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IN addition to its well known antiviral activity, interferon has recently been shown to inhibit the multiplication of tumour and mammalian cells in cell culture1–6. We report here the inhibition by interferon of DNA synthesis induced in mouse spleen lymphocytes by the non-viral stimuli phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) and allogeneic lymphocytes. These findings are in accord with our contention that interferon affects cell function and, furthermore, they suggest that by acting on lymphocytes, interferon plays a role in the immunological response of the host.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes in cultures of peripheral blood cells from patients with multiple sclerosis showed significant blastogenic transformation in the presence of human brain extract, encephalitogenic myelin basic protein, or human cerebrospinal fluid, but not in the presence of kidney extract. There was no correlation between the degree of activity of the patients'' disease and the percentage transformation of their lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The response of lymphocytes to phytohaemagglutinin was tested as an index of lymphocyte function in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in remission. No significant differences were found in the results of tests on lymphocytes from patients treated with B.C.G. and those from patients given methotrexate, nor was any difference detected between patients and controls.  相似文献   

RNA-DEPENDENT. DNA polymerase an activity initially thought to be unique to RNA tumour viruses1–3, is now known to be present in normal human lymphocytes4, which are differentiated and seldom divide in vivo or in culture. The addition of phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) or other mitogens (including appropriate antigens) transforms lymphocytes into actively proliferating cells5. Several enzymes which function in gene activation and DNA replication specifically increase in activity during this transformation6,7. We now report that RNA-dependent DNA polymerase also behaves in this way.  相似文献   

Early ABA Signaling Events in Guard Cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) regulates a wide variety of plant physiological and developmental processes, particularly responses to environmental stress, such as drought. In response to water deficiency, plants redistribute foliar ABA and/or upregulate ABA synthesis in roots, leading to roughly a 30-fold increase in ABA concentration in the apoplast of stomatal guard cells. The elevated ABA triggers a chain of events in guard cells, causing stomatal closure and thus preventing water loss. Although the molecular nature of ABA receptor(s) remains unknown, considerable progress in the identification and characterization of its downstream signaling elements has been made by using combined physiological, biochemical, biophysical, molecular, and genetic approaches. The measurable events associated with ABA-induced stomatal closure in guard cells include, sequentially, the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), increases in cytosolic free Ca2+ levels ([Ca2+]i), activation of anion channels, membrane potential depolarization, cytosolic alkalinization, inhibition of K+ influx channels, and promotion of K+ efflux channels. This review provides an overview of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying these ABA-evoked signaling events, with particular emphasis on how ABA triggers an “electronic circuitry” involving these ionic components.  相似文献   

Early Events in Development of Streptococcal Competence   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Appropriately timed use of trypsin, which inactivates competence factor (CF), and chloramphenicol made feasible a separation and characterization of early events in the development of competence in group H streptococci. Step 1 is production of CF, which is inseparable in time from the concomitant release of free CF into the medium. The producing cells, which are noncompetent at the time, also accumulate cell-bound CF (CB-CF) from the onset of CF synthesis. In step 2, the released CF is adsorbed or taken up in a trypsin-insensitive state by the producing cells and is not destroyed as previously suggested. This occurs rapidly in a transformation-supporting (complete) medium. The rapid decline in free CF is concomitant with the rise in CB-CF, and a maximal increase in the latter does not occur in cultures exposed to trypsin, which inactivates any trypsin-accessible CF. The rapid increase in CB-CF (above trypsin-treated levels) leads to step 3, the induction of competence. All of these steps probably require protein synthesis, because each is inhibited by chloramphenicol. The data also indicate that only free CF that is subsequently adsorbed, and which thus leads to maximal levels of trypsin-insensitive CB-CF, is the effective inducer of competence in either CF-producing (Challis) or CF-nonproducing (Wicky) cultures. The processes induced by the newly bound CF are not fully understood, but certain new properties, previously described by others as indicating competence, were measured during the several steps of competence development. Cell aggregation at pH 2 appears to be related to CB-CF and can be shown before this bound CF has induced competence. The ability of cultures to autolyze maximally can be diminished by trypsin treatment of precompetent cells without affecting subsequent competence development as measured by transformation.  相似文献   

Early Picosecond Events in the Photocycle of Bacteriorhodopsin   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The primary processes of the photochemical cycle of light-adapted bacteriorhodopsin (BR) were studied by various experimental techniques with a time resolution of 5 × 10-13 s. The following results were obtained. (a) After optical excitation the first excited singlet state S1 of bacteriorhodopsin is observed via its fluorescence and absorption properties. The population of the excited singlet state decays with a lifetime τ1 of ~0.7 ps (430 ± 50 fs) (52). (b) With the same time constant the first ground-state intermediate J builds up. Its absorption spectrum is red-shifted relative to the spectrum of BR by ~30 nm. (c) The second photoproduct K, which appears with a time constant of τ2 = 5 ps shows a red-shift of 20 nm, relative to the peak of BR. Its absorption remains constant for the observation time of 300 ps. (d) Upon suspending bacteriorhodopsin in D2O and deuterating the retinal Schiff base at its nitrogen (lysine 216), the same photoproducts J and K are observed. The relaxation time constants τ1 and τ2 remain unchanged upon deuteration within the experimental accuracy of 20%.  相似文献   

