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The herpes simplex virus type 1 UL6 protein forms a 12-subunit ring structure at a unique capsid vertex which functions as a conduit for encapsidation of the viral genome. To characterize UL6 protein domains that are involved in intersubunit interactions and interactions with other capsid proteins, we engineered a set of deletion mutants spanning the entire gene. Three deletion constructs, D-5 (Delta 198-295), D-6 (Delta 322-416), and D-LZ (Delta 409-473, in which a putative leucine zipper was removed), were introduced into the viral genome. All three mutant viruses produced only B capsids, indicating a defect in encapsidation. Western blot analysis showed that the UL6 protein was present in the capsids isolated from two mutants, D-6 and D-LZ. The protein encoded by D-5, on the other hand, was not associated with capsids and was instead localized in the cytoplasm of the infected cells, indicating that this deletion affected the nuclear transport of the portal protein. The UL6 protein from the KOS strain (wild type) and the D-6 mutant were purified from insect cells infected with recombinant baculoviruses and shown to form ring structures as assessed by sucrose gradient centrifugation and electron microscopy. In contrast, the D-LZ mutant protein formed aggregates that sedimented throughout the sucrose gradient as a heterogeneous mixture and did not yield stable ring structures. A mutant (L429E L436E) in which two of the heptad leucines of the putative zipper were replaced with glutamate residues also failed to form stable rings. Our results suggest that the integrity of the leucine zipper region is important for oligomer interactions and stable ring formation, which in turn are required for genome encapsidation.  相似文献   

Role of the UL25 protein in herpes simplex virus DNA encapsidation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The herpes simplex virus protein UL25 attaches to the external vertices of herpes simplex virus type 1 capsids and is required for the stable packaging of viral DNA. To define regions of the protein important for viral replication and capsid attachment, the 580-amino-acid UL25 open reading frame was disrupted by transposon mutagenesis. The UL25 mutants were assayed for complementation of a UL25 deletion virus, and in vitro-synthesized protein was tested for binding to UL25-deficient capsids. Of the 11 mutants analyzed, 4 did not complement growth of the UL25 deletion mutant, and analysis of these and additional mutants in the capsid-binding assay demonstrated that UL25 amino acids 1 to 50 were sufficient for capsid binding. Several UL25 mutations were transferred into recombinant viruses to analyze the effect of the mutations on UL25 capsid binding and on DNA cleavage and packaging. Studies of these mutants demonstrated that amino acids 1 to 50 of UL25 are essential for its stable interaction with capsids and that the C terminus is essential for DNA packaging and the production of infectious virus through its interactions with other viral packaging or tegument proteins. Analysis of viral DNA cleavage demonstrated that in the absence of a functional UL25 protein, aberrant cleavage takes place at the unique short end of the viral genome, resulting in truncated viral genomes that are not retained in capsids. Based on these observations, we propose a model where UL25 is required for the formation of DNA-containing capsids by acting to stabilize capsids that contain full-length viral genomes.  相似文献   

By electron microscopy and image analysis, we find that baculovirus-expressed UL6 is polymorphic, consisting of rings of 11-, 12-, 13-, and 14-fold symmetry. The 12-mer is likely to be the oligomer incorporated into procapsids: at a resolution of 16 A, it has an axial channel, peripheral flanges, and fits snugly into a vacant vertex site. Its architecture resembles those of bacteriophage portal/connector proteins.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) UL6, UL15, and UL28 proteins are essential for cleavage of replicated concatemeric viral DNA into unit length genomes and their packaging into a preformed icosahedral capsid known as the procapsid. The capsid-associated UL6 DNA-packaging protein is located at a single vertex and is thought to form the portal through which the genome enters the procapsid. The UL15 protein interacts with the UL28 protein, and both are strong candidates for subunits of the viral terminase, a key component of the molecular motor that drives the DNA into the capsid. To investigate the association of the UL6 protein with the UL15 and UL28 proteins, the three proteins were produced in large amounts in insect cells with the baculovirus expression system. Interactions between