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Hemagglutinins with different specificity were determined in 270 subjects: of these, 101 were examined in the time course before and after immunization with Proteus vaccine prepared from soluble antigens. The preparation possessed pronounced immunological potency and stimulated the formation of antibodies to the vaccine strain, to heterologous Proteus strains and to the common antigens of Gram-negative bacteria. The combined scheme of the subcutaneous and local administration of the above-mentioned Proteus vaccine ensured an increase in the synthesis of IgM and IgA in patients with Proteus wound infection. Active immunization ensured an essential rise in the level of hemagglutinins to Re-glycolipid in donors and oncological patients not infected with Proteus, but did not ensure the statistically significant shifts in the antibody level to Re-glycolipids in patients with chronic Proteus infection.  相似文献   

An unequivocal regularity in local and systemic reactions to multiple (in 5 injections) administration of lyophilized staphylococcal vaccine prepared from water-soluble antigens has been established in patients and in healthy adults: the number and intensity of reaction decreased after each subsequent injection. A similar tendency has been observed in the vaccinees who were examined for their IgE levels. These data are indicative of the desensitizing action of the vaccine.  相似文献   

The method for endotoxin removal described in this paper is useful for separation of tightly bound endotoxin from biological products, particularly those produced in Escherichia coli in the form of inclusion bodies for which a denaturation step is required to solubilise the product. We employed guanidine hydrochloride and ammonium sulphate in combination with hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC). These conditions enable binding of the endotoxin to the matrix, giving unbound product in the column flow-through. This makes the method generally applicable to biological products. An endotoxin reduction of about 3.7 logs was achieved; from as much as 1,100,000 EU mg(-1) in the solubilised material to about 200 EU mg(-1) in the product purified by this method. The method was developed for a cervical dysplasia vaccine, a fusion protein comprising L2, E7 and E6 from Human Papilloma Virus type 16, because both conventional and commercially available methods of endotoxin removal were ineffective in removing the tightly bound endotoxin from this product.  相似文献   

A new protein kinase has been characterized among the proteins tightly bound to rat liver DNA and released by DNase I and RNase A treatment. This enzyme was separated by gel filtration from this released material. Its apparent molecular mass was found to be 34 kDa and it is made of a single unit. The main characteristic of this protein kinase is that it is arginine-specific. Isolation of phosphoarginine required the use of proteolytic enzymes at alkaline pH since the phosphate bond is highly acid-labile. This protein kinase is able to autophosphorylate and to phosphorylate a single chromosomal protein of 11 kDa also tightly bound to DNA. It uses ATP and dATP as phosphate donors and is cAMP-independent. Its optimal activity requires Mn2+ ions. Vanadate, spermine and heparin have no effect on its activity.  相似文献   

Most studies of Lactococcus lactis as delivery vehicles of pneumococcal antigens are focused on the effectiveness of mucosal recombinant vaccines against Streptococcus pneumoniae in animal models. At present, there are three types of pneumococcal vaccines: capsular polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccines (PPV), protein-polysaccharide conjugate pneumococcal vaccines (PCV) and protein-based pneumococcal vaccines (PBPV). Only PPV and PCV have been licensed. These vaccines, however, do not represent a definitive solution. Novel, safe and inexpensive vaccines are necessary, especially in developing countries. Probiotic microorganisms such as lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are an interesting alternative for their use as vehicles in pneumococcal vaccines due to their GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status. Thus, the adjuvanticity of Lactococcus lactis by itself represents added value over the use of other bacteria, a question dealt with in this review. In addition, the expression of different pneumococcal antigens as well as the use of oral and nasal mucosal routes of administration of lactococcal vaccines is considered. The advantages of nasal live vaccines are evident; nonetheless, oral vaccines can be a good alternative when the adequate dose is used. Another point addressed here is the use of live versus inactivated vaccines. In this sense, few researchers have focused on inactivated strains to be used as vaccines against pneumoccoccus. The immunogenicity of live vaccines is better than the one afforded by inactivated ones; however, the probiotic-inactivated vaccine combination has improved this matter considerably. The progress made so far in the protective immune response induced by recombinant vaccines, the successful trials in animal models and the safety considerations of their application in humans suggest that the use of recombinant vaccines represents a good short-term option in the control of pneumococcal diseases.  相似文献   

