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The SLC26 gene family encodes multifunctional transport proteins in numerous tissues and organs. Some paralogs function as anion exchangers, others as anion channels, and one, prestin (SLC26A5), represents a membrane-bound motor protein in outer hair cells of the inner ear. At present, little is known about the molecular basis of this functional diversity. We studied the subunit stoichiometry of one bacterial, one teleost, and two mammalian SLC26 isoforms expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes or in mammalian cells using blue native PAGE and chemical cross-linking. All tested SLC26s are assembled as dimers composed of two identical subunits. Co-expression of two mutant prestins with distinct voltage-dependent capacitances results in motor proteins with novel electrical properties, indicating that the two subunits do not function independently. Our results indicate that an evolutionarily conserved dimeric quaternary structure represents the native and functional state of SLC26 transporters.  相似文献   

A second distinct family of anion exchangers, SLC26, in addition to the classical SLC4 (or anion exchanger) family, has recently been delineated. Particular interest in this gene family is stimulated by the fact that the SLC26A2, SLC26A3, and SLC26A4 genes have been recognized as the disease genes mutated in diastrophic dysplasia, congenital chloride diarrhea, and Pendred syndrome, respectively. We report the expansion of the SLC26 gene family by characterizing three novel tissue-specific members, named SLC26A7, SLC26A8, and SLC26A9, on chromosomes 8, 6, and 1, respectively. The SLC26A7-A9 proteins are structurally very similar at the amino acid level to the previous family members and show tissue-specific expression in kidney, testis, and lung, respectively. More detailed characterization by immunohistochemistry and/or in situ hybridization localized SLC26A7 to distal segments of nephrons, SLC26A8 to developing spermatocytes, and SLC26A9 to the lumenal side of the bronchiolar and alveolar epithelium of lung. Expression of SLC26A7-A9 proteins in Xenopus oocytes demonstrated chloride, sulfate, and oxalate transport activity, suggesting that they encode functional anion exchangers. The functional characterization of the novel tissue-specific members may provide new insights to anion transport physiology in different parts of body.  相似文献   

Summary Monolayers of cultured epithelial cells have been prepared from fragments of guinea pig pancreatic excretory ducts isolated by a simple procedure employing collagenase digestion and manual selection, through which virtually all of the ductal system can be recovered. The isolated fragments were cultured in enriched Waymouth's medium on extracellular matrices of various composition and thickness, including: thin (<5 μm) and thick (0.5 mm) layers of rat tail collagen; thin layers of human placental collagen; thin layers of Matrigel (a reconstituted basement membrane material); uncoated tissue culture plastic; and the cellulose ester membranes of Millipore Millicells. Cells spread rapidly from duct fragments cultured on uncoated plastic or on plastic coated with thin layers of rat tail collagen or human placental collagen and formed epithelial monolayers. However, these cells were squamous and lacked the abundant basolateral membrane amplification and apical microvilli characteristic of freshly isolated duct epithelial cells. Cells did not spread from duct fragments cultured on Matrigel. In contrast, when fragments of pancreatic ducts were explanted onto either a thick layer of rat tail collagen or onto Millicell membranes, cells readily spread and formed confluent monolayers of cuboidal epithelial cells characterized by abundant mitochondria, apical microvilli, and basolateral plasma membrane elaboration. These results demonstrate that different forms of extracellular matrix modulate the growth and differentiation of pancreatic duct epithelial cells, and that culture on a permeable substrate markedly enhances the maintenance of differentiated characteristics in this cell type. The monolayers formed on Millicell membranes should provide a useful model system for physiologic analysis of the regulation of electrolyte secretion by this epithelium. This research was supported by grants DK32994 and DK35912 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

A second distinct family of anion transporters, in addition to the classical SLC4 (or AE) family, has recently been delineated. Members of the SLC26 family are structurally well conserved and can mediate the electroneutral exchange of Cl(-) for HCO(-)(3) across the plasma membrane of mammalian cells like members of the SLC4 family. Three human transporter proteins have been functionally characterized: SLC26A2 (DTDST), SLC26A3 (CLD or DRA), and SLC26A4 (PDS) can transport with different specificities the chloride, iodine, bicarbonate, oxalate, and hydroxyl anions, whereas SLC26A5 (prestin) was suggested to act as the motor protein of the cochlear outer hair cell. We report the expansion of the SLC26 family with five new members in chromosomes 3, 6, 8, 12, and 17 and mapping of SLC26A1 to 4p16.3. We have characterized one of them, SLC26A6, in more detail. It maps to chromosome 3p21.3, encodes a predicted 738-amino-acid transmembrane protein, and is most abundantly expressed in the kidney and pancreas. Pancreatic ductal cell lines Capan-1 and Capan-2 express SLC26A6, and immunohistochemistry localizes SLC26A6 protein to the apical surface of pancreatic ductal cells, suggesting it as a candidate for a luminal anion exchanger. The functional characterization of the novel members of this tissue-specific gene family may provide new insights into anion transport physiology in different parts of the body.  相似文献   