UL6 and UL28 and between UL6 and UL15 were identified by an immunoprecipitation assay. These results were confirmed by transiently expressing wild-type and mutant proteins in mammalian cells and monitoring their distribution by immunofluorescence. In cells expressing the single proteins, UL6 and UL15 were concentrated in the nuclei whereas UL28 was found in the cytoplasm. When the UL6 and UL28 proteins were coexpressed, UL28 was redistributed to the nuclei, where it colocalized with UL6. In cells producing either of two cytoplasmic UL6 mutant proteins and a functional epitope-tagged form of UL15, the UL15 protein was concentrated with the mutant UL6 protein in the cytoplasm. These observed interactions of UL6 with UL15 and UL28 are likely to be of major importance in establishing a functional DNA-packaging complex at the portal vertex of the HSV-1 capsid.  相似文献   

Disulfide bonds reportedly stabilize the capsids of several viruses, including papillomavirus, polyomavirus, and simian virus 40, and have been detected in herpes simplex virus (HSV) capsids. In this study, we show that in mature HSV-1 virions, capsid proteins VP5, VP23, VP19C, UL17, and UL25 participate in covalent cross-links, and that these are susceptible to dithiothreitol (DTT). In addition, several tegument proteins were found in high-molecular-weight complexes, including VP22, UL36, and UL37. Cross-linked capsid complexes can be detected in virions isolated in the presence and absence of N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), a chemical that reacts irreversibly with free cysteines to block disulfide formation. Intracellular capsids isolated in the absence of NEM contain disulfide cross-linked species; however, intracellular capsids isolated from cells pretreated with NEM did not. Thus, the free cysteines in intracellular capsids appear to be positioned such that disulfide bond formation can occur readily if they are exposed to an oxidizing environment. These results indicate that disulfide cross-links are normally present in extracellular virions but not in intracellular capsids. Interestingly, intracellular capsids isolated in the presence of NEM are unstable; B and C capsids are converted to a novel form that resembles A capsids, indicating that scaffold and DNA are lost. Furthermore, these capsids also have lost pentons and peripentonal triplexes as visualized by cryoelectron microscopy. These data indicate that capsid stability, and especially the retention of pentons, is regulated by the formation of disulfide bonds in the capsid.  相似文献   

Egress of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) from the nucleus of the infected cell to extracellular spaces involves a number of distinct steps, including primary envelopment by budding into the perinuclear space, de-envelopment into the cytoplasm, cytoplasmic reenvelopment, and translocation of enveloped virions to extracellular spaces. UL20/gK-null viruses are blocked in cytoplasmic virion envelopment and egress, as indicated by an accumulation of unenveloped or partially enveloped capsids in the cytoplasm. Similarly, UL11-null mutants accumulate unenveloped capsids in the cytoplasm. To assess whether UL11 and UL20/gK function independently or synergistically in cytoplasmic envelopment, recombinant viruses having either the UL20 or UL11 gene deleted were generated. In addition, a recombinant virus containing a deletion of both UL20 and UL11 genes was constructed using the HSV-1(F) genome cloned into a bacterial artificial chromosome. Ultrastructural examination of virus-infected cells showed that both UL20- and UL11-null viruses accumulated unenveloped capsids in the cytoplasm. However, the morphology and distribution of the accumulated capsids appeared to be distinct, with the UL11-null virions forming aggregates of capsids having diffuse tegument-derived material and the UL20-null virus producing individual capsids in close juxtaposition to cytoplasmic membranes. The UL20/UL11 double-null virions appeared morphologically similar to the UL20-null viruses. Experiments on the kinetics of viral replication revealed that the UL20/UL11 double-null virus replicated in a manner similar to the UL20-null virus. Additional experiments revealed that transiently expressed UL11 localized to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) independently of either gK or UL20. Furthermore, virus infection with the UL11/UL20 double-null virus did not alter the TGN localization of transiently expressed UL11 or UL20 proteins, indicating that these proteins did not interact. Taken together, these results show that the intracellular transport and TGN localization of UL11 is independent of UL20/gK functions, and that UL20/gK are required and function prior to UL11 protein in virion cytoplasmic envelopment.