In this review, we focus on the early events in the process of fibroblast spreading on fibronectin matrices of different rigidities. We present a focused position piece that illustrates the many different tests that a cell makes of its environment before it establishes mature matrix adhesions. When a fibroblast is placed on fibronectin-coated glass surfaces at 37°C, it typically spreads and polarizes within 20-40 min primarily through αvβ3 integrin binding to fibronectin. In that short period, the cell goes through three major phases that involve binding, integrin activation, spreading, and mechanical testing of the surface. The advantage of using the model system of cell spreading from the unattached state is that it is highly reproducible and the stages that the cell undergoes can thus be studied in a highly quantitative manner, in both space and time. The mechanical and biochemical parameters that matter in this example are often surprising because of both the large number of tests that occur and the precision of the tests. We discuss our current understanding of those tests, the decision tree that is involved in this process, and an extension to the behavior of the cells at longer time periods when mature adhesions develop. Because many other matrices and integrins are involved in cell-matrix adhesion, this model system gives us a limited view of a subset of cellular behaviors that can occur. However, by defining one cellular process at a molecular level, we know more of what to expect when defining other processes. Because each cellular process will involve some different proteins, a molecular understanding of multiple functions operating within a given cell can lead to strategies to selectively block a function.  相似文献   

Ixodes species ticks are competent vectors of tick-borne viruses including tick-borne encephalitis and Powassan encephalitis. Tick saliva has been shown to facilitate and enhance viral infection. This likely occurs by saliva-mediated modulation of host responses into patterns favorable for viral infection and dissemination. Because of the rapid kinetics of tick-borne viral transmission, this modulation must occur as early as tick attachment and initiation of feeding. In this study, cutaneous bite-site lesions were analyzed using Affymetrix mouse genome 430A 2.0 arrays and histopathology at 1, 3, 6, and 12 hours after uninfected Ixodes scapularis nymphal tick attachment. At 1 and 3 hrs after attachment, the gene expression profile is markedly different than at later time points. Upregulated gene ontology term clusters enriched at 1 and 3 hrs were related to post-translational modification. At 6 and 12 hrs, cytoskeletal rearrangements, DNA replication/cell division, inflammation, and chemotaxis were prominent clusters. At 6 and 12 hrs, extracellular matrix, signaling, and DNA binding clusters were downregulated. Histopathological analysis shows minimal inflammation at 1 and 3 hrs but an appreciable neutrophil infiltrate at 6 and 12 hrs. In addition, putative hyperemia, localized necrosis, and increased ECM deposition were identified. Putting the gene expression and histopathology analysis together suggests early tick feeding is characterized by modulation of host responses in resident cells that merges into a nascent, neutrophil-driven immune response by 12 hrs post-attachment.  相似文献   

Early Events of Virus-Cell Interaction in an Adenovirus System   总被引:47,自引:33,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
The interaction of (32)P-labeled adenovirus type 2 and HeLa or KB cells has been examined during early infection. The kinetics of virus uncoating to deoxyribonuclease-sensitive products, the partial characterization of three such products by gradient centrifugation, and the distribution of these products in the extranuclear and nuclear portions of infected cells are reported. The results are compatible with the following model. Extracellular virus attaches to a receptor on the plasma membrane. The membrane-bound virus has a half-life of less than 15 min and is transformed to a partly uncoated product which is free inside the cell and about half of which rapidly enters the cell nucleus. This is rapidly transformed, in both cytoplasm and nucleus, to a membrane-bound virion "core." The proteins of the bound "core" are then removed from the intact virus deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). In the nucleus, viral DNA is the main product and there the overall sequence is completed in about 2 hr.  相似文献   

BK virus (BKV) is a nonenveloped, ubiquitous human polyomavirus that establishes a persistent infection in healthy individuals. It can be reactivated, however, in immunosuppressed patients and cause severe diseases, including polyomavirus nephropathy. The entry and disassembly mechanisms of BKV are not well defined. In this report, we characterized several early events during BKV infection in primary human renal proximal tubule epithelial (RPTE) cells, which are natural host cells for BKV. Our results demonstrate that BKV infection in RPTE cells involves an acidic environment relatively early during entry, followed by transport along the microtubule network to reach the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). A distinct disulfide bond isomerization and cleavage pattern of the major capsid protein VP1 was observed, which was also influenced by alterations in pH and disruption of trafficking to the ER. A dominant negative form of Derlin-1, an ER protein required for retro-translocation of certain misfolded proteins, inhibited BKV infection. Consistent with this, we detected an interaction between Derlin-1 and VP1. Finally, we show that proteasome function is also linked to BKV infection and capsid rearrangement. These results indicate that BKV early entry and disassembly are highly regulated processes involving multiple cellular components.  相似文献   

