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Adachi MS  Torres JM  Fitzpatrick PF 《Biochemistry》2010,49(49):10440-10448
The flavoprotein oxidase Fms1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae catalyzes the oxidation of spermine and N(1)-acetylspermine to yield spermidine and 3-aminopropanal or N-acetyl-3-aminopropanal. The kinetic mechanism of the enzyme has been determined with both substrates. The initial velocity patterns are ping-pong, consistent with reduction being kinetically irreversible. Reduction of Fms1 by either substrate is biphasic. The rate constant for the rapid phase varies with the substrate concentration, with limiting rates for reduction of the enzyme of 126 and 1410 s(-1) and apparent K(d) values of 24.3 and 484 μM for spermine and N(1)-acetylspermine, respectively. The rapid phase is followed by a concentration-independent phase that is slower than turnover. The reaction of the reduced enzyme with oxygen is monophasic, with a rate constant of 402 mM(-1) s(-1) with spermine at 25 °C and 204 mM(-1) s(-1) with N(1)-acetylspermine at 4 °C and pH 9.0. This step is followed by rate-limiting product dissociation. The k(cat)/K(amine)-pH profiles are bell-shaped, with an average pK(a) value of 9.3 with spermine and pK(a) values of 8.3 and 9.6 with N(1)-acetylspermine. Both profiles are consistent with the active forms of substrates having two charged nitrogens. The pH profiles for the rate constant for flavin reduction show pK(a) values of 8.3 and 7.2 for spermine and N(1)-acetylspermine, respectively, for groups that must be unprotonated; these pK(a) values are assigned to the substrate N4. The k(cat)/K(O(2))-pH profiles show pK(a) values of 7.5 for spermine and 6.8 for N(1)-acetylspermine. With both substrates, the k(cat) value decreases when a single residue is protonated.  相似文献   

In this report we show that recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae Fms1 protein is a polyamine oxidase that binds FAD with an FAD:Fms1 stoichiometry of 1:1. Biochemical characterization of Fms1 shows that it can oxidize spermine, N(1)-acetylspermine, N(1)-acetylspermidine, and N(8)-acetylspermidine, but not spermidine. The products of spermine oxidation are spermidine and 3-aminopropanal. A kinetic analysis revealed that spermine, N(1)-acetylspermine, and N(1)-acetylspermidine are oxidized with similar efficiencies, while N(8)-acetylspermidine is a poor substrate. The data support a previous report, suggesting that Fms1 is responsible for the production of beta-alanine from spermine for the synthesis of pantothenic acid.  相似文献   

The flavoprotein nitroalkane oxidase (NAO) catalyzes the oxidation of primary and secondary nitroalkanes to the corresponding aldehydes and ketones. The enzyme is a homologue of acyl-CoA dehydrogenase. Asp402 in NAO has been proposed to be the active site base responsible for removing the substrate proton in the first catalytic step; structurally it corresponds to the glutamate which acts as the base in medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase. In the active site of NAO, the carboxylate of Asp402 forms an ionic interaction with the side chain of Arg409. The R409K enzyme has now been characterized kinetically and structurally. The mutation results in a decrease in the rate constant for proton abstraction of 100-fold. Analysis of the three-dimensional structure of the R409K enzyme, determined by X-ray crystallography to a resolution of 2.65 A, shows that the critical structural change is an increase in the distance between the carboxylate of Asp402 and the positively charged nitrogen in the side chain of the residue at position 409. The D402E mutation results in a smaller decrease in the rate constant for proton abstraction of 18-fold. The structure of the D402E enzyme, determined at 2.4 A resolution, shows that there is a smaller increase in the distance between Arg409 and the carboxylate at position 402, and the interaction of this residue with Ser276 is perturbed. These results establish the critical importance of the interaction between Asp402 and Arg409 for proton abstraction by nitroalkane oxidase.  相似文献   