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) syncytial (syn) mutants cause formation of giant polykaryocytes and have been utilized to identify genes promoting or suppressing cell fusion. We previously described an HSV-1 recombinant, F1 (J.L. Goodman, M. L. Cook, F. Sederati, K. Izumi, and J. G. Stevens, J. Virol. 63:1153-1161, 1989), which has unique virulence properties and a syn mutation in the carboxy terminus of glycoprotein B (gB). We attempted to replace this single-base-pair syn mutation through cotransfection with a 379-bp PCR-generated fragment of wild-type gB. The nonsyncytial viruses isolated were shown by DNA sequencing not to have acquired the expected wild-type gB sequence. Instead, they had lost their cell-cell fusion properties because of alterations mapping to the UL45 gene. The mutant UL45 gene is one nonsyncytial derivative of F1, A4B, was found to have a deletion of a C at UL45 nucleotide 230, resulting in a predicted frame shift and termination at 92 rather than 172 amino acids. Northern (RNA) analysis showed that the mutant UL45 gene was normally transcribed. However, Western immunoblotting showed no detectable UL45 gene product from A4B or from another similarly isolated nonsyncytial F1 derivative, A61B, while another such virus, 1ACSS, expressed reduced amounts of UL45. When A4B was cotransfected with the wild-type UL45 gene, restoration of UL45 expression correlated with restoration of syncytium formation. Conversely, cloned DNA fragments containing the mutant A4B UL45 gene transferred the loss of cell-cell fusion to other gB syn mutants, rendering them UL45 negative and nonsyncytial. We conclude that normal UL45 expression is required to allow cell fusion induced by gB syn mutants and that the nonessential UL45 protein may play an important role as a mediator of fusion events during HSV-1 infection.  相似文献   

Microtubule-mediated anterograde transport is essential for the transport of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) along axons, yet little is known regarding the mechanism and the machinery required for this process. Previously, we were able to reconstitute anterograde transport of HSV-1 on microtubules in an in vitro microchamber assay. Here we report that the large tegument protein UL36p is essential for this trafficking. Using a fluorescently labeled UL36 null HSV-1 strain, KΔUL36GFP, we found that it is possible to isolate a membrane-associated population of this virus. Although these viral particles contained normal amounts of tegument proteins VP16, vhs, and VP22, they displayed a 3-log decrease in infectivity and showed a different morphology compared to UL36p-containing virions. Membrane-associated KΔUL36GFP also displayed a slightly decreased binding to microtubules in our microchamber assay and a two-thirds decrease in the frequency of motility. This decrease in binding and motility was restored when UL36p was supplied in trans by a complementing cell line. These findings suggest that UL36p is necessary for HSV-1 anterograde transport.  相似文献   

A 535 base pair DNA fragment which maps entirely within the IRS/TRS regions of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) genome and contains all the cis-acting signals necessary for it to function as an origin of viral DNA replication has previously been identified (N.D. Stow and E.C. McMonagle, Virology, in press). When BHK cells were transfected with circular plasmid molecules containing cloned copies of this DNA fragment, and superinfected with wt HSV-1 as helper, amplification of the input plasmid was detected. Two observations indicated that the amplified DNA was not packaged into virus particles. Firstly, when the transfected cells were disrupted the amplified DNA was susceptible to digestion by added DNase, and secondly, it was not possible to further propagate the DNA when virus from the cells was passaged. Fragments from the joint region and from both termini of the viral genome were inserted into origin-containing plasmids and the resulting constructs analysed. In all cases the inserted fragment allowed the amplified DNA to be further passaged, and a proportion to become resistant to digestion with DNase. These observations suggest that signals required for the encapsidation of HSV-1 DNA are located within DNA sequences shared by the inserted fragments and therefore lie within the reiterated 'a' sequence of the viral genome.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus (HSV) UL17 and UL25 minor capsid proteins are essential for DNA packaging. They are thought to comprise a molecule arrayed in five copies around each of the capsid vertices. This molecule was initially termed the "C-capsid-specific component" (CCSC) (B. L. Trus et al., Mol. Cell 26:479-489, 2007), but as we have subsequently observed this feature on reconstructions of A, B, and C capsids, we now refer to it more generally as the "capsid vertex-specific component" (CVSC) (S. K. Cockrell et al., J. Virol. 