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This study, the first on fish reproduction in the Pendjari River, investigated aspects of the reproductive biology of Schilbe intermedius. A total of 429 females and 239 males were collected from March 2007 to February 2008. Females were larger than males and the sex ratio was 1:1.8 in favour of females. Size at first maturity was estimated to be 14.9 cm and 16.1 cm for males and females, respectively. Absolute fecundity ranged from 1 006 to 83 980 (22 421 ± 16 083) oocytes, and mean relative fecundity was 201 ± 162 oocytes g?1 of total body mass. Frequency distributions of oocyte diameter suggested synchronous development, with total spawning. Spawning lasted from June to November, coinciding with peaks in rainfall and flooding. Larger females began spawning about two months before smaller ones.  相似文献   

The fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) has been proposed as a model species for assessing the adverse effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on reproduction and development. The purpose of these studies was to develop baseline reproductive biology and endocrinology data for this species to support interpretation of tests with potential EDCs. Pairs of reproductively-active fathead minnows (n=70) were evaluated with respect to reproductive cyclicity in terms of spawning interval and fecundity. The mode and mean (+/-SE) spawning intervals for the fish in this study were 3.0 and 3.7+/-0.1 days, respectively. The mean number of eggs produced per spawn was 85+/-2.8. Animals were sacrificed at periodic intervals during the established spawning cycle and measurements made of gonadal condition (gonadosomatic index [GSI], histopathology) and plasma concentrations of vitellogenin and sex steroids (beta-estradiol, testosterone, 11-ketotestosterone). The GSI in females varied significantly as a function of spawning interval, with the largest values occurring day 2 post-spawn, just prior to the interval of maximum spawning activity. Plasma beta-estradiol concentrations in females also varied significantly relative to peak values in the GSI and spawning activity. Vitellogenin concentrations in the female, and male GSI and steroid concentrations did not vary significantly relative to position in the spawning cycle. Concentrations of beta-estradiol in females and 11-ketotestosterone in males were positively correlated with testosterone concentrations.  相似文献   

The annual reproduction cycle of gilt sardine, Sardinella aurita, based on gonad maturity stages, gonad weight and gonadosomatic index was the subject of this study. A total of 2033 gilt sardines (983 males, 1021 females and 29 undetermined) were analysed. Fish were collected monthly from commercial purse seiners between November 2007 and January 2009 in the eastern middle Adriatic Sea (mesh size 8 mm/bar length/; sampling: five boats per month). Based on the monthly evolution of gonad maturation stages, gonad weights and gonadosomatic index, the peak spawning season was determined to be from June to August. Variations in sea surface temperature (SST) coincided with monthly variations of the gonadosomatic index. Highest monthly average values for both analysed parameters were recorded in July (GSI = 3.38; T = 26.5°C). Fifty per cent (L50) of males and females reached sexual maturity at TL 15.8 cm and at 16.6 cm, respectively. Absolute fecundity ranged from 8458 to 48 032 (mean 34 565 ± 10 310), whereas relative fecundity was from 171 to 722 (mean 385 ± 104.35). Mean value of the oocyte size was 0.53 ± 0.10 mm.  相似文献   

Silver pomfret, Pampus argenteus, were collected by fishing with drift gillnets on one spawning ground in Kuwait waters during 1998–2000. Fish size frequency, sex ratio, maturation cycle, spawning frequency, fecundity and egg weight were assessed. The length–weight relationship differed between sexes whereby females were significantly bigger than males. Spawning started in mid‐May and continued until early October. During this time the water temperature ranged from 26.0 to 32.8°C, salinity was ? 39.0‰ and water depth ranged between 5 and 12 m. Large females spawned earlier than young spawners and the overall percentage of males during the spawning period was 70.3%. Spawning occurred after 13.00 h, with peak spawning between 15.00 and 18.00 hours during outgoing tide. Mean daily spawning frequency amounted to 63.2%. Spawning activity was found to be associated with the lunar cycle and spawnings were concentrated during the first and third quarters of the moon period, indicating a semilunar reproduction cycle. It was concluded that a female would spawn at least six times during the season. No change was observed in relative fecundity during the peak spawning season (June–August). Average relative batch fecundity was 176.3 eggs g?1 somatic weight (SW), corresponding to a relative total fecundity of 1058 eggs g?1 SW, which is 1.5 times higher than estimates obtained from counting the standing stock of oocytes. Bigger fish produced heavier eggs and the egg weight decreased as the spawning season progressed. Based on gonadal cycles, oocyte size frequency distribution and total fecundity, we concluded that silver pomfret is a multiple batch spawner with indeterminate fecundity.  相似文献   

