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Termites and the turnover of dead wood in an arid tropical environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R. D. Buxton 《Oecologia》1981,49(3):379-384
Summary The role of sunbirds (Nectariniidae) in the pollination ecology of Strelitzia nicolai (Musaceae) was studied for one year in a coastal dune forest in Zululand, South Africa. It was found that S. nicolai produced large quantities of low quality nectar (1.74 j/l); that nectar production was highest during the day-time; and that the flowers displayed several characteristics attractive to bird-visitors. The flowers were large, conspicuous and provided the birds with a perch, facilitating easy access to the nectar. Flowers were visited by four species of sunbirds: Olive Sunbird Nectarinia olivacea, Grey Sunbird N. veroxii, Black Sunbird N. amethystina, and Collared Sunbird Anthreptes collaris. Sunbirds visited the flowers throughout the year, and apparently cued into changes in the flower angle as an indication of nectar flow rates. Sunbirds perched on the flowers in a manner which effected pollination, the pollen being transferred to the stigma via the birds' feet. Besides the sunbirds, there were other visitors (bushbabies, monkeys and insects) to the flowers, but they did not visit the flowers frequently nor did they appear to be significant pollinators. The high seed set of S. nicolai in the study area attests to the efficacy of the sunbirds as pollinators.  相似文献   

Feeding by honeyeaters was found to maintain nectar at low levels at three sites studied on Kangaroo Island in May-June 1978. The productivity of nectar at a site and position in a dominance hierarchy appeared to determine which bird species used each site. Correa was the main nectar source in the poorest area and produced 0.05 kJ m?2 per day. The small eastern spinebill was the most abundant honeyeater. The purple-gaped honeyeater also occurred but fed mostly on honeydew. The medium sized New Holland honeyeater was common and territorial in the second area, where Banksia marginata and B. ornata inflorescences and Adenanthos flowers produced 0.7 kJ m?2 of nectar per day. Spinebills and crescent honeyeaters also visited flowers and were sometimes chased by New Holland honeyeaters. The richest site was a flowering Eucalyptus cosmophylla tree (5.1 kJ m?2 of nectar per day). A red wattlebird, the largest honeyeater, held a territory in part of this tree and chased other honeyeaters from the territory. New Holland, crescent and purple-gaped honeyeaters fed on flowers in other parts of the tree. The spinebill was absent. We conclude that nectar was partitioned along a spectrum of rich to poor sources. Larger more aggressive species used and sometimes defended the richest sources while the smaller birds used the poorer sources.  相似文献   

The bird pollination syndrome is characterized by red, unscented flowers with dilute nectar in long nectar tubes. However, the extent to which plants with such traits actually depend on birds for seed production is seldom determined experimentally, and traits such as colour and scent production are often assessed only subjectively. We documented bird pollination and quantified floral traits in the critically endangered Satyrium rhodanthum (Orchidaceae) from mistbelt grasslands in the summer‐rainfall region of South Africa. Direct observations and motion trigger camera footage revealed amethyst sunbirds as the only pollinators, despite the presence of other potential pollinators. Experimental exclusion of sunbirds significantly reduced pollination and fruit set to near zero. Pollination success in naturally pollinated plants was close to 100% in one year, and fruit set varied from 23 to 64% in other years. Pollen transfer efficiency was 5.8%, which is lower than in related insect‐pollinated species, probably due to a tendency of birds to wipe pollinaria from their beak. Flowers of S. rhodanthum only reflect light in the red range of the spectrum, and they produce only a few aliphatic and monoterpene scent compounds at comparatively low emission rates. Nectar volume and sugar concentration varied between 2.7 and 3.7 μL and 23.7 and 25.9%, respectively. We conclude that S. rhodanthum is highly specialized for pollination by sunbirds. Colour, scent and nectar characteristics differ from insect‐pollinated Satyrium species and are consistent with those expected for bird‐pollinated flowers, and may contribute to lack of visitation by other potential long‐tongued pollinators. Habitat loss probably underlies the critically endangered conservation status of S. rhodanthum, but the specialization for pollination by a single bird species means that reproduction in this orchid is vulnerable to losses in surrounding communities of plants that subsidize the energetic requirements of sunbirds. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 177 , 141–150.  相似文献   

