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In species differentiation, characters may not diverge synchronously, and there are also processes that shuffle character states in lineages descendant from a common ancestor. Species are thus expected to show some degree of incongruence among characters; therefore, taxonomic delimitation can benefit from integrative approaches and objective strategies that account for character conflict. We illustrate the potential of exploiting conflict for species delimitation in a study case of ground beetles of the subgenus Carabus (Mesocarabus), where traditional taxonomy does not accurately delimit species. The molecular phylogenies of four mitochondrial and three nuclear genes, cladistic analysis of the aedeagus, ecological niche divergence and morphometry of pronotal shape in more than 500 specimens of Mesocarabus show that these characters are not fully congruent. For these data, a three‐step operational strategy is proposed for species delimitation by (i) delineating candidate species based on the integration of incongruence among conclusive lines of evidence, (ii) corroborating candidate species with inconclusive lines of evidence and (iii) refining a final species proposal based on an integrated characterization of candidate species based on the evolutionary analysis of incongruence. This procedure provided a general understanding of the reticulate process of hybridization and introgression acting on Mesocarabus and generated the hypothesis of seven Mesocarabus species, including two putative hybrid lineages. Our work emphasizes the importance of incorporating critical analyses of character and phylogenetic conflict to infer both the evolutionary history and species boundaries through an integrative taxonomic approach.  相似文献   

Cataloging the very large number of undescribed species of insects could be greatly accelerated by automated DNA based approaches, but procedures for large-scale species discovery from sequence data are currently lacking. Here, we use mitochondrial DNA variation to delimit species in a poorly known beetle radiation in the genus Rivacindela from arid Australia. Among 468 individuals sampled from 65 sites and multiple morphologically distinguishable types, sequence variation in three mtDNA genes (cytochrome oxidase subunit 1, cytochrome b, 16S ribosomal RNA) was strongly partitioned between 46 or 47 putative species identified with quantitative methods of species recognition based on fixed unique ("diagnostic") characters. The boundaries between groups were also recognizable from a striking increase in branching rate in clock-constrained calibrated trees. Models of stochastic lineage growth (Yule models) were combined with coalescence theory to develop a new likelihood method that determines the point of transition from species-level (speciation and extinction) to population-level (coalescence) evolutionary processes. Fitting the location of the switches from speciation to coalescent nodes on the ultrametric tree of Rivacindela produced a transition in branching rate occurring at 0.43 Mya, leading to an estimate of 48 putative species (confidence interval for the threshold ranging from 47 to 51 clusters within 2 logL units). Entities delimited in this way exhibited biological properties of traditionally defined species, showing coherence of geographic ranges, broad congruence with morphologically recognized species, and levels of sequence divergence typical for closely related species of insects. The finding of discontinuous evolutionary groupings that are readily apparent in patterns of sequence variation permits largely automated species delineation from DNA surveys of local communities as a scaffold for taxonomy in this poorly known insect group.  相似文献   

Roe AD  Sperling FA 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(17):3617-3633
Accurate delimitation of species boundaries is especially important in cryptic taxa where one or more character sources are uninformative or are in conflict. Rather than relying on a single marker to delimit species, integrative taxonomy uses multiple lines of evidence such as molecular, morphological, behavioural and geographic characters to test species limits. We examine the effectiveness of this approach by testing the delimitation of two cryptic Nearctic species of Dioryctria (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) using three independent molecular markers [cytochrome c oxidase I (COI), second internal transcribed spacer unit (ITS2), and elongation factor 1alpha (EF1alpha)], forewing variation and larval host plant association. Although mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes do not form reciprocally monophyletic clades, restricted gene flow between COI haplotype groups, and concordance with ITS2 genotypes, forewing variation and host plant associations support delimitation of two Nearctic species: eastern Dioryctria reniculelloides and western Dioryctria pseudotsugella. Conversely, EF1alpha genotype variation was incongruent with the two previous markers. A case of discordance between COI and ITS2 was detected, suggesting either introgression due to hybridization or retained ancestral polymorphism due to incomplete coalescence. This study is consistent with other similar literature where molecular loci in closely related species progress from shared to fixed haplotypes/alleles, and from polyphyletic to reciprocally monophyletic relationships, although loci may vary in these characteristics despite maintenance of genomic integrity between distinct species. In particular, mtDNA in other studies generally showed a lower rate of fixation of differences than did X-linked or autosomal loci, reinforcing the need to use an integrative approach for delimiting species.  相似文献   

