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Left-handed Z-DNA is radically different from the most common right-handed B-DNA and can be stabilized by interactions with the Zα domain, which is found in a group of proteins, such as human ADAR1 and viral E3L proteins. It is well-known that most Zα domains bind to Z-DNA in a conformation-specific manner and induce rapid B–Z transition in physiological conditions. Although many structural and biochemical studies have identified the detailed interactions between the Zα domain and Z-DNA, little is known about the molecular basis of the B–Z transition process. In this study, we successfully converted the B–Z transition-defective Zα domain, vvZαE3L, into a B–Z converter by improving B-DNA binding ability, suggesting that B-DNA binding is involved in the B–Z transition. In addition, we engineered the canonical B-DNA binding protein GH5 into a Zα-like protein having both Z-DNA binding and B–Z transition activities by introducing Z-DNA interacting residues. Crystal structures of these mutants of vvZαE3L and GH5 complexed with Z-DNA confirmed the significance of conserved Z-DNA binding interactions. Altogether, our results provide molecular insight into how Zα domains obtain unusual conformational specificity and induce the B–Z transition.  相似文献   

Experimental data on the sequence-dependent B<-->A conformational transition in 24 oligo- and polymeric duplexes yield optimal dimeric and trimeric scales for this transition. The 10 sequence dimers and the 32 trimers of the DNA duplex were characterized by the free energy differences between the B and A forms in water solution. In general, the trimeric scale describes the sequence-dependent DNA conformational propensities more accurately than the dimeric scale, which is likely related to the trimeric model accounting for the two interfaces between adjacent base pairs on both sides (rather than only one interface in the dimeric model). The exceptional preference of the B form for the AA:TT dimers and AAN:N'TT trimers is consistent with the cooperative interactions in both grooves. In the minor groove, this is the hydration spine that stabilizes adenine runs in B form. In the major groove, these are hydrophobic interactions between the thymine methyls and the sugar methylene groups from the preceding nucleotides, occurring in B form. This interpretation is in accord with the key role played by hydration in the B<-->A transition in DNA. Importantly, our trimeric scale is consistent with the relative occurrences of the DNA trimers in A form in protein-DNA cocrystals. Thus, we suggest that the B/A scales developed here can be used for analyzing genome sequences in search for A-philic motifs, putatively operative in the protein-DNA recognition.  相似文献   

Alpha B‐crystallin (CRYAB) is overexpressed in a variety of cancers. However, little is known about its specific function and regulatory mechanism in gastric cancer. Here, we first explore the role of CRYAB in gastric cancer progression and metastasis. The expression of CRYAB was determined by western blot and immunohistochemistry in gastric cancer tissues. Besides, methods including stably transfected against CRYAB into gastric cancer cells, western blot, migration and invasion assays in vitro and metastasis assay in vivo were also conducted. The expression of CRYAB is up‐regulated in gastric cancer tissues compared with matched normal tissues. High expression level of CRYAB is closely correlated with cancer metastasis and shorter survival time in patients with gastric cancer. Additionally, CRYAB silencing significantly suppresses epithelial‐mesenchymal transition (EMT), migration and invasion of gastric cancer cells in vitro and in vivo, whereas CRYAB overexpression dramatically reverses these events. Mechanically, CRYAB facilitates gastric cancer cells invasion and metastasis via nuclear factor‐κ‐gene binding (NF‐κB)‐regulated EMT. These findings suggest that CRYAB expression predicts a poor prognosis in patients with gastric cancer. Besides, CRYAB contributes to gastric cancer cells migration and invasion via EMT, mediated by the NF‐κB signalling pathway, thus possibly providing a novel therapeutic target for gastric cancer.  相似文献   

We present a study of how substituent groups of naturally occurring and modified nucleotide bases affect the degree of hydration of right-handed B-DNA and left-handed Z-DNA. A comparison of poly(dG-dC) and poly(dG-dm5C) titrations with the lipotropic salts of the Hofmeister series infers that the methyl stabilization of cytosines as Z-DNA is primarily a hydrophobic effect. The hydration free energies of various alternating pyrimidine-purine sequences in the two DNA conformations were calculated as solvent free energies from solvent accessible surfaces. Our analysis focused on the N2 amino group of purine bases that sits in the minor groove of the double helix. Removing this amino group from guanine to form inosine (I) destabilizes Z-DNA, while adding this group to adenines to form 2-aminoadenine (A') stabilizes Z-DNA. These predictions were tested by comparing the salt concentrations required to crystallize hexanucleotide sequences that incorporate d(CG), d(CI), d(TA) and d(TA') base pairs as Z-DNA. Combining the current results with our previous analysis of major groove substituents, we derived a thermodynamic cycle that relates the systematic addition, deletion, or substitution of each base substituent to the B- to Z-DNA transition free energy.  相似文献   

