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Fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) was used to determine the number and distribution of the 18S-25S and 5S rDNA sites on mitotic chromosomes of 6 wild and 2 edible diploid (2n=22) accessions belonging to the two banana species, Musa acuminata and M. balbisiana. FISH with the 18S-25S probe resulted in signals on one pair of chromosomes, the position of signals corresponded to the secondary constriction at the end of a short arm. The intensity of labelling was different between the homologues and the larger site corresponded to a larger secondary constriction. This labelling pattern was observed consistently in all genotypes. On the other hand, differences in the number of 5S sites were observed between the accessions. While in some of the wild seeded species, the 5S rDNA was localised on two pairs of chromosomes, hybridisation signals appeared on three pairs of chromosomes in other wild accessions. Quite unexpectedly, only five sites of 5S rDNA were reproducibly observed in the two vegetatively propagated diploid edible cultivars, Pisang Mas and Niyarma Yik, evidence for structural heterozygosity. A dual colour FISH showed that in all accessions, the satellite chromosomes carrying the 18S-25S loci did not carry the 5S loci. The results demonstrate that molecular cytogenetics can be applied to Musa and that physical cytogenetic maps can be generated. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

DNA samples from various higher plants (Phaseolus aureus, Glycine max, Matthiola incana, Brassica pekinensis, Cucumis melo) were centrifuged in actinomycin-caesium chloride gradients and the genes coding for the ribosomal RNAs were detected by hybridisation with tritium labelled 5S and 25S+18S rRNA, respectively. With DNA of low molecular weight (< 5×106 daltons) the 5S and 25S+18S rRNA genes are often fractionated together. A good separation of the genes for 25S+18S rRNA from the 5S rRNA genes occurred only with high molecular weight DNA (> 10×106 daltons) indicating that at least most of the 5S rRNA genes are not linked to, or interspersed with, the genes coding for 25S and 18S rRNA. This result is in agreement with the situation in animal cells and in contrast to that reported for bacteria, lower eukaryotes and chloroplasts.  相似文献   

An accurate physical map of the location of the 5S and the 18S-5.8S-25S rRNA genes and a repetitive DNA sequence has been produced on Aegilops umbellulata Zhuk., (2n = 2x = 14) chromosomes by in situ hybridization. Chromosome morphology together with the hybridization pattern of pSc119.2, a DNA sequence from rye, allowed identification and discrimination of different chromosomes; pSc119.2 hybridizes with all Ae. umbellulata chromosomes at the telomeres, except for the short arm of chromosome 6U, and shows intercalary sites on the long arms of chromosomes 6U and 7U. The 5S and 18S-25S rDNA have been mapped physically only on the short arms of chromosomes 1U and 5U. On chromosome 1U the order of the genes is 5S rDNA subterminal and 18S-25S rDNA more proximal, while on chromosome 5U the position of the genes is reversed. The relative order of the genes, together with the hybridization pattern of the pSc119.2, is useful in identifying whole chromosomes or chromosome segments from Ae. umbellulata in recombinant or addition lines with wheat. The data help link the physical organization of chromosomes to the genetic map. Other members of the Triticeae vary in the presence and order of the 5S and 18S-25S rDNA sequences on groups 1 and 5, indicating multiple and complex evolutionary rearrangements of the chromosome arms.  相似文献   

Absract  The physical locations of the 5S and 18S-25S rDNA sequences were examined in nine wild Hordeum species and cytotypes by double-target in situ hybridization using digoxigenin-labelled 5S rDNA and biotin-labelled 18S-25S rDNA as probes. H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum (2n=2x=14; I-genome) had a similar composition of 5S and 18S-25S rDNA to cultivated barley (H. vulgare ssp. vulgare, I-genome), with two major 18S-25S rDNA sites and minor sites on four of the other five chromosomes; three chromosomes had 5S rDNA sites. The closely related H. bulbosum (2x; also I-genome) showed only one pair of 5S rDNA sites and one pair of 18S-25S rDNA sites on different chromosomes. Four wild diploid species, H. marinum (X-genome), H. glaucum and H. murinum (Y-genomes) and H. chilense (H-genome), differed in the number (2–3 pairs), location, and relative order of 5S and the one or two major 18S-25S rDNA sites, but no minor 18S-25S rDNA sites were observed. H. murinum 4x had three chromosome pairs carrying 5S rDNA, while the diploid had only a single pair. Two other tetraploid species, H. brachyantherum 4x and H. brevisubulatum 4x (both considered to have H-type genomes), had minor 18S-25S rDNA sites, as well as the major sites. Unusual double 5S rDNA sites – two sites on one chromosome arm separated by a short distance – were found in the American H-genome species, H. chilense and H. brachyantherum 4x. The results indicate that the species H. brachyantherum 4x and H. brevisubulatum 4x have a complex evolutionary history, probably involving the multiplication of minor rDNA sites (as in H. vulgare sensu lato), or the incorporation of both I and H types of genome. The rDNA markers are useful for an investigation of chromosome evolution and phylogeny. Received: 9 February 1998 / Accepted: 14 July 1998  相似文献   

