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Although only a small fraction of the estimated 6000 extant bryozoan species has been analysed in a molecular phylogenetic context, the resultant trees have increased our understanding of the interrelationships between major bryozoan groups, as well as between bryozoans and other metazoan phyla. Molecular systematic analyses have failed to recover the Lophophorata as a monophyletic clade until recently, when phylogenomic data placed the Brachiopoda as sister to a clade formed by Phoronida + Bryozoa. Among bryozoans, class Phylactolaemata has been shown to be the sister group of Gymnolaemata + Stenolaemata, corroborating earlier anatomical inferences. Despite persistent claims, there are no unequivocal bryozoans of Cambrian age: the oldest bryozoans are stenolaemates from the Tremadocian of China. Stenolaemates underwent a major radiation during the Ordovician, but the relationships between the six orders involved are poorly understood, mostly because the simple and plastic skeletons of stenolaemates make phylogenetic analyses difficult. Bryozoans were hard‐hit by the mass extinction/s in the late Permian and it was not until the Middle Jurassic that they began to rediversify, initially through the cyclostome stenolaemates. The most successful post‐Palaeozoic order (Cheilostomata) evolved a calcareous skeleton de novo from a soft‐bodied ancestor in the Late Jurassic, maintained a low diversity until the mid‐Cretaceous and then began to radiate explosively. A remarkable range of morphological structures in the form of highly modified zooidal polymorphs, or non‐zooidal or intrazooidal modular elements, is postulated to have evolved repeatedly in this group. Crucially, many of these structures have been linked to micropredator protection and can be interpreted as key traits linked to the diversification of cheilostomes.  相似文献   

Vesicomyid bivalves are among the most abundant and diverse symbiotic taxa in chemosynthetic-based ecosystems: more than 100 different vesicomyid species have been described so far. In the present study, we investigated the phylogenetic positioning of recently described vesicomyid species from the Gulf of Guinea and their western Atlantic and Pacific counterparts using mitochondrial DNA sequence data. The maximum-likelihood (ML) tree provided limited support for the recent taxonomic revision of vesicomyids based on morphological criteria; nevertheless, most of the newly sequenced specimens did not cluster with their morphological conspecifics. Moreover, the observed lack of geographic clustering suggests the occurrence of independent radiations followed by worldwide dispersal. Ancestral character state reconstruction showed a significant correlation between the characters "depth" and "habitat" and the reconstructed ML phylogeny suggesting possible recurrent events of 'stepwise speciation' from shallow to deep waters in different ocean basins. This is consistent with genus or species bathymetric segregation observed from recent taxonomic studies. Altogether, our results highlight the need for ongoing re-evaluation of the morphological characters used to identify vesicomyid bivalves.  相似文献   

The closed-canopy forests of Southeast Asia are home to an impressive number of vertebrates that have independently evolved morphologies that enhance directed aerial descent (gliding, parachuting). These assemblages include numerous mammal, frog, snake, and lizard clades. Several genera of gekkonid lizards, in particular, have evolved specialized structures such as cutaneous expansions, flaps, and midbody patagia, that enhance lift generation in the context of unique gliding and parachuting locomotion. The genus Ptychozoon represents arguably the most morphologically extreme, highly specialized clade of gliding geckos. Despite their notoriety and celebrated locomotor ability, members of the genus Ptychozoon have never been the subject of a species-level molecular phylogenetic analysis. In this paper, we utilize molecular sequence data from mitochondrial and nuclear gene fragments to estimate the evolutionary relationships of this unique group of flying geckos. Capitalizing on the recent availability of genetic samples for even the rarest of known species, we include the majority of known taxa and use model-based phylogenetic methods to reconstruct their evolutionary history. Because one species, P. kuhli, exhibits an unusually wide distribution coupled with an impressive range of morphological variation, we additionally use intensive phylogeographic/population genetic sampling, phylogenetic network analyses, and Bayesian species delimitation procedures to evaluate this taxon for the possible presence of cryptic evolutionary lineages. Our results suggest that P. kuhli may consist of between five and nine unrecognized, distinct species. Although we do not elevate these lineages to species status here, our findings suggest that lineage diversity in Ptychozoon is likely dramatically underestimated.  相似文献   