Recent excitement over the development of an initiative to generate DNA sequences for all named species on the planet has in our opinion generated two major areas of contention as to how this 'DNA barcoding' initiative should proceed. It is critical that these two issues are clarified and resolved, before the use of DNA as a tool for taxonomy and species delimitation can be universalized. The first issue concerns how DNA data are to be used in the context of this initiative; this is the DNA barcode reader problem (or barcoder problem). Currently, many of the published studies under this initiative have used tree building methods and more precisely distance approaches to the construction of the trees that are used to place certain DNA sequences into a taxonomic context. The second problem involves the reaction of the taxonomic community to the directives of the 'DNA barcoding' initiative. This issue is extremely important in that the classical taxonomic approach and the DNA approach will need to be reconciled in order for the 'DNA barcoding' initiative to proceed with any kind of community acceptance. In fact, we feel that DNA barcoding is a misnomer. Our preference is for the title of the London meetings--Barcoding Life. In this paper we discuss these two concerns generated around the DNA barcoding initiative and attempt to present a phylogenetic systematic framework for an improved barcoder as well as a taxonomic framework for interweaving classical taxonomy with the goals of 'DNA barcoding'.  相似文献   

Towards integrative taxonomy   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
Delineating species boundaries correctly is crucial to the discovery of life's diversity because it determines whether or not different individual organisms are members of the same entity. The gap in communication between the different disciplines currently involved in delimiting species is an important and overlooked problem in the so-called 'taxonomy crisis'. To solve this problem, it is suggested that taxonomy become integrative, and this integration is seen as the real challenge for the future of taxonomy. 'Integrative taxonomy' is defined as the science that aims to delimit the units of life's diversity from multiple and complementary perspectives (phylogeography, comparative morphology, population genetics, ecology, development, behaviour, etc.). Some workers have already collaborated and successfully adopted an integrative approach to taxonomy. However, it is now time for the whole discipline to evolve. A radical change in mentality is needed concerning the creation of names in order to achieve this integration and to prevent the over-abundance of both synonyms and names of doubtful application from worsening. Integrative taxonomy gives priority to species delineation over the creation of new species names. Furthermore, it is emphasized that describing morphological diversity, referred to as 'morphodiversity', does not require the naming of any single set of specimens. Seven guidelines are proposed to help integrative taxonomists recognize cases when species are supported by broad biological evidence and therefore are deserving of an official name.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 407–415.  相似文献   

DNA sequences are currently used to propose primary hypotheses of species delimitation, especially when morphological variability is difficult to assess. In an integrative taxonomy framework, these hypotheses are then compared with other characters, such as morphology or geography, to produce robust species delimitations. For this purpose, the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene has been sequenced for almost 50 specimens of the genus Benthomangelia , a deep-sea marine gastropod genus, collected in the South-West Pacific. Five genetic groups, displaying low and high genetic distances respectively within and between groups, were defined. COI hypotheses were compared with both the results obtained with the independent nuclear 28S gene and with an elliptic Fourier analysis of the shape of the last whorl of the shell. 28S gene analysis confirmed the same well-supported groups as COI, and elliptic Fourier analysis identified several morphological characters that vary similarly to genetic variability.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 696–708.  相似文献   

