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Summary Growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF)-like immunoreactivity has been demonstrated in the trigeminal and spinal ganglia of fetal, young and adult rats by use of peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunohistochemistry. GRF-like-immunoreactive cells first appear during the second half of embryonic life, as early as day 17. In untreated animals the GRF-immunoreactive elements form approximately 1% of all ganglion cells in the trigeminal and spinal ganglia; their numbers do not change significantly during development. The granular immunoreaction product is confined to perikarya, especially to the perinuclear region. Nerve fibers displaying GRF-like immunoreactivity were found neither in the ganglia, nor in the corresponding central and peripheral areas of termination. The possible role of GRF in sensory ganglia is discussed.  相似文献   

Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) is present in the cranial arteries and trigeminal sensory neurons. We therefore examined the alterations in PACAP-like immunoreactivity (PACAP-LI) in a time-dependent manner in two rat models of trigeminovascular system (TS) activation. In one group chemical stimulation (CS) was performed with i.p. nitroglycerol (NTG), and in the other one the trigeminal ganglia (TRG) were subjected to electrical stimulation (ES). The two biologically active forms, PACAP-38 and PACAP-27, were determined by means of radioimmunoassay (RIA) and mass spectrometry (MS) in the plasma, the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC), the spinal cord (SC) and the TRG. The tissue concentrations of PACAP-27 were 10 times lower than those of PACAP-38 in the TNC and SC, but about half in the TRG. PACAP-38, but not PACAP-27, was present in the plasma. Neither form could be identified in the CSF. PACAP-38-LI in the plasma, SC and TRG remained unchanged after CS, but it was increased significantly in the TNC 90 and 180 min after NTG injection. In response to ES of the TRG, the level of PACAP-38 in the plasma and the TNC was significantly elevated 90 and 180 min later, but not in the SC or the TRG. The alterations in the levels of PACAP-27 in the tissue homogenates in response to both forms of stimulation were identical to those of PACAP-38. The selective increases in both forms of PACAP in the TNC suggest its important role in the central sensitization involved in migraine-like headache.  相似文献   

Upon morphogenesis, the simple neuroepithelium of the optic vesicle gives rise to four basic tissues in the vertebrate optic cup: pigmented epithelium, sensory neural retina, secretory ciliary body and muscular iris. Pigmented epithelium and neural retina are established through interactions with specific environments and signals: periocular mesenchyme/BMP specifies pigmented epithelium and surface ectoderm/FGF specifies neural retina. The anterior portions (iris and ciliary body) are specified through interactions with lens although the molecular mechanisms of induction have not been deciphered. As lens is a source of FGF, we examined whether this factor was involved in inducing ciliary body. We forced the pigmented epithelium of the embryonic chick eye to express FGF4. Infected cells and their immediate neighbors were transformed into neural retina. At a distance from the FGF signal, the tissue transitioned back into pigmented epithelium. Ciliary body tissue was found in the transitioning zone. The ectopic ciliary body was never in contact with the lens tissue. In order to assess the contribution of the lens on the specification of normal ciliary body, we created optic cups in which the lens had been removed while still pre-lens ectoderm. Ciliary body tissue was identified in the anterior portion of lens-less optic cups. We propose that the ciliary body may be specified at optic vesicle stages, at the same developmental stage when the neural retina and pigmented epithelium are specified and we present a model as to how this could be accomplished through overlapping BMP and FGF signals.  相似文献   