Discussions aimed at resolution of the Tree of Life are most often focused on the interrelationships of major organismal lineages. In this study, we focus on the resolution of some of the most apical branches in the Tree of Life through exploration of the phylogenetic relationships of darters, a species-rich clade of North American freshwater fishes. With a near-complete taxon sampling of close to 250 species, we aim to investigate strategies for efficient multilocus data sampling and the estimation of divergence times using relaxed-clock methods when a clade lacks a fossil record. Our phylogenetic data set comprises a single mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) gene and two nuclear genes sampled from 245 of the 248 darter species. This dense sampling allows us to determine if a modest amount of nuclear DNA sequence data can resolve relationships among closely related animal species. Darters lack a fossil record to provide age calibration priors in relaxed-clock analyses. Therefore, we use a near-complete species-sampled phylogeny of the perciform clade Centrarchidae, which has a rich fossil record, to assess two distinct strategies of external calibration in relaxed-clock divergence time estimates of darters: using ages inferred from the fossil record and molecular evolutionary rate estimates. Comparison of Bayesian phylogenies inferred from mtDNA and nuclear genes reveals that heterospecific mtDNA is present in approximately 12.5% of all darter species. We identify three patterns of mtDNA introgression in darters: proximal mtDNA transfer, which involves the transfer of mtDNA among extant and sympatric darter species, indeterminate introgression, which involves the transfer of mtDNA from a lineage that cannot be confidently identified because the introgressed haplotypes are not clearly referable to mtDNA haplotypes in any recognized species, and deep introgression, which is characterized by species diversification within a recipient clade subsequent to the transfer of heterospecific mtDNA. The results of our analyses indicate that DNA sequences sampled from single-copy nuclear genes can provide appreciable phylogenetic resolution for closely related animal species. A well-resolved near-complete species-sampled phylogeny of darters was estimated with Bayesian methods using a concatenated mtDNA and nuclear gene data set with all identified heterospecific mtDNA haplotypes treated as missing data. The relaxed-clock analyses resulted in very similar posterior age estimates across the three sampled genes and methods of calibration and therefore offer a viable strategy for estimating divergence times for clades that lack a fossil record. In addition, an informative rank-free clade-based classification of darters that preserves the rich history of nomenclature in the group and provides formal taxonomic communication of darter clades was constructed using the mtDNA and nuclear gene phylogeny. On the whole, the appeal of mtDNA for phylogeny inference among closely related animal species is diminished by the observations of extensive mtDNA introgression and by finding appreciable phylogenetic signal in a modest sampling of nuclear genes in our phylogenetic analyses of darters.  相似文献   

Phylogeny and diversification of diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dytiscidae is the most diverse family of beetles in which both adults and larvae are aquatic, with examples of extreme morphological and ecological adaptations. Despite continuous attention from systematists and ecologists, existing phylogenetic hypotheses remain unsatisfactory because of limited taxon sampling or low node support. Here we provide a phylogenetic tree inferred from four gene fragments (cox1, rrnL, H3 and SSU, ≈ 4000 aligned base pairs), including 222 species in 116 of 174 known genera and 25 of 26 tribes. We aligned ribosomal genes prior to tree building with parsimony and Bayesian methods using three approaches: progressive pair‐wise alignment with refinement, progressive alignment modeling the evolution of indels, and deletion of hypervariable sites. Results were generally congruent across alignment and tree inference methods. Basal relationships were not well defined, although we identified 28 well supported lineages corresponding to recognized tribes or groups of genera, among which the most prominent novel results were the polyphyly of Dytiscinae; the grouping of Pachydrini with Bidessini, Peschetius with Methlini and Coptotomus within Copelatinae; the monophyly of all Australian Hydroporini (Necterosoma group), and their relationship with the Graptodytes and Deronectes groups plus Hygrotini. We found support for a clade formed by Hydroporinae plus Laccophilini, and their sister relationship with Cybistrini and Copelatinae. The tree provided a framework for the analysis of species diversification in Dytiscidae. We found a positive correlation between the number of species in a lineage and the age of the crown group as estimated through a molecular clock approach, but the correlation with the stem age was non‐significant. Imbalances between sister clades were significant for several nodes, but the residuals of the regression of species numbers with the crown age of the group identified only Bidessini and the Coptotomus + Agaporomorphus clade as lineages with, respectively, above and below expected levels of species diversity. © The Willi Hennig Society 2008.  相似文献   

