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Relationships between the four families placed in the angiosperm order Fabales (Leguminosae, Polygalaceae, Quillajaceae, Surianaceae) were hitherto poorly resolved. We combine published molecular data for the chloroplast regions matK and rbcL with 66 morphological characters surveyed for 73 ingroup and two outgroup species, and use Parsimony and Bayesian approaches to explore matrices with different missing data. All combined analyses using Parsimony recovered the topology Polygalaceae (Leguminosae (Quillajaceae + Surianaceae)). Bayesian analyses with matched morphological and molecular sampling recover the same topology, but analyses based on other data recover a different Bayesian topology: ((Polygalaceae + Leguminosae) (Quillajaceae + Surianaceae)). We explore the evolution of floral characters in the context of the more consistent topology: Polygalaceae (Leguminosae (Quillajaceae + Surianaceae)). This reveals synapomorphies for (Leguminosae (Quillajaceae + Surianaceae)) as the presence of free filaments and marginal/ventral placentation, for (Quillajaceae + Surianaceae) as pentamery and apocarpy, and for Leguminosae the presence of an abaxial median sepal and unicarpellate gynoecium. An octamerous androecium is synapomorphic for Polygalaceae. The development of papilionate flowers, and the evolutionary context in which these phenotypes appeared in Leguminosae and Polygalaceae, shows that the morphologies are convergent rather than synapomorphic within Fabales.  相似文献   

Biochemical compounds are a suggested alternative for morphological characters in sponge systematics. The monophyly of the crucial demosponge order Halichondrida is still largely unresolved. Here, we performed a search for synapomorphies, which might aid to define the order and its five families Axinellidae, Bubaridae, Dictyonellidae, Desmoxyidae and Halichondriidae. We also investigated possible links of the order Halichondrida with other demosponge taxa such as suberitids (Hadromerida). Our survey of published compounds revealed hydroxy-nor-sterols as a potential synapomorphy for axinellid taxa, 2,3,6 sulfated sterol nuclei as possible connection between Agelasida and Halichondrida, besides the known pyrrol-2-carboxylic acids and galactosylceramides, furthermore carbonimidic dichlorides, pupukeananes, diterpene isocyanides for the order Halichondrida and linear and cyclic diterpenes for the family Desmoxyidae. The suitability of biochemical characters in systematics is discussed.  相似文献   

A new Early Cretaceous flower, Kenilanthus marylandensis, is described from the fossil plant bearing sequence exposed in early-middle Albian Potomac Group sediments at the Kenilworth (Bladensburg) locality, Maryland, USA. The flower is small, actinomorphic, pentamerous, and isomerous, and contains both pistillate and staminate parts. The receptacle is slightly dome-shaped and bears one whorl of five tepals, with a possible additional whorl toward the outside, ten stamens in two whorls of five, and one whorl of five free carpels. Stamens have elongate, tetrasporangiate, dithecate anthers that arc slightly inwards towards the centre of the flower. Thecae protrude and are oriented outwards. Pollen grains are small, tricolpate and reticulate with a graded, heterobrochate reticulum and segmented, spiny muri. Carpels are elongate with abundant stomata on the outer surface, and each carpel has a broad oblique base. Ovules are numerous in each carpel and are borne on two marginal placentae that extend along either side of the ventral suture. Kenilanthus has a combination of features that occur among different early-diverging eudicot lineages, suggesting a phylogenetic position close to the base of the eudicot clade, but its precise phylogenetic position is difficult to resolve.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic survey of sea-ice microbial communities (SIMCO)   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
16S rDNA clone library analysis was used to identify bacterial biodiversity in a variety of sea-ice microbial communities (SIMCO). DNA was extracted from seven Antarctic sea-ice samples and one Arctic sea-ice sample and 16S rDNA PCR-amplified using universal and Archaea-specific primers. Recombinant 16S rDNA clones were obtained and dereplicated using restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (RFLP). After RFLP analysis, 100 distinct phylotypes (a unique clone or group of clones with sequence similarity of >0.98) were defined. From the clone libraries 16S rDNA sequences of bacterial and eukaryotic origin were detected, however Archaea were not detected either with universal or Archaea-specific 16S rDNA primer sets. Bacterial phylotypes grouped within the alpha and gamma proteobacteria, the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides division, the Gram-Positive bacteria and the orders Chlamydiales and Verrucomicrobiales. The majority of bacterial phylotypes were affiliated with heterotrophic taxa and many grouped closely with cultivated genera and species. Eukaryotic clones were affiliated with a variety of autotrophic and heterotrophic nanoplankton and included a large number of chloroplast 16S rDNA genes. The findings of this investigation corroborated culture data indicating bacterial biodiversity increased in SIMCO displaying high levels of primary production, however the bacterial communities within SIMCO were highly heterogeneous at the genus/species-level between different samples. A comparison of Antarctic and Arctic SIMCO revealed certain sea-ice dwelling bacterial genera are common at both poles.  相似文献   

