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Using the result of long-term monitoring (over 30 years) of the main population parameters of cyclomorphic mammals (genera Clethrionomys, Microtus, and Sylvaemus) in the Il’men Reserve (Chelyabinsk oblast, the Southern Urals), the phenomenology of the sex ratio and its dynamics in their natural populations are analyzed. The main factors potentially influencing the sex structure of rodents are considered, including isolation of settlements, relative abundance, population density, species-specific features, alternative types of ontogeny, exposure to extreme factors, sex-dependent asynchronous mortality, and age cross. It is shown that the analysis of sex structure in rodents should be performed taking into account the type of their ontogeny, with the CMR method (capture-marking-recapture) giving the most objective estimate of the sex ratio. An alternative approach is to analyze samples taken in autumn to winter, after the end of breeding and elimination of reproductive individuals from the population. It is concluded that the dynamics of the sex structure in murine rodents are conditioned ecologically and that no selective elimination of individuals depending on sex takes place upon overwintering. The sex ratio in cyclomorphic mammals is a variable parameter that fluctuates about the average value depending on both regular and random factors. Methodological recommendations are given for the assessment of sex structure in cyclomorphic mammals.  相似文献   

H Kudo  Y Oki 《Jikken dobutsu》1982,31(3):175-183
Microtus species are very useful as experimental small animals with herbivorous characteristics. In this report, to approach establishment of the use of Japanese field voles (M. montebelli) and Hungarian voles (M. arvalis) as experimental animals, the biological characteristics, breeding methods and reproductive performance of these animal species were comparatively investigated. The number of chromosomes of M. arvalis is 12n = 46, differing from those of M. montebelli, 2n = 30. The breeding and reproduction of the Microtus species were relatively easily accomplished in the laboratory, by giving high fiber-containing rations. These animals prove to be polyestrous and showed postpartum estrous on the day of parturition. In the breeding by the continuous mating of the same pair, there was little or no delay in implantation due to lactation, especially in M. arvalis resulting in continuous birth at intervals of 20 to 21 days. On examination of vaginal smears, Japanese field voles (M. montebelli) did not show any definite pattern whereas 23 out of 30 voles from Hungary (M. arvalis) examined showed 6- to 18-day cycles. There were remarkable differences between the Japanese voles and the Hungarian voles, both biologically and reproductively.  相似文献   

In the subfamily Arvicolinae (Cricetidae, Rodentia) the satellite DNA Msat-160 has been so far described in only some species from the genus Microtus and in one species from another genus, Chionomys nivalis. Here we cloned and characterized this satellite in two new arvicoline species, Microtus (Terricola) savii and Arvicola amphibius (terrestris). We have also demonstrated, by PCR and FISH, its existence in the genomes of several other species from both genera. These results suggest that Msat-160 already occurred in the common ancestor of the four genera/subgenera of Arvicolinae (Microtus, Chionomys, Arvicola, and Terricola). In Arvicola and Terricola, Msat-160 showed the basic monomer length of 160 bp, although a higher-order repeat (HORs) of 640 bp could have been probably replacing the original monomeric unit in A. a. terrestris. Msat-160 was localized by FISH mostly on the pericentromeric regions of the chromosomes, but the signal intensity and the number of carrier chromosomes varied extremely even between closely related species, resulting in a species-specific pattern of chromosomal distribution of this satellite. Such a variable pattern most likely is a consequence of a rapid amplification and contraction of particular repeats in the pericentromeric regions of chromosomes. In addition, we proposed that the rapid variation of pericentromeric repeats is strictly related to the prolific species radiation and diversification of karyotypes that characterize Arvicolinae lineage. Finally, we performed phylogenetic analysis in this group of related species based on Msat-160 that results to be in agreement with previously reported phylogenies, derived from other molecular markers.  相似文献   

