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Tissue engineering of cartilage consists of two steps. Firstly, the cells from a small biopsy of patient's own tissue have to be multiplied. During this multiplication process they lose their cartilage phenotype. In the second step, these cells have to be stimulated to re-express their cartilage phenotype and produce cartilage matrix. Growth factors can be used to improve cell multiplication, redifferentiation and production of matrix. The choice of growth factors should be made for each phase of the tissue engineering process separately, taking into account cell phenotype and the presence of extracellular matrix. This paper demonstrates some examples of the use of growth factors to increase the amount, the quality and the assembly of the matrix components produced for cartilage tissue engineering. In addition it shows that the "culture history" (e.g., addition of growth factors during cell multiplication or preculture period in a 3-dimensional environment) of the cells influences the effect of growth factor addition. The data demonstrate the potency as well as the limitations of the use of growth factors in cartilage tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Despite over two decades of research on cartilage tissue engineering, very few products have moved from bench to bedside and effective therapy remains lacking. This review discusses recent progress in developing novel strategies for engineering cartilage tissues with long-term functionality. Specifically we focus on the following aspects including identifying promising cell sources, designing 3D scaffolds with dynamic and spatially patterned cues to guide desired cellular processes, mimicking zonal organization, integrating with host tissue, and monitoring cell fate and tissue regeneration in situ.  相似文献   

Composite scaffolds for cartilage tissue engineering   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Moutos FT  Guilak F 《Biorheology》2008,45(3-4):501-512
Tissue engineering remains a promising therapeutic strategy for the repair or regeneration of diseased or damaged tissues. Previous approaches have typically focused on combining cells and bioactive molecules (e.g., growth factors, cytokines and DNA fragments) with a biomaterial scaffold that functions as a template to control the geometry of the newly formed tissue, while facilitating the attachment, proliferation, and differentiation of embedded cells. Biomaterial scaffolds also play a crucial role in determining the functional properties of engineered tissues, including biomechanical characteristics such as inhomogeneity, anisotropy, nonlinearity or viscoelasticity. While single-phase, homogeneous materials have been used extensively to create numerous types of tissue constructs, there continue to be significant challenges in the development of scaffolds that can provide the functional properties of load-bearing tissues such as articular cartilage. In an attempt to create more complex scaffolds that promote the regeneration of functional engineered tissues, composite scaffolds comprising two or more distinct materials have been developed. This paper reviews various studies on the development and testing of composite scaffolds for the tissue engineering of articular cartilage, using techniques such as embedded fibers and textiles for reinforcement, embedded solid structures, multi-layered designs, or three-dimensionally woven composite materials. In many cases, the use of composite scaffolds can provide unique biomechanical and biological properties for the development of functional tissue engineering scaffolds.  相似文献   

目的:探讨经深低温冻存组织工程化软骨修复关节软骨缺损的可行性。方法:分离收集3周龄新西兰大白兔关节软骨细胞进行体外培养,接种于PGA三维支架材料上,复合物体外培养1周后冻存,冻存1个月后解冻、复苏及体外培养,1周后接种于已建立的双侧兔膝关节软骨缺损模型的膝关节软骨缺损处,并设对照组。分别于手术后4周、8周、12周行大体标本及组织观察。结果:大体观察结果表明,实验组与对照组缺损处均由软骨组织修复;组织学观察可以见到实验组和对照组关节软骨缺损处有密集的软骨细胞,均有软骨生成及基质分泌,两组差异无统计学意义。结论:应用深低温冻存组织工程化软骨修复关节软骨缺损的方法是有效可行的,为其进一步临床应用提供了实验依据。  相似文献   

Cartilage tissue engineering is concerned with developing in vitro cartilage implants that closely match the properties of native cartilage, for eventual implantation to replace damaged cartilage. The three components to cartilage tissue engineering are cell source, such as in vitro expanded autologous chondrocytes or mesenchymal progenitor cells, a scaffold onto which the cells are seeded and a bioreactor which attempts to recreate the in vivo physicochemical conditions in which cartilage develops. Although much progress has been made towards the goal of developing clinically useful cartilage constructs, current constructs have inferior physicochemical properties than native cartilage. One of the reasons for this is the neglect of mechanical forces in cartilage culture. Bioreactors have been defined as devices in which biological or biochemical processes can be re-enacted under controlled conditions e.g. pH, temperature, nutrient supply, O2 tension and waste removal. The purpose of this review is to detail the role of bioreactors in the engineering of cartilage, including a discussion of bioreactor designs, current state of the art and future perspectives.  相似文献   