85:4875-4887, 2011). We previously confirmed that UL25 occupies the vertex-distal region of the CVSC density by visualizing a large UL25-specific tag in reconstructions calculated from cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) images. We have pursued the same strategy to determine the capsid location of the UL17 protein. Recombinant viruses were generated that contained either a small tandem affinity purification (TAP) tag or the green fluorescent protein (GFP) attached to the C terminus of UL17. Purification of the TAP-tagged UL17 or a similarly TAP-tagged UL25 protein clearly demonstrated that the two proteins interact. A cryo-EM reconstruction of capsids containing the UL17-GFP protein reveals that UL17 is the second component of the CVSC and suggests that UL17 interfaces with the other CVSC component, UL25, through its C terminus. The portion of UL17 nearest the vertex appears to be poorly constrained, which may provide flexibility in interacting with tegument proteins or the DNA-packaging machinery at the portal vertex. The exposed locations of the UL17 and UL25 proteins on the HSV-1 capsid exterior suggest that they may be attractive targets for highly specific antivirals.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 packages its DNA genome into a precursor capsid, referred to as the procapsid. Of the three capsid-associated DNA-packaging proteins, UL17, UL25, and UL6, only UL17 and UL6 appear to be components of the procapsid, with UL25 being added subsequently. To determine whether the association of UL17 or UL25 with capsids was dependent on the other two packaging proteins, B capsids, which lack viral DNA but retain the cleaved internal scaffold, were purified from nonpermissive cells infected with UL17, UL25, or UL6 null mutants and compared with wild-type (wt) B capsids. In the absence of UL17, the levels of UL25 in the mutant capsids were much lower than those in wt B capsids. These results suggest that UL17 is required for efficient incorporation of UL25 into B capsids. B capsids lacking UL25 contained about twofold-less UL17 than wt capsids, raising the possibilities that UL25 is important for stabilizing UL17 in capsids and that the two proteins interact in the capsid. The distribution of UL17 and UL25 on B capsids was examined using immunogold labeling. Both proteins appeared to bind to multiple sites on the capsid. The properties of the UL17 and UL25 proteins are consistent with the idea that the two proteins are important in stabilizing capsid-DNA structures rather than having a direct role in DNA packaging.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) UL37 open reading frame encodes a 120-kDa late (gamma 1), nonstructural protein in infected cells. Recent studies in our laboratory have demonstrated that the UL37 protein interacts in the cytoplasm of infected cells with ICP8, the major HSV-1 DNA-binding protein. As a result of this interaction, the UL37 protein is transported to the nucleus and can be coeluted with ICP8 from single-stranded DNA columns. Pulse-labeling and pulse-chase studies of HSV-1-infected cells with [35S]methionine and 32Pi demonstrated that UL37 was a phosphoprotein which did not have a detectable rate of turnover. The protein was phosphorylated soon after translation and remained phosphorylated throughout the viral replicative cycle. UL37 protein expressed from a vaccinia virus recombinant was also phosphorylated during infection, suggesting that the UL37 protein was phosphorylated by a cellular kinase and that interaction with the ICP8 protein was not a prerequisite for UL37 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The product of the U(L)11 gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a 96-amino-acid tegument protein that accumulates on the cytoplasmic face of internal membranes. Although it is thought to be important for nucleocapsid envelopment and egress, the actual function of this protein is unknown. Previous studies focused on the characterization of sequence elements within the UL11 protein that function in membrane binding and trafficking to the Golgi apparatus. Binding was found to be mediated by two fatty acyl groups (myristate and palmitate), while an acidic cluster and a dileucine motif were identified as being important for the recycling of UL11 from the plasma membrane to the Golgi apparatus. The goal of the experiments described here was to identify and characterize binding partners (viral or cellular) of UL11. Using both