Delimitation of closely related species is often hindered by the lack of discrete diagnostic morphological characters. This is exemplified in bumblebees (genus Bombus). There have been many attempts to clarify bumblebee taxonomy by using alternative features to discrete morphological characters such as wing shape, DNA, or eco‐chemical traits. Nevertheless each approach has its own limitations. Recent studies have used a multisource approach to gather different lines of speciation evidence in order to draw a strongly supported taxonomic hypothesis in bumblebees. Yet, the resulting taxonomic status is not independent of selected evidence and of consensus methodology (i.e. unanimous procedure, majority, different weighting of evidence). In this article, we compare taxonomic conclusions for a group of taxonomically doubtful species (the Bombus lapidarius‐group) obtained from the four commonly used lines of evidence for species delimitation in bumblebees (geometric morphometric of wing shape, genetic differentiation assessment, sequence‐based species delimitation methods and differentiation of cephalic labial gland secretions). We ultimately aim to assess the usefulness of these lines of evidence as components of an integrative decision framework to delimit bumblebee species. Our results show that analyses based on wing shape do not delineate any obvious cluster. In contrast, nuclear/mitochondrial, sequence‐based species delimitation methods, and analyses based on cephalic labial gland secretions are congruent with each other. This allows setting up an integrative decision framework to establish strongly supported species and subspecies status within bumblebees.  相似文献   

The acridian genus Schistocerca comprises about 50 species which are endemic to the New World, except the Old World locust S. gregaria. Their morphological identification is rendered difficult by phase polyphenism, geographical overlap due to migrations or swarming, the difficulty to easily differentiate genitalia and the occurrence of interspecific hybrids. The three species reported from Peru include the swarming species S. interrita, a pest that can be recognized only by taxonomists. We show that it can be unambiguously identified using a mitochondrial DNA fragment known to have barcoding properties in this genus. We used several methods to delimitate Peruvian species. While S. interrita and S. pallens were well characterized, S. piceifrons peruviana was split into several taxa by a phylogeny-based method, whereas a combination of population genetics methods led one to identify only the three nominal species. A tentative reconstruction of the species history shows that several populations of S. piceifrons peruviana have recently increased in number, while exchanging some migrants, whereas an isolated population at the northern margin of the species range is substantially differentiated while exchanging no migrants with the others. This complex history has resulted in an atypical lineage pattern that appears to have confounded the standard assumptions underlying available species delimitation methods. Because of its behavioral property which tends to keep it panmictic, the identification of the swarming S. interrita remained unaffected.  相似文献   

Progress in molecular techniques together with the incorporation of phylogenetic analyses of DNA into taxonomy have caused an increase in the number of species’ discoveries in groups with morphological characters that are difficult to study or in those containing polytypic species. But some emerged criticisms plead for a taxonomic conservatism grounded either on the requirement of providing evidences of morphological distinctiveness or reproductive barriers to erect new species names. In a case study of taxonomic research on Neotropical frogs, we combine several lines of evidence (morphological characters, prezygotic reproductive isolation and phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA) to test the status of 15 nominal species and to assess the degree of agreement of the different lines of evidence. Our study reveals that morphology alone is not sufficient to uncover all species, as there is no other single line of evidence independently. Full congruence between lines of evidence is restricted to only four out of the 15 species. Five species show congruence of two lines of evidence, whereas the remaining six are supported by only one. The use of divergence in morphological characters seems to be the most conservative approach to delineate species boundaries because it does not allow the identification of some sibling reciprocally monophyletic species differing in their advertisement calls. The separate analysis of differences in advertisement calls (evidence of reproductive isolation) or of phylogenetic data alone also shows limitations, because they do not support some morphological species. Our study shows that only an integrative approach combining all sources of evidence provides the necessary feedback to evaluate the taxonomic status of existing species and to detect putative new ones. Furthermore, the application of integrative taxonomy enables the identification of hypotheses about the existence of species that will probably be rejected or changed, and those that can be expected to persist.  相似文献   

Summary  Taxonomy of the genus Echinodorus is partially revisited in the light of current understanding of the phylogenetic relationships of the genus. As a result of new taxonomy, the species status of some previously synonymised taxa are restored, other names are synonymised, and some nomenclatural problems unnoticed by previous authors are resolved. Two new species, Echinodorus reptilis and E. emersus are described. The subgeneric divisions of the genus are not accepted, and all subspecific taxa are either rejected or established as species. As a result, 28 species based on a phylogenetic species concept are now recognised in Echinodorus and an identification key to these species is provided.  相似文献   