We have characterized an antiserum against basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) by immunoblot, investigated the location of bFGF-like immunoreactivity (bFGF-IR) in the trigeminal sensory system and perioral skin endowed with vibrissae, and demonstrated the site of bFGF mRNA expression in the vibrissae by in situ hybridization histochemistry. Light-microscopic immunohistochemistry has demonstrated that bFGF-IR is present not only in trigeminal ganglion neurons and their central and peripheral processes, but also in cells of the matrix, external root sheath and papillae of vibrissae and the stratum basale of the stratified squamous epithelium of the skin. Electron microscopy has revealed intense bFGF-IR mainly in cytoplasmic regions, other than the lumen of rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus, in trigeminal ganglion neurons, in fibroblast-like cells in the papillae, and in capsules of vibrissae. In contrast, actively proliferating and/or differentiating cells in the matrix of vibrissae have intensely stained euchromatin and weakly labeled cytoplasm that, unlike that of the aforementioned cells, contain immunoreaction products in discrete spots less than 100 nm in diameter, implying the generation of different molecular forms of bFGF in cells of the matrix and papillae. Moreover, the accumulation of bFGF in the euchromatin appears to take place in cells at non-mitotic stages (possibly interphases), characterized by a conspicuous nucleolus and well-developed nuclear envelope. A digoxigenin-labeled cRNA probe for the demonstration of bFGF mRNA gives conspicuous hybridization signals mainly in the matrix of vibrissae. These findings suggest that bFGF is involved in the growth and differentiation of matrix cells during certain periods of the cell cycle and that it acts as a non-mitogenic mediator in the adult trigeminal sensory system.  相似文献   

Summary Frequency and size of guinea-pig trigeminal neurones immunoreactive with antisera to -neo-endorphin(-neo-END), dynorphin A-(DYN), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-(VIP), somatostatin-(SOM), and substance P-(SP) are reported. Co-localisation of the various peptides to the same ganglion cells was investigated immunocytochemically in consecutive 7-m thick paraffin sections. According to their size, all peptide-immunoreactive neurones belong to the class of small ganglion cells. Within this cell group, SP-immunoreactive neurones appear to be the largest, followed by SOM-, VIP-, -neo-END- and DYN-immunoreactive ganglion cells. The observed differences in size are statistically significant with the exception of that between -neo-END and DYN. This finding correlates well with the observed co-occurrence of the two immunoreactive peptides. All -neo-END-immunoreactive perikarya are also reactive to VIP antisera. These neurones are significantly smaller than those containing VIP-immunoreactivity exclusively. Ganglion cells displaying co-existence of -neoEND- and SP-immunoreactivity or VIP- and SP-immunoreactivity are found too infrequently to allow morphometric analysis. Some non-immunoreactive ganglion cells are shown to be approached by dense baskets of VIP-, -neo-END- or SP-immunoreactive varicose fibres, indicating the presence of intraganglionic modulation sites. The combination of immunohistochemistry and morphometry presented in this study allows the differentiation of diverse populations of primary afferent neurones exhibiting peptide immunoreactivity, most likely reflecting their involvement in different central and peripheral reflex arcs and sensory modalities.  相似文献   

1.  If the eyes of young chickens are deprived of clear vision by translucent occluders, they develop considerable amounts of axial myopia within days. At the same time, the day time retinal dopamine levels drop by about 30%. Because the retinal dopamine levels of normally sighted chicks also differ diurnally and are low at night, we expected that the rate of axial eye growth might also differ during this time.
2.  Unexpectedly, eyes grew in length only during the day (about 0.13 mm/day) and even shrank during the night (about -0.04 mm/night, average net growth + 0.09 mm in 24 h).
3.  If the eyes were occluded, they grew both during the day and also at night (average net growth: + 0.16 mm in 24 h). Therefore, development of deprivation myopia was a result of the lack of growth inhibition at night rather than of excessive growth during the day when the actual deprivation occurred.
4.  Suppression of dopaminergic retinal pathways by intravitreal injections of the neurotoxin 6-hydroxy-dopamine (6-OHDA) also suppressed development of deprivation myopia and it restored the growth inhibition at night. With normal visual experience, the drug had no effect on axial eye growth and refractive state.
5.  Diurnal growth rhythms of the eyes disappeared under continuous light.
6.  Our results show that: (a) normal diurnal eye growth rhythms require a normal (12/12 h) light cycle and normal visual experience; with a degraded retinal image during the day, growth rates at night change so that they relate to retinal dopamine levels in the opposite way as with normal visual experience, (b) intact retinal dopaminergic pathways are necessary to mediate the deprivation-induced alterations in diurnal growth rhythms and myopia, (c) deprivation myopia is not simply a result of the lack of visual feedback control of eye growth during deprivation but rather of an active process related to abnormal diurnal dopamine rhythms.