Scaffold-free cartilage by rotational culture for tissue engineering   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Our objective was to investigate the hypothesis that tissue-engineered cartilage with promising biochemical, mechanical properties can be formed by loading mechanical stress under existing cell-cell interactions analogous to those that occur in condensation during embryonic development. By loading dedifferentiated chondrocytes with mechanical stress under existing cell-cell interactions, we could first form a scaffold-free cartilage tissue with arbitrary shapes and a large size with promising biological, mechanical properties. The cartilage tissue which constituted of chondrocytes and ECM produced by inoculated dedifferentiated chondrocytes to a high porous simple mold has arbitrary shapes, and did not need any biodegradable scaffold to control the shape. In contrast, scaffold-free cartilage tissue cultured under static conditions could not keep their shapes; it was fragile tissue. The possibility of scaffold-free organ design was suggested because the cartilage tissue increases steadily in size with culture time; indeed, the growth of cartilage tissue starting from an arbitrary shape might be predictable by mathematical expression. For tissue-engineered cartilage formation with arbitrary shapes, biochemical and mechanical properties, loading dedifferentiated chondrocytes with mechanical stress under existing cell-cell interactions has prominent effects. Therefore, our scaffold-free cartilage model loaded mechanical stress based on a simple mold system may be applicable for tissue-engineered cartilage.  相似文献   

Adipose-derived adult stem cells for cartilage tissue engineering   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Guilak F  Awad HA  Fermor B  Leddy HA  Gimble JM 《Biorheology》2004,41(3-4):389-399
Tissue engineering is a promising therapeutic approach that uses combinations of implanted cells, biomaterial scaffolds, and biologically active molecules to repair or regenerate damaged or diseased tissues. Many diverse and increasingly complex approaches are being developed to repair articular cartilage, with the underlying premise that cells introduced exogenously play a necessary role in the success of engineered tissue replacements. A major consideration that remains in this field is the identification and characterization of appropriate sources of cells for tissue-engineered repair of cartilage. In particular, there has been significant emphasis on the use of undifferentiated progenitor cells, or "stem" cells that can be expanded in culture and differentiated into a variety of different cell types. Recent studies have identified the presence of an abundant source of stem cells in subcutaneous adipose tissue. These cells, termed adipose-derived adult stem (ADAS) cells, show characteristics of multipotent adult stem cells, similar to those of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), and under appropriate culture conditions, synthesize cartilage-specific matrix proteins that are assembled in a cartilaginous extracellular matrix. The growth and chondrogenic differentiation of ADAS cells is strongly influenced by factors in the biochemical as well as biophysical environment of the cells. Furthermore, there is strong evidence that the interaction between the cells, the extracellular biomaterial substrate, and growth factors regulate ADAS cell differentiation and tissue growth. Overall, ADAS cells show significant promise for the development of functional tissue replacements for various tissues of the musculoskeletal system.  相似文献   

Protein-based tissue engineering in bone and cartilage repair   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Bioactive proteins signal host or transplanted cells to form the desired tissue type. Matrix systems are utilized to locally deliver the proteins and to maintain effective protein concentrations. For some indications, a matrix is required to define the physical form of the regenerated tissue. Substantial progress has been made in bone tissue engineering in recent years, based on the results of controlled clinical studies using bone morphogenetic proteins. Ongoing research in this area centers on the design of additional delivery matrices to expand the clinical indications, using synthetic delivery systems that mimic biological qualities of the natural materials currently in use. Although a similar rationale exists for the regeneration of articular cartilage with bioactive factors, advancement in this area has not been as substantial.  相似文献   

生物可降解材料构建组织工程软骨的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
关节软骨修复困难,目前临床上治疗关节软骨损伤难以达到满意的效果。组织工程学的兴起为其提供了新的选择。本文介绍了组织工程软骨的发展历史,重点叙述了各种天然支架材料、人工合成材料、复合材料及纳米材料在软骨组织工程中的应用及其优势。目前应用的天然材料存在力学强度差及免疫源性的不足;人工合成材料降解速率快,降解产物具有细胞毒性,有待进一步完善。表面修饰等技术的应用在一定程度上克服了某些材料的不足;复合材料综合了数种材料的优点,是今后材料技术发展的方向;纳米技术的出现使新合成的材料成为纳米量级,具有了普通材料无可比拟的优势,这为组织工程材料的发展提供了新的思路。本文还对组织工程支架材料存在的问题、下一步的发展方向和前瞻性研究做了介绍。  相似文献   

