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The age of the angiosperms: a molecular timescale without a clock   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The age of the angiosperms has long been of interest to botanists and evolutionary biologists. Many early efforts to date the age of the angiosperms and evolutionary divergences within the angiosperm clade using a molecular clock have yielded age estimates that are grossly inconsistent with the fossil record. We investigated the age of angiosperms using Bayesian relaxed clock (BRC) and penalized likelihood (PL) approaches. Both of these methods allow the incorporation of multiple fossil constraints into the optimization procedure. The BRC method allows a range of values for among-lineage rate of substitution, from a nearly clocklike behavior to a condition in which each branch is allowed an optimal substitution rate, and also accounts for variation in molecular evolution across multiple genes. A topology derived from an analysis of genes from all three plant genomes for 71 taxa was used as a backbone. The effects on age estimates of different genes, single-gene versus concatenated datasets, and the inclusion and assumptions of fossils as age constraints were examined. In addition, the influence of prior distributions on estimates of divergence times was also explored. These results indicate that widely divergent age estimates can result from the different methods (198-139 million years ago), different sources of data (275-122 million years ago), and the inclusion of temporal constraints to topologies. Most dates, however, are between 180-140 million years ago, suggesting a Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous origin of flowering plants, predating the oldest unequivocal fossil angiosperms by about 45-5 million years. Nonetheless, these dates are consistent with other recent studies that have used methods that relax the assumption of a strict molecular clock and also agree with the hypothesis that the angiosperms may be somewhat older than the fossil record indicates.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: It has been 8 years since the last comprehensive analysis of divergence times across the angiosperms. Given recent methodological improvements in estimating divergence times, refined understanding of relationships among major angiosperm lineages, and the immense interest in using large angiosperm phylogenies to investigate questions in ecology and comparative biology, new estimates of the ages of the major clades are badly needed. Improved estimations of divergence times will concomitantly improve our understanding of both the evolutionary history of the angiosperms and the patterns and processes that have led to this highly diverse clade. ? Methods: We simultaneously estimated the age of the angiosperms and the divergence times of key angiosperm lineages, using 36 calibration points for 567 taxa and a "relaxed clock" methodology that does not assume any correlation between rates, thus allowing for lineage-specific rate heterogeneity. ? Key results: Based on the analysis for which we set fossils to fit lognormal priors, we obtained an estimated age of the angiosperms of 167-199 Ma and the following age estimates for major angiosperm clades: Mesangiospermae (139-156 Ma); Gunneridae (109-139 Ma); Rosidae (108-121 Ma); Asteridae (101-119 Ma). ? Conclusions: With the exception of the age of the angiosperms themselves, these age estimates are generally younger than other recent molecular estimates and very close to dates inferred from the fossil record. We also provide dates for all major angiosperm clades (including 45 orders and 335 families [208 stem group age only, 127 both stem and crown group ages], sensu APG III). Our analyses provide a new comprehensive source of reference dates for major angiosperm clades that we hope will be of broad utility.  相似文献   

Advances in flavonoid research since 1992   总被引:86,自引:0,他引:86  
Some of the recent advances in flavonoid research are reviewed. The role of anthocyanins and flavones in providing stable blue flower colours in the angiosperms is outlined. The contribution of leaf flavonoids to UV-B protection in plants is critically discussed. Advances in understanding the part played by flavonoids in warding off microbial infection and protecting plants from herbivory are described. The biological properties of flavonoids are considered in an evaluation of the medicinal and nutritional values of these compounds.  相似文献   

The diverse habitat types and discrete morphological characters of cimicoid species provide a unique opportunity to study correlated evolution. Phylogenetic relationships within Cimicoidea were determined using Bayesian analyses of molecular data, allowing the generation of testable hypotheses of correlated evolution. An investigation of the correlation between habitat selection and morphological characters revealed that a dead plant habitat was correlated with the filiform antennal type. Furthermore, molecular dating analysis was used to examine divergence times within the Cimicoidea. Transitions to live plants from dead plants for most cimicoid clades started right after the mid‐Cretaceous, coinciding with the radiation of the angiosperms. Using contingency analyses, we determined that evolutionary changes in morphological characters were dependent on habitat selection. Based on these results, we propose evolutionary historical hypotheses for the Cimicoidea.  相似文献   

Zinc finger-homeodomain proteins (ZHD) are present in many plants; however, the evolutionary history of the ZHD gene family remains largely unknown. We show here that ZHD genes are plant-specific, nearly all intronless, and related to MINI ZINC FINGER ( MIF ) genes that possess only the zinc finger. Phylogenetic analyses of ZHD genes from representative land plants suggest that non-seed plant ZHD genes occupy basal positions and angiosperm homologs form seven distinct clades. Several clades contain genes from two or more major angiosperm groups, including eudicots, monocots, magnoliids, and other basal angiosperms, indicating that several duplications occurred before the diversification of flowering plants. In addition, specific lineages have experienced more recent duplications. Unlike the ZHD genes, MIF s are found only from seed plants, possibly derived from ZHD s by loss of the homeodomain before the divergence of seed plants. Moreover, the MIF genes have also undergone relatively recent gene duplications. Finally, genome duplication might have contributed substantially to the expansion of family size in angiosperms and caused a high level of functional redundancy/overlap in these genes.  相似文献   

