conditions.  相似文献   

The gene yhdA from Bacillus subtilis encoding a putative flavin mononucleotide (FMN)-dependent oxidoreductase was cloned and heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli. The purified enzyme has a noncovalently bound FMN cofactor, which is preferentially reduced by NADPH, indicating that YhdA is a NADPH:FMN oxidoreductase. The rate of NADPH oxidation is enhanced by the addition of external FMN, and analysis of initial rate measurements reveals the occurrence of a ternary complex in a bi-bi reaction mechanism. YhdA has also been shown to reductively cleave the -N=N- bond in azo dyes at the expense of NADPH, and hence, it possesses azoreductase activity, however, at a rate 100 times slower than that found for FMN. Using Cibacron Marine as a model compound, we could demonstrate that the dye is a competitive inhibitor of NADPH and FMN. The utilization of NADPH and the absence of a flavin semiquinone radical distinguish YhdA from flavodoxins, which adopt the same structural fold, i.e., a five-stranded beta sheet sandwiched by five alpha helices. The native molecular-mass of YhdA was determined to be 76 kDa, suggesting that the protein occurs as a tetramer, whereas the YhdA homologue in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (YLR011wp) forms a dimer in solution. Interestingly, the different oligomerization of these homologous proteins correlates to their thermostability, with YhdA exhibiting a melting point of 86.5 degrees C, which is 26.3 degrees C higher than that for the yeast protein. This unusually high melting point is proposed to be the result of increased hydrophobic packing between dimers and the additional presence of four salt bridges stabilizing the dimer-dimer interface.  相似文献   

Tertiary RNA structures from thermophilic bacteria generally are more stable than their mesophilic homologs. To understand the structural basis of the increase in stability, we investigated equilibrium folding of the specificity domain (S-domain) of RNase P RNA from a mesophilic (Escherichia coli) and a thermophilic (Thermus thermophilus) bacterium. Equilibrium folding of both S-domains is described by a minimal, three-state folding scheme, U-to-I-to-N. In the I-to-N transition of the thermophilic S-domain, more structure forms and protections are stronger against T1 nuclease and hydroxyl radical reactions. Phylogenetic comparison in the context of the native structure reveals that among 39 nucleotide differences between these S-domains, 12 likely contribute to higher stability. These residues participate in extensive networks of hydrogen bonding, stacking, and metal ion coordination throughout the molecule. The thermophilic S-domain achieves higher stability by mutating strategic base pairs to G-C, decreasing surface accessibility of the native state, and increasing the amount of structure formation in the native folding transition. An E. coli S-domain mutant containing these 12 nt has the same stability and folding cooperativity as the T. thermophilus S-domain. E. coli S-domain mutants containing a subset of 4 or 6 nt have the same stability as the T. thermophilus S-domain but the same folding cooperativity as the E. coli S-domain. These results show that increasing stability can be accomplished by mutations within a local structure, but increasing folding cooperativity needs concerted changes among multiple structural units.  相似文献   

A biochemical, biophysical, and phylogenetic study of the sulfur oxygenase reductase (SOR) from the mesophilic gammaproteobacterium Halothiobacillus neapolitanus (HnSOR) was performed in order to determine the structural and biochemical properties of the enzyme. SOR proteins from 14 predominantly chemolithoautotrophic bacterial and archaeal species are currently available in public databases. Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis showed that they form a coherent protein family. The HnSOR purified from Escherichia coli after heterologous gene expression had a temperature range of activity of 10 to 99°C with an optimum at 80°C (42 U/mg protein). Sulfite, thiosulfate, and hydrogen sulfide were formed at various stoichiometries in a range between pH 5.4 and 11 (optimum pH 8.4). Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy and dynamic light scattering showed that the HnSOR adopts secondary and quaternary structures similar to those of the 24-subunit enzyme from the hyperthermophile Acidianus ambivalens (AaSOR). The melting point of the HnSOR was ≈20°C lower than that of the AaSOR, when analyzed with CD-monitored thermal unfolding. Homology modeling showed that the secondary structure elements of single subunits are conserved. Subtle changes in the pores of the outer shell and increased flexibility might contribute to activity at low temperature. We concluded that the thermostability was the result of a rigid protein core together with the stabilizing effect of the 24-subunit hollow sphere.  相似文献   

Many investigators are unaware of the potential problems with specificity of antibodies and the need to document antibody characterization meticulously for each antibody that is used. In this review, I consider the principles of antibody action and how they define a set of rules for what information should be obtained by the investigator before using an antibody in a serious scientific investigation.  相似文献   