Anthrax edema toxin (EdTx) is an AB-type toxin that binds to anthrax toxin receptors on target cells via the binding subunit, protective Ag (PA). Edema factor, the enzymatic A subunit of EdTx, is an adenylate cyclase. We found that nasal delivery of EdTx enhanced systemic immunity to nasally coadministered OVA and resulted in high OVA-specific plasma IgA and IgG (mainly IgG1 and IgG2b). The edema factor also enhanced immunity to the binding PA subunit itself and promoted high levels of plasma IgG and IgA responses as well as neutralizing PA Abs. Mice given OVA and EdTx also exhibited both PA- and OVA-specific IgA and IgG Ab responses in saliva as well as IgA Ab responses in vaginal washes. EdTx as adjuvant triggered OVA- and PA-specific + T cells which secreted IFN-gamma and selected Th2-type cytokines. The EdTx up-regulated costimulatory molecule expression by APCs but was less effective than cholera toxin for inducing IL-6 responses either by APCs in vitro or in nasal washes in vivo. Finally, nasally administered EdTx did not target CNS tissues and did not induce IL-1 mRNA responses in the nasopharyngeal-associated lymphoepithelial tissue or in the olfactory bulb epithelium. Thus, EdTx derivatives could represent an alternative to the ganglioside-binding enterotoxin adjuvants and provide new tools for inducing protective immunity to PA-based anthrax vaccines.  相似文献   

Multicomponent vaccine prepared from the antigens of 4 representatives of opportunistic microflora possesses high specific activity. The passive hemagglutination (PHA) test with the use of associated diagnosticum showed that antibody titers in the sera of immunized rabbits increased 10- to 10(4)-fold in comparison with the titers observed prior to immunization. The PHA test with the use of the antigens contained in the vaccine revealed the accumulation of antibodies to each of the 4 components of the preparation in the blood sera of immunized rabbits. When stored at 4 degrees C, the vaccine was shown to retain its specific activity for 5 years (the term of observation).  相似文献   

Three major polypeptides are found in purified DNA polymerase alpha from rat liver: 160, 77 and 58 kDa. The electrophoretic analysis has identified polypeptide 160 kDa as the catalytically active subunit of DNA polymerase alpha. The other two polypeptides showed no DNA polymerase activity. Individual polypeptide p77 kDa purified by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to produce antibodies in rabbits. Immunoblot analysis indicated that the complex DNA polymerase alpha-3'-5'-exonuclease contained polypeptide p77 kDa. To elucidate the function of the p77 kDa protein we have prepared an immunoabsorbent column with antibodies against the p77 kDa polypeptide. The antibody column purified p77 kDa protein was homogeneous according to sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. The activity of alpha-polymerase was increased approximately 10-fold as a result of purification of DNA polymerase alpha from the p77 kDa protein. The in vitro experiments showed the identity of the p77 kDa polypeptide to endonuclease. It cleaved both single-stranded and double-stranded DNA. The function of endonuclease p77 kDA in complex with DNA polymerase alpha remains obscure.  相似文献   



Mucosal delivery of therapeutic protein drugs or vaccines is actively investigated, in order to improve bioavailability and avoid side effects associated with systemic administration. Orally administered bacteria, engineered to produce anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10, IL-1Ra), have shown localised ameliorating effects in inflammatory gastro-intestinal conditions. However, the possible systemic effects of mucosally delivered recombinant bacteria have not been investigated.


B. subtilis was engineered to produce the mature human IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra). When recombinant B. subtilis was instilled in the distal colon of rats or rabbits, human IL-1Ra was found both in the intestinal lavage and in the serum of treated animals. The IL-1Ra protein in serum was intact and biologically active. IL-1-induced fever, neutrophilia, hypoglycemia and hypoferremia were inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion by intra-colon administration of IL-1Ra-producing B. subtilis. In the mouse, intra-peritoneal treatment with recombinant B. subtilis could inhibit endotoxin-induced shock and death. Instillation in the rabbit colon of another recombinant B. subtilis strain, which releases bioactive human recombinant IL-1β upon autolysis, could induce fever and eventually death, similarly to parenteral administration of high doses of IL-1β.