The number and distribution of the 18S-28S and 5S rRNA (rDNA) gene sequences were examined on mitotic chromosomes of six sturgeon species by two-colour in situ hybridization. Four of the six species, Huso huso, Acipenser stellatus, Acipenser sturio, and Acipenser ruthenus, with about 120 chromosomes, showed from six to eight 18S-28S rDNA signals, while 5S rDNA signals were on only one chromosome pair. The two species with 250-270 chromosomes, Acipenser baerii and Acipenser transmontanus, showed from 10 to 12 18S-28S sites and two chromosome pairs bearing 5S rDNA signals. In all examined species, the rather intense 5S rDNA signals apparently overlapped those of 18S-28S rDNA. These data support the diploid-tetraploid relationships between the two chromosome groups of sturgeons. The close association between the two rDNA families in species belonging to an ancestral fish order, such as Acipenseriformes, supports the hypothesis that the association represents a primitive condition.  相似文献   

Wild germplasms are often the only significant sources of useful traits for crops, such as soybean, that have limited genetic variability. Before these germplasms can be effectively manipulated they must be characterized at the cytological and molecular levels. Modern soybean probably arose through an ancient allotetraploid event and subsequent diploidization of the genome. However, wild Glycine species have not been intensively investigated for this ancient polyploidy. In this article we determined the number of both the 5S and 18S-28S rDNA sequences in various members of the genus Glycine using FISH. Our results distinctly establish the loss of a 5S rDNA locus from the "diploid" (2n = 40) species and the loss of two from the (2n = 80) polyploids of GLYCINE: A similar diploidization of the 18S-28S rDNA gene family has occurred in G. canescens, G. clandestina, G. soja, and G. max (L.) Merr. (2n = 40). Although of different genome types, G. tabacina and G. tomentella (2n = 80) both showed two major 18S-28S rDNA loci per haploid genome, in contrast to the four loci that would be expected in chromosomes that have undergone two doubling events in their evolutionary history. It is evident that the evolution of the subgenus Glycine is more complex than that represented in a simple diploid-doubled to tetraploid model.  相似文献   

A physical map of the 5S and 18S–26S rRNA genes was determined using bi-color fluorescencein situ hybridization technique inA. victorialis var.platyphyllum. 5S rRNA genes were positioned in the intercalary regions of the short arms in homologous chromosomes 6. Two major loci of the 18S-26S rRNA genes were detected in the secondary constrictions flanking with a pair of satellite and terminal region of short arm in chromosome 4. And two additional minor loci were heterotype, representing one signal on the terminal region of the short arm in one homolog of chromsome 2, and other on one homolog of chromosome 6 with linked 5S rRNA loci. In addition chromomycin A3 (CMA,) fluorescent banding method was used to identify the relation between Nucleolus Organizer Region (NOR) sites and CMA, positive heterochromatin sites. In homologous chromosome 4 showing 18S–26S rDNA hybridization signals revealed also distinct CMA, positive band.  相似文献   

Mapping of rRNA genes in four species of Gentiana genus has been carried out by blot-hybridization method using some restriction endonucleases. The following characteristics of Gentiana rDNA structural organization have been revealed: 1) interspecific and intragenomic variability of the length of ribosomic repeats; 2) conservativity of the transcribed region; 3) variability of the length and location of Hind-III site in non-transcribed spacer; 4) interspecific variability of the number of copies. Comparative analysis of the constructed restriction maps of Gentiana species and some other plants revealed the similarity of restriction site location in the transcribed DNA region.  相似文献   

花生45S rDNA和5S rDNA的染色体定位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对四粒红和蜀花四号花生材料进行了核型分析,四粒红为2B核型,核型公式为2n=4x=40=38m+2sm(4SAT);蜀花四号为1B核型,核型公式为2n=4x=40=40 m(2SAT)。利用双色荧光原位杂交技术,对45S rDNA和5S rDNA这两个材料有丝分裂中期染色体上的物理位置进行了定位分析。定位结果表明,四粒红有6对45S rDNA位点,位于A2L、A7S、A9L、B3L、B7S、B8L(A和B分别代表基因组A和基因组B,L和S代表长臂和短臂,数字代表染色体序号,下同);2对5S rDNA位点,位于A3S和B3S;蜀花四号有5对45S rDNA位点,位于A2L、A9L、B3L、B7S、B9L;2对5S rDNA位点,位于A3S和B3S。花生的45S rDNA位点具有可变性,5S rDNA则相对保守。  相似文献   