X-ray and NMR analyses on ribosome recycling factors (RRFs) from thermophilic bacteria showed that they display a tRNA-like L-shaped conformation consisting of two domains. Since then, it has been accepted that domain I, consisting of a three-helix bundle, corresponds to the anticodon arm of tRNA and domain II and a beta/alpha/beta sandwich structure, corresponds to the acceptor arm. In this study, we obtained a RRF from a mesophilic bacterium, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, by gene cloning and carried out an x-ray analysis on it at 2.2 A resolution. This RRF was shown to be active in an in vitro assay system using Escherichia coli polysomes and elongation factor G (EF-G). In contrast, the above-mentioned RRFs from thermophilic bacteria were inactive in such a system. Analysis of the relative orientations between the two domains in the structures of various RRFs, including this RRF from mesophilic bacterium, revealed that domain II rotates about the long axis of the helix bundle of domain I. To elucidate the ribosome binding site of RRF, the peptide fragment (RRF-DI) corresponding to domain I of RRF was expressed and characterized. RRF-DI is bound to 70 S ribosome and the 50 S subunit with an affinity similar to that of wild-type RRF. But it does not bind to the 30 S subunit. These findings caused us to reinvestigate the concept of the mimicry of RRF to tRNA and to propose a new model where domain I corresponds to the acceptor arm of tRNA and domain II corresponds to the anticodon arm. This is just the reverse of a model that is now widely accepted. However, the new model is in better agreement with published biological findings.  相似文献   

The nuclease specificity of the bacteriophage phi X174 A* protein.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The A* protein of bacteriophage phi X174 is a single-stranded DNA specific nuclease. It can cleave phi X viral ss DNA in many different places. The position of these sites have been determined within the known phi X174 nucleotide sequence (1). From the sequences at these sites it is clear that the A* protein recognizes and cleaves at sites that show only partial homology with the origin of RF DNA replication in the phi X DNA. Different parts of the origin sequence can be deduced that function as a signal for recognition and cleavage by the A* protein. We conclude that different parts within the DNA recognition domain of the A* protein are functional in the recognition of the origin sequence in single-stranded DNA. The existence of different DNA recognition domains in the A* protein, and therefore also in the A protein, leads to a model that can explain how the A protein performs its multiple function in the phi X174 DNA replication process (2).  相似文献   

Extracellular nuclease produced by a marine Vibrio sp., strain No. 2, was purified by salting out with ammonium sulfate and by chromatography on a DEAE-cellulose column and twice on a Sephadex G-200 column. The nuclease was eluted as a single peak in which the deoxyribonuclease (DNase) activity and ribonuclease (RNase) activity appeared together. Polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis showed a single band of stained protein which had both DNase and RNase activity. The molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated to be 100 000 daltons. When using partially purified enzyme from the DEAE-cellulose column, the optimum pH for activity was 8.0, and the enzyme was activated strongly by 0.05 M Mg2+ ions and stabilized by 0.01 M Ca2+ ion. These concentrations of Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions are similar to those of the two cations in seawater. Indeed, the enzyme revealed high activity and strong stability when kept in seawater. The presence of particulate matter, such as cellulose powder, chitin powder. Hyflosupercel, Kaolin, and marine mud increased the stability of the enzyme. When the hydrostatic pressure was increased from 1 to 1000 atmospheres, the decrements of the enzyme activity were more pronounced at 30 and 40 degrees C than at 25 or 50 degrees C. The enzyme activity was restored after decompression to 1 atm at 30 degrees C.  相似文献   

The widespread presence of cellulose-binding domains in cellulases from aerobic bacteria and fungi suggests the existence of a strong selective pressure for the retention of these non-catalytic modules. The complete nucleotide sequence of the cellulase gene, celA, from the aerobic soil bacterium Cellvibrio mixtus, was determined. It revealed an open reading frame of 1089 bp that encoded a polypeptide, defined as cellulase A (CelA), of M r 41 548. CelA displayed features characteristic of an endo-β-1,4-glucanase, rapidly decreasing the viscosity of the substrate while releasing only moderate amounts of reducing sugar. Deletion studies in celA revealed that removal of 78 nucleotides from the 5′ end or 75 from the 3′ end of the gene led to the complete loss of cellulase activity of the encoded polypeptides. The deduced primary structure of CelA revealed an N-terminal signal peptide followed by a region that exhibited significant identity with the catalytic domains of cellulases belonging to glycosyl hydrolase family 5. These data suggest that CelA is a single-domain endoglucanase with no distinct non-catalytic cellulose-binding domain. Analysis of the biochemical properties of CelA revealed that the enzyme hydrolyses a range of soluble cellulosic substrates, but was inactive against Avicel, xylan or any other hemicellulose. CelA was resistant to proteolytic inactivation by pancreatic proteinases and surprisingly, in view of its mesophylic origin, was shown to be thermostable. The significance of these findings in relation to the role of single-domain cellulases in plant cell wall hydrolysis by aerobic microorganisms is discussed. Received: 26 May 1997 / Received revision: 4 July 1997 / Accepted: 4 July 1997  相似文献   