Molecular modeling is used to study the sequence dependence of conformation and stability within helically regular duplex Z-DNA. The variations of conformation that are found are sufficiently important to be classified as a new type of polymorphism within the Z family. It is also demonstrated that certain sequences can adopt more than one of these polymorphic forms. Comparison with experimental studies of chemical reactivity within a natural DNA fragment, forced into a left-handed conformation, suggests that the results of our modeling may be used to explain the chemical reactivity observed. Comparison of the Z results with similar studies of the B form allow enthalpies of transition to be calculated as a function of base sequence.  相似文献   

We used an individual-based spatially-explicit model to assess the role of facilitation and plant strategies in shaping the 'community biomass–species richness' relationship. Facilitation had few impacts on community's richness under both the most benign (high community biomass) and the most severe (low community biomass) environments where its intensity was weak. From medium to high environmental severity, facilitation increased community richness, because all plant strategies were facilitated. In contrast, from low to medium environmental severity facilitation decreased community richness, because only the most competitive species were facilitated, which induced a decrease in the richness of the stress-tolerant species overwhelming the increase in richness of the competitive species. Above all, our simulations show how 'strategy-dependent' interactions among species combine to shape the humped-back biomass–species richness relationship. It also demonstrates that facilitative effects might have long-term negative effects on species richness, which result is not included in current facilitation models.  相似文献   

Measurement of the equilibrium distribution of persistence length fragments of DNA in high concentration in the ultracentrifuge shows that the reduced osmotic pressure rises much faster than linearly. From analysis of the data in terms of the Zimm cluster integral we infer that the net interactions between helices are purely repulsive at all distances. A theoretical equation of state derived from scaled particle theory with one adjustable parameter is in excellent agreement with the experimental data so long as the salt concentration is not excessively low. The parameter represents the hard-core radius in a simplified approximation to the potential function for the electrostatic repulsion between helices. Its value depends on the salt concentration, and it shrinks at high salt to a radius in close agreement with direct structural estimates. At a particular value of the osmotic pressure that is only slightly salt dependent, the solution undergoes a reversible transition to a denser, turbid, optically anisotropic phase. The relation between DNA volume fraction, including the electrostatic radius, at the transition point and the effective asymmetry of the molecules as a function of salt is in approximate correspondence with various theoretical treatments. However, the experimental function extrapolates to the correct limit for spherical particles. The work needed to bring DNA to a high concentration is estimated. The results suggest that the phase transition is first order.  相似文献   

We explore the potential of the Diels–Alder cycloaddition for the functional tagging of DNA strands. A deoxyuridine triphosphate derivative carrying a diene at position 5 of the pyrimidine base was synthesized using a two-step procedure. The derivative was efficiently accepted as substrate in enzymatic polymerization assays. Diene carrying strands underwent successful cycloaddition with maleimide-terminated fluorescence dyes and a polymeric reagent. Furthermore, a nucleotide carrying a peptide via a Diels–Alder cyclohexene linkage was prepared and sequence-specifically incorporated into DNA. The Diels–Alder reaction presents a number of positive attributes such as good chemoselectivity, water compatibility, high-yield under mild conditions and no additional reagents apart from a diene and a dienophile. Furthermore, suitable dienophiles are commercially available in the form of maleimide-derivatives of fluorescent dyes and bioaffinity tags. Based on these advantages, diene- and cyclohexene-based nucleotide triphosphates are expected to find wider use in the area of nucleic acid chemistry.  相似文献   

Protein–protein interactions have been widely used to study gene expression pathways and may be considered as a new approach to drug discovery. Here I report the development of a universal protein array (UPA) system that provides a sensitive, quantitative, multi-purpose, effective and easy technology to determine not only specific protein–protein interactions, but also specific interactions of proteins with DNA, RNA, ligands and other small chemicals. (i) Since purified proteins are used, the results can be easily interpreted. (ii) UPA can be used multiple times for different targets, making it economically affordable for most laboratories, hospitals and biotechnology companies. (iii) Unlike DNA chips or DNA microarrays, no additional instrumentation is required. (iv) Since the UPA uses active proteins (without denaturation and renaturation), it is more sensitive compared with most existing methods. (v) Because the UPA can analyze hundreds (even thousands on a protein microarray) of proteins in a single experiment, it is a very effective method to screen proteins as drug targets in cancer and other human diseases.  相似文献   