Summary A phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase-(PNMT)-immunoreactivity, present without the other catecholamine-synthesizing enzymes tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and dopamine--hydroxylase (DBH), has been previously detected in the central nervous system and in endocrine cells of the islets of Langerhans and the pituitary intermediate lobe of the rat. In the present study a similar PNMT-like immunoreactivity is demonstrated in the rat parathyroid gland. The immunoreactivity was distinctly localized to the cell periphery, and present in all glandular cells. The thyroid gland was negative. In the parathyroid TH- and DBH-immunoreactivity was seen only in vascular nerve fibers; no glandular cells were stained.The functional significance of the PNMT-like immunoreactivity is not known. The absence of TH- and DBH-immunoreactivity and the low level of adrenaline detected in the parathyroid, and the peripheral localization of the immunoreactivity may indicate an alternative enzyme function or the detection of an immunologically related protein common to pancreatic, pituitary and parathyroid endocrine cells.  相似文献   

N B?ck  S Soinila 《Histochemistry》1990,94(4):415-418
A phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase-(PNMT)-immunoreactivity, present without the other catecholamine-synthesizing enzymes tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH), has been previously detected in the central nervous system and in endocrine cells of the islets of Langerhans and the pituitary intermediate lobe of the rat. In the present study a similar PNMT-like immunoreactivity is demonstrated in the rat parathyroid gland. The immunoreactivity was distinctly localized to the cell periphery, and present in all glandular cells. The thyroid gland was negative. In the parathyroid TH- and DBH-immunoreactivity was seen only in vascular nerve fibers; no glandular cells were stained. The functional significance of the PNMT-like immunoreactivity is not known. The absence of TH- and DBH-immunoreactivity and the low level of adrenaline detected in the parathyroid, and the peripheral localization of the immunoreactivity may indicate an alternative enzyme function or the detection of an immunologically related protein common to pancreatic, pituitary and parathyroid endocrine cells.  相似文献   

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a neurotrophin involved in the development and maintenance of vertebrate nervous systems. Although there were several studies in classical animal models, scarce information for fish was available. The main purpose of this study was to analyze the distribution of BDNF in the brain and retina of the cichlid fish Cichlasoma dimerus. By immunohistochemistry we detected BDNF-like immunoreactive cells in the cytoplasm and the nuclei of the ganglion cell layer and the inner nuclear layer of the retina. In the optic tectum, BDNF-like immunoreactivity was detected in the nucleus of neurons of the stratum periventriculare and the stratum marginale and in neurons of the intermediate layers. In the hypothalamus we found BDNF-like immunoreactivity mainly in the cytoplasm of the nucleus lateralis tuberis and the nucleus of the lateral recess. To confirm the nuclear and cytoplasm localization of BDNF we performed subcellular fractionation, followed by Western blot, detecting a 39 kDa immunoreactive-band corresponding to a possible precursor form of BDNF in both fractions. BDNF-like immunoreactivity was distributed in areas related with photoreception (retina), the integration center of retinal projections (optic tectum) and the control center of background and stress adaptation (hypothalamus). These results provide baseline anatomical information for future research about the role of neurotrophins in the adult fish central nervous system.  相似文献   