The solute carrier gene family SLC26consists of tissue-specific anion exchanger genes, three of themassociated with distinct human recessive disorders. By a genome-drivenapproach, several new SLC26 family members have been identified,including a kidney- and pancreas-specific gene, SLC26A6. We report thefunctional characterization of SLC26A6 and two new alternativelyspliced variants, named SLC26A6c and SLC26A6d. Immunofluorescencestudies on transiently transfected cells indicated membranelocalization and indicated that both NH2- and COOH-terminaltails of the SLC26A6 variants are located intracellularly, suggesting atopology with an even number of transmembrane domains. Functionalexpression of the three proteins in Xenopus oocytesdemonstrated Cl and SO transportactivity. In addition, the transport of SO andCl was inhibited by DIDS and HCO. We demonstrated also that the COOH terminus of SLC26A6 binds to the firstand second PDZ domains of the Na+/H+ exchanger(NHE)3 kinase A regulatory protein (E3KARP) and NHE3 regulatory factor(NHERF) proteins in vitro. Truncation of the last three amino acids(TRL) of SLC26A6 abrogated the interaction but did not affect transportfunction. These results demonstrate that SLC26A6 and its two splicevariants can function as anion transporters linked to PDZ-interactionpathways. Our results support the general concept of microdomainorganization for ion transport and suggest a mechanism for cysticfibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR)-mediated SLC26A6 upregulationin pancreatic duct cells.


A unique characteristic of endothelial cells from high endothelial venules (HEVEC) in lymphoid organs and chronically inflamed tissues is their capacity to incorporate large amounts of sulfate into sialomucin-type counter-receptors for the lymphocyte homing receptor L-selectin. We have previously shown that HEVEC express two functional classes of sulfate transporters: sodium/sulfate cotransporters and sulfate/anion exchangers. Here, we report the molecular cloning from human HEVEC of a 2.9-kb cDNA encoding SLC26A7, a novel member of the SLC26 (solute carrier 26) sulfate/anion exchanger family. SLC26A7 exhibits 30% identity with three known sulfate transporters from the SLC26 family: SLC26A2 (also known as DTDST), SLC26A1 (also known as SAT1), and SLC26A3 (also known as DRA). Northern blot analysis revealed specific expression of SLC26A7 mRNA in kidney. Alternative splicing and polyadenylation of SLC26A7 pre-mRNA in kidney suggest the existence of two protein isoforms, SLC26A7.1 and SLC26A7.2, differing in their carboxy termini.  相似文献   

Complement is an efficient defense mechanism of innate immunity. Factor H is the central complement regulator of the alternative pathway, acting in the fluid-phase and on self surfaces. Pigs are considered a suitable source for xenotransplantation and thus several membrane-bound pig complement regulators with importance for the acute rejection phase have been investigated. However, pig fluid-phase regulators have not been described so far. We report the cloning, expression and functional characterization of pig factor H. After constructing a pig liver cDNA library, a full-length factor H cDNA was isolated and sequenced. The predicted protein is organized in 20 short consensus repeat (SCR) domains and has an overall identity of 62% to the human protein. For functional characterization, three deletion constructs of pig factor H were expressed in insect cells. Pig factor H construct SCR 1–4 has cofactor activity for factor I-mediated cleavage of human C3b, which is similar to the human regulator. In addition, this N-terminal construct binds to human C3b, while a construct consisting of SCR 15–20 showed a weaker binding to human C3b/C3d. Pig factor H has two major binding sites for heparin, as the two constructs representing SCR 1–7 and SCR 15–20 proteins, but not the SCR 1–4 protein, bind heparin. The C-terminal construct is able to bind to human endothelial cells, as assayed by FACS. We show that pig and human factor H share functional characteristics in complement regulation and cell surface binding. Possible consequences of using pig livers for xenotransplantation are discussed.The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the EMBL database (accession number AJ278470)  相似文献   