A recent study concerning the reproductive biology of the garfish (Belone belone, L. 1761) has been carried out in the eastern part of the Adriatic Sea along the Croatian coastline. Specimens of the fish (N = 3,393) were collected over a 6-year period (2003–2008). Their length varied between 20.8 and 75.4 cm (mean ± SD = 38.3 ± 7.94). Female garfish were dominant in larger length groups being most apparent during the resting phase of sexual cycle and in the peak of the spawning period, occurring in April and May. The sexual ratio of all specimens was m/f = 0.98. Males were prevalent in March—at the beginning of the highest spawning activities. Fifty percentage of the garfish population sexually matured at 28.5 cm of total length. Males and females reached their sexual maturity at 28.0 and 31.5 cm of total length, respectively. Spawning began in January peaking during March to May. According to their maturity stages, gonad weight and the gonadosomatic index, males began to spawn one month earlier (April) than females (May). The mean batch fecundity of garfish was 1,242.46 ± 843.64 of matured oocytes per ovary. Matured oocyte diameters ranged from 1.223 to 4.283 mm with the mean value of 2.269 ± 0.332 mm.  相似文献   

Weakfish Cynoscion regalis were collected from commercial fisheries in the Chesapeake Bay and the Middle Atlantic Bight (n=4380) during 1989–1992 and their reproductive biology assessed using the gonadosomatic index, macroscopic gonad stages, oocyte diameter distributions, microscopic whole oocyte analysis and histology. Sex ratios were approximately 3:1, females to males, in 1990–1992. Most fish (90%) attained sexual maturity by age 1 and at a small size. Estimated mean length at first maturity was: 164mm total length (TL) for males, and 170 mm TL for females. Weakfish spawn within the Chesapeake Bay, as far north as the Virginia/ Maryland border. Although spawning occurred during May–August and gonad development and initiation of spawning was synchronous, cessation of spawning was asynchronous. There was no indication that older fish exhibited a more extended spawning season than younger fish. Weakfish are multiple spawners with indeterminate fecundity. Oocyte development is asynchronous with oocytes of all stages being present in developed ovaries. Because of the complex and dynamic weakfish ovarian cycle, typical methods of assessing reproduction, such as the GSI and macroscopic gonad stages, are inadequate for this species if not used in conjunction with more detailed methods such as histology.  相似文献   

The reproductive period of the Glandulocaudine Pseudocorynopoma doriai was determined by the analysis of 240 females, 90 males and 138 immature individuals collected monthly in the Manantiales and the El Portugués rivers. The reproductive period is seasonal, occurring from late winter to mid‐summer, with another reproductive peak of smaller magnitude in early autumn. The mean monthly GSI in males has a significant correlation with rainfall. Other analyzed environmental variables, including temperature, photoperiod, pH and conductivity, did not show a correlation with the mean monthly GSI in females and males. First maturity in females was reached within the 42–43 mm standard length class. Like other Glandulocaudines from southern Brazil, males initiate sexual maturation before females, which implies an adaptive advantage in that this would enable females to spawn under optimal environmental conditions. The mean absolute fecundity was 1286.42 oocytes (SD = 496.9083); the mean relative fecundity was 0.5070 (SD = 0.1333) oocytes by milligram body weight.  相似文献   

The reproduction of summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus (L.), occurring in the Middle Atlantic Bight was studied from 1974–1979. Males dominated the length interval between 21–35 cm t.l. and were essentially absent in samples >55 cm t.l. Females were more abundant in all length intervals >45 cm t.l. Length at maturity ranged from 24–27 cm t.l. for males and from 30–33 cm t.l. for females which coincided with length at age two. Ovarian egg diamerter frequencies indicated summer flounders are serial spawners and the trend in mean and maximum maturity indexes (% ovary weight of total fish weight) indicated spawning began in September and continued through February in 1975 and probably into March in 1976. Annual condition cycle of males peaked in September and was lowest in April while females' cycle reached a maximum in October which coincided with peak spawning time. Fecundity was related to length, weight and ovary weight for 1974–1977 and the length-fecundity equation F = 0.0007975 L 3.402 was found to be the best predictive relationship. The overall reproductive strategy of summer flounder was discussed and apparently tends to maximize reproductive potential through an extended spawning season, early maturation, high fecundity, serial spawning and extensive spawning migrations.  相似文献   