The pollination syndromes ofLeonotis (Pers.)R. Br. are discussed. Ornithophily accounts for most of the nutlets set in perennialLeonotis species but in the annual species [L. nepetifolia (L.)R. Br.] autogamy prevails.Leonotis species are predominantly pollinated by a variety of sunbirds, although bees are also involved. Nectar is sucrose-dominant in perennial species but hexose-dominant in the annual.  相似文献   

The mistletoe Psittacanthus robustus was studied as a model to link flower phenology and nectar secretion strategy to pollinator behaviour and the reproductive consequences for the plant. The bright‐coloured flowers presented diurnal anthesis, opened asynchronously throughout the rainy season and produced copious dilute nectar as the main reward for pollinators. Most nectar was secreted just after flower opening, with little sugar replenishment after experimental removals. During the second day of anthesis in bagged flowers, the flowers quickly reabsorbed the offered nectar. Low values of nectar standing crop recorded in open flowers can be linked with high visitation rates by bird pollinators. Eight hummingbirds and two passerines were observed as potential pollinators. The most frequent flower visitors were the hummingbirds Eupetomena macroura and Colibri serrirostris, which actively defended flowering mistletoes. The spatial separation between anthers, stigma and nectar chamber promotes pollen deposition on flapping wings of hovering hummingbirds that usually probe many flowers per visit. Seed set did not differ between hand‐, self‐ and cross‐pollinated flowers, but these treatments set significantly more seeds than flowers naturally exposed to flower visitors. We suggest that the limitation observed in the reproductive success of this plant is not related to pollinator scarcity, but probably to the extreme frequency of visitation by territorial hummingbirds. We conclude that the costs and benefits of plant reproduction depend on the interaction strength between flowers and pollinators, and the assessment of nectar secretion dynamics, pollinator behaviour and plant breeding system allows clarification of the complexity of such associations.  相似文献   

The floral visitors of silky oak, Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. ex R.Br., their foraging behaviour and their effects on fruit‐set were studied at Malava, western Kenya. Grevillea robusta is a popular tree for farm plantings in the eastern and central African highlands. Yield of seed has been disappointingly low in some areas and a lack of appropriate pollinators has been suggested as a possible cause. Investigations involved the monitoring of visitors on active inflorescences, assessment of the rewards available to potential pollinators, and exclusion experiments to establish the effects of various visitors on fruit‐set. The flowers are visited mainly by birds and insects. The likely pollinators of G. robusta are sunbirds (Nectarinia amethystina, N. cyanolaema, N. olivacea, N. superba and N. venusta) and white‐eyes (Zosterops kikuyuensis and Z. senegalensis). Very little aggressive behaviour between birds was recorded. No nocturnal pollinators were observed. Nectar was the major floral reward for pollinators, but is likely depleted by ants and honey bees, the foraging behaviour of which confirmed them to be nectar‐robbers. These insects hardly ever touched stigmas during their visits. Eighty‐nine per cent of bird visits were in the morning (07.00–10.00 hours) when nectar volume was highest. Inflorescences bagged to exclude birds set no fruits, and unmanipulated flowers and flowers bagged with self‐pollen set no fruits, indicating a self‐incompatibility mechanism. Control cross‐pollinated flowers displayed greatly increased fruit‐set (25.1%) compared with natural open‐pollination (0.9%). All these findings confirm the importance of cross‐pollen transfer to flowers and the necessity of pollinators for fruit‐set. Effective seed production requires activity of pollinators for self‐pollen removal and cross‐pollen deposition. Seed production stands for G. robusta should be established where flowering is prolific and bird pollinators are abundant.  相似文献   