Sphingosine-1-phosphate (SPP), the product of sphingosine kinase, is an important signaling molecule with intra- and extracellular functions. The cDNA for the mouse sphingosine kinase has recently been reported. In this paper we describe the cloning, expression and characterization of the human sphingosine kinase (huSPHK1). Sequence analysis comparison revealed that this kinase is evolutionarily very conserved, having a high degree of homology with the murine enzyme, and presenting several conserved regions with bacteria, yeast, plant, and mammalian proteins. Expressed huSPHK1 cDNA specifically phosphorylates D-erythro-sphingosine and, to a lesser extent, D, L-erythro-dihydrosphingosine, and not at all the 'threo' isoforms of dihydrosphingosine; hydroxy-ceramide or non-hydroxy-ceramide; diacylglycerol (DAG); phosphatidylinositol (PI); phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PIP); or phosphatidylinositol-4, 5-bisphosphate (PIP(2)). huSPHK1 shows typical Michaelis-Menten kinetics (V(max)=56microM and K(m)=5microM). The kinase is inhibited by D,L-threo-dihydrosphingosine (K(i)=3microM), and by N, N-dimethyl-sphingosine (K(i)=5microM). Northern blots indicate highest expression in adult lung and spleen, followed by peripheral blood leukocyte, thymus and kidney, respectively. It is also expressed in brain and heart. In addition, database searches with the stSG2854 sequence indicate that huSPHK1 is also expressed in endothelial cells, retinal pigment epithelium, and senescent fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Molecular characterization of anion exchangers in the cochlea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Anion exchange proteins (AE) in the inner ear have been the focus of attention for some time. They have been suggested to play a role as anion exchangers for the regulation of endolymphatic pH or as anion exchangers and anchor proteins for the maintenance of the shape and turgor of outer hair cells, and they also have been discussed as a candidate protein for motile hair cell responses that follow high-frequency stimulation. The existence of anion exchangers in hair cells and the specific isoforms which are expressed in hair cells and the organ of Corti is controversial. Using a polyclonal antibody to AE1 (AB1992, Chemicon), we immunoprecipitated a 100 kDa AE polypeptide in isolated outer hair cells which, due to its glycosylation, is comprised of AE2 than AE1 isoforms. We confirmed AE2 expression in outer hair cells with the help of subtype-specific monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to AE, AE subtype-specific primers and AE subtype-specific cDNA and found glycosylated truncated as well as full-length AE2 isoforms. No AE1 or AE3 subtypes were noted in outer hair cells. In contrast, AE2 and AE3 but not AE1 subtypes were seen in supporting cells of the organ of Corti. Their expression preceded the development of cochlear function, coincident with the establishment of the endocochlear potential and the differentiation of supporting cells. While most developmental processes in the inner ear usually begin in the basal cochlear turn, the AE2 expression in outer hair cells (but not that of AE2 and AE3 in supporting cells) progressed from the apical to the basal cochlear turn, reminiscent of the maturation of frequency-dependency. Irrespective of their presumed individual role as either anion exchanger, anchor protein or motility protein, the differential expression and developmental profile of these proteins suggest a most important role of anion exchange proteins in the development of normal hearing. These findings may also provide novel insights into AE function in general.  相似文献   

Fragments of guinea pig cytomegalovirus (GPCMV) DNA produced by HindIII or EcoRI restriction endonuclease digestion were cloned into vectors pBR322 and pACYC184, and recombinant fragments representing ca. 97% of the genome were constructed. Hybridization of 32P-labeled cloned and gel-purified HindIII, EcoRI, and XbaI fragments to Southern blots of HindIII-, EcoRI-, and XbaI-cleaved GPCMV DNA verified the viral origin of cloned fragments and allowed construction of HindIII, EcoRI, and XbaI restriction maps. On the basis of the cloning and mapping experiments, the size of GPCMV DNA was calculated to include 239 kilobase pairs, corresponding to a molecular weight of 158 X 10(6). No cross-hybridization between any internal fragments was seen. We conclude that the GPCMV genome consists of a long unique sequence with terminal repeat sequences but without internal repeat regions. In addition, GPCMV DNA molecules exist in two forms. In the predominant form, the molecules demonstrate sequence homology between the terminal fragments; in the minor population, one terminal fragment is smaller by 0.7 X 10(6) daltons and is not homologous with the fragment at the other end of the physical map. The structural organization of GPCMV DNA is unique for a herpesvirus DNA, similar in its simplicity to the structure reported for murine cytomegalovirus DNA and quite dissimilar from that of human cytomegalovirus DNA.  相似文献   