immunoprecipitation and glutathione S-transferase (GST) pull-down assays, we identified a 40-kDa protein that specifically associates with UL11 from infected Vero cells. Mutational analyses revealed that the acidic cluster and the dileucine motif are required for this association, whereas the entire second half of UL11 is not. In addition, UL11 homologs from pseudorabies and Marek's disease herpesviruses were also found to be capable of binding to the 40-kDa protein from HSV-1-infected cells, suggesting that the interaction is conserved among alphaherpesviruses. Purification and analysis of the 40-kDa protein by mass spectrometry revealed that it is the product of the U(L)16 gene, a virion protein reported to be involved in nucleocapsid assembly. Cells transfected with a UL16-green fluorescent protein expression vector produced a protein that was of the expected size, could be pulled down with GST-UL11, and accumulated in a Golgi-like compartment only when coexpressed with UL11, indicating that the interaction does not require any other viral products. These data represent the first steps toward elucidating the network of tegument proteins that UL11 links to membranes.  相似文献   

During replication of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), viral DNA is synthesized in the infected cell nucleus, where DNA-free capsids are also assembled. Genome-length DNA molecules are then cut out of a larger, multigenome concatemer and packaged into capsids. Here we report the results of experiments carried out to test the idea that the HSV-1 UL6 gene product (pUL6) forms the portal through which viral DNA passes as it enters the capsid. Since DNA must enter at a unique site, immunoelectron microscopy experiments were undertaken to determine the location of pUL6. After specific immunogold staining of HSV-1 B capsids, pUL6 was found, by its attached gold label, at one of the 12 capsid vertices. Label was not observed at multiple vertices, at nonvertex sites, or in capsids lacking pUL6. In immunoblot experiments, the pUL6 copy number in purified B capsids was found to be 14.8 +/- 2.6. Biochemical experiments to isolate pUL6 were carried out, beginning with insect cells infected with a recombinant baculovirus expressing the UL6 gene. After purification, pUL6 was found in the form of rings, which were observed in electron micrographs to have outside and inside diameters of 16.4 +/- 1.1 and 5.0 +/- 0.7 nm, respectively, and a height of 19.5 +/- 1.9 nm. The particle weights of individual rings as determined by scanning transmission electron microscopy showed a majority population with a mass corresponding to an oligomeric state of 12. The results are interpreted to support the view that pUL6 forms the DNA entry portal, since it exists at a unique site in the capsid and forms a channel through which DNA can pass. The HSV-1 portal is the first identified in a virus infecting a eukaryote. In its dimensions and oligomeric state, the pUL6 portal resembles the connector or portal complexes employed for DNA encapsidation in double-stranded DNA bacteriophages such as phi29, T4, and P22. This similarity supports the proposed evolutionary relationship between herpesviruses and double-stranded DNA phages and suggests the basic mechanism of DNA packaging is conserved.  相似文献   

Studies on the herpes simplex virus type 1 UL25-null mutant KUL25NS have shown that the capsid-associated UL25 protein is required at a late stage in the encapsidation of viral DNA. Our previous work on UL25 with the UL25 temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant ts1204 also implicated UL25 in a role at very early times in the virus growth cycle, possibly at the stage of penetration of the host cell. We have reexamined this mutant and discovered that it had an additional ts mutation elsewhere in the genome. The ts1204 UL25 mutation was transferred into wild-type (wt) virus DNA, and the UL25 mutant ts1249 was isolated and characterized to clarify the function of UL25 at the initial stages of virus infection. Indirect immunofluorescence assays and in situ hybridization analysis of virus-infected cells revealed that the mutant ts1249 was not impaired in penetration of the host cell but had an uncoating defect at the nonpermissive temperature. When ts1249-infected cells were incubated initially at the permissive temperature to allow uncoating of the viral genome and subsequently transferred to the restrictive temperature, a DNA-packaging defect was evident. The results suggested that ts1249, like KUL25NS, had a block at a late stage of DNA packaging and that the packaged genome was shorter than the full-length genome. Examination of ts1249 capsids produced at the nonpermissive temperature revealed that, in comparison with wt capsids, they contained reduced amounts of UL25 protein, thereby providing a possible explanation for the failure of ts1249 to package full-length viral DNA.  相似文献   

