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Mate guarding is a male strategy to monopolize matings and thus to ensure paternity. Since in callitrichids female reproductive status is advertised by scent marks, one may expect mate guarding by chemical means. We addressed this question during an episode of consortship observed in a polyandrous trio of wild saddleback tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis). During consortship, the consort male was the only one to allomark the female. Scent marking frequency decreased for all individuals, although the consort male marked more than the other male during consortship, while there was no difference in the previous period. During consortship, almost 50% of female scents were overmarked by the consort, and more than 56% of the consort's scent marks were employed to overmark the female's scents. Therefore, the other male had limited access to female scent marks. Mate guarding may thus have a chemical component in tamarins, and olfactory communication may play an important role in mating competition.  相似文献   

Morphological asymmetry is described in the heterenchelyid mud eel Pythonichthys cf. macrurus from inshore coastal waters of Guinea, West Africa. The intensity of asymmetry differs between two examined specimens, with the more extreme case exhibiting strong asymmetry in both external and internal features, including unilateral depigmentation, reductive degeneration and embedding of a blind‐side eye, skewed jaws with reduced dentition and tooth loss. The extent and nature of asymmetry suggests that this individual probably lived primarily on its left lateral side, not unlike sinistral pleuronectiform flatfishes.  相似文献   


Wetlands are among the most diverse environments on the planet and are strongly threatened by human activities. Their restoration and/or mitigation of human impacts, therefore, relies on information that can aid to the management of impacted wetlands so that they return to a (semi-) natural state. We investigate in this study the relationship between dormant stages of zooplankton and clay removal in areas subjected to mining. We evaluate whether a gradual increase in topsoil addition from donor natural wetlands to the sediment of mined wetlands influenced the zooplankton community. Eight wetlands were sampled in the Sinos River floodplain, four natural and four mined. In the laboratory, four field sediment samples were incubated for zooplankton hatching in five treatments comprising sediments from: mined wetlands, natural wetlands, and three treatments containing mined sediments added with low (5%), medium (20%) and high (40%) quantities of sediment from natural wetlands. Hatching consisted of 61 individuals distributed across eight zooplankton taxa. Copepod nauplii were the most abundant (31.1%) followed by Epiphanes sp. (29.5%) and Ovalona glabra (16.4%). While natural wetlands provided 42.6% of the hatched zooplankton, mined wetlands had just 6.5%. Zooplankton richness and abundance were higher in natural wetland sediments compared with mined and added sediment wetlands. To some degree, the sediment soil donation from natural to mined wetlands was considered viable. As long as prior studies are performed to test the size and quality of the dormant banks present in the sediment of candidate donor wetlands, sediment from donor wetlands may aid in the establishment of a more diverse community in disturbed systems.


Cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (CCMV), a plant virus which is member of the Bromoviridae family, is used as a model for the diffusion of a random, short, single stranded RNA, [5'-R(PGpGpApCpUpUpCpGpGpUpCpC)-3')], through a channel on the pseudo-three-fold axis using molecular dynamic simulations. This proposition is based the fact that CCMV undergoes a dynamic structural transition as a response to changes of pH, temperature and ionic strength. Results indicate that the RNA looses its secondary structure and moves into the capside channel by free diffusion. These results are congruent with the hypothesis suggesting that the CCMV capside does not have to dissolve in order to release the RNA into the host.  相似文献   

Can the cause of aggregation be inferred from species distributions?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Species distributions often show an aggregated pattern, which can be due to a number of endo- and exogenous factors. While autologistic models have been used for modelling such data with statistical rigour, little emphasis has been put on disentangling potential causes of aggregation. In this paper we ask whether it is possible to infer sources of aggregation in species distributions from a single set of occurrence data by comparing the performance of various autologistic models. We create simulated data sets, which show similar occupancy patterns, but differ in the process that causes the aggregation. We model the distribution of these data with various autologistic models, and show how the relative performance of the models is sensitive to the factor causing aggregation in the data. This information can be used when modelling real species data, where causes of aggregation are typically unknown. To illustrate, we use our approach to assess the potential causes of aggregation in data of seven bird species with contrasting statistical patterns. Our findings have important implications for conservation, as understanding the mechanisms that drive population fluctuations in space and time is critical for the development of effective management actions for long-term conservation.  相似文献   

