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The vertebrate adult axial skeleton, trunk and limb skeletal muscles and dermis of the back all arise from early embryonic structures called somites. Somites are symmetrically positioned flanking the embryo axial structures (neural tube and notochord) and are periodically formed in a anterior-posterior direction from the presomitic mesoderm. The time required to form a somite pair is constant and species-specific. This extraordinary periodicity is proposed to depend on an underlying somitogenesis molecular clock, firstly evidenced by the cyclic expression of the chick hairy1 gene in the unsegmented presomitic mesoderm with a 90 min periodicity, corresponding to the time required to form a somite pair in the chick embryo. The number of hairy1 oscillations at any given moment is proposed to provide the cell with both temporal and positional information along the embryo's anterior-posterior axis. Nevertheless, how this is accomplished and what biological processes are involved is still unknown. Aiming at understanding the molecular events triggered by the somitogenesis clock Hairy1 protein, we have employed the yeast two-hybrid system to identify Hairy1 interaction partners.  相似文献   

A loss-of-function mutation in the mouse delta-like3 (Dll3) gene has been generated following gene targeting, and results in severe axial skeletal defects. These defects, which consist of highly disorganised vertebrae and costal defects, are similar to those associated with the Dll3-dependent pudgy mutant in mouse and with spondylocostal dysplasia (MIM 277300) in humans. This study demonstrates that Dll3(neo) and Dll3(pu) are functionally equivalent alleles with respect to the skeletal dysplasia, and we suggest that the three human DLL3 mutations associated with spondylocostal dysplasia are also functionally equivalent to the Dll3(neo) null allele. Our phenotypic analysis of Dll3(neo)/Dll3(neo) mutants shows that the developmental origins of the skeletal defects lie in delayed and irregular somite formation, which results in the perturbation of anteroposterior somite polarity. As the expression of Lfng, Hes1, Hes5 and Hey1 is disrupted in the presomitic mesoderm, we suggest that the somitic aberrations are founded in the disruption of the segmentation clock that intrinsically oscillates within presomitic mesoderm.  相似文献   

Bipotent axial stem cells residing in the caudal epiblast during late gastrulation generate neuroectodermal and presomitic mesodermal progeny that coordinate somitogenesis with neural tube formation, but the mechanism that controls these two fates is not fully understood. Retinoic acid (RA) restricts the anterior extent of caudal fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8) expression in both mesoderm and neural plate to control somitogenesis and neurogenesis, however it remains unclear where RA acts to control the spatial expression of caudal Fgf8. Here, we found that mouse Raldh2-/- embryos, lacking RA synthesis and displaying a consistent small somite defect, exhibited abnormal expression of key markers of axial stem cell progeny, with decreased Sox2+ and Sox1+ neuroectodermal progeny and increased Tbx6+ presomitic mesodermal progeny. The Raldh2-/- small somite defect was rescued by treatment with an FGF receptor antagonist. Rdh10 mutants, with a less severe RA synthesis defect, were found to exhibit a small somite defect and anterior expansion of caudal Fgf8 expression only for somites 1–6, with normal somite size and Fgf8 expression thereafter. Rdh10 mutants were found to lack RA activity during the early phase when somites are small, but at the 6-somite stage RA activity was detected in neural plate although not in presomitic mesoderm. Expression of a dominant-negative RA receptor in mesoderm eliminated RA activity in presomitic mesoderm but did not affect somitogenesis. Thus, RA activity in the neural plate is sufficient to prevent anterior expansion of caudal Fgf8 expression associated with a small somite defect. Our studies provide evidence that RA restriction of Fgf8 expression in undifferentiated neural progenitors stimulates neurogenesis while also restricting the anterior extent of the mesodermal Fgf8 mRNA gradient that controls somite size, providing new insight into the mechanism that coordinates somitogenesis with neurogenesis.  相似文献   