A full-length (LeHT2) and two partial (LeHT1 and LeHT3) cDNA clones, encoding hexose transporters, were isolated from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) fruit and flower cDNA libraries. Southern blot analysis confirmed the presence of a gene family of hexose transporters in tomato consisting of at least three members. The full-length cDNA (LeHT2) encodes a protein of 523 amino acids, with a calculated molecular mass of 57.6 kDa. The predicted protein has 12 putative membrane-spanning domains and belongs to the Major Facilitator Superfamily of membrane carriers. The three clones encode polypeptides that are homologous to other plant monosaccharide transporters and contain conserved amino acid motifs characteristic of this superfamily. Expression of the three genes in different organs of tomato was investigated by quantitative PCR. LeHT1 and LeHT3 are expressed predominantly in sink tissues, with both genes showing highest expression in young fruit and root tips. LeHT2 is expressed at relatively high levels in source leaves and certain sink tissues such as flowers. LeHT2 was functionally expressed in a hexose transport-deficient mutant (RE700A) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. LeHT2-dependent transport of glucose in RE700A exhibited properties consistent with the operation of an energy-coupled transporter and probably a H+/hexose symporter. The K m of the symporter for glucose is 45 M.  相似文献   

We have cloned human sodium-dependent organic anion transporter (SOAT) cDNA, which consists of 1502 bp and encodes a 377-amino acid protein. SOAT shows 42% sequence identity to the ileal apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter ASBT and 33% sequence identity to the hepatic Na(+)/taurocholate-cotransporting polypeptide NTCP. Immunoprecipitation of a SOAT-FLAG-tagged protein revealed a glycosylated form at 46 kDa that decreased to 42 kDa after PNGase F treatment. SOAT exhibits a seven-transmembrane domain topology with an outside-to-inside orientation of the N-terminal and C-terminal ends. SOAT mRNA is most highly expressed in testis. Relatively high SOAT expression was also detected in placenta and pancreas. We established a stable SOAT-HEK293 cell line that showed sodium-dependent transport of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, estrone-3-sulfate, and pregnenolone sulfate with apparent K(m) values of 28.7, 12.0, and 11.3 microm, respectively. Although bile acids, such as taurocholic acid, cholic acid, and chenodeoxycholic acid, were not substrates of SOAT, the sulfoconjugated bile acid taurolithocholic acid-3-sulfate was transported by SOAT-HEK293 cells in a sodium-dependent manner and showed competitive inhibition of SOAT transport with an apparent K(i) value of 0.24 mum. Several nonsteroidal organosulfates also strongly inhibited SOAT, including 1-(omega-sulfooxyethyl)pyrene, bromosulfophthalein, 2- and 4-sulfooxymethylpyrene, and alpha-naphthylsulfate. Among these inhibitors, 2- and 4-sulfooxymethylpyrene were competitive inhibitors of SOAT, with apparent K(i) values of 4.3 and 5.5 microm, respectively, and they were also transported by SOAT-HEK293 cells.  相似文献   

Chicken pancreatic lipase (CPL) was purified from delipidated pancreas. Pure CPL was obtained after ammonium sulphate fractionation, then DEAE-cellulose, Sephacryl S-200 gel filtration, and FPLC Mono-Q Sepharose columns. The pure lipase is a glycosylated monomer having a molecular mass of about 50kDa. The 23 N-terminal amino acid residues of CPL were sequenced. The sequence is similar to those of avian and mammalian pancreatic lipases. CPL presents the interfacial activation phenomenon tested with tripropionin or vinyl ester. When CPL was inhibited by synthetic detergent (TX-100) or amphipathic protein (BSA), simultaneous addition of bile salts and colipase was required to restore the full CPL activity. In the absence of colipase and bile salts, CPL was unable to hydrolyse tributyrin emulsion. This enzyme can tolerate, more efficiently than HPL, the accumulation of long-chain free fatty acids at the interface when olive oil emulsion was used as substrate in the absence of bile salts and colipase. The CPL activity, under these conditions, was linear whereas that of HPL decreased rapidly. Anti-TPL polyclonal antibodies cross-reacted specifically with CPL. The gene encoding the mature CPL was cloned and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequence of the mature lipase shows a high degree of homology with the mammalian pancreatic lipases. A 3D structure model of CPL was built using the HPL structure as template. We have concluded that a slight increase in the exposed hydrophobic residues on the surface of CPL, as compared to HPL, could be responsible for a higher tolerance to the presence of long-chain free fatty acids at the lipid/water interface.  相似文献   