The South African coastline can be divided into at least four temperature-defined marine bioregions, including the tropical north-east coast, the subtropical east coast, the warm-temperate south coast, and the cool-temperate west coast. There are also two biogeographical transition zones, the south-west coast and the south-east coast (or Wild Coast). The former is sometimes considered a distinct marine bioregion, but no such status has yet been suggested for the Wild Coast. Previous data on the distribution of a recently described but very common coastal crab, Hymenosoma longicrure, indicated that this species could be a Wild Coast endemic. If confirmed, this would be a first indication that this region harbours unique fauna, and that additional research is required to determine whether the Wild Coast constitutes a distinct bioregion that needs to be managed separately from other coastal regions. In the present study, we generated novel genetic data for H. longicrure and compared the species’ range with that of its southern African congeners. We found that H. longicrure occurs north of the Wild Coast, where its range overlaps with that of H. projectum. This finding rejects the idea that the Wild Coast harbours endemic fauna and suggests that the ranges of the two species may be linked to the subtropical and tropical bioregions, respectively, with some southward dispersal facilitated by the southward-flowing Agulhas Current. We conclude that there is as yet no compelling evidence that the Wild Coast is a distinct marine bioregion, and concur with previous biogeographical studies which have suggested that the Wild Coast is an area in which species from the subtropical and warm-temperate bioregions have overlapping ranges. Nonetheless, that fact that no biological information is available for the majority of the region’s estuaries highlights the necessity of comprehensively documenting the biodiversity of this understudied region to fully resolve this issue.  相似文献   

Variation at the apolipoprotein E (apo E) gene locus affects cholesterol concentrations, the risk for atherosclerosis and Alzheimer disease (AD), and is associated with longevity in Caucasians. We have determined apo E gene frequencies and effects on cholesterol levels in Khoi San (Bushmen) from South Africa. The frequency of the apo 4 allele (0.37), which confers dose-dependent susceptibility to atherosclerosis and AD in Caucasians, was twice as high, and apo E4 homozygotes were 3–5 fold more frequent in the Khoi San ( 10%) compared with Caucasians (2%–3%). No significant effect of apo E variation on cholesterol concentration was noted in this non-Westernized population with low plasma cholesterol (mean cholesterol 149 mg/dl). This suggests that Bushmen carry a heavy genetic burden for these late-onset disorders if exposed to a Western lifestyle.  相似文献   

In the immediate aftermath of global extinctions, organisms were normally much smaller than those prior to these events. This ‘Lilliput Effect’ can be subdivided into two types: 1) a specific type, following the original definition of the effect which targets species-level taxa associated with inhospitable environments, and 2) a more general type, related to the reactions of higher-rank taxa above the species-level. The body sizes of brachiopods from South China through the Ordovician and Silurian transition (Late Katian, Hirnantian, and earliest Rhuddanian) are compared at generic, superfamilial, ordinal, and class levels. The results indicate that the body sizes of the taxa of lower rank (e.g. genus-level) are highly variable within these different intervals. The type of evidence for the Lilliput Effect through the end Ordovician mass extinction is thus quite different from that of the end Permian mass extinction probably reflecting differences in the intensity of these two major bioevents. However, the relationships between the contrasting trends in body-size change of some taxa of higher rank (e.g. at the ordinal-level) and the relative dominance of these taxa in the latest Ordovician and earliest Silurian suggest that the brachiopods of the two major Ordovician groups, the strophomenoids and orthoids, adopted different survival strategies during and immediately after the crisis from those of the pentamerides and rhynchonellides, that were common in Silurian assemblages.  相似文献   