Maianthemum (Ruscaceae) comprises 28-38 species and includes the two traditionally recognized genera: Maianthemum sensu stricto and Smilacina. Thirty-seven samples representing 22 species of Maianthemum and six closely related outgroup taxa were sequenced for eight chloroplast and nuclear markers (trnL-F, rps16, rpl16, psbA-trnH, rbcL, ndhF, trnK, and ITS) with a total length of nearly 10,000 base pairs. Phylogenetic analyses supported the monophyly of Maianthemum with Maianthemum sensu stricto nested within Smilacina. Almost all species from the eastern Himalayan region in SW China except for Maianthemum tatsienense and M. stenolobum form a well supported clade. This clade is characterized morphologically by short filaments and large anthers, relatively large flowers, and pubescent stems and leaves. Maianthemum tatsienense and M. stenolobum from SW to central China form another clade. The other species from eastern Asia (central to NE China and Japan) and the New World fall into several clades. The intercontinental disjunction between eastern Asia and North America in Maianthemum sensu stricto is estimated to be at 1.68 million years ago (mya) with the Bayesian relaxed clock relying on uncorrelated rates. A recent radiation at about 2.04mya is suggested in the high mountains of SW China, corresponding to the geographical heterogeneity in that region after the uplift of the Himalayas. Long distance dispersal by birds may have facilitated the evolution of their intercontinental disjunction and their biogeographic diversifications in SW China.  相似文献   

The southern Andean clade of Valeriana provides an excellent model for the study of biogeography. Here we provide new data to help clarify phylogenetic relationships among the South American valerians, with special focus on taxa found in the southern Andes. We found that the southern Andean taxa formed a clade in maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony analyses, and used a Bayesian relaxed clock method to estimate divergence times within Valerianaceae. Our temporal results were similar to other studies, but we found greater variance in our estimates, suggesting that the species of Valeriana have been on the South American continent for some time, and have been successful at exploiting new niche opportunities that reflects the contemporary radiation. Regardless of the time frame for the radiation of the clade, the uptick in the rate of diversification in Valerianaceae appears correlated with a dispersal event from Central to South America. The appearance of Valeriana in the southern Andes (13.7 Ma) corresponds with the transition from closed forest on the western side of the Andes in central Chile to a more open Mediterranean woodland environment. This would suggest that the high species richness of Valerianaceae in South America is the result of multiple, smaller radiations such as the one in the southern Andes, that may or may not be geographically isolated. These smaller radiations may also be driven by species moving into new biomes (migration from a temperate to a more Mediterranean-type climate and into alpine). The degree to which different ecological and geological factors interact to drive diversification is difficult to ascertain. Likewise, without a better-resolved phylogeny it is impossible to determine the directionality of dispersal in this group; did they colonize the southern Andes first, then move northward as the central Andean alpine habitat became more widely available or vice versa?  相似文献   