Some talpid moles show one of the most specialized suites of morphological characters seen among small mammals. Fossorial and more generalized shrew‐looking moles inhabit both North America and Eurasia but these land masses share none of the same genera. One of the central questions of mole evolution has been that of how many times specialized fossorial habits evolved. We investigated the origin of mole characters with a maximum parsimony analysis of 157 characters, mostly craniodental and postcranial, of representatives of all 17 living mole genera and three shrews and one hedgehog as outgroups. The result was one most‐parsimonious tree and its most novel aspect was the position of a Japanese shrew mole clade (Urotrichus, Dymecodon), which branched off after Uropsilus and was not closely related to the American shrew mole (Neurotrichus). The desmans (Galemys and Desmana) were the next clade in the tree, followed by Neurotrichus. We confirmed the monophyly of the Eurasian fossorial mole clade Talpini (Euroscaptor, Parascaptor, Mogera, Scaptochirus and Talpa). Condylura, the star‐nosed mole from North America, was sister group to a clade consisting of the Talpini plus Scaptonyx and the Scalopini (Scalopus, Scapanus, Parascalops, and Scapanulus). Based on our results and on the assumption that moles originated in Eurasia, it is most parsimonious to infer one migration from Eurasia to North America and two back‐migrations to Eurasia. It is ambiguous if Talpini and Scalopini evolved their full fossorial habits independently or not. © The Willi Hennig Society 2006.  相似文献   

The relationships between the four tribes in the bee family Apidae are re-examined. Characteristics of the postgena, presternum, antenna cleaner, arolium, female hind tibia and male genitalia, among others, support the placement of these tribes in three subfamilies: Meliponinae (Meliponini), Apinae (Apini) and Bombinae (Euglossini + Bombini). The Apinae is the sister group of the Bombinae. This tribal arrangement was originally proposed, using different characteristics, by Winston & Michener (1977).  相似文献   

We present the most comprehensive analysis of higher-level relationships in gall wasps conducted thus far. The analysis was based on detailed study of the skeletal morphology of adults, resulting in 164 phylogenetically informative characters, complemented with a few biological characters. Thirty-seven cynipid species from thirty-one genera, including four genera of the apparently monophyletic Cynipini and almost all of the genera in the other tribes, were examined. The outgroup included exemplar species from three successively more distant cynipoid families: Figitidae (the sister group of the Cynipidae), Liopteridae and Ibaliidae. There was considerable homoplasy in the data, but many groupings in the shortest tree were nonetheless well supported, as indicated by bootstrap proportions and decay indices. Partitioning of the data suggested that the high level of homoplasy is characteristic of the Cynipidae and not the result of the amount of available phylogenetically conservative characters being exhausted. The analysis supported the monophyly of the Cynipini (oak gall wasps) which, together with the Rhoditini (the rose gall wasps), Eschatocerini and Pediaspidini formed a larger monophyletic group of gall inducers restricted to woody representatives of the eudicot subclass Rosidae. The inquilines (Synergini) were indicated to be monophyletic, whereas the Aylacini, primarily herb gall inducers, appeared as a paraphyletic assemblage of basal cynipid groups. The shortest tree suggests that the Cynipidae can be divided into three major lineages: one including the inquilines, the Aylacini genera associated with Rosaceae, and Liposthenes ; one consisting entirely of Aylacini genera, among them Aulacidea , Isocolus and Neaylax ; and one comprising the woody rosid gallers (the oak and rose gall wasps and allies), the Phanacis-Timaspis complex and the Aylacini genera associated with Papaveraceae.  相似文献   