It is often envisioned that cations might coordinate at specific sites of nucleic acids and play an important structural role, for instance in the transition between B‐DNA and Z‐DNA. However, nucleic acid models explicitly devoid of specific sites may also exhibit features previously considered as evidence for specific binding. Such is the case of the “composite cylinder” (or CC) model which spreads out localized features of DNA structure and charge by cylindrical averaging, while sustaining the main difference between the B and Z structures, namely the better immersion of the B‐DNA phosphodiester charges in the solution. Here, we analyze the non‐electrostatic component of the free‐energy difference between B‐DNA and Z‐DNA. We also compute the composition of the counterion sheath in a wide range of mixed‐salt solutions and of temperatures: in contrast with the large difference of composition between the B‐DNA and Z‐DNA forms, the temperature dependence of sheath composition, previously unknown, is very weak. In order to validate the model, the mixed‐salt predictions should be compared to experiment. We design a procedure for future measurements of the sheath composition based on Anomalous Small‐Angle X‐ray Scattering and complemented by 31P NMR. With due consideration for the kinetics of the B‐Z transition and for the capacity of generating at will the B or Z form in a single sample, the 5′‐d[T‐(m5C‐G)12‐T] 26‐mer emerges as a most suitable oligonucleotide for this study. Finally, the application of the finite element method to the resolution of the Poisson‐Boltzmann equation is described in detail. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 105: 369–384, 2016.  相似文献   

Can drivers of temporal vegetation changes and their interactions be modelled in dynamic ecosystems? Kepfer‐Rojas et al., in this issue of Applied Vegetation Science, studied species richness and cover in an unmanaged heathland to address this topic. Complex interactions between drivers and their degree of spatial dependence condition the success of each functional group, in a scenario of permanent competition.  相似文献   

The interaction of sanguinarine with right-handed (B-form), left-handed (Z-form) and left-handed (HL-form) structures of poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) has been investigated by measuring the circular dichroism (CD) and UV-absorption spectral analysis. Sanguinarine binds strongly to the B-form DNA and does not bind to Z-form or HL-form, but it converts the Z-form and the HL-form back to the bound right handed form as evidenced from CD spectroscopy. Sanguinarine inhibits the rate of B to Z transition under ionic conditions that otherwise favour the left-handed conformation of the polynucleotides. UV absorption kinetic studies show that the Z-form reverses back to B-form to B-form on binding to sanguinarine. Binding isotherms obtained from spectrophotometric data show that sanguinarine binds strongly to the B-form polymer in a non-cooperative manner, in sharp contrast to the highly cooperative interaction under Z-form and HL-form polynucleotides. These studies reveal that the alternating GC sequence undergoes defined conformational changes and interacts with sanguinarine which may be an important aspect in understanding its extensive biological activities.  相似文献   

Collagen is the major protein component of the extracellular matrix. Synthesis of procollagens starts in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and three α chains form a rigid triple helix 300–400 nm in length. It remains unclear how such a large cargo is transported from the ER to the Golgi apparatus. In this study, to elucidate the intracellular transport of fibril-forming collagens, we fused cysteine-free GFP to the N-telopeptide region of procollagen III (GFP-COL3A1) and analyzed transport by live-cell imaging. We found that the maturation dynamics of procollagen III was largely different from that of network-forming procollagen IV. Proline hydroxylation of procollagen III uniquely triggered the formation of intralumenal droplet-like structures, similarly to events caused by liquid–liquid phase separation, and ER exit sites surrounded large droplets containing chaperones. Procollagen III was transported to the Golgi apparatus via vesicular and tubular carriers containing ERGIC53 and RAB1B; this process required TANGO1 and CUL3, which we previously reported to be dispensable for procollagen IV. GFP-COL3A1 and mCherry-α1AT were cotransported in the same vesicle. Based on these findings, we propose that shortly after ER exit, enlarged carriers containing procollagen III fuse to ERGIC for transport to the Golgi apparatus by conventional cargo carriers.  相似文献   