The species problem, despite decades of heated debates, has not been resolved yet. Recently, two new species concepts have been published, the mitonuclear compatibility species concept and the inclusive species concept. I briefly discuss them, together with a recent attempt at standardizing taxonomic decisions, in the broader framework of what I believe is an inherent limitation of taxonomy—imposing a discrete system on a continuous process (evolution) that leads to fuzzy boundaries in nature. In the light of this, taxonomists, biologists in general and conservationists alike will have to accept the fact that completely nonarbitrary species delimitation is impossible. This has serious ramifications in all disciplines that rely on species, and particularly species counts, as a basic currency for quantitative analyses (ecology, evolutionary biology) and practical decision-making (conservation and environmental policy).  相似文献   



Rodents are recognized as hosts for at least 60 zoonotic diseases and may represent a serious threat for human health. In the context of global environmental changes and increasing mobility of humans and animals, contacts between pathogens and potential animal hosts and vectors are modified, amplifying the risk of disease emergence. An accurate identification of each rodent at a specific level is needed in order to understand their implications in the transmission of diseases. Among the Muridae, the Rattini tribe encompasses 167 species inhabiting South East Asia, a hotspot of both biodiversity and emerging and re-emerging diseases. The region faces growing economical development that affects habitats, biodiversity and health. Rat species have been demonstrated as significant hosts of pathogens but are still difficult to recognize at a specific level using morphological criteria. DNA-barcoding methods appear as accurate tools for rat species identification but their use is hampered by the need of reliable identification of reference specimens. In this study, we explore and highlight the limits of the current taxonomy of the Rattini tribe.  相似文献   

A combined taxonomic, morphological, molecular and biological study revealed that stem‐galling weevils from the genus Rhinusa associated with toadflaxes from the genus Linaria (Plantaginaceae) are composed of three different species: Rhinusa pilosa, Rhinusa brondelii and Rhinusa rara sp.n. The authentic field host plants are respectively, Linaria vulgaris, Linaria purpurea and Linaria genistifolia/ Linaria dalmatica. These weevil species can be distinguished from each other by a few subtle morphological characteristics, mainly in the shape of the rostrum and of the integument. An analysis of the mitochondrial [cytochrome oxidase subunit II gene (COII) and 16S ribosomal RNA gene (16S)] and nuclear (elongation factor‐1α, EF‐1α) sequence data revealed high genetic divergence among these species. Uncorrected pairwise distances on mtCOII gene were 14.3% between R. pilosa and R. brondelii, 15.7% between R. pilosa and R. rara, while R. brondelii and R. rara were approximately 11% divergent from each other. Divergences obtained on 16S and nuclear EF‐1α genes were congruent. However, substantial intraspecific mitochondrial divergence was recorded for all studied populations of R. pilosa s.s. showing two mtDNA lineages, with estimated COII and 16S divergences of 4% and 1.6%, respectively. Nuclear pseudogenes (Numts) and Wolbachia influence, although recorded within both lineages, were excluded as possible causatives of the mtDNA divergence, while EF‐1α indicated absence of lineage sorting. Species from the R. pilosa complex are estimated to have diverged from each other approximately 7.2 million years ago (mya; late Miocene), while R. brondelii and R. rara diverged from each other about 4.7 mya (early Pliocene). This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:EEDD6248‐01DB‐4B4A‐B79D‐C5606393E3AA .  相似文献   

The mygalomorph genus Grammostola (family Theraphosidae) is endemic to South America. The species Grammostola anthracina is one of the largest spiders in Uruguay and reputed to be the longest lived tarantula in the world. This nominal species has two distinct colour morphs comprising black and reddish‐brown forms with controversial taxonomic status. Here, we present a phylogenetic study based on molecular characters (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) of haplotypes of G. anthracina and closely related species. Our analysis together with new morphological data and biogeographical information indicates that the two morphs of G. anthracina constitute different species that are not sister to each other. Consequently, a new species, Grammostola quirogai is described, diagnosed and illustrated to encompass the black morph. Phylogenetic relationships and new taxonomic characters for Grammostola species included in this study are discussed.  相似文献   