Summary Increasing data onDrosophila alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) sequences have made it possible to calculate the rate of amino acid replacement per year, which is 1.7×10–9. This value makes this protein suitable for reconstructing phylogenetic relationships within the genus for those species for which no molecular data are available such asScaptodrosophila. The amino acid sequence ofDrosophila lebanonensis is compared to all of the already knownDrosophila ADHs, stressing the unique characteristic features of this protein such as the conservation of an initiating methionine at the N-terminus, the unique replacement of a glycine by an alanine at a very conserved position in the NAD domain of all dehydrogenases, the lack of a slowmigrating peptide, and the total conservation of the maximally hydrophilic peptide. The functional significance of these features is discussed.Although the percent amino acid identity of the ADH molecule inDrosophila decreases as the number of sequences compared increases, the conservation of residue type in terms of size and hydrophobocity for the ADH molecule is shown to be very high throughout the genusDrosophila. The distance matrix and parsimony methods used to establish the phylogenetic relationships ofD. lebanonensis show that the three subgenera,Scaptodrosophila, Drosophila, andSophophora separated at approximately the same time.  相似文献   

Abeliophyllum, a monotypic endemic genus of Oleaceae, resembles Forsythia in various morphological characters, but its phylogenetic position is disputed and no embryological study of the genus has been carried out. We investigated more than 40 embryological characters of Abeliophyllum, compared them with previous information on Oleaceae, and discusses its phylogenetic relationships. Abeliophyllum is similar to other genera of Oleaceae in many embryological features, having some distinct features such as the mode of anther wall formation, formation of a nucellar cap, and formation of obturator and hypostase. The basic type of anther wall development and formation of a nucellar cap have not previously been reported in Oleaceae. In addition, differentiation of the obturator and formation of hypostase are not reported in the previously investigated genera of the family. Compared with close relatives, the seed coat structure of Abeliophyllum resembles Forsythia more than Fontanesia and supports existing molecular data which place Abeliophyllum as the sister group of Forsythia.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among some Randia (Rubiaceae) taxa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phylogenetic relationships among some Randia (Rubiaceae, Gardenieae) taxa were estimated based on sequence variation in the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (ITS) and rps 16 intron (cpDNA). During the investigation of rpsl6 intron of 9 studied Central American Randia species, two well supported subclades were separated. Analysis of ITS data of 16 Randia species shows 3 major clades. A group of mainly lowland, South American Randia species is moderate supported (75%). Species from Mexico form a strongly supported (97%) clade, but the Central American and Mexican Randia species are low supported (58%). However the last two groups are well supported together (95%). The molecular delimination is well in line with the size of leaves combined with the texture of exocarp.  相似文献   

Cluster analyses by different methods and a minimum spanning tree were used to study phenetic relationships in the genusChlerodendrum. 129 species were scored for 52 morphological characters corresponding to 119 character states. The phenetic results suggest a classification into 7 distinct groups, which may be grouped into two subgenera. This classification is supported by the iridoid distribution as well as by some phylogenetic considerations.  相似文献   