Green plants (Viridiplantae) are ancient photosynthetic organisms that thrive both in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, greatly contributing to the changes in global climates and ecosystems. Significant progress has been made toward understanding the origin and evolution of green plants, and plant biologists have arrived at the consensus that green plants first originated in marine deep-water environments and later colonized fresh water and dry land. The origin of green plants, colonization of land by plants and rapid radiation of angiosperms are three key evolutionary events during the long history of green plants. However, the comprehensive understanding of evolutionary features and molecular innovations that enabled green plants to adapt to complex and changeable environments are still limited. Here, we review current knowledge of phylogenetic relationships and divergence times of green plants, and discuss key morphological innovations and distinct drivers in the evolution of green plants. Ultimately, we highlight fundamental questions to advance our understanding of the phenotypic novelty, environmental adaptation, and domestication of green plants.  相似文献   

Rates of molecular evolution vary over time and, hence, among lineages. In contrast, widely used methods for estimating divergence times from molecular sequence data assume constancy of rates. Therefore, methods for estimation of divergence times that incorporate rate variation are attractive. Improvements on a previously proposed Bayesian technique for divergence time estimation are described. New parameterization more effectively captures the phylogenetic structure of rate evolution on a tree. Fossil information and other evidence can now be included in Bayesian analyses in the form of constraints on divergence times. Simulation results demonstrate that the accuracy of divergence time estimation is substantially enhanced when constraints are included.  相似文献   

The large-scale replacement of gymnosperms by angiosperms in many ecological niches over time and the huge disparity in species numbers have led scientists to explore factors (e.g. polyploidy, developmental systems, floral evolution) that may have contributed to the astonishing rise of angiosperm diversity. Here, we explore genomic and ecological factors influencing seed plant genomes. This is timely given the recent surge in genomic data. We compare and contrast the genomic structure and evolution of angiosperms and gymnosperms and find that angiosperm genomes are more dynamic and diverse, particularly amongst the herbaceous species. Gymnosperms typically have reduced frequencies of a number of processes (e.g. polyploidy) that have shaped the genomes of other vascular plants and have alternative mechanisms to suppress genome dynamism (e.g. epigenetics and activity of transposable elements). Furthermore, the presence of several characters in angiosperms (e.g. herbaceous habit, short minimum generation time) has enabled them to exploit new niches and to be viable with small population sizes, where the power of genetic drift can outweigh that of selection. Together these processes have led to increased rates of genetic divergence and faster fixation times of variation in many angiosperms compared with gymnosperms.  相似文献   

Flowering plants (angiosperms) are by far the largest, most diverse, and most important group of land plants, with over 250,000 species and a dominating presence in most terrestrial ecosystems. Understanding the origin and early diversification of angiosperms has posed a long-standing botanical challenge [1]. Numerous morphological and molecular systematic studies have attempted to reconstruct the early history of this group, including identifying the root of the angiosperm tree. There is considerable disagreement among these studies, with various groups of putatively basal angiosperms from the subclass Magnoliidae having been placed at the root of the angiosperm tree (reviewed in [2-4]). We investigated the early evolution of angiosperms by conducting combined phylogenetic analyses of five genes that represent all three plant genomes from a broad sampling of angiosperms. Amborella, a monotypic, vessel-less dioecious shrub from New Caledonia, was clearly identified as the first branch of angiosperm evolution, followed by the Nymphaeales (water lillies), and then a clade of woody vines comprising Schisandraceae and Austrobaileyaceae. These findings are remarkably congruent with those from several concurrent molecular studies [5-7] and have important implications for whether or not the first angiosperms were woody and contained vessels, for interpreting the evolution of other key characteristics of basal angiosperms, and for understanding the timing and pattern of angiosperm origin and diversification.  相似文献   