Sjirk Geerts  Anton Pauw 《Oikos》2009,118(4):573-579
Why do hummingbirds hover while Old World nectar‐feeding birds perch? A unique opportunity to explore this question is presented by the invasion into Africa of a plant adapted for pollination by hovering hummingbirds. Like other hover‐pollinated plants of the New World, the flowers of the tree tobacco Nicotiana glauca lack perches and are oriented towards open space. We find that Old World nectarivores, especially the malachite sunbird, Nectarinia famosa, hover 80% of the time when taking nectar from these flowers. They hover for up to 30 s, and are able to sustain this hovering lifestyle in an area where native nectar plants are absent. Nicotiana glauca greatly increases the local abundance of sunbirds compared with uninvaded areas. In turn, flowers visited by sunbirds formed significantly more capsules and set significantly more seed than sunbird‐excluded flowers, possibly facilitating the invasion. The results suggest a prominent role for plant, rather than bird traits in determining the occurrence of hover‐pollination, begging the question of why plants adapted for hover pollination do not occur outside the New World.  相似文献   

  • Pollinator specialisation through exploitation barriers (such as long floral tubes) does not necessarily mean a lack of pollination when the favoured pollinator is rare or absent. Theory predicts that suboptimal visitors will contribute to plant reproduction in the absence of the most effective pollinator. Here I address these questions with Chasmanthe floribunda a long‐tubed plant species in the Cape Floristic Region, which is reliant on one species of pollinator, the long‐billed Malachite Sunbird. In contrast to short‐billed sunbirds, the Malachite Sunbird occurs in lower abundance or is absent in transformed landscapes. Short‐billed sunbirds rob and thieve nectar from long‐tubed flowers, but their potential contribution towards pollination is unknown.
  • Experiments assessing seed set after single flower visits were performed to determine whether thieving short‐billed sunbirds can act as substitute pollinators. To determine whether short‐billed sunbirds reduce pollen limitation in transformed areas, pollen supplementation was done by hand and compared to natural fruit set.
  • Short billed sunbirds are unable to act as substitute pollinators, and seed set is significantly lower in the flowers that they visited, compared to flowers visited by long‐billed sunbirds. This is substantiated on a landscape scale, where fruit production in Chasmanthe floribunda could artificially be increased by 35% in transformed landscapes, but not so in natural areas.
  • These findings have important consequences for the management and conservation of long‐tubed bird‐pollinated plant species that exist in recently transformed landscapes. The potential vulnerability of specialised plant species in transformed landscapes is highlighted.

Determinants of foraging profitability in two nectarivorous butterflies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 I studied flower selection and foraging energetics of Agraulis vanillae L. (Nymphalidae) and Phoebis sennae (Pieridae), two butterfly species common to north central Florida. I identified the major nectar resources exploited by several populations of these butterflies and, for each plant species, measured available nectar volumes and concentrations, corolla lengths, and density. I quantified foraging behaviour of each butterfly species at each nectar source (flower visitation rate and percentage of foraging time in flight), and used these data to estimate the net rate of energy intake of each butterfly species at each nectar source.
  • 2 Estimated mean energy contents of individual flowers of the eleven exploited plant species spanned three orders of magnitude, ranging between 0.015 and 9.27 joules. Mean energy content of individual flowers was strongly correlated with mean foraging profit of both butterfly species.
  • 3 Mean nectar volume strongly influenced energy content and varied widely within and among species, ranging from 0.0076 to 1.853 μ1. Nectar concentration varied between 17.1% and 40.4% sucrose-equivalents. Nectar volume was the best single predictor of foraging profitability (correlation coefficients of 0.994 and 0.984 for Phoebis and Agraulis respectively). Corolla length also strongly affected foraging profitability for both butterfly species; flower species with longer corollas were generally more profitable.
  • 4 Flower density and nectar concentration showed weak or nonsignificant associations with foraging profitability.
  • 5 The usefulness and limitations of these floral characteristics as bases for foraging selectivity, and the selective pressures foraging butterflies might place on the visited plants are discussed.