The reproduction of Octopus vulgaris between Tan Tan and Boujdour is studied. The samples used are sorted monthly from commercial catches of coastal trawlers operating in this area from December 2001 to May 2003. The study shows that sexual maturity is in advance for males than for females. Two spawning periods are made out by the follow-up of the RGS: a spring period from March to July, and an autumnal period, which is less intense, between September and October. The division of spermatogonia and spermatocytes reaches its maximal intensity in July and December, whereas the spermiogenesis is active until the time of mating. The vitellogenesis starts in mid-December and extends until the following spawning period. This reveals a later gonadic development for females than for males; approximately seven months for females and three months for males.  相似文献   

Aspects of the reproductive biology of Bagrus docmak in the Victoria Nile were investigated between November 2005 and October 2006. Macroscopic and histological analysis of the gonads confirmed it as an asynchronous batch spawner which spawns throughout the year with bimodal spawning peaks coinciding with rainfall seasons. The first spawning peak occurred from March to May, the second from September to November. The sex ratio did not significantly deviate from 1:1. Length at sexual maturity was 33.6 cm and 31.6 cm fork length (FL) for females and males, respectively. Batch fecundity ranged from 1 000 eggs in 34 cm FL fish to 43 000 eggs in 79 cm FL fish, and correlated linearly with FL (r = 0.72) and body weight (r = 0.79). Mean relative batch fecundity was 6 eggs g?1 (SE 2). These results could guide research into the possibility of artificially inducing the fish to spawn, and its subsequent culture.  相似文献   

The ovarian structure, sexual maturation, annual reproductive cycle, and spawning periodicity of the shore scorpionfish, Scorpaenodes littoralis, in Uchiura Bay, central Japan, were examined using specimens collected between May 1995 and March 1998 and fishes reared in laboratory. The ovarian stroma and blood vessels run longitudinally through the center of each ovarian lobe. The ovarian peduncles radiate from the central stroma. During the spawning season, gelatinous material is secreted from the epithelia of both the ovarian peduncle and ovarian wall, and the epithelia show morphological changes accompanying the ovarian maturation cycle. The minimum standard length at maturity was 55.2mm for males and 40.2mm for females. Males with mature testes were collected from March to November. Females in the mature or post spawning stages were collected between May and October, when the mean gonadosomatic indices were also high. This indicates that the spawning season of this species occurs between May and October. Four successive types of oocytes were grouped in the mature ovary, comprised of mature, late and early vitellogenic and previtellogenic oocytes respectively, suggesting that this species is a multiple spawner. Four captive females spawned repeatedly at intervals of 2–8 days over a prolonged period (4–8 months); a 2-day spawning interval was the most common for all females. This suggests that female S. littoralis have a 48-h spawning cycle in captivity.  相似文献   

The study of the reproduction of Diplodus vulgaris (Geoff.) as part of a base‐line study of the fishery resources of the south‐west coast of Portugal, was based on the analysis of the spawning season, gonad maturation, size at maturity, fecundity and hermaphroditism. The spawning season is relatively long, from December to March, with peaks in January and February. No significant differences were found either in the sex ratio (M : F = 1.01) over the year or by size. The size at first maturity (L50) for all sexes and undetermined individuals combined was 18.33 cm total length (TL), with no significant differences between males and females. The estimated L50 is considerably greater than the minimum legal size in Portugal of 15.0 cm. Mean absolute fecundity (Fa) was 131 127 oocytes, ranging from 31 523 to 250 608. The relationship between absolute fecundity and total length (TL) (Fa = 25 398 TL – 484 426) and somatic weight (SW) (Fa = 878.8SW – 71 416) was of the linear type. The mean number of oocytes per gram of somatic weight was 526, ranging from 194 to 887. The reproductive strategy of this species is characterized by a rudimentary hermaphroditism with possible protandry, as evidenced by the existence of individuals in sexual transition.  相似文献   