An understanding of the evolution of modern terrestrial ecosystems requires an understanding of the dynamics associated with angiosperm evolution, including the timing of their origin and diversification into their extraordinary present-day diversity. Molecular estimates of angiosperm age have varied widely, and many substantially predate the Early Cretaceous fossil appearance of the group. In this study, the effect of different genes, codon positions, and chronological constraints on node ages are examined on divergence time estimates across seed plants, with a special focus on angiosperms. Penalized likelihood was used to estimate divergence times on a phylogenetic hypothesis for seed plants derived from Bayesian analysis, with branch lengths estimated with maximum likelihood. The plastid genes atpB, psaA, psbB, and rbcL were used individually and in combination, using first and second, third, and the three codon positions, including and excluding age constraints on 20 nodes derived from a critical examination of the land-plant fossil record. The optimal level of rate smoothing according to each unconstrained and constrained dataset was obtained with penalized likelihood. Tests for a molecular clock revealed significantly unclocklike rates in all datasets. Addition of fossil constraints resulted in even greater departures from constancy. Consistently with significant deviations from a clock, estimated optimal smoothing values were low, but a strict correlation between rate heterogeneity and optimal smoothing value was not found. Age estimates for nodes across the phylogeny varied, sometimes substantially, with gene and codon position. Nevertheless, estimates based on the four concatenated genes are very similar to the mean of the four individual gene estimates. For any given node, unconstrained age estimates are more variable than constrained estimates and are frequently younger than well-substantiated fossil members of the clade. Constrained estimates of ages of clades are older than unconstrained estimates and oldest fossil representatives, sometimes substantially so. Angiosperm age estimates decreased as rate smoothing increased. Whereas the range of unconstrained angiosperm age estimates spans the fossil age of the clade, the range of constrained estimates is narrower (and older) than the earliest angiosperm fossils. Results unambiguously indicate the relevance of constraints in reducing the variability of ages derived from different partitions of the data and diminishing the effect of the smoothing parameter. Constrained optimizations of divergence times and substitution rates across the phylogeny suggest appreciably different evolutionary dynamics for angiosperms and for gymnosperms. Whereas the gymnosperm crown group originated shortly after the origin of seed plants, a long time elapsed before the origin of crown group angiosperms. Although absolute age estimates of angiosperms and angiosperm clades are older than their earliest fossils, the estimated pace of phylogenetic diversification largely agrees with the rapid appearance of angiosperm lineages in stratigraphic sequences.  相似文献   

Alternation of generations underpins all plant life histories and is held to possess important adaptive features. A wide range of data have accumulated over the past century which suggest that alternation from sporophyte to gametophyte in angiosperms includes a significant phase of 'informational reprogramming', leaving the founder cells of the gametophyte developmentally uncommitted. This review attempts to bring together results from these historic studies with more recent data on molecular and epigenetic events which accompany alternation, gametophyte development and gametogenesis in angiosperms. It is striking that most members of the other principal group of multicellular eukaryotes – the animals - have a completely different a life history: animals generate their gametes directly from diploid germlines, often set aside early in development. Nevertheless, a comparison between animal germlines and angiosperm gametophyte development reveals a number of surprising similarities at the cytological and molecular levels. This difference in life history but similarity in developmental process is reviewed in the context of the very different life strategies adopted by plants and animals, and particularly the fact that plants do not set aside diploid germlines early in development.  相似文献   

Estimates of species divergence times using DNA sequence data are playing an increasingly important role in studies of evolution, ecology and biogeography. Most work has centred on obtaining appropriate kinds of data and developing optimal estimation procedures, whereas somewhat less attention has focused on the calibration of divergences using fossils. Case studies with multiple fossil calibration points provide important opportunities to examine the divergence time estimation problem in new ways. We discuss two cross-validation procedures that address different aspects of inference in divergence time estimation. 'Fossil cross-validation' is a procedure used to identify the impact of different individual calibrations on overall estimation. This can identify fossils that have an exceptionally large error effect and may warrant further scrutiny. 'Fossil-based model cross-validation' is an entirely different procedure that uses fossils to identify the optimal model of molecular evolution in the context of rate smoothing or other inference methods. Both procedures were applied to two recent studies: an analysis of monocot angiosperms with eight fossil calibrations and an analysis of placental mammals with nine fossil calibrations. In each case, fossil calibrations could be ranked from most to least influential, and in one of the two studies, the fossils provided decisive evidence about the optimal molecular evolutionary model.  相似文献   

Controversies over the molecular clock hypothesis were reviewed. Since it is evident that the molecular clock does not hold in an exact sense, accounting for evolution of the rate of molecular evolution is a prerequisite when estimating divergence times with molecular sequences. Recently proposed statistical methods that account for this rate variation are overviewed and one of these procedures is applied to the mitochondrial protein sequences and to the nuclear gene sequences from many mammalian species in order to estimate the time scale of eutherian evolution. This Bayesian method not only takes account of the variation of molecular evolutionary rate among lineages and among genes, but it also incorporates fossil evidence via constraints on node times. With denser taxonomic sampling and a more realistic model of molecular evolution, this Bayesian approach is expected to increase the accuracy of divergence time estimates.  相似文献   