Royo M  Fitzpatrick PF 《Biochemistry》2005,44(18):7079-7084
In mammalian cells, the flavoprotein polyamine oxidase catalyzes a key step in the catabolism of polyamines, the oxidation of N1-acetylspermine and N1-acetylspermidine to spermidine and putrescine, respectively. The mechanism of the mouse enzyme has been studied with N1,N12-bisethylspermine (BESPM) as a substrate. At pH 10, the pH optimum, the limiting rate of reduction of the flavin in the absence of oxygen is comparable to the k(cat) value for turnover, establishing reduction as rate-limiting. Oxidation of the reduced enzyme is a simple second-order reaction. No intermediates are seen in the reductive or oxidative half-reactions. The k(cat) value decreases below a pK(a) of 9.0. The k(cat)/K(m) value for BESPM exhibits a bell-shaped pH profile, with pK(a) values of 9.8 and 10.8. These pK(a) values are assigned to the substrate nitrogens. The rate constant for the reaction of the reduced enzyme with oxygen is not affected by a pH between 7.5 and 10. Active site residue Tyr430 is conserved in the homologous protein monoamine oxidase. Mutation of this residue to phenylalanine results in a 6-fold decrease in the k(cat) value and the k(cat)/K(m) value for oxygen due to a comparable decrease in the rate constant for flavin reduction. This moderate change is not consistent with this residue forming a tyrosyl radical during catalysis.  相似文献   

Two cDNAs encoding polyamine oxidase (PAO) isoforms (BPAO1 and BPAO2) and the corresponding gene copies were isolated from barley cultivar Aura. Gene organization is not conserved between these two nonallelic coding sequences. Both precursor proteins include a cleavable N-terminal leader of 25 amino acids. N-terminal sequencing of PAO purified from barley seedlings reveals a unique amino-acid sequence corresponding to the BPAO2 N-terminus as predicted from the corresponding cDNA. BPAO2 has been purified, characterized and compared to maize PAO (MPAO), the best characterized member of this enzyme class. The two proteins show different pH optima for catalytic activity, Km and Vmax values with spermidine and spermine as substrates. Molecular modelling of BPAO2 reveals the same global fold as in MPAO. However, substitution of the active site residue Phe403 by a tyrosine, provides a rationale for the different catalytic properties of the two enzymes. In barley leaves PAO-specific activity is higher in isolated mesophyll protoplasts than in the extracellular fluids, whereas in maize the reverse is true. The C-terminus of BPAO2 shows homology with the endoplasmic reticulum retention signal that might be responsible for the subcellular localization observed. We conclude that BPAO2 is a symplastic PAO in barley mesophyll cells. Production of BPAO2 mRNA and the corresponding protein is induced by light, and has a different pattern of accumulation in leaves and coleoptiles.  相似文献   

Maize polyamine oxidase (MPAO) is a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-dependent enzyme that catalyses the oxidation of spermine and spermidine at the secondary amino groups. The structure of MPAO indicates a 30-A long U-shaped tunnel that forms the catalytic site, with residues Glu62 and Glu170 located close to the enzyme-bound FAD and residue Tyr298 in close proximity to Lys300, which in turn is hydrogen-bonded to the flavin N(5) atom via a water molecule (HOH309). To provide insight into the role of these residues in the catalytic mechanism of FAD reduction, we have performed steady-state and stopped-flow studies with wild-type, Glu62Gln, Glu170Gln, Tyr298Phe, and Lys300Met MPAO enzymes. We show that the steady-state enzyme activity is governed by an ionisable group with a macroscopic pK(a) of approximately 5.8. Kinetic analysis of the Glu62Gln, Glu170Gln, and Tyr298Phe MPAO enzymes have indicated (i) only small perturbations in catalytic activity as a result of mutation and (ii) steady-state pH profiles essentially unaltered when compared to the wild-type enzyme, suggesting that these residues do not play a critical role in the reaction mechanism. These kinetic observations are consistent with computational calculations that suggest that Glu62 and Glu170 are protonated over the pH range accessible to kinetic studies. Substitution of Lys300 with Met in MPAO resulted in a 1400-fold decrease in the rate of flavin reduction and a 160-fold decrease in the equilibrium dissociation constant for the Lys300Met-spermidine complex, consistent with a major role for this residue in the mechanism of substrate oxidation. A sizable solvent isotope effect (SIE = 5) accompanies FAD reduction in the wild-type enzyme and steady-state turnover (SIE = 2.3) of MPAO, consistent with the reductive half-reaction of MPAO making a major contribution to rate limitation in steady-state turnover. Studies using the enzyme-monitored turnover method indicate that oxidized FAD is the prominent form during steady-state turnover, consistent with the reductive half-reaction being rate-limiting. Our studies indicate the importance of Lys300 and probable importance of HOH309 to the mechanism of flavin reduction in MPAO. Possible roles for Lys300 and water in the mechanism of flavin reduction are discussed.  相似文献   