Hemiculter leucisculus are multiple spawners with indeterminate fecundity, although previous fecundity estimates have assumed a determinate spawning pattern. Batch fecundity and spawning frequency of H. leucisculus were studied in Erhai Lake, China, in which the fish, as an exotic species, has become a successful colonizer. Spawning frequency was 16.05 %, as determined from the percent of females with postovulatory follicles 12 to 36 h old during the peak reproductive period (from May 27 to August 8). The average interval between spawning was 6.2 days and there were more than 16 total spawning batches during the peak reproductive period. The average batch fecundity (mean ± SD) was 11,934?±?5,921 hydrated oocytes in 40 females (standard length or SL: 9.1–14.4 cm), while relative batch fecundity was 560?±?137 eggs g?1 wet weight. The total potential annual fecundity was approximately 190,944 oocytes over the whole spawning season and was much higher than the estimated standing stock (31,585 oocytes) of yolked oocytes (36 females, SL: 9.5–16.2 cm) at the beginning of the spawning season in April 2010. This high annual fecundity is likely to have contributed to successful invasion of Erhai Lake by H. leucisculus.  相似文献   

In this study, sex ratio, spawning season, fork length (L(F)) at maturity (L(F50)), batch fecundity and spawning frequency were characterized for the continental population of Ocyurus chrysurus from the Campeche Bank, in the southern Gulf of Mexico. A total of 1657 specimens were collected from February 2008 to January 2009. The overall sex ratio (male:female) and sex ratios by size-class showed no significant differences from an expected 1:1 ratio. The Campeche Bank population did not conform to the reproductive seasonality pattern characteristic of a continental population. A protracted spawning season that extended from January to September with peaks occurring mainly between April and May and additionally in September was observed. The population conformed, however, to the sexual maturity pattern observed for populations and species associated with a continental margin. Fish of both sexes reached the onset of sexual maturity at a similar and small L(F) of c. 14 cm, and L(F50) (L(F) at which 50% of females and males become mature) was 21·3 and 19·4 cm. Asynchronous-type ovarian development was observed for this species and batch fecundity estimates ranged from 14,102 to 164,756 oocytes (mean ±S.D. = 43,852 ± 32,684 oocytes). The overall spawning frequency estimate was once every 8·3 days or 26 times during the 9 month spawning season.  相似文献   

The length‐weight relationships, spawning season, sex ratio, size at first maturity and fecundity of Botia dario (Hamilton, 1822), also known as the Bengal loach, were analyzed based on 556 specimens collected from the wetlands of Majuli Island, Assam between June 2012 and May 2013. The sex ratio (M : F) was 1 : 0.68, differing significantly (P < 0.05) from a 1 : 1 ratio. Size at first maturity (Lm50) was estimated as 6.8 cm for males and 7.4 cm for females. Analysis of monthly variations in the gonado‐somatic index (GSI), the monthly proportions of macroscopic gonadal maturity, and the ova diameter suggest a prolonged spawning season of B. dario from May to August, with a peak in July for both males and females (GSI = 15.0 in females; 7.0 in males). Absolute fecundity varied from 2523 to 51 377, with a mean of 18 367 ± 1254 oocytes per ovary. A positive correlation was recorded between total fecundity and body weight (r2 = 0.678).  相似文献   