The results of interspecific crosses of the social vole Microtus socialis with the Altai vole M. obscurus, the East European vole M. rossiaemeridionalis, and the Transcaspian vole M. transcaspicus are presented. The role of the sperm head structure in the reproductive isolation of this species was studied. Hybrids were obtained in five of the six crossing combinations. It is established that significant differences in the sperm head shape in the social vole and in arvalis group species do not prevent fertilization. The sterility of hybrids indicates the existence of postcopulative mechanisms of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》2002,63(2):331-338
Self-grooming in response to the odours of an opposite-sex conspecific may reflect sexual motivation on the part of the actor. We tested the hypothesis that meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, and prairie voles,M. ochrogaster , both self-groom at different rates when exposed to the odours of their siblings as compared to those of nonsiblings. This prediction was studied under the context of social memory for siblings and the effects of isolation on memory for siblings. The hypothesis explains the self-grooming responses of meadow voles isolated from their siblings for 10 days and of prairie voles isolated from their siblings for 20 days. However, 20 days of isolation for male and female meadow voles, and 30 days of isolation for male prairie voles were sufficient to induce these animals to self-groom at a similar rate to both sibling and nonsibling odours, suggesting that after isolation these animals no longer recognized their opposite-sex siblings. Female prairie voles isolated for 30 days self-groomed more in response to the odours of male nonsiblings than to those of male siblings, suggesting that female prairie voles still recognize their male siblings after isolation. This study is the first to provide empirical evidence that, in the context of sibling recognition, self-grooming behaviour is directed at unfamiliar opposite-sex conspecifics, and that the communicative function of self-grooming (sexual motivation) is associated with social memory for siblings. Differences in the self-grooming behaviour of meadow voles and prairie voles may be associated with several aspects of their life history characteristics.  相似文献   

The grasshopper species Orthoscapheus rufipes and Eujivarus fusiformis were analyzed using several cytogenetic techniques. The karyotype of O. rufipes, described here for the first time, had a diploid number of 2n = 23, whereas E. fusiformis had a karyotype with 2n = 21. The two species showed the same mechanism of sex determination (XO type) but differed in chromosome morphology. Pericentromeric blocks of constitutive heterochromatin (CH) were detected in the chromosome complement of both species. CMA(3)/DA/DAPI staining revealed CMA(3)-positive blocks in CH regions in four autosomal bivalents of O. rufipes and in two of E. fusiformis. The location of active NORs differed between the two species, occurring in bivalents M(6) and S(9) of O. rufipes and M(6) and M(7) of E. fusiformsi. The rDNA sites revealed by FISH coincided with the number and position of the active NORs detected by AgNO(3) staining. The variability in chromosomal markers accounted for the karyotype differentiation observed in the tribe Abracrini.  相似文献   

Haukisalmi, V., Wickström, L. M., Henttonen, H., Hantula, J. & Gubányi, A. (2004). Molecular and morphological evidence for multiple species within Paranoplocephala omphalodes (Cestoda, Anoplocephalidae) in Microtus voles (Arvicolinae). —Zoologica Scripta, 33, 277–290. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that the anoplocephalid cestode Paranoplocephala omphalodes (Hermann, 1783), a Holarctic parasite of Microtus voles, is a complex of host‐specific species, rather than a single host‐generalist species, using uni‐ and multivariate morphometrics and DNA sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene. The phylogenetic methods applied to the mtDNA sequence data showed consistently that the cestodes morphologically recognizable as P. omphalodes include four well‐supported monophyletic groups, representing at least three distinct, largely host‐specific species. Multivariate morphometrics (discriminant analysis) successfully distinguished the four main mtDNA clades of P. omphalodes‐like cestodes. The true P. omphalodes is shown to be a parasite of Microtus arvalis, M. agrestis and Clethrionomys glareolus in Europe. Microtus oeconomus harbours two host‐specific, allopatric and possibly conspecific clades, one with a Holarctic and another with an (eastern) Beringian (Alaskan) distribution. The eastern Beringian endemic M. miurus is also parasitized with a host‐specific, morphologically divergent species of Paranoplocephala. The cestode clades recognized in M. oeconomus and M. miurus represent 2–3 undescribed species. Molecular phylogenetic analyses supported the monophyly of the ‘northern clade’ of Paranoplocephala spp., an assemblage including P. kalelai from Clethrionomys spp., P. macrocephala from Microtus spp. and all clades of P. omphalodes‐like cestodes except those representing the true P. omphalodes from Europe. The intra‐ and interspecific phylogeny within the northern clade is compared tentatively with the known evolutionary history of the hosts.  相似文献   