A novel system of controlled release of pharmacologically active proteins is described, which exploits bacterial autolysis in a non-permissive environment. Mucosal administration of recombinant B. subtilis causes the release of cytoplasmic recombinant proteins, which can then be found in serum and exert their biological activity in vivo systemically.

Studies of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as delivery vehicles have focused mainly on the development of mucosal vaccines, with much effort being devoted to the generation of genetic tools for antigen expression in different bacterial locations. Subsequently, interleukins have been co-expressed with antigens in LAB to enhance the immune response that is raised against the antigen. LAB have also been used as a delivery system for a range of molecules that have different applications, including anti-infectives, therapies for allergic diseases and therapies for gastrointestinal diseases. Now that the first human trial with a Lactococcus strain that expresses recombinant interleukin-10 has been completed, we discuss what we have learnt, what we do not yet understand and what the future holds for therapy and prophylaxis with LAB.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen an explosion in the number of complete or almost complete genomic sequences of lactic acid bacteria and other food-grade bacteria that are used in functional foods to increase the health of the consumer. These have been instrumental in the development of functional, comparative and other post-genomics approaches that provide the possibility to detect, unravel and understand their functionality in the human intestinal tract. In conjunction with other high-throughput approaches, these advances can be exploited in the functional food innovation cycle for developing new or designed probiotic and other bacterial products that impact gut health.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate experimentally the immunogenicity in rabbits of rubella subunits adsorbed to the adjuvant Quil A. The adsorbed viral proteins form structurally defined ImmunoStimulating COMplexes (ISCOMs). Rubella ISCOMs were tested for their capacity to induce neutralizing and hemagglutination-inhibiting antibodies, in comparison with a commercial live attenuated vaccine. Rubella ISCOMs were as efficient as the live vaccine in inducing neutralizing and hemagglutination inhibiting antibodies, suggesting the possibility of developing an ISCOMs subunit vaccine.  相似文献   

Erythroid cell-specific antisera capable of detecting tightly bound nonhistone chromatin protein-DNA complexes were obtained by injecting rabbits with dehistonized chicken reticulocyte chromatin. The antisera showed no crossreactivity with chromatin of thrombocytes which are regarded as cells genealogically closely related with erythrocytes. The lack of thrombocyte chromatin immunoactivity was not caused by conformational constrains. Tightly bound nonhistone protein-DNA complexes isolated from thrombocyte chromatin showed no immunological similarity with these of erythrocyte chromatin.  相似文献   

Incubation of thylakoids in 33% methanol causes a release of the tightly bound nucleotides from CF1. This methanol effect is not a stimulation of nucleotide exchange, since no medium ATP or ADP is incorporated into CF1 during the methanol treatment. While the optimal conditions for stimulating the release of tightly bound ADP were similar to those for activating the ATPase, a direct relationship between the effects was not found. The tightly bound ADP does not represent a catalytic intermediate in this system, since (a) its rate of release is much slower than enzyme turnover, and (b) the substrate specificity for hydrolysis is different from that which promotes ADP release. A regulatory role for the tightly bound ADP in methanol-activated ATPase is also not indicated, since (a) activation of the ATPase occurs much more rapidly than ADP release, and (b) after the tightly bound ADP has been lost, high rates of ATP hydrolysis still require the presence of methanol, and (c) the small ATPase activity which persists after the removal of the methanol is not correlated with the loss of bound ADP. These results show that significant rates of ATP hydrolysis can occur with ADP still tightly bound to CF1. This argues against any model in which ADP regulates ATPase activity by binding directly to the catalytic site.  相似文献   