Cartilage tissue engineering requires the use of bioreactors in order to enhance nutrient transport and to provide sufficient mechanical stimuli to promote extracellular matrix (ECM) synthesis by chondrocytes. The amount and quality of ECM components is a large determinant of the biochemical and mechanical properties of engineered cartilage constructs. Mechanical forces created by the hydrodynamic environment within the bioreactors are known to influence ECM synthesis. The present study characterizes the hydrodynamic environment within a novel wavy-walled bioreactor (WWB) used for the development of tissue-engineered cartilage. The geometry of this bioreactor provides a unique hydrodynamic environment for mammalian cell and tissue culture, and investigation of hydrodynamic effects on tissue growth and function. The flow field within the WWB was characterized using two-dimensional particle-image velocimetry (PIV). The flow in the WWB differed significantly from that in the traditional spinner flask both qualitatively and quantitatively, and was influenced by the positioning of constructs within the bioreactor. Measurements of velocity fields were used to estimate the mean-shear stress, Reynolds stress, and turbulent kinetic energy components in the vicinity of the constructs within the WWB. The mean-shear stress experienced by the tissue-engineered constructs in the WWB calculated using PIV measurements was in the range of 0-0.6 dynes/cm2. Quantification of the shear stress experienced by cartilage constructs, in this case through PIV, is essential for the development of tissue-growth models relating hydrodynamic parameters to tissue properties.  相似文献   

Articular cartilage enables efficient and near-frictionless load transmission, but suffers from poor inherent healing capacity. As such, cartilage tissue engineering strategies have focused on mimicking both compositional and mechanical properties of native tissue in order to provide effective repair materials for the treatment of damaged or degenerated joint surfaces. However, given the large number design parameters available (e.g. cell sources, scaffold designs, and growth factors), it is difficult to conduct combinatorial experiments of engineered cartilage. This is particularly exacerbated when mechanical properties are a primary outcome, given the long time required for testing of individual samples. High throughput screening is utilized widely in the pharmaceutical industry to rapidly and cost-effectively assess the effects of thousands of compounds for therapeutic discovery. Here we adapted this approach to develop a high throughput mechanical screening (HTMS) system capable of measuring the mechanical properties of up to 48 materials simultaneously. The HTMS device was validated by testing various biomaterials and engineered cartilage constructs and by comparing the HTMS results to those derived from conventional single sample compression tests. Further evaluation showed that the HTMS system was capable of distinguishing and identifying ‘hits’, or factors that influence the degree of tissue maturation. Future iterations of this device will focus on reducing data variability, increasing force sensitivity and range, as well as scaling-up to even larger (96-well) formats. This HTMS device provides a novel tool for cartilage tissue engineering, freeing experimental design from the limitations of mechanical testing throughput.  相似文献   

The treatment of cartilage pathology and trauma face the challenges of poor regenerative potential and inferior repair. Nevertheless, recent advances in tissue engineering indicate that adult stem cells could provide a source of chondrocytes for tissue engineering that the isolation of mature chondrocytes has failed to achieve. Various adjuncts to their propagation and differentiation have been explored, such as biomaterials, bioreactors and growth hormones. To date, all tissue engineered cartilage has been significantly mechanically inferior to its natural counterparts and further problems in vivo relate to poor integration and deterioration of tissue quality over time. However, adult stem cells--with their high rate of proliferation and ease of isolation--are expected to greatly further the development and usefulness of tissue engineered cartilage.  相似文献   

Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering - The current work is an attempt to study the strategies for cartilage tissue regeneration using porous scaffold in wavy walled airlift bioreactor (ALBR)....  相似文献   

Osteochondral defect management and repair remain a significant challenge in orthopedic surgery. Osteochondral defects contain damage to both the articular cartilage as well as the underlying subchondral bone. In order to repair an osteochondral defect the needs of the bone, cartilage and the bone-cartilage interface must be taken into account. Current clinical treatments for the repair of osteochondral defects have only been palliative, not curative. Tissue engineering has emerged as a potential alternative as it can be effectively used to regenerate bone, cartilage and the bone-cartilage interface. Several scaffold strategies, such as single phase, layered, and recently graded structures have been developed and evaluated for osteochondral defect repair. Also, as a potential cell source, tissue specific cells and progenitor cells are widely studied in cell culture models, as well with the osteochondral scaffolds in vitro and in vivo. Novel factor strategies being developed, including single factor, multi-factor, or controlled factor release in a graded fashion, not only assist bone and cartilage regeneration, but also establish osteochondral interface formation. The field of tissue engineering has made great strides, however further research needs to be carried out to make this strategy a clinical reality. In this review, we summarize current tissue engineering strategies, including scaffold design, bioreactor use, as well as cell and factor based approaches and recent developments for osteochondral defect repair. In addition, we discuss various challenges that need to be addressed in years to come.  相似文献   

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