The paraxial mesoderm of the neck and trunk of mouse embryos undergoes extensive morphogenesis in forming somites. Paraxial mesoderm is divided into segments, it elongates along its anterior posterior axis, and its cells organize into epithelia. Experiments were performed to determine if these processes are autonomous to the mesoderm that gives rise to the somites. Presomitic mesoderm at the tailbud stage was cultured in the presence and absence of its adjacent tissues. Somite segmentation occurred in the absence of neural tube, notochord, gut and surface ectoderm, and occurred in posterior fragments in the absence of anterior presomitic mesoderm. Mesodermal expression of Dll1 and Notch1, genes with roles in segmentation, was largely independent of other tissues, consistent with autonomous segmentation. However, surface ectoderm was found to be necessary for elongation of the mesoderm along the anterior-posterior axis and for somite epithelialization. To determine if there is specificity in the interaction between ectoderm and mesoderm, ectoderm from different sources was recombined with presomitic mesoderm. Surface ectoderm from only certain parts of the embryo supported somite epithelialization and elongation. Somite epithelialization induced by ectoderm was correlated with expression of the basic-helix-loop-helix gene Paraxis in the mesoderm. This is consistent with the genetically defined requirement for Paraxis in somite epithelialization. However, trunk ectoderm was able to induce somite epithelialization in the absence of strong Paraxis expression. We conclude that somitogenesis consists of autonomous segmentation patterned by Notch signaling and nonautonomous induction of elongation and epithelialization by surface ectoderm.  相似文献   

Segmentation consists on the progressive formation of repetitive embryonic structures, named somites, which are formed from the most rostral part of the presomitic mesoderm. Somites are subdivided into anterior and posterior compartments and several genes are differentially expressed in either compartment. This has provided evidence for the importance of establishing the anterior-posterior polarity within each somite, which is critical for the correct segmented pattern of the adult vertebrate body. Although all somites appear morphologically similar, fate map studies have shown that the first 4 somites do not give rise to segmented structures, in contrast to more posterior ones. Moreover, in several somitogenesis-related mutants the anterior somites are not affected while posterior somites present clear defects or do not form at all. Altogether these data suggest relevant differences between rostral and caudal somites. In order to check for molecular differences between anterior and posterior somites, we have performed a detailed expression pattern analysis of several Notch signalling related genes. For the first time, we show that the somitic expression pattern profile is not the same along the anterior-posterior axis and that the differences are not observed always at the same somite level.  相似文献   

Delta-like 3 (Dll3) is a divergent ligand and modulator of the Notch signaling pathway only identified so far in mammals. Null mutations of Dll3 disrupt cycling expression of Notch targets Hes1, Hes5, and Lfng, but not of Hes7. Compared with Dll1 or Notch1, the effects of Dll3 mutations are less severe for gene expression in the presomitic mesoderm, yet severe segmentation phenotypes and vertebral defects result in both human and mouse. Reasoning that Dll3 specifically disrupts key regulators of somite cycling, we carried out functional analysis to identify targets accounting for the segmental phenotype. Using microdissected embryonic tissue from somitic and presomitic mesodermal tissue, we identified new genes enriched in these tissues, including Limch1, Rhpn2, and A130022J15Rik. Surprisingly, we only identified a small number of genes disrupted by the Dll3 mutation. These include Uncx, a somite gene required for rib and vertebral patterning, and Nrarp, a regulator of Notch/Wnt signaling in zebrafish and a cycling gene in mouse. To determine the effects of Dll3 mutation on Nrarp, we characterized the cycling expression of this gene from early (8.5 dpc) to late (10.5 dpc) somitogenesis. Nrarp displays a distinct pattern of cycling phases when compared to Lfng and Axin2 (a Wnt pathway gene) at 9.5 dpc but appears to be in phase with Lfng by 10.5 dpc. Nrarp cycling appears to require Dll3 but not Lfng modulation. In Dll3 null embryos, Nrarp displayed static patterns. However, in Lfng null embryos, Nrarp appeared static at 8.5 dpc but resumed cycling expression by 9.5 and dynamic expression at 10.5 dpc stages. By contrast, in Wnt3a null embryos, Nrarp expression was completely absent in the presomitic mesoderm. Towards identifying the role of Dll3 in regulating somitogenesis, Nrarp emerges as a potentially important regulator that requires Dll3 but not Lfng for normal function.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, paraxial mesoderm is partitioned into repeating units called somites. It is thought that the mechanical forces arising from compaction of the presumptive internal cells of prospective somites cause them to detach from the unsegmented presomitic mesoderm [1-3]. To determine how prospective somites physically segregate from each other, we used time-lapse microscopy to analyze the mechanics underlying early somitogenesis in wild-type zebrafish and in the mutants trilobite(m209) (tri), knypek(m119) (kny), and kny;tri, which are defective in convergent extension during gastrulation. Formation of somite boundaries in all of these embryos involved segregation, local alignment, and cell-shape changes of presumptive epitheloid border cells along nascent intersomitic boundaries. Although kny;tri somites formed without convergence of the presomitic mesoderm and were composed of only two cells in their anteroposterior (AP) dimension, they still exhibited AP intrasegmental polarity. Furthermore, morphogenesis of somite boundaries in these embryos proceeded in a manner similar to that in wild-type embryos. Thus, intersomitic boundary formation in zebrafish involves short-range movements of presumptive border cells that do not require mechanical forces generated by internal cells or compaction of the presomitic mesoderm.  相似文献   