The results of light and electron microscopic (EM) studies of meiosis in Microtus arvalis males of the karyoform "arvalis" (2n = 46, NFa = 80), in hybrids between the chromosomal forms arvalis and obscurus (2n = 46, NFa = 68), in M. rossiaemeridionalis voles (2n = 54, NFa = 54), and in a hybrid between the species M. rossiaemeridionalis and M. kermanensis (2n = 54, NFa = 54) are presented. SC (synaptonemal complex) karyotypes of the parental forms and the hybrids were constructed on the basis of measurements of the length ofautosomal SCs revealed by the EM analysis in spermatocytes at the stage of middle pachytene. The SC karyotypes of M. arvalis and the hybrids female obscurus x male arvalis consist of 22 synaptonemal complexes of autosomal bivalents and the axial elements of the synaptonemal complexes of the sex chromosomes X and Y. The SC karyotypes of M. rossiaemeridionalis and the hybrid M. rossiaemeridionalis x M. kermanensis consist of 26 synaptonemal complexes of autosomal bivalents and a sex bivalent; they differ only in the length of the Y chromosome axis (Y chromosome in the hybrid was inherited from M. kermanensis). Asynaptic configurations of the autosomal SCs were not observed in the hybrids. The SC axial elements of the X and Y chromosomes in the parental forms and in the hybrids were located close to each other throughout pachytene, but they did not form a synaptic region. The normal synapsis in sterile hybrids (M. rossiaemeridionalis x M. kermanensis) and the behavior of the sex chromosomes in meiosis in fertile and sterile hybrids are discussed in the context of specific features of meiosis and reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

To investigate the phylogenetic and phylogeographical relationships of arvicolines, we use several Western European ground voles. More particularly, our study is focused on Microtus ( Terricola ) savii and M. ( T. ) pyrenaicus . These two allopatric species are usually considered as having originated from the same ancestor, possibly M . ( T. ) mariaclaudiae . We propose molecular and morphological approaches: nucleotidic data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b and 12S rRNA genes and global morphological analyses from the first lower molar. Four other Terricola species ( multiplex , lusitanicus , duodecimcostatus , subterraneus ) were added to the data set for both analyses, and two other vole species ( Clethrionomys glareolus and Chionomys nivalis ) as outgroup to the molecular analysis, and five fossil populations to the morphological one. Palaeontological data are also widely taken into account. Both molecular and morphological analyses indicate that intra- Terricola relationships reflect the present-day geographical distribution of our data set species. Our results show that M. ( T. ) savii and M. ( T. ) pyrenaicus are from separate speciation events leading to two different biogeographical groups, respectively the Alpine–Italian group and the French–Iberian group, the latter being much more homogeneous. These speciation events could be related to Quaternary climatic changes, which induced southward migration, leading first to M. ( T. ) savii and second to M. ( T. ) pyrenaicus . The classical hypothesis of a geographical speciation for these two taxa from M. ( T. ) mariaclaudiae is invalid. However, the morphological data suggest a potential phylogenetic relationship between M. ( T. ) mariaclaudiae (ancestor) and M. ( T. ) pyrenaicus (descendant).  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 309–323.  相似文献   

The chromosome complement and the C-banded karyotypes of specimens of Geoplana marginata auct. and of Issoca rezendei (Schirch) were investigated. The diploid and fundamental numbers of the two species were identical (2n = 14; FN = 28). Their karyotypes were similar except for the morphology of chromosome pair 6. Their C-banding patterns differed in quantity and localization of the constitutive heterochromatin. The similarity in karyotypes of these species support the hypothesis, proposed earlier on morphological grounds, that the genera Geoplana Stimpson and Issoca Froehlich are closely related. G. marginata and I. rezendei are the first land planarian species of the Neotropical Region to have their karyotypes described.  相似文献   

Five different hemoglobins have been demonstrated by polyacrylamide-gel disk electrophoresis in the species Mus musculus. Oxygen affinities of hemoglobin (P50) from Mus musculus and Pitymys duodecimcostatus hemolysates were determined at pH 7.4 and 37 degrees C. Values obtained for delta log P50/delta pH in hemolysates from both species point out a more pronounced Bohr effect in Pitymys duodecimcostatus.  相似文献   

Conventionally stained, C- and Ag-NOR banded karyotypes of Guenther's vole, Microtus guentheri were studied from Turkey. The species possesses a karyotype of 2n = 54, NFa = 52 and NF = 54 in specimens from Kahramanmara? and Gaziantep provinces, whereas NF = 56 in females and NF = 55 in males were found in individuals from Kirikkale and Nev?ehir provinces. The X chromosome was a large acrocentric (NF = 54) or submetacentric (NF = 55, 56) while the Y chromosome was a small telocentric in all specimens examined. Blocks of constitutive heterochromatin were located in the pericentromeric areas of autosomes including the X chromosome. Nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) were located at the telomeric regions of the short arms of five acrocentric pairs and centromeric regions of two telocentric pairs in the Nev?ehir and Kirikkale specimens.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of Echiichthys vipera (Trachinidae) and Uranoscopus scaber (Uranoscopidae) were analyzed by means of various banding methods and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with telomeric and major rDNA probes, respectively. The karyotype of E. vipera was composed of 48 acrocentric chromosomes and NOR sites, as revealed by all detection methods, were situated pericentromerically on a single pair of middle-sized chromosomes. Blocks of constitutive heterochromatin were present in the pericentromeric regions of all pairs of chromosomes. The karyotype of U. scaber showed three karyomorphs: 2n = 30 (18 m + 12 a/st [m = metacentric, a = acrocentric and st = subtelocentric]), 2n = 28 (20 m + 8 a/st), 2n = 27 (21 m + 6 a/st). NORs, as revealed by FISH, were situated pericentromerically on a single pair of middle-sized chromosomes in spite of Ag-positive signals in the centromeres of all pairs of chromosomes. Robertsonian fusions were hypothesized for observed variation due to invariable number of chromosome arms FN = 48.  相似文献   

