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Nitrogen excretion by two surf zone gastropods, Bullia rhodostomaReeve and Bullia digitalis (Dillwyn) was determined under laboratoryconditions. The forms of nitrogen excreted and the effects ofmass, temperature, short-term starvation and feeding on excretionrates were determined for each species. The excretion ratesof B. rhodostoma removed directly from the surf zone (within2 h of capture) were also determined at three temperatures.No significant differences in the forms of nitrogen excretedwere found between starved and fed whelks or between species.Ammonia was the major form of nitrogen excreted with amino acidsof secondary importance. Urea was not detected and a small percentageof total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) excreted was unaccounted forin both species. Mass significantly influenced the rate of ammoniaexcretion in both species. No significant difference in slopes(common b = 0.60) were found between starved B. rhodostoma andB. digitalis or between fed whelks of the two species (commonb = 0.54). Mass adjusted mean ammonia excretion rates of starvedB. rhodostoma and those removed directly from the surf zone(‘natural diet’) did not differ significantly. Adjustedmean ammonia excretion rates of fed whelks were significantlyhigher than ‘starved’ excretion rates in both species.Temperature did not significantly influence ammonia excretionrates of fed B. rhodostoma or starved and fed B. digitalis.Bullia recycle 14.45 to 23.98 g N per metre strip of surf zoneper year which constitutes less than 1% of total phytoplanktonrequirements in the surf zone. (Received 15 August 1989; accepted 16 October 1989)  相似文献   

The reproductive periodicities of four Iittorinids, Littorinaneglecta, L. nigrolineata, L. saxatilis and L. arcana were examinedin sympatric populations at Porth Swtan, Anglesey, North Wales.Three species, L. neglecta, L. nigrolineata and L. arcana, werefound to show marked reproductive periodicity. L. saxatilisshowed no periodicity and large numbers of animals were foundin breeding condition throughout the year. The oviparous speciesL. nigrolineata and L. arcana, came into reproductive conditionin the late summer or early autumn, L. nigrolineata in Augustand L. arcana in September, and their populations at Porth Swtanhad few individuals in breeding condition in the late springand early summer. L. neglecta, however, showed a periodicitywith high numbers of breeding animals throughout the springand summer and very low numbers in the autumn. For L. neglectathe basis of reproductive periodicity is shown to be the synchronizedannual life cycle of individuals of this species. It is thereforebelieved to differ from the other three species in which individualsare longer-lived and are supposed to undergo seasonal periodsof reproductive inactivity. (Received 2 March 1982;  相似文献   

陀螺单顶孢图1Monacrosporium bembicodes(Drechsler)Subram.,J.Indian Bot.Soc.42:293,1963.Dactylella bembicodes Drechsler,Mycologia29:491,1937.在CMA培养基上菌丝无色,扩展,分隔,宽2-5μm;分生孢子梗高250-450μm,单生,不分枝,顶端着生单个分生孢子;分生孢子阔纺锤形,顶端钝圆,基部渐尖细、平截,36-43.2(40)×16.8-21.6(20.5)μm,3-4个分隔,4个隔为主。可通过微循环产孢方式或直接在一些分生孢子梗上形成小分生孢子,小分生孢子倒卵圆形,10-19×4-5μm,0-1个分隔。捕食器为收缩环。图1陀螺单顶孢Monacrosporium bembicodes(Drec…  相似文献   

Primary stem vasculature was investigated in seven genera and 69 species of the Cotyledonoideae, Kalanchoideae and Sedoideae. Vascular patterns in whole cleared stems were determined by number of leaf traces per leaf, number of leaf-trace sympodia per stem, and connections between traces and sympodia. Four patterns were found in the Cotyledonoideae, eight in the Kalanchoideae and four in the Sedoideae. Similarities and differences among the patterns are discussed and possible phylogenetic trends are suggested. Changes in vasculature during ontogeny were observed in the Kalanchoideae and related to patterns found in mature stems. Many species in all three subfamilies reveal a relationship between phyllotaxy, number of sympodia per stem, and the intervals at which leaf traces are connected to each sympodium. Patterns of vasculature were found to support many of the intergeneric relationships suggested by other studies of this family.  相似文献   

以格氏线虫(NC513,85011)、苹果蠢蛾线虫(DD-136)及毛蚊线虫的幼胚、精巢及卵巢为材料,用地衣红染色,压片法制片,其染色体组型进行了研究。结果表明,三种线虫的染色体数目均为雌性2n=10,雄性2n=9。但它们的核型并不一致,可概括为以下公式: 格氏线虫(NC513,85011):2n=4m+6t(),2n=4m+5t() 苹果蠢蛾线虫(DD-136):2n=8m+2t(),2n=7m+2t() 毛蚊线虫 :2n=6m+4t(),2n=5m+4t() 此外,本文还讨论了三种线虫的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