The Notch signalling pathway plays essential roles during the specification of the rostral and caudal somite halves and subsequent segmentation of the paraxial mesoderm. We have re-investigated the role of presenilin 1 (Ps1; encoded by Psen1) during segmentation using newly generated alleles of the Psen1 mutation. In Psen1-deficient mice, proteolytic activation of Notch1 was significantly affected and the expression of several genes involved in the Notch signalling pathway was altered, including Delta-like3, Hes5, lunatic fringe (Lfng) and Mesp2. Thus, Ps1-dependent activation of the Notch pathway is essential for caudal half somite development. We observed defects in Notch signalling in both the caudal and rostral region of the presomitic mesoderm. In the caudal presomitic mesoderm, Ps1 was involved in maintaining the amplitude of cyclic activation of the Notch pathway, as represented by significant reduction of Lfng expression in Psen1-deficient mice. In the rostral presomitic mesoderm, rapid downregulation of the Mesp2 expression in the presumptive caudal half somite depends on Ps1 and is a prerequisite for caudal somite half specification. Chimaera analysis between Psen1-deficient and wild-type cells revealed that condensation of the wild-type cells in the caudal half somite was concordant with the formation of segment boundaries, while mutant and wild-type cells intermingled in the presomitic mesoderm. This implies that periodic activation of the Notch pathway in the presomitic mesoderm is still latent to segregate the presumptive rostral and caudal somite. A transient episode of Mesp2 expression might be needed for Notch activation by Ps1 to confer rostral or caudal properties. In summary, we propose that Ps1 is involved in the functional manifestation of the segmentation clock in the presomitic mesoderm.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The process of somitogenesis can be divided into three major events: the prepatterning of the mesoderm; the formation of boundaries between the prospective somites; and the cellular differentiation of the somites. Expression and functional studies have demonstrated the involvement of the murine Notch pathway in somitogenesis, although its precise role in this process is not yet well understood. We examined the effect of mutations in the Notch pathway elements Delta like 1 (Dll1), Notch1 and RBPJkappa on genes expressed in the presomitic mesoderm (PSM) and have defined the spatial relationships of Notch pathway gene expression in this region. RESULTS: We have shown that expression of Notch pathway genes in the PSM overlaps in the region where the boundary between the posterior and anterior halves of two consecutive somites will form. The Dll1, Notch1 and RBPJkappa mutations disrupt the expression of Lunatic fringe (L-fng), Jagged1, Mesp1, Mesp2 and Hes5 in the PSM. Furthermore, expression of EphA4, mCer 1 and uncx4.1, markers for the anterior-posterior subdivisions of the somites, is down-regulated to different extents in Notch pathway mutants, indicating a global alteration of pattern in the PSM. CONCLUSIONS: We propose a model for the mechanism of somite border formation in which the activity of Notch in the PSM is restricted by L-fng to a boundary-forming territory in the posterior half of the prospective somite. In this region, Notch function activates a set of genes that are involved in boundary formation and anterior-posterior somite identity.  相似文献   