Although trogons (Aves, Trogonidae) are well characterized by the possession of heterodactyl feet, their phylogenetic relationships to other extant birds still are only poorly understood. Molecular studies did not show conclusive results and there are amazingly few comparative studies of the anatomy of trogons. Virtually the only hypothesis on trogon relationships that was supported with derived morphological characters is a sister group relationship to alcediniform birds (bee-eaters, kingfishers, and allies), which share a derived morphology of the columella (ear-ossicle) with trogons. However, in this study a very similar columella is reported for the oilbird (Steatornithidae) and additional previously unrecognized derived osteological characters are presented, which are shared by trogons and oilbirds. A numerical cladistic analysis of 28 morphological characters also resulted in monophyly of Trogonidae and Steatornithidae, although the corresponding node was not retained in a bootstrap analysis.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the true finches (Fringillidae) have been confounded by the recurrence of similar plumage patterns and use of similar feeding niches. Using a dense taxon sampling and a combination of nuclear and mitochondrial sequences we reconstructed a well resolved and strongly supported phylogenetic hypothesis for this family. We identified three well supported, subfamily level clades: the Holoarctic genus Fringilla (subfamly Fringillinae), the Neotropical Euphonia and Chlorophonia (subfamily Euphoniinae), and the more widespread subfamily Carduelinae for the remaining taxa. Although usually separated in a different family-group taxon (Drepanidinae), the Hawaiian honeycreepers are deeply nested within the Carduelinae and sister to a group of Asian Carpodacus. Other new relationships recovered by this analysis include the placement of the extinct Chaunoproctus ferreorostris as sister to some Asian Carpodacus, a clade combining greenfinches (Carduelis chloris and allies), Rhodospiza and Rhynchostruthus, and a well-supported clade with the aberrant Callacanthis and Pyrrhoplectes together with Carpodacus rubescens. Although part of the large Carduelis-Serinus complex, the poorly known Serinus estherae forms a distinct lineage without close relatives. The traditionally delimited genera Carduelis, Serinus, Carpodacus, Pinicola and Euphonia are polyphyletic or paraphyletic. Based on our results we propose a revised generic classification of finches and describe a new monotypic genus for Carpodacus rubescens.  相似文献   

Justine J.-L., Lambert A. and Mattei X. 1985. Spermatozoon ultrastructure and phylogenetic relationships in the monogeneans (Platyhelminthes). International Journal for Parasitology15: 601–608. New observations reported in this study together with bibliographical data allow comparisons of spermatozoon ultrastructure in 28 genera of monogeneans, belonging to 19 families. The authors propose to compare and classify monogenean spermatozoa using two simple ultrastructural characteristics: (a) the number of axonemes, 1 or 2, (b) the presence or absence of cortical microtubules. These traits make it possible to group monogenean spermatozoa in four patterns. Pattern 1 (2 axonemes plus microtubules) is characteristic of the polyopisthocotyleans (9 families). The three other patterns are found in the monopisthocotyleans. Pattern 2 (2 axonemes without microtubules) is found in the Capsalidae and Dionchidae, which seem closely related, and also in the Udonellidae, Gyrodactylidae and Euzetrema. Pattern 3 (1 axoneme plus 1 altered axoneme plus microtubules) is found in the Monocotylidae and Loimoidae. Pattern 4 (1 axoneme without microtubules) is found in the Amphibdellatidae, Ancyrocephalidae, Calceostomatidae and Diplectanidae. A phylogeny of the monogeneans is drawn from the data of comparative spermatology; this scheme coincides in many points with the phylogeny of Lambert (1980) which was based on the study of chaetotaxy and ciliated cells of the oncomiracidium.  相似文献   

In order to provide new insights into phylogenetic relationships among the neotropical taxa of Phyllanthus , 28 illustrations are provided of the pollen grains of 22 selected species studied from 11 sections of the subgenera represented in the neotropics. Special attention has been given to subgenus Conami because of its variability in pollen morphology: of eight species illustrated, the apertures are diploporate colpi in three species and pores in five species; exine ornamentation is vermiculate in two species and pilate in the other six species. The six species in the neotropical sections Pityrocladus and Microglochidion (subgenus Emblica ) are characterized by prolate grains with an increased number of colpi (4–8). Of particular interest are species in which the pollen exine is clypeate (with exine shields); clypeate pollen grains are illustrated in two species of subgenus Xylophylla and in one species of section Cyclanthera that has unique exine shields with single central pila. The pollen of the one Brazilian phylloclade-bearing species illustrated (in section Choretropsis ) has 3-colporate grains with reticulate exine, typical for subgenus Phyllanthus , and very different from the clypeate grains of the West Indian phylloclade-bearing species in section Xylophylla . This pollen evidence clearly demonstrates homoplasy in the origin of phylloclades in Phyllanthus . Pollen morphological data suggest that the neotropical taxa of Phyllanthus have arisen following colonization from Africa (subgenus Kirganelia ) and Asia (subgenus Emblica ). © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 138 , 325–338.  相似文献   