In 1979, some pairs of voles (Microtus arvalis Pallas) were introduced to our laboratory from Hungary. Thereafter, they were successfully bred and increased in number, as experimental small animals for herbivorous domestic animals. They have been raised in a room and fed with pelleted feed for herbivores and chopped hay-cubes. We can change the high-fiber-containing rations from the chopped hay-cube to the alfalfa pellet that is widely available in laboratories. Regarding the breeding characteristics of the voles, the average litter size was 5.44 +/- 1.64, and the age at the first birth was 55.4 +/- 10.7 days. Some voles with white coats were found during the breeding process in our laboratory. Hematochemical characteristics of the voles were determined and the following characteristics were noted. Red blood cell counts of the voles were higher than those of other experimental animals (rat, mouse). White blood cell counts of the voles were lower than those of the other animals. The electrophoretic patterns of serum protein differed markedly from those of other experimental animals. The gamma-globulin concentrations of the voles were very low, and A/G ratios were high. Blood glucose concentrations of the voles were lower than those of the other mono-gastric experimental animals. Activities of serum enzymes (GOT, GPT, ALP) were higher than those of other experimental animals (rat, mouse, cow).  相似文献   

In a sample of 108 underground voles from 23 Greek localities, the species Microtus felteni, M. guentheri, M. rossiaemeridionalis and M. subterraneus were identified, based on external body morphology and karyotype. Moreover, the implemented C-banding staining technique revealed the heterochromatin distribution in the chromosomes of the above species. All M. guentheri (2n=54, FN=54) and M. rossiaemeridionalis (2n=54, FN=56) specimens displayed the typical karyotypes of these species, respectively. The M. subterraneus specimens belonged to the chromosomal race with 2n=52, FN=60 of this species, apart from a single individual that demonstrated a medium-sized, subtelocentric autosome in heterozygous condition (2n=52, FN=61). Furthermore, M. felteni individuals, trapped again after many years, were karyologically studied (2n=54, FN=56) and the C-banding pattern for this species is hereby presented for the first time. Finally, the study of meiotic preparations in M. guentheri and M. rossiaemeridionalis males verified the asynaptic behaviour of their sex chromosomes. The karyotype of the four studied Microtus species does not seem to have diversified much from the putative ancestral arvicoline karyotype (2n=56, FN=56). On the other hand, the heterochromatin accumulation in the sex chromosomes, particularly prominent in M. felteni and M. rossiaemeridionalis, represents this common tendency in several Microtus species.  相似文献   

The Balkan endemic species Microtus (Terricola) thomasi – Thomas' vole – is widely distributed in the Greek mainland and presents regionally confined karyotypic forms. In order to test the significance of geographical isolation and/or karyological differences in microevolutionary processes at the intraspecific level we used restriction enzymes and partial sequencing to study the polymorphism of the mtDNA d -loop control region in ten Greek populations. An overall high rate of both inter- and intrapopulation polymorphism was observed. The mtDNA diversity was unevenly distributed so that most of the populations studied were very similar and closely related, and only a few of them were clearly differentiated from the others. The mtDNA analysis failed to reveal any clear variation pattern that could be correlated with karyotypic forms or geographical proximity of the populations studied. Instead, the mtDNA phylogeny gave evidence in support of the coexistence of non-polymorphic (2 n  = 44) and polymorphic (2 n  < 44) karyotypic forms within the ancestral Greek M. (T.) thomasi stock. Interestingly, only one population (Agios Stefanos) seemed to significantly diverge from all the others in both methods used, forming a well-supported paraphyletic clade. Allozymic studies have already reported similar results, corroborating the genetic peculiarity of this population.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 55–68.  相似文献   

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