Cilia of Tetrahymena thermophila possess adenylate kinase [ATP:AMP phosphotransferase, EC] activity. More than 95% of the total activity was recovered in the axonemal fraction when cilia were demembranated with 0.2% Nonidet P-40. There was no loss of the specific activity of adenylate kinase when axonemes were thoroughly washed with HMEK solution (10 mM HEPES, 5 mM MgCl2, 0.1 mM EDTA, and 0.1 M KCl, pH 7.4). These results suggest that adenylate kinase is tightly bound to axoneme. Solubilization of adenylate kinase was markedly increased when axonemes were incubated in HME buffer (10 mM HEPES, 1 mM MgCl2, 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 7.4) containing concentrations of NaCl (or KCl) exceeding 1 M. Therefore, routine isolation of adenylate kinase from axonemes involved pre-extracting axonemes with 0.5 M NaCl in HME buffer followed by extraction in HME buffer containing 1.5 M NaCl. Native-gel electrophoresis of the high salt extract revealed two protein bands (band I and band III). An active staining for adenylate kinase showed a single active band corresponding to the position of band III. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis using native-gel electrophoresis in the first dimension and SDS-PAGE in the second dimension suggests that band III protein contains at least nine polypeptides ranging from 21 to 110 kDa.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) bound to isolated porin was detected on polyacrylamide gels by using a carbohydrate-specific silver stain and on Western blots by using anti-lipid A monoclonal antibodies. Porin was isolated from Escherichia coli JF733 (Ra chemotype) and D21f2 (Re chemotype). Isolated porin was separated from loosely associated LPS by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Unheated porin traveled on gels as aggregates, presumably trimers, with an apparent molecular weight of 78,000 to 83,000. After heating to 100 degrees C for 2 min in SDS, the porin traveled as a monomer with a molecular weight of 36,000. The unheated, high-molecular-weight trimer band reacted in the gel with the carbohydrate-specific silver stain, while the heated monomer band showed no staining. In contrast, lipid A-specific monoclonal antibodies showed reactivity on Western blots to the 36,000-molecular-weight band but not to the trimer. Finally, both monomer and trimer bands were isolated from gels and rerun by SDS-PAGE. LPS was released from the trimer preparation when the sample was heated, but the monomer band that was formed by heating the trimer isolate still reacted with anti-lipid A antibodies. Quantitative Limulus amebocyte lysate analysis revealed an approximately equal molar ratio of LPS to protein in the electroeluted porin monomer. Thus, some but not all of the LPS could be released from trimer complexes by boiling in SDS. The isolated monomer did not release more LPS on boiling in SDS a second time but still had LPS tightly bound, as detected by lipid A-specific monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

The data on the study of the reactogenicity, safety and prophylactic potency of a new acellular vaccine prepared from S. flexneri 2a antigenic complexes are presented. According to the results of two epidemic experiments, the vaccine, introduced by oral administration, showed low reactogenicity, safety and sufficient prophylactic potency. The vaccine decreased morbidity rate in dysentery caused by S. flexneri 2a and ensured the protection of 74% (72-80%) of the vaccinees. The complete course of immunization consisting of three administrations followed by the booster administration induces the formation of specific immunity whose duration is sufficient for ensuring the protection of immunized persons during the epidemiologically unfavorable period (for at least 3 months).  相似文献   

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have a long history of use in fermented foods and as probiotics. Genetic manipulation of these microorganisms has great potential for new applications in food safety, as well as in the development of improved food products and in health. While genetic engineering of LAB could have a major positive impact on the food and pharmaceutical industries, progress could be prevented by legal issues related to the controversy surrounding this technology. The safe use of genetically modified LAB requires the development of food-grade cloning systems containing only the DNA from homologous hosts or generally considered as safe organisms, and not dependent antibiotic markers. The rationale for the development of cloning vectors derived from cryptic LAB plasmids is the need for new genetic engineering tools, therefore a vision from cryptic plasmids to applications in food-grade vectors for LAB plasmids is shown in this review. Replicative and integrative vectors for the construction of food-grade vectors, and the relationship between resistance mechanism and expression systems, will be treated in depth in this paper. Finally, we will discuss the limited use of these vectors, and the problems arising from their use.  相似文献   

Phosphorylating submitochondrial particles from beef heart (ETPH) prepared here contained about 2.4 nmol of ATP and 1.9 nmol of ADP/mg of protein after repeated washing of the particles. Essentially all of the "tightly bound " ATP and ADP was removed by trypsin treatment. The trypsin-treated ETPH had increased ATPase activity, undiminished NADH oxidase and succinate oxidase activity, but energy-coupling activity (ATP-driven reversed electron transfer) was abolished. Removal of half the ATP and ADP occurred at low levels of trypsin and was associated with loss of half of the coupling activity. Gel filtration of ETPH in high ionic strength buffer also removed ADP and ATP from the particles, resulting in loss of energy-coupling activity, while ATPase activity was increased. The results support the contention that the tightly bound ADP is essential in energy coupling in mitochondria. Tightly bound ATP may also play an essential role.  相似文献   

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