The UL11 gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 encodes a 96-amino-acid tegument protein that is myristylated, palmitylated, and phosphorylated and is found on the cytoplasmic faces of nuclear, Golgi apparatus-derived, and plasma membranes of infected cells. Although this protein is thought to play a role in virus budding, its specific function is unknown. Purified virions were found to contain approximately 700 copies of the UL11 protein per particle, making it an abundant component of the tegument. Moreover, comparisons of cell-associated and virion-associated UL11 showed that packaging is selective for underphosphorylated forms, as has been reported for several other tegument proteins. Although the mechanism by which UL11 is packaged is unknown, previous studies have identified several sequence motifs in the protein that are important for membrane binding, intracellular trafficking, and interaction with UL16, another tegument protein. To ascertain whether any of these motifs are needed for packaging, a transfection/infection-based assay was used in which mutant forms of the protein must compete with the wild type. In this assay, the entire C-terminal half of UL11 was found to be dispensable. In the N-terminal half, the sites of myristylation and palmitylation, which enable membrane-binding and Golgi apparatus-specific targeting, were found to be essential for efficient packaging. The acidic cluster motif, which is not needed for Golgi apparatus-specific targeting but is involved in recycling the protein from the plasma membrane and for the interaction with UL16, was found to be essential, too. Thus, something other than mere localization of UL11 to Golgi apparatus-derived membranes is needed for packaging. The critical factor is unlikely to be the interaction with UL16 because other mutants that fail to bind this protein (due to removal of the dileucine-like motif or substitutions with foreign acidic clusters) were efficiently packaged. Collectively, these results suggest that UL11 packaging is not driven by a passive mechanism but instead requires trafficking through a specific pathway.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein D (gD) is a structural component of the herpes simplex virus envelope which is essential for virus penetration. The function of this protein is highly dependent on its structure, and its structure is dependent on maintenance of three intact disulfide bonds. gD contains six cysteines in its ectodomain whose spacing is conserved among all its homologs in other alphaherpesviruses as well as Marek's disease virus. For other proteins, conservation of cysteine spacing correlates with conservation of disulfide bond structure. We have now solved the disulfide bond structure of gD-1 and gD-2 of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, respectively. Two approaches were used. First, we constructed 15 double-Cys mutants of gD-1, representing all possible disulfide pairs. In each case, codons for cysteines were changed to serine. We reasoned that if two cysteines normally form a disulfide bond, double mutations which eliminate one proper bond should be less harmful to gD structure than double mutations which eliminate two disulfide bonds. The mutated genes were cloned into a eucaryotic expression vector, and the proteins were expressed in transiently transfected cells. Three double mutations, Cys-1,5, Cys-2,6, and Cys-3,4 permitted gD-1 folding, processing, transport to the cell surface, and function in virus infection, whereas 12 other double mutations each produced a malfolded and nonfunctional protein. Thus, the three functional double-Cys mutants may represent the actual partners in disulfide bond linkages. The second approach was to define the actual disulfide bond structure of gD by biochemical means. Purified native gD-2 was cleaved by CNBr and proteases, and the peptides were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography. Disulfide-linked peptides were subjected to N-terminal amino acid sequencing. The results show that cysteine 1 (amino acid [aa] 66) is bonded to cysteine 5 (aa 189), cysteine 2 (aa 106) is bonded to cysteine 6 (aa 202), and cysteine 3 (aa 118) is bonded to cysteine 4 (aa 127). Thus, the biochemical analysis of gD-2 agrees with the genetic analysis of gD-1. A similar disulfide bond arrangement is postulated to exist in other gD homologs.