N1-Monoacetylspermine, N1,N12-diacetylspermine and N1-monoacetylspermidine were found to be good substrates for rat liver polyamine oxidase, but not for rat liver mitochondrial monoamine oxidase. N8-Monoacetylspermidine, monoacetylcadaverine, monoacetylputrescine and monoacetyl-1,3-diaminopropane were oxidized by the monoamine oxidase when the substrate concentration was 10.0 mM, but not by the polyamine oxidase. All the acetylpolyamines except N1,N12-diacetylspermine were also oxidized by hog kidney diamine oxidase although their affinities for the oxidase appeared low. The present data suggest that acetylpolyamines are not easily metabolized in vivo by either monoamine oxidase or diamine oxidase in mammalian tissues although N1-monoacetylspermine, N1,N12-diacetylspermine and N1-monoacetylspermidine are attacked by polyamine oxidase.  相似文献   

Involvement of polyamine oxidase in wound healing   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) is involved in plant defense responses that follow mechanical damage, such as those that occur during herbivore or insect attacks, as well as pathogen attack. H(2)O(2) accumulation is induced during wound healing processes as well as by treatment with the wound signal jasmonic acid. Plant polyamine oxidases (PAOs) are H(2)O(2) producing enzymes supposedly involved in cell wall differentiation processes and defense responses. Maize (Zea mays) PAO (ZmPAO) is a developmentally regulated flavoprotein abundant in primary and secondary cell walls of several tissues. In this study, we investigated the effect of wounding on ZmPAO gene expression in the outer tissues of the maize mesocotyl and provide evidence that ZmPAO enzyme activity, protein, and mRNA levels increased in response to wounding as well as jasmonic acid treatment. Histochemically detected ZmPAO activity especially intensified in the epidermis and in the wound periderm, suggesting a tissue-specific involvement of ZmPAO in wound healing. The role played by ZmPAO-derived H(2)O(2) production in peroxidase-mediated wall stiffening events was further investigated by exploiting the in vivo use of N-prenylagmatine (G3), a selective and powerful ZmPAO inhibitor, representing a reliable diagnostic tool in discriminating ZmPAO-mediated H(2)O(2) production from that generated by peroxidase, oxalate oxidase, or by NADPH oxidase activity. Here, we demonstrate that G3 inhibits wound-induced H(2)O(2) production and strongly reduces lignin and suberin polyphenolic domain deposition along the wound, while it is ineffective in inhibiting the deposition of suberin aliphatic domain. Moreover, ZmPAO ectopic expression in the cell wall of transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants strongly enhanced lignosuberization along the wound periderm, providing evidence for a causal relationship between PAO and peroxidase-mediated events during wound healing.  相似文献   

1. Polyamine oxidase (PAO) activity was found in the brain, intestine, kidney and liver of the siluroid catfish using N1-acetylspermine as substrate. It was highest in the intestine and lowest in the brain. 2. Substrate specificity of the enzyme was tested in the intestine and liver and the highest activity was found with N1-acetylspermine, followed by N1-acetylspermidine and N1,N12-diacetylspermine. 3. The apparent Km values for N1-acetylspermine were 19.6 and 46.9 microM for the intestine and liver, respectively. 4. These results suggest the presence of a system of polyamine reutilization after their acetylation in fishes.  相似文献   

Polyamine oxidase from Avena sativa L. cv. Cristal seedlings was purified to homogeneity using a simple four-step purification protocol including an infiltration washing technique. The enzyme had a high affinity for spermidine and spermine (Km ∼ 5.5 and 1.2 μM, respectively), and also oxidized norspermidine (Km ∼ 64.0 μM). Natural and synthetic diamines, cyclohexylamine, the putrescine analogue 1-aminooxy-3-aminopropane, and several polyamine analogues had inhibitory effects on polyamine oxidase activity and none were substrates. No inhibitory effect was observed on spermidine oxidation when the reaction product 1,3-diaminopropane was added. By contrast, 1-aminooxy-3-aminopropane showed mixed inhibition kinetics and a Ki value of 0.113 mM. In addition, in vitro enzymatic activity assays showed that the oligoamine [3,8,13,18,23,28,33,38,43,48-deca-aza-(trans-25)-pentacontene], the tetramine 1,14-bis-[ethylamino]-5,10-diazatetradecane, and the pentamine 1,19-bis-[ethylamino]-5,10,15-triazanonadecane, displayed potent competitive inhibitory activities against polyamine oxidase with Ki values of 5.8, 110.0 and 7.6 nM, respectively, where cyclohexylamine was a weak competitive inhibitor with a Ki value of 0.5 mM. These analogues did not inhibit mycelial growth of the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) De Bary and the bacterium Pseudomonas viridiflava (Burkholder) Dowson in vitro. On the contrary, with concentrations similar to those used for polyamine analogues, guazatine (a well-known fungicide and at the same time, a polyamine oxidase inhibitor) inhibited (∼85%) S. sclerotiorum mycelial growth on Czapek-Dox medium.Finally, the analogue 1,19-bis-ethylamino-5,10,15-triazanonadecane inhibited polyamine oxidase activity observed in segments of maize leaves in vivo. The results obtained provide insights into research on the influence of polyamine oxidase activity on plant biotic and abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