Background and Aims Sarcocornia comprises about 28 species of perennial succulent halophytes distributed worldwide, mainly in saline environments of warm-temperate and subtropical regions. The genus is characterized by strongly reduced leaves and flowers, which cause taxonomic difficulties; however, species in the genus show high diversity in growth form, with a mat-forming habit found in coastal salt marshes of all continents. Sarcocornia forms a monophyletic lineage with Salicornia whose species are all annual, yet the relationship between the two genera is poorly understood. This study is aimed at clarifying the phylogenetic relationship between Sarcocornia and Salicornia, interpreting biogeographical and ecological patterns in Sarcocornia, and gaining insights into putative parallel evolution of habit as an adaptation to environmental factors.Methods A comprehensively sampled and dated phylogeny of Sarcocornia is presented based on nuclear ribosomal DNA (external transcribed spacer) and chloroplast DNA (atpB-rbcL, rpl32-trnL) sequences; representative samples of Salicornia were also included in the analyses. To infer biogeographical patterns, an ancestral area reconstruction was conducted.Key Results The Sarcocornia/Salicornia lineage arose during the Mid-Miocene from Eurasian ancestors and diversified into four subclades: the Salicornia clade, the American Sarcocornia clade, the Eurasian Sarcocornia clade and the South African/Australian Sarcocornia clade. Sarcocornia is supported as paraphyletic, with Salicornia nested within Sarcocornia being sister to the American/Eurasian Sarcocornia clade. The American and the South African/Australian Sarcocornia clade as well as the Salicornia clade were reconstructed to be of Eurasian origin. The prostrate, mat-forming habit arose multiple times in Sarcocornia.Conclusions Sarcocornia diversified in salt-laden environments worldwide, repeatedly evolving superficially similar prostrate, mat-forming habits that seem advantageous in stressed environments with prolonged flooding, high tidal movement and frost. Some of these prostrate-habit types might be considered as ecotypes (e.g. S. pacifica or S. pillansii) while others represent good ecospecies (e.g. S. perennis, S. decumbens, S. capensis), hence representing different stages of speciation.  相似文献   

Chinese Araliaceae consist of 20 genera and ca. 175 species. To assess the evolutionary relationships of Araliaceae and their biogeographic diversification in China, the phylogeny of Chinese Araliaceae was constructed by sampling 96 accessions representing 20 genera and 50 species of Chinese Araliaceae and 45 closely related taxa using sequences of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and six plastid regions (the ndhF gene, the trnL-trnF region, the rps16intron, the atpB-rbcL intergenic spacer, the rpl16 intron, and the psbA-trnH intergenic spacer). Phylogenetic analyses of the combined plastid and ITS data supported the results of the previously studies that the Chinese members of Araliaceae were scattered within the Asian Palmate group and the Aralia-Panax group withOsmoxylon at the base of core Araliaceae. The generic status of Pentapanax and Tupidanthus is not supported. Our analysis clearly places them in Aralia and AsianSchefflera, respectively. In a broader phylogenetic framework of Araliaceae, based on the fossil-calibrated Bayesian dating, Chinese Araliaceae was inferred to have originated in Asia and underwent a rapid radiation in its evolutionary history. Its diversification is hypothesized to have been driven largely by the orogenies in Asia during the Cenozoic. In China, the distribution pattern of the phylogenetic diversity of Araliaceae corresponds with its taxonomic diversity across the entire region.  相似文献   

The Hawaiian Drosophila offer a unique opportunity to examine evolutionary questions because of the known ages of the Hawaiian Islands and the large number of species endemic to this archipelago. One of the more well studied groups of Hawaiian Drosophila is the planitibia species group, a long-standing population genetic model system. Here we present a molecular phylogenetic hypothesis of all 17 taxa in the planitibia group based on nucleotide sequences from two mitochondrial (16S and COII) and four nuclear (Adh, Gpdh, Yp1, and Yp2) loci, accounting for over 4kb of sequence per taxon. We use these data to estimate major divergence times within this group. Our results suggest that the basal diversification within this group, calculated at 6.1 +/- 0.47 MY, predates the oldest high island of Kauai. The older diversifications in this group took place on Kauai, with subsequent colonization and speciation events occurring as new islands became available to Drosophila. Understanding of the phylogenetic relationships of this important group will place the existing population genetic work in a macroevolutionary context and stimulate additional work, particularly on those taxa endemic to the Maui Nui complex of islands.  相似文献   