Time Sequence of Early Events in Fertilization in the Medaka Egg   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The time sequence of early events in fertilization was examined in eggs of the medaka Oryzias latipes . The mean time after insemination required for sperm attachment to the egg surface through the micropyle depended on sperm concentrations. It was 3 ± 1 sec with a range from 1 to 6 sec after insemination when concentration of spermatozoa was high (about 2 × 108/ml at 23°–25°C). The mean time from sperm attachment until cessation of its movement on the egg surface was 4 ± 1 sec with a range from 1 to 9 sec. Small cortical alveoli at the animal pole region within 15 μm of the sperm attachment point began to undergo exocytosis 9 ± 0.3 sec (range 5–16 sec) after sperm attachment. The velocity at which the exocytosis wave propagated increased from the earliest initiation point of exocytosis up to the 100 μm area, and became constant at about 12 μm/sec from 100 μm to 500 μm from the sperm attachment point. The present results suggest that at the time of fertilization in the fish egg, exocytosis of small cortical alveoli in the area about 15 μm away from the sperm attachment point occurs simultaneously.  相似文献   

The infection of maize by Fusarium verticillioides can result in highly variable disease symptoms ranging from asymptomatic plants to severe rotting and wilting. We produced F. verticillioides green fluorescent protein-expressing transgenic isolates and used them to characterize early events in the F. verticillioides-maize interaction that may affect later symptom appearance. Plants grown in F. verticillioides-infested soil were smaller and chlorotic. The fungus colonized all of the underground parts of a plant but was found primarily in lateral roots and mesocotyl tissue. In some mesocotyl cells, conidia were produced within 14 to 21 days after infection. Intercellular mycelium was detected, but additional cells were not infected until 21 days after planting. At 25 to 30 days after planting, the mesocotyl and main roots were heavily infected, and rotting developed in these tissues. Other tissues, including the adventitious roots and the stem, appeared to be healthy and contained only a small number of hyphae. These results imply that asymptomatic systemic infection is characterized by a mode of fungal development that includes infection of certain tissues, intercellular growth of a limited number of fungal hyphae, and reproduction of the fungus in a few cells without invasion of other cells. Development of visibly rotted tissue is associated with massive production of fungal mycelium and much less organized growth.  相似文献   

Phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), a kidney bean lectin, is known for its binding capability to the small intestinal surface. There has been no data available, however, on the biological activity of PHA in the stomach. Recent observations indicate that PHA is able to attach to gastric mucosal and parietal cells. Therefore, we examined whether PHA affects gastric acid and pepsin secretion in rats. Rats were surgically prepared with chronic stainless steel gastric cannula and with indwelling polyethylene jugular vein catheter. During experiments, animals were slightly restrained. Gastric acid secretion was collected in 30 min periods. Acid secretion was determined by titration of the collected gastric juice with 0.02 N NaOH to pH 7.0. Pepsin activity was estimated by measuring enzymatic activity. Saline, pentagastrin and histamine were infused intravenously. PHA or bovine serum albumin (BSA) were dissolved in saline and given intragastrically through the gastric cannula. PHA significantly inhibited basal acid secretion. Inhibition of acid output reached 72% during the first collection period following PHA administration when compared, then gradually disappeared. Pentagastrin-stimulated acid secretion was repressed dose-dependently by PHA as well. Maximal inhibition was observed during the first 30 min following application of PHA. Histamine-stimulated acid secretion was inhibited by PHA in a similar manner. Pepsin secretion was not affected by PHA under either basal or stimulated conditions. These results provide evidence that PHA is a potent inhibitor of gastric acid secretion in conscious rats, but it does not affect pepsin output from the stomach.  相似文献   

A marker-specific and strongly temperature-dependent reaction was observed to occur at a time during transformation in Diplococcus pneumoniae after the donor deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) had acquired single-strand properties and immediately preceding the integration of these strands into the recipient chromosome. Operationally, it was observed as the prevention of an intracellular inactivation process, also described in this paper, which is specific for low molecular weight or for damaged DNA, and which occurs if the recipient cells are held at suboptimal temperatures after the DNA has entered. Brief exposure of the cells to a higher temperature stabilized the DNA against this inactivation, in a two step process. It is the first step which has a strong temperature dependence (DeltaHdouble dagger = 70 kcal/mole, DeltaSdouble dagger = 160 entropy units), is marker specific, and which appears to be reversible. The second step is much less temperature-dependent and overlaps in time the start of integration. The enthalpy and entropy of activation are both consistent with those needed to open a loop of six to eight base pairs in a DNA duplex. It is suggested that these observations may reflect, and provide an assay for, the kinetics of synapsis, which on this model is limited in rate by the appearance of unpaired regions on the recipient duplex.  相似文献   

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