The stimulatory pathways controlling HCO3- secretion by the pancreatic ductal epithelium are well described. However, only a few data are available concerning inhibitory mechanisms, which may play an important role in the physiological control of the pancreas. The aim of this study was to investigate the cellular mechanism by which substance P (SP) inhibits pancreatic ductal HCO3- secretion. Small intra/interlobular ducts were isolated from the pancreas of guinea pigs. During overnight culture the ducts seal to form a closed sac. Transmembrane HCO3- fluxes were calculated from changes in intracellular pH (measured using the pH-sensitive dye BCECF) and the buffering capacity of the cells. We found that secretin can stimulate HCO3- secretion in guinea pig pancreatic ducts about fivefold and that this effect could be totally blocked by SP. The inhibitory effect of SP was relieved by spantide, an SP receptor antagonist. SP had no effect on the activity of basolateral Na+-HCO3- cotransporters and Na+/H+ exchangers. However, the peptide did inhibit a Cl--dependent HCO3- efflux (secretory) mechanism, most probably the Cl-/HCO3 exchanger on the apical membrane of the duct cell. pancreas; Cl-/HCO3- exchanger; tachykinin  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding a membrane-associated complement (C) regulatory protein was identified here for the first time in an oviparous vertebrate, chicken. This protein, named Cremp, possessed five short consensus repeats (SCRs) and one SCR-like domain followed by a transmembrane domain and a cytoplasmic tail. SCR1/SCR2 of Cremp were 43.6% identical with SCR2/SCR3 of human decay-accelerating factor (CD55), and SCR3/SCR4 were 45.3% identical with those of human membrane cofactor protein (CD46). Cremp is likely to be an ancestral hybrid protein of human decay-accelerating factor and membrane cofactor protein rather than a homolog of rodent C receptor 1-related protein y, which structurally resembles human CR1 (CD35). Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with Cremp were efficiently protected from chicken C but not from human or rabbit C in both classical and alternative pathways. Thus, chicken Cremp is a membrane C regulator for cell protection against homologous C. Cremp mRNA was seen as a doublet comprised of a faint band of 2.2 kb and a thick band of 3.0 kb on RNA blotting analysis. An Ab against chicken Cremp recognized a single band of 46.8 kDa on immunoblotting. mRNA and protein of Cremp were ubiquitously expressed in all chicken organs tested. Minute amounts of dimer were present in some tissues. Surface expression of Cremp was confirmed by flow cytometry and immunofluorescence analysis. These results suggested that even in nonmammals a C regulatory membrane protein with ubiquitous tissue distribution should be a prerequisite for protection of host cells from homologous C attack.  相似文献   

A glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked differentiation antigen expressed on guinea pig T and B lymphocytes was identified by several monoclonal antibodies; it has been shown previously that this membrane protein induced strong polyclonal T cell proliferation upon antibody binding and costimulation by PMA. Purification by immunoadsorption and microsequencing revealed that this T-cell-activating protein is the homologue of Thy-1 or CD90. In contrast to the Thy-1 antigen of most other species, guinea pig Thy-1 has a much higher molecular weight, which is due to a more extensive N-linked glycosylation, bringing the molecular weight of the total antigen up to 36 kDa. Molecular cloning of guinea pig Thy-1 indicated that the deduced molecular weight of the protein backbone is 12,777 after removal of an N-terminal 19-amino-acid leader peptide and cleavage of the 31 amino acids for GPI anchoring the C-terminal end. Sequence comparison showed that guinea pig Thy-1 has an 82% homology to human and a 72% homology to mouse Thy-1 on the amino acid level. Immunohistological staining of cryostat sections revealed intensive staining with the monoclonal antibody H154 on fibroblasts, fibrocytes, Kupffer cells, alveolar macrophages, and mesangial cells. As observed in the human, mouse, and rat, Thy-1 is abundant in the guinea pig brain. Unlike Thy-1 expression in other species, guinea pig Thy-1 is strongly expressed on most resting, nonactivated B cells and, to a lesser extent, on erythrocytes. While treatment of erythrocytes and lymphocytes with GPI-specific phospholipase C largely decreased reactivity with mAb H154, T cells retained the proliferative response to antibody and phorbol esters.  相似文献   

We carried out a screen for Cryptococcus neoformans genes involved in resistance to copper ion toxicity and identified a new hexose transporter (Hxt) gene, HXT1. Hxt1 consists of 520 amino acids and functions to transport hexoses such as glucose. Although Hxt1 conferred copper resistance to Saccharomyces cerevisiae, disruption of the HXT1 gene showed that Hxt1 is not necessary for copper resistance. In virulence tests, an hxt1 mutant strain showed 12% less phenoloxidase activity than the wild-type strain, and no difference in the ability to form melanin was identified. In addition, the hxt1 mutant strain showed virulence similar to that of the wild-type strain in experiments with Caenorhabditis elegans. However, the hxt1 mutant strain generated larger capsules than were generated by the wild-type strain. Thus, Hxt1 appears to be involved in capsule formation.  相似文献   

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