Establishing the anterior/posterior (A/P) boundary of individual somites is important for setting up the segmental body plan of all vertebrates. Resegmentation of adjacent sclerotomes to form the vertebrae and selective migration of neural crest cells during the formation of the dorsal root ganglia and peripheral nerves occur in response to differential expression of genes in the anterior and posterior halves of the somite. Recent evidence indicates that the A/P axis is established at the anterior end of the presomitic mesoderm prior to overt somitogenesis in response to both Mesp2 and Notch signaling. Here, we report that mice deficient for paraxis, a gene required for somite epithelialization, also display defects in the axial skeleton and peripheral nerves that are consistent with a failure in A/P patterning. Expression of Mesp2 and genes in the Notch pathway were not altered in the presomitic mesoderm of paraxis(-/-) embryos. Furthermore, downstream targets of Notch activation in the presomitic mesoderm, including EphA4, were transcribed normally, indicating that paraxis was not required for Notch signaling. However, genes that were normally restricted to the posterior half of somites were present in a diffuse pattern in the paraxis(-/-) embryos, suggesting a loss of A/P polarity. Collectively, these data indicate a role for paraxis in maintaining somite polarity that is independent of Notch signaling.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to check whether the three chick Early B‐cell Factor (Ebf) genes, particularly cEbf1, would be targets for Shh and Bmp signals during somites mediolateral (ML) patterning. Tissue manipulations and gain and loss of function experiments for Shh and Bmp4 were performed and the results revealed that cEbf1 expression was initiated in the cranial presomitic mesoderm by low dose of Bmp4 from the lateral mesoderm and maintained in the ventromedial part of the epithelial somite and the medial sclerotome by Shh from the notochord; while cEbf2/3 expression was induced and maintained by Bmp4 and inhibited by high dose of Shh. To determine whether Ebf1 plays a role in somite patterning, transfection of a dominant‐negative construct was carried out; this showed suppression of cPax1 expression in the medial sclerotome and upregulation and medial expansion of cEbf3 and cPax3 expression in sclerotome and dermomyotome, respectively, suggesting that Ebf1 is important for ML patterning. Thus, it is possible that low doses of Bmp4 set up Ebf1 expression which, together with Shh from the notochord, leads to establishment of the medial sclerotome and suppression of lateral identities. These data also conclude that Bmp4 is required in both the medial and lateral domain of the somitic mesoderm to keep the ML identity of the sclerotome through maintenance of cEbf gene expression. These striking findings are novel and give a new insight on the role of Bmp4 on mediolateral patterning of somites.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity, localized histochemically, appeared in the nuclei of presumptive somitic mesodermal cells prior to the onset of somitogenesis. AChE activity appeared in a rostro-caudal sequence, in cells located the equivalent of five somite lengths caudal to the last formed somite. To investigate whether AChE activity was required for somitogenesis, several inhibitors of AChE activity were tested for their ability to block somitogenesis. Diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP), a broad spectrum inhibitor of serine proteases and related enzymes, was the only AChE inhibitor tested that disrupted somitogenesis. Gastrulae at 50% epiboly exposed continuously to DFP at concentrations between 40 microM and 90 microM completed epiboly, but exhibited a dose-dependent decrease in the number of somites formed, and a parallel decrease in the caudal extent of somite innervation, by 24 hours post-fertilization (h). Fifteen somite (15h) embryos exposed to DFP at the ED50 of 70 microM for 3 hours, followed by recovery to 24h, developed abnormal somites. Approximately five normal somites formed after drug treatment before the first abnormal somite formed. The abnormal somites corresponded in location to that area of the presumptive somitic mesoderm that would have initiated AChE activity while the DFP was present. While exposed to 70 microM DFP, presumptive somites formed and motoneurons extended processes that had initiated AChE activity at the time of treatment with DFP, although at a slower than normal rate. However, embryos exposed to 1 mM DFP for 30 minutes at both the 5 and 15 somite stages, followed by recovery to 24h, developed the normal number of somites but were reduced in the caudal extent of somite innervation, and occasionally developed abnormal primary motoneurons. As with the abnormal somites, the abnormal motoneurons would have initiated AChE activity while the DFP was present. Presumptive somitic mesoderm unable to initiate AChE activity due to inhibition by DFP developed abnormally. While the effects of DFP are not limited to inhibiting AChE, the data support the "clock and wavefront" model proposed for somite formation, and support the hypothesis that AChE activity has a role in somitogenesis in zebrafish.  相似文献   

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