We used various polyamine derivatives to study the substrate binding site of N 1-acetylpolyamine oxidase (PAO) that was partially purified from rat liver. The substrate activities of acetylpolyamines indicated the presence of two anionic centers corresponding to the 1,3-diaminopropane (1,3-DAP) structure and a hydrophobic region in addition to the cleavage site of the acetamidopropyl group. Based on the results of the inhibitory activities of 1,3-DAP derivatives, we developed a conceptual model of the polyamine binding site of PAO. We used this model to identify a potent competitive inhibitor, N 1,N 7-dihexyl-1,7-diamino-4-azaheptane, and to develop an affinity column, 1,16-diamino4,13-diazahexadecane–linked Sepharose, which was useful for the purification of PAO.  相似文献   

N1-Methyl-N2-(2,3-butadienyl)-1,4-butanediamine (MDL 72521) and N1,N2-bis(2,3-butadienyl)-1,4-butanediamine (MDL 72527) are specific, potent, enzyme-activated, irreversible inhibitors of polyamine oxidase in vitro. These compounds are also capable of completely inhibiting polyamine oxidase in mouse tissues at intraperitoneal doses greater than 20 mg/kg. Enzyme activity reappears in the various organs within 2-3 days to 50% of the control values. Irreversible inhibition of polyamine oxidase in mice led to decreased putrescine (30-40%) and spermidine (10-20%) levels in liver and some other organs. At the same time N1-acetylspermidine and, to a lesser extent, N1-acetylspermine were accumulating at rates which are assumed to be related to the rates of polyamine degradation. Even after treatment with polyamine oxidase inhibitors over a period of 6 weeks at doses which produced complete inhibition of polyamine oxidase in all organs, including the brain, neither toxic effects nor changes in body weight or behaviour were observed.  相似文献   

The polyamine oxidase of barley shoots is associated with a particle which sediments in low centrifugal fields. The enzyme was removed from these particles by washing in 0·5 M NaCl and then purified about 24-fold. The purified enzyme oxidized spermine stoicheiometrically to 1,3-diaminopropane and 1-(3-aminopropyl)pyrroline (pH optimum 4·0). Spermidine was oxidized to 1,3-diaminopropane and 1-pyrroline (pH optimum 6·6). At their respective pH optima, spermine is oxidized about 30 times faster than spermidine. Hydrogen peroxide was formed in the course of the polyamine oxidation. The enzyme was not sensitive to several copper chelating reagents but 2-hydroxyethylhydrazine caused 50% inhibition at 5 × 10−4 M. The enzyme was also present in particles in the roots of barley seedlings and in extracts of the leaves of oats, maize, rye and wheat.  相似文献   