Richardson SC 《Oecologia》2004,139(2):246-254
As exploiters of plant-pollinator mutualisms, nectar-robbers remove rewards (nectar) without providing pollination services. Though one might expect nectar-robbing to be costly to plants, it may instead benefit plants by indirectly increasing pollen dispersal. I investigated the direct effects of nectar-robbing bees (Xylocopa californica) on floral rewards and behaviors of pollinators visiting desert willow (Chilopsis linearis) and indirect effects of robbing on the reproductive success of the plant. Nectar-robbers reduced nectar; while unrobbed and robbed flowers were equally likely to contain nectar, nectar volumes were smaller in robbed flowers with nectar. Apis mellifera (honeybees), ineffective pollinators in terms of pollen deposition, avoided robbed flowers. In contrast, Bombus sonorus (bumblebees), effective pollinators, did not avoid robbed flowers. While bumblebees tended to spend less time in robbed flowers, the time that they spent in flowers was not correlated with pollen deposition. Using powder mimicking pollen, I found that on some days, powder was dispersed farther or to more flowers from robbed flowers, indicating that robbing may sometimes benefit plants by increasing male reproductive success. Powder movement suggested that the effect of robbing on male reproductive success ranged from costly to beneficial. The outcome for flowers that were marked early each morning was a function of prevalence of robbing and abundances of effective pollinators, but not a function of spatial variability among trees in prevalence of robbing or the abundance of ineffective honeybees. Unlike powder dispersal, female reproductive success, measured by fruit set and the number of pollen tubes growing in styles, was not affected by robbing. Thus, robbers did not reduce plants female reproductive success either directly by damaging flowers or indirectly by reducing pollen deposition by pollinators. Overall, this study indicates that nectar-robbers were not often costly to plants, and sometimes even benefited plants.  相似文献   

Nectar thieves may increase or decrease pollinator-mediated pollen flow and thus may have positive or negative effects on plant reproductive success. In temperate rainforests of South America, the hummingbird Sephanoides sephaniodes acts as both a pollinator and non-destructive nectar thief on Lapageria rosea. Although pollinators that also act as nectar thieves have the potential to significantly modify plant reproductive success, no previous study has addressed this. To determine how the mixed behaviour of S. sephanoides affects pollen flow, we experimentally exposed some flowers to nectar theft and excluded nectar thieves from other flowers. We then assessed pollen dispersal into the floral neighbourhood. Thieved flowers exported less pollen, but the pollen exported was transferred farther into the neighbourhood. Our findings indicate a trade-off between distance and amount of pollen flow.  相似文献   

Flower morphology, nectary structure, nectar features (chemical composition, secretion pattern, standing crop, removal effects) and flower visitors are analysed in an Argentinian population of Combretum fruticosum. The variability of these data was examined throughout the flower lifetime. Nectar is hexose dominant. Its chemical composition and concentration are constant for all flowering stageS. Nectar volume varies as a function of flower age due to a combination of nectar secretion, cessation and resorption periods. The overall sugar production is decreased by nectar removal. The plant is self-incompatible and xenogamouS. Only 16.2% of the flowers set seedS. Inflorescences with green flowers were exclusively visited by two hummingbird and three perching bird species which transfer the pollen. A clear link was observed among nectar production pattern, standing crop of nectar, and visitors' behaviour.  相似文献   

Brood defence of a cichlid fish,Lamprologus toae, was investigated in its natural habitat in Lake Tanganyika. Both parents guarding a brood attacked both conspecific and heterospecific intruder fishes at different locations. The heterospecific intruder fishes could be classified into three groups on the basis of the locations at which the attacks against each species took place. The distinction of groups by the parents seemed to be primarily based on food habits and feeding behaviour of the intruder fishes. The piscivorous species which were more dangerous for the brood were attacked by both parents at more distant locations from the brood. Parental defence of breeding territory changed with the development of the young. The frequency of attacks against each group decreased after the young reached the size too large for the fishes of the group to prey on. Division of labour in the territorial defence was recognized between male and female. The male parent mainly defended the peripheral region of the territory and the female parent defended the inner region. Significance of the selective attack against intruders and the division of labour between the two sexes in brood defence is discussed.  相似文献   