The inclusion of diatoms into the current suite of biomonitoring tools in use in South Africa, as well as the use of European and other diatom indices in South Africa, and in particular the Crocodile and West Marico water management area, is discussed. The indices, when compared to chemical analyses, proved useful in providing an indication of the quality of the investigated waters. Several widely distributed diatom species were shown to have similar ecological tolerances in South Africa when compared to Europe. Although most of the diatoms encountered in the study were cosmopolitan, several possibly endemic species were recorded. The occurrence of endemic species, not included in existing diatom indices may lead to miscalculations of diatom indices. It is concluded that although diatom indices developed in Europe and elsewhere are useful at the present to indicate water quality, a diatom index unique to South Africa including endemic species will have to be formulated. Handling editor: D. Hamilton  相似文献   

Since gravistimulation is followed by alterations in the external current symmetry (Behrens et al., 1982), the effect of gravistimulation on cellular membrane potential was investigated using conventional glass microelectrode techniques. The resting potential of statocytes in a vertically oriented root is approx. -118 mV. Upon gravistimulation, the membrane potential is temporarily depolarized (lag time = 2 s) to a potential of approx. -93 mV. This depolarization is only observed in statocytes located on the physically lower root flank while those on the corresponding upper flank become weakly hyperpolarized (approx. -13 mV). These results reflect altered ion fluxes across the plasma membrane. The perception of gravistimulus was suggested to result from a pressure of the amyloplasts on the distal endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of the statocytes (Sievers and Volkmann, 1972). A causal relationship between changes in ER-amyloplast interactions and the rapid alterations in plasma membrane potential described above is not known. A candidate for such an intracellular messenger is Ca2+. As a first step in establishing the validity of such an assumption, we have isolated ER membranes from roots. When incubated with micromolar concentrations of Ca2+, the vesicular membrane fraction accumulates Ca2+. The accumulation is ATP-dependent and -specific and is directly coupled to ATP hydrolysis since a protonophore shows no inhibitory effect. Thus, in analogy to the sarcoplasmic reticulum of muscle, regulation of an ER-localized Ca2+ compartment might be an important step in such complex processes as stimulus-transduction in gravitropism.  相似文献   

The method of reconstructing quantum bumps in photoreceptor cells from noise data by making use of shot noise theory is critically reviewed. The application of this method produces results irrespective of whether the conditions for reconstructing bumps by the method are satisfied or not and even irrespective of whether at high stimulus intensities quantum bumps exist or not. We argue that at high intensities the concept of quantum bumps indeed becomes physically meaningless and degenerates to a purely mathematical concept. In order to investigate the meaning of the results of the reconstruction method, we submit it to a test model for which bumps and single channel opening events can be evaluated analytically. By comparing the analytical results of the test model with that of the reconstruction method applied to the test model we find: (1) even at low intensities, the reconstructed bump values deviate from the analytical results by up to an order of magnitude due to the variability of the bumps, (2) at high intensities, the reconstruction method produces single chennel opening events rather than anything like a quantum bump. We also find, however, that there is no continuous transition from a bump at low intensities to a single channel event at high intensities.  相似文献   

Increasing workloads in our radiology department prompted a study of casualty officers'' use of x ray examinations, of which there were 5463 in the period. While casualty officers were in post referrals for x ray examination did not become more selective, but skills in interpreting films improved. Overall, 4.9% of trauma radiographs were misinterpreted, but this fell from 7.1% to 2.9% during tenure of post. One in four errors was clinically important. Clinical guidelines for selective radiography produced a significant and sustained reduction in the number of x ray examinations requested by the department. Analysis of one common injury indicated that the quality of patient care was not adversely affected. The number of x ray examinations carried out in the accident and emergency department can be reduced by using guidelines, and this does not compromise the quality of patient care. Appreciable savings may be made in patients'' waiting times and radiodiagnostic expenditure.  相似文献   