The final step in the biosynthesis of the plant hormone ethylene is catalyzed by the non-heme iron-containing enzyme 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) oxidase (ACCO). ACC is oxidized at the expense of O(2) to yield ethylene, HCN, CO(2), and two waters. Continuous turnover of ACCO requires the presence of ascorbate and HCO(3)(-) (or an alternative form), but the roles played by these reagents, the order of substrate addition, and the mechanism of oxygen activation are controversial. Here these issues are addressed by development of the first functional single turnover system for ACCO. It is shown that 0.35 mol ethylene/mol Fe(II)ACCO is produced when the enzyme is combined with ACC and O(2) in the presence of HCO(3)(-) but in the absence of ascorbate. Thus, ascorbate is not required for O(2) activation or product formation. Little product is observed in the absence of HCO(3)(-), demonstrating the essential role of this reagent. By monitoring the EPR spectrum of the sample during single turnover, it is shown that the active site Fe(II) oxidizes to Fe(III) during the single turnover. This suggests that the electrons needed for catalysis can be derived from a fraction of the initial Fe(II)ACCO instead of ascorbate. Addition of ascorbate at 10% of its K(m) value significantly accelerates both iron oxidation and ethylene formation, suggesting a novel high-affinity effector role for this reagent. This role can be partially mimicked by a non-redox-active ascorbate analog. A mechanism is proposed that begins with ACC and O(2) binding, iron oxidation, and one-electron reduction to form a peroxy intermediate. Breakdown of this intermediate, perhaps by HCO(3)(-)-mediated proton transfer, is proposed to yield a high-valent iron species, which is the true oxidizing reagent for the bound ACC.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Polyamine oxidase enzymes catalyze the oxidation of polyamines and acetylpolyamines. Since polyamines are basic regulators of cell growth and proliferation, their homeostasis is crucial for cell life. Members of the polyamine oxidase gene family have been identified in a wide variety of animals, including vertebrates, arthropodes, nematodes, placozoa, as well as in plants and fungi. Polyamine oxidases (PAOs) from yeast can oxidize spermine, N1-acetylspermine, and N1-acetylspermidine, however, in vertebrates two different enzymes, namely spermine oxidase (SMO) and acetylpolyamine oxidase (APAO), specifically catalyze the oxidation of spermine, and N1-acetylspermine/N1-acetylspermidine, respectively. Little is known about the molecular evolutionary history of these enzymes. However, since the yeast PAO is able to catalyze the oxidation of both acetylated and non acetylated polyamines, and in vertebrates these functions are addressed by two specialized polyamine oxidase subfamilies (APAO and SMO), it can be hypothesized an ancestral reference for the former enzyme from which the latter would have been derived. RESULTS: We analysed 36 SMO, 26 APAO and 14 PAO homologue protein sequences from 54 taxa including various vertebrates and invertebrates. The analysis of the full-length sequences and the principal domains of vertebrate and invertebrate PAOs yielded consensus primary protein sequences for vertebrate SMOs and APAOs, and invertebrate PAOs. This analysis, coupled to molecular modeling techniques, also unveiled sequence regions that confer specific structural and functional properties, including substrate specificity, by the different PAO subfamilies. Molecular phylogenetic trees revealed a basal position of all the invertebrates PAO enzymes relative to vertebrate SMOs and APAOs. PAOs from insects constitute a monophyletic clade. Two PAO variants sampled in the amphioxus are basal to the dichotomy between two well supported monophyletic clades including, respectively, all the SMOs and APAOs from vertebrates. The two vertebrate monophyletic clades clustered strictly mirroring the organismal phylogeny of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Evidences from comparative genomic analysis, structural evolution and functional divergence in a phylogenetic framework across Metazoa suggested an evolutionary scenario where the ancestor PAO coding sequence, present in invertebrates as an orthologous gene, has been duplicated in the vertebrate branch to originate the paralogous SMO and APAO genes. A further genome evolution event concerns the SMO gene of placental, but not marsupial and monotremate, mammals which increased its functional variation following an alternative splicing (AS) mechanism. CONCLUSIONS: In this study the explicit integration in a phylogenomic framework of phylogenetic tree construction, structure prediction, and biochemical function data/prediction, allowed inferring the molecular evolutionary history of the PAO gene family and to disambiguate paralogous genes related by duplication event (SMO and APAO) and orthologous genes related by speciation events (PAOs, SMOs/APAOs). Further, while in vertebrates experimental data corroborate SMO and APAO molecular function predictions, in invertebrates the finding of a supported phylogenetic clusters of insect PAOs and the co-occurrence of two PAO variants in the amphioxus urgently claim the need for future structure-function studies.  相似文献   

Thrower J  Mirica LM  McCusker KP  Klinman JP 《Biochemistry》2006,45(43):13108-13117
The behavior of three cyclic and three acyclic analogues of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) with ACC oxidase has been analyzed with regard to turnover rates, product distribution, and O(2) uncoupling. The cyclic analogues all form ethylene, and the acyclic analogues all undergo decarboxylation. The degree of uncoupling varies from almost none (ACC) to 21-fold (glycine), while turnover rates (k(cat)) are all within a factor of 4-fold of that of ACC. The aggregate data point toward a rate-determining formation of an activated iron-oxo intermediate, which partitions between amine oxidation and reductive uncoupling in a manner that is dependent on substrate structure.  相似文献   