An extracellular nuclease from Bacillus firmus VKPACU-1 was multifunctional enzyme, this nuclease hydrolyzed poly U rapidly and more preferentially than the other homopolyribonucleotides. Hydrolysis of RNA this enzyme released mononucleotides in the order 5'UMP > 5'AMP > 5'GMP where as in hydrolysis of DNA the mononucleotides in the order of 5'dAMP > 5'dGMP > 5'dTMP and oligonucleotides. Uridylic linkages in RNA and adenylic linkages in DNA were preferentially cleaved by the nuclease. Nuclease produced oligonucleotides having only 3' hydroxyl and 5' phosphate termini. Present nuclease hydrolyzed RNA and DNA released oligonucleotides as major end products and mononucleotides, suggesting an endo mode of action.  相似文献   

Amylosucrases are sucrose-utilizing α-transglucosidases that naturally catalyze the synthesis of α-glucans, linked exclusively through α1,4-linkages. Side products and in particular sucrose isomers such as turanose and trehalulose are also produced by these enzymes. Here, we report the first structural and biophysical characterization of the most thermostable amylosucrase identified so far, the amylosucrase from Deinoccocus geothermalis (DgAS). The three-dimensional structure revealed a homodimeric quaternary organization, never reported before for other amylosucrases. A sequence signature of dimerization was identified from the analysis of the dimer interface and sequence alignments. By rigidifying the DgAS structure, the quaternary organization is likely to participate in the enhanced thermal stability of the protein. Amylosucrase specificity with respect to sucrose isomer formation (turanose or trehalulose) was also investigated. We report the first structures of the amylosucrases from Deinococcus geothermalis and Neisseria polysaccharea in complex with turanose. In the amylosucrase from N. polysaccharea (NpAS), key residues were found to force the fructosyl moiety to bind in an open state with the O3' ideally positioned to explain the preferential formation of turanose by NpAS. Such residues are either not present or not similarly placed in DgAS. As a consequence, DgAS binds the furanoid tautomers of fructose through a weak network of interactions to enable turanose formation. Such topology at subsite +1 is likely favoring other possible fructose binding modes in agreement with the higher amount of trehalulose formed by DgAS. Our findings help to understand the inter-relationships between amylosucrase structure, flexibility, function, and stability and provide new insight for amylosucrase design.  相似文献   

An Mg2(+)-dependent endonuclease endogenous to rat-liver nuclei had an exonuclease activity for single-stranded DNA, but not for duplex DNA. The activity was about twice as high in the 3'----5' direction as in the 5'----3' direction. The products by 3'----5' activity were mononucleotides alone. The 5'----3' activity released mononucleotides as main products and small amounts of di-, tri-, tetra- and oligonucleotides. Another major endonuclease endogenous to the nuclei, a Ca2+/Mg2(+)-dependent endonuclease, did not have such exonuclease activities.  相似文献   

An isocitrate dehydrogenase able to function with either NADP or NAD as coenzyme was purified to homogeneity from cell-free extracts of the purple photosynthetic eubacterium Rhodomicrobium vannielii using a rapid two-step procedure involving dye-ligand affinity chromatography. The enzyme was obtained in 60% yield with specific activities of 23 U.mg protein-1 (NADP-linked reaction) and 18.5 U.mg protein-1 (NAD-linked reaction). The purified enzyme was monomeric and migrated with an approximate Mr of 75,000-80,000 on both SDS/PAGE and non-denaturing PAGE. Affinity constants (Km values) of 2.5 microM for NADP and 0.77 mM for NAD and values for kcat/Km of 981,200 min-1.mM-1 (NADP) and 2455 min-1.mM-1 (NAD) indicated a greater specificity for NADP compared to NAD. A number of metabolites were examined for possible differential regulatory effects on the NADP- and NAD-linked reactions, using a dual-wavelength assay. Oxaloacetate was found to be an effective inhibitor of both reactions and the enzyme was also sensitive to concerted inhibition by glyoxylate and oxaloacetate. The amino-acid composition and the identity of 39 residues at the N-terminus were determined and compared to other isocitrate dehydrogenases. The results suggested a relationship between the Rm. vannielii enzyme and the monomeric isocitrate dehydrogenase isoenzyme II from Vibrio ABE-1.  相似文献   

The most challenging tasks in biology include the identification of (1) the orphan receptor for a ligand, (2) the ligand for an orphan receptor protein, and (3) the target protein(s) for a given drug or a lead compound that are critical for the pharmacological or side effects. At present, several approaches are available, including cell- or animal-based assays, affinity labeling, solid-phase binding assays, surface plasmon resonance, and nuclear magnetic resonance. Most of these techniques are not easy to apply when the target protein is unknown and the compound is not amenable to labeling, chemical modification, or immobilization. Here we demonstrate a new universal method for fishing orphan target proteins from a complex mixture of biomolecules using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) as a tracking tool. We took snake venom, a crude mixture of several hundred proteins/peptides, as a model to demonstrate our proposed ITC method in tracking the isolation and purification of two distinct target proteins, a major component and a minor component. Identities of fished out target proteins were confirmed by amino acid sequencing and inhibition assays. This method has the potential to make a significant advancement in the area of identifying orphan target proteins and inhibitor screening in drug discovery and characterization.  相似文献   

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