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 capsid is a protective shell that acts as a container for the genetic material of the virus. After assembly of the capsid, the viral DNA is translocated into the capsid interior through a channel formed by the portal. The portal is composed of a dodecamer of UL6 molecules which form a ring-like structure found at a single vertex within the icosahedron. Formation of portal-containing capsids minimally requires the four structural proteins (VP5, VP19C, VP23, and UL6) and a scaffolding protein (UL26.5). Recently, an interaction between UL26.5 and the portal has been identified, suggesting the scaffold functions by delivering the portal to the growing capsid shell. The aim of this study was to identify regions within UL26.5 required for its interaction with the portal. A specific region was identified by mutational analysis. Deletion of scaffold amino acids (aa) 143 to 151 was found to be sufficient to inhibit formation of the scaffold-portal complex as assayed in vitro. The aa 143 to 151 contain the sequence YYPGE, which is highly conserved among alpha herpesviruses. Although it did not bind to the portal, the Delta143-151 mutant was found to retain the ability to support assembly of morphologically normal capsids in vitro. Such capsids, however, did not contain the portal. The results suggest assembly of portal-containing capsids requires formation of a scaffold-portal complex in which intermolecular contact is dependent on scaffold aa 143 to 151.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 helicase-primase is a three-protein complex, consisting of a 1:1:1 association of UL5, UL8, and UL52 gene products (J.J. Crute, T. Tsurumi, L. Zhu, S. K. Weller, P. D. Olivo, M. D. Challberg, E. S. Mocarski, and I. R. Lehman, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86:2186-2189, 1989). We have purified this complex, as well as a subcomplex consisting of UL5 and UL52 proteins, from insect cells infected with baculovirus recombinants expressing the appropriate gene products. In confirmation of previous reports, we find that whereas UL5 alone has greatly reduced DNA-dependent ATPase activity, the UL5/UL52 subcomplex retains the activities characteristic of the heterotrimer: DNA-dependent ATPase activity, DNA helicase activity, and the ability to prime DNA synthesis on a poly(dT) template. We also found that the primers made by the subcomplex are equal in length to those synthesized by the UL5/UL8/UL52 complex. In an effort to uncover a role for UL8 in HSV DNA replication, we have developed a model system for lagging-strand synthesis in which the primase activity of the helicase-primase complex is coupled to the activity of the HSV DNA polymerase on ICP8-coated single-stranded M13 DNA. Using this assay, we found that the UL8 subunit of the helicase-primase is critical for the efficient utilization of primers; in the absence of UL8, we detected essentially no elongation of primers despite the fact that the rate of primer synthesis on the same template is undiminished. Reconstitution of lagging-strand synthesis in the presence of UL5/UL52 was achieved by the addition of partially purified UL8. Essentially identical results were obtained when Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I was substituted for the HSV polymerase/UL42 complex. On the basis of these findings, we propose that UL8 acts to increase the efficiency of primer utilization by stabilizing the association between nascent oligoribonucleotide primers and template DNA.  相似文献   

Productive infection by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), which occurs in the host cell nucleus, is accompanied by dramatic modifications of the nuclear architecture, including profound alterations of nucleolar morphology. Here, we show that the three most abundant nucleolar proteins--nucleolin, B23, and fibrillarin--are redistributed out of the nucleoli as a consequence of HSV-1 infection. We show that the amount of nucleolin increases progressively during the course of infection. We demonstrate for the first time that a nucleolar protein, i.e., nucleolin, colocalizes with ICP8 in the viral replication compartments, at the time when viral replication is effective, suggesting an involvement of nucleolin in the HSV-1 DNA replication process. At later times of infection, a granular form of nucleolin localizes to the cytoplasm, in structures that display the characteristic features of aggresomes, indicating that this form of nucleolin is very probably destined for degradation. The delocalization of nucleolin from the nucleoli requires the viral ICP4 protein or a factor(s) whose expression involves ICP4. Using small interfering RNA technology, we show that viral replication requires a high level of nucleolin expression, demonstrating for the first time a direct role for a nucleolar protein in herpes simplex virus biology.  相似文献   

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