The distribution of trait values in many populations is not homogenous but creates a mosaic of patches. This may lead to differences in selection on the patch level compared to selection on the population level. As an example we investigated the spatial distribution of nectar production and its effects on pollinator behaviour in a natural population of Echium vulgare. Nectar production per flower, number of flowers and total nectar production showed a hierarchy and spatial aggregation as expressed by Gini coefficients and significant Moran's I values. Plants in patches of high nectar production received significantly more pollinator visits and had a significant emanating effect on pollinator visits of neighbouring plants. The same was true for plants in patches with high number of flowers. To disentangle these effects a path analysis was applied, which suggested that the direct effect of nectar production per flower although present, seems to be small compared to the effect of the number of flowers. Nectar production per flower affected pollinator visits mainly indirectly by way of total nectar production, which includes the effect of number of flowers. Assuming a minor pollinator-mediated selection for number of flowers, pollinator-mediated selection for total nectar production equals that for nectar production per flower. If so, the observed spatial structure of nectar production and its emanating effect on pollinator behaviour is of importance for natural selection. Plants of low nectar production occurring close to patches of plants with high nectar production benefited from the enhanced pollinator service of their neighbours while saving costs of increased nectar production. Consequently, plants with low nectar production may have a selective advantage at patch level while plants with high nectar production may have a selective advantage at population level. Results presented stress the importance of small-scale patterns for ecological relationships and evolutionary change.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of a new mechanism of pollination in orchids: transfer of pollinaria on the feet of birds. Observations carried out in South Africa and Malawi showed that the orchids Disa chrysostachya Sw. and Disa satyriopsis Kraenzl. are pollinated by sunbirds. Pollinaria of these orchids become attached firmly to the birds toes when they perch on the tall narrow inflorescences which are packed tightly with numerous small orange flowers. Birds typically perch on the lower part of an inflorescence while reaching up to feed on nectar in flowers on the upper part, but occasionally reverse this position to probe the lower flowers. The nectar is contained within a short bulbous spur with a narrow entrance that permits entrance of a sunbirds slender tongue. Contrary to expectation, the pollination mechanism in D. chrysostachya is remarkably efficient with about 6.1% of pollen reaching stigmas on other plants and fruit set occurring in 95% of flowers at one site. Birds seldom move their feet once perched, thus minimizing the incidence of self-pollination, either within or between flowers on an inflorescence.  相似文献   

Although the function of nectar is to attract and reward pollinators, secondary metabolites produced by plants as anti‐herbivore defences are frequently present in floral nectars. Greater understanding is needed of the effects of secondary metabolites in nectar on the foraging behaviour and performance of pollinators, and on plant–pollinator interactions. We investigated how nectar‐feeding birds, both specialist (white‐bellied sunbirds Cinnyris talatala) and generalist (dark‐capped bulbuls Pycnonotus tricolor and Cape white‐eyes Zosterops virens), respond to artificial nectar containing the alkaloid nicotine, present in nectar of Nicotiana species. Preference tests were carried out with a range of nicotine concentrations (0.1–300 μM) in two sucrose concentrations (0.25 and 1 M), and for bulbuls also in two sugars (sucrose and hexose). In addition, we measured short‐term feeding patterns in white‐bellied sunbirds that were offered nicotine (0–50 μM) in 0.63 M sucrose. Both nicotine and sugar concentrations influenced the response of bird pollinators to nicotine. The birds showed dose‐dependent responses to nicotine; and their tolerance of high nicotine concentrations was reduced on the dilute 0.25 M sucrose diet, on which they increased consumption to maintain energy intake. White‐bellied sunbirds decreased both feeding frequency and feeding duration as the nicotine concentration in artificial nectar increased. Of the three species, bulbuls showed the highest tolerance for nicotine, and sugar type (sucrose or hexose) had no effect. The indifference of bulbuls to nicotine may be related to their primarily frugivorous diet. However, the response of white‐eyes to nicotine in the dilute sucrose solution was very similar to that of sunbirds, even though white‐eyes are generalist nectar‐feeders. Additional testing of other avian nectarivores and different secondary metabolites is required to further elucidate whether generalist bird pollinators, which utilise dilute nectars in which secondary metabolites have stronger deterrent effects, are more tolerant of ‘toxic’ nectar.  相似文献   

Field observations showed that three South African orchid species,Satyrium carneum, S. coriifolium andS. princeps, are pollinated by sunbirds. Foraging sunbirds insert their bills into the labellum chamber of the flowers and suck nectar from the labellum spurs with their tongues. The column overarches the entrance to the labellum and pollinaria become affixed to the upper mandible of the bill. Birds often attempt to remove pollinaria by rubbing their bills against a branch, but are mostly unsuccessful due to the large plate-like viscidia which attach the pollinaria very firmly to the bill. Other modifications for bird pollination in theseSatyrium species may include the red, carmine or orange colour of the flowers, sturdy inflorescence stems used for perching and large amounts of dilute nectar in the spurs. EachSatyrium species was pollinated by several species of sunbird, and despite some differences in flowering time, occasional hybrids occur at a site whereS. carneum andS. coriifolium share the same sunbird pollinators.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The mechanisms of floral nectar production in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum, Polygonaceae), a distylous pseudo-cereal, have received relatively little attention, prompting an investigation of the factors that regulate this process. The aim was to perform a refined study of the structures that secrete nectar and of the internal and external parameters influencing nectar volumes and sugar concentrations.