Can antioxidants be beneficial in the treatment of lead poisoning?   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Recent studies have shown that lead causes oxidative stress by inducing the generation of reactive oxygen species, reducing the antioxidant defense system of cells via depleting glutathione, inhibiting sulfhydryl-dependent enzymes, interfering with some essential metals needed for antioxidant enzyme activities, and/or increasing susceptibility of cells to oxidative attack by altering the membrane integrity and fatty acid composition. Consequently, it is plausible that impaired oxidant/antioxidant balance can be partially responsible for the toxic effects of lead. Where enhanced oxidative stress contributes to lead-induced toxicity, restoration of a cell's antioxidant capacity appears to provide a partial remedy. Several studies are underway to determine the effect of antioxidant supplementation following lead exposure. Data suggest that antioxidants may play an important role in abating some hazards of lead. To explain the importance of using antioxidants in treating lead poisoning the following topics are addressed: (i) Oxidative damage caused by lead poisoning; (ii) conventional treatment of lead poisoning and its side effects; and (iii) possible protective effects of antioxidants in lead toxicity.  相似文献   

A common perception, particularly in South Africa, is that heavily and continuously grazed communal land leads to degradation and loss of plant diversity when compared to commercial rangeland farming or conservation areas. We focus on whether this applies to the Grassland Biome of South Africa and whether the opposite can occur, namely, an increase in plant species richness under heavy grazing. A study of a contrast between a communal area of the former Ciskei and a neighbouring nature reserve showed that intense utilization under communal use led to a significant increase in plant species richness. However, this increase was scale-dependent with the greatest significant difference occurring at sample plot scale (50 m2) but converging at the broader scale of the whole study site. Species that increased with heavy grazing included those from arid Karroid areas as well as some from more mesic grassland and savanna areas. The contribution of beta diversity to gamma diversity across the grazing contrast was relatively low which reflects the relatively high proportion of species shared between treatments. Total plant canopy cover declined sharply with heavy grazing. In terms of plant canopy cover, grazing favoured annual over perennial plants, prostrate over erect plants, and stoloniferous over tussock plant architecture. This pattern was not supported when expressed in terms of number of species belonging to these grazing response groups or traits.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the epistemological positions of evolution theories. A sharp distinction is made between the theory that species evolved from common ancestors along specified lines of descent (here called the theory of common descent), and the theories intended as causal explanations of evolution (e.g. Lamarck's and Darwin's theory). The theory of common descent permits a large number of predictions of new results that would be improbable without evolution. For instance, (a) phylogenetic trees have been validated now; (b) the observed order in fossils of new species discovered since Darwin's time could be predicted from the theory of common descent; (c) owing to the theory of common descent, the degrees of similarity and difference in newly discovered properties of more or less related species could be predicted. Such observations can be regarded as attempts to falsify the theory of common descent. We conclude that the theory of common descent is an easily-falsifiable & often-tested & still-not-falsified theory, which is the strongest predicate a theory in an empirical science can obtain. Theories intended as causal explanations of evolution can be falsified essentially, and Lamarck's theory has been falsified actually. Several elements of Darwin's theory have been modified or falsified: new versions of a theory of evolution by natural selection are now the leading scientific theories on evolution. We have argued that the theory of common descent and Darwinism are ordinary, falsifiable scientific theories.  相似文献   

Can a reductionist be a pluralist?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Pluralism is often put forth as a counter-position to reductionism. In this essay, I argue that reductionism and pluralism are in fact consistent. I propose that there are several potential goals for reductions and that the proper form of a reduction should be considered in tandem with the goal that it aims to achieve. This insight provides a basis for clarifying what version(s) of reductionism are currently defended, for explicating the notion of a fundamental level of explanation, and for showing how one can be both a reductionist and a pluralist.  相似文献   

Spiral colonies of the diatom Aulacoseira ambigua were assigned the rank of forma (Aulacoseira ambigua f. japonica). This spiral-shaped, colonial, centric diatom has limited geographical distribution and is currently reported to occur in only a few countries in the world. In Africa this species was described for the first time from the Vaal River, South Africa, but recent research on the Nile River also revealed its presence in Egypt. Physical and chemical data on water quality in these two river systems were compared to determine whether the presence of this uncommon ‘phenoecodeme’ could be ascribed to similar environmental conditions. Results indicate that the rivers are dissimilar with regard to many variables, but both rivers provide turbid, warm and eutrophic waters with medium to high mineral content and it was concluded that these factors favour and sustain the growth of this curved form.  相似文献   

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