Salvia is the most species-rich genus in Lamiaceae, encompassing approximately 1000 species distributed all over the world. We sought a new evolutionary perspective for Salvia by employing macroevolutionary analyses to address the tempo and mode of diversification. To study the association of floral traits with speciation and extinction, we modelled and explored the evolution of corolla length and the lever-mechanism pollination system across our Salvia phylogeny. We reconstructed a multigene phylogeny for 366 species of Salvia in the broad sense including all major recognized lineages and 50 species from Iran, a region previously overlooked in studies of the genus. Our comprehensive sampling of Iranian species of Salvia provides higher phylogenetic resolution for southwestern Asian species than obtained in previous studies. Our phylogenetic data in combination with divergence time estimates were used to examine the evolution of corolla length, woody versus herbaceous habit, and presence versus absence of a lever mechanism. We investigated the timing and dependence of Salvia diversification related to corolla length evolution through a disparity test and BAMM analysis. A HiSSE model was used to evaluate the dependency of diversification on the lever-mechanism pollination system in Salvia. A medium corolla length (15–18 mm) was reconstructed as the ancestral state for Salvia with multiple shifts to shorter and longer corollas. Macroevolutionary model analyses indicate that corolla length disparity is high throughout Salvia evolution, significantly different from expectations under a Brownian motion model during the last 28 million years of evolution. Our analyses show evidence of a higher diversification rate of corolla length for some Andean species of Salvia compared to other members of the genus. Based on our tests of diversification models, we reject the hypothesis of a direct effect of the lever mechanism on Salvia diversification. Therefore, we suggest caution in considering the lever-mechanism pollination system as one of the main drivers of speciation in Salvia.  相似文献   

The orchid bees constitute a clade of prominent insect pollinators distributed throughout the Neotropical region. Males of all species collect fragrances from natural sources, including flowers, decaying vegetation and fungi, and store them in specialized leg pockets to later expose during courtship display. In addition, orchid bees provide pollination services to a diverse array of Neotropical angiosperms when foraging for food and nesting materials. However, despite their ecological importance, little is known about the evolutionary history of orchid bees. Here, we present a comprehensive molecular phylogenetic analysis based on ~4.0 kb of DNA from four loci [cytochrome oxidase (CO1), elongation factor 1‐α (EF1‐α), arginine kinase (ArgK) and RNA polymerase II (Pol‐II)] across the entire tribe Euglossini, including all five genera, eight subgenera and 126 of the approximately 200 known species. We investigated lineage diversification using fossil‐calibrated molecular clocks and the evolution of morphological traits using disparity‐through‐time plots. In addition, we inferred past biogeographical events by implementing model‐based likelihood methods. Our dataset supports a new view on generic relationships and indicates that the cleptoparasitic genus Exaerete is sister to the remaining orchid bee genera. Our divergence time estimates indicate that extant orchid bee lineages shared a most recent common ancestor at 27–42 Mya. In addition, our analysis of morphology shows that tongue length and body size experienced rapid disparity bursts that coincide with the origin of diverse genera (Euglossa and Eufriesea). Finally, our analysis of historical biogeography indicates that early diversification episodes shared a history on both sides of Mesoamerica, where orchid bees dispersed across the Caribbean, and through a Panamanian connection, thus reinforcing the hypothesis that recent geological events (e.g. the formation of the isthmus of Panama) contributed to the diversification of the rich Neotropical biota. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 552–572.  相似文献   

Climate fluctuations and tectonic reconfigurations associated with environmental changes play large roles in determining patterns of adaptation and diversification, but studies documenting how such drivers have shaped the evolutionary history and diversification dynamics of limnic organisms during the Mesozoic are scarce. Members of the heteropteran infraorder Nepomorpha, or aquatic bugs, are ideal for testing the effects of these determinants on their diversification pulses because most species are confined to aquatic environments during their entire life. The group has a relatively mature taxonomy and is well represented in the fossil record. We investigated the evolution of Nepomorpha based on phylogenetic analyses of morphological and molecular characters sampled from 115 taxa representing all 13 families and approximately 40% of recognized genera. Our results were largely congruent with the phylogenetic relationships inferred from morphology. A divergence dating analysis indicated that Nepomorpha began to diversify in the late Permian (approximately 263 Ma), and diversification analyses suggested that palaeoecological opportunities probably promoted lineage diversification in this group.  相似文献   



Bryophytes form a major component of terrestrial plant biomass, structuring ecological communities in all biomes. Our understanding of the evolutionary history of hornworts, liverworts, and mosses has been significantly reshaped by inferences from molecular data, which have highlighted extensive homoplasy in various traits and repeated bursts of diversification. However, the timing of key events in the phylogeny, patterns, and processes of diversification across bryophytes remain unclear.