本文报道了寄生于喜树上的喜树假尾孢(Pseudocercospora camptoMecae Liu et Guo,sp(?)nov(?))、寄生于杜仲上的杜仲假尾孢(Ps.eucommiae Guo et Liu,sp.nov.)和寄生于堇菜属植物上的堇菜生假尾孢(Ps.violaecola Liu et Guo,sp.nov.)三个新种。模式标本保藏于HMAS,北京。  相似文献   

本文报道了产自吉林省的小菇属(Myceno)三个新种:具核小菇(M.nucleata X.He et X.D.Fang),黄囊小菇(M.xanthocystidium X.He et.X.D.Fang)和棘囊小菇(M.brevispina X.He et X.D.Fang)。  相似文献   

Some chemical and metabolic characteristics of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and monocytes from peritoneal exudates of the guinea pig, and of alveolar macrophages from the same animal, have been compared. Changes in the metabolic patterns of these three types of cell have been followed during the act of phagocytosis. The effect of conventional inhibitors of metabolism, and of anaerobiosis on the phagocytic ability of each of the three cell types mentioned has also been determined. From these studies it was found that alveolar macrophages depend to a considerable degree upon oxidative phosphorylation to provide energy for phagocytosis. The other two types of cell depend only on glycolysis as the source of metabolic energy for that function. In some experiments aimed at obtaining information on the possible role of complex lipids in the function of the cell membrane, it was noted that phagocytosis stimulated the incorporation of inorganic phosphate-P32 into the phosphatides of both types of cell from peritoneal exudates—whether these were free-swimming or adherent to a surface. This phenomenon has not yet been detected in the case of alveolar macrophages.  相似文献   

Survival rates for three species of captive cetaceans are reported, based on records of dates of capture, birth, and death of individual animals. The annual survival rate was 0.93 for bottlenose dolphins and killer whales and 0.94 for white whales. Confidence limits of these estimates are discussed. Differences in survival rates between institutions were significant for bottlenose dolphins only. Calf survival for bottlenose dolphins was lower than non-calf survival. Survivorship of male killer whales was significantly less than survivorship of female killer whales; sex-specific survival rates were similar for the other two species. Estimates of average or maximum longevity alone were not useful in comparing rates of survival. Because survival in the first year of captivity may be lower than subsequent years, estimates of the expected lifespan, based on data from the first few years of captivity, may be biased.  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地3种草本植物根系生长动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用微管对狗尾草(Setaria viridis)、黄蒿(Artemisia scoparia)和沙米(Agriophyllum squarrosum)根系生长动态进行了观测。结果表明:1)在观察期内,狗尾草和黄蒿的根系生长表现出先增后减的“抛物线”型,而沙米的根系成指数生长。在7月末至8月初狗尾草、黄蒿和沙米根系具有最高的生产量,其根量密度分别为4 690.91、2 975.76和2 354.55条·m-2;在8月末,狗尾草和黄蒿根系都表现出不同程度的衰减,沙米根数保持增加。2)狗尾草优先生长表层根系,根系主要生长在0~30 cm的土层内,根长密度最大时为2.23 cm·cm-2;黄蒿生长前期表层根长密度大,生长后期下层根长密度开始增加;沙米优先发展下层根系,快速生长期后,地下30~50 cm处的根长密度增加高于上层。3)生长前期和快速生长期,0~50 cm狗尾草根长密度最大,黄蒿次之,沙米最小,生长末期,沙米根长密度大于狗尾草。  相似文献   

本文研究了光周期对飞蝗三个地理种群胚胎滞育和生殖的影响。结果表明飞蝗不同地理种群胚胎滞有特性存在显著差异。新疆和硕飞蝗种群无论在长光照还是短光照下均产滞育卵,属于专性滞育;天津北大港和新疆哈密飞蝗种群的胚胎滞育随光周期的不同而变化,长光照和短光照下分别产非滞有卵和滞育卵,属于不同类型的兼性滞育。在纬度等条件差别不大的情况下,海拔高度对滞有特性的影响可能起主导作用。长光照延长哈密和北大港飞蝗种群的产卵前期、降低其产卵频率及产卵量;但对和硕飞蝗种群的这些特性无明显影响。和硕飞蝗种群胚胎打破滞育所需的低温处理时间较哈密和北大港飞蝗种群所需时间长。  相似文献   