In order to control environmental parameters, plants were cultivated in growth rooms under controlled conditions. The structure of nectaries was studied based on histological sections from flowers and flower buds. Nectar was extracted using glass micropipettes and the sugar concentration was measured with a hand refractometer. Sugar concentration in the phloem sap was measured using the anthrone method. To test the influence of photosynthesis on nectar production, different light and defoliation treatments were applied.

Key Results

Unicellular trichomes were located in the epidermis at the ventral part of eight nectary glands situated on the flower receptacle alternately with stamens. Vascular bundles consisting of both phloem and xylem were identified at the boundary between a multilayered nectary parenchyma and a sub-nectary parenchyma with chloroplasts. A higher volume of nectar in thrum morphs was observed. No other difference was found in morphology or in sugar supply to inflorescences between morphs. Nectar secretion was strongly influenced by plant age and inflorescence position. Nectar volumes were higher in the upper inflorescences and during the flowering peak. Light had a dual role, (1) acting directly on reproductive structures to trigger flower opening, which conditions nectar secretion, and (2) stimulating photosynthetic activity, which regulates nectar accumulation in open flowers.


In buckwheat, nectar is secreted by trichomes and probably proceeds, at least in part, from phloem sap. Nectar secretion is strongly influenced by floral morph type, plant age, inflorescence position and light.Key words: Buckwheat, distyly, Fagopyrum esculentum, inflorescence position, morph comparisons, nectary histology, nectar sugar concentration, nectar volume, light intensity, organ biomass, phloem sap, plant age  相似文献   

David S. Dobkin 《Oecologia》1984,64(2):245-254
Summary Flowering patterns of four Heliconia (Heliconiaceae) species in Trinidad, West Indies were examined for their predictability and availability to the nectarivores that rely on Heliconia floral nectar. Principal flower visitors are trapling hermit hummingbirds; inflorescences are inhabited by nectarivorous hummingbird flower mites that move between inflorescences by riding in the hummingbirds' nares. Heliconia inflorescences flower for 40–200 days, providing long-term sources of copious nectar (30–60 l per flower), but each Heliconia flower lasts only a single day. As an inflorescence ages the interval increases between open flowers within a bract; wet-season inflorescences produce open flowers more slowly than dry-season conspecifics.Estimated daily energy expenditures for hermit hummingbirds demonstrate that slow production of short-lived open flowers plus low inflorescence density preclude territorial defense of Heliconia by the hermits. Heliconia flowering patterns are viewed as a means of (i) regulating reproductive investment by the plants through staggered flower production over long periods of time, and (ii) maintaining outcrossing by necessitating a traplining visitation pattern by its hummingbird pollinators. I suggest that Heliconia exhibit a two-tiered pollination system by using hermit hummingbirds primarily for outcrossing and using hummingbird flower mites primarily for self-pollination.  相似文献   

Nectar secretion pattern and effects of nectar removal were analyzed in six hummingbird-pollinated Argentinean Pitcairnioideae: Abromeitiella brevifolia. A. lorentziana, Deuterocohnia longipetala. Dyckia floribunda, D. ragonesei and Puya spathacea. Flower lifetime was determined in each case. Nectar volume, concentration and sugar production were measured from bud opening till fading of flowers at different time intervals according to the species' flower life-span. Nectar volume varies while nectar concentration and cumulative sugar production increase as a function of flower age in all the studied species. In general, total nectar volume and concentration values can be affected by periodic removal, but total sugar production is unaffected. Only in Puya spathacea did periodic nectar harvesting reduce the total amount of sugar produced.  相似文献   

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