In the present study, we demonstrate the regulatory effects and mechanism of broussonin A and B, diphenylpropane derivatives isolated from Broussonetia kazinoki, on vascular endothelial growth factor‐A (VEGF‐A)–stimulated endothelial cell responses in vitro and microvessel sprouting ex vivo. Treatment with broussonin A or B suppressed VEGF‐A‐stimulated endothelial cell proliferation by regulating the expression of cell cycle–related proteins and the phosphorylation status of retinoblastoma protein. In addition, treatment with broussonin A or B abrogated VEGF‐A‐stimulated angiogenic responses including endothelial cell migration, invasion, tube formation and microvessel formation from rat aortic rings. These anti‐angiogenic activities of broussonin A and B were mediated through inactivation of VEGF‐A‐stimulated downstream signalling pathways, localization of vascular endothelial‐cadherin at cell‐cell contacts, and down‐regulation of integrin β1 and integrin‐liked kinase. Furthermore, treatment with broussonin A or B inhibited proliferation and invasion of non–small cell lung cancer and ovarian cancer cells. Taken together, our findings suggest the pharmacological potential of broussonin A and B in the regulation of angiogenesis, cancer cell growth and progression.  相似文献   

A simple, direct method for the detection of DNA–protein interaction was developed with electrochemical methods. Single-stranded DNA (ss-DNA) probes were prepared through the chemical bonding of an oligonucleotide to a polymer film bearing carboxylic acid groups, and double-stranded DNA (ds-DNA) probes were prepared through hybridization of the complementary sequence DNA on the ss-DNA probe. Impedance spectroscopy and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) distinguished the interaction between the DNA probes with mouse Purβ (mPurβ), an ss-DNA binding protein, and with Escherichia coli MutH, a ds-DNA binding protein. Impedance spectra obtained before and after the interaction of DNA probes with these proteins clearly showed the sequence-specific ss-DNA preference of mPurβ and the sequence-specific ds-DNA preference of MutH. The concentration dependence of proteins on the response of the DNA probes was also investigated, and the detection limits of MutH and mPurβ were 25 and 3 μg/ml, respectively. To confirm the impedance results, the variation of the current oxidation peak of adenine of the DNA probe was monitored with DPV. The formation constants of the complexes formed between the probe DNA and the proteins were estimated based on the DPV results.  相似文献   

The DNA repair enzyme human uracil DNA glycosylase (UNG) scans short stretches of genomic DNA and captures rare uracil bases as they transiently emerge from the DNA duplex via spontaneous base pair breathing motions. The process of DNA scanning requires that the enzyme transiently loosen its grip on DNA to allow stochastic movement along the DNA contour, while engaging extrahelical bases requires motions on a more rapid timescale. Here, we use NMR dynamic measurements to show that free UNG has no intrinsic dynamic properties in the millisecond to microsecond and subnanosecond time regimes, and that the act of binding to nontarget DNA reshapes the dynamic landscape to allow productive millisecond motions for scanning and damage recognition. These results suggest that DNA structure and the spontaneous dynamics of base pairs may drive the evolution of a protein sequence that is tuned to respond to this dynamic regime.  相似文献   

The transition from B-DNA to Z-DNA not only requires a change in the helix architecture from a right-handed to a left-handed form, but also requires that all of the base pairs be flipped over. A transition mechanism is proposed in which the base pairs flip over one at a time while keeping the Watson-Crick hydrogen bonds intact. The two base pairs on either side of the pair that turns over form a kind of dynamic sandwich around it, and the flip takes place in a cavity that is formed when the distance between them is increased from about 7A in the intact helix to about 14A in the transition state. Since the transition occurs in two steps (formation of the cavity, followed by the base pair flip) and since the cavity propagates down the helix after the base pair is turned over, the mechanism accounts for the cooperativity of the B in equilibrium Z transition.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide-based therapeutics have the capacity to engage with nucleic acid immune sensors to activate or block their response, but a detailed understanding of these immunomodulatory effects is currently lacking. We recently showed that 2′-O-methyl (2′OMe) gapmer antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) exhibited sequence-dependent inhibition of sensing by the RNA sensor Toll-Like Receptor (TLR) 7. Here we discovered that 2′OMe ASOs can also display sequence-dependent inhibitory effects on two major sensors of DNA, namely cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS) and TLR9. Through a screen of 80 2′OMe ASOs and sequence mutants, we characterized key features within the 20-mer ASOs regulating cGAS and TLR9 inhibition, and identified a highly potent cGAS inhibitor. Importantly, we show that the features of ASOs inhibiting TLR9 differ from those inhibiting cGAS, with only a few sequences inhibiting both pathways. Together with our previous studies, our work reveals a complex pattern of immunomodulation where 95% of the ASOs tested inhibited at least one of TLR7, TLR9 or cGAS by ≥30%, which may confound interpretation of their in vivo functions. Our studies constitute the broadest analysis of the immunomodulatory effect of 2′OMe ASOs on nucleic acid sensing to date and will support refinement of their therapeutic development.  相似文献   

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