Section Arachis of the homonymous genus includes 29 wild diploid species and two allotetraploids (A. monticola and the domesticated peanut, A. hypogaea L.). Although, three different genomes (A, B and D) have been proposed for diploid species with = 10, they are still not well characterized. Moreover, neither the relationships among species within each genome group nor between diploids and tetraploids (AABB) are completely resolved. To tackle these issues, particularly within the A genome, in this study the rRNA genes (5S and 18S–26S) and heterochromatic bands were physically mapped using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) in 13 species of Arachis. These molecular cytogenetic landmarks have allowed individual identification of a set of chromosomes and were used to construct detailed FISH-based karyotypes for each species. The bulk of the chromosome markers mapped revealed that, although the A genome species have a common karyotype structure, the species can be arranged in three groups (La Plata River Basin, Chiquitano, and Pantanal) on the basis of the variability observed in the heterochromatin and 18S–26S rRNA loci. Notably, these groups are consistent with the geographical co-distribution of the species. This coincidence is discussed on the basis of the particular reproductive traits of the species such as autogamy and geocarpy. Combined with geographic distribution of the taxa, the cytogenetic data provide evidence that A. duranensis is the most probable A genome ancestor of tetraploid species. It is expected that the groups of diploid species established, and their relation with the cultigen, may aid to rationally select wild species with agronomic traits desirable for peanut breeding programs.  相似文献   

Summary The 18S and 5S ribosomal RNA genes are separated by a 582-nucleotide-long spacer region in the Oenothera mitochondrial genome. The 5S rRNA gene is 7 bp shorter than the maize and 3 bp shorter than the wheat sequences due to a 4 bp deletion in a side arm of the secondary structure model. The 18S rRNA molecule can be folded analogously to the maize and wheat mitochondrial and Escherichia coli models for this rRNA. Most of the sequence variations between the wheat and Oenothera molecules are located in the variable domains identified for the wheat 18S rRNA.The comparison of the 18S rRNA from the mitochondria of Oenothera as a representative of dicotyledonous plants with that of the monocotyledons wheat and maize provides an indication of the rate of diversity in higher plant mitochondrial genes and gives direct evidence for sequence rearrangements within the 18 S rRNA genes.  相似文献   

Genomic in situ hybridization offers a powerful tool for investigating genome organisation and evolution of taxa known, or suspected, to be allopolyploids. The question of the diploid progenitors of cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea, 2n=4x=40) has been the subject of numerous studies at cytogenetical, cytochemical, biochemical and molecular levels, but no definitive conclusions have been reached. The biotinylated total genomic DNA from potential diploidArachis species were separately hybridized in situ to root tip chromosomes ofA. hypogaea and wild speciesA. monticola (2n=4x=40) without or mixed with an excess of unlabelled DNA from the species not used as a probe. Among the range of different species combinations used, the strong and uniform signals given by labelledA. ipaensis DNA when hybridized toA. hypogaea andA. monticola in combination with unlabelledA. villosa DNA indicates that overall molecular composition of twenty chromosomes ofA. hypogaea andA. monticola is very similar toA. ipaensis chromosomes. ProbingA. hypogaea andA. monticola chromosomes with labelled genomic DNA fromA. villosa mixed with unlabelled DNA fromA. ipaensis likewise labelled strongly and uniformly the other twenty chromosomes. BarringA. ipaensis, all the diploidArachis species presently investigated had characteristic centromeric bands in the twenty chromosomes within the complement indicating a clear division ofA. ipaensis from other species. InA. hypogaea andA. monticola only twenty chromosomes showed centromeric bands. These results (i) confirm the allopolyploid nature ofA. hypogaea andA. monticola, (ii) strongly support the view that wildA. monticola and cultivatedA. hypogaea are very closely related, and (iii) indicate thatA. villosa andA. ipaensis are the diploid wild progenitors of the tetraploid species studied. The present results also reveal that the nucleolus organizing region (NOR) originating fromA. villosa alone is expressed in the two tetraploid species.  相似文献   

The 5S rRNA genes of maize are located in the long arm of chromosome 2 (88% of the distance from the centromere to the end) and organized in a 320-bp repeat. Genomic blots of maize DNA digested with the restriction enzymes BamHI and MspI reveal ladders of bands in multiples of 320 bp. Analysis of 5S rDNA from genomic clones reveals that the ladders are due to both modification and divergence of the 5s rDNA nucleotide sequence.  相似文献   