MDL 72527 was considered a selective inhibitor of FAD-dependent polyamine oxidases. In the present communication, we demonstrate that MDL 72527 inactivates bovine serum amine oxidase, a copper-containing, TPQ-enzyme, time-dependently at 25 degrees C. In striking contrast, the enzyme remained active after incubation with excessive MDL 72527 at 37 degrees C, even after 70 h of incubation. Inactivation of BSAO with MDL 72527 at 25 degrees C did not involve the cofactor, as was shown by spectroscopy and by reaction with phenylhydrazine. Docking of MDL 72527 is difficult, owing to its size and two lipophilic moieties, and it has been shown that minor changes in reaction rate of substrates cause major changes in K(m) and k(cat)/K(m). We hypothesise that subtle conformational changes between 25 and 37 degrees C impair MDL 72527 from productive binding and prevent the nucleophilic group from reacting with the double bond system.  相似文献   

Ghanem M  Gadda G 《Biochemistry》2005,44(3):893-904
The oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes is catalyzed by a number of flavin-dependent enzymes, which have been grouped in the glucose-methanol-choline oxidoreductase enzyme superfamily. These enzymes exhibit little sequence similarity in their substrates binding domains, but share a highly conserved catalytic site, suggesting a similar activation mechanism for the oxidation of their substrates. In this study, the fully conserved histidine residue at position 466 of choline oxidase was replaced with an alanine residue by site-directed mutagenesis and the biochemical, spectroscopic, and mechanistic properties of the resulting CHO-H466A mutant enzyme were characterized. CHO-H466A showed k(cat) and k(cat)/K(m) values with choline as substrate that were 60- and 1000-fold lower than the values for the wild-type enzyme, while the k(cat)/K(m) value for oxygen was unaffected, suggesting the involvement of His(466) in the oxidation of the alcohol substrate but not in the reduction of oxygen. Replacement of His(466) with alanine significantly affected the microenvironment of the flavin, as indicated by the altered behavior of CHO-H466A with sulfite and dithionite. In agreement with this conclusion, a midpoint reduction potential of +106 mV for the two-electron transfer in the catalytically competent enzyme-product complex was determined at pH 7 for CHO-H466A, which was approximately 25 mV more negative than that of the wild-type enzyme. Enzymatic activity in CHO-H466A could be partially rescued with exogenous imidazolium, but not imidazole, consistent with the protonated form of histidine exerting a catalytic role. pH profiles for glycine betaine inhibition, the deprotonation of the N(3)-flavin locus, and the k(cat)/K(m) value for choline all showed a significant shift upward in their pK(a) values, consistent with a change in the polarity of the active site. Finally, kinetic isotope effects with isotopically labeled substrate and solvent indicated that the histidine to alanine substitution affected the timing of substrate OH and CH bond cleavages, consistent with removal of the hydroxyl proton being concerted with hydride transfer in the mutant enzyme. All taken together, the results presented in this study suggest that in choline oxidase, His(466) modulates the electrophilicity of the enzyme-bound flavin and the polarity of the active site, and contributes to the stabilization of the transition state for the oxidation of choline to betaine aldehyde.  相似文献   

The establishment of cell polarity involves positive-feedback mechanisms that concentrate polarity regulators, including the conserved GTPase Cdc42p, at the front of the polarized cell. Previous studies in yeast suggested the presence of two parallel positive-feedback loops, one operating as a diffusion-based system, and the other involving actin-directed trafficking of Cdc42p on vesicles. F-actin (and hence directed vesicle traffic) speeds fluorescence recovery of Cdc42p after photobleaching, suggesting that vesicle traffic of Cdc42p contributes to polarization. We present a mathematical modeling framework that combines previously developed mechanistic reaction-diffusion and vesicle-trafficking models. Surprisingly, the combined model recapitulated the observed effect of vesicle traffic on Cdc42p dynamics even when the vesicles did not carry significant amounts of Cdc42p. Vesicle traffic reduced the concentration of Cdc42p at the front, so that fluorescence recovery mediated by Cdc42p flux from the cytoplasm took less time to replenish the bleached pool. Simulations in which Cdc42p was concentrated into vesicles or depleted from vesicles yielded almost identical predictions, because Cdc42p flux from the cytoplasm was dominant. These findings indicate that vesicle-mediated delivery of Cdc42p is not required to explain the observed Cdc42p dynamics, and raise the question of whether such Cdc42p traffic actually contributes to polarity establishment.  相似文献   

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