Patterns in the timing of spawning of the eastern Australian river garfish Hyporhamphus regularis ardelio were investigated by sampling fish throughout 24?h during their peak spawning period. Patterns in gonadosomatic indices, the presence of hydrated oocytes and post-ovulatory follicles in histological ovary sections, together with previously demonstrated polymodal distributions of oocytes undergoing final maturation, indicated that river garfish were capable of spawning at any time during the 24?h period. Spawning had either recently occurred or was imminent in all females sampled suggesting that river garfish could spawn multiple times in a given season. Although energy resources are used in the production of low numbers (<2500) of large (~2.5?mm diameter) eggs per batch, total fecundity during the reproductive season may be elevated through multiple spawning events. Implications of these findings on current fishery management regulations are discussed.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Age, growth and reproduction in an Atlantic population of the small fish, Aphanius iberus (Cuv. & Val., 1846), from the estuary of the Guadalquivir river were studied.
2. The growth period was from April to September and the annulus on the scales was formed in April.
3. The life-span was short with a winter age-structure of 95.9% 0+ fish, 3.9% 1+ and 0.2% 2+.
4. The fecundity of this stock, before the beginning of reproduction, is represented by the formula: Fec=0.907 TL (cm)4.099. During the reproductive period 1+ females contained more, smaller eggs g−1 of gonad than 0+ fish.
5. Males matured before females, but females were larger than males. The overall sex ratio did not differ from 1:1 but males dominated significantly during most of the spawning period.
6. Aphanius iberus spawned intermittently during the reproductive period. From April to July, 1+ group specimens (7–12 months old) reproduced. Their offspring (0+ group; 3–4 months old) reproduced from July to September. Very few of the 1+ group specimens survived to spawn the following year.
7. Mean gonadosomatic indices were much higher in the 1+ group than in the 0+ group and in females compared to males.
8. The loss of condition and the disappearance of the 1 + group during spawning, may indicate the cost of a prolonged high level of reproductive effort.
9. In this productive environment, the life history of Aphanius iberus is similar to that of Gambusia affinis (Baird & Girard, 1853) and Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus) found in the same area.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the fisheries biology of Scomber japonicus (Houttuyn, 1782) in the Adriatic Sea, to enable implementation of appropriate regulatory measures for fisheries. Reproductive biology and sexual patterns of S. japonicus (chub mackerel) were examined from monthly random samples of commercial catches from purse seine nets (10 mm stretched mesh size) in the eastern Adriatic Sea. The annual mean chub mackerel fork length (FL) was examined from 1998 to 2007. Average fork lengths were approximately 25 cm between 1998 and 2002, decreasing to 22 cm between 2003 and 2007. In addition, sex ratios fluctuated as a function of size and month: females were more abundant in the smaller length classes, as well as before and after spawning; males were more abundant in the larger length classes and during spawning. The overall sex ratio was 0.68; females were significantly predominant. 50% of the chub mackerel population was sexually mature at a FL of 18.3 cm, and both males and females reached sexual maturity at FLs of 20.4 cm and 16.8 cm, respectively. Based on gonad maturity stages, gonad weight and gonadosomatic index, chub mackerel spawned from May to August, with peak spawning in June for both sexes. The mean absolute fecundity was 181 277 ± 62 090 oocytes per ovary. A positive exponential correlation was found between fecundity and fork length, gonad weight, and total chub mackerel weight (r2 = 0.640; r2 = 0.686 and r2 = 0.607, respectively).  相似文献   

Aspects of the reproductive biology and population structure of Labeo senegalensis were investigated in the Ouémé River between April 2005 and March 2006. Reproductive strategy was investigated using gonadosomatic index, ovarian structure and fecundity. Average size-at-first-maturity (L 50) was estimated at 29 cm TL for females and 25.7 cm TL for males. The average sex ratio (1:0.96) was not significantly different from unity. Oocyte diameter frequency distribution suggests synchronous development with a single total spawning. Absolute fecundity ranged between 12 948 and 74 832 eggs. Labeo senegalensisis a highly fecund fish that presents a seasonal cycle of reproduction from May to October during the rainy season.  相似文献   

This study concerns the reproductive strategy of the freshwater fish, Leporinus piau, native to the Brazilian semi‐arid region. The hypothesis of this work predicts that the species would spawn during the rainy season, presenting a seasonal reproductive strategy. The study investigated the structure of total body length and body mass, sex ratio, body size at first sexual maturity, developmental stages of gonads, fecundity, gonadosomatic index (GSI), condition factor (K) and the spawning season of L. piau. Twelve monthly samplings (mean n = 18) were carried out in 2009 and environmental parameters such as rainfall, temperature, pH, electrical conductivity and concentration of dissolved oxygen of water were registered. The sampled population of L. piau (n = 211) showed a slight predominance of males (55%), but with larger and heavier females. First sexual maturation in males occurred earlier (16.5 cm total length) than in females (20.5 cm total length). The species is a total spawner with an average fecundity of 55 000 mature oocytes. Rainfall (225 ± 7.2 mm) and concentration of dissolved oxygen (8.5 ± 0.2 mg L?1) acted as influential factors during the spawning season. The monthly GSI shows that spawning starts when the rainy season is at its maximum and ends synchronously (females r = 0.91; males r = 0.89) with the end of the rainy season. L. piau presents a seasonal reproductive strategy with high reproductive output, providing a population increase and exploitation of the environmental resources.  相似文献   

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