The genus Peperomia is one of the largest genera of basal angiosperms, comprising about 1500-1700 pantropically distributed species. The currently accepted infrageneric classification divides Peperomia into nine subgenera and seven sections. This classification is based on some 200 species, primarily using fruit morphology. The monophyly of these infrageneric taxa has never been tested and molecular phylogenetic studies of a representative sampling within Peperomia do not exist. This paper provides the first molecular phylogeny for the genus Peperomia. Monophyletic clades within Peperomia are identified and previously used morphological characters are critically reviewed. We show that the importance of some morphological characters has been overestimated and that some of these characters presumably have evolved several times independently. Only one previously described subgenus has been confirmed to be monophyletic.  相似文献   

核糖体DNA ITS区序列在植物分子系统学研究中的价值   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文就近年来国内外有关被子植物核糖体DNA中的内转录间隔区(ITS)序列在植物属内,近缘属间乃至科内系统发育研究中的应用,结合作者在中国姜科山姜属(Alpinia Roxb.)上的研究,对ITS区序列在植物分子系统学研究中的价值作一简要综述,对其应用前景也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

随着被子植物精细胞分离技术的突破和细胞生物学以及分子生物学技术的发展,对被子植物精细胞的研究不断深入。在以前细胞生物学研究的基础上结合近年来的分子生物学研究结果对被子植物雄性生殖细胞的产生、精细胞的形成和发育以及有关精细胞的表面蛋白质、精细胞的特异启动子、精细胞cDNA文库的构建等分子生物学研究进展和今后的发展趋势进行了综述。  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrases in higher plants and aquatic microorganisms   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
At physiological pH-values CO2 and HCO3are the dominant inorganic carbon species and the interconversion between both is catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase (EC This enzyme is widely distributed among photosynthetic organisms. In the first part of the review, the similarities and the differences of carbonic anhydrases from plants and animals are briefly described. In the second part recent advances in molecular biology to understand the structure of carbonic anhydrase from higher terrestrial plants as well as its involvement in photosynthetic CO2 fixation are summarized. Lastly, the review deals with the presence of carbonic anhydrase in aquatic organisms including cyanobacteria, microalgae, macroalgae and angiosperms. Evidence for the presence of extracellular and intracellular isozymes in these organisms are discussed. The properties and function(s) of carbonic anhydrase during the operation of the inorganic carbon concentrating mechanism are also described.  相似文献   

被子植物系统学中花发育研究的进展及对今后研究的思考   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
从花发育研究的方法、花发育与被子植物花部结构的多样性、花发育与被子植物的系统发育以及 花发育的分子遗传学等四个方面对近年来被子植物系统学中花发育研究的主要进展作一综述,例举了 一些重要结果。同时,对该领域今后研究的方向和应注意的一些问题作了简要评论。作者认为植物的 形态结构可以看作是一个时空过程,在系统学研究中对花部性状的分析和认识应该树立动态的观点。 今后应该从动态的角度开展被子植物花的发生和发育以及性状在不同类群间的比较等方面的广泛研究,并加强对在被子植物花的起源和演化中起重要作用的花部同源异型现象的发育过程的观察。  相似文献   

Flowering plants represent the most significant branch in the tree of land plants, with respect to the number of extant species, their impact on the shaping of modern ecosystems and their economic importance. However, unlike so many persistent phylogenetic problems that have yielded to insights from DNA sequence data, the mystery surrounding the origin of angiosperms has deepened with the advent and advance of molecular systematics. Strong statistical support for competing hypotheses and recent novel trees from molecular data suggest that the accuracy of current molecular trees requires further testing. Analyses of phytochrome amino acids using a duplicate gene-rooting approach yield trees that unite cycads and angiosperms in a clade that is sister to a clade in which Gingko and Cupressophyta are successive sister taxa to gnetophytes plus Pinaceae. Application of a cycads + angiosperms backbone constraint in analyses of a morphological dataset yields better resolved trees than do analyses in which extant gymnosperms are forced to be monophyletic. The results have implications both for our assessment of uncertainty in trees from sequence data and for our use of molecular constraints as a way to integrate insights from morphological and molecular evidence.  相似文献   

The evolution of active stomatal closure in response to leaf water deficit, mediated by the hormone abscisic acid (ABA), has been the subject of recent debate. Two different models for the timing of the evolution of this response recur in the literature. A single‐step model for stomatal control suggests that stomata evolved active, ABA‐mediated control of stomatal aperture, when these structures first appeared, prior to the divergence of bryophyte and vascular plant lineages. In contrast, a gradualistic model for stomatal control proposes that the most basal vascular plant stomata responded passively to changes in leaf water status. This model suggests that active ABA‐driven mechanisms for stomatal responses to water status instead evolved after the divergence of seed plants, culminating in the complex, ABA‐mediated responses observed in modern angiosperms. Here we review the findings that form the basis for these two models, including recent work that provides critical molecular insights into resolving this intriguing debate, and find strong evidence to support a gradualistic model for stomatal evolution.  相似文献   

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