Using the GoFlag probe set, we sequenced 405 exons representing 228 nuclear genes for 531 species from 52 of the 54 orders of bryophytes. We inferred the species phylogeny from gene tree analyses using concatenated and coalescence approaches, assessed gene conflict, and estimated the timing of divergences based on 29 fossil calibrations.


The phylogeny resolves many relationships across the bryophytes, enabling us to resurrect five liverwort orders and recognize three more and propose 10 new orders of mosses. Most orders originated in the Jurassic and diversified in the Cretaceous or later. The phylogenomic data also highlight topological conflict in parts of the tree, suggesting complex processes of diversification that cannot be adequately captured in a single gene-tree topology.


We sampled hundreds of loci across a broad phylogenetic spectrum spanning at least 450 Ma of evolution; these data resolved many of the critical nodes of the diversification of bryophytes. The data also highlight the need to explore the mechanisms underlying the phylogenetic ambiguity at specific nodes. The phylogenomic data provide an expandable framework toward reconstructing a comprehensive phylogeny of this important group of plants.  相似文献   

The beetle series Staphyliniformia exhibits extraordinary taxonomic, ecological and morphological diversity. To gain further insight into staphyliniform relationships and evolution, we reconstructed the phylogeny of Staphyliniformia using DNA sequences from nuclear 28S rDNA and the nuclear protein‐coding gene CAD for 282 species representing all living families and most subfamilies, a representative sample of Scarabaeiformia serving as a near outgroup, and three additional beetles as more distant outgroups. Under both Bayesian inference (BI) and maximum likelihood inference (MLI), the major taxa within Staphyliniformia are each monophyletic: (i) Staphylinoidea, (ii) Hydrophiloidea s.l., and the contained superfamilies (iii) Hydrophiloidea s.s. and (iv) Histeroidea, although Staphylinoidea and Hydrophiloidea s.l. are not strongly supported by MLI bootstrap. Scarabaeiformia is monophyletic under both methods of phylogenetic inference. However, the relative relationships of Staphylinoidea, Hydrophiloidea s.l. and Scarabaeiformia differ between BI and MLI: under BI, Staphyliniformia and Scarabaeiformia were sister groups; under MLI, Hydrophiloidea s.l. and Scarabaeiformia were sister groups and these together were sister to Staphylinoidea. The internal relationships in Scarabaeiformia were similar under both methods of phylogenetic inference, with Cetoniinae, Dynastinae + Rutelinae, Hybosoridae, Passalidae, Scarabaeidae and Scarabaeinae recovered as monophyla. Histeridae comprised two major clades: (1) Abraeinae, Trypanaeine and Trypeticinae; and (2) Chlamydopsinae, Dendrophilinae, Haeteriinae, Histerinae, Onthophilinae, Saprininae and Tribalinae. The relationships among early‐divergent Hydrophiloidea differed between BI and MLI, and overall were unresolved or received only moderate to low nodal support. The staphylinoid families Agyrtidae, Hydraenidae and Ptiliidae were recovered as monophyletic; the latter two were sister taxa, and Staphylinidae + Silphidae was also monophyletic. Silphidae was placed within Staphylinidae in close relation to a subset of Tachyporinae. Pselaphinae and Scydmaeninae were both recovered within Staphylinidae, in accordance with recent analyses of morphological characters, although not always with recently proposed sister taxa. None of the four major groups of Staphylinidae proposed by Lawrence and Newton (1982) was recovered as monophyletic. Certain highly specialized staphyliniform habits and morphologies, such as abdominal defensive glands and reduced elytra, have arisen in parallel in separate lineages. Further, our analyses support two major transitions to an aquatic lifestyle within Staphyliniformia: once within Staphylinoidea (Hydraenidae), and once within Hydrophiloidea s.l. (Hydrophiloidea s.s.). On a smaller scale, the most common transition is from litter to subcortical or to periaquatic microhabitats and the next most common is from litter to carrion and to fungi. Overall, transitions to periaquatic microhabitats were the most numerous. The broad picture in Staphyliniformia seems to be a high level of evolutionary plasticity, with multiple possible pathways to and from many microhabitat associations, and litter as a major source microhabitat for diversification. In Scarabaeiformia, the most common transitions were from litter to foliage, with flowers to litter, litter to flowers, and litter to dung being next, and then litter to roots, logs or carrion. Litter is again the largest overall source microhabitat. The most common transitions were to foliage and flowers. It thus seems that the litter environment presents ecological and evolutionary opportunities/challenges that facilitate entry of Staphyliniformia and Scarabaeiformia into ‘new’ and different ecological adaptive zones.  相似文献   