Summary A substance immunologically related to vertebrate glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) has been visualized in the pedal ganglion of Mytilus with the pre-embedding peroxidase-antiperoxidase method, by use of an antiserum raised in sheep against rat brain GAD. The results show that GAD-like immunoreactivity is present both in neuronal perikarya and in nerve fibers. Positive neurons are located mainly among the fibers of the ganglion neuropil at the commissural level, and more rarely close to unreactive cortical cell bodies. Immunoreactive nerve fibers are observed throughout the neuropil and also in cerebropedal and pedal nerves.Supported by Ministero Pubblica Istruzione (40%)  相似文献   

Using two radioimmunoassays (RIAs) for endothelin-1 (ET-1) with and without a substantial cross-reactivity with ET-3, we have measured the plasma ET-1-like immunoreactivity (-LI) level in rat plasma. ET-1-LI was detected in plasma from male Wistar rats. ET-1-LI in rat plasma consisted of three components with molecular weights of 6K, 4K and 2.5K daltons by gel permeation chromatography. Two of the components were eluted at positions of big ET (4K) and synthetic ET-1 (2.5K). The remaining component was eluted at the preceding fraction (6K). No difference was observed in ET-1-LI of the small molecular form of ET (2.5K) between the two RIAs. Thus, there is little or no ET-3 in rat plasma, which has the sequence found originally in the rat genome. The concentration of the small molecular form of ET, presumably ET-1, in rat plasma was about 4 pg/ml.  相似文献   

目的:经眼神经注入DiI研究小鼠三叉神经节的形态学结构。方法:小鼠10只,体重25—30克,雌雄不拘,进行灌注固定后,在外科显微镜下开颅并确认三叉神经节和眼神经,分别于双侧眼神经植入DiI染色晶体。37℃恒温箱放置3个月,待DiI染色晶体扩散后,取出植入DiI染色晶体的眼神经和三叉神经节,再根据神经走向切片,通过荧光显微镜观察DiI染色晶体在三又神经节内的分布。结果:眼神经离三叉神经节约1cm处植入DiI染色晶体后,应用荧光显微镜明视野观察,均可见到高密度标记的眼神经纤维,行向后内,穿经眶上裂入颅。逐步靠近三叉神经节外上方,并进入三叉神经节内,眼神经标记的神经元位于三叉神经节的前内侧。在三叉神经节内可见到DiI标记的神经节细胞及神经纤维。神经纤维平行致密排列,并被神经节细胞神经纤维分隔成群或簇。神经节细胞呈圆形和卵圆形,大小不一,部分节细胞呈蜂窝状排列。亦可见神经元的突起,有的呈螺旋状连于胞体,有的呈线状连于胞体,并可见到双极神经元。结论:小鼠经眼神经注入DiI后,三叉神经节细胞和神经纤维的排列循序跟其他动物基本一致。  相似文献   

Neurotrophins induce neural cell survival and differentiation during retinal development and regeneration through the high-affinity tyrosine kinase (Trk) receptors. On the other hand, nerve growth factor (NGF) binding to the low-affinity neurotrophin receptor p75 (p75(NTR)) might induce programmed cell death (PCD) in the early phase of retinal development. In the present study, we examined the retinal cell types that experience p75(NTR)-induced PCD and identify them to be postmitotic retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). However, retinal morphology, RGC number, and BrdU-positive cell number in p75(NTR) knockout (KO) mouse were normal after embryonic day 15 (E15). In chick retina, migratory RGCs express p75(NTR), whereas layered RGCs express the high-affinity NGF receptor TrkA, which may switch the pro-apoptotic signaling of p75(NTR) into a neurotrophic one. In contrast to the chick model, migratory RGCs express TrkA, while stratified RGCs express p75(NTR) in mouse retina. However, RGC number in TrkA KO mouse was also normal at birth. We next examined the expression of transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) receptor, which modulates chick RGC number in combination with p75(NTR), but was absent in mouse RGCs. p75(NTR) and TrkA seem to be involved in the regulation of mouse RGC number in the early phase of retinal development, but the number may be later adjusted by other molecules. These results suggest the different mechanism of RGC number control between mouse and chick retina.  相似文献   