A digoxigenin-labelled 5S rDNA probe (pTa-794) and a rhodamine-labelled 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA probe (pTa71) were used for double-target in-situ hybridization to root-tip metaphase, prophase and interphase chromosomes of cultivated beet,Beta vulgaris L. After in-situ hybridization with the 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA probe, one major pair of sites was detected which corresponded to the secondary constriction at the end of the short arm of chromosome 1. The two rDNA chromosomes were often associated and the loci only contracted in late metaphase. In the majority of the metaphase plates analyzed, we found a single additional minor hybridization site with pTa71. One pair of 5S rRNA gene clusters was localized near the centromere on the short arm of one of the three largest chromosomes which does not carry the 18S-5.8S-25S genes. Because of the difficulties in distinguishing the very similarly-sizedB. vulgaris chromosomes in metaphase preparations, the 5S and the 18S-5.8S-25S rRNA genes can be used as markers for chromosome identification. TwoXbaI fragments (pXV1 and pXV2), comprising the 5S ribosomal RNA gene and the adjacent intergenic spacer, were isolated. The two 5S rDNA repeats were 349 bp and 351 bp long, showing considerable sequence variation in the intergenic spacer. The use of fluorescent in-situ hybridization, complemented by molecular data, for gene mapping and for integrating genetic and physical maps of beet species is discussed.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization in conjunction with deletion mapping was used to map physically the 18S.26S multigene rRNA family in Triticum aestivum L. cv. Chinese Spring. Using in situ hybridization, we report a new locus in the 7DL arm of Chinese Spring and Aegilops squarrosa, and also confirm the nucleolus organizing region (Nor) locus in the short arm of chromosome 1A at the telomeric end in Chinese Spring. Based on in situ hybridization labeling patterns, we show that rDNA exists as condensed rDNA (heterochromatic) at each end and diffused rDNA within the secondary constriction region of the Nor-B1 (1B), Nor-B2 (6B) and Nor-D3 (5D) loci. In Nor-B1, 80% of the condensed rDNA domain lies in the proximal end and 20% in the distal end joined by diffuse rDNA threads. In Nor-B2, condensed rDNA is distributed evenly at each end joined by diffuse rDNA in the middle. In Nor-D3, the base of the satellite contains a greater concentration of condensed rDNA than the tip of the short arm. On the basis of these observations, we support the model that the usual state of rDNA is inactive (facultatively heterochromatic; Hilliker and Appels 1989). A small fraction of rDNA at a specific location (usually in the middle in wheat) exists as a diffuse region (active) in condensed chromosomes.by R. Appels  相似文献   

This paper presents the first molecular phylogenetic analysis of the phylum Ctenophora, by use of 18S ribosomal RNA sequences from most of the major taxa. The ctenophores form a distinct monophyletic group that, based on this gene phylogeny, is most closely related to the cnidarians. Our results suggest that the ancestral ctenophore was tentaculate and cydippid-like and that the presently recognized order Cydippida forms a polyphyletic group. The other ctenophore orders that we studied (Lobata, Beroida, and Platyctenida) are secondarily derived from cydippid-like ancestors, a conclusion that is also supported by developmental and morphological data. The very short evolutionary distances between characterized ctenophore 18S rRNA gene sequences suggests that extant ctenophores are derived from a recent common ancestor. This has important consequences for future studies and for an understanding of the evolution of the metazoans.  相似文献   

The direct R-banding fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) method was used to map 18S-28S ribosomal RNA genes and 10 human cDNA clones on the chromosomes of the musk shrew (Suncus murinus). The chromosomal locations of 18S-28S ribosomal RNA genes were examined in the five laboratory lines and wild animals captured in the Philippines and Vietnam, and the genes were found on chromosomes 5, 6, 9, and 13 with geographic variation. The comparative mapping of 10 cDNA clones of human chromosome 1 demonstrated that human chromosome 1 consisted of at least three segments homologous to Suncus chromosomes (chromosomes 7, 10, and 14). This approach with the direct R-banding FISH method is useful for constructing comparative maps between human and insectivore species and for explicating the process of chromosomal rearrangements during the evolution of mammals.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a region (leader region) preceding the 5'-end of 16S-23S rRNA gene region of Euglena gracilis chloroplast DNA was compared with the homologous sequences that code for the 16S-23S rRNA operons of Euglena and E. coli. The leader region shows close homology in sequence to the 16S-23S rRNA gene region of Euglena (Orozco et al. (1980) J. Biol.Chem. 255, 10997-11003) as well as to the rrnD operon of E. coli, suggesting that it was derived from the 16S-23S rRNA gene region by gene duplication. It was shown that the leader region had accumulated nucleotide substitutions at an extremely rapid rate in its entirety, similar to the rate of tRNAIle pseudogene identified in the leader region. In addition, the leader region shows an unique base content which is quite distinct from those of 16S-23S rRNA gene regions of Euglena and E. coli, but again is similar to that of the tRNAIle pseudogene. The above two results strongly suggest that the leader region contains a pseudogene cluster which was derived from a gene cluster coding for the functional 16S-23S rRNA operon possibly by imperfect duplication during evolution of Euglena chloroplast DNA.  相似文献   

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