Ancient phylogenetic relationships   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Traditional views on deep evolutionary events have been seriously challenged over the last few years, following the identification of major pitfalls affecting molecular phylogeny reconstruction. Here we describe the principally encountered artifacts, notably long branch attraction, and their causes (i.e., difference in evolutionary rates, mutational saturation, compositional biases). Additional difficulties due to phenomena of biological nature (i.e., lateral gene transfer, recombination, hidden paralogy) are also discussed. Moreover, contrary to common beliefs, we show that the use of rare genomic events can also be misleading and should be treated with the same caution as standard molecular phylogeny. The universal tree of life, as described in most textbooks, is partly affected by tree reconstruction artifacts, e.g. (i) the bacterial rooting of the universal tree of life; (ii) the early emergence of amitochondriate lineages in eukaryotic phylogenies; and (iii) the position of hyperthermophilic taxa in bacterial phylogenies. We present an alternative view of this tree, based on recent evidence obtained from reanalyses of ancient data sets and from novel analyses of large combination of genes.  相似文献   

The genetic constitution and phylogenetic relationships among the proposed species and subspecies of the crucian carp complex in Japan (Carassius cuvieri, C. auratus subspp. 1 and 2, C. a. grandoculis, C. a. buergeri, and C. a. langsdorfii) were investigated based on analyses of the partial nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial DNA control region and amplified fragment length polymorphisms of nuclear DNA. Our results demonstrate that C. cuvieri and C. auratus are different entities. However, although several distinct lineages were observed for C. auratus, none corresponded to the proposed subspecies. Moreover, the five subspecies of C. auratus were not necessarily separated genetically from each other. Triploid fish, which are currently classified as a single subspecies (C. a. langsdorfii) but are sometimes treated as an independent species, fell into various clades along with diploid individuals of other subspecies that have the same or similar mitochondrial haplotypes. This suggests that gynogenetic triploid crucian carps distributed throughout the Japanese Archipelago have polyphyletic maternal origins. Our results indicate that Japanese crucian carps are a much more complex assemblage than previously believed.  相似文献   

Many species of the paleotropical pioneer tree genus Macaranga Thou. (Euphorbiaceae) live in association with ants. Various types of mutualistic interactions exist, ranging from the attraction of unspecific ant visitors to obligate myrmecophytism. In the latter, nesting space and food bodies are exchanged for protection by highly specific ant partners (mainly species of the myrmicine genus Crematogaster). As a first step toward elucidating the coevolution of ant-plant interactions in the Macaranga-Crematogaster system, we have initiated a molecular investigation of the plant partners' phylogeny. Nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences were analyzed for 73 accessions from 47 Macaranga species, representing 17 sections or informally described species groups. Three accessions from the putative sister taxon Mallotus Lour, were included as outgroups. Cladograms of the ITS data revealed Macaranga to be nested within Mallotus. ITS sequences are highly similar within section Pachystemon s.str., suggesting a relatively recent and rapid radiation of obligate myrmecophytes within this section. Forty-three accessions, mainly of ant-inhabited species, were additionally investigated by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and microsatellite-primed PCR (MP-PCR) techniques. Phenetic analysis of RAPD and MP-PCR banding profiles generally confirmed the ITS results. Best resolutions for individual clades were obtained when ITS and RAPD/MP-PCR data were combined into a single matrix and analyzed phenetically. The combined analysis suggests multiple (four) rather than a single evolutionary origin of myrmecophytism, at least one reversal from obligate myrmecophytism to nonmyrmecophytism, and one loss of mutualistic specifity.  相似文献   



Phylogenetic methods are philosophically grounded, and so can be philosophically biased in ways that limit explanatory power. This constitutes an important methodologic dimension not often taken into account. Here we address this dimension in the context of concatenation approaches to phylogeny.  相似文献   

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