Summary The iris and choroid membrane of the adult rat contain nerve fibers expressing immunoreactivity to the neuropeptide galanin. The density and distribution of galanin-positive nerve fibers varied from iris to iris and, particularly, among animals. Smooth, non-terminal axons were seen running in nerve bundles consisting of otherwise negative fibers. From the choroid membrane these bundles reached the iris via the ciliary body. Axons were frequently seen to branch giving rise to a sparse system of varicose, single fibers in the dilator plate and sphincter area. Galanin-positive fibers were sometimes also seen outlining blood vessels.Capsaicin, in a dose that causes permanent depletion of substance P- and cholecystokinin-immunoreactive fibers in the iris, caused no change in amount of galanin-positive fibers. Removal of the superior cervical ganglion caused a rapid and pronounced increase in the number of galanin-immunoreactive nerve fibers. Similarly, removal of the ciliary ganglion appeared to increase galanin immunoreactivity, while removal of the pterygopalatine ganglion was less effective. Lesioning of the trigeminal ganglion caused a disappearance of galanin immunoreactivity. The sympathetectomy-induced increase was counteracted by capsaicin.Galanin-positive nerve cell bodies were present in both the superior cervical and the trigeminal ganglia. In the superior cervical ganglion, immunoreactive galanin did not seem to coexist with neuropeptide Y-positive cells; in the trigeminal ganglion, some galanin-positive cells also contained calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) immunoreactivity, while most cells did not. In the iris, double-staining suggested that CGRP and galanin immunoreactivities were contained in different fiber populations.We conclude that the rat iris and choroid membrane contain a sparse plexus of nerve fibers expressing galanin-like immunoreactivity. It is suggested that these fibers are derived from the trigeminal ganglion. The iris is able to respond with a pronounced increase in number of galanin-immunoreactive nerve fibers to certain denervation procedures.  相似文献   

In the mammalian retina, glutamate re-uptake is mediated by the sodium dependent cotransport systems EAAT1-5 thus terminating neuronal excitation and preventing neuroexcitotoxicity. In retinal amacrine and ganglion cells, EAAT5 is colocalized with the serum and glucocorticoid inducible kinase SGK1, a serine/threonine kinase known to regulate transport. The study explored the possible regulation of EAAT5 by SGK1, its isoform SGK3, and the closely related protein kinase B. EAAT5 was coexpressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes with or without the respective kinases. Transport activity was quantified by electrophysiology and cell surface expression was determined by chemiluminescence. Both EAAT5 mediated currents and EAAT5 protein abundance at the cell surface were increased by a factor of 1.5-2 upon coexpression of SGK1 or SGK3 but not following coexpression of PKB. In conclusion, the kinases SGK1 and SGK3 increase EAAT5 activity by increasing cell surface abundance of the carrier.  相似文献   

Summary Several fenestrated capillaries were seen in the endoneurium of trigeminal and dorsal root ganglia from two young adult albino rats treated with tetraethylthiuram disulfide. The finding is regarded as normal, although the possibility exists that intoxication with tetraethylthiuram disulfide may have enhanced the intensity and/or rate of this cytologic specialization of some isolated endothelial cells.Dedicated to Professor Dr. Gerd Peters on the occasion of his 70th birthdayFor technical, photographic and secretarial work we thank Paritcher Becker, Veronika Heinzinger and Ursula Qreini.  相似文献   

Summary By means of immunoreactivity for spot 35 protein, a novel cerebellar Purkinje cell-specific protein, the regional heterogeneity among non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells of rats was demonstrated with reference to the antero-posterior and crest-valley directions of individual ciliary epithelial folds in immature and mature eyes. The functional significance of the occurrence of the spot 35 immunoreactivity in the posterior portion of the ciliary epithelium is briefly discussed in relation to the formation of the aqueous humor.  相似文献   

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