Until now the genus Amana (Liliaceae), known as ‘East Asian tulips’, has contained just seven species. In this study, a phylogenomic and integrative taxonomic approach was used to reveal two new species, Amana nanyueensis from Central China and A. tianmuensis from East China. A. nanyueensis resembles Amana edulis in possessing a densely villous-woolly bulb tunic and two opposite bracts, but differs in its leaves and anthers. Amana tianmuensis resembles Amana erythronioides in possessing three verticillate bracts and yellow anthers, but differs in aspects of its leaves and bulbs. These four species are clearly separated from each other in principal components analysis based on morphology. Phylogenomic analyses based on plastid CDS further support the species delimitation of A. nanyueensis and A. tianmuensis and suggests they are closely related to A. edulis. Cytological analysis shows that A. nanyueensis and A. tianmuensis are both diploid (2n = 2x = 24), different from A. edulis, which is either diploid (northern populations) or tetraploid (southern populations, 2n = 4x = 48). The pollen morphology of A. nanyueensis is similar to other Amana species (single-groove germination aperture), but A. tianmuensis is quite different because of the presence of a sulcus membrane, which creates the illusion of double grooves. Ecological niche modelling also revealed a niche differentiation between A. edulis, A. nanyueensis and A. tianmuensis.  相似文献   

Given the problems of species delimitation in algae using morphology or sexual compatibility, molecular data are becoming the standard for delimiting species and testing their traditional boundaries. The idea that species are separately evolving metapopulation lineages, along with theoretical progress in phylogenetic and population genetic analyses, has led to the development of new methods of species delimitation. We review these recent developments in DNA-based species delimitation methods, and discuss how they have changed and continue to change our understanding of algal species boundaries. Although single-locus approaches have proven effective for a first rapid and large-scale assessment of species diversity, species delimitation based on single gene trees falls short due to gene tree–species tree incongruence, caused by confounding processes like incomplete lineage sorting, trans-species polymorphism, hybridization and introgression. Data from unlinked loci and multi-species coalescent methods, which combine principles from phylogenetics and population genetics, may now be able to account for these complicating factors. Several of these methods also provide statistical support regarding species boundaries, which is important because speciation is a process and therefore uncertainty about precise species boundaries is inevitable in recently diverged lineages.  相似文献   

The Philippine archipelago is recognized as a biodiversity hotspot because of its high levels of endemism and numerous threatened species. Avian lineages in the Philippines feature morphologically distinct allopatric taxa, which have been variably treated either as species or subspecies depending on species concepts and recognition criteria. To understand how alternative species limits would alter diversity metrics and patterns of endemism in the Philippines, we selected 19 focal lineages of birds, each containing multiple described taxa within the Mindanao Island Group. We delimited species in an integrative, lineage-based framework using three operational criteria: species must (1) form well-supported, geographically circumscribed clades, (2) be monophyletic with significant genetic differentiation identified by a coalescent model, and (3) feature fixed differences in phenotypic characters. Our criteria identified 40 species from the original 19 focal lineages, a 50–74% increase over recent comprehensive taxonomic treatments. Genetic criteria in isolation identified an additional 10 populations that could be cryptic species in need of further study. We identified fine-scale endemism within the Mindanao Island Group, with multiple unrecognized avian endemics restricted to Samar/Leyte, Bohol Island, and the Zamboanga Peninsula. Genetic and phenotypic information support the hypothesis that polytypic bird species in the Philippines tend to be composed of evolutionarily distinct, range-restricted, allopatric replacements rather than widespread and variable “superspecies”. We conclude that lack of species recognition has resulted in underestimates of species diversity and overlooked fine-scale endemism in the Philippines. Recognizing this diversity would alter conservation priorities, shifting efforts to protect microendemics on smaller islands and finer scale endemic areas within larger islands.  相似文献   

Accurate species delimitation is fundamental for many fields of biology. Although a wide range of evolutionary-biological patterns are known to promote failure in species delimitation when any single information source is considered, the majority of species characterisations are still based on single disciplines. Using Alpine jumping bristletails we here showcase the establishment of morphological and molecular tools for multi-source species delimitation in a taxonomically problematic arthropod group and stress its advantages over single-discipline approaches. Once sound species delimitations have been achieved, Alpine jumping bristletails will be available as a prime model system for addressing questions related to the emergence of endemism and parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

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