Sterol compositions of six species of bryophytes were studied. The major sterols identified were campesterol, 22-dihydrobrassicasterol, sitosterol, clionasterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol, 24-methyl-5,22-cholestadienol and 24-methyl-5,7,22-cholestatrienol. The quantitative determinations of the α- and β-epimers of 24-methyl and 24-ethylcholesterols were made based on 220 MHz 1H NMR spectroscopy and capillary gas chromatography. Sterol compositions of bryophytes from other studies are reviewed, and possible sterol biosynthetic pathways in bryophytes are discussed.  相似文献   

Calling with a tegminal stridulatory apparatus is widespread in crickets. However, the evolution of cricket stridulums has been poorly studied and then only on the basis of prephylogenetic models, which are unable to account for the huge diversity recently documented for acoustic features in crickets. The present paper focuses on the evolution of acoustic devices in the subfamily Eneopterinae. This is the first attempt to reconstruct the phylogeny of a large and diverse cricket clade in order to analyze the evolution of emitting structures using precise homology statements. In the first step, we reconstruct the phylogeny of this clade using a morphological data set of 193 characters and 45 taxa. The resultant phylogeny supports the monophyly of the subfamily and that of the 13 genera represented by at least two species in our taxonomic sample. Phylogenetic relationships within the subfamily also support the definition of five tribes: Eurepini, Eneopterini, Nisitrini, Xenogryllini and Lebinthini. In the second step, the evolution of acoustic devices is studied by optimization of venation characters defined on precise homology statements. As hypothesized by previous authors, losses of acoustic communication occur independently in the course of eneopterine evolution; however, they happen abruptly with no intermediate state. Our results also document for the first time the modalities of forewing evolution: the diversification of male forewing venation originates from two processes, a continuous and regular modification process, responsible for slight venation change; and an irregular, more intense punctuated process, allowing the emergence of different venations. This diversification process with sudden changes could be related to the occurrence of acoustic novelties in advertisement calls.  相似文献   

The genus Abies is distributed discontinuously in the temperate and subtropical montane forests of the northern hemisphere. In Mesoamerica (Mexico and northern Central America), modern firs originated from the divergence of isolated mountain populations of migrating North American taxa. However, the number of ancestral species, migratory waves and diversification speed of these taxa is unknown. Here, variation in repetitive (Pt30204, Pt63718, and Pt71936) and non-repetitive (rbcL, rps18-rpl20 and trnL-trnF) regions of the chloroplast genome was used to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships of the Mesoamerican Abies in a genus-wide context. These phylogenies and two fossil-calibrated scenarios were further employed to estimate divergence dates and diversification rates within the genus, and to test the hypothesis that, as in many angiosperms, conifers may exhibit accelerated speciation rates in the subtropics. All phylogenies showed five main clusters that mostly agreed with the currently recognized sections of Abies and with the geographic distribution of species. The Mesoamerican taxa formed a single group with species from southwestern North America of sections Oiamel and Grandis. However, populations of the same species were not monophyletic within this group. Divergence of this whole group dated back to the late Paleocene and the early Miocene depending on the calibration used, which translated in very low diversification rates (r0.0 = 0.026-0.054, r0.9 = 0.009-0.019 sp/Ma). Such low rates were a constant along the entire genus, including both the subtropical and temperate taxa. An extended phylogeographic analysis on the Mesoamerican clade indicated that Abies flinckii and A. concolor were the most divergent taxa, while the remaining species (A. durangensis, A. guatemalensis, A. hickelii, A. religiosa and A. vejari) formed a single group. Altogether, these results show that divergence of Mesoamerican firs coincides with a model of environmental stasis and decreased extinction rate, being probably prompted by a series of range expansions and isolation-by-distance.  相似文献   

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