偃麦草属三个种的染色体组研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文综合应用体细胞染色体分带、杂交一代 PMc MI 染色体构型统计和同工酶分析,研究了偃麦草属三个种的染色体组构成。结果表明:中间偃麦草不含与小麦同源的 B 组,有两个组部分同源,其染色体组可用 xE_1E_2表示。长穗偃麦草(10x)也不含 B 组,有四个组两两部分同源,是部分同源异源十倍体,染色体组公式为 xE_1E_1F_1F_2。四倍体偃麦草的两个染色体组间缺少同源性。  相似文献   

<正>本文报道柱隔孢属Ramularia 三个新纪录种:田野柱隔孢R.arvensis Sace., 飞廉柱隔孢R.ca-  相似文献   

The selection pressures imposed by mate choice for species identity should impose strong stabilizing selection on traits that confer species identity to mates. Thus, we expect that such traits should show nonoverlapping distributions among closely related species, but show little to no variance among populations within a species. We tested these predictions by comparing levels of population differentiation in the sizes and shapes of male cerci (i.e., the clasper structures used for species identity during mating) of six Enallagma damselfly species. Cerci shapes were nonoverlapping among Enallagma species, and five of six Enallagma species showed no population variation across their entire species ranges. In contrast, cerci sizes overlapped among species and varied substantially among populations within species. These results, taken with previous studies, suggest that cerci shape is a primary feature used in species recognition used to discriminate conspecific from heterospecifics during mating.  相似文献   

Abstract The three investigated populations of migratory locust, Locusta migratoria L. (Orthoptera, Acrididae), reported in this paper show significant variation in diapause characteristics. The insects of the Heshuo Xinjiang population show diapause in egg stage regardless of the photoperiod of rearing condition, while the adults of the Beidagang Tianjin and the Hami Xinjiang populations produce diapause or nondiapause eggs according to the short or long photoperiod. From this research, we infer altitude plays an important role in inducing diapause. The long photoperiod which extends the duration of pre-oviposition period and reduces the oviposition frequency in the Beidagang and Hami populations shows no effect on those features of the Heshuo population. The duration at low temperature to end diapause in the Heshuo population is longer than that in the other two populations.  相似文献   

The anatomy of three species of Gymnophyton has been studied by light and electron microscopy. The species are essentially leafless and morphologically they are very much alike, but they differ anatomically and can be characterized just by their anatomical differences. SEM revealed great differences in stomatal structure, orientation, and dimensions. Micro-channels (ectodesmata) in the guard cell walls were disclosed in great numbers in G. isatidicarpum by using interference contrast microscopy, and these structures are thought to function as pathways for wax precursors. In older stems of this species the epidermis and cortical palisade tissue are isolated by a continuous periderm layer. Before dying, the palisade cells undergo alterations, and the stomata are permanently closed by cuticular plugs between the guard cells or by fusion of the swollen adaxial parts of the subsidiary cells. Similar permanent closure mechanisms are not found in G. polycephalum and G. robustum, which also deviate by having their stomatal openings orientated at a right angle to the axis of the stem and by the occurrence of collenchyma strands instead of fiber strands along the stem corner ribs. Gymnophyton polycephalum and G. robustum seem to be more closely related to each other than either is to G. isatidicarpum, but they differ markedly from one another in the size and structure of their stomatal complexes.  相似文献   

三峡大老岭地区主要木本植物分布的地形格局   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
基于对三峡大老岭地区山地森林群落的深入调查,选择样方乔本层重要值大于1.00的190种木本植物,依次根据生活型和植物在群落中的地位分成常绿针叶树种,常绿阔叶树种、落叶阔叶的建群树种、伴生种和珍稀树种共6组,采用DCCA排序分析各组植物种在复合地形梯度上的空间格局特征;然后分别统计常绿或落叶的乔木或藻木4组物种沿具体海拔高度的整体分布特征,研究反映了6个生态种组之间在山地地形上鲜明的格局差异,并显示  相似文献   

Abstract Three new species of the genus Spilogona Schnabl, namely S. carbiarenosa sp. nov., S. dasyoomma sp. nov. and S. kunjirapensis sp. nov. are described from China. The type specimens of S. kunjirapensis sp. nov. are kept in the Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and those of S. carbiarenosa sp. nov. and S. dasyoomma sp. nov. are